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Escalado is a horse racing game created in the United Kingdom in which model race horse game pieces, originally made of lead, would make their way across a long fabric race track towards the finish line at the other end. The horses would move across the race track by means of a mechanical hand crank that vibrated the entire track in a random fashion such that it would simulate the events of a live race.
Escalado was invented and patented in 1928 by Swiss inventor Arthur Gueydan and produced by United Kingdom-based toy company Chad Valley.

Originally, the game was released with a set of five coloured horses made of lead, a green cloth fabric track, and a mechanical vibrating hand crank. Later versions of the game accommodated a total of eight coloured horses made of non-poisonous metals (and much more recently, plastic) as well as yellow posts on the track that race horses were to navigate around.
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  1. alansnell0:58
  2. Liden1:06
  3. JennyG661:06
  4. anitab1:11
  5. r1lee2week1:11
  6. Brian6661:12
  7. dianaroberts1:16
  8. cappy1:19
  9. Gltagaman1:20
  10. lauren7771:20


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I have never heard of this game. My parents were not into games for presents except Meccano and train sets for my brother. I got books which I was perfectly happy with. This looks a fun game. The name Chad Valley is familiar to me.
Cheers Yolanda

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