Who can collect IMSS life insurance and what are the requirements

The statutory allowance covers the funeral expenses of the insured person or pensioner

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Life insurance is one of the legal benefits that the persons entitled to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) have.

This statutory benefit is divided into two: disability insurance and life insurance, the first of which helps insured workers who have become unable to work due to illness or accident, in the event of the death of the beneficiary family members can also access their beneficiaries. The financial amount granted to them by the IMSS is more than 50% of what the beneficiary earned in the last year of work.

In the case of life insurance, it is granted to the family after the death of the pensioner or insured person, through widow's, orphan's and ancestry pensions. In the same way, insured persons may have access to medical care under the Sickness and Maternity Insurance: medical-surgical, pharmaceutical and hospital care.

Who can collect life insurance?

It can be received by those who were assigned as beneficiaries of the entitled worker, it may include the wife, concubine, parents, children.

Para que los beneficiarios puedan cobrar la pensión, el asegurado debe contar con los derechos vigentes (Foto: Reuters)
Para que los beneficiarios puedan cobrar la pensión, el asegurado debe contar con los derechos vigentes (Foto: Reuters)

In the event that the entitled person dies, the beneficiaries may claim the benefits: widow or widower, sons and daughters under 16 years of age and ascendants of the insured.

The statutory benefits of life insurance that can be received by beneficiaries are:

* The payment of seniority premium.

* Payment of uncovered wages.

* Holidays and Sunday cousin.

* Extraordinary benefits.

* Payment of benefits by law.

Similarly, the family can ask for help with funeral expenses, which corresponds to two months of the minimum wage until the date of death, whether on or off the job.

What are the requirements?

* In order for beneficiaries to have access to disability or life insurance, the insured person must have 12 weeks of registered contributions.

* You must have the rights in force.

* The family of the insured person has up to one year after the death to receive legal benefits.

What are the types of pensions to which beneficiaries are entitled?

Hay tres tipos de pensiones para las personas benefiaicrias: de viudez, orfandad y acescencia (Foto: Cuartoscuro)
Hay tres tipos de pensiones para las personas benefiaicrias: de viudez, orfandad y acescencia (Foto: Cuartoscuro)Victoria Valtierra | Victoria Valtierra

* In addition to medical services, they may have the following financial support “based on the disability pension that which would have corresponded to the insured or pensioner”:


* In the case of orphanhood it is 20%, if both parents died, the equivalent will be 30%.

* It is granted to children aged 16 up to 25 years if they are studying at any school in the national education system.

* If the child over 16 years of age has a paid job, he cannot receive the pension, “unless they cannot support themselves by their own work, due to a chronic illness, physical or mental defect, as long as the disability they suffer does not disappear”, according to the IMSS.

* The requirements are: to prove the age, the bond and that the insured person has 150 weeks of contributions.

Widow's Pension

* The wife or widow concubine of the insured is granted, it is equivalent to 90%.

* If the wife also died, it can be received by the pensioner's or insured's partner for up to 5 years.

* They have to verify the marriage bond or concubinage by means of the record or some evidence.


If they do not have children or a wife, the pension is paid to the parents who are financially dependent on the insured person, the amount is 20%. They must prove kinship.