They file proceedings against Alejandra Azcárate after a complaint she made of animal abuse

The actress and comedian reported last March 2021 a man who abandoned his pet on the balcony suffering from the inclement weather in the open




On March 21, the actress and presenter, Alejandra Azcárate, made a strong complaint through her social networks when she posted videos and images on her 'InstaStories' that were sent to her by her followers, about a dog that lived with her owners in an apartment located in the Cedritos neighborhood in Bogotá.

Apparently, the owners of the animal left it outside the apartment, on the balcony, suffering from the inclement weather of Bogotá; in addition, there was video of physical abuse by one of its owners.

Today I want to share something that for me has been rewarding, beautiful from any point of view, reflective and above all I feel that it sets a precedent... it turns out that last year through this space I denounced an animal abuser,” the comedian initially expressed through her 'InstaStories'.

As she recalled, her work as an animal advocate has come for some time when, through her Instagram account, she created a section to promote the adoption of pets that were in shelters or even people who found them on the street and took them to their homes as a passing home, a section she called ' Instagranimals'.

“That space allowed me to generate many alliances with various animal protection foundations and with individuals... we rescued a lot, that became a job that I did with all my love. When the images came to me that showed the mistreatment of this character towards his pet, I broke down... In hot I said 'ready, drop him', what needs to be done, this cannot happen,” Alejandra Azcárate added to her story.

The model related that at that time, the man instituted a guardianship action where he alleged that Azcárate had violated his fundamental right to a good name.

“The videos show that the pet spent hours, the whole night dead from the cold trembling on the brick of the floor... I made the complaint in my space because it is my personal opinion and I have the freedom to do it and at least I thought the man warmed up and then he brought me a guardianship action where he alleged that I had violated his right fundamental to the good name and that is where this whole situation begins”, the comedian said in her story.

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Here is the full content of Alejandra Azcárate:

On the other hand, the actress thanked the lawyer who addressed the situation and stated that he is a professional with an affinity for the causes of animals. With her help, Azcárate won guardianship in the first instance, however, the batterer filed an appeal so that the guardianship action against the comedian went to a second instance.

“... second instance that I also won because I had all the evidentiary material, statements and testimonies from neighbors, from the administration of the building about how that dog screamed for hours, videos, photos... but this was not enough for her and she imposed a complaint on me for insult and slander, I continued with my lawyer,” said Alejandra Azcárate.

He added: “I found what was not because I do everything for the animals and left thoroughly... on the day of the hearing the abuser did not show up, which is why after analyzing absolutely everything, the judge decided to file the process because it didn't make sense, there was not even room for confrontation and the plea, it was a factual fact”.

Finally, Alejandra Azcárate sent a message to all her followers to report this type of animal abuse, not to be silent in any situation “because there is no right for these beings to be mistreated, outraged and violated”.


