Drico was real winner when planning for his retirement

RETIRED: But Brian O’Driscoll has joined the Newstalk team

Louise McBride

It's just over a couple of weeks since rugby legend Brian O'Driscoll hung up his boots. Inspired by Ireland's Number 13, the Retirement Planning Council of Ireland (RPC) has put together 13 lessons for retirement.

People can learn valuable lessons from the way O'Driscoll handled his retirement, says the council.

The first lesson in the RPC guide is to begin planning early. "It is never too soon to begin planning your retirement," states the guide. "We recommend that people attend a retirement planning course between 12 and 18 months out from the date they expect to retire."

Second, consult with your family and your spouse and partner. "When Brian O'Driscoll informed the public that this would be his last season as a professional rugby player, he thanked his employer, the IRFU, for giving him the time to consider his options with his family," adds the guide. "The RPC encourages partners or spouses to be included in the decision to retire and in all retirement preparations as they too will be impacted by the changes retirement brings."

Third, consult with your employer and signal your intention to retire well in advance.

Fourth, plan to hand over your responsibilities for when you leave work.

Fifth, take time to understand the financial changes that come with retirement –and plan how you will deal with those. "Don't let your financial future be your only consideration however," warns the RPC in its sixth lesson. "It is equally important to be ready for the emotional, physical and psychological changes that come with retirement."

To read the full guide – and find out what the next seven lessons are – call the RPC on (01) 478 9471.