teclas de atajo


Un horizonte amplio.

With regular practice, we support each other’s intention to practice full awareness, conscious consumption, and engaged action. Regular practice is how we tend the garden of Dharma, encouraging the Buddha within.

In retreat, we take ourselves further away from the habits and demands of our daily activities. Dedicating space and time to study, we deepen our understanding through direct experience. Retreat is how we water the seeds of Dharma in each of us, awakening the Buddha within.

There are a number of forms to our retreats, from shorter Evenings of Mindfulness that are simpler to add to our calendar, to Days of Mindfulness that invite greater stillness into our lives. We may enjoy the presence and teaching of monastics in these seasonal events.

Longer weekend retreats include one or two nights’ stay, and offer the gifts of early morning practice and Presence of Earth hikes in rural areas or parkland. Group trips to Plum Village or to other root Sanghas may be organized by members, and open to the greater community.

We have chosen the Householder’s cluttered yard to study and apply Buddhist insight. We carry buckets from the deep well of retreat to water this noisy, fertile earth.

El Monasterio del Pueblo de Ciruelas