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Maximilian picks up Final Fight: Revenge; think Street Fighter meets Tekken... with chainsaws

Posted by John 'Velociraptor' Guerrero • March 19, 2016 at 9:34 a.m. PDT • Comments: 26

Americans developed it, but Japan was the only place that saw it. Final Fight: Revenge was released on Sega Saturn in Japan, and was absolutley insane.

A 3D fighter featuring characters from the Street Fighter-inspiring Final Fight, Revenge was closer to Tekken with fireballs than Street Fighter. The big difference from other fighting games however, was that you could pick up an array of items in this game, like knives or flame throwers.

It also featured special moves that allowed characters to perform Final Smash-like enders. Take Rolento's helicopter super for instance:

Click image for animated version

In his Street Fighter Legacy series, Maximilian has tracked down this ridiculously rare and expensive title, and shares a good 20 minutes of gameplay with us.
The doods playing can get a little carried away with harsh language at times, thus making the video a little NSFW.

Source: Maximilian Dood.
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