Tamara Alie


Staff Physical Therapist
Tamara Alie, PT, DPT
Scoliosis Schroth Method, Massage Therapy, Parkinson’s PWR!
Clinical Interests
Pediatric rehabilitation, hypermobility (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome), adolescent/adult scoliosis, and adult neurological rehabilitation
Tamara graduated from the University of Chicago Illinois where she received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy. She has extensive experience treating the pediatric population with diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, autism, toe-walking, torticollis, developmental coordination delays, and gross-motor delays. Tamara has a special interest in treating hypermobility diagnoses such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. She is certified in the SSOL Schroth Technique — a scoliosis specific exercise program. Tamara also works with adults for neurological rehabilitation. In addition, Tamara has experience with adaptive equipment and orthotics. She currently manages the brace clinic at the Clough Family Center for Rehabilitative and Sports Therapy in Concord.