ToeJam & Earl will receive a re-release on PlayStation Network, it has been revealed.

After the success of games like Golden Axe 2 and Altered Beast on PSN, Sega plans to release the Mega Drive classics to the online storefront.

Siliconera reports that the first two games in the series, ToeJam & Earl and ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron, will be part of Sega's Vintage Collection.

ToeJam & Earl is a dungeon crawler in which players control alien rappers who have crash-landed on Earth and are trying to find the parts to rebuild their spacecraft. It was a critically acclaimed on release in 1991.

Sequel ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron moved away from a top-down viewpoint with random elements to a multiplayer side-scrolling platformer.

A third game in the series was released as an Xbox exclusive in 2002.

The ToeJam & Earl games will join Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio and Nights into Dreams on PSN this summer.

Watch a video of ToeJam & Earl's gameplay below:

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