Our Team

Roberto Eugenio de la Garza Gutiérrez

Graduated from Escuela Libre de Derecho with honors, under the professional thesis titled “Geolocation. Study about the unconstitutionality of such investigative figure.”; he has more than 10 years of experience in administrative, electoral, criminal, and constitutional litigation. Joined to the above, he has carried out diverse postgraduate studies which have allowed him to stand out in the professional field.

roberto@delagarzacarbonell.com.mx 55 8790 0119 Contact

Luis Roberto Carbonell de la Hoz Garcializardi

Graduated from Escuela Libre de Derecho with honors, under the professional thesis titled “Faculty of the President of the Republic to chose a coalition government as ethical recognition of the state to the participation of parliamentary minorities”; he has more than 10 years of experience in public policies and government, as well as administrative and criminal litigation. Joined to the above, he has stood out for his participation in the legislative field and in general, in the political life of our country.

luis@delagarzacarbonell.com.mx 55 8790 0119 Contact

Aldo Manuel Carbonell de la Hoz Garcializardi

Graduated from Escuela Libre de Derecho with honors, under the professional thesis titled “Exclusion of criminal responsibility derived from quality of member of an indigenous community”; he has more than 9 years of experience in diverse branches of law, standing out Notarial, Labor, and Criminal law. Additionally, his collaboration with diverse non-governmental organizations stands out; therefore, he is the head of the Pro Bono area on the Firm.

manuel@delagarzacarbonell.com.mx 55 8790 0119 Contact