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  • Company Type For Profit
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  • Phone Number  (925) 394-7298

Artima published the first book on Scala, Programming in Scala, co-authored by the language's designer, Martin Odersky. In 2010, Artima held the first public training course in Scala, in San Francisco, California, and continues to provide Scala training. Artima creates ScalaTest, one of the most widely used libraries in the Scala open source

ecosystem. Artima's president, Bill Venners, is a community representative on the Scala Center Advisory Board. Artima is comprised of a small distributed team located all over the world. They run like a start-up but sometimes mirror a family. And they all love Scala.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Artima's headquarters? Artima is located in Walnut Creek, California, United States.Who are Artima's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Artima may include InfolyticaAbacus 21, and Systems West.