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  • Question: 1. Clasifica el siguiente carbohidrato en aldopentosa, cetopentosa, aldohexosa, o cetohexosa: a. CH OH b. н. 1 C=0 H-C-OH H-C-OH HO-C-H H-C-OH H-C-OH CH-OH Ribulose H-C-OH CH OH Glucose

    Classify the following carbohydrate into aldopentose, ketopentose, aldohexose, or ketohexose:

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    According to definition:-  • Aldohexose:-  It is a monosaccharide that has six carbon atoms and which contains an aldehyde (-CHO) group as well.  • Ketohexose:-  It is also a monosaccharide t

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1. Clasifica el siguiente carbohidrato en aldopentosa, cetopentosa, aldohexosa, o cetohexosa: a. CH OH b. н. 1 C=0 H-C-OH H-C-OH HO-C-H H-C-OH H-C-OH CH-OH Ribulose H-C-OH CH OH Glucose