Molecules Of Emotion The Science Behind Mind Body Medicine Summary Audiobook

Candace B. Pert

Unraveling the intimate connection between emotions and our well-being

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In "Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine," Candace B. Pert takes readers on a ground-breaking journey into the intricate connection between the physical body and the mind. As a renowned neuroscientist and pharmacologist, Pert not only provides a comprehensive exploration of the biochemical basis of emotions but also offers a compelling argument for the integration of traditional medicine with complementary and alternative approaches. The core idea of this book is that our emotions are not just fleeting experiences, but are deeply rooted in the chemistry of our bodies. Pert argues that the molecules in our bodies, such as neuropeptides, play a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through a captivating blend of personal anecdotes, scientific research, and medical insights, Pert reveals how our emotions can impact our physical health and well-being. By delving into the complex interactions between the mind and body, Pert challenges readers to reconsider the conventional view of medicine as purely physical and opens their eyes to the profound implications of mind-body medicine. With a compelling narrative that seamlessly weaves together scientific discoveries and personal revelations, "Molecules of Emotion" invites readers to embark on a transformative journey toward understanding the profound impact of emotions on our overall health. Pert's charismatic writing style and her ability to demystify complex scientific concepts make this book an accessible and enlightening read for anyone interested in the intersection of emotions, biology, and healing. Whether you are a health professional, a student of neuroscience, or simply someone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection, "Molecules of Emotion" offers profound insights that will revolutionize the way you think about health, medicine, and the power of emotions.
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Author :Candace B. Pert
Candace B. Pert, Ph.D., was a renowned neuroscientist and pharmacologist who made groundbreaking contributions to the field of mind-body medicine. She was best known for her discovery of the opiate receptor, a key breakthrough that revolutionized our understanding of the brain and the body's ability to experience emotions. As the former Chief of the Section on Brain Biochemistry at the National Institute of Mental Health, Pert was a leading pioneer in researching the connection between emotions and the biochemical processes of the body. Her work has had a profound impact on the fields of neuroscience, pharmacology, and psychology, and her book "Molecules Of Emotion" continues to be a seminal work in the study of mind-body medicine. Candace B. Pert's legacy as a groundbreaking scientist, author, and educator continues to inspire and influence the way we understand the connection between our emotions and physical well-being.
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