15 Drought-Tolerant Groundcovers for a Low-Maintenance Landscape

These tough, low-growing perennials look beautiful (many even bloom) without requiring much water.

fire witch dianthus silver-leaf plant

Lynn Karlin

Choosing drought-tolerant groundcovers and plants that don't need much water can help create a low-maintenance landscape. Drought-resistant plants are always a good choice since water is becoming an increasingly important resource to conserve as much as possible; using the least amount of it as possible is an eco-friendly and cost-saving idea. Combine drought-tolerant groundcovers with attractive hardscaping, areas covered with pretty mulch, and native plants to keep watering to a minimum. Pair plants that need the same amount of watering and sunlight to reduce soaking times, and use containers for varieties that require more water to help limit unnecessary watering.

These tough, low-growing perennials will look beautiful (many even bloom) without requiring you to break out the hose or turn on the sprinklers.

01 of 15

'Angelina' Sedum

angelina sedum
Blaine Moats

You can't go wrong with 'Angelina' sedum (Sedum rupestre). This extra-easy drought-tolerant groundcover is a perennial that thrives in hot, sunny locations, even in the cracks in a dry stack stone wall. 'Angelina' develops tidy, needle-like, chartreuse foliage highlighted by bright yellow flowers throughout the summer. It's deer- and rabbit-resistant and can go weeks without receiving a drop of moisture. 'Angelina' looks especially at home in a rock garden but also makes a good "filler" plant in hanging baskets and window boxes.

Test Garden Tip

For the best effect, plant 'Angelina' in large masses or drifts where its color will take center stage.

Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained average soil

Size: To 6 inches tall and 2 feet wide

Zones: 5-8

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Blue Fescue

blue fescue ornamental grass
Martin Tessler

A beautiful addition to any garden, low-growing blue fescue (Festuca glauca) grass provides colorful blue-hued stems that grow in an attractive mound. Ideal for edging a garden border or walkway, blue fescue looks good all season and produces demure, buff-color flowers in late summer. This evergreen groundcover can stand up to the hottest summers and still look fresh and beautiful. Use in dry streambeds, green roofs, or rock gardens.

Test Garden Tip: Plant in groups as an easy-care groundcover.

Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade and well-drained, average soil

Size: To 1 foot tall and 9 inches wide

Zones: 4-8

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Creeping Mahonia

Purple creeping mahonia
Denny Schrock

An ideal option for erosion control, this shrubby evergreen drought-tolerant groundcover grows well in shaded areas. After planting, keep creeping mahonia (Mahonia repens) watered the first year to help get it established, but from then on, it will tolerate drier conditions. Use as a border or groundcover in a woodland garden and enjoy yellow flowers in spring, followed by blue-black berry clusters.

Test Garden Tip

Add a layer of mulch around the base of the plants to help conserve soil moisture and discourage weeds.

Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade and well-drained, average soil

Size: To 1 foot tall and 36 inches wide

Zones: 5-8

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Dianthus 'Firewitch'

fire witch dianthus silver-leaf plant

Lynn Karlin

Dianthus, also called pinks, are members of the carnation family and have a pleasant clove-like fragrance. Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch' offers stunning pink flowers with fringed edges for several weeks from spring into summer. It does best in normal to sandy soils and easily tolerates hot, dry summers. Plants grow in low, dense mats.

Test Garden Tip

After the plants have bloomed, shear off the faded flowers and stems (a couple of inches off the top). New foliage will grow, making plants more attractive.

Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade and well-drained, average soil

Size: To 8 inches tall and 1 foot wide

Zones: 3-8

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epimedium, barrenwort or Bishop’s Hat
Marty Baldwin

One of the best drought-tolerant groundcovers for dry, shady spots, epimedium (also called barrenwort or barrenroot) is available in several varieties that produce heart-shaped leaves in an array of colors and pretty pendulous blooms in lavender, yellow, or white. It spreads slowly through your garden and doesn't mind growing under tall trees. In warmer parts of its range, epimedium retains its foliage through the winter. The plants are also deer- and rabbit-resistant.

Test Garden Tip

In the early spring, before new growth begins, cut back any remaining foliage from the previous season.

Growing Conditions: Part to full shade and well-drained, average soil

Size: To 18 inches tall and 2 feet wide

Zones: 4-8

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Ice Plant

Purple ice plant
Edward Gohlich

Despite its name, ice plant (Delosperma spp.) likes it hot, thriving in challenging spots like a dry, sunny slope, in a rock garden, or cascading off the edge of a green roof. This plant has needlelike succulent foliage that grows low to the ground, and in late spring and early summer, it unfurls purple-pink, daisylike flowers.

Test Garden Tip

Ice plant does best in poor soil. Avoid feeding this plant.

Growing Conditions: Full sun and dry, well-drained soil

Size: To 6 inches tall and 2 feet wide

Zones: 6-10

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Moss Phlox

moss phlox creeping perennial groundcover with pink blossoms
Peter Krumhardt

Carpet sunny spots in your landscape with moss phlox (Phlox subulata), also called creeping phlox. Growing just 6 inches tall, this drought-tolerant groundcover forms a dense mat of dark green, needle-like foliage that's topped with blue, violet, pink, or white star-shaped flowers in early spring. Moss phlox spreads slowly (so it's not invasive) and does best in spots that don't stay muddy after heavy storms. It's also deer-resistant.

Test Garden Tip

Space plants about 12 inches apart, and you'll have a thick, easy-care alternative to lawn grass in a few years.

Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil

Size: To 6 inches tall and 2 feet wide

Zones: 3-9

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Ostrich Fern

ostrich fern matteuccia struthiopteris
Lynn Karlin

Although they prefer moist soil, ostrich ferns (Matteuccia struthiopteris) are surprisingly drought-tolerant groundcovers. These vigorous shade dwellers spread by underground roots, eventually forming large, thick colonies. Ostrich fern is prized for its feathery, finely cut fronds that unfurl gracefully in the early spring. Use ostrich fern in woodland gardens or shaded hillsides. During periods of drought, ostrich fern won't grow as tall or spread as quickly but will survive until the rain returns.

Test Garden Tip

Mulch young plants to preserve soil moisture and encourage stronger root systems.

Growing Conditions: Full sun to full shade and average soil

Size: To 2 feet tall and 8 feet wide

Zones: 3-7

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Jay Wilde

One of the most reliable groundcovers, periwinkle (Vinca minor) grows about 6 inches tall and spreads practically forever. Vigorously vining, this groundcover bears glossy green or variegated leaves. Choose blue or white flowering varieties. Periwinkle forms a dense, evergreen mat and will grow happily in dry shade. Periwinkle can become overly exuberant in some areas of the country, so be sure to check if it is considered invasive in your region before planting.

Test Garden Tip

Place your mower on a high setting and mow periwinkle after it blooms to keep it thick and lush.

Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade and average soil

Size: To 6 inches tall and 18 inches wide

Zones: 4-9

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Prostrate Rosemary

Close up of rosemary
Marty Baldwin

Not only does prostrate rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus') make a top-notch drought-tolerant groundcover for dry, sunny locations, but it also excels in the kitchen, where it can be used in a wide variety of recipes. Prostrate rosemary forms low-growing, twisted branches that rarely get over 6 inches tall. The drought-tolerant groundcovers produce nectar-rich, light purple flowers that appear from midsummer to early fall and attract butterflies and bees. Use prostrate rosemary in raised beds and rock gardens or along the edges of a pathway. Northern gardeners should grow prostrate rosemary in containers and move the plants indoors when freezing weather threatens.

Test Garden Tip

Prune plants back once or twice a year to encourage new, more compact growth.

Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained, average soil

Size: To 6 inches tall and 3 feet wide

Zones: 8-10

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Sunset Rock Rose

Pink Sunset rockrose
Denny Schrock

A profusion of papery fuchsia flowers appears among rock rose's sage-green, evergreen leaves in spring. This perennial is a drought-tolerant groundcover that deer will pass by. Rock rose (Cistus x pulverulentus) spreads vigorously, sprawling 6-8 feet wide, but it can be pruned to the size you need. It also has a low fuel volume, so it can be used in firescaping (landscaping with fire-resistant plants around your home to help protect from wildfires).

Test Garden Tip

Prune back rock rose after it flowers to maintain its shape.

Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil

Size: 2-3 feet tall and 8 feet wide

Zones: 8-10

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White flowers over stones
Lynn Karlin

Poor, dry soil? It's no problem for snow-in-summer (Cerastium tomentosum). This tough-as-nails groundcover forms a low-growing mat of gray-green leaves that are smothered with starry white flowers in late spring and early summer. Snow-in-summer excels in sandy or clay soils. In addition to being a drought-tolerant groundcover, this fast-growing perennial is not a favorite for deer and rabbits. It's one of the easiest-care perennial groundcovers.

Test Garden Tip

Use snow-in-summer in rock walls, as erosion control on slopes, and in containers that can take neglect.

Growing Conditions: Full sun and average soil

Size: To 1 foot tall and wide

Zones: 3-10

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'Voodoo' Sedum

Close up of Sedum ‘Voodoo’
Peter Krumhardt

No matter what Mother Nature throws its way, 'Voodoo' sedum (Sedum spurium) takes it in stride. This super-hardy perennial can handle hot summers, cold winters, drought, deer, and rabbits. 'Voodoo' will seem to magically spread over any open, sunny spot in your landscape, even in hard-to-plant locations such as along a driveway or sidewalk. The plants have rounded reddish-green leaves and rose-red flowers in late summer and early fall.

Test Garden Tip

Dig and divide plants in the early spring if you want to move 'Voodoo' to other locations.

Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil

Size: To 6 inches tall and 36 inches wide

Zones: 3-8

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Pink and purple flowers in field
Kritsada Panichgul

Native to the Midwest prairie, winecup (Callirhoe involucrata) forms thick mats of finely cut foliage and cup-shape, poppylike, magenta flowers from late spring to early fall. In the wild, winecup can be found growing on rocky outcrops and along roadsides, which proves that this tough little perennial can survive poor soil and scant rainfall. The plants have a tendency to sprawl, so try them along a garden path, in a raised bed, or in a rock garden. Winecup will not tolerate too much wetness.

Test Garden Tip

Winecup develops a thick taproot, so it can be hard to transplant. Plant it where you want it to remain.

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: To 1 foot tall and 3 feet wide

Zones: 4-8

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Wooly Thyme

Rocks and koi pond
Rob Cardillo

Wooly thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus) makes a dense groundcover in dry, sunny locations. This pretty sun-worshipper grows only 2-4 inches tall, but its gray-green, fuzzy leaves and pale pink flowers pack a big punch in the garden. The nectar-rich flowers are also attractive to bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. This tough herb does best in poor soil that drains quickly after a rain. The plants will sulk and rot in wet soil. Use wooly thyme between stepping stones or along a garden path where it's protected from harsh winter weather. Note that wooly thyme is not a culinary variety.

Test Garden Tip

In the northern part of its range, young plants are protected by lightly covering them with pine boughs during the winter.

Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil

Size: To 4 inches tall and 1 foot wide

Zones: 4-8

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