Have you asked yourself these 3 questions:

  • How do I better protect my energy?

  • Even in success, happiness, and achievement why do I feel unfulfilled?

  • Why does time keep moving faster than my progress?

I did and I realized I was longing to connect with my inner self. I was seeking answers to the never-ending questions that kept arising, in a quest of RECONNECTING with my purpose. And in the beginning, I didn't know where to start...

 What we do




“An Altar is like a magnet for your desires”

- Frida Brooks, Founder of A4R

Join us for a transformative gathering

We are proud to invite you to a retreat to DISCONNECT from your pattern to RECONNECT with your true purpose by incorporating your ancient roots into a modern framework.

Join us in this transformative journey where you will be introduced to powerful ways to cleanse & protect your personal space and harness the transitional energy of the seasons, by utilizing altars, and multiple modalities of the original AI (Ancient Intelligence).

Upon re-integrating, you’ll feel reconnected & aligned with your purpose, clear-minded, heart-centered, grounded, with renewed inspiration, and equipped with an expanded toolbox for managing stress and overcoming some of life’s challenges.

These rituals & practices will empower you to create a harmonious and positive energy flow within and around you, bringing clarity and purpose to your life's journey and enabling you to navigate life with confidence and clear intention.

“Allow that which you seek, to arrive”

“As you transform yourself, you also help the Earth change for the better”

  • "Frida is a beautiful expression of an embodied soul on her mission, and as a practitioner, she fills space with professionalism and grace. Frida is a balanced blend of her innate gifts with learned technique which has offered my life transformative experiences. I fully trust Frida’s attunement to what is being called forth with subconscious reprogramming and will continue to work with her as an evolutionary support."

    -Pallas Sophia

  • "Having utilized the skills and tools that I gained from Frida’s teachings, I am now manifesting things that I never before thought possible and that were previously beyond my wildest imagination. Learning from her has brought me both financial freedom, and the most rewarding experience of my life, a healthy and beautiful relationship. Frida helped me learn how to open my eyes and my heart, allowing me to discover and connect to my inner child, as well as various manifestation and meditation techniques and practices, which have improved my life in such a powerful way. I highly recommend anyone seeking radical change to make the decision to work with Frida in order to create results that are truly magical."

    -Maria Elisa Cantillo