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Association for Algorithmization and Logic Governance Organization.
Your community of professionals focused on Ai Economy and Digital Transformation of public and private institutions.
Global technology partners

Join global leaders supporting our methodology

What We Do

"We drive the digital revolution, empowering professionals to shape the future, pioneering innovations and building bridges between technology and business progress."

In the current scenario, digital transformation is essential for the success of companies in the constantly evolving digital markets. Despite its obvious importance, many organizations neglect this process, adopting new technologies only when they have been around for years. For example, social networks like Instagram and Facebook continue to benefit businesses, even years after their creation.

Digital transformation transcends social networks, encompassing technologies such as Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Geolocation, still underexploited by more than 90% of companies globally.

To fill this gap, our certified associates have contributed books covering various aspects of the digital revolution. The BOK ALGORITHMIZATION we are based on focuses on digital architecture and business processes. Throughout the pages, we offer a comprehensive journey, covering developing technologies, success stories, visions for the future, challenges to be faced and strategic decisions. This diversity allows for a reading adapted to the reality of the institutions, concluding with a diagnosis of digital maturity to identify gaps and make the institution fully adaptable to emerging technologies such as AI, for example.

Digital Transformation Architecture

Digital transformation architecture is essential for companies to adapt to changes in the market and take advantage of the opportunities offered by digital transformation. It is an ongoing process that involves identifying problems, creating solutions and implementing new technologies to improve business processes. Companies that implement an effective digital transformation architecture can improve efficiency, increase productivity and profitability, develop new products and services, and improve the customer experience.


I-BPM refers to how to obtain process intelligence through the ability to acquire and analyze data from business processes in an organization in a continuous and automated way. It involves using intelligent tools and techniques to understand the flow of business activities, identify bottlenecks, improve operational efficiency and drive automation. Process intelligence combines elements of process mining, task mining and business intelligence monitoring with AI

Digital Maturity

A digital maturity model can assist management and employees in developing a clear roadmap for their transformation activities in order to improve the level of digital maturity. In recent years, an uncertain number of various maturity models have been developed to conceptualize and assess maturity in organizations with the intention of effectively managing and guiding digital transformation.


OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) play a crucial role in managing digital transformation maturity, providing an effective framework for aligning strategic objectives and measuring tangible results.

How to be a certified Associate

Become a member of the ALGOR.DIGITAL website

Sign up as a member of the site at no cost and participate in discussion groups and public forums. Receive our newsletter with news and articles from our editors by email.

Become a certified associate

Become a certified associate and be part of a select group of Algortimization mentors, where you can participate in digital transformation projects in public and private institutions.

Be a mentor at Bootcamps and create your local chapter

Being a digital transformation mentor and leading a local chapter has several significant benefits:

Community Impact: By leading a local chapter, you contribute to the development of digital transformation in your community, positively impacting local businesses and professionals.

Strategic Networking: The mentor role allows you to build strategic connections, expanding your professional network and providing opportunities for collaboration with other mentors and professionals in the field.

Personal and Professional Development: Mentoring involves improving leadership, communication and problem-solving skills, promoting your own personal and professional development.

Contribution to the Digital Ecosystem: As a mentor, you play a fundamental role in strengthening the local digital ecosystem, encouraging sustainable growth and innovation in companies.

Access to Resources and Information: Being a mentor often provides access to exclusive resources, workshops, and information, keeping you up to date with the latest trends and practices in digital transformation.

Recognition and Credibility: Leading a local chapter and being a mentor raises your visibility in the community, providing recognition and credibility as a prominent leader in digital transformation.

By taking on this role, you not only contribute to advancing digital transformation, but you also reap valuable personal and professional benefits.

Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.

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