Ultra-Low Latency, High Performance Solutions

We provide sub micro second, high performance, easy to integrated financial solutions to help our customers to address the regulatory challenges, optimize the trading system and stream line the technology infrastructures.

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Layer 1 Switches

Product Brief

Alastra Layer 1 Switches provide a “Plug and play” solution to existing network configurations. Our switches support data mirroring of 1 to N ports, signal regeneration and multi-device cascading. Available in 16, 48 and 112 port layouts with support for all the latest bandwidths, you can be sure you’re future proofing your network with our range of Layer 1 (Physical) switches.

Application Highlight

Provides up to 112 ports per switch
Multiple Form Factors: PCIE card, 1U, 2 U;
Multiple bandwidth: 1G, 10G, 25G, 40G and 100G;



Ultra-low latency pre-trade risk control

RiskGuard checks each order against a table of more than 40 customizable rules, in categories such as fat finger, accumulative values, compliance and speed, in 250ns.

Matching Engine

Generic, ultra high speed, ultra high throughput matching engine, with integrated user account system and configurable risk check capacity. Generic matching engine strikes the balance between the speed and flexibility by spearheading a new hybrid design on FPGA technology

Matching Engine

Address: 18floor, 112 West 34th Street, NY, NY 10120

Phone: 1-917-312-7395

Email: support@alastra.io

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