AAPPL Scores & Reporting

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One of the goals of the AAPPL is to provide as much useful information to test takers, instructors, parents, and other stakeholders as possible. The AAPPL assesses language performance and proficiency via all three modes of communication (Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational) as described in the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages. As the AAPPL is comprised of four components, proficiency ranges and performance ratings are provided for each.

  • Interpretive Listening (IL)
  • Interpretive Reading (IR)
  • Interpersonal Listening & Speaking (ILS)
  • Presentational Writing (PW)

AAPPL Scores range from N-1 (low range of Novice) through A-1 (the beginning of the Advanced range), depending on which form of the AAPPL a learner takes. The table shows how the AAPPL Proficiency and Performance Scores align with the ACTFL Proficiency Scale.

A full sample of the AAPPL Score Report is available here.

AAPPL Score Descriptions

The three links below lead to tables that contain the full range of scores for each section of AAPPL. These comprehensive sets of score descriptions and strategies may be helpful in establishing curriculum goals and strategies.

AAPPL Reports & Certificate

AAPPL has a robust data reporting system that makes it possible to monitor individual learners’ outcomes and growth over time, as well as track progress toward district-, program- or school-wide goals for proficiency and performance. Educators can also access national reports that allow teachers, schools, and programs to view their learners’ results in light of average outcomes among language learners in similar instructional settings across the U.S.

Finally, test takers receive a certificate which documents their AAPPL rating(s).

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