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Carrier Transicold presented its 2021 Distributor of the Year Awards

Carrier Transicold Premios Distribuidor del Año 2021

America. With 94 awards Carrier Transicold recognized 59 of the distributors with whom it works, at the level of the American continent, for their achievements in terms of customer satisfaction, growth, commercial investment and competition in the service during 2021.

Mike Noyes, vice president and general manager of Truck Trailer Americas, Carrier Transicold, said that "in 2021, our dealer network demonstrated the power of teamwork to meet and exceed customer expectations in the face of the ever-changing challenges that have become the new normal," which is why he applauded this success in providing a service, which he described as exceptional, in supporting the vital cold chain.

The winners include Transport Refrigeration of South Dakota Inc. and TCC Equipamientos SPA of Chile, who received the award for Distributor of the Year 2021 for North America and Latin America, respectively.

Shane Keizer, president of Transport Refrigeration of South Dakota and son of the late founder Jim Keizer, said, "We knew we had a great year, but to be named Distributor of the Year was a wonderful surprise." It should be noted that this business began in the 70s, when Jim came out with a toolbox, a van and the slogan "I will go to you". "That legacy of excellence in personal service transcends the current team and has contributed to its latest recognition," Shane said.

- Publicidad -

For its part, TCC Equipamientos, a company dedicated to truck refrigeration products that support the various operations of the cold chain in Chile, which recently joined the network of distributors, managed to stand out for the leadership of its general director, Paulo Castelli. Alejandro Genera, director of sales and operations in Latin America at Carrier Transicold, commented that "the TCC Equipamientos team has done an extraordinary job to grow its business, build customer satisfaction and expand Carrier Transicold's reputation as the leading brand throughout Chile."

What's new in the awards ceremony
New this year was that, for the first time, Carrier Transicold recognized two companies in its Extra Mile Award for exemplary customer service. Namely, the Central Transport Refrigeration, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. And Southern States Utility Trailer Sales Inc, in Richland, Mississippi.

Recognition of excellent performance
In total, Carrier Transicold awarded 59 of the more than 200 distributors in the Americas. Notably, in 2021, six people from five dealerships were also recognized for their excellent performance:
• North American Sales Director of the Year: James Tucker, W&B Service Company, in Duncanville, Texas.
• North American Service Director of the Year: Shane Tippie of Carrier Transicold of Utah, Salt Lake City
• North American Parts director of the year: Kevin Barrett of Southern States Utility Trailer, in Richland, Mississippi.
• Sales Manager of the Year in Latin America: Rubén Durán of RETO S.A. de C.V., in Guadalajara, Mexico.
• Spare Parts Manager of the Year in Latin America, Azrael García of RETO S.A. de C.V., in Guadalajara, Mexico.
• Service Manager of the Year in Latin America: Irvin Picaso of Coolcare Solutions S.A. de C.V., in Aguascalientes, Mexico.

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

One thought on “Carrier Transicold presented its 2021 Distributor of the Year Awards”

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  1. Enrique
    Tuesday, 05 April 2022 18:58
    Mentiras y falsas posturas de Rheem en Chile.
    Reheem en Chile funciona a travéz de otra Empresa CEM S.A., esta a su vez comercializa los productos en las tiendas de retail.
    Rheem publicita que tu producto adquirido tiene 3 años de garantía, eso es una gran mentira, después del primer reclamo por producto defectuoso, sólo te puedes comunicar con un call center, donde son muy amables pero no te solucionan nada y te impiden comunicarte con alguien que posea autoridad para solucionar el problema.
    Con suerte te envían a alguien ( que ni siquiera conoce el equipo), pienso que para cumplir algún protocolo, ya que tampoco soluciona nada hasta " comunicarse con Santiago).
    Cuándo te logran cansar de tanto llamar, nunca se ponen en contacto con el cliente.

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