State of Water Resource Development and Water Supply Report State of Palestine Summary By: 1- Almotaz Abadi,, 2- Deeb AbedalGhafour, 1-Presentation Main Objectives The aim of the report is to provide a summary and afford a comprehensive representation of the structured analysis of water supply and consumptions in the West Bank, the complications attached and the future actions to overcome the discrepancy in the following years. In other words, this report examines the following: The current situation- water resources, water supply structure and mechanism, and water consumption. The principal problems facing the Palestinian water sector. The underlying constraints, continuous violations in water supply agreements and ongoing difficulties facing the water service providers. This report uses a descriptive statistical method to analyze and compare the 2010 hydrological database with the former years. The used structure defines the power flow throughout water management process represented in tables and charts to show how the lines of control reach the various functional areas in water supply and consumption. 2- Water Resources Availability 2.1 Rainfall: The Rainfall is the main source of Palestinian Water Resource which is estimated by 2300-2600 MCM/year in the West Bank and 130-140 MCM/Year in Gaza Strip. The Total Recharge for the Mountain Aquifer in the West Bank is estimated 650-800 MCM/year while the actual recharge for the Gaza Portion of the Coastal Aquifer is estimated 50-60 MCM/Year. The Total Runoff on West Bank And Gaza Generated from the Rainfall is Estimated 100-120 MCM/Year and 15-20 MCM/Year Respectively> 2.2 Water resources Development in West Bank and Gaza Water resources management as defined by the Palestinian Water Law, Article 1; includes the development, improvement, and protection of water resources. This is what PWA along with other local utilities tries to accomplish. The overall natural water resources for Palestinians in the West Bank mostly stretch out in the Mountain Aquifer (three shared shared aquifer to some extent with Israel: the Eastern, the Western and the North-Eastern aquifers respectively). Currently, Palestinians abstract less than 15% of the “estimated potential” of those three aquifers. In 2010, the abstraction of the mountain aquifer did not exceed 98 MCM: with 29 MCM from the North-Eastern aquifer, 25 MCM from the Western aquifer and 44 MCM from the Eastern aquifer. However, reduced Palestinian withdrawals from all three aquifers over the last decade is due to a drop in spring discharge; and a drop in well production, both of which are attributed to lowered water table.. Based on the OSLO II interim agreement, Article 40, the allocation of water resources of the three shared aquifers allowed Palestinians to abstract no more than 22 MCM from the Western Aquifer, 42 MCM from the North Eastern Aquifer and 54 MCM from the Eastern Aquifer, however, this is 20 MCM more than the value abstracted in 2010. On the other hand, Israel abstracts the balance and overdraws on the “estimated potential” by more than 50% The World Bank Report for West Bank and Gaza, Assessment of restrictions on Palestinian Water Sector Development, 2009. This however does not go along with the Palestinian Water Law –Article 7; “The Palestinian water authority shall have full responsibility for managing the water resources and wastewater in Palestine”. The 98 MCM/year that PA Utilizes from the Aquifer are divided 45% for Domestic and industrial Uses (44 MCM/Year in Addition to 52 MCM/Year Purchased from Israel) the 55% are utilized for Agricultural Sector (54 MCM/Year) While in Gaza the main Resources Are abstracted from the Coastal Aquifer basin estimated 170 MCM/Year divided for Municipal and Agriculture sector by 90 MCM/year and 80 MCM/year Respectively in Addition to 4.5 MCM/year from Small Scale Desalination Plant and other 4.8 MCM/year Purchased from Israel for Pure domestic purposes. The Gaza Aquifer system is over Utilized by 120 MCM/Year and 95% of its water with bad quality where the chloride concentration reaches 250 ppm for 5 percent of the abstracted water exceeding 1000 ppm for the 95% of the total Abstracted quantities. Water Supply in the West Bank and Gaza Based on the guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water quality; water supply for the public should undertake basic parameters into consideration. Those parameters are mainly summarized with six words: Quality, Quantity, Accessibility, Affordability and Continuity. Despite the ongoing intricacies of the current situation, PWA is paying all the needed efforts to fulfill these parameters. “It was apparent not only to all of the PWA staff but also to the beneficiaries, supporters and decision/policy makers, for the water and wastewater sector, that the prevailing status quo in which this vital sector operates is not up to par. In reality, the current status quo does not even fulfill the basic requirements of our population. Establishing an independent and viable Palestinian state would require the existence of strong, transparent and accountable institutions able to respond the needs of our people” Delivering more than 98 Million Cubic Meters (MCM) of safe drinking water in the year 2010 from the local resources was not easy. Although there is a considerable improvement in this supplied quantity compared to the last ten years; it was not sufficient to cover the existing demand of suitable water is around 250 Mcm/year. The Actual Consumption per Capita is 73 LCD in the West Bank and it does not exceed 60 LCD in Gaza ( PWA Supply Report 2010 Hydrological Year, 2009 Fact Sheet on water resources and consumption In WB and Gaza (