Historical 463 UFO and Alien Encounters from around the globe by Olban Valgon In this article we offer a potpurri of extraterrestrial and other strange encounters that have occurred in different parts of the world in the last fifty six years. Most of the stories and accounts offered below are material that originally appeared in the legendary magazine Flying Saucer Review, published by FSR Publications Ltd., out of UK, in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s; the magazine has now been long defunct, since about the year 1990 (Flying Saucer Review was initially published on a montly, then bi-monthly basis, but in later years, in the 1980s; it was published as a quarterly). We will present some material from sources such as the books Aliens Among Us, UFO Danger Zone, Strange Encounters, The UFO Silencers (Mystery of the Men in Black). Indeed, there are some incredible cases of accounts of earth human, with other worldly beings. But let us let those amazing stories speak for themselves. 1. The following two stories appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No. 2, Volume 27 (published in August 1981), pages 6-12. GRUESOME CREATURE ON ROAD IN SPAIN Gordon Creighton We are indebted to one of our Spanish readers (whose handwriting on the envelope I regret I do not recognise) for sending, an extract from the Spanish magazine Hola, No. 1891, dated November 22, 1980, which contains an article about a woman who was travelling in her car, with her son, along the road from Pozohondo to Nava de Abajo (Province of Albacete) when they allegedly encountered a gruesome looking creature. There had been a new outburst of UFO reports in 465 the Albacete area. Two crews of National Police patrol cars had had sightings, and a week later there was again sightings, over Chinchilla in the same area, and very near to the Air Force base at Los Llanos. The precise focus isa piece of teTT~in owned by the Spanish Army and used by them for military manoeuvres. The witnesses in the latest of these sightings over Chinchilla were a Sr. Antonio M. Sanchez and a married couple (not named). They observed, at about 7.30 p.m. one evening, two circular objects, one of which they estimated to be about 4 metres wide, on the top of the Sierra de Chinchilla. About an hour later Gustavo Martinez Lopez, police constable (alguacil) at Nava de Abajo, saw a luminous object half the apparent size of the full moon, flying at great speed in the direction of Albacete. He said it looked like a flying car headlight, and was far too fast to be an aircraft. Only a few hours after that, on the highway from Pozohondo to Nava de Abajo, came the astonishing experience reported by the woman. Her name is given only as Dona A.M.M., but the magazine has a very clear photograph of her, and also a photograph 01 the village constable. The lady's story is given as follows: "It was at about half past three, or four o'clock, in the morning, and my son and I were returning after having taken one of his friends home. When we had got to a spot about two kilometres from Nava de Abajo, we saw what at first seemed to me to be a person standing in the middle of the road... "Still trembling and displaying signs of severe fright, despite the fact that several days had elapsed since she had the experience, Dona A.M.M., who insisted that the reporter should not divulge her name, went on to describe what, judging by her account, the reporter could only conclude to be a humanoid of some 466 sort. She was in such a nervous and disturbed condition that it was only after a very long chat with her that the reporter was able to extract from her the details of an experience that she seems unlikely to forget for a long time to come. "I continue with her story. " 'We had just come out of a dip in the road, and there was this person, stationary at first. The first thought I had was that there had been an accident. I remarked to my son that it was very unwise to stand there like that in the middle of the road, where a car could hit him. As we got closer and closer to him, the man did not move, so my son flashed the headlights several times to warn him in case he had not seen us coming. He still stood there, and as we came up to him we had to swerve sharply to miss him.’ Q: 'Were you then able to get a close view of him?' A: 'Yes. I was terrified (at this point the lady's features portrayed her terror, and she had difficulty in continuing.) His appearance had already struck me as a bit strange, and indeed I had remarked to my son that I felt doubtful whether it was a man at all. Just as we were on the point of hitting him and forced to swerve, I was able to see that there was nothing human about him. We passed very close by him, I would say no more than a metre from him at the most , and what I saw, well, I myself find it hard to believe.' Q: 'Well, what was he like?' A: 'Tall - quite tall - maybe around 1 m.80 to 1m.82. He was enveloped in something like an overall, beigecoloured, covering the whole body, including his head. I don't know if he had feet, or whether they were enveloped in it. But he gave the impression of not having any. As for his head, it was shapeless, without eyes, or mouth, or anything. He was horrible, and I was seized by immense panic...' Q: 'Didn't he make any movement as vou were 467 approaching?' A: 'Yes, he did move. He moved as it were about three paces or so back, in a strange fashion, as though without bending his legs; he gave the impression that his legs were rigid, or as though he had no knees, or no legs, or as though each leg ended as the ankle. It put me in mind momentarily of those mechanical dolls.' Q: 'What was the rest of his body like?' A: 'He had no left arm, and no hands.. .My son said he must have been a madman or a leper, covering himself up so as not to be recognised. After he had moved back three paces or so, just as we were about to hit him and so had to swerve, and he was just standing there, motionless, he was terrifying... that shapeless head and nothing else, no eyes or mouth or anything, I don't like even having to recall it.' Q: 'What did you do next?' A: Just as he moved back, my son stepped on the accelerator, and neither of us said a word till we got to Albacete. Once we were home we told my husband, and only then were we able to calm down a little.' " "As for the son of Senora A.M.M., he is doing his military service at present. He was on home leave in Albacete at the time of the experience. He' wants nothing to do with the whole business. He too was questioned : Q: 'Did you never think at any moment of asking for help from anybody, or of reporting the matter to anyone?' A: 'We were too scared even to look back. We were utterly terrified, and our only thought was to get home as soon as possible.' Q: 'Do you believe that it could have been an extraterrestrial ?" A: 'I can't say. I know nothing whatever of such matters. I don't even have any idea about whether the extrater468 restrials exist.' Q: 'But there has been talk in recent days of people having seen UFOs in Albacete. Did you know anything about that?' A: 'Now look - I don't know what UFOs are. All I can tell you is that what I saw was horrible.' " The article concludes with speculation as to whether what these two witnesses saw could perhaps have been a creature from one of the UFOs seen by Antonio M. Sanchez on the Sierra de Chinchilla. According to the account given by Sanchez, they were discs of the apparent size of a semaphore lantern. To start with, he saw two of them. After remaining stationary in the air for four or five minutes, all the while emitting beams of vivid orange light, they shot downwards at a staggering speed and vanished behind the range. Half an hour later two more appeared, precisely like the first two, and performed precisely the same manoeuvres, before coming down. HUMANOIDS AT SOUTH MIDDLETON Part 2 David F. Webb A report from Massachusetts, U.S.A. based on investigations by the author, and Raymond E. Fowler, conducted in 1978. Some of the witnesses have requested to remain anonymous, a wish that has been respected DOUGLAS GOULD was the first to see a whitehelmeted figure. One day in mid-November 1977, about dusk, he was playing outside near a small shed just north-east of his house. On the ground he was burning toy plastic cars, which released black smoke. He heard footfalls nearby, as if someone was walking on leaves, or in snow (snow may have been on the ground). Doug looked towards the direction of the sound and saw an all-white being walking "stiff as a board." The being went behind the shed, whereupon Doug ran into the 469 house telling his father to go out and look. Tom did so and saw the being standing in back of a car in the yard. He approached the figure, reached out to put his hand on the being's shoulder and, when his hand was about three inches away, the being vanished in front of his eyes! Tom was so shaken by the incident that he did not admit seeing the being to his family until three days later. "I really thought I was seeing things," he said. The being was 41/2 ft. tall; it wore a white suit with a "battleship grey" helmet and hands, bare or with gloves. The helmet was square-like with two eye holes and sat on broad shoulders. The hand had a mitten-like appearance. No feet were noticed. Tom believes he saw this same being several times later. We can speculate that the humanoid may have been attracted by the acrid, black smoke and flames from the burning toys. An unexpected approach, and what may have been interpreted as a threatening gesture by Tom, could have coerced the being into vanishing, an act with ample precedent in CE III lore. In the first part I reviewed Tom's sightings of the helmeted figure(s) in December and January, and the UFO sightings of January 9-12, 1978. Chronologically the next occurrences were on two separate dates in February 1978 at the Campbell home. Poltergeist type activity had occurred in both homes during this period, and included locked doors being opened and locks broken. Knives had been placed in door jams in the Campbell home to prevent their opening. One night while all were present in one room, several of the doors were pushed, dislodging the knives. Nothing was seen. Another time a relative heard a sound like a swarm of bees; it grew very loud (although no one else heard it at this point) and he nearly collapsed in a chair before it went away. A series of incidents the weekend of April 8/9 finally triggered Mrs. Gould's second phone call to 470 investigator Ray Fowler. On Saturday night about 9 p.m. Nancy Gould was sitting on her bed listening to music. She looked up and saw a silhouetted form through the door, which was opened less than an inch. The form had a normal shape, was about 5 ft. 7 in. tall and appeared to be wearing an unzipped jacket. The door moved slightly as if a draught had developed. Thinking it was her father trying to frighten her, she resumed her sewing, then looked up again. The figure was stilI there. She bolted for the door, swung it open and saw a form moving away rapidly. She searched the nearby rooms then went into the living room where her mother and father were watching TV. No one else was in the house. The next day, Sunday, April 9, Doug, Allan and their cousins, saw several white figures several times at close range. In the late morning Doug and a cousin were riding his minibike near the ruined pig house. They had a fleeting glimpse of two large white heads viewed through low brush about 30-35 ft away. Only the heads were visible in an attitude that suggested the beings were crouching behind brush. Their faces were light grey with large, wrap-around dark blue eyes. Their heads were of normal size with no hair. Little movement was noticed. The pair were frightened and quickly left the area. About 2 p.m. all four returned to the same area but closer to where Tom and Nancy had observed the UFO in January. While sitting and talking, they had the feeling they were being watched. Doug and Allan reported only vague glimpses of several beings that faded from sight, or moved too fast to be easily viewed. A cousin, however, saw at least one being and gave the most complete description. She and her sister were sitting together when she saw out of the corner of her eye a figure standing about 10-15 ft. away. She turned and looked fully upon it; it was in profile to her and about her height, which is 5 f1. 3 in. The head had an abnor471 mally large posterior projection and seemed to be encased in a clear, round helmet. The helmet could only be observed because of sunlight glinting off its surface. She also noticed a large, dark, oval eye, a nose slit, but no mouth or ears. No hands or feet could be seen at the extremities of flaring sleeves and pants. A belt with a dark central band, vertical stripes and a black buckle encircled the waist. Recovering from her initial surprise, the witness yelled, jumped up and ran after the being. It quickly retreated with its back to her and was lost to sight in the brush. Allan reported only vague details of beings glimpsed "out of the corner of my eye." His composite sketch shows a broad-shouldered being with a light grey body and helmet, no belt and also no hands or feet. Long black, tapering arms were a unique feature. Allan could discern no facial details. An odour like sulphur pervaded the area. (Note that, except for the second of these sightings, only vague, fleeting glimpses of figures were reported despite four witnesses in bright sunlight. Researchers will remember this aspect in other CE III cases, such as the Catskills, NY case of Nov. 8, 1975 - DW). The same girl saw the same or a similar entity about 10 days later on Wednesday, April 19. That night the four cousins were playing in the Gould basement when she happened to glance at a window, which was at eye level. From only a foot away she saw a white face staring back at her. It was oval-shaped with vertical nose slits and a narrow mouth. The eyes were large, slanted and gold in colour. A transparent helmet may have covered the head. The frightened girl turned and yelled at her companions, but when they looked out the face was gone. She believes the being must have been in a prone position on the ground, since ground level is only inches below the bottom of the window. On Tuesday, May 2, Doug again saw two white or 472 grey figures on the relatives' property. They were 25-30 ft away with their arms held close to the body. Few details were noted; in fact Doug said he could have been viewing them from the rear. He did notice a left to right movement. (I did not interview Doug about this sighting - DW.) After dark one day in mid-July, Nancy was lying on her bed, reading, when she glanced up and saw a silver-white, rod-shaped device reflected in the mirror at the foot of her bed. It appeared to be suspended horizontally, motionless in the air about five inches from her head. She looked in that direction, saw nothing, then looked back at the mirror. It was gone. This incident is mentioned because Nancy had earlier reported seeing a similar rod-like device through a car window. The final incident for which I have details occurred on a Saturday or Sunday night, September 17 or 18, at I or 2 a.m. Allan was the observer, the only one still up in the house. Looking out the front window, he noticed a group of six figures standing beside the road (River Street) in front of the house. At first he thought there had been an auto accident because it was foggy and one of the beings was pointing down the road in an odd way. Five of the figures wore white suits and the other, who was the one pointing, had on a black suit. Their clothing appeared to reflect the light from a nearby street lamp. No other details were noted because of the fog and the distance (about 250 ft). The fog was peculiar to Allan; it formed a rather sharply defined bank 15 ft high in just the immediate area of the beings. On the other hand, the area is low with a river nearby; fog is not that unusual. After about 10 minutes the figures walked into the woods. Allan did not venture outside alone, but awoke his mother. By the time she got to the window, the figures were gone. Investigator's evaluation: Dayid F. Webb 473 This series of incidents, taken as a whole, is complicated and unique in my experience with UFO/humanoid reports. It is unique in its combination of bizarre events occurring over a time span of several years. These events included landed UFOs, at least two types of humanoids, cattle mutilation, poltergeist-type activity, strange odours, sounds and aerial devices. Yet all of these phenomena have been reported at one time or another in various combinations in other reports. I have no reason to doubt the testimony of the Gould family. Each family member seemed very sincere, and concerned in reporting his or her particular experience. Successive interviews revealed no basic discrepancies in the description of individual events. Our character reference checks showed that the Goulds were considered honest people, though possibly prone to exaggeration. On the other hand, I found the Goulds were not particularly articulate or observant. This was especially the case with Allan and Tom. Unfortunately Allan alone was involved in several key sightings. Theresa had a tendency to orchestrate the proceedings during my interviews. She was, however, very helpful and anxious for a solution. Because of my concern about the quality of their observations and a lack of time, I did not pursue psychological testing, or hypnosis with this case. Several additional items of interest were developed after the main report was completed. These are: 1) Handwritten, annotated transcripts of the tapes of the first two interviews have been made, and are available to the interested researcher. 2) On page 25 Nancy and Allan's observation of the landed UFO is discussed. It is uncertaIn from the transcripts, or my notes, whether the youths went with Tom at different times or together to view the UFO. 3) The reports of some other experiences remains second-hand. I have yet to receive replies to 474 two letters I sent. Unfortunately their testimony, especially about the night of January 9, would have provided valuable support for the Goulds' stories. 4) According to a newspaper article in 1967 and recent confirmation, a linear accelerator named LINAC was built by MIT on the site of the former Essex County Hospital in Middleton. It is not known whether the device was in operation during the period of this case. The proximity of the UFO events to this atomic facility is considered intriguing. In conclusion, it is my opinion that strange events did occur in Middleton and were observed by a number of people over several months if not years. The January, 1978 UFO incidents and the observations of the whitesuited humanoid(s) are especially noteworthy because they were reported by several people, sometimes in groups and often at close range during daylight. It is highly unlikely that all of these observers were inventing things or hoaxing (a conspiracy), hallucinating or misinterpreting natural or man-made phenomena. Remember that the witnesses included three groups outside of the immediate Gould family. I consider the January UFO sightings and the sightings of the prowler figure to the low-weight unknowns; the reports of the white-suited humanoid(s) are considered a significant unknown CE III. - D. F. Webb October 9, 1979 Investigator's Evaluation: Raymond E. Fowler Background: My initial involvement with the Gould family began in the late bummer or early Fall of 1977. At this time I received a telephone call from an anonymous lady (Mrs. Gould). She told me that a strange man had been seen many times, trespassing on their property, and that he would disappear into thin air when approached. She had called me because of my connec475 tion with UFO investigation. The family had seen UFOs at various times. I told her that unless she identified herself and the details, that there was nothing I could do. She stated that her family must remain anonymous at that time, but that she would talk the matter over with them regarding identifying themselves. In April, 1978 Mrs. Gould called and identified herself. She told me that a UFO had been seen on the ground by members of the family, and that the "man" had appeared and dematerialised in the house. She agreed to an investigation. The police had been called on many occasions but could not find the "man". A priest had been called to bless the house, but the paranormal happenings had continued. As a result of this phone call, I set up an initial interview with the Gould family on 12 April 1978; David Webb accompanied me and later took over the case. Personal Impressions: The Gould family proceeded to telJ us one incredible event after another which concerned either UFOs or the man-like apparition. Outwardly they seemed very sincere. There was much cross-talk between them as they described the events just as if they had actually happened. After our interview, I volunteered to help Dave by conducting a character reference check on the family. The results of the check indicated that the Goulds are believed to be honest people and not the type who would perpetrate a hoax. Analysis: Regardless of the results of the character check, I find it difficult to come to any personal conclusions about this case. Apparently, seemingly credible people reported some very incredible events. However, I would have been more satisfied if a psychiatrist had been with us when we conducted the interviews. Without this I retain nagging doubts because of the high 476 strangeness of the events and the unusually large number of events involved. If we take their accounts at full face value, there is no strong possibility of their misinterpreting natural phenomena or misidentifying manmade objects in most of the reported events. The other viable alternatives are delusion, hoax, hallucination or a real experience. The delusion theory requires the results of a psychiatric examination for consideration. It would require a group family mental disorder. The possibility of a deliberate, conscious hoax seems negated by the family's good character. However, Mr. Gould, a self-employed carpenter, has found little work opportunity in the area lately. Times are bad enough for them to have put their house up for sale with intentions of moving to Maine in order to find better job prospects. Is it possible that this closely-knit family were desperate enough to concoct the strange events in order to sell a story? So far this does not seem to be the case. * The hallucination theory is weakened because all members of the immediate family and relatives have allegedly seen these incredible things. Mass hallucination would be highly improbable under the circumstances. This leaves the real possibility that all or some of the experiences were real, subjectively or objectively. Further examinations are necessary in order for me to properly evaluate this possibility. Hypnotic regression also might prove to be helpful. Therefore, for the moment, I am not able to come to any conclusion concerning the validity and importance of this potentially interesting case. Raymond E. Fowler July 20, 1978 2. The following report in Flying Saucer Review appeared in issue No.6, Volume 25, Nov-Dec 1979, pages 2-7 477 PHYSICAL ASSAULT BY UNIDENTIFIED OBJECTS AT LIVINGSTON - Part I Martin Keatman & Andrew Collins This report has been specially prepared for UFOIN and Flying Saucer Review THE UFO phenomenon often throws up encounters of a staggering nature, but rarely does it provide an opportunity for an immediate and in depth investigation that permits the substantiation of such events. In the following case the investigators were lucky; a claimed close encounter of the second kind involving a reliable witness, a landed object that left significant traces, two independent devices that physically assaulted the percipient, severe post physiological and psychological effects, confirmation and other sightings, and a thorough investigation within one week of the incident. These combine to complete what must surely be the most important landing case ever to have been reported and recorded in the annals of British Ufology. Mr. Robert Taylor, a forestry foreman from Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland, claimed that whilst carrying out his routine daily duties in the forests on Friday, November 9, 1979, he came across a strange domed object resting silently on the ground in a secluded clearing. Intrigued he watched, until two weird spheres with protruding spikes came hurtling towards him and toppled on to his sides, whereupon he fell unconscious. On waking he heard a wooshing noise and looked up to see that the object had gone. He had pains in his chin and legs, he had an intense headache and thirst and he could not walk or speak. With difficulty he crawled back to his pick-up truck some 300 metres away, but although being unable to control it, he was 478 now able to struggle home on foot. Later, on returning with others the same day, remarkable physical traces were found to support his story. These also provided significant evidence for the investigators. Such were the details of the claim as they reached our ears on Monday, November 12, 1979, after varying reports in the Sunday newspapers. Hasty arrangements were made for the authors to visit the area on behalf of UFOIN. By speaking to Mr. Malcolm Drummond Bob Taylor's superior - on the Tuesday, we were able to arrange to meet the witness the following day, and he would take us to the site. Contact was also established with all the other authorities in the area, including the local police and newspapers, in order to pave the way ahead. Initial contact with percipient and environment The authors arrived in the area late in the afternoon of Wednesday November 14, and made straight for Mr. Taylor's place of work, the Livingston Development Corporation (LDC) at Rosebank, Livingston. Travelling through the area around Livingston, a Scottish new town and satellite of Edinburgh, one somehow gets the impression of being in Canada, with immense and colourful factory complexes covered in fresh snow, and an interwoven maze of new roads constructed over the past twenty years. Everything is conveniently placed and laid back out of reach, as if lifted straight from a drawing board. Both Mr. Drummond and Mr. Taylor were there to greet us on our arrival, and the latter immediately took us to the spot where the incident was said to have occurred. A drive of some 3 kms took us to an area known as Dechmont Woods, via a recently-built housing estate which lies scattered around an unkept mud track. This is bordered by the amenity forests planted 479 by the LDC Forestry Commission. Bob Taylor led us across open pasture land, through the neatly planted trees, and on to the location where his experience took place. Unfortunately, because of heavy snow that had been falling on and off since the previous Sunday, the site was completely covered with a glistening white sheet. Mr. Taylor indicated the exact position the object had been, and told us of the fence erected by the LDC on the day of the incident. This was to "protect" the indentations. As could be expected, the knowledge of the experience had reached many ears by this time, and it was obvious that dozens of people had tramped up through the snow to the site, almost treating it as a pilgrimage. You can imagine our feelings when we were greeted with the sight of a large snowman built in the centre! Due to encroaching darkness only a tentative investigation was carried out at the site, with the agreement that all concerned should return next day to remove the snow, thus allowing a thorough analysis to be made. We then returned to Livingston with Mr. Taylor, and spent the rest of the day interviewing him, his wife, his daughter and one of his sons. During the first evening we questioned Bob at length, and it is from this interview that we present the following account. Despite rapid questioning for more than three hours, and subsequent interrogations in the following three days, Mr. Taylor never veered from his original story, nor did the others involved in this bizarre saga. A day to remember Mr. Bob Taylor is 61 years of age, and has resided in Livingston since 1964. It was some years before he was eventually appointed forestry foreman with the LDC, a job that allows him considerable freedom. He spends much of his time in his Bedford pick-up truck, 480 visiting the various forests and hills' used by the LDC forestry commission, checking and directing his four squads of workers, and ensuring that animals do not stray on to the land. Dechmont Woods is one such place which he visits virtually every week, and it was here on Friday, November 9, 1979, that Bob alleges he had his encounter. He left his house at 4, Broomieknowe Drive, at about 09.45 hours GMT, having finished his early morning break. By pick-up it takes a good ten minutes to reach Dechmont Woods, so an arrival time of 09.55 hours may be assumed. A further ten minutes would allow Bob to pass through the two closed gates and along the unmade roadway used by the forestry workers to reach Deer Hill. He parked his vehicle at the end of the road (see fig. 2) some 300 metres from where the encounter was to take place. As usual Bob allowed his six-year-old dog, a striking rust coloured Irish Setter called Lara, to accompany him on his quiet, and often lonely trek through the peaceful forests. All around stand tall, straight conifers, and a mass of natural green foliage. This is a chance for the dog to roam freely and chase small animals in the forest. Bob carefully looked at the fencing, the fire paths, the gates, a keen eye searching for anything untoward. Lara shot off on her own, running carefree through the trees. The weather was fresh, with frost stiffening the ground beneath his feet. The partially clear sky indicated that it would not stay cold for long. For Bob the day was the same as any other; he had no reason to assume otherwise. He was heading for a spacious cross-roads of fire paths on Deer Hill to check the gates. His course took him along one of these fire paths, shouldered either side by the tall trees. Those to the right are taller and not as thick as those on the left. He continued walking down the slight incline that 481 he knew would take him out into the large clearing between the four areas of forest. As he reached the end of the path he was suddenly confronted by something large and quite out of context with the area as he knew it. This was at right angles to his line of vision. He swivelled round and faced, with surprise, something that sat motionless and silent on the ground only a few metres away. Bob Taylor states that this "something" was like a "top" or dome-shaped object, with a flange of a larger diameter (see fig. 3). Protruding from the upper side of the flange were evenly spaced "stems" or cylindrical bars pointing vertically. Atop these were what appeared to be horizontal bars not unlike propellors. Between each of these features the witness could see dark circular areas on the dome. He feels these could have been "portholes," or perhaps just "markings," since nothing could be seen through them. The area below the flange was rather confusing, and Bob could only recall a structure likened to the upper dome. This gave the impression of a "Saturnshape" overall, or as he put it "a child's top." Judging from measurements taken at the site, it would appear that the object had a diameter of approximately 7 metres at its widest (the flange), and was a mere 8 metres away from Bob, who described the colour as dark grey, like "carborundum." which was uniform all over. The texture looked rough and there were no apparent seams, joins, or any other such features. As to its composition the witness could not enlighten us, stating only that it did not seem to be metallic. After an estimated 30 seconds of viewing the strange craft, Mr. Taylor said that its structure began to alter. Parts of the upper dome began to "disappear" and areas of the background could be seen through it. Only moments before the object had seemed totally physical. Now, parts would fade out, and then return to their origi482 nal physical appearance; first on the left hand side, then across to the right, and then returning to the centre. This unusual phenomenon was apparent over the whole of the upper dome. This gave the appearance of partially blending in with the background, possibly suggesting that it was not quite as physical as it seemed at that point. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, two objects hurtled towards the startled witness. Two spheres with "spikes" were heading straight for Bob from a point in front of the lower dome. They moved in unison, on parallel courses so that they approached one on either side of the witness. As they reached him they "fell" on to his sides" (see fig. 4). He recalls a sudden smell that overpowered him, a bad taste that filled his mouth, and something "tugging" at his trousers and pulling him forwards. Thereafter a blank. We can only assume from the later evidence that he fell unconscious, head first on to the ground. The next thing he recalls is lying with his face in the mud, hearing a wooshing noise, and the dog barking furiously. He also had an intense headache (positioned over the forehead), and a pain in the chin as if it were burned. He had an itch in the left thigh and he felt sick. His body was facing the position where the object had been, and his arms were lying straight by his sides. Bob attempted to climb to his feet, but found his legs so weak that he was unable to rise or even stagger up. He tried to talk to the dog which was standing close by, but found he could not speak. It was as if his jaw had ceased to function. Eventually he got to his knees and saw that the object and spheres had vanished. He then started to crawl along the fire path back towards the pick-up truck, covering some 100 metres on his hands and knees. Finally he staggered to his feet to walk for a short distance, but even then he fell down several times. 483 On reaching the pick-up he attempted to use the radio to call the forestry commission, but although he established contact he was still unable to speak. He pulled himself into the driving seat and started the engine, hoping to be able to reverse it and turn round. Unfortunately since he was still disorientated, he lost control and reversed the truck down a slight incline and into a dry shallow ditch. He clambered out and decided to walk the 1.5 kms across the woodlands, fields, and roads to his home. He passed only one person en route. He says he was slightly dazed and confused, and the physiological effects were still very much in evidence. Back at home As soon as Bob entered the front door he asked for a drink to quench his intense thirst. His wife realised he was in a state of shock, or "ghastly," as she described It. He mumbled something about having been attacked, his speech having onlv partly returned to normal. Mrs. Taylor suggested he take off his dirty clothes and have a bath which he did a few minutes later. She then telephoned Mr. Malcom Drummond, Bob's boss, who ordered two of his staff to "stand by," and drove straight to the Tavlor residence. According to Mr. Drummond the time was then approximately 10.50 hrs, although Mrs. Taylor puts it at around 11.30 hrs. On his arrival Mr. Drummond learned from Bob's wife what seemed to have happened. He then went upstairs to the bathroom. He realised that Bob had had a phvsically real experience, but at the mention of "space ships" with "things coming towards him" he suggested that Bob might have "fallen on his head, or something. " Mr. Drummond telephoned the local doctor, a Dr. Adams of the Blackburn surgery, who arrived within 10 484 or 15 minutes. He checked Mr. Taylor for any noticeable physiological defects, but concluded that he was in reasonable condition. At this point it was noted that Bob had a large red mark, about 4 cms in length and 1.5 cms wide, underneath the round of his chin. This was comparable to a mild burn or scuff mark. A similar mark was also discovered on his left hip, which corresponded to the position in which he felt the tugging when the spheres "attacked" him. His trousers, a general purpose police issue, were torn on both hips, the left side in accordance with the mark on the leg. His" long johns" were also torn in the same position on the left side. Hoping to find signs of a scuffle near the ditched pickup truck, Mr. Drummond and Dr. Adams went up to Dechmont Woods and located the vehicle. The ignition was still on and the door was open. They wondered whether Bob had fallen from the van and knocked himself unconscious, but finding no marks they returned to the Taylor household. Bv this time Bob was out of the bath and fully dressed. He suggested he take them to the place where the experience occurred, as the "vehicle" must have left some son of marks. Dr. Adams then went home, leaving Bob and Mr. Drummond to return to Deer Hill. By now the witness was seemingly back to normal, with only the headache, slight pains, and some thirst still lingering on. On arrival at the site a series of marks, indentations, and depressions were found. From the spot where Bob had stood before being knocked unconscious, to the position where his conscious recall resumed, there were two long marks which could have been made by his boots. These gave the impression that the percipient had beenhere. dragged, with his feet trailing, for some 61 ems. There was then a gap of about 18 ems, before the same paraUei marks resumed for a further 4-5 ems, this sug485 gesting the point at which Bob was left. From where the object had been to where Bob had faUen, were two paraUei lines of irregularly shaped indentations similar to horses' hooves. As they approached the spot where the object had been resting, they could clearly see two parallel lines of approximately eight rectangular-shaped depressions in the grass. These were about 21 ems apart (see fig. 5). It was apparent that something of considerable weight had caused the marks since they were sharp and deep. Around these "tracks" were more of the hoof-like indentations apparently left by the spikes on the spheres. On their way back to Broomieknowe Drive, Mr. Drummond radioed for a "squad" to Jay sheep net wire and posts around the tracks, this in the hope of saving them from destruction by passers by. Mr. Drummond then went home and telephoned the local police at Livingston. The time at this point was about 13.15 hrs. Soon afterwards seven policemen arrived from two different stations, Livingston and the nearby Bathgate, including a superintendent. Mr. Drummond led them to the area concerned, and they seemed totally baffled. Although sceptical they were nonetheless very interested. A police photographer took several shots of the marks, tracks, and the locale, while his colleagues obtained measurements and sketches. No radiation tests were carried out. Mr. Drummond was approached by the superintendent, who shook his head jokingly and said: "When I came on duty at 20' clock I didn't have a care in the world; now look at this!" Meanwhile Bob Taylor had been taken to hospitaJ on the advice of Dr. Adams, for a' 'head x-ray." Bob waited for over two and a half hours (much to his chagrin as he "knew" there was nothing wrong with his head) before being asked to "strip off." It seemed they wanted him to undergo a thorough medical, which he was not prepared to sit through since he felt completely 486 normal. Also, he felt he had been deceived by Dr. Adams into believing that it was merely a head x-ray. Rather annoyed, he picked up his medical card, signed himself out, and went home. The police interviewed him during the late afternoon, and in the evening the Taylor family set out on a prearranged visit to reiatives. They returned on the Sunday night. Account breakdown During the authors' stay with the Taylor family, the experience was recounted to us, and others, many times, but not once did it change in any way. We discussed the events, picking out the most minor details that may be relevant at some future date. The object was positioned in a remote grass clearing between four separate plantations of conifers. This is about 18 metres wide by 30 metres long. The grass in the area is wild, with an average height of 15 ems. The tree plantations vary in height, although without doubt the highest and thickest are those to the right of where Bob was just prior to entering the clearing. Bob had no strange feelings, and noticed nothing unusual about the dog before the encounter. On seeing the object he says he was mesmerized by its totally alien appearance. The dome was perfectly hemispherical, with an estimated height of 2.75 metres and diameter 5.4 metres. It was positioned on a large protruding flange of approximate height 1.20 metres. This flange was slanting outwards towards the ground. It appeared to protrude a distance of perhaps 0.66 metres from the dome. The rods, on which the "blades" or "propellors" were evenly spaced, were along the upper surface of the flange about 0.7 metres apart. Each "rod" and "blade" were of equal size, estimated at 0.8 metres for 487 the "rods" and a length of 0.4 metres for the "blades." Mr. Taylor could not make out the shape of the rods, but estimated their width as about 4 cms. The blades looked flat, with a width similar to that of the rods. The suggestion of' 'propellors" does not mean they were used as such since no movement was noted. The "portholes" were positioned evenly around the upper dome at a height from the flange surface of approximately 0.5 metres. Each had a diameter of about 45 cms. The lower dome was not clearly visible as the percipient's line of vision was towards the flange area. No clear description could thus be recalled. For the same reason the point where the two spheres emanated is unknown, although Bob suggested they may have approached from behind the object, or from under the lower dome. The indications from the indentations said to have been Jeft by the spheres were that either assumption could have been correct. Both spheres were identical in size, about 76 cms diameter, with six equidistant "spikes" of length 45 cms. Bob used the more commonly accepted "2-1/2 feet by 11/2 feet" to explain these two measurements. He was uncertain of the thickness or shape of the "spikes" due to the short time they were observed. However, he was able to state that the circumference was somewhat greater at the ends (see fig. 3), but he could not say whether the ends were solid or otherwise nor what shape they were. Movement was effected by a single spike being in contact with the ground at anyone time. The sphere moved horizontally about an imaginary horizontal axis at right angles to the path of travel. Only four of the six spikes (forming 360 degrees) were utilised in this mode of travel, the fifth and sixth remained unused and protruded horizontally. These two never made contact with the ground. 488 Bob Taylor said the only sound he heard during the whole of the encounter, apart from the swooshing as he regained consciousness, was that of the" spikes" thudding into the ground as they hurtled towards him. This suggests some considerable weight was involved. The sensation felt when the "spikes" tUgged the percipient's trousers will be considered when studying the forensic analysis, but purely from Bob's account it would seem to suggest a type of grip, or sucking device, on the ends of the spikes, although no such device was actually observed. Bob said he could not recall the "spikes" actually touching either of his legs. He stated that afterthe "tugging" he felt the "spikes" pulling him forward, which may account for his unnatural position on regaining consciousness. The indications suggest he was dragged forwards, towards the object, whilst in either an upright position or prone. The "taste", or "smell in the mouth" as he put it, began as the spheres were about to topple on to his sides. This seemingly caused him to lose consciousness. The "taste" was described as a "very heavy odour" that was overpowering and choking. It was still present after the experience, and persisted, to a lesser degree, until the early evening. Comparisons to other cases will be made later, but one immediately recalls the Cisco Grove "nightmare" of September 1964, where the witness, a Mr. S, repeatedly lost consciousness after a robot-like entity emitted a "white smoke or gas" that made him light headed. like Bob Taylor, Mr. S would awake feeling "sick and retching. " The duration of the consciously recalled encounter was estimated at about 62 seconds. How long the percipient was unconscious we cannot tell, although he himself feels that it was only a matter of minutes at the outside. Mr. Taylor was wearing a watch at the time of the encounter, but it has exhibited no defects, and he has 489 had no problems with it since November 9, 1979. The mark on the chin is interesting, since he has no recall of the "spikes" touching him anywhere other than on the trousers. Although the mark was similar to the one on his leg, it is possible that it was caused as Bob hit the hard frosty ground. This scrape disappeared three days after the experience, whereas the mark on his left hip was still visible on the occasion of our visit. This mark was a superficial scratch about 3 cms in length. Alongside it were two small circular scabs 1 cm apart. Photographs were taken of this area of Bob's anatomy. Media coverage While relaxing during their Friday lunchbreak the newsdesk of The Livingston Post received a call from an unknown person at the LDC forestry commission regarding Bob Taylor's experience. They did not take this seriously. The same person repeated the call during the late afternoon, and this time they acted. Ian Dow spoke to Mr. Drummond on the Saturday morning, but of course Bob was already away for the weekend. The Scottish Evening News at Edinburgh was notified of the incident on the Friday evening, and had two journalists at the site the next morning. They interviewed Mr. Drummond and an article appeared in that evening's edition. From this extensive piece there stemmed the initial national coverage, resulting in five national newspapers speaking to Mr. Drummond during the Saturday for articles the next day. One newspaper and one television station contacted the local investigator in the area, a Mr. Stuart CampbeIJ of the BUFORA Edinburgh branch, who stated that the phenomenon encountered by Bob Taylor was possibly ball lightning. As already mentioned, news of the incident 490 reached the authors from UFOIN on the Monday, and contact was made with Mr. Drummond on the Tuesday morning. LDC and police developments Throughout the Saturday morning various members of the LDC visted the site, including Mr. Fred Brownleigh, the Forestry Commission photographer. He obtained a complete series of both black and white and colour pictures of the marks. Attempts to obtain copies of these have thus far been thwarted by the fact that the police have them. On the Sunday morning Bob Taylor's daughter Anne, who had not gone away for the weekend, was visited by the police. They took all the clothes Bob had been wearing at the time of the incident. They said these were for forensic analysis. Fortunately the first snow of the winter had fallen in Scotland on the Sunday afternoon, covering the whole area with a six-inch white sheet. Mr. Taylor's fame was spreading, and during the period between Sunday and the time we arrived, it was obvious that many people had visited the spot. As luck would have it the covering of snow had helped to preserve the traces. The sighting location The position of the encounter is just north of the Scottish new town of Livingston, West Lothian. Deer Hill is situated some 4 kms from Livingston centre, and at its peak reaches a height of 192.20 metres. The geological strata in the area consist of mainly igneous rock caused by volcanic disturbance many millions of years ago, and shale, a sedimentary rock. Evidently shale mines in Livingston were the only local industry up until the 1960s, when it was decided to enlarge the town and 491 make it a new industrial complex and satellite area of Edinburgh. Numerous enquiries were made in an attempt to establish if any folklore, mystical, or UFO type events had been associated with Deer Hill or Livingston in the past. In FSR Volume 24, No.5, Paul Murray describes the encounter of a low level object with a "searchlight" that was an intensely bright white and appeared to be "scanning the ground." This was just before the turning off the M8 motorway into Livingston. This was less than 2 kms from where Bob encountered his object, and it is thus most interesting. Another strange tale we came across involved the overnight disappearance of a young girl a couple of years ago. It would seem that she suddenly disappeared under strange circumstances one harsh wintry evening, and that a large party (including Bob Taylor) spent aIl night vainly searching for her, only to find her dry and warm under the trees a few hundred metres from where Bob claimed to have had his experience. Her only explanation was that she had "followed the sheep." Interesting, and perhaps relevant? In the next part details of the on-site investigation, police involvement, and forensic investigation will be presented. Reference 1. The Humanoids edited by Charles Bowen. Neville Spearman 1969. “Nightmare incident near Cisco Grove,” Coral Lorenzon, pp. 169-170. © Martin Keatman and Andrew Collins 1979. The Contents of this report may not be reproduced in part or full, written or verbally in public, without prior permission by the authors. 3. The following encounter account appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No 3, Volume 29, March 1984, pages 2-9. 492 CANADIAN ROCK-BAND ABDUCTED? Lawrence J. Fenwick, Harry Tokarz, and Joseph Muskat Co-Directors, Canadian UFO Research Network, Inc. (CUFORN), P.O. Box 15, Station "A", Willowdale, Ontario, Canada, M2N 5S7. Another extraordinary report from the Canadian researchers who furnished the Toronto Abduction story which we published in FSR, Volume 26, No.2 (1980). - EDITOR The Canadian UFO Research Network (CUFORN) has investigated a series of incidents that it feels is proof that some people are abducted more than once. The following case is given in our CUFORN BULLETIN (October/November 1982). A man whom we shall call Jack T. was 27 years old in 1982 and, as of this writing, works as a supervisor and technician in an electronics warehouse. In his spare time, he plays a recorder in a local rock-band in his home town of St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. He bought Budd Hopkins' book Missing Tiine in the spring of 1982. After reading it, he felt that there were some periods of time he could not remember in his own past. He wrote to Hopkins in New York City, and later had three regressive hypnosis sessions under the direction of Dr. Aphrodite Clamar at her New York office. He felt that he had gained some knowledge from the sessions after he heard the tapes played back to him in New York. When Jack got home, he heard that the MUFON UFO Symposium would be held in Toronto on the first weekend of July, 1982. There, he spoke to CUFORN's Eric Smith. Eric telephoned Joe Muskat, CU FORN's President and Co-Director. Joe, too, spoke to Jack, and found that he had proved normal after psychological tests in New York prior to the hypnosis there. CUFORN's Co-Directors interviewed Jack for seven hours at Treasurer Harry Tokarz's Toronto apartment on July 17, 1982. Jack seemed intelligent, stable, subdued, honest, and a bit nervous at meeting new people. He talked soft493 ly and looked naturally worried yet curious about the reasons for his encounters. Jack is recently separated from his wife. He is an only child. He is left-handed. (Are all or most abductees left-handed?)' He wanted no publicity and only agreed to relate his experiences if his name was not used. In the course of the investigation, we found out that the series of events had begun when Jack was two years old in 1957. The others happened in 1959, 1961, in 1964 or 1965, in 1969, on October 16, 1971, and in 1976. Four occurred in the St. Catharines area. The 1957 and 1959 events were in the Owen Sound district near Georgian Bay in Central Ontario. The location of the 1961 event is unknown. Hypnosis resumed in Toronto On July 20, Harry Tokarz phoned Dr. Susan Schulman, a competent M.D. and behavioral therapist in Toronto, whose practice is restricted to hypnotherapy. She preconditioned Jack in the first session on July 24. Afterwards, she said he was an excellent subject. The August 7 hypnosis session brought out the first event, which had occurred in the summer of 1957. Jack's mother let him do small errands for her on his stroller, which was the kind that permits a child to walk by himself or herself. He walked one day to a small store nearby to buy milk. On the way, he met a small, silver-suited humanoid and saw a silver saucershaped object close at hand. Sitting on a mound, it looked like two discs, one inverted on the other. The humanoid told him it was a "space ship". Jack described the creature: "Its hands were silver-greyish. It had funny-looking fingers and big black eyes." Jack had apparently caught it and another creature off guard, as they were working around the object. He asked them what they were doing. One humanoid asked Jack where he came from. The 494 humanoid took Jack inside the craft. There was a film being run on a wall screen which the humanoids were watching. One humanoid picked Jack up and placed him on a table. He saw different coloured lights on the craft's walls, a round shelf in the middle of the floor and an exit in front. The screen was to his right. Something was put on his wrist. They examined his mind with another device by siphoning information from his brain using a computer which had wires attached to it and to his head. The humanoid told him it was a test. Jack saw another screen which the creatures watched while they tested him. He saw unintelligible figures like numbers on the screen. They said the machines were used to examine him to see if he met the criteria for something. They removed the wrist and head bands. Jack felt very tired. The creatures took him off the table and down some steps out of the craft. They put him back on his stroller, and one creature walked with him to a point near his house. The humanoid told Jack: "I have to go." The humanoid's feet were pointed straight and moved simultaneously. It glided up the craft's steps and entered it. Jack now recalled an incident that took place about two years later (1959). He was in his Owen Sound home, playing with toy blocks. Something shot out from behind the couch and drew blood painlessly from his ankle in less than a minute. The device swiftly released his ankle and moved behind the couch. He told his mother he had hurt himself. She bandaged the ankle which healed soon afterwards. The rejection and the 'museum' dreams Jack and his father Bill underwent a double hypnosis session on September 18. On August 1 Bill had told Harry Tokarz and Joe Muskat of an incident which 495 happened when he was driving near his home with young Jack in 1961. He remembered getting out of the car and being confronted by four-foot-tall humanoids who were standing in front of a landed craft. He shielded his son with his body and told him to get back into the car, saying to him "I know how to deal with them". Then he recalled driving, and a vague memory of being stopped again. The September 18 hypnosis allowed Bill to relive the incident. These facts confirmed what Jack had said under hypnosis previously regarding this incident. However, Bill came up against a "block" when the humanoids brought him to a "black, shiny mirror-like entrance to the UFO". At this point, he started crying. He claimed he did this because he was rejected by the humanoids for a "mission" that had already been programmed into him. Since then, Bill has had vivid dreams of seeing a "museum of time", a place or a chamber where the humanoids apparently took him and where he saw a whole range of antiquated and modern technological devices, all man-made. These included electronic sending and receiving equipment, computers, gauges and tape machines. The devices dated from the early 1900s through the present and there were some which looked as though they may be from our future. The black Cadillac at Twelve Mile Creek On July 24 and 31, 1982, hypnotic trances brought forth the Twelve Mile Creek incident, which had occurred near St. Catharines in the summer of 1964 or 1965, when Jack was nine or ten years old. He and Jim Voss were playing in a deserted, hilly conservation area ten miles south of Lake Ontario. Jim spotted a humanoid and called out to Jack who also observed it. The creature approached and mentally asked them to follow it to see something interesting. They were told 496 that they would not be harmed. Jack described the humanoid as about four feet tall, bald, with cream-coloured skin. A slit-like mouth did not open. The nose was small. There was a small, hookshaped opening where the ears would have been. The creature's facial expressions were humanlike. The head was very large in proportion to the body. The large eyes had a hypnotic quality to them, and were slanted around to the sides of the head. The hands had four fingers, two of which were long with very wide ends. They wore shiny, dark blue, skin-tight uniforms and boots. The pant-legs seemed to be inserted into the boots. There was a black belt. The uniform covered everything except the hands and face. It had a long collar open slightly at the chest and had no buttons or seams. An insignia on the right shoulder and one just below the left lapel appeared stencilled on and was black. The boys followed the humanoid to a nearby garage. There they were manoeuvred into a "used, fourdoor, black Cadillac automobile, which seemed to be air-conditioned, with one-way glass in the windows. The interior was plush." They sat in the back and saw two humanoids in the front. The car was driven down the dirt road to a swampy area near the Sea Cadets' building. They emerged from the car and were shown a large, metallic, disc-shaped object on the ground. They were taken inside the dimly-lit craft and placed on cots which had wheels on them. Jack saw computer consoles along one wall and couches in the room. They were made to drink a liquid which made them drowsy. Instruments probed their bodies. Jack saw a screen on the wall. After a few seconds, a dark spot appeared on the screen. The instrument probes were removed. The boys were released and told that they should forget everything because people would not believe them if they told their story. The boys were put back into the car and driven 497 back to the garage area. Jack remembered that, inside the craft, there had been two other humanoids who were shorter than the first one. Their uniforms were a light silvery blue with black belts. The shorter creatures were "like workers", said Jack. He recalled seeing the creatures walking away from the garage. Bigfoot and a possible implant The various hypnosis sessions helped to trigger memories of a few other incidents. Jack was able to consciously recall an encounter which took place when he was 14, in 1969. He was with his friend Ken Johnson (a pseudonym) in another St. Catharines conservation area, Short Hills. He and ,Ken were picked up by a large Bigfoot-type creature and taken on board a landed pbject. There, a Type 1 humanoid told them that they use the Bigfoot to do their heavy lifting on Earth. The boys had seen the Bigfoot sit down on a large chair in the UFO. The humanoids placed wires on its head which led to another device nearby. It seemed to Jack that the creatures were programming the Bigfoot to do some other task. Jack remembered seeing Ken on an operating table with blood issuing from his left ear and temple, while surrounded by humanoids dressed like doctors. Jack felt certain that some sort of implant was put into Ken's head. Jack felt that he too may have had an implant given him. (Infra-red photography done by Joe Muskat was of no use because'the film was past its expiry date. This was not noticed until it was too late to take more photos. We urged Jack to have X-rays taken, but he is rather lazy and has not bothered to get it done. We will try in the near future to repeat the infrared photography.) Illness, death and a warning affect researchers 498 Jack arrived at Dr. Schulman's office for further hypnosis on August 21, 1982. A series of seemingly unrelated problems began that day and ended on September 18. Jack's grandmother died on August 21. Jack's father, Bill, was attacked by a metaphysical entity clothed in black. The attack left a black mark on Bill's chest. During the hypnosis, Jack described the exact location of the party where his band had played on the night of the 'van incident', which is described later in this article. The doctor noticed some wavering and insecurity in Jack, and gave him a "shot of confidence". Jack was very frustrated about his inability to prove the incident was true. Jack also had some problems with his boss, something that had never happened before. Larry Fenwick got two odd phone calls at his office. One sounded like a series of tape recordings being played simultaneously; the other was the sound of a screaming woman. Both calls came within the space of one hour on the same day. He also found out that his wife had cancer and pleurisy. (As of September 18, she had recovered from the pleurisy and by March, 1983, chemotherapy and radiation had eliminated the cancer.) Harry Tokarz and Sandy, his girl friend, had a very unusual set of problems with a marketing company which led to litigation. Sandy had medical problems and was hospitalized briefly. Harry's motion picture and television casting business was near bankruptcy, when one of his major clients, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, dropped him. (The principals of CBC's Casting Department are all women.) His business declined by about 40 per cent. This has since been resolved. Joe Muskat had personal difficulties with a female co-worker. Joe's wife threatened to leave him. Dr. Schulman had a "horrendous argument" on a Las 499 Vegas vacation with her boy friend and lost an unusually large amount of money gambling. Jack's mother's cat died. CUFORN contacted Jack's father, Bill, who agreed to hypnosis after much prodding. On the day before the session, scheduled for September 11, 1982, which would also see Jack hypnotized, Harry Tokarz got an anxious phone call from Jack, saying that he had a telephone call at work from a "friend" of Dr. Schulman-not the doctor's secretary. The caller said that the appointment was cancelled, and dodged all questions as to why, not even suggesting another appointment. Four previous attempts by Joe'Muskat to reach Dr. Schulman had been unsuccessful. By the time Jack called Harry, it was clear that Dr. Schulman was avoiding contact with CUFORN. She was absent from her office and at home for three weeks. Joe Muskat and Harry Tokarz went to her office on September 11 to see if they could find her. There was no sign of her. They left a note asking her to call them as soon as possible. When Harry got home at 9.30 p.m., he opened the door to find his friend Sandy holding the telephone receiver with a puzzled look on her face. She told him a rather unusual call had just ended as he walked into the apartment. A deep male voice had asked: "Is the male of the house in? This is official business. Tell him and them to stop what they are doing or else.. You will not be. . . "Then the phone call was cut off. There were numbers being recited in the background during the call. Curiously, when we finally contacted Dr. Schulman two days later, she daimed she had never got our note, and seemed disinterested. A session was rebooked for Jack and Bill through our own persistence. (It is odd that the doctor was the one who had originally urged us to set up the appointment.) 500 The van incident Jack and five or six other persons were returning from a party at Jenny Miller's (pseudonym) house in Vineland Station on October 16, 1971, at 1:30 a.m. Most of them were members of a rock band which had been hired to play there. The band was returning to St. Catharines. Tom Irving (a pseudonym), the guitarist there, arrived on September 22, 1982, for an appointment, along with his wife Anne Marie (a pseudonym). While he was in a preconditioning session with his wife present, she went into a light trance state and said that she recalled the party. On September 29, Tom resisted Dr. Schulman's probing. He stated: "There is something there in the back of my mind. . . all the time. . . like a resistance". He also "vaguely" recalled "going off the road... maybe because of an accident". He did not recall the party. Dr. Schulman told us that Tom had a mental block both consciously and unconsciously. We phoned Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, veteran ufologist, psychologist and Director of the Division of Counseling and Testing at the University of Wyoming. He advised us on how to continue the exploration of the case and said that the personal problems we had encountered were all part of it. He said later that "if you acknowledge it, it tends to taper off". Dr. Schulman had a long conversation with Dr. Sprinkle, which she said was helpful. Joe Muskat and Harry Tokarz visited Tom and Ann Marie on October 8. She led them straight to a house in Vineland Station where the party had been held. According to the records of Tom's engagements, the party did occur at that house on October16, 1971. Only she and Jack recalled the incident. Sam J. (a pseudonym), the drummer, and Calvin Stoddard (a pseudo501 nym), the bass player, offered no help. Hypnosis sessions taped at Dr. Clamar's office and Dr. Schulman's office, June 23, 1982 and September 18, 1982 Those present in the van were Jack, Calvin Stoddard, Sam J., Tom Irving, a teenager who was being given a ride back to St. Catharines, and possibly Sam J's girl friend and Ann Marie, Tom's wife. They were driving west along the North Service Road just 50 feet north of a main highway, the Queen Elizabeth Way. Tom was driving Jack's van. Tom spoke up as they reached the vicinity of Charles Daley Park. "It looks like there's an accident ahead." Jack looked over Tom's shoulder and saw lights ahead across the road. Tom stopped the van at the roadside. He said "You'd better take a look at this. You're not going to believe it." Jack said to the doctor: "I saw a flying saucer on the road with lights panning back and forth all over the road. Blue lights came from the bottom and scanned the road like searchlights. There were portholes. There were little red lights around the perimeter and a dome shape on top." The object appeared to be grey, but at night it was hard to say what colour it actually was. The group collectively decided to turn back and get out of the area while they could. Calvin started to make a Uturn in the middle of the road but the steering wheel would not work." "We started going towards the thing. Sam' said 'Tom, what are you doing?' Tom replied: 'I haven't got any more control over the van.' The UFO was pulling the van toward it. It was weird. He had his foot on the brake pedal trying to stop it, but the van kept moving towards the thing very slowly. You didn't feel any bumps as you would if you were driving. Then the van settled on the shoulder of the road, and stopped maybe 502 20 feet away from the UFO. And you heard all these sounds coming out of the UFO, like a street sweeper makes, or pneumatic air pressure being re leased with a hissing sound. Things like that. It looked hot. There was heat around it." "Then Sam said to Tom: 'Do you see that?' Tom said: 'Yes.' He told him to be quiet. At this point, I was trying to see over the seat without being noticed. Sam kept telling me to get down. I said: 'What's going on?' He said: 'There's somebody coming out of it.' I could hear footsteps going alongside the van. We'd all decided to keep completely still and not make any sound. I heard them trying the door-Tom's door. I could see that he was afraid. I could almost feel it but he just kept looking straight ahead without moving. He didn't look at the alien at all, or whoever was trying the door. I couldn't see any face in the window, but the window right behind that was where I could see the top of the head and eyes go by - really dark, dark eyes, black pupils. A really strange looking head, bigger than ours. As it went by, it floated very evenly. There was no bobbing up and down like it was taking steps. It just floated by. And then it started rattling the doors at the back of the van. This guy that was in the van, whom we had picked up - they must have been working on him telepathically or something because, for some reason, he leaned over to the back of the door and I thought he was checking to see if it was locked, but instead he opened it. Both doors opened, and I saw four aliens standing outside." "One - I'm trying to remember if he jumped or climbed or what. I don't remember how he got into the van, but I guess he stepped up into the van. At this point, we were in a lot of fear. We were thinking about trying to find something to fight them with, as if we were being attacked, but the alien came in. He put our minds at ease about an attack. It felt as though he was 503 communicating through his eyes more than his mouth. His mouth didn't seem to be moving. When he'd look at somebody else, the volume seemed to decrease, but I could still hear what he was saying. When he looked directly at me, I could understand him perfectly. He was telling us that thay had no intention of hurting or of being hostile, that we would be unable to move or speak and that he was doing that to us because he was afraid for his safety and the safety of his crew. He knew we were thinking about harming them. He told us that all that they wanted to do was run a few tests on some of us." Jack said the humanoids had no eyebrqws, the head was very large in proportion to their bodies, and the mouth was small and slit-like. Jack continued: "At this point, I don't know how, but the alien tripped over the drum-stand and knocked over one drum, it rolled out of the van. One of the two aliens who were standing outside the van picked up the drum and looked at it. I went out carrying my bag with my recorders in it. I looked at the drum and took it from the alien. He asked me what it was. I told him and pointed to Sam, the drummer and I said: 'He plays the drums.' Tom walked out of the van and saw me holding the drum at the back of the van. The alien asked me if the drum was damaged. I said it was all right. The alien tried to put the drum back on the drum-stand in the van. He gave up and put it on the van's floor. The alien looked at my bag and asked what was in it. I took out one of my recorders. He asked me what it was. I didn't want to answer him. I showed him how it was played. I brought the alien back into the van." "The alien told us that he couldn't test all of us because they didn't have the equipment for it or the time. So he wanted to do three of us. He said that he'd bring us back and we could go on our way when they'd finished. So he started to look around. I had gotten my fear under control. He 504 picked Calvin and Sam and me." "I followed the alien and entered the UFO. I noticed the wall inside the door. It was cold inside and black. But the wall curved and one part of the inside was lit up. There were two aliens there. One of them told me to take off my shirt which I did. I still had one of my recorders with me. I was worried about what the aliens would do to me. They put me on the floor. There was a cot at the far end. They took Calvin, the bass man, out of the room. Sam argued. He didn't want to disrobe. I laughed at Sam's attempt to refuse." "There was another cot near where I was and it had instruments on it, like dental instrumen'ts, as if they were used for doing examinations. One of the aliens picked up one which looked like a Contempra telephone. It was all black. He tried to demonstrate it to me. He placed it against his arm which was covered by his sleeve. I could see through the sleeve and into his arm. All I could see was the faint outline of what looked like a bone. There was a light coming from the entire side of the tool which seemed to act like an X-ray. Then he shone it against my right arm. There was no pain. I could see my muscles and veins and I could see what my pulse was like as the blood pumped into the veins. The alien told me to lie down. They shone a big light on my head. It looked like a neon light and was attached to a big arm-like machine. The beam was silvery and moved around. I got my hand in the way then and it hurt my hand a bit. They made a cut near my ear." "The machine itself looked like a dentist's machine, as it moved over the top of me. It was metallic. When the thing pointed down, it looked like a drill or knife. It had all kinds of arms on it with different devices. All the aliens were examining me with parts of the thing. Checking me over. The room seemed to acquire a sense of business. Everybody seemed to be serious about what they were doing. They were all hus505 tling about. Everybody was doing their job-different jobs. It was like an operating room. There were all these instruments on me. There were wires. They were pressing down on me on certain areas of my skin. I don't know if there was another part after that or not, but they definitely seemed to have collected the information. They had little bags that contained samples that they had taken from me, such as hair. This machine - they took it away somehow. I don't know if they wheeled it away or if it just folded up and went into the galley. They sat me up. They may have made me look at me look at that writing. They wheeled me over to another part of the ship, back to where my clothes were. They had a table there that had instruments inside. They were folding them up in white cloth and putting them away." A question on religion "They asked us if we wanted to ask them any questions - that this was the time to do it. So Sam Calvin, I don't think asked any - seemed kind of curious. He asked them where they come from. They told him it was a long way away. It wasn't part of our solar system, and that he wouldn't understand if they told him. Then I decided to ask them a question because, for some reason, this idea had come into my head that these beings could be angels. I didn't want to tell them that that's what I thought, but I asked them what the correct religion on Earth was. They seemed surprised. They stopped what they were doing. Two of them looked at me. They said: 'Why did you ask that?'. I said: 'Because I feel that you people are more advanced than we are in all kinds of ways, not just telepathically, but socially and probably more spiritually advanced than we are, and, if anyone would know what the correct religion would be, it would be you.' "He said: 'Are you a member of a religion now?' I 506 said: 'No, but I used to be. I was brought up in a religion.' He asked me which it was, and I said: 'I was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness, but I don't follow that path any more. I don't believe in it. Is that the correct religion?' He said: 'No.' I said: 'Well, what is?' He said: 'There is no correct religion on Earth. 'Then he cut me off at that point. I wanted to ask him more, but he wouldn't get into that subject with me. I kept picking up their thoughts, but he didn't want to interfere with my judgment on religious matters. They wanted to leave that up to me. They just wanted to ask me some run-ofthe-mill questions. But I wanted to catch them offguard." Dr. Clamar asked: "How did you know which one was their leader?" Jack said: "He was the more dominant one of them all. He was the one who made all of the major moves and did all of the dirty work like coming into the van, putting us under a spell, or The other guys just sort of stood in the background and waited. He seemed to be directing everything. He had the crew trained very well. They didn't question him. They knew exactly what to do. They were extremely efficient." "After I had put my clothes on again, I was standing there talking to him for a while. I could see more of what he looked like at that point. I had my recorders with me. He'd already sent Calvin back. I wasn't sure at that time whether he had or not, but when I got back to the van, Calvin was there. Sam seemed to be more relaxed and now he was smiling and he said goodbye. They thanked him for coming along. So he walked back to the van. I didn't go with him. I wanted to talk to them a little more. I didn't want the experience to end. It had been very interesting for me to go through something like that. The leader was standing there by the door. He started to tell me things that touched me. Things about myself and my life. He knew there was some kind of 507 affinity between me and him. Almost as though he was a member of my family. I felt very close to him. Just this feeling alone made me feel sad. It was like a love. The kind of love you feel for a best friend, or someone you really care for. I think this was where I started crying. I wasn't crying aloud, but it was just that it brought tears to my eyes." A musical souvenir "He told me that he'd see me again and that there was lots of work to be done, and that I'd been a very good subject. He said that he was going to give me a purpose and I would be of great help to my friends and people around me. The things that he said to me really made me feel good. He left me with a feeling of usefulness - that I'd really helped them. He was grateful and he said - I was so emotionally tied up with what he was saying that it's really hurt me deeply - he had decided to break the tension by asking me if there was something that I wanted to show him now. I didn't want the tension to be broken at that point. I was still thinking about what he had said. I broke it off and I remembered that I wanted to show him my recorders. So I said: 'I've got some musical instruments in here that I'd like to show you,' and he said: 'Could I see them?' So I handed him the bag by the string. He took it by the bottom of the string, below it. He lifted it off my hand and started to look at them." "I had three or four recorders in there. The tenor, I think, the largest of my recorders, was in two pieces. I had taken it apart so it would fit better in the bag. I asked him if I could put it together to show him what it's supposed to look like. He said: 'Yes.' I walked over to him and I opened up the bag and I took the tenor out and put the mouthpiece on top of the other part. Then I showed it to him. He said 'How do you play these?'- I 508 played a couple of notes on it and I said 'You play it by blowing air into it and covering the holes.' So he looked at it. He took the other one out the alto - and said: 'What is this one? How is it different?' And I said 'It plays a little higher key than the other one. The notes are a little higher, but it works basically the same.' And there was the smallest one that I took out and I showed him that one and I played a little on each one for him to show him the difference. He seemed very interested and then I started thinking about the little one - that maybe I should give it to him as a gift. So I asked him. I took the bag back off him, I had the little one in my hand and asked him if he'd like to take it back with him as a souvenir. He said: 'That would be fine.' So I handed it to him. Then he reached out to take it from me and I saw his hand. It was really a strange-looking hand. It was really rough-looking skin. The thumb was wide and black. The fingers - the ends of them were wide. They seemed to taper a little, but there was a bit of a fold on the ends of them. I was really amazed looking at his hand." "As Sam was walking out of the door, he was talking to one of the aliens. I could hear their conversation in my mind. Sam asked them if they had any bases in our solar system. The alien said that they had a few, and that they had some on planets in other solar systems, as well as some here on Earth. 'In fact', he said, pointing toward Lake Ontario 'we have one there'." The 1976 incident involved Jack and his ex-wife and was not an abduction case. It was a CE3. Due to his emotional attachment to her, Jack wants no details released. Bill T. told investigators Harry Tokarz and Joe Muskat of a theory he had formulated over the years since the Owen Sound automobile incident. He feels that the aliens want to eliminate "corrupt" blood if it exists in the "family tree". The "corruption" is the genetic inheritance of diseases such as cancer or a history of family members having had heart trouble. The 509 humanoids would cut off these unwanted strains from the male genes by preventing third generations of those they abduct from having male heirs. This is done by mental manipulation. Abductees are programmed to avoid marriage, or if they do marry, it is one whose family history shows mostly female offspring. If abductees do have male children, these may be the second or the third and final generation of males in the family, UNLESS there is absolutely no history of males in the family having serious genetically inherited diseases. Only then are exceptions made. CUFORN has a list of abductees who have no male heirs and who may have fulfilled the humanoids' purpose. These may be either first, second or third generation abductees. Jack told CUFORN that the humanoids told him that they travel from their home planet to other places in the Universe instantly. This amounts to instant transference, so that time and distance pose no barrier. Dr. Schulman’s case-summary Dr. Schulman summarized the case by saying that hypnosis alone could not determine whether the individual was telling the truth, although she felt that Jack believed that what he was saying was the truth. She also felt that, on the negative side, the more detail Jack gave under hypnosis, the less believable, i.e., the more chance of fantasizing to fill in holes in the story. Again, she said, on the negative side, Jack had read Missing Time and sought out the author, Bud Hopkins. On the positive side was the fact that we at CUFORN had to urge Jack to pursue the case further. 510 The doctor detected in him no unconscious motivation such as publicity or grandiose illusions. She said that perhaps this whole thing was something beyond our comprehension. Speculating, she suggested that the mental blocks we had met may actually have been inserted by good forces, and that we are playing with fire anti may hurt something or someone. Comment from Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, psychologist and ufologist, wrote to Harry Tokarz on November 23, 1982: "I am impressed with the observations which you and your colleagues have noted in the on-going investigation. I am familiar with these types of observations, although the comment about "interference through the women" was new to me and fascinating, I agree with the notion that the phenomenon fosters belief (and action), but does not yield to logical analysis." "As you know, my feeling is that the best principle is to follow the three steps: become aware, accept, and acknowledge the presence of the intelligent beings in our lives; then we can find out what our "mission" or task or project may be." "I offer you my best wishes for your continued investigation and I'll be glad to correspond with you about further comments or questions." Notes and References I. "Are You A Lefty?" (Fate, Dec., 1982.) This article states that Dr. Peter Behan of Glasgow, Scotland and Dr. Norman Geschwind of Harvard have found that lefties have an excess of testosterone, a male hormone. 2. In Fowler, Raymond E., The Andreasson Affair, Phase Two (Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, Prentice-Hall, Inc.), 1982, pp. 109- I 33, Betty Andreasson Luca described an 511 underwater museum where humans, rather than machines, were enclosed in "ice" along with bits of their environment such as grass and scenery. 3. See Fowler, Raymond E., The Andreasson Affair (Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, Prentice-Hall, Inc.), 1979, p. 72, for a similar feature. 4. The following report appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No 3, Volume 27, November 1981, pages 3-6 [CE-III REPORT FROM RAUMA, FINLAND Juhani Kyrolainen and Pekka Teerikorpi Our contributors are astronomers at the Observatory and Astrophysics Laboratory, University of Helsinki (J.K.) and Turku University Observatory, University of Turku (P.T.), in Finland. After our book Ufojen Arvoitus (The Riddle of UFOs; a general introduction and handbook) was published by the Astronomical Association URSA in June, 1980, and widely referred to in Finnish newspapers, we received many letters describing personal UFO experiences. Naturally, many were apparently due to astronomical or other known causes, but some were quite interesting and encouraged further study. Here we present preliminary results concerning an especially interesting case. We received a letter from a man whom we shall refer to as Allan, according to his first name. He described an incident which occurred in June 1979 whereby he, together with his wife Maila, watched through the opened window of their house, in full daylight, a peculiar object at a distance of about 60 metres. Allan (invalid, with one leg amputated) asked Maila to go and take a closer look at it, which she did. When she was quite close to it, the thing flew away in a flash. Also, it was claimed that there was still visible, 512 after more than one year from the event, some influence on the surface of the flat rock above which the object was seen. We thought that the case was worthy of a closer check, and made a visit to the site in September 1980. Allan (58 years, a baker by profession before he lost his leg because of necrosis) and Maila (39 years, they have been together for 7 years) live alone in a small wooden house on the northern outskirts of the small town of Rauma (210 29' 43" w, 610 08' 06" N) which is situated on the shore of the Gulf of Bothnia. The surroundings of the present scene are rather peaceful, with a few small, one-family houses nearby, and a road with a little traffic, especially during the holiday season. Rauma lies about 259 km from Helsinki. The day of the visit turned out to be quite rainy, which hampered the field study and the physical influence on the rock could not be confirmed. However, we had a lively discussion with the witnesses, and unexpected information was obtained from Maila. The following description is based on the taped interview and on letters from the witnesses before and after the visit. Description of the incident June 19, 1979, was a hot, sultry day. The sun was shining from the clear sky. No pedestrians or traffic could be discerned outside. At 12.30 p.m. Allan and Maila were sitting in their living room and the window (to the south) was open. Maila caught sight of something over the nearby rock (60 m, we measured the distance) and she told Allan to look at it. Now also Allan glanced through the open window and what he perceived was a very peculiar object. It had a curved upper part which was silvergrey in colour, and a flat lower part which was blueblack. A dark shadow could be seen on the rock under 513 the object; it was "as if resting on its own shadow" A blue-black "beam" emanated from the middle part of the object. This beam was horizontally sweeping the wood near the rock with an undulating motion. This action lasted about one minute. Then the beam suddenly disappeared "as if a light had been switched off". At this point Allan asked Maila to go and find out what was happening on the rock. He himself stayed inside watching Maila and the object, because, due to his handicap, walking is"not easy for him. Maila started to walk very cautiously towards the rock, and the object, which she could see clearly all the way. She went very close to the object, and as a matter of fact she could have touched it (which she intended to do). Maila realized that she was standing close by a cupola-like object, about one metre wide, which was resting on tiny legs, and hardly reached her knees. The entities The upper part of the object was transparent and the lower part was' black. Inside the cupola Maila could discern some details. The most shocking of these were two little Creatures who were sitting on two miniature chairs. The creature nearest to Maila held one hand on some gadget in front of him. Maila told us that the creatures were "most terrible looking men" with crooked beaks like those of hawks, and their skin was flecked with green-brown spots. She compared the skin to that of a toad. The eyes were large and bulging, the mouth was also big, and the chin was long. When asked about the ears Maila remembered that they were pointed in a way reminiscent of leaves. Maila could also discern some details of clothing. The creatures wore on their heads shining grey helmets with ante.nnae. There was a yellowish line in the middle 514 of the helmets. The upper part of the clothing as well as their long gloves were black. Other details of the interior In the front part of the object there were numerous levers and gauges "as you can see in cars or in aeroplanes.” Some gauges were roundish in shape, and Maila said she could see some markings on them. In one gauge was a moving pointer like that in our watches; Maila thought she had seen figure "one" in one of the watch-like gauges. When Maila was about to touch the object with her forefinger, the creature nearest to her turned its head and made some movements with its left hand. Physiological effect At this point Maila got "electricity in her eyes." She could not, however, make it quite clear what she meant by this expression. In any case, after this she was momentarily blinded and she staggered about on the rock rubbing her eyes. The object took off with a whistling sound. Maila's eyes were irritated for many hours and she had often to interrupt her daily work because of the need to rub them. Maila then returned to Allan who had been watching what happened on the rock from the open window. According to Allan, Maila was "in a state of mild shock." She immediately told him about the two creatures. Allan had seen Maila approach the object and when she was quite close to it, the object had disappeared to the left. He did not see the creatures. The whole incident took about 10 minutes, which Allan had checked from his watch. The radio was on there was the daily news at 12.30 - and there was no disturbance in the reception. 515 Discussion The story is at the same time incredible and interesting - a well-known combination in ufology! Of course, there is the pure fascination of UFO-lore as modern folk-lore, but as physical scientists, we are also interested in the possibility that among such reports may be hidden evidence for unknown empirical phenomena. Then, the interest arises mainly from two aspects: First, the estimated reliability of the witnesses as reporters of an exceptional observation, and secondly, the correlation of the details in the report with those found in sub-classes of world-wide UFO reports. The first aspect also includes possible pieces of physical evidence. Our experience with the witnesses, though not very extended, has nevertheless led us to conclude that they speak the truth as they conceive it. We have not found any signs of hoax, inconsistency, or search for publicity. In fact, the manner how the incident was reported after more than one year, and even then just because "university-men were involved," is characteristic of the witnesses (before that they had mentioned the case to neighbours). Although Allan had read a couple of UFO books (the other was actually by von Daniken), he does not seem to be excessively influenced by UFOlore. In any case, it is quite improbable that Maila - not a reading type - could have participated in any hoax planned by Allan. Of course, these impressions are subjective, but they seem to be supported by the more objective principles of Report Profile Analysis as described by Haines. In short, Allan and Maila behave like people who have had a real experience. If it happens that our impression of their sincerity is incorrect, then the present case exemplifies the ability of two ordinary people to make up, and present very skilfully, a complex CE III 516 story. In any case, it is worth putting on record, and we intend to continue our studies of this report. If one is not willing to accept that this story is a sincere description of a real, objective event, one should study the possibility of, say, a shared hallucination. One kind of shared hallucination - a communicated form of mental disorder, known as folie it deux - has been described by Grinspoon and Persky. However, we are not competent enough on such matters, and do not attempt any interpretation 'along these lines (perhaps some knowledgeable reader would like to comment?). At this point, the behavioral scientist should enter the picture. Physical scientists may actually be biased towards psychological psychiatric explanations in situations where such intetpretations may not be well-founded, as was pointed out ,by Hall. On the other hand, insufficient experience in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and sociology may as well lead him to regard some explanations possibly offered by behavioural scientists too "exotic". Serious works on these aspects such as the recent ,UFO Phenomena and, the Behavioral Scientist -are much needed. It should be noted that Allan and Maila are not repeaters, and do not seem to be sensitive to paranormal experiences (said Allan: I have never "seen things"). , As far as we could ascertain', the witnesses have quite well overcome possible psychological stresses caused by the experience, though :Maila showed some signs of fear of "bad dreams", and was visibly upset when describing to us the look, on the face of the humanoid. The way the creature looked at her was especially frightening to Maila. The witnesses stated that on sunny days, when the surface of the rock is dry, one can see from the window a clear trace at the landing-site of the object. Because of the rain we could not confirm this. 517 Inspection of the site when Maila showed us where she saw the object, revealed that the rock is irregularly covered by short lichen, being otherwise devoid of vegetation. We did not notice any clear connection, say, between the absence of lichen and the position of the object as Maila remembered it. We intend to make another trip to the site in order to try a better localization of the exact position. As to the second aspect mentioned above, one cannot avoid noticing many features in the report, wellknown to students of UFOs. They may be divided in three groups:1) descriptions of the object, 2) description of the humanoids, and 3)sensations and aftereffects. We restrict ourselves to the following comments : The form of the object is typical - a curved upper side and a flat bottom. The size is rather small and thus reminds one of the Suomussalmi case of 1967. The beam of "light" (or solid light) is a part of the UFO lore and one of the striking features in the present report! Viewing humanoids through a transparent "cupola", "window", or "wall" is common to many CE III reports. Here we point out the behaviour which in one form or another can be identified in, we think, quite a number of CE III reports: First a kind of indifference on the part of humanoids, then a look at the now quite nearby human being (perhaps a giant in their eyes, one can imagine!) and a rapid disappearance from the scene. It may be added that only one of the two humanoids was said to have looked at Maila - a detail remotely reminiscent of many descriptions of the behaviour of humanoids in the presence of human witnesses. As to the appearance of the miniature humanoids, Maila's description fits rather well with that of Group 2.B. in the classification devised by Eric Zurcher, though the size is small. Maila could not explain more accurately her sen518 sation when "they gave electricity upon me." What followed was a dizzying feeling and temporary blinding, with irritation of eyes as a well-known after-effect. There are some problems with timing the rapid sequence: the humanoid looking... "electricity"... blinding. .. departure of the object. However, Maila said that she could see the object moving before it disappeared. Also Allan used the term that it "disappeared to the left." It is difficult to decide, on the basis of the testimonies, whether there could have been a "disappearance-on-the-spot," or a tremendous acceleration (only a slight "whoosh" was heard). A similar problem has arisen, e.g. in the well-known case of Valensole 1965. Tentative conclusions We put on record this CE III report as a piece for the world-wide UFO puzzle. Such reports form the peculiar data base for UFO studies. Each investigator should apply his or her own reasoning and criteria when utilizing these reports in attempts to gain some understanding of what is happening when people claim such experiences. We did not find evidence for lying, and are inclined to think that the experience was real to the witnesses. Of course, we cannot claim that the experience has a counterpart in the objective world, in the normal sense of the term. At present, without any solid framework for such extremely peculiar events, the question of their objective reality remains open. However, it is important to continue to gather and study such reports. 5. The following four analysis articles and report, appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No.1, Volume 33, March Quarter 1988, pages 10-18 519 MAINSTREAM SCIENCE AND THE STRANGENESS OF THE UNIVERSE Copyright © 1986 Dr James A. Harder, PhD., FSR Consultant A distinguished member of the large team of American PhDs and MDs whose names appear on FSR's List of Consultants, Dr James A. Harder, who is the Professor of Civil Engineering In the University of California at Berkeley, was for many years an active member of Mrs Coral Lorenzen's fine APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization), of Tucson, Arizona, the world's oldest UFO investigation group, and he has played a prominent role In American Ufo logy, giving testimony before the Condon Committee and Congressional Committees on UFOs, and also (remarkable for an engineer!) specializing in the study of psychic phenomena and in the use of hypnotic timeregression of UFO percipients, etc. His last articles in our journal were "A Smoking Gun at the National Security Agency (NSA)" and "The Ins And Outs of UFOs And Secrecy Since 1940" (both in FSR 29/6, published in 1984). Readers will find the following article on the "Strangeness of the Universe" particularly valuable if read in conjunction with all the other reports recently given by our other Consultant, Paul Whitehead, on the same theme. EDITOR A Cautionary Introduction Before discussing the strange aspects of conventional and unconventional science, a few words about the nature of perceptions, when humans are faced with unfamiliar data, are in order. Faced with the crisis of a poison reaction or a close escape from a tiger, human learning reactions are predictably appropriate. Most of 520 our perceptions, including those of scientific data, are different, in so far as they have little apparent impact on survival and may even be neutral. If 99 % of the time leaves are green, and once in a while one is purple, it is easy to overlook this fact if one is a cave-man intent on the development of a useful "average picture" of the environment. Rare and unimportant facts would only clog the mind of an animal iment on eating and not being eaten. However, scientists, when working in their own field, are sensitive to unusual data; it may mean the discovery of new facts, maybe a new paper, and perhaps more pay. Thus physicists might be expected to be sensitive to the small anomalies indicative of nonconservation of parity, astronomers are on the lookout for unusual red-shifts in galactic spectra, and botanists are sure to see a species new to them when exploring a new environment. Otherwise, rare data are only a nuisance to minds already full of things that have to be done by Friday. Data about UFOs and psychic matters, in addition to being orphans without a proper scientific home, are rare; and when really unusual items do turn up, they are the object of tabloid sensationalism. This tarnishes their image in the eyes of those who are governed, however unconsciously, by the guilt-by-association doctrine. UFO and psychic phenomena investigators are almost by definition able to pay attention to the unusual, but even there one sees a common picture: the rare item that is in someone else's field is easily overlooked or perhaps disdained. Another aspect is illustrated by my own conversation with a psychic researcher, who confided that he was indeed interested in UFO matters, but would never make that interest public for fear of reducing his credibility in his chosen field. I then confessed that I seldom mention an interest in matters psychic for fear of further reducing my effectiveness in UFO 521 research, where my friends tell me I am already two steps ahead of credibility! Thus even the open-minded attitudes of this readership may be strained by the strangeness elements discussed below. But may I remind all of us that wherever we find the unexpected we also find the greatest opportunity for finding new science. The Strangeness of Conventional Science Scientific discoveries have accelerated at such a pace during the past decade that it seems unlikely that the scientific specialists involved in them can be but vaguely aware of all of their ramifications. A review of these developments will, I believe, show that the universe is getting more and more strange - and that this very strangeness should encourage us in trying to understand other matters that have long remained outside the purview of conventional study. And while many of the subjects of interest to esoteric research workers may seem strange indeed to advocates of more conventional scientific thinking, it now appears that we may all be confronting similar kinds of problems. Within the past year or two, three startling discoveries have converged to confront us with matters surely difficult to understand, and which suggest connections with some of the unconventional matters on the borderlines of science. One of these three has been reviewed by M. Mitchell Waldrop. I From particle physics there has come a new formulation: string theory, which theory postulates that the elementary particles are not points, but tiny strings that are closed upon themselves. String theory has been around for a long time since about 1970 - but in the summer of 1984 Michael B. Green and John Schwarz removed some of the final barriers to its acceptance by formulating a theory free from infinities and anomalies quantum effects that vio522 late conservation of energy, momentum or charge. However, the delicate cancellation of anomalies requires that the quantum numbers of the string correspond to the very large symmetry group E8xE8 - a group that contains all the serious contenders for a grand unification theory. This gives room for a theory free of infinities and anomalies, that specifies a natural group of grand symmetry, a unification of the strong, weak and electromagnetic forces with quantum gravity, but it still had some difficulties. Then David J. Gross and his colleagues: produced a theory in which all the properties of the elementary particles are explained as vibrations moving around the string at the velocity of light. This is indeed a miracle theory, but it has a cost the vibration of the strings, which carry the properties of fermions and bosons - are in at least ten dimensions. Six of these must "compactify" - roll up and disappear (or at least become inconspicuos) - for there to be the four dimensions we know. However, even this compactification has a natural consequence, for when the ten dimensions are compacted to four, the E8xE8 group breaks to E8xE8 and produces four families of elementary fermions; empirically the elementary quarks and leptons do fall into at least three families each of which has the same distribution of quantum numbers. But if Eo describes our world, what is described by the remaining E8? Speculation is that this may be the basis for a "hidden" world composed of its own fermions and bosons, governed by its own strong, weak and electro magnetic forces, all undetectable by us except through gravitational forces. Or perhaps the other E8 is broken into an Eo by rolling up a different set of dimensions, producing four families of fermions that may be like nothing we can readily imagine, in a four-dimensional world we have yet to discover. A somewhat popularized description of super523 string theory is contained in an article "The Gospel of String" by Robert P. Crease, in the Atlantic Monthly, v. 257, n. 4 (April, 1986). Enter a second discovery - this time from topology - so remarkable that mathematicians have a hard time believing it. In 1982 Michael Freedman" and Simon Donaldson'; established the groundwork for an existence proof that there is more than one four-dimensional Euclidian time-space manifold. From the point of view of our "own" space, such spaces are not "differentiable" or smooth, as ours seems to be to us, but admit of discontinuities in their dimensions. Likewise, we would seem strange and discontinuous to anyone in another space. This implication is described by H. Blain Lawson and by Dan Freed and Karen Uhlenbeck. It now appears that there are an unlimited number of such 4-manifolds. As one mathematical physicist put it, "It could have I/O physical meaning, or it could mean that there are universes that we can't talk to." A third part of the strangeness is contributed by astronomy. Gradually astronomers are coming to realize that there are gravitational forces holding clusters of galaxies together against centrifugal forces that cannot be accounted for by either luminous matter or dark matter (gases and dust). Since the amount of discovered matter is only on the order of one tenth (with estimates going down to 1/300th) of that required for the galactic motions, and there seems to be no measurement error that can reasonably account for the hidden matter, the puzzle remains. Additionally, astronomers like to think of our universe as "closed", in the sense that after the expansion, following the "big bang", the various parts coast to a stop and then contract again to start another big bang. Again there just is not enough observable matter (by a very large factor) to provide the gravity to overcome the outward momentum. As a further difficulty, the formulation of inertial forces as an aspect of dis524 tant gravitational forces acting on accelerating masses requires additional mass in the universe by about the same large factors. In addition to all of this, there are compelling reasons, from calculations made of the early history of galaxy formation, to believe that a large amount of "cold dark matter" was essential for the collection of normal galactic matter in the sizes observed If there is "hidden matter" associated with the second E8 group required by string theory, perhaps in association with another organization of space-time suggested by the topological findings described earlier, it may provide the explanation. Note that from string theory, gravitation has a special status - it is accounted for by the circular strings, and not by the vibrations within them; thus gravity is an integral part of any organization of the strings and is independent of how the dimensions are compactified. Thus the hidden cold dark matter can still have interacted with the hadrons of conventional galaxies, determining their initial size and holding them in their gyrations to the present day. The newest formulations of superstring theory are not universally accepted, to be sure, for by explaining everything they appear to be too much of a miracle, and thus leave no room for experimental confirmation (excepting perhaps a prediction that there are four families of fermions, while we so far know of only three). Some conventional particle physicists are dismayed at these new theoretical formulations, which threaten to supplant quantum chromodynamics; they cling to particles-as-points out of habit. Of course we have no confirmation at all that there are other four-dimensional space-time manifolds as are permitted by the topological findings. The "missing matter" in the universe has been the subject of much speculation, with an outside chance that heavy neutrinos may yet save the day. But taken together, the three areas of strangeness dis525 cussed so far may persuade us into thinking that other strange matters heretofore studied only by "strange" investigators may be worthy of scientific attention from all of us. Strangeness from Esoteric Science For those who have been interested in UFOs and psychic matters, these recent discoveries and speculations from mainstream science can be very heartening. It is as if somehow the rest of science is catching up, and that without too much apology one can review some of the discoveries on the other side of the fence that has so far separated conventional scientific thinking from out-of-bounds scientific thinking. Maybe we can now hope this fence will be more pervious to communication Speculations about "higher dimensions" _ which many of us have so far considered only to be the useless substitution of one mystery for another may turn out to be based on some substance after all. Strange Force-Fields Observations made in connection with UFO vehicle performance, and in the areas of UFO-human interaction, are strange indeed. First, some of the physical observations that have been reliably reported in the area of force-fields: In the Travis Walton case(1975) the witness (Travis Walton) was subjected to a strange force-field from a UFO. Travis and six companions had just finished work thinning trees in a mountainous area of North Arizona, and upon leaving the work site in their truck, were amazed to see a small UFO hovering in a clearing some thirty yards away. Travis, in a heroic but perhaps misguided attempt to make contact with ET, jumped out of the truck and ran over to where the UFO was hovering some fifteen feet off the ground. But after 526 he heard some ominous-sounding humming noises from the 25-foot-diameter disk, he tried to hide. As his frightened companions lurched away down the rugged road, they looked back to see Travis enveloped in a "blue-green flash". Very shortly thereafter, when they observed the craft to take off, they returned to the site to find Travis missing. Travis was returned five days later, having lost eleven pounds. His remarkable story is recounted in his book. It is one of the most thoroughly documented and witnessed abduction cases on record. Of more importance to our discussion of. forces, however, is his report of body sensations in conjunction with the blue-green flash. He told me that it was as if he had been hit hard 'and knocked to the ground' by what felt like a body block, as in football. At that point he lost consciousness, and remembers only about one hour out of the some hundred hours he was gone. In other unpublished cases, witnesses have told me of similar experiences with what appeared to be forcefields from UFO vehicles. One woman was knocked to the ground by an unknown force as she was trying to run away from the vicinity of a UFO. In the Carl Higdon case, investigated by Dr. Leo Sprinkle, a lone elk-hunter found himself at the edge of a clearing from which he could see a group of elk on the far side. He shot at one of them, and reported that the bullet seemed to hit something solid, in the middle of the air, part way across the clearing. He walked over, picked up the smashed bullet, and then observed a strange being standing to one side of the clearing. He believed the strange being was responsible for stopping the bullet. There ensued a series of other strange events in connection with his encounter as described in Dr. Sprinkle's reports. The bullet was examined by one of APRO's experts in metallurgy, who found that the copper jacket had been smashed but that the lead was gone. When I saw it, there seemed to be a degree of 527 melting involved. Otherwise, witnesses who have reported "forcefields" have not noted any particular heating. If indeed they were feeling the effect of an esoteric radiationfield, conventional wisdom would indicate that the momentum transferred would be the radiant energy absorbed divided by the wave velocity; in the case of light and other electromagnetic waves the transfer of any significant momentum, equalling the energy of the wave divided by the velocity of light, is known to be insignificant unless there is at the same time an enormous energy release, which would be manifest as heating. However, even if there were counterparts to our electromagnetic waves in other dimensions, it is difficult to see how they could have properties that could account for interaction with masses in our own dimensions. So far, the esoteric physics we have examined permit only gravitational interactions between normal and hidden matter, but do not yet predict how gravitational fields could be produced in hidden worlds. Gravitational Fields UFOs travelling within the Earth's atmosphere seldom create sonic booms, in spite of their generally high speeds. The creation of a sonic boom depends on two factors: (1) the object must be travelling faster than sound in the medium, and (2) the deflection of the medium from the path of the vehicle must be caused by a pressure gradient. If the air molecules were to be deflected around the vehicle by a force acting on each and every molecule, as through the operation of a gravitational force, pressure forces would not be needed, and a sonic boom would not be pro duced. A group of UFOs seen diving into the sea (after being pursued by U.S. Navy planes) at a speed of several hundred knots, were not observed to make a splash; 528 this is a parallel to the non-production of a sonic boom in air. Further support for the production of gravity type forces is contained in the observation of a UFO that was flying through a grove of trees; the tree-limbs were bent forward out of the way as the vehicle passed. Still further support is from observations of a tree that was struck down by a blow from a UFO some eighty feet from the ground; there seemed to be no damage to the tree on the near side, but at the back (in the direction of the fall) a large splinter of the trunk some thirty feet long had been split out, as if it had been forced out in the direction of the blow. One explanation is that all parts of the trunk had been subjected to the same body force, and that the far side was least constrained from breaking out. Spin Fields Sometimes additional phenomena are noted that may be gravitationally connected. Thus I have unpublished reports of compass needles that spun wildly as a UFO flew near by. Also, in a reported case wherein a UFO passed over a group of trees, the trees did not bend with the wind, as the observer expected, but "spun around on top as if they were in a vacuum” Another provocative observation was made by Mr. Wells Alan Webb, on May 5, 1953, near Spain Flying Field in Arizona. About 10:00 AM he observed a small white oblong object towards the north of him at about 45 degrees altitude. At first he thought it was a cloud, although there were no other clouds in the sky. As it moved 30 degrees towards the east, over a period of 5 minutes, he looked at it through his polaroid glasses, and then without the glasses, and noted little difference. When the object got to a point nearly to the north-east, it seemed to turn, became round in appearance, and its diameter was reduced rapidly, as if it were receding. 529 During this time, Webb watched it again with and without the glasses, and now noted that through the glasses he could see three dark rings around the object, the largest of which was about six times the diameter of the object itself. The width of the rings was about one-half of that of the space between rings. He repeated his observation, with and without the glasses, several times as the object seemed to move out of sight. It should be noted that at this time of day, and from that part of the sky, the scattered background blue light was maximally polarized. A 90° rotation of the plane of polarization near the object would change the apparent brightness of the background light from light to dark; the effect would depend on the sine squared of the rotated angle, in consonance with the observed relative width of the rings and spaces. I've calculated that a 900 rotation could be produced, through the Faraday effect, by haying the light ray traverse a magnetic field of 100,000 gauss sustained through 100 metres of standard air. A total rotation of 4500 would account for the inner ring. The rotation might also be produced by a strong spin field acting on the electron mass during its electric field-induced vibrations. Since the mass and charge are on the same electron, the action of the spin field on the mass would mimic that of the magnetic field on the charge, producing a pseudo-Faraday effect. It should be noted that because of the distance to the object relative to its size, the integral of the magnetic field lines along the sight path Webb was observing would be but a very small fraction of the value near the object, so that the actual fields near the object would have to be on the order of a hundred times the value calculated above. Extreme Accelerations Data regarding extreme acceleration are provided 530 in a police report from Memphis. A UFO, approximately the size of a football-field (it was hovering over a high tension transmission line, and extended from one tower to the next), suddenly took off, travelling something like 25 miles in a time period between 1 and 1.5 seconds. There are many reports of this type of extreme acceleration within the atmosphere, and perhaps there would be more were witnesses encouraged to report unbelievable facts to investigators. Speeds reported from outside the atmosphere are even more spectacular. It is as if the UFO vehicles, when in motion at least, act as if they have zero mass. Thus many witnesses have reported experiences that seem to imply being transported vast distances (seemingly beyond the solar system) at what must be very high accelerations without experiencing the accelerations subjectively. It is as if external accelerations are counteracted by internal gravitational fields so that the occupants feel only normal gravity. Sometimes it is difficult to develop any confirming data; however, on occasion an unsophisticated witness will report observations that make no sense to him, but which are very provocative from a scientific point of view. In one case, a witness reported to me that she observed, on a return journey, some spheres through a porthole. They were dark cobalt blue. One interpretation is that she was observing a "blue shift" of the light (perhaps going up in frequency from as far as the infra-red) from the objects (possibly the Earth and Moon) due to a relative motion fairly close to the speed of light. Further information on this type of observation should be sought, but in developing such information from hypnotized subjects, it is especially important not to give any clues in the questioning that would suggest particular answers. Gravitational Interactions 531 We are used to thinking of gravity as a "weak" force (actually the weakest of all), relative to the electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces, and therefore we find it hard to believe that strong local "gravitation" fields, acting on masses, could be produced by UFOs in much the same way as we produce electro-magnetic forces. This is, however, just what the evidence suggests. Furthermore, the evidence suggests both attractive and repulsive fields that act on mass, such that they could be very strong on a local basis (compare our magnetic forces), but be due to properties that cancel out for great distances (compare our electrostatic forces). This suggests a plus and minus (bipolar) massenergy charge in a possible esoteric world similar to our plus-minus electrostatic charge, such that the long range effects would not be overpowering. The cosmological effect on masses in our own world would seem to require that there be slightly more "plus" gravitational charge in the "hidden world". It should be noted that there seems to have been, at the time of the" big bang", a similar very small bias in favour of matter over antimatter in our conventional world. Were particles in the "hidden world" possessed of plus or minus gravitational energy charge, an assembly of them would not manifest an external field, except of a dipole sort, unless they were put into motion. But if an assembly of separated plus and minus charges were to be counter-rotated, a field would be produced similar to the "spin field" postulated to be produced (as an ultra weak field) by rotating masses. Were enough negative mass charge to be carried on board a spacecraft, a net zero mass might be achieved, making it easy to produce very high accelerations. Extraordinarily strong dipole fields in combination with spin fields might give the high degree of flexibility in producing interactions with gravitationally sensitive matter as have been 532 observed. The Psychic Component Turning now to the psychic realm, consider the implications from the topological findings described earlier. "Non-differentiable" four-dimensional space-time manifolds are hard to imagine, but their properties may be easier to grasp. Non-differentiable means that discontinuities can form in any of the dimensions so that objects that are far from each other in our world might be next to each other in a second world. Also, although tomorrow and today may be separated by 24 hours here, they might be right next to each other in a world that admits discontinuities. Although we know of no physical channel between these disparate worlds, there is some evidence that mental means could be involved. If through mental communication information could be transmitted between two such worlds, there is opened up the possibility that a three-way communication could make possible a communication between two widely spaced locations in our world. Thus assume two points, X and Y in world A, and two corresponding points X' and Y' in world B. If in world A information at location X can be transmitted to location X', and if location X' is juxtaposed with location Y' in B via a discontinuity, information could be transmitted from X to X', then to Y', and finally back from Y' to Y. The result would be that information available to an observer at X could be immediately available to an observer at Yeven though X and Y are widely separated. In this example, X and Y could be points separated in either space or time. Thus although all of us are familiar with the remarkable work on remote-viewing published by Puthoff and Targ in which information was apparently communicated ("telepathically") over several miles 533 between a travelling party and a subject, few may remember that there was also reported a repetition of those experiments in which the communication apparently took place backward in time as well as across space. In the slightly varied experiment, the viewing party delayed the random selection of the target and the travel to the target until after the subject had concluded giving information about the target. The results were just as good as in the earlier experiments in which the communication was across space instead of across time. Although the latter results may be less believable than the earlier, the two sets of experimental results may depend on similar properties of time and space. The Mental Component There is very limited but suggestive evidence that the transmission of telepathic signals is not limited by the velocity of light. If other spaces admit of different fields corresponding roughly to our electromagnetic fields, there may be two fields that could carry information via wave. The puzzle is how a mind, human or otherwise, could be coupled to these waves. There are many instances reported in which forces are produced that seem under the mental control of UFO occupants, and seem to be unassociated with any machinery. In these matters we might well take note of the psychokinetic abilities reported for human subjects. Evidence of psychokinesis is probably the least believed of the esoteric evidence from investigations into the strange, yet, though based on fewer experiments than are reported for other kinds of psychic phenomena, is just as well established. Uri Geller is not the only subject in which this has been demonstrated (I am aware of many of the detracting statements made by "magicians'; etc. regarding Geller, but believe instead reports by competent scientists who have observed the 534 effect under rigidly controlled circumstances). In Geller's book My Story he reports his own experiences in such a way as to seem almost naive in its candor, leaving me at least to the conclusion that what he reports might just be true - no reasonably intelligent person would have the nerve to report such experiences were they not true. At the moment, however, I cannot see how psycho kinesis can be brought into any of the above esoteric theories. Psychokinetic events would have to depend on gravitation-like influences on this-world masses (the theories described above do not allow interaction other than those due to gravity), which would have to be originated or controlled by mind-power. However if this is at all possible, and mind-power can be sufficiently strong; there may be some basis to speculations that UFOs could be propelled by the concentrated psychokinetic efforts of their occupants. References I. M.M. Waldrop, Science [29, [251 (1985). 2 M.Green and J Schwarz, Phys. LeU. [49B, 117 (1984); Phy~' Left. [5[B, 21 (1985). 3. D. Gross, J Harvey, E. Martinec, R Rohm, Phy". Left. 54,502 (1985). 4. P. Candelas, G. Horowitz, A. Strom inger, E. Witten, Nue!. PhYI. B. 5. M Freedman,}. Dijl GeollletlY [7 357-453. 6. S. Donaldson,}. Dijl GeollletlY 18 279-315. 7. H.B. Lawson,]r. Theury of Gauge Fields ill 4 Dill/elision;; Amer. Math Soc.; Freed, D. and Uhlenbeck, K. Im/allll/tollS and 4-lIIanij'uldI, ArneI' Math Soc. 8. G.R. Blumenthal, S.M. Faber, JR Primack, MJ. Rees, Nature (Lrmdrm) 311,517 (1984). 9. Sci.ewe 228,978 (24 May 1985). 10. Walton, Travis The Waltoll Experience, Berkley 535 Publish ing Corp. 200 Madison Ave, New York, N.Y. 10016. TM 757,375 (1978). [1. J Allen Hynek The Hy"ek UFO Report, Dell, New York (TM 681510) 1977, P 37. 12. W.A. Webb, Mars, the New Fl'OlIlier, Lowell'I Hyf)(JthesiI. Fearon Publishers, 2450 Fillmore S1. San Francisco, CA (Lib Congress # 55-1 2:J 15). 13. H. Puthoff and RA. Targ, Proceedings, IEEE, (j4, 329 (1976). 14. Geller, Uri Mv Story, Praeger Publishers Inc. III Founh Ave. New York, N.Y. 10003 (1975). See pp 170-174 and pp 265-274. THE DEBATE ON EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE "HOTS UP" AND SCIENTIST CLAIMS OUR GALAXY IS DOMINATED BY A SUPERIOR CIVILISATION Paul Whitehead, FSR Consultant The buzz of speculation that our Galaxy is host to millions or many billions of civilisations has reached new heights on both sides of the Atlantic. Fuelled partly by new publicity about alleged Close Encounters and Cover-Ups, and partly by new findings which reveal there may be many habitable planets just a few lightyears from Earth, public interest in UFOs is at its highest for many years. Leaving aside the interesting efforts by the American soap opera "The Colbys" to revive its flagging audience figures by having a leading character abducted by a UFO (a reflection of the huge interest shown in abduction cases in the States), we should not forget that there is a serious side to the entire extraterrestrial debate. Consider this sentence, which is published in "The Cambridge Atlas of Astronomy'~ in a sec536 tion of the extraterrestrial life debate:- "Another theory, that of the 'galactic zoo' formulated by JA. Ball seeks to explain why contact has never been realised by suggesting that one civilisation would dominate the Galaxy and prevent communication between the planetary 'cages'." FSR has been criticised in the recent past for proposing such a scenario, yet FSR's mailbag proves that many readers (among them some prominent names) fully support the theory. Now the Cambridge Atlas of Astronomy, which is introduced by Sir Bernard Lovell and written by 44 astronomers and scientists, includes the above passage that supports the FSR view. The Scottish astronomer Prof Archie Roy, who believes we may be under observation, has added his voice yet again to the "believers" in extraterrestrial life. Speaking recently on BBC Radio 4, he said there may be 10 billion stars with habitable planets in our galaxy. This figure is based on a discovery by Canadian astronomers which shows that half the Earth's nearby sun-like stars may have planets. Crucial Support The discovery, according to The Observer newspaper (July 7th 1987), "provides crucial support for scientists who believe that planetary systems, and life, are common in our Universe." In the past, the search for other worlds has been hampered by two factors. First, planets are tiny objects compared with stars (the Sun, for instance, is 300,000 times more massive than the Earth). Second, planets do not shine - they only reflect light dimly from stars. But Dr Bruce Campbell and his colleagues got round this problem by using high resolution spectroscopy to measure accurately variations in a star's light. Slight differences in a star's light showed that 537 many were being pushed and pulled out of their paths by unseen planets. The astronomers' results, published in a recent issue of Science, revealed that of 16 nearby stars, two (Epsilon Eridani and Gamma Cephei) were definitely being affected by large bodies in orbit around them. Of the rest, five or six also appeare to have unseen companions. The companions are almost certainly planets. According to Prof. Roy, they include some very large bodies hundreds of times bigger than the Earth, and, very likely, also some earth-size. This research will receive a boost when two important space projects get under way in a few years. The Space Telescope and a European satellite called Hipparchus will both be launched and will vastly increase scientists' powers to detect variations in stars' motions caused by orbiting planets."In addition." The Observer stated, "a programme called Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) will concentrate on studying radio waves from stars thought to be harbouring life-supporting planets." Prof. Roy thinks we will discover life by the end of the century. "We may find life is widespread throughout the Universe - and that will have profound religious and philosophical implications," he said. Other Forms of Life This form of life could emerge on the surface of a neutron star where the nuclear force is capable of fashioning stable structures constructed from a number of nucleons, ranging from one (the nucleus of the hydrogen atom) to 238 (comprising the 92 protons and 146 neutrons in the nucleus of uranium 238). Each "being", or form of life, will seem to itself to live for a long time. But to us, if we were to encounter it, its lifetime would 538 be an extremely minute fraction of a second (10-15 second)... Life could evolve in the form of very complex and heavy nuclei, capable of reproduction and interacting methodically with its environment, say Dyson and Drake. "If such a life ever appeared its evolution should be proportionately more rapid than ours because its timescale is so much shorter than ours... "Since about a billion years were required for the generation of life on Earth, it should take only about 1/30 second for the transformation of inert matter in 'nuclear' life on the surface of a neutron star. Members of such ephemeral civilisations should measure about 10-11 centimetres long and live approximately 10-15 second." Another form of life, highlighted in the same book, is one based on crystals. Jean Schneider of Meudon Observatory proposes a crystalline form of life based on the complex structure that dislocation networks can adapt in the interior of crystals. Such networks can be stable, very elaborate and capable of producing other networks inside the same crystal. "This form of life is nourished by mechanical energy - such as that furnished by shock vibrations," says the Cambridge Atlas of Astronomy. "If such a life form exists, it could develop inside solid bodies sub ject to mechanical stresses, as in the interior of planets, in white dwarf stars or in neutron stars." Carl Sagan proposes that conditions are right for life at least vaguely resembling life as we know it to evolve on other planets in our Solar System. The atmospheres of Saturn and Jupiter are an ideal "soup" for the formation of organic compounds. "Indeed, the rich colours there are probably due to these compounds," says the book. It adds that there are areas of their atmospheres where life could have evolved because of the favourable temperatures in them. 539 "That is why Carl Sagan is prepared to imagine life forms coasting in their atmospheres, rather like jelly" fish in our oceans." Life on Titan? Amazingly, conditions are also ripe for life on such satellites as Titan (Saturn's largest satellite). Despite its low temperatures, "this bizarre world seems a promising place for the emergence of some form of life." It is very much like Earth was long ago, and its colours indicate the possible presence of life. Organic compounds have been detected there. Its oceans of liquid methane, and showers of the same substance forming streams on the planet's surface, are apparently a good omen for finding life there. The Cambridge Atlas postulates that there may be 20 billion planets in our Galaxy on which life may have appeared. Not everyone involved in SETI believes we will find life as we know it. Freeman Dyson and Frank Drake, in the Cambridge Atlas of Astronomy, have proposed a bizarre form of life, based on the nuclear force that binds protons to neutrons inside atomic nuclei. It is not related to the electromagnetic forces involved in chemical reactions. UFOs and Contact The Atlas addresses these points (and FSR gave some coverage to what it has to say on this subject, in a recent issue, Vol. 32, No. 1). The full and revealing text on the UFO question as given in the Cambridge Atlas is now printed in FSR for the first time. Here it is: "The question of UFOs is a delicate one because the problem has never been precisely defined and, more often than not, the available information has been 540 provided by untrained observers. "Because of that, some scientists refuse to discuss the subject on the grounds that it is irrational, but one may ask whether it is not possible that blunt refusal to examine a question that deeply interests so many people is itself irrational. "It is a very complex subject. Several official investigations conducted both in the USA and USSR reported that, whle they were satisfied that UFOs do not exist, there were incidents they could not explain (an interesting contradiction! - Editor). Similarly, those scientists who have seriously studied the records admit that there are aspects of the UFO Phenomenon that they do not understand. "As a result, in several countries there are associations studying this problem." The Atlas goes on to discuss how we are attempting to make contact with other civilisations via radio transmission, and then asks why no contact has been made if indeed there is a lot of life in space. We are now back to the earlier part of this article, in whichJ.A Ball formulated his "galactic zoo" theory. One contributor to the Atlas said that by travelling at just I/Ioth the speed of light, an advanced species could colonise our galaxy in a mere 1 million years. The Atlas points out that because the species has not manifested itself to us, then this obviously has not happened. (There is a lack of understanding and insight by some scientists in this field. While we welcome this fairly balanced though still questionable discussion on UFOs, we can only plead with people like Prof. Archie Roy to speak up and protest that, yes they may be here, but they don't necessarily want to contact us! We know that Prof. Roy and others believe that - Editor.) Having arrived here, where would such an alien species reside? In the Asteroid Belt, of course! That theory (it is not a new one) is suggested by Michael 541 Papagiannis, who suggests extraterrestrials are concealing themselves in the Asteroid Belt. Meanwhile, Sagan and William Newman say that a number of civilisations could exist in our Galaxy without contacting one another. Note by Editor, FSR Some of us connected with FSR are certainly inclined towards this idea advanced by JA. Ball that a system might exist which somehow controls what we on Earth can or cannot achieve so far as contact with other intelligent species in the Universe is concerned. Beings exerting such a system of control would be nothing less than what we conventionally term "GODS". - G. C. * The Cambridge Atlas of Astronomy, Edited by Jean Audouze and G. Israel, both of the C.N.R.S., France, with contributions from 51 other British and French astronomers and scientists. Published in French and English editions in 1985. Title of French edition: Le Grand Atlas de l'Astronomie. English edition published by Cambridge University Press. MANNED FLIGHT TO ALPHA CENTAUR I PROPOSED AT 92 PER CENT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! Paul Whitehead, FSR Consultant The frontiers of science are advancing so rapidly that a manned trip to our nearest stellar neighbours, a double star system called Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, is planned for sometime in the next 60 years. The round trip (including a year in the star system) would take just six years for the astronauts; for earthbound observers, the total trip will be 13 years. 542 The crew of two would age at only one-third the rest of the Universe, and they might be lucky enough to find intelligent life on planets around both star systems. Is that just science-fiction? No. Scientists are re-evaluating their theories about what can and cannot be achieved by man in the foreseeable future, and one of them involves travelling inter-stellar distances. Buoyed up by the exciting news from Canadian astronomers that at least half the stars nearest to Earth might have planetary systems capable of supporting life, scientists are also changing their views on the possibility of finding life in th Alpha Centauri system. Both Alpha Centauri A and B are almost identical with our Sun in their makeup - right down to the unlikely ratio of one atom of iron to every 31,620 atoms of hydrogen. This means they are as old as the Sun and hence old enough to have developed planets capable of supporting life. Although the stars comprise a double star system, they are far enough apart to have their own solar systems with stable orbits. Two scientists, Charles R. Pellegrino and James R. Powell, say that habitable planets may exist around both stars. The two men are co-authors of a new book, "Flying to Valhalla': to be published by TAB books, Pennsylvania, in 1988. They have also edited a scientific work, "Interstellar Travel & Communication" (which includes papers from a number of scientists), to be published by the American Association of Science next year. And it is they who are behind the proposed flight to Alpha Centauri. A comprehensive study of their plan was recently published in the British press. In it, they revealed that the flight would search for planets for man to colonise. "Of course, there might already be life there, which will raise all sorts of interesting possibilities," one newspaper commented. (Indeed, and it is interesting to speculate at this 543 point that man is probably the youngest technological civilisation in the Universe. In "high tech" terms we are a mere few decades old. There may be tens of thousands or millions or billions more advanced than us in our Galaxy alone, some of them very close to Earth. And some of them, as our astronomers and scientists are beginning to note, may be keeping the Earth under observation - if not becoming directly involved in our affairs in many ways. Anti-Matter Pellegrino and Powell propose to power the flight to Alpha Centauri with protons and anti-protons, which when they collide produce an effect 100 times more powerful than the standard hydrogen bomb. The collision is a union between matter (protons) and anti-matter (anti-protons); the result is the production of other particles, pions and muons, which, the scientists say, can be ejected along a diverging magnetic field nozzle to produce thrust. The technology to achieve the flight is available now or will be attained in the near future. Some of it is a spIn-off of the American Star Wars programme, in which scientists have realised the potential explosive effect of combining protons with anti-protons. A trip to Alpha Centauri will need 70 tonnes of anti-matter. Present-day particle accelerators can make only small quantities of it but Pellegrino and Powell say much larger quantities could be produced by solar energy tapped on the planet Mercury. Just as science fiction stories include means to "zap" minute particles which could seriously damage a spacecraft when hitting it at high speed, so this new craft would have a "shield" to prevent collision. The shield would be a hot spray of liquid spurted out from the front of the craft, which would ionise any particles 544 in its path. The spray would be collected and continually re-cycled. To prevent the two-man crew from suffering either from radiation caused by the matter/anti-matter propulsion, or from the effects of the spray (e.g. limiting vision), they would be towed in a capsule several miles behind the main craft. Endpiece Of course, in 50 years time this plan will probably be scrapped. We will have found a way of transporting the crew to Alpha Centauri instantly - by instantaneous transmission, or travelling through a wormhole in space, or by dusting down one of those alleged crashed saucers and finding out how they really work! WORLD WITHOUT END - AMEN Paul Whitehead, FSR Consultant Yet another debate is opening up in science with the publication of a new book by Dr Paul Davies (The Cosmic Blueprint, published by Heinemann, London, November 2nd 1987). Dr Davies, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, proposes that the universe is not winding down and dying, as formerly thought by most scientists for the past century. Instead, unknown forces are driving it into higher organisational states - systems of ever more complex energy which suddenly appear as if from nowhere. The bleak view that the universe "is engaged in a one way slide towards a state of degeneration popularly called the Heat Death," is replaced by one which hints that there may be a blueprint, a pre-existing plan or destiny which is slowly manifested as the universe unfolds.(Davies neatly buries his own written work on 545 the Heat Death; he has been one of its proponents and has stated many times that the universe will simply turn extremely cold and eventually vanish into a black hole.) Now we are offered a new vision, one which appears to strengthen his belief in a God/superbeing/ superintelligence which existed before the Big Bang and the creation of the universe. At the same time, Davies promotes the "creative power of nature," and with it the suggestion that consciousness may be evolving (or leapfrogging) on to higher planes. The argument runs like this. Scientists are becoming aware that matter and energy possess an "astonishing ability to self-organise. "While some physical systems invariably degenerate when left to themselves, others seem capable of leaping spontaneously into new states of higher organisational complexity." According to Davies, the popular notion that the elaborate organisation and complexity of the universe was "somehow imprinted on it at birth" (presumably by the laws which Newton and Einstein have proposed), is false. In an article in The Guardian (October 23, 1987) about his book, Davies states;- "In fact, the latest thinking on the Big Bang suggests that, in the beginning, the universe was essentially featureless. It may even have consisted of little more than empty space. "All the intricate structures and complex systems that now pervade the cosmos have arisen, step by step, from next to nothing. These features have been generated since the Creation in a methodical progression." Davies says this is rarely discussed by scientists, because it does not fit into the picture they have created of a dying universe. (Much as most scientists do not discuss UFOs, because they don't fit into the picture! Ed.): The cosmic progression is an "undeniable fact", and one which appears to run counter to scientists' views on evolution. Some of them have suggested that 546 evolution is merely "random mutation caused by molecular shuffiing". Davies will have none of this. "How can biological order arise out of molecular chaos?" he asks. "What is the origin of the arrow of time manifested by the systematic advance of complexity?" Naturally, he does not give away all the answers in a newspaper article, when he wants the public to buy the book! The article is a "taster" for the book, and we hope to publish a detailed review of the book during 1988. He does state, however, that the ability to selforganise and to seek to "self-complexify" is not confined to living organisms. It appears in many physical systems, allowing matter/energy to leap spontaneously to a new, more complex and more organised state. There has been a "plethora of discoveries in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and computing" to support this theory of self-organising. What appears to happen in these fields is this;- When something is forced far from equilibrium, it flips into a new existence (i.e., a new pattern of behaviour). To express this in more common language, one could say that when something is stretched to its limits, it may undergo a dramatic change and reorganise itself to form something totally new. The "new" can then be pushed to its limits, when it will spontaneously flip into yet another new pattern of behaviour. Take chemistry, for example. The Nobel prize winner Ilya Prigogine has experimented with chemical reaction cycles which, when pushed far from equilibrium, spontaneously flip into pulsations. "Countless trillions of molecules conspire to produce a highly synchronised chemical heartbeat. In other reactions, the molecules organise themselves to grow elaborate geometrical shapes." Strange things are also happening inside computers and computer networks. In experiments, scientists feed random pulses of electricity into networks of com547 puters. The results should have been unexciting and predictable, with the occasional "blip" on the recording devices indicating the passage through the network of each pulse. But what actually happens is truly amazing. Self organisation of the Pulses emerges. "Coherent patterns of electrical activity spontaneously appear and propagate around the network in a stable manner." One result could be advances in Artificial Intelligence; it appears that man could devise computers capable of thinking. (Unfortunately, they would prob ably think for themselves, and that would present some problems. We would have invented our very own aliens!) Davies says that man is beginning to uncover a whole new layer of general laws or principles applicable to complex systems. These laws operate within the known laws of physics, but in ways which are not yet understood. He introduces a favourite theme of his - the holistic way of looking at the universe and everything it contains.Scientists are wrong if they think they can know the whole of something by studying its parts. Many physical systems cannot be understood in that way, he argues. The new ideas recognise "that qualitatively new phenomena emerge at higher organisational levels, phenomena that require their own laws and concepts to describe them adequately." There is a real creative potency in nature. "It drives the universe forwards into ever higher organisational states - be it the formation of galaxies, the generation of life from inorganic molecules, the development of the embryo, or the operation of the human brain." Dr Paul Davies and the other scientists working in this field have opened the door to new horizons, new understanding, and new possibilities. Here, there may be an explanation for the higher states of consciousness and other life forms spoken of 548 in the literature of cosmology, mythology and religion. There may also be an indication about ourselves, too that if we don't push ourselves mentally/spiritually (is there truly a difference?), we will stagnate, and never make the breakthroughs many of us hope for. "Mankind in Amnesia "would be our final epitaph. ANOTHER SWEDISH LANDING REPORT ACCORDING to a report under banner headlines, "UFO LANDS. . . OFFICIAL" in the London newspaper Sunday Sport (July 12, 1987), Swedish authorities were investigating the case of a tough truck-driver who had been found in such a state of gibbering terror that the Police thought at first that he was an escapee from a mental institution, and carted him off to hospital in a strait-jacket. But the driver, Dan Johnson, was judged to be totally sane, and the report goes on to say that the Swedes are now having to face the fact that his story is true, particularly since a second truck-driver has come forward to corroborate it. Johnson, aged 41, of Tingsryd, Sweden, claims that he saw the huge UFO, about 250 ft. wide and 30 ft. high, hovering just above the road as he drove homewards in his car at 1.00 a.m. He reached his home and got his camera, and then telephoned from a call-box to alert the Police. Suddenly the UFO made a second appearance over the road, and this time it landed. His engine stalled and he almost crashed into the craft. He was frozen with terror. "Suddenly, aliens came out from the machine and approached the car. They were man-sized, with bodies like the bark of trees and heads like onions. One opened the car door, and I screamed as I've never screamed before. They pulled me out, kicking and struggling." Dan says he was saved by the approach of a lorry 549 carrying a load of timber. Its headlights picked out the UFO, and the aliens took off. Dan Johnson collapsed, to be discovered later by police who were out looking for him, having received a 'phone call from the driver of the timber-lorry. The Swedish military authorities gave Dan Johnson liedetector tests, and he passed them. The psychoanalysts stated that in their view he was telling the truth. And a spokesman for the hospital said: "We set traps, to see whether he was lying, but he was not. It seems that his story is true. A UFO did land". The British press report (exclusive from Charles Renfrew) concludes with the statement that Dan Johnson had volunteered to come to Britain to take any lie detector or truth-drug tests here. 6. The following encounter case appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No 6, Volume 26, March 1981, pages 15-18. THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC ENTITY AT VILLA CARLOS PAZ - Part 2 A Classic Argentinian Case re-examined. Dr. Oscar A.Galindez Translation from Spanish by Gordon Creighton. In Part 1 of this paper, which appeared in Flying Saucer Review Vol. 26, No.5, an account of the phenomena reported at Villa Carlos Paz on June 14, 1968, and subsequently investigated by my father and I, was given in considerable detail. These phenomena were the red lights seen outside the Motel "La Cuesta" by the owner Sr. Pedro Pretzel, and the strange entity encountered inside the motel by his daughter, Senorita Maria Elodia Pretzel. Readers of FSR are reminded that the only versions previously circulated were based on reports which appeared in Argentine newspapers and journals. 550 VII. Other witnesses? At about 1.00 a.m. on the same day, June 14, 1968, a woman neighbour of the Pretzels, Dona Candida Alvarez Paz de Ramirez, saw a whitish light near her house. Senora de Ramirez (now deceased) was 61 years old at the time, and the house where she was living lies at a distance of some 70 or 80 metres to the north-east of the Motel La Cuesta. What she saw was a vivid whiteness on a piece of wasteland lying towards the N. W. from her house and adjacent both to her own property and to the area where Senor Pretzel had observed the two red lights (see Fig. 2). She thought the glow must be due to her outside garden lights. She thought that maybe her sonin-law, Senor Roberto. Barriga, had just gone out a few minutes previously and had left the outside lights on. She therefore decided not to turn them off herself, as he might soon be coming back, and also because it was a very cold night and the light switch was itself outside the house. She concluded in short that the matter of the light she had noticed was not important, and she retired to bed. But when, next morning, she heard of the Pretzel affair which had taken place during that same night, Senora de Ramirez asked her son-in-law whether by any chance he had left the outside lights turned on during the night. To which he replied that he had not. And, he added, in any case the outside lights had not been on when he returned to the house. The waste site on which Senora de Ramirez had seen the bright light was at that date (but is no longer today) a piece of irregular and very uneven terrain. It was the same place which, as we have related, Sr. Pretzel had considered to be a highly improbable location for parking any sort of vehicle that might have been 551 bearing the two red lights that he had seen during the night. The house of Senora de Ramirez (today occupied by her daughter and son-in-law, Roberto Barriga) is only 100 metres from the spot where - five minutes later - Sr. Pretzel estimated the two red lights on the National Highway No. 20 (see Fig. 2) to be. But according to Sr. Pretzel the lights he saw were not on the wasteland but on the road, being reflected on its surface. On the other hand the light seen by Senora de Ramirez was on the wasteland and, in any case, it was, she said, white and not red like the lights seen by Pretzel. Was there a link between the two phenomena? VIII. Radioactivity? Three young men, students at the time (Federico Carlos Scholtsi, aged 29; Marcos Alfredo Fossa, 25; and Carlos Alberto Palacios, also 25) went to the Motel La Cuesta on June 15, 1968 (i.e. the next day) with the intention of determining whether there was any radioactivity present. They had with them a Geiger-Muller Counter, EITronics make, model PR4-, used in mining prospecting (and consequently uncalibrated, but nevertheless capable of establishing the intensity of any radioactivity found.) The external background radiation - outside the motel - was recorded by them as at the level of one count per 1-3 seconds. However, although the average and normal radiation inside houses is virtually nil depending upon the materials used in the construction of the building they did find it in this case to be considerably greater than outside, namely four counts per two 552 seconds. Some years later we members of CADIU checked the radiation at the site again, using a much more accurate counter, a Scintillometer SPP2, with a meter on its panel, and we checked once more inJuly 1980. Our findings are as follows: The background radiation near the motel varied between 85 and 95 counts per second, and on the car park (surfaced with flagstones) it went up to 120-125 counts per second, and on the wall of the motel beside the car park it was 170-190 counts per second. Inside the dining room of the motel we found the count yet higher, its walls registering at various spots between 120-130 and 170-190 counts per second, while on the floor it was 120-130 counts per second. These indoor levels are much higher than the outside ones. But in our view these persistently high counts inside the Motel la Cuesta are to be eXplained by the building materials llsed (particularly the sand and the local stone). All these building materials possess a quite high natural radioactivity, because they come from areas near Villa Carlos Paz that are rich in uranium ore. From which we must conclude that what Messrs. Scholtsi, Fossa and Palacios recorded, in all good faith, was the natural radioactivity of these building materials used in the Motel. It follows that the matter has nothing whatever to do with the question of the humanoid entity with which weare concerned in this paper. IX. The personality of the eyewitness Maria Elodia Pretzel (now Senora de Lorenzatti, and aged 31) made a very favourable impression on us. She is the eldest of Sr. Pretzel's four children, the others all being sons, Pedro Luis, Juan Carlos, and Oscar Alberto. She is an affable and cultured person, and not 553 given to the reading of Science Fiction. She relates her story in a firm and convincing fashion. She does not contradict herself, and always reproduces her experience without causing the hearer to have doubts or suspicions as to her veracity. She does not know what it was that she saw; nor does she ever affirm that it was an extraterrestrial being. Of one thing however she is sure: she is sure that it was some sort of unknown physical, material presence, and that it had nothing to do with any stunt concocted by a hoaxer. The high regard in which she is held among her neighbours is equally visible. She is a well-bred lady, she is shy, and she is mentally totally normal. As quite a number of her neighbours put it to us very emphatically: "If she says she saw the being, then it has got to be true." Dr. Hugo Vaggione, family doctor to the Pretzel household, told us that Maria Elodia is normal, sane, and honest, and that she has never had any mental trouble of any description whatever. He also let us hear a taped recording of her telling her story, which he himself had made when examining her scarcely twelve hours after the episode with the entity had occurred. In this taped piece of documentation her natural excitement and tension are clearly detectable - particularly as she had by no means got over her weird experience at that point. All of which, in our view, reinforces the certainty that the experience related by Maria Elodia Pretzel is genuine. Furthermore, the wife of Dr. Vaggione (herself the holder of a degree in Psychology) told us that she, for her part, also ruled out completely all possibility that the phenomenon might have been of a hallucinatory nature, first, because of the duration of the experience (about four minutes) and, secondly, because of the great number of small details recalled by Maria Elodia these details being such as could in no way be recon554 ciled with the idea of a hallucination. X. The police report on the case and what became of it. . . At about 9.00 a.m. on the same day, June 14, 1968, Sr. Pretzel and his daughter handed in their report on the affair to the Police Station which is close by, only 400 metres or so from the motel. The Dossier on the case, opened by Assistant Police Inspector Cuello, was given the docket number 291/68 and headed "Unidentified Flying Object." When CADIU sent a representative to the Police Station, the official seen by us was Sub-Inspector Hector Caceres, the officer in command of the Station, who was good enough to discuss the case with us. He exchanged impressions with our representative, and he reinforced the general view that the eyewitness Maria Elodia Preztel was sincere in her declarations. On the occasion of our visit to the Police Station we learnt, to our great surprise, that the file on the case had already - long before, namely on June 15, 1968 (i.e. almost within twenty-four hours of the occurrence at the Motel La Cuesta) - been forwarded to the Argentine Air Force at the special request of the latter. This fact is particularly important because - if one were to accept the theory that the entity was simply somebody dressed up and masquerading - then the Police Force's summary report on the case ought to have pursued the normal course, according to which the matter should have been left to be dealt with under the local law (Ley de Faltas) which relates to such minor matters (contraventions) as - although not covered by the provisions of the Penal Code - nevertheless constitute some sort of disturbance of the public order, or some unwarranted infringement or offence against the person. 555 These discussions which we had with the Police Force personnel at Villa Carlos Paz furnished us with a total corroboration of all our own assertions about the Pretzel case - namely that the hoax theory was ruled out very early in the course of drawing up the police report. As a result of which the Police complied at once with the request of the Air Force, broke off their own work of producing a report on the case, and forwarded the file to the Air Force forthwith. XI. Some considerations regarding the material and solid nature of the apparition. In our opinion, the humanoid entity at Villa Carlos Paz was unquestionably of a material and solid nature. Consequently all theories relating to non-physical, nonmaterial phenomena of a psychological (hallucinations) or a parapsychological nature (i.e. the much debated theory of projections, with telekinetic effects) have to be ruled out. Thus: 1) Some suggestive points of behaviour There are three significant aspects of the behaviour of the apparition that serve to .support our assertion: (a) When Maria Elodia first sees the humanoid, she notices that the side door (leading to the car park) is open. In order to get into the dining room the entity would have been obliged to overcome the obstacle represented by the door. He therefore opened it, and it was in this position that the eyewitness first beheld him. (b) When the entity is leaving the dining room and is facing the side door he lowers his head so as not to strike it against the top ofthe door frame. This action by the entity is further proof of his material nature, because it shows him avoiding the obstacle presented by the fact that his own height is greater than the height of the door. 556 (c) The eyewitness states that the being did not have the appearance of a TV image (unstable). He was something concrete, material, "of flesh and bone." To such a degree indeed that the shape of his toes showed clearly through the material of the one-piece suit. He did not float or glide, but walked, articulating his lower limbs and setting his feet firmly upon the floor. To sum up, one may say that in view of these actions by the entity, the material and solid nature of the phenomenon observed by Maria Elodia Pretzel is beyond dispute. .. See part 1 of this paper in FSR Vol. 26, No.5. 2) Improbability of the Hoax Theory The only question now remaining unanswered is the origin of this corporeal presence. Was it perchance a hoaxer? Or was it perhaps a being of unknown nature connected with the UFO Phenomenon? We have already discussed the possibility of a hoax in the foregoing section when we were considering the probable reasons why the Police broke' off their own enquiry into the case. Furthermore, be it noted that it would seem highly improbable that anyone, even with some knowledge of electronics, could have mounted such a phenomenon. The high sophistication of the apparel worn by the being is obvious. Maria Elodia observed no tiny lights or cables on his toes or the fingers of his right hand such as might have explained (were it a hoax) the beams of light emanating from them. The same goes for the coherent beam of light some 20 cms in diameter (which, in the present state of contemporary human Physics would find a certain remote similarity to our laser beams, though only as regards the coherence of the light). As for the sensations of bodily distortion; the voice heard inside her ears and not from outside her; 557 her sudden transportation from her first position at the kitchen doorway over the bar counter; the tingling sensations in her legs; and her two slow-motion "falls" caused by the entity's raising of his right hand - all these are difficult to explain away as resulting from a mere jest. What means, forsooth, would the hoaxer have had to employ in order to achieve such effects as these on the eyewitness? It is necessary, likewise, that we lay emphasis on the astoundingly calm and cool fashion in which the entity comported himself, striding from start to finish with such striking deliberation. For even when the light in the sphere in his left hand went out (let us suppose for the sake of the argument that it might have been manipulated by remote control by an accomplice, in order to warn the intruding entity of the approach of Sr. Pretzel) it is surprising that there was still nothing precipitate about the entity's departure. On the contrary, he left the dining room in the same cool and collected fashion in which he had conducted himself throughout. Furthermore, the facial features and the stature of the being were completely unfamiliar to Maria Elodia. The Police themselves told us that there was no record in Villa -Carlos-Paz of the existence of any male resident anywhere in the region possessing the hyperstature described by Maria Elodia, and of course had there been any such person in the region he would have been unable to pass unnoticed by the rest of the population. These various considerations go far to discredit the hoax theory, unless we have recourse to the theory of the Belgian investigator Christiane Piens4 who maintains that most of the physiological effects (nausea, headache, etc.) suffered by UFO percipients are due to the nervous trauma engendered by the mere shock of the sighting and not by the UFO phenomenon itself. This view advanced by Christiane Piens (which 558 we do not regard as devoid of all validity) has been carried further by her fellow-countrymen Guy Vanackeren and Francis WindeyS, who assert that the percipient faced with a phenomenon surpassing the limits of what he is capable of comprehending - is at times "bewitched" by it, and can consequently fall into a hypnotized state or, to put it more technically, a state of sophronization (i.e. a modification of the subject's state of consciousness) which heightens certain functions of the unconscious and produces specific psychological effects, viz: abnormalities of sleep; alterations in the sense of the reality of what has occurred; the activation of hallucinations; the loss of the notions of time and space; amnesia; astral "doubling", or at any rate the sensation of such; temporary paralysis; diminution of the critical faculty; absence of reactions; lack of willpower, etc. Well now, can it really be possible that Maria Elodia saw a hoaxer, and that the presence of the hoaxer produced in her a state of sophronization that, in turn, brought about the illusion of all the other effects that have been described? With the greatest respect, we do not think so. (If the shock caused by certain events could so easily produce these states of sophronization in us, then all of us would be living - and pretty frequently too - in a well nigh permanent condition of fantastic illusion and delusion. ) The third and final part of Dr. Gallndez's paper will appear in the next issue of Flying Saw:er Review - EDITOR Bibliography and Notes 1. Bowen, Charles: "Strangers about the House." In FSR, Vol. 14, No.5, Sept/Oct 1968 (pp. 10-12.) 2. In particular the newspapers Cordoba (published in 559 the city of the same name); La Voz del Interior (also C6rdoba); La Razon (Buenos Aires). All three papers of same date,June 15,1968. Also the magazine As'(Buenos Aires) of June 20, 1968. 3. Talamonti, L: "Universo Prohibido" in Co\!ection Otros Mundos. Published by Plaza &Janes Barcelona, Spain, 1970. Pp. 246 iI seq. 4. Piens, Christiane: "Certains Effets dits Physiologiques seraient-ils d'Origine Psychosomatique?" In Inforespace, Journal of SOBEPS (Belgium) No. 26, pp. 36-37. 5. Vanackeren, G. and Windey, F: "Etude sur les Effets Physiologiques et Psychologiques Provoques par les OVNIs." In Inforespaa No. 26 (pp. 31-37) and No. 27 (pp. 30-34). . To the best of the Translator's knowledge these sources in Spanish or French have not appeared in English versions. 7. The account below is one of MIB activity, it appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No.4, Volume 27, January 1982, pages 7-12. M.I.B. ACTIVITY REPORTED FROM VICTORIA B.C. Four "Men in Black" allegedly visit two separate UFO witnesses in Canada's western province Dr P.M.H. Edwards A welcome return to our pages is made by Dr Edwards who, now retired, was formerly Professor of Linguistics at the University of Victoria. The city of Victoria, B.C., is at the southern tip of Vancouver Island, and is the Capital of British Columbia, Canada's westernmost Province, on the Pacific Ocean. This area has been largely neglected by UFOs in the past, and very few incidents have been 560 reported from here, by comparison with many other regions. About 65 miles due north of Victoria B.C., but on the mainland, lies the large port of Vancouver B.C., terminus of Canada's transcontinental railroads and highways. The city of well over a million inhabitants, must not be confused with the far smaller township of Vancouver, Washington, (U.S.A.), which is across the Columbia River, north of Portland, Oregon. On October 2, 1981, two major incidents occurred in Victoria B.C., involving two young men who were unknown to one another. The chief witness is Grant Breiland (16), 1507 Winchester Road, Victoria, B.C. V8N 2B6, Canada; he has supplied virtually all the information. The second witness (19) does not wish to be publicly identified, and has refused to be interviewed, preferring to "forget all about the whole thing," - which is regrettable: In this account, he will be given the codeinitials N.B; his real name, address, and phone-number are, however, on file. Grant Breiland attends Mount Douglas High school; the second witness, N.B, works at a gasoline service-station downtown; they both live in North Victoria, a couple of miles' distance in each case from the writer's home. Grant is a somewhat unusual young man, in that he is of above-average intelligence, is an extremely keen observer of details, and owns his business (spare-time activity) known as 'j. R. Security", which involves maintaining a staff of friends for inspecting the homes of absent people, and generally assisting in keeping law and order. (The other day, for instance, he helped arrest a man who was unlawfully trying to enter a parked car in Woodwards' parking lot; Grant hundcuffed him, and they took him to the police station.) He not only carries a CB walkie-talkie radio with him, but he also has a two-way desk radio in his office at home, which he uses for running his business. I have also noticed that he is meticulous about keeping impor561 tant items always under lock and key; and he has proved himself reliable in several ways, besides. These are some of the reasons why I felt inclined to believe his story implicitly. He also told me that the only ufological literature he has ever read, was a book (whose author's name escapes him) called UFOs and IFOs; he read only a portion of that book; at that time, he was in Grade Seven at school, - i.e. about 12 years of age. He has read nothing else in our field. Friday, October 2, 1981, was a windy, chilly and damp day. However, by 9.30 p.m., most of the clouds had drifted westwards towards the Sooke Hills in the direction of the Pacific Ocean, leaving plenty of clear sky over the city. At that time, Grant's elder sister, who had been visiting with them, was about to leave in her car, so he and his mother walked out to the driveway in front of their house, where his sister's car was parked. As he walked out, he casually Iooked up at the stars, and suddenly noticed an extremely large, bright "star", much bigger than a normal star, yet much smaller than the full moon. It seemed to be high up in the sky, and he assumed that it was at approximately the same height as the clouds which had until then covered the sky and obliterated the stars. At the time of his sighting, many stars were visible. The object's white light has a yellowish tinge around the edge. Neither his sister nor his mother could see it and a boy riding past an his bicycle - an seeing Grant watching the sky, alighted to have a Iook at whatever it was, up there. Seeing nothing, the boy shook his head (presumably in the belief that Grant was being foolish), remounted his cycle, and rode off. Grant then got his CB radio. walkie-talkie, and asked whether anyone listening in were an Mount Tolmie, 3 miles away from him - a place from which an unimpeded view of the surroundings can be had. A young man, about 19, replied and gave his name. (This was our second witness, 562 code-initials N.B.) He confirmed that he was Iooking at a big white light which he described to Grant as "like a star that is about to shoot"! Then, N.B. took out his binoculars (field-glasses), and reported that he could indeed see the object, but that there were no other lights around it. Then he exclaimed: "All I can see now, is one big red light and it's pointing right at me." Grant then went indoors far his camera and tripod (Ricoh KR 5, 35mm Pentax; Tripod VELBON VGB 3 adjusted to 5'8"; film ASA 100 - colour), and fixed an the camera a Telsor Super-zoom Lens, 2 X 22 converter to 400mm., pointed up at a 45° angle. On Iooking through the viewer, he could see that the object was no star. It Iooked like an inverted object, because the dome was underneath. In the centre of the UFO, there was a small diamond-shaped red light, that kept mo.ving back and forth along the width of the object, and then down to the bottom of the dome and around, up the invisible side of the craft, and finally up over the top edge, and down again in front, in continual circular motion. Each time this little red light reached the centre of the object, it halted far a brief instant, before resuming its gyrations. At the 12 o,clock, 3 o,clock, 6 o,clock and 9 o,clock positions around the object, and at same distance from it, Grant saw faur fairly large white lights, a go.o.d deal bigger than the little red light, but smaller than the main abject. These remained at a constant distance from the craft; when the latter moved, they moved with it, as though attached to it by an invisible link. On these four white lights that Grant described as circular, he thought he saw many dark dots, which he took to be - possibly windows; these are shown, arranged in a pattern, an the accompanying diagram af the UFO. It will also be noticed that the central portions of these four lights displayed no dots; the latter were clustered at both "ends" af each circular light, rather than in the middle From the another-craft there were many yellow beams of light 563 aimed towards each of these four lights; nowhere else were such yellow beams in evidence. Grant then took a picture, but it has not yet been developed. The craft then started to move slowly sideways to the left and to the right; then slowly upwards and downwards - just like the hand motions of a priest making the sign of the Cross. The four large white lights kept at the same distance from the central object, the small red light continuing its regular movement left and right, and then down, over, up, and down again, all around the large craft. However, at one point, the small red light stopped for two seconds in the centre, and beamed a red light directly at Grant's eyes; then it resumed its movements. At 9.59 p.m. he looked at his wrist-watch, then back to the UFO; and, at precisely 10 p.m. everything was switched off, like an electric light bulb being extinguished. Seven hours after this, at 5 a.m. Saturday morning, October 3, 1981, Victoria B.C. experienced a very strange electrical thunderstorm: just one enormous thunderclap, followed a little later by a deluge of rain. Although the street lights were unaffected, the single street light immediately opposite the writer's house, was out of action; but, in a minute or two, it began slowly to come on again, passing through various shades of green, towards white. (In this part of the world, thunderstorms are quite a rarity). That day, N.B. came to see Grant, as they had previously exchanged addresses although they had never met before; they merely discussed what they had seen, while they stood by Grant's front-door. Both were experiencing a bad headache which aspirins were unable to relieve. Next day, Sunday, October 4, N.R came by again in his truck (lorry), to discuss the matter again with Grant, as he seemed excited and disturbed; he also wanted to show Grant the new car radio he had bought for the truck, and he invited Grant to go around the 564 block for a ride in the truck. Apparently, N.B. drove so wildly, that Grant was glad to get home in one piece; he told me, too, that during the ride, N.B. kept talking violently, and swearing, about people and things that evidently annoyed him. Whether this was his customary behaviour, or whether he was suffering from the aftereffects of his experience, it is impossible to say. On Monday, October 5, Grant left school at 3.15 p.m. and walked down MacKenzie Avenue to the intersection of Shelbourne Street; he wished to get a part for his radio that he had ordered from the Radio Shack store in the K-Mart shopping Mall. As that part had not yet arrived, he walked through the big K-Mart Department Store, as he hoped to meet a friend, Len, at the main entrance doors which face onto the car-parking area along Shelbourne Street. However, Len was not there, so Grant used the coin operated public phone in the vestibule that lies between the two sets of transparent glass doors at the store's main entrance. In that vestibule, next to the, single public phone, there are some candy-vending machines which are usually besieged by youngsters; and the whole vestibule is the scene of much activity - people entering or leaving the store, or waiting to meet friends, or waiting for their cars to be driven up the doors, or sheltering from the rain and so on. Grant dialled Len's phone-number, and Len's sister answered; her brother would be unable to come; he had just broken his arm. Grant said goodbye and hung up the receiver, turned around, and saw that two very weird-looking "men" were standing extremely close together, apparently waiting to talk to him. At first he thought they might be from the police. But their appearance was so strangely non-human that he became very frightened. Another thing that caused him fear, was the at that moment - total absence of people passing through the vestibule while he was with those "men". 565 Yet he distinctly remembered having seen very many people walking about inside the store, and also along the outside side-walk, since all the doors are transparent. (The writer spent a little more than one minute at that very spot, on Friday, October 16, at precisely the same time of 3.30 p.m; during that one minute, no fewer than 48 people passed through the vestibule. It is true that there is somewhat greater activity in most stores on a Friday afternoon than on a Monday afternoon; and it is equally true that the weather was rainy on October 5, whereas it was dry on October 16. Nevertheless, the K-Mart is an extremely busy department store at all times; hence, it is difficult to reconcile this fact with an utterly deserted main-entrance vestibule, as Grant reports that it was, during his interrogation. It will be recalled, too, that during that short time, he remembered having seen many people, both inside the store, and outside on the side-walk!) The "men" stood motionless, arms and legs stiff, and "to attention." He reports that they were in extremely dark-blue - almost black; this was the colour of their suits, their shirts, and their shoes. They wore no ties, and the shirts were "buttoned up" at the neck, although he saw no sign of buttons either on the shirts or on the jackets. The latter were longer than windbreakers, yet shorter than lounge-suit jackets, and they were open; no trouser-belts were visible. He saw no rings on their fingers, and they were not wearing wrist-watches. He had the impression that they lacked fingernails. Their lips were not reddish, but were of exactly the same colour as their skin, which was suntanned ". . . like after a holiday in Hawaii." Their eyes were very dark and peculiar, with no point of light reflection on them: just mat, not glossy. Their faces were entirely devoid of expression, and so were their voices. They never blinked, or moved. They wore no hats, and their hair 566 was black (or possibly extremely dark-brown) - Eton crop, the hair covering only the upper half of their foreheads. They seemed to have eyelashes, but no eyebrows at all. (As Grant's small sister's ears stick out a bit, he automatically looks at people's ears, he says, and he was amazed to see that these men's ear-lobes were not rounded, but "squarish.") The No. I "man" kept his mouth perpetually half-open like a rectangle, whereas the mouth of No.2 was somewhat more "normal." Both had regular and perfect teeth. They did not move their lips at all when they spoke, and they did not address him by his name. When No. I began to speak to him in a stiff, monotonous, robot-like voice, Grant imagined that they were perhaps going to speak to him in French, or some other language. No. I asked him: "What is your name?" Grant replied "I'm not going to tell you." (After that, No.1 did not speak again). Then No.2 said "Where do you live?" Grant replied "I'm not going to tell you that." No.2 continued "What is your number?" (he did not say phone number). Grant remained silent, and they asked no further questions. They stood there for about five seconds more, just staring at him. Then, as one man, they mechanically turned on their heels, and left by the main doors on to the side-walk. This they crossed, went stiffly down the short slope to the roadway (this slope is an aid for customers in wheel-chairs), and then turned stiffy, in complete sychronization, to the left as in military drill, and walked along the roadway parallel to the side-walk, towards the northern end of the car-parking area. At the edge of the ploughed-up field, they stopped for a short while in the heavy rain. Grant had followed them very closely at a distance of about two feet, and reports that they did not 567 speak, neither did they turn round to look at him again. The strange thing, now, was that whereas in the vestibule Grant had distinctly seen very many people walking up and down the side-walk outside, and many cars driving past, yet when he went out through the main doors to follow the "men" there was no sign of life anywhere, and no moving cars; (he only noticed parked cars, some distance away). By now, Grant was getting quite drenched by the rain. He stopped by a line of decorative shrubs along the wall of the store), and waited to see what the "men" would do at the edge of the rough, ploughed-up muddy field. (This field has since been bulldozed, preparatory to the erection of new buildings). On the far west side of the field, some nine car lengths away, there is a stout wooden fence, and beyond that, three white stuccoed houses. But, on October 5, the bulldozers had not yet begun their work, and the field was simply muddy, and full of small puddles, with practically no grass left. Suddenly, Grant thought he heard someone calling him by his first name from some 20 feet away behind him; he turned, but there was no one near him. He looked back at the MIB*, and saw that they were still waiting at the edge of the rough field, in the heavy rain. I asked him whether he noticed if their hair and clothes were showing signs of becoming drenched; but he can not remember this. Again, he looked back to make sure no one was calling him, but there was nobody there. He looked once more towards the MIB and saw that they had begun walking across the mud, in the direction of the wooden fence. He then again thought he heard his first name called out behind him from a little distance away, and he again turned round. No one was in sight. By that time, the MIB were three-quarters of the way across the field; then, they seemed to vanish into thin air. There are no trees or shrubs behind which they 568 could have hidden in so short a time. Grant ran towards that spot, using exactly the same part of the field on which he had seen the MIB walking. His shoes quickly became very muddy, and he saw that the MIB he left absolutely no footprints anywhere. This thorouglly frightened him, so he turned back, ran to the bus-stop, and caught the Gordon Head bus northwards so as to get home quickly; he was worried, and didn't know what on earth was going on. The run from the middle of the field to the busstop, couldn't have taken more than one minute, and he told me that he was "sure" he caught the 4 p.m. bus (they run every ten minutes at that time of day) although he admitted that he did not check this by his wrist-watch. The weird part of this homeward journey, was the fact that he only reached home a few minutes before 5 p.m. just as his father was arriving from work, at his usual time. Now the trip in the bus from the busstop at Shelbourne & MacKenzie intersection to Cedar Glen Road corner, where Grant had to alight, only takes, at most, five minutes; from that corner stop, the walk up the hill to Winchester Road takes probably less than ten minutes. (It is my belief that, although he thinks he took the 4 p.m. bus, it is possible that he may have only caught the one at 4.40 p.m ; his only objection to this thesis, is the fact that the 4.40 p.m bus would have normally been far more crowded than that at 4 p.m.) The Dream That night, October 5, Grant states he had a nightmare. He says he dreamed that he got halfway across the rough field, and that the "men" were still there, waiting for him. In his dream, they grabbed him by the wrists and then disappeared; he suddenly found himself inside a pure-white, circular interior (spacecraft?), where they led him around and then strapped 569 him to a chair, and repeated their interrogation. In this dream, he saw the interior (of this spacecraft?) as being illuminated, but he could see no source of that light. Still in his dream, he refused, as before, to give them any answers. The No.1 "man" sat on a chair at a desk and began scribbling while keeping his eyes steadily on Grant; when Grant still refused to divulge any information, the "man" merely said "You'll be sorry." Grant can recall what he "saw" in that circular room. One thing that impressed him was a large globe of this Earth, in conventional colours; it was large, and stood on a high, polished, tapered black pedestal. Then, still in the dream, he seemed to recall that in his phone-call to Len from the store's vestibule, he had been arguing with Len. Grant was claiming that, on the previous day, he had phoned Len to arrange a meeting at the K-Mart entrance, and that Len had failed to turn up; Len kept repeating, in this dream, that he had never received any phone-call from Grant on the preceding day. Then, Grant dreamed that he hung up the receiver, turned round, and "saw" the two "men" standing behind him, waiting to speak to him. In the circular interior, he dreamed that the "men" asked him whether he had told anyone of his experience; he replied in the negative. They then accused him of lying; they said they had been watching him, and knew that he had reported his experience to people. They finally said "Forget it, destroy it." That was the end of the dream. There were also further dreams on successive nights, but these merely repeated the interrogation in the vestibule of the store. On Tuesday, October 6, while taking a shower in the morning, Grant noticed that there was a new reddish skin-welt on his right thigh, about half a centimetre (3/16") round, some nine inches above the kneecap, and slightly on the inside of the thigh. He asserts that it had 570 not been there before, and that it is certainly not an ordinary pimple. He has been urged to report any change in this welt, and he has promised to do this. He has also undertaken to report any kind of unusual incidents that may happen to him or his family from now on, together with dates, times and places. When he entered his home after his K-Mart experi ence, his small sister, and his dog Sparky, welcomed him as usual - and displayed no alteration in their behaviour such as is often noted when a person has had a close encounter. The second witness, N.B., reported to Grant that, about noontime on October 5 (Monday) - i.e. some 3-4 hours before Grant's interrogation - two slender-built "men" with white hair, VERY pale, and dressed exactly as the two who visited Grant later at the K-Mart at 3.30 to 3.45 p.m. came to the gasoline service-station where he works (the location is in our files), and asked N.B. for some petrol for their car, which was probably out of sight around some street corner. ('Gas', or 'gasoline', is the North-American term for the English word 'petrol'). He found an empty can and filled it with gasoline, but first, he asked them what type of car they were driving, and whether they needed'leaded or unleaded fuel. One of the "men" replied "I don't know", so N.B. gave them unleaded gasoline. Then he asked for their names, so that he could get them to sign for the can of gas; but the spokesman said they couldn't give any name. The other "man" never uttered a word. N.B. asked "How long will you be?" and the "man" said "Fifteen minutes." N.B. then pointed out that they owed him $2.65; they gave him a bill (bank-note) for $10, in payment. He handed them their change in the form of several bills, and a few coins, and noticed two very odd things about them when they took the change from him; firstly, the hand which was held out for the change had no fingernails; and secondly, they eyed the 571 coins in an extremely weird manner, as though they had never before seen such objects. The "men" then turned round mechanically, and walked away with the can of gas. He watched them go a way up the street till they turned into a side street. Exactly fifteen minutes later, they returned with the can, put it down, looked at N.B. and asked: "Where do you live in this fine city?" He answered: "At Gordon Head," and they stared at him then they turned round and walked away stiffly. During this visit, N.B. has not reported that he no ticed anything unusual about the street activity on either side of his service-station which stands in an angle between two main thoroughfares in the down town area. He picked up the gas-can, and to his surprise found it to be still completely full of gasoline. He reported through Grant that these "men" walked in a very strange manner, without bending their knees. Last evening, October 20, 1981, I phoned Grant Breiland again, to ask him two final questions, and to enquire whether he had had strange phone-calls, or seen strange people eyeing him on the streets or in buses, and so on, and urging him to report any and every unusual occurrence that comes to his notice. He informed me that he had indeed received a few "blank" and/or "crank" phone-calls during the past two days. The writer, last night five minutes before midnight, received four strange phone-calls: the first, third and fourth, were "blank"; whereas the second displayed a faraway-sounding croaking voice. In each case, the re ceiver was promptly put down again. The present Breiland family consists of Father Mother, elder brother, elder sister, Grant, and younger sister. However, before Grant's birth, another daughter existed; she died very young. Some years ago, Grant dreamed that he saw the child lying on the floor, in a 572 small sailor-suit. When he told his mother of this dream about a sister he had never known, his mother was dumbfounded, because that child had been buried in her little sailor-suit. (There was no way that Grant could have known about this.) It is satisfying to be able to report an event which is so fresh and recent. Most reports are about one year old by the time they are communicated to the investigators, and possibly two years old by the time they are printed in the specialized Reviews. Author's Postscript: Although personally not a devotee of author Carlos Castaneda's books about the alleged Mexican magicians Don Juan and Don Genaro the writer can not refrain from drawing the attention of readers to what might be a very pregnant sentence indeed, in the book Tales of Power (Pocket Books, New York; 1976). The magicians had been explaining to Castaneda the difference between the tonal and the nagual on page 180 of that edition, Don Juan tells his disciple Castaneda that they will return to a row of eucalyptus trees where something supernatural had previously occurred in their presence. Castaneda asked: "Aren't we risking being seen by people?" and Don Juan replies "No. The nagual will keep everything suspended." Could this be connected with the apparent absence of any sign of movement or life, during a UFOsighting, or an MIB? 8. The following article appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No. 5, Volume 27, March 1982, pages 9-13 DR. FELIX ZIGEL’ AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF UFOLOGY IN RUSSIA: PART III. Some recent landing cases, including a report of humanoid occupants. 573 Gordon Creighton ACCORDING to the Soviet astronomer Dr. Felix Zigel', the gigantic UFO that was observed over the territory of the USSR for at least 40 minutes during the night of June 14/15, 1980, was only one of the many "extraterrestrial craft" that have flown over that country, or landed on its soil, during the last ten years. I shall here give a few details of some of these, as reported in Henry Gris's two articles in the Italian magazine Genie July 31 and August 7, 1981). The Landing at Petushka One of the most remarkable of the landing cases investigated by Dr. Zigel' and his team of 19 scientists occurred outside the village of Petushka, near Istra, in the Province of Moscow, at approximately 5.00 p.m. on September 2, 1979. The sole known eyewitness was a land-surveyor named Aleksandr Norin, who, in view of the nature of his profession, and his eye for distances and dimensions, naturally was able to make an excellent sketch of what he had seen, and of the position and lay-out of the site. For a long time Aleksandr Norin was afraid to tell anyone about it. Then at last he confided in a friend, who suggested that he write to Dr. Felix Zigel' and gave him the latter's address. In due course Norin was interviewed by Zigel', and it was arranged that Zigel' and some of his team of 19 investigators should make an expedition to examine the site. On August 28, 1980, the Zigel' Group set out from Moscow. Knowing already of course from Norin the approximate area where the landing had taken place, Zigel' was careful to take along with him a qualified geologist named Aleksandr Pluzhnikov. Pluzhnikov, a regular member of the Zigel' Group, is already well 574 known in Russia for his remarkable successes in finding archaeological remains and historical treasures and jewelry, etc., simply by means of his dowsing rod. Pluzhnikov had not been shown Norin's sketchmap of the site. The party were taken at once to the general landing area, and very rapidly Pluzhnikov succeeded in establishing the precise spot, which lay just outside of a wood. Dr. Zigel' recorded the process in his diary: "Pluzhnikov made for the edge of the wood and, with a few small coloured stakes, indicated the precise spot where the central body of the machine - a circular object about 2-1/2 metres wide - had stood. Then, with more stakes, he went on to mark out a larger circle concentrically around the smaller one. The diameter of this larger cirle was 25 metres." Satisfied that they had found the spot, Zigel' got out Norin's original statement and also listened carefully to the tape made by Norin when he was interviewed. Statement of Aleksandr Norin: The "Flying Mushroom." "On September 2, 1979 I was picking mushrooms in the wood, when, at about five o'clock in the afternoon I saw something that made the blood freeze in my veins, and I had to lean against a tree to prevent myself from collapsing in a faint. It was a shining, metallic "mushroom," standing on a stem about 1'12 metres wide at the base.' The stem resembled a fluorescent neon shaft, and was emitting a soft pink light. The top part of it was a cupola 1'12 metres high and 5 metres wide, bathed in an orange-coloured mist. From the edges luminous vibrations or flashes were shooting out at regular intervals, making it seem as though the mushroom itself were spinning round on its axis." Norin went on to describe how, as he watched, he saw two "men" emerge from the craft. They were only about I metre high, but strongly built, with broad shoul575 ders and well developed chests. They were clad in black space-suits covering the entire body from top to toe, with two small slits at eye-level. They were talking animatedly, and it sounded more like the twittering of birds than human speech. They walked around the "mushroom", as though carefully inspecting it. Then they were "sucked up" into it, and it vanished. One member of Zigel's team, the botanist Yuri Simakov, made an interesting discovery that fully bore out Norin's story. Simakov found that, around the spot where the "mushroom" had stood, the soil was now totally sterile (almost a whole year after the landing), and even the microorganisms that should have been there in the subsoil at a great depth beneath the spot were also completely missing.4 Zigel' concluded from the tests made by Simakov and his other scientific specialists that these furnished absolute proof that an extraterrestrial space-craft - only one of the many to have landed in recent years - had stood at that spot just as Aleksandr Norin had affirmed. Landings in the Oktyabrskiy Oilfield The geologist Aleksei Zolotov of Zigel's team went in person to investigate a report that, in the early part of August 1980, a UFO had landed in the Oktyabrskiy Oilfield (Russia's richest oilfield) in the Bashkir Republic. It was an excessively hot night, and it was difficult to sleep in the workers' huts in Oktyabrskiy village. At 1.00 a.m. a man got up and went out to take a breath of fresh air, and saw a big object, about 130 metres wide, slowly flying along at a height of only 70 metres or so from the ground. Describing it later, the man said it looked "like a big snowball," white and glowing, enveloped in a sort of huge whitish cloud. Paralysed 576 with terror, the man stood there awhile, watching it, quite unable to move. Then he managed to dash into the hut and give the alarm, shouting "The Antichrist has come" He climbed into his bunk and pulled the blankets over his head, and most of the other men did likewise. Two younger and bolder men went outside however, and both saw the UFO, which had now landed, and on a spot that was in fact at just about the very centre of the whole oilfield. The shape of the UFO as observed by these two men now looked more flattened or squashed, "as though pressed down by some tremendous weight" they said later, when giving their account. Then two more workers came out and saw the UFO. One of them was Ivan Shcherbakov, foreman of the group, and it was he who subsequently reported the sighting to the Administrative Offices of the oilfield and later to the geologist Aleksei Zolotov when he came there to investigate the case. Shcherbakov told Zolotov: "I was pretty scared, I can tell you. For a good while I couldn't even speak, couldn't even open my mouth. When finally I did, my voice was just a whisper. I managed to say, faintly, "What's that!" I wouldn't have gone near that thing for a fortune, and my mates all felt as I did, so we went back to sleep. . . we felt a bit safer inside the hut along with the others. When back in the hut I tried to 'phone the Office and report the thing, but the 'phone wouldn't work. It didn't occur to me at the time that this might have been due to the thing. But when I tried to 'phone the Office again next day to report the affair I got through straight away without any trouble." At 5.00 a.m. next morning Shcherbakov roused his group of workers and they went out and made a cautious investigation and found the UFO had gone. After an hour's search of the spot and the surrounding area, one of the men shouted: "I've found something!" It was a small deep hole, only 30 cms wide. When they 577 touched the rim. of the hole, they found it was hot. They also found three large rectangular imprints, each one metre long, which seemed to be the points of a big equilateral triangle. At these three spots the soil (very sandy) looked slightly blackened, as though by great heat or flame. Indeed some of the sand had clearly been turned to glass. The Second UFO at the Oktyabrskiy Oilfield During the same night, early in August 1980, and at almost the same time, another group of the oilfield workers headed by a foreman named Migulin saw a second UFO. This one was red, its sides seemed to "throb" or "pulsate," and it too appeared to be flattened as though by some great weight bearing down upon it. Migulin thought the red UFO was about 130 metres in diameter (the same size as the white object seen by Shcherbakov and his men) and it remained there a full hour before rising and vanishing towards the north. Unlike Shcherbakov, Migulin did not dare to investigate at the landing site, but he did draw up a statement and get his men to sign it too. For many weeks both Shcherbakov and Migulin kept quiet about what they had seen, and sent no report to the Oilfield Administration, fearing that, if they did, they would be accused of heavy drinking. But the men in both the groups were unable to keep their sightings secret, and finally the stories of the flattened white globe and the flattened red globe became common knowledge. When the stories reached the ears of the Management, the latter sent for Shcherbakov and Migulin. Contrary to what the two foremen had feared, their accounts were found credible, and in due course both cases were investigated by Aleksei Zolotov. 578 A Strange Hole When Zolotov agreed to investigate the two landing sites and study the events of that night of August 1980, he certainly could have had no idea of the extraordinary surprise that Shcherbakov's "hole" had in store for him. The topography of the site of the Shcherbakov case was particularly favourable for the making of a thorough scientific investigation, because it lay on the slope of a small hill, and so they were able to excavate from below. What had seemed to be a simple "hole in the ground" turned out to be merely the "neck" of a huge "bottle-shaped" cavity hollowed out inside the hill. This "bottle" was ten metres high and five metres wide, and its smooth, compact walls looked as though they had just come out of a ceramics kiln, for the sandy soil of which the walls consisted had all been fused by heat and converted into a vitreous substance. They found that the interior of the "bottle chamber" was slightly radioactive - though not sufficiently so to be dangerous. When they had reached the bottom of the "bottle," they found that it had a diameter at that point of about three metres. Perhaps the thing that amazed them most was that although there was this great "virtreous bottle" ten metres high and made with the most meticulous care and perfection right inside the hill, no detritus whatsoever was to be seen anywhere round about on the surface, so that one could only conclude that all the sandy soil enclosed originally in what was now the "bottle" had been removed or disintegrated by the beings operating the UFO. Aleksei Zolotov categorically ruled out any possibility either that the "bottle-shaped" cavity could have been a "quirk of nature" or that any sort of "extraterrestrial material" had been used to form it. The conclusion 579 at which he arrived after his exhaustive tests was that the site was where a genuine UFO landing had taken place, and where the occupants of the craft, be they humanoids or robots, had extracted a "bottleshaped" sample of the soil, no doubt to carry it off for closer study. As regards the three rectangular metrelong furrows, Zolotov concluded that these had been made by the legs of the alien craft. The "Mini-UFO" in Lithuania At 7.30 p.m. on November II, 1979, as he was driving back to his home in the town of Palanga in the Republic of Lithuania, Antonas Balikis encountered a "frisbee UFO." As he reported in due course to Dr. Zigel', he saw the tiny, toy-like UFO in the field of his head-lights, fiying so slowly that it could not possibly be anything telecontrolled by a human near by. As he explained, it was almost stationary at times, so that if a device or toy operated by a child or an adult human, it would inevitably have fallen. It was the size of a small dinner-plate and had a black top, while all the rest of it was of a brick-red colour. As it was right there ahead of him in the field of his headlights he had plenty of time in which to study it in detail. "It seemed to be examining my car and my headlights with evident curiosity. I must add that, being so small, it produced no fear in me." Balikis drove past the little UFO, and after having gone a short distance he stopped to look back, but it was gone. When he got to his home in Palanga, however, he found the whole town agog with a story about a "miniature fiying saucer" that had been seen dancing around in the air and seemingly taking a puckish pleasure in peeping in at the windows of the houses. Dr. Felix Zigel' devoted a good deal of study to the Palanga mini-UFO, which is obviously the sort of thing well known to us from the early reports of 580 ''foofighters" during World War II, and from a number of accounts from Brazil and Europe and elsewhere, of small discoid or tubular objects that have been seen to enter homes and fiy around as though making an inspection.Zigel' described the Palanga mini-UFO as "a miracle of technology, containing instruments far more sophisticated than those we use in our gigantic Salyut-6 space-modules." He said it was presumably collecting information for transmission to a mothercraft. Some final considerations Throughout the articles in Gente Dr. Felix Zigel', the USSR's best-known UFO investigator, is represented as being firmly convinced that none of the alien beings associated with the UFO Phenomenon wish us any harm; all - so it is suggested - are filled with nothing but benevolence towards Mankind. The popular-science writer Aleksandr Kazantsev, Zigel's close friend, in whose apartment Zigel' had his private meeting with Henry Gris and William Dick in the mid-1970s, is also quoted by Gris in the Gente articles as being confident that none of the aliens are anything but well-disposed towards us. Kazantsev is quoted as saying: "Apart from everything else, the civilization that has produced a little marvel like the tiny UFO seen at Palanga is at least a thousand years ahead of us. Such a civilization cannot possibly feel itself threatened by the infantile squawkings of mankind's technology, which is still in its swaddling-clothes stage, and they could not expect to gain much benefit from anything here even in the event of their wishing to conquer our planet.' Well, many may wonder, as I do, on what grounds Messrs Zigel' and Kazantsev base all this sort of talk. 581 From what I have seen of the UFO story so far, I see no grounds whatsoever for such a view Gust as I see no grounds yet for the assumption that any of the UFOs are what we describe as "extraterrestriaL" While in the translations which I make from various languages for Flying Saucer Review I frequently use the terms "extraterrestrial," "Space-craft," "Spacemen," etc., it should not be overlooked that I use these terms because they are there in the original languages. It is now a very long time since I ceased to desire to employ such words myself.) Maybe however the Soviet ufologists will change their tune before long? For, as we see, they seem to have gone a long way already, in a very short time too. They now admit that they believe, as many of us in the West do, that there are a lot of strange and alien beings around, in strange and alien craft - beings of all types and sizes, and craft of all types and sizes too. Yet, only ten years ago, no Soviet scientist would admit (so far as we know) that there had ever been a landing by a UFO on Earth, or a contact with UFO entities, within historical times. As Zigel' said to Gris in the mid-1970s, ". . . it could only have happened at the dawn of history, when our species was still very primitive." So it looks as though there has been a remarkable evolution in Dr. Zigel's thinking. Moreover, he even talks now about the entities and the craft as being of "other-dimensional" or "multi-dimensional" origin - a possibility that many of us here in the West have been prepared to think about and talk about for the past twenty years, and more. So it does not look as though Dr. Zigel' now has very far to go before he comes out with it openly and admits (a) that the majority of the so-called UFO entities display anything but a loving attitude towards our species, and, (b) that "other-dimensional" or "multidimensional" (whatsoever these terms mean) at any rate do not necessarily mean "extraterrestrial"! We might all be wiser if, 582 at the present stage in our knowledge, we used John Keel's word "ultraterrestrial" or Dr. Hynek's "meta terrestrial." From what we have heard so far about the doings and behaviour of many of the so-called UFO entities, some of us may feel tempted to murmur: "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" But we do not know the whole picture yet. The human crisis on our planet is rapidly approaching the explosion point that so many seers and prophets have foretold, and it is possible that we may not have to wait much longer before we see "a little less darkly," and before we have some firm clues as to whether there are an "Goodies" around in our outlying area of this Galaxy. We may take it as certain that The)' exist somewhere. The 64 billion question is merely: "Are They here too?" A close study of some of the religious traditions and writings (of Judaeism and Islam as well as of Christianity) yields clear hints that They are not here, and that Earth is an area where They lost the control a long time ago. If this be true, it may constitute the most dangerous aspect of the dilemma in which Homo Sap (so-called) currently finds himself. Notes and References 1. There have been a lot of reports of "mushroom-like" UFOs, standing on "stalks" or "stems," sometimes fairly wide, with "lifts" inside them, or sometimes much narrower, and "pinkish," or "glowing like a neon tube." Examples of the previous type are those of Mario Zuccalil in Italy in April 1962 (FSR, Vol. VIII, No.4, p. 5.), of Luciano Galli in Italy in ) 957 (FSR, Vol. VIII, No.5, p. 29) and the Pajas Blancas case in Argentina in ) 957 (FSR, Vol. XI, No. I, p. 20). The "mushroom" shape was remarked on in a case of two UFOs seen in Northern Argentina in February 1966 (FSR, Vol. XI, No.5, p. 29) and there have been quite a number of cases where 583 "stems" were mentioned, including one in Patagonia some years ago which I recall but cannot at present locate in FSR. 2. There have been several cases in which contactees said the speech of aliens resembled the buzzing of insects or the twittering of birds. 3. There have also been several cases in which eyewitnesses said that they saw UFO entities suddenly "sucked up" or swept into their craft. 4. Likewise there have been several reports of UFO landings which left the soil at the spot sterile for many years afterwards. The best-known is probably that of the lavender farmer Monsieur Maurice Masse at Valensole, France, in 1965. (FSR, Vol. XI, No.5, p. 9; Vol. XI, No.6,pp. 5 and 7; Vol. XIV, No. I, p.6.) 5. At about 54° 54N.,56° 57E. 6. Despite 64 years of Marxist-atheist repression, religion is still deeply ingrained in the Russian people, and chiliastic-eschatological concepts have always been prevalent among them. It is interesting therefore to see that an oilfield worker, like the old ladies of Moscow, "reverts to type" when a crisis comes along, and speaks of the reign of the Antichrist being at hand. (If I were a betting man, my money would be on the oifield worker and the old ladies.) 7. It would be too lengthy a job to enumerate all the UFO landing cases in which holes or craters in the ground have been reported. But I recall such features in cases at Wormer, near Amsterdam in September 1960 (FSR, Vol. XI, No. I, p. 16); in Kent, Berkshire and Hampshire in 1960 (FSR, Vo\. VII, No. I, p. 26.) at Charlton, in Wiltshire in July 1963 (FSR, Vo\. IX, No.5, pp. 3 and 8; and Vo\. IX, No.6, p. 30.); at Canyon Ferry Lake, USA in 1964 (FSR, Vol. X, No.4, p. 24.); at Niton, Isle of Wight, in 1964 (FSR, Vol. X, No.3, p. 18; Vol. X, No.6, p. 14); at St. Alexis-dc-Montcalm, Montreal, 584 Canada in November 1964 (FSR, Vol. XI, No.2 p. 26.); in Berkshire in 1965 (FSR, Vol. XI, No.2, p. 31); at Valensole in France in 1965 (FSR Vol. XI, No.5, p. 9; Vo\. XI, No.6, pp. 5 and 7; and Vo\. XIV, No.1, p. 6.); and at Marliens, France in May 1967 (FSR V o\. XIII, No.5, p. 11). There have of course been plenty more "holes" and "craters" since 1967, but the cases of Charlton and Valensole and Marliens are probably among those that are best remembered. After reading this Soviet case about the huge hollowed out "bottle", one might wonder what would have been found had the investigators made deep excavations at some of these other sites I have listed above? What, for example, could have lain beneath the extraordinary network of surface markings left to Marliens? 8. Readers may recall a case in Brazil a few years ago, in which eye-witnesses are reported to have seen a small elongated device (not a disc) flying around inside (J house. H. T. Wilkins has a similar story about a foofighter (disc-shaped) which entered through an open waist-hatch on a British bomber flying low over Germany in the closing days of World War II, or, more likely, just after its end. The little disc flew slowly up and down inside, seemingly "taking a good look at everything, including the astonished crew", and then slipped out again through the waist-hatch. There have been one or two other cases where very small discs have been seen, seemingly, as here at Palanga, "peering into the windows of houses." The "foo-fighters," or "kraut-balls," or "mini-discs," have struck many folk as being one of the most intriguing aspects of Ufology. I once worked for seven years in a Government Department in Whitehall where they knew a great deal about "UFOs" and "Flying Saucers," and where officers of the CIA and of U.S. Air Intelligence were frequently to be encountered. An American Air Force Intelligence 585 Officer whom I met there gave me a very interesting account of his own encounter with a 'foo-fighter' near Tokyo soon after the Japanese surrender. The little device seemed to make a pass at his 'plane, just as he was coming in to land at the airport, and then exploded right before his eyes. He told me that American troops and Japanese police combed the area around but never found the slightest trace of it. On the other hand, we all recall that at Ubatuba, in Brazil, in 1957, one of these small discs was seen to explode in the air and fall in thousands of pieces, partly in the sea and partly on the beach. Our correspondent, the late Dr. Olavo Fontes, wrote about the case for us, and had several scientists make analyses of the fragments. The verdict was the same in all cases - that the metal was 100 % magnesium, "of a degree of purity outside the range of present-day technological developments of our science." (FSR, Vol. VI, No. 4, pp.21-22.) It was reported at the time in the APRO Bulletin that their next issue would "reveal the attempts made to thwart their efforts to get these facts over to the public." Not having had a scientific training, I am not competent to discuss the properties of magnesium, but several of my more qualified friends tell me that it is a highly suitable material for use in a device designed to burn up and auto-destruct, if one may use this term. I hate to be a spoil-sport, and I know what bad form it is held to be to mention Adamski, but I do want to point out that in one of his books - I feel pretty sure it was in his second book - Adamski speaks of small expendible discs which are sent out from "mother-craft" and which are programmed to "auto-destruct" if necessary after they have relayed back to the "mother-craft" whatever information they have gathered. Maybe we aren't done yet with Adamski, after all. 586 9. The two encounter stories below appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No. 6, Volume 27, June 1982, pages 17-20. THE ENCOUNTER AT TURIS A new humanoid report from Spain Gordon Creighton THE Spanish UFO journal Stendek has, as usual, some interesting material in its issue No. 45 (September 1981). The article in question, Aproximacion a la Casulstica OVNI en el Pals Valenciano, by Jose A. Fermindez, Roberto Jorge, and Luis Manuel, is an account of some recent sightings in the region around Valencia, which lies on the Mediterraneqn coast of Spain, across the water from Mallorca (Majorca.) I have selected from it for translation this one case which involves alien entities seen at close quarters by a witness. The episode occurred on July 25, 1979, at Turis, a small place lying some 35 kilometres to the southwest of Valencia, and was in due course reported in the local newspaper, Las Provincias, of August 8, 1979. The three authors of the article made a joint investigation on the site and interviewed the witness at length, and their account is as follows: "Sr. Federico Ibanez, a 54-year-old farmer, was driving in his Renault-6 to visit some vineyards which he owns in the district known as Partida de l'Albaina in the local Valencian dialect. As he approached his property, he noticed something white and shining which was standing near a plantation of carob-bean trees owned by his friend and neighbour to whom the adjoining property belonged. He concluded at first that it must be his neighbour's car, a 600. "Owing to a bend in the road he lost sight of the shining object for a: while, until it came into sight again 587 and he found that it was now only some 50 metres or so ahead of him, and blocking the road. Thinking to stop and chat for a few minutes with his friend and neighbour, he drew up close behind the shining object, which he still took to be his neighbour's car. "The time was 11.30a.m., and of course he had not given more than a cursory glance at the object understandably enough, since he had been assuming that it was a motor car. "But, just as he was on the point of switching off his engine and stepping out, he suddenly perceived to his amazement that this object was in fact no car at all, for it had no wheels, but was standing on two legs, and it was now only four metres from him! "In shape the object resembled an egg standing on end, or rather, as the sketch shows, like half an egg. Its smooth white surface was shining intensely brightly under the bright morning sunlight. It was about 21/2 metres high and 21/2metres wide. "Suddenly he noticed two small beings about 90cms in height running rapidly towards the shining object from a carob tree standing about ten metres to his left. The two beings disappeared from his view beside the object, and the object instantly took off, throwing up a cloud of dust from the dirt-road. As the object rose he was able to catch a view of its base, where there now seemed to be no sign of any legs. "Sr. Ibanez was by now out of his car, and stood watching the object as, like a shining 'pearl,' it vanished rapidly in the sky. The sighting had lasted no more than ten seconds or so. "The two strange beings had been very fast over the ground, and this he found surprising in view of their strange garb, which was white and shining and reached right down to their knees and also covered the backs of their heads. At its widest part, the base, the garment seemed to him to be about 40 cms. wide. As the crea588 tures ran, he could see their little black legs, terminating in little feet that "resembled boxing-gloves," as he put it. On their faces they wore what looked like strange black, protruding 'spectacles.' "Astounded, the witness drove on to inspect his vines, but then came back to the spot and made a very careful inspection of the site before returning to his home. When his wife, his daughter, and his son-in-law had listened to his account of his extraordinary experience, they all at once set out for the spot to inspect it for themselves, together with the manager of the Turis branch of the Banco de Valencia. "When they got to the spot where the UFO had stood, they were surprised to see that another man, owner of another adjoining vineyard, had already arrived, and had parked his car precisely where the UFO had stood. Out of fear of ridicule, they did not dare to ask this other man to move his car. They felt that they could not ask him to do this without telling him of the extraordinary experience. The result was of course that they had to confine their inspection to the area immediately around the other man's car. However they were able to establish that the UFO had produced a 'sweeping effect' upon the soil around about as it took off. Behind the carob-bean tree from which the two humanoids had run they found two strange fissures in the ground. Sr. Ibanez, who is himself a keen amateur hunter, was unable to identify these marks as comparable in any way to marks such as are normally made by any game bird or animal known to him." When the three authors, members of the Valencia UFO Investigation Group (AVIU), carried out their inspection of the spot three weeks later, they found something that Sr. Ibanez and his family had not seen. This was a set of four circular marks on the road, forming a precise rectangle, 176 cms X 130 cms. Sr. Ibanez and his family 589 had not seen these marks of course because the neighbour's car had been standing right on top of them. But none of the many other peopIe who had passed that way in the meantime seem to have seen the marks either, for, the dirt-road being a simple track and very dry, and much used by agricultural vehicles, the four circular marks had got covered over by loose earth. Another reason why nobody had found the four circular marks earlier was that the local press report had described the landing site as lying in the field of carobbean trees, and consequently everyone had been examining the field and nobody had thought to look at the dirt-road. Soil samples were collected, and "moulds were taken of the four circular marks, and samples and moulds were passed to the biologist Jose Luis Caso, who is a member of Stendek's Committee of Consultants. Sr. Caso seems to have found nothing notable about the soil samples or the moulds, for they appeared to show no signs of radioactivity or of having been subjected to intense heat. The sole eyewitness in this extraordinary case, Sr. Ibanez, is held in high regard in Turis. He is a typical Spanish filrmer, of no great education, his main preoccupation in life being his vineyards, where he labours most days from sunrise to sunset. He knew nothing about UFOs. Even the letters OV.N.I. (the Spanish equivalent of D.F.O) meant nothing whatever to him. Altogether, the three investigators interviewed Sr. Ibanez three times, and shortly afterwards a further interrogation of the witness and an examination of the case was carried out by the two prominent Spanish Ufologists Vicente Juan Ballester Olmos and Miguel Guasp (also members of the Valencia UFO Investigation Group.) Their findings are in entire agreement with the present account. 590 A 1949 BRAZILIAN CONTACTEE-PART 2 Richard W Heiden Continuing the detailed version of the remarkable claims by a Brazilian student, which had been touched upon by Gordon Creighton in his item "Soaking wet 'space flight'" in FSR Vol. 22, No.4. READERS learned, in Part I of this article in the last issue ofFSR (Volume 27, No.5) that Senhor Mario Restier, aged 23, of Barra Mansa in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, had claimed that on December 4, 1949, he was taken aboard a landed craft by two apparently friendly crew members. When he agreed to be taken for a "trip" he was immersed in a tub full of liquid which, he says he was told, would eliminate the discomfort of large accelerations, and so on . . . After what seemed like six or eight hours, Mario felt homesick and wanted to return to Earth and, as if they could read his mind, his six guides told him, "We know that you are desirous of returning to your planet." They took him to a ship just like the one that had brought him, and each one said good-bye to him in a musical voice. Mario was impressed by the fact that throughout the experience none of the guides gave any indication of pretense to show which one (if any) was the leader. The process on the return trip was just the reverse of before - the crew asked him to go into the tub, he slept there, he woke up, his space-clothes dried, they dressed him in his original clothing, and they landed. Mario was let out near the place where he had been picked up, though not at the exact same spot. When he got to his father's place ten minutes later, the latter scolded him for having disappeared for so long without telling anyone, worrying his family. It was only then that Mario Restier established that it was April 4, 1950. He 591 was away from Earth four months, but, by his estimate, it was only three days at the most! In one of the factories Mario had picked up a sample of opaque material measuring 10 cm X 20 cm X 2 mm thick. He brought it home, and found that it did not melt in flame, and he could not break it. This helped convince his father that he was not just making up a story about the four missing months, or had had an hallucination. Nevertheless, the elder Restier advised his son not to tell anyone about his experience, in view of its fantastic nature. After his return, Mario was suddenly impelled to acquire and systematically study books on general physics, electronics, optics, and nuclear physics. His formal education had consisted of high school and a course for television technicians. Mario Restier's experience was first published in the Diano de Noticias February 6, 1968, in an article by Carlos Neto. The case was then investigated by Dr. Walter Buhler of the Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos sobre Discos Voadores (SBEDV). The witness's father had died in November of 1962, but an aunt of Mario's told Dr. Buhler that she remembered that many years ago, she had heard about the strange experience from a brother (Mario's uncle), in whom Mario's father had confided. Dr. Buhler also checked with a pharmacist who had been a close friend of the witness's father, but he did not remember hearing anything about the UFO experience. Dr. Buhler was naturally surprised that Mario Restier should finally decide to "come out with the matter" after 18 years. Mario even made contact with a "Miss Sharp, of a foreign embassy," who gave him "facilities and recompense" so that, with his help, a propelled craft might be built, similar to the one whose operation was explained to him in the saucer and in the factories of the planet. Through Miss Sharp, Mario was offered a trip to her country, all expenses paid, so that 592 there "the subject can be examined by experts. . . " Mario hesitantly confided in Dr. Buhler that he had, in fact, had a second UFO contact, in September of 1956, about four years after he went to work in the iron and steel industry. This one occurred at about 8.00 p.m. on the way to another place his father had, in Bocainha, near Barra Mansa. When he saw the craft in the air, he had the feeling that someone wanted to talk with him. After he had walked some 100 metres more, it came down and landed 2 metres from the road. The man who got out was dressed just like the men on the planet he had visited, and his height was the same, though Mario did not recognise his features. He greeted Mario something like this: "Mario, you are again in union with us with respect to your project to build an engine... You can go ahead with it... We will be watching. . . It will never be used for the bad of the people of Earth. . ." Mario asked him about the time difference, as the first contact had seemed like only three days. He replied that this fact was explained by the "Space-Time Contraction" and by the "Synchronism of Time." This contact did not last more than ten minutes, and Mario did not enter the craft. He explained to Dr. Buhler that he did not tell this to the press or to other people because it would seem like "he wanted to pull a lot of embers to his sardine" (Portuguese expression equivalent to "blow his own horn"). Mario told Dr. Buhler that the principle of propulsion had to do with two atomic reactors rotating at great speed around a very resistant axis. Two "condensers" would catch certain particles that were carried away by two "deflective coils," with the establishment of two "fields" - one vertical and one horizontal - which, in turn, would produce a large magnetic field, enough to neutralise the Earth's. A powerful solar battery would eventually be needed to start the engine when it is in space. The aliens found it interesting that Terrestrials 593 had found their own means to partly substitute for the different material and methods used on their planet. To construct the "vehicle," they recommended to Mario that he reduce the design to a smaller model than the one he had travelled in, and whose operation was demonstrated to him on the screens. Mario found that he could have finished the construction in two years if everything went well. Four steps would be necessary: 1. Studying up on the subject in books, which "he thought would take two months." 2. Raising the job site, the necessary conditions and tools existing in the country that could be "adapted to help in the construction." 3. Making up a list of necessary materials and machinery, including an electronic computer and a programmer. A preliminary budget for the construction would also be made. 4. Construction of the "engine." It might be noted that until 1959 (ten years after his first experience), Mario suffered from acrophobia (fear of heights) whenever he looked out the window of a building. Dr. Buhler's own assessment of the case was as follows: "Sr. Mario impressed us favourably as a stable and sincere man, but we cannot judge the technical aspects involved, and we have still not seen or examined the interplanetary artifact that he says he had brought back from his trip." Notes and References 3. This article was probably the source of the acc~unt in Saucer News (editor Gray Barker, Clarksburg, West Virginia) 15:2 (whole no. 72, summer 1968), pp. 17-18. But Saucer News did not give any references. Mario Restier's contact claim was also the subject of an article 594 in the Rio de Janeiro 0 Dia of April 22, 1976, which was translated and/or cited in Flying Saucer Review 22:4 (published November 1976), p. 23, and Official UFO (editor Russ A. Rueger, New York) I :12 (November 1976), pp. 21-22. 4 SBEDV Boletim nos. 60-61 (January-April 1968), pp. 12-18 and 24-25. Boletim Especial 1975, pp. 38-39. The present account is drawn from the SBEDV's report. 5 Mario Restier's compulsion is similar to the one that overcame a Wisconsin man who was driving with his daughter when they saw an aerial UFO with occupants visible through the windows. This sighting took place June 15, 1973, near West Bend, Wisconsin, 45 km northwest of Milwaukee's city hall. Afterwards he immersed himself in the study of physics and spent all his spare time in his basement laboratory working on flying saucer propulsion. AZORES LANDING OF 1954 (Continued from page 12) He said he could not recall the colour. of the light, except that it was very bright. He had not seen the actual craft itself. All he knew about it was what he had heard from the guard. He had heard no noise from the craft. Apart from this, he says he remembers nothing else, but he thinks he would not have been able to say anything more than this, since all that had caught his attention at the time was the extremely vivid light. 10. The following encounter report appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No. 6, Volume 27, June 1982, pages 17-20. AN ENCOUNTER WITH "RAT-FACES" IN BRAZIL Irene Granchi (Translation from Portuguese) LONG known for her many years' experience of investigating and reporting UFO cases in Brazil, 595 Senhora Irene Granchi, Italian-born and married to a Brazilian, is the President of the Brazilian UFO Research Society CISNE. She is also a member of CUFOS (U.S.A.) and is a Correspondent in Brazil for both APRO (U.S.A.) and FSR. EDITOR. PART I Type of Case: CEIV. Investigation, interviewing and tape-recordings carried out by the Author. Location: UFOs observed from Brazilian coast as far as Saquarema, to the east of Rio de Janeiro, and back again, via Ponta Negra, with abduction and examination aboard craft. Date: October 15, 1979. Witnesses: (1) Senhora Luli Oswald (professional name of Sra. Margarida Henriqueta Marchesini, mother of seven children, and concert-pianist and lecturer). (2) F.G., a male student, aged 25. (Name known to Investigator and withheld by request.) Prelude and Setting Senhora Luli Oswald of Rio de Janeiro wanted to make a trip by car to the coastal resort of Saquarema, lying an hour's drive to the east of the city, beyond Niteroi, in order to deliver some things to her daughter who lives there. F.G., a friend of her sons, had himself already been out to Saquarema that day, but had forgotten his driving-licence and his documents and had left them there. He has a Fiat 147 car, which he operates jointly with his sister. It was the sister's turn to have the car, so he too, needed to return to Saquarema and recover his documents and get back to Rio that night. Senhora Luli and EG. therefore de-cided to make the trip together, and set out, reaching the coastal highway around 9.30 p.m., on a rainy Monday evening. 596 Leaving the Amaral Peixoto Highway, they took a coastal road. The rain had abated somewhat now, but it was still dark and cloudy. Just for the sake of making conversation, having run out of other subjects, Luli asked the young man: "Would you like to see a flying saucer?" He replied that he would, very much indeed. So she continued: "And, supposing one were to appear right here now, would you feel afraid?" He replied that it would be marvellous. At that very moment Luli, who had been talking just for the sake of talking, was surprised to see three lights out over the Atlantic. So she went on: "If you really want to see one, look over there!" And, in fact, in addition to the three lights, both of them were able to see a large, round, domed object. They carried on, however, EG. driving with care, his whole attention fixed on the road ahead, as it was very bad, and added to that there was the darkness. Glancing out again towards the ocean, Luli beheld what she took to be the Moon, large and brilliant, shining down upon the water. but it was not the Moon. Then, after passing in between some hills, they were back on the coastal road again. It seemed darker than ever now, and Luli began to wonder whether they had taken a wrong turning. To check up on their position, F.G. reversed the car, and, while his head-lights were shining out towards the sea, began flash-ing them on and off. Then he drove on, and the engine began to falter. F.G. got out to examine it, and, finding that the headlights were still flashing on and off rhythmically, assumed that Luli was playing a game and doing this as she sat there in the car. They drove on again, and at one point F.G. again noticed the "Moon" in the distance, still shining brightly upon the sea, but he still had to concentrate on the road and did not look again. On reaching Saquarema they once more saw the 597 three lights, and they told Luli's daughter, Costanza, about them, and they joked about it. All the same, they promised her that they would go back to Rio along the inner road, through the hills. The return journey But on the way back, they made a mistake with the route, and found themselves once more on the coastal road. Suddenly the car began to "leap about, like a mad horse". And they noticed that their petrol was running low, although they had filled up before setting out from Niteri. Luli was surprised to see the three lights again on the horizon, out over the sea, and being a musician, a concert pianist, started counting mentally to herself: "one, two, three; one, two, three", many times, until, at a given moment, F.G. said: "Have you noticed that there are lights coming up out of the sea?" And, in fact, there were other lights coming out of the sea, in addition to the three lights in the distance, and there seemed to be a dark shape, like a vesseL As the lights rose up, the waters of the sea came up in the form of a mushroom. The car, meanwhile, plunged ahead, literally by leaps and bounds, over the difficult road, and by now they had both fastened their safety-belts. The huge "cigar" over the factory Then, when they had reached the end of that stretch of beach, they came to a spot where there is a disused factory. It seems that when this factory had previously been working it dealt with magnetic material taken from theJacone mountain lying to its rear, which is rich in this substance. But, since the factory was now deactivated, there was no explanation as to why the plant should be all lit up, as it was, and at that hour of 598 the night. And at that moment they caught sight of an enormous craft, so vast that it occupied the space between one mountain and another. It was shaped like a cigar, but with its ends cut off. It was of an "orangy" colour, with a row of windows or openings along its side, and it seemed to emanate a feeling of peace and tranquility. At this point the dirt-road curves away between two mountains. Suddenly, with tremendous terror, they both perceived, coming down from the sky on their left that is to say, from the side of the sea -towards the car three very bright lights that shone down on them, illuminating everything, and especially the driver, and terrifying him. The car was jerking and jumping about, the doors rattling, and they even thought of getting out and hiding under it. The memory-gap From that moment on, they both had a memorygap, lasting until the time when they found themselves, still in the car, at the entrance to a farm, on a small offshoot from the Amaral Peixoto Highway, several kilometres distant. Suffering from shock, and worried about their lack of petrol, they decided, after having first thought of going to the nearest police-post, that they would go and look for the nearest filling-station and, finding one, they asked for coffees. But the attendant told them that he no longer served coffee at that hour of the night, since it was already almost 2.00 a.m. Luli calculated that, normally, it ought to have been 11.30 p.m. at the very latest, since it could never have taken all that time to come from Saquarema. She subsequently noticed that her wristwatch was fast, gaining as much as three hours in a day, which had never happened before. And another detail: during the last part of their return journey the 599 radio no longer worked normally and the sound came out distorted, whereas, on their outward trip to Saquarema it had worked normally, and had been blaring out the loud pop music that F.G. liked. At the filling-station, the attendant told them that nobody any longer dared to drive through that place at night, because strange unidentified objects had frequently been seen there, and some people had suffered harm. After getting over their sensation of shock, they carried on along the Amaral Peixoto Highway, but at a certain moment the car doors again started rattling. This time, however, they noticed that it happened every time they passed a filling-station or a place that was lit up, and they were not so frightened. They were not now wearing their seat-belts, and these began to fly up into the air, banging against the windows. The phenomenon suddenly ceased after they had passed the shipbuilding yards at Niteroi. By now they were no longer worried, knowing that they could easily get help if they needed it. Arrived home, they discovered that their journey, which should have taken them two hours, had lasted five! Effects suffered by Luli Some of the direct consequences of the experience were that Luli was unable to urinate for 48 hours; after that she was normal. She had previously had kidney trouble, for a long time, but she was now cured, with no more of the pains that used to distress her, and today, eight months later, she stilI seems to be cured. She feared a recurrence of angina, from which she had also suffered, but this only appeared some days later. But her eyes never ceased to burn and water for a whole month after her experience at Ponta Negra. She 600 also felt a burning sensation in her chest, though nothing was visible externally, and this lasted for ten days. Describing more closely the sensation that she felt in her eyes, Luli said that she actually attributed it to the fact that she had gazed for a long time at the lights from the discs, and that this light seemed to be "icy' as though it contained crystals of ice. F.G.'s account The account given by F.G. agrees on almost all points with Luli's, though he speaks of two lights and not three. He mentions the memory-gap, and the time at which they were at the house in Saquarema -about 9.50 p.m. he thought. He confirms the difficulties with the car, and gives additional details about the panic that gripped them both when the doors were rattling and the seat-belts flying about in the air and their metal clasps striking the doors. He gives the impression in his account that he is an extremely emotional type, much preoccupied with his own emotional reactions, and constantly repeating "I felt that. . ." Un-like Luli, he said his physical reaction after the episode was excellent, despite the shock. He said he felt that he had been "magnetized", and the experience served to bring about a profound spiritual transformation in him. The sight of the great orange-coloured, rectangular-shaped craft had a big impact on him. Luli, on the other hand, probably because of her professional training and her greater maturity, shows a great deal of objectivity in her account, for we investigators had the opportunity to check the veracity of it as regards geographical locations, size of the larger craft, precise details of the meeting with the attendant at the filling station, and it all agreed perfectly. F.G. is a University student. He is a sportsman, uninhibited, lively and intelligent, but not yet quite sta601 ble emotionally. Luli Oswald is a retired piano-teacher, a concertpianist, a lecturer (she has given two courses of lectures on Brazilian folk-music in American universities). She is a 'sensitive' and a healer, having worked with Frei Albino Aresi at his clinic for mongoloid children, and she is the mother of seven children her-self and a grandmother. She is a widely-travelled lady, and although she is seemingly emotional, the conscientious fashion in which she related the facts showed how wellbalanced and logical she is. My own connection as the investigator of this case began just five days after the events, when Luli tele-phoned to me on the recommendation of Frei Albino. I invited her to attend next day at our monthly APEX meeting in the home of one of our members in Sao Conrado, not far from the Hotel Nacional. The occasion was in order to offer a luncheon in honour of Dr. Max Berezkovski, President of APEX, who had come from Sao Paulo to attend a Parapsychology Congress in Rio de Janeiro. There were about a dozen or so of our members present to hear the two witnesses give their accounts. F.G.'s Fiat 147 was standing parked outside and, using a compass borrowed from me, Dr. Max checked it and found the car highly magnetized precisely on the left-hand side, the driver's side, which was the side on which the beams of light had fallen. The foregoing constitutes the First Part of my Report. In Part II I shall deal with the sessions of regressive hypnosis performed by Professor Silvio Lago with the witness Luli Oswald, who produced a narrative that is as astonishing as it is rich in unexpected details. This is the pivot on which the whole of the rest of the investigation must rest. There is also a third episode, a physical one, in which Luli was knocked down, the victim of a car accident. 602 I have eight magnetic tapes, of sixty minutes each, with the statements of the two witnesses. Visit with Bob Pratt to the filling-station The American Bob Pratt is the other investigator who went out on this case with me and has testified to all the concurrent details proving how truthful Luli's account had been. During our trip, we all went also to see the night-attendant at the petrol filling-station who was on duty on the night of the Ponta Negra episode, and he immediately recognized Luli, and said: "Do you know, only a week after you were here, I saw a huge UFO fly over my house towards Ponta Negra, and there were three men standing in it, and it had a transparent door. It was rectangular in shape, and my neighbour over there (he pointed to a nearby house) saw it too." I got him to make a sketch of the "three men", and it shows them with their hands outstretched sideways. F.G.'s refusal to be hypnotized and his refusal to talk any more about his UFO experience is mainly due to the fact that his father has given him a new sports car of a recent model and got him to pledge himself to secrecy and silence about the affair. But the cat is already out of the bag, for F.G. had already told his story to plenty of people right at the outset, at our APEX meeting, and had made sketches of the UFOs. In the meantime, Luli Oswald has had numerous further experiences - not abductions, but various types of phenomena possibly related to her first ones. I feel that it is upon the hypnosis sessions PART II Sequel and hypnosis As stated, on the morning of the same day as Luli 603 Oswald was to be hypnotized, January 9, 1980, and prior to it, a party of us, consisting of her, Bob Pratt, and myself, and our driver, went out to visit the place where the alleged abduction, and the events leading up to it, had occurred. On the beach we came across a fisherman, who, however, was selling not fish but cashew fruit. This man, named Alvaro, told us that, ten or fifteen years previously, he had seen beautiful "torches" of pink and green light coming up out of the sea and going back into it. Alvaro attributed these lights to Iemanja, "Mother of Gold': the Water Goddess of Afro-Brazilian Voodoo. The filling-station attendant's story We then drove on further to find Luis Franca, the filling-station attendant, and saw him in his home. He immediately recognized Luli (three months after their visit), and started telling us about his own sighting, when, as mentioned above, he saw from his own house, what looked like a huge craft, fairly high in the sky, emitting flashing green, blue, and red and white lights. From what we could make out of Luis Franca's dialect, there was a door-like portion on the craft, in which he saw three or four "men" standing, one of them' steering the craft while the others were moving their arms about. He said it made a sound, which he attempted to reproduce for us. Luis Franca, who is 58, said he felt no fear as he watched the UFO, since, as he put it, he "knew that God would help him". "Splendid", "fantastic", "rich", were some of the terms that he used in trying to describe the beauty of the UFO. It was about 3.00 a.m. at the time, and several of his neighbours had also stood and watched the UFO as it moved away towards the hills at Ponta Negra (the precise area where the main events of Luli's story had occurred). Luis Franca also told us about the case of a motorist named 604 Reinaldo who arrived at the filling-station one night and said he had been chased by a UFO near Jacone (which is indeed almost the same place as Ponta Negra). He arrived with his car damaged. Luis Franca told us that nobody dared to drive along that stretch of road between 11 p.m. and 3.00 a.m., for fear of "the swine" the term he used to describe the unknown enemy. These two interviews, first with the fisherman Alvaro, and then with the filling-station attendant Luis Franca, served as sufficient corroborative evidence to back up the accounts that Luli and EG. had given me. For the story told by the filling-station man, illiterate though he was, coincided with all that we had heard from the two chief witnesses and indeed even added much further information. That same day, Dr. Silvio Lago carried out the hypnosis on Luli Oswald in his medical consulting rooms in Niteroi. "Shaped like a Hunter's Hat" As soon as we arrived, the session started. Luli began by retelling the story from the moment that she and F.G. had left Rio de Janeiro and adding a few details, such as the shapes of the three first lights, which she said were "like a hunter's hat", and mentioning the "Moon", which was in fact another UFO, which, after they approached Saquarema, at 101 0 p.m., with-drew. The emotional states of the two witnesses during the affair were extremely different: Luli, delighted to see the discs; F.G., terrified. On the way back from Saquarema, they made a mistake about their route, so that instead of taking the back road through the mountains they found themselves again on the same road following the shore, up which they had come. F.G. even remarked, laughing, "We'll see whether the discs are calling us!" But for the moment, at 11.00 p.m., there was 605 nothing in sight. And he even added: "I wonder if we are going to see them again?" To which Luli replied: "Of course!" And, in fact, immediately after that, she saw the flashing of the lights once more and started counting, "One, two, three", as they blinked on and off. The engine began to stall, the car leaping from one side of the road to the other, until F.G. concluded that all four of his tires must have burst simultaneously, and he stopped and got out and looked at them, but found nothing wrong. He drove on again, and the same thing started up once more. Then they both put their safety-belts on, and continued on for a while, until Luli, who does not like the sensation of being tied down by the belt, suggested that they stop and park and spend the rest of the night in the car there and continue the journey next day. But that was not possible, as the young man was supposed to have let his sister have the car that night. In the meantime, Luli continued counting mentally and rhythmically, in time with the flashing of the lights. It is because of this that she considers herself in part responsible for what followed. She thinks that a telepathic link was established between herself and "them", and that it came from her, from the region of the "third eye", in the head. At this point in the hypnosis, she recalled a dream that she had had a week before these events, in which she had heard the same beat, the same "rhythm, and in which very ugly humanoids had also appeared, who she thought were discarnate people. Reverting to the situation inside the car, Luli now recalled that a beautiful black UFO had followed them. According to her, its crew were good, friendly, wellintentioned beings. She thought she could see that they had triangular faces, but perceived no other details. Next she transferred her attention to another large craft, stationary in the sky between two moun-tain peaks at Jacone. This one was transparent. When Dr Lago asked 606 her to enter it and examine it, she did so and found it empty, adding that this craft was manipulated by three lights, as though by remote control. These lights, she said, had been following the car all the time. It is worth recalling that, when I had first heard about the case, I had got both Luli and F.G. to make drawings, separately, of the craft that they had seen, and they had both drawn this large one regarding which, as I have already mentioned, we conducted a check-up at the site, and we concluded that it must have been at least 300 metres long. The Kidnapping Meanwhile, at this point in her hypnosis, Luli was seeing one large craft, and another one, also large and black, on the other side of the road and, in addition to these, two flashing lights coming down from the hill towards the car. There was a long pause, and then she said: "It's enough to make you sick!" And then added, in panic: "Watch out! They've got the car! It's our car, they've got hold of it from above!" Dr Silvio Lago asked: "What is it that has got hold of the car?" She replied: "The light. . . one of those little lights up there above us. They have got the car, and we are moving. . . we aren't moving along on the ground. We have been caught by that beam of light. " Later, in a tearful voice, she said: "They are pulling us up . . . pulling us. It is the black disc. . . we are entering it from below." Then she said: "Where have you gone?" Then: "We are inside it now, inside this black thing. . . ". "Is it lit. . . is there any light?", asked Dr Silvio Lago. After a long pause, there came the reply: "You know, it's like an operating theatre. We aren't in the car any longer. The car is in here too, but we are outside of it. " All this is said in a voice charged with emotion, 607 which breaks into sobbing when the doctor asks her whether the surroundings are pleasant: "There are glass tubes!" Dr Lago asks her to keep calm, because they aren't going to harm her, but she retorts: "They are pulling my hair! These aren't the same faces that were in there!" (referring here to the friendly, triangular faces that she had seen in the black craft). Repellent Bipeds with Rat-faces With a tone of repulsion she now adds: "They look like rats!" In vain Dr Lago now asks ho'w tall they are, for all she can reply is: "Oh my God... how horrible. .. even their ears are shaped like rats' ears. . . big. .. ugly." The doctor asks: "And how was the shape of the mouth?" She replies: 'Just a line." Then she is overcome once more by the horror of the sight, and says: "They are revolting." Asked whether they are bipeds, she does not answer directly, but says: "They are standing. And, you know, their feet are like ducks' feet." She says their arms are thin and, asked again about their height, she reckons it to be approximately that of a thirteen-year-old child. As regards their features, the nose is long and thin, they have a rat's neck, but no tail. She says: "They are the colour of rats, sickening, grey." She says she was examined by five of these beings, which look sticky, naked, and do not seem to have any clothing or covering on them. Then, after reflecting a while, she says, however, that it really is clothing, and she compares it to the shiny satin worn during Carnival. Looking closely again, she is now in some doubt again, wondering whether they are not wearing masks, maybe oxygen masks, though with no tube. (She made a very rough sketch of the beings, but this is too poor and inconclusive for reproduction. Ed. FSR.) Suddenly she notices her companion, EG., pale as 608 a corpse, laid out on a table near by, and she exclaims: "He looks as though he's dead!" She goes on lamenting again over this, and then she describes the table as beinglike marble. Though it was not marble. Then she observes that the beings are not using instruments, but beams of light, in their examination of the youth and of herself. Dr Lago is very insistent on knowing whether they do not have any instruments, and she explains that there are tubes coming down from above and emitting beams of light, the same sort of tubes as are being used in the examination. When applied, the beams of light cause her quite a lot of pain in her ears. There are also big black instrument panels, similar to those in a Boeing aircraft, but with only buttons on them, and nothing else. Despite the lack of light she manages to see it all. Asked if she was sitting or lying down, she answered: "I am seated now that they are messing about with my ears and my nose. Before that, they had me stretched out, face downwards." Replying to another question, she confirmed that she had undergone a gynaecological examination, adding that they had messed about with her whole body. The most painful examination, however, was that of the ears, in which they employed a light beam that penetrated into the cavity of the ear. She denied that this beam was electrical, as Dr Lago had thought, and said that it was simply a beam of light. When asked whether or not she detected any odours, she at once confirmed that there was indeed a smell a smell of sulphur. Examined with Beams of Light And she added, surprised: "How did you know?" And she went on: "This smell is very annoying to me, making it hard for me to breathe. But, at the same time, it isn't that there is a lack of air, for there seems to be 609 plenty of oxygenization." Asked about the temperature, she declared that it was normal. With regard to the manner in which the beings communicated with each other, she said that they merely looked at each other and must therefore be telepathic. Two of them would look at each other, and then. immediately one of them would start doing something, or would manipulate something. They never touched the light beams that came down from above - never manipulated them. One of them would simply look at the tube, and straight away the beam came down on the precise spot required, with a normal, warm temperature. She complained again about the pain in her ears, but she was unable to say which one was most affected. As regards the lighting, apart from the black panel all the rest of the illumination in the compartment was of a phosphorescent, oscillating light. Luli arrived at this conclusion after noticing that F.G., lying inert, without respiration, on the other table, was now visible and, alternately, now invisible. She continued to gaze at F.G., and explained that at that moment the beings were examining the young man's head and plying their beams of light. Replying to a question from Dr Lago as to how the results of the examination were being recorded, we learnt that it was being done on the instrument panel, but differently from the way in which we do it. It seemed that the actual beam of light was registering directly on to the metallic panel, which was a sort of aluminium plate on which there was no cylinder or paper or other apparatus. Luli presumed that the same sort of recording would have been done in her own case. A series of questions from Dr Lago about the pos-sibility that a sexual examination of F.G. had taken place brought an affirmative response from her. The questions had been as to whether they had been manipulation, extraction of substance, or any other type of 610 local examination of him. After a long silence, which was at first interpreted as a failure to understand the question, came a reply and her surprised comment: "I am seeing it, but I don't understand it, and it seems impossible to me!" Questioned by Dr Lago: "But were they actually men?" Then came the surprising answer: "Now I can see that these men are not men, they are figures. " "Figures, how is that?" asked Dr Lago. She replied: "They don't have. . . you can't see on them, any male sexual organs. It's as though they are dolls. But at the same time, I feel that they are men, but that they don't have the masculine sex organs. I feel that it isn't the first time that they have done this; the''Same thing has already happened with other people, some fifteen times or so." "What is their objective?", asked Dr Lago. "The object of it all is re-search," she replied. Next Dr Lago wanted to know what distinction Luli finds between a dream and what she has just seen. She at once exclaimed that this had been no dream, but a horrible nightmare. "But it must have had a very strong stamp of reality for you?" observed Dr Lago. Her reply was: "It isn't real but it happened all the same." and she added: "It's even worse than that, for it is unreal but it happened." I would like to comment at this point that, although difficult to understand, this part of Luli's account is very revealing, and merits careful consideration. I.G. The Beings more interested in F.G. We heard Luli say that the beings were very interested in F.G., because he was a young man, and they wanted to keep him. She was of no interest to them, and they would return her. Next we asked: "How long did 611 you remain there with them?" "About two hours," she replied. This prompt reply by Luli agrees with the actual lapse of time that had occurred, as our investigations subsequently proved. I asked why they had in the end let the young man go, and she said: yes, they had indeed released him, but that it would be dangerous for him if he returned to the spot, for they would catch him again. Fortunately this has not happened, even when, some days later, impelled by a powerful impulse, F.G. did return to the place. "Why did they choose F.G.?", we asked. Her reply was significant. "Because he had a very open mind." Explaining more fully what she meant, Luli said that in her view a person with an open mind is sensitive, and has parapsychological gifts. She blamed herself, since it was she who had taken him to the place, albeit unwittingly. Bases and Tunnels in Patagonia The facts related above had been erased from her memory, and were only now returning, under hypnosis. The beings themselves had caused the amnesia in her, possibly because the memory of it would be very violent for her. Further questions followed, this time of a more philosophical order, in her replies to which Luli even went so far as to defend the behaviour of the beings who, according to her, do not conduct their research with any evil objective. She also recognized that the light beams applied are very strong for the human body to withstand. One Entity of a Different Species One of the rat-men seemed to her to be a good being, and well-intentioned. Through him she learnt that certain groups of them originate from Antarctica, and 612 that in Patagonia there is an entrance tunnel under the surface of the sea, leading to another world. Luli explained to us that the group who had carried him off feel no friendship towards Earth Man, and little do they care when one of us is sacrificed in the course of their experiments. This one who was now communicating with her told her, however, that he did not belong to the group, that he. had been kidnapped, and was of a different origin. At this point, Luli glanced again towards F.G., and discovered that they were applying certain transparent tubes to his head, through which his blood was passing, travelling through what she described as a retort, and then returning again into his head. At this stage in the hypnosis the process constituted a dialogue, with questions put from our side and replies coming through Luli after consultation with the "good rat-man," With regard to his place of origin prior to his abduction, he said that he came "from a small galaxy near Neptune" - something that certainly is utter nonsense to our way of thinking, unless maybe the words "galaxy" or "Neptune" were being wrongly used. He said he had come to our planet when the machine in which he was travelling alone lost power while flying over the sea. It was at that moment that "the others" emerged from the water and rescued him. He managed to join up with them as they and he all had the same sort of respiratory system. Although he had at first talked of being kidnapped, it looks as though this had been more a case of rescue. Luli discovered that she had already been in contact with these beings in her dreams, and, according to the explanation already given by her, this was because she had a more open mind or in other words was more developed parapsychologically. Other explanations were also given to us, including the role of the large craft seen by them in the wak613 ing state - it is merely a generator of energy for the UFOs. As regards the information gathered from human minds, this is transmitted telepathically to a base. They prefer to use human minds that have already been prepared, persons with an inborn telepathic facility, which ability they then step up. Back in the Car and on the Road again Having come to the end of all her experiences aboard the craft, Luli observed that she now had her clothes again, and that the young man had his on too, and both of them were now inside the car, which was still inside the craft. She looked at F.G., who was seated at the wheel, and noted that his features were still corpse-like. Back on the road, without being detected, Luli recalls that the car suddenly leapt forward and that, in that very same instant, the young man, who had seemed as pale as a corpse, recovered his circulation and his senses, and began driving. Luli has continued to have strange experiences: orange balls of light enter her bedroom, odd things happen in her home, and she has precognitive dreams. Worst of all, she has suffered an automobile accident, though no fault of hers, and has been laid up in hospital for weeks. She still has a blood-clot at the back of her head as a consequence of this accident. On the night before the accident she, along with another witness, had seen three points of light on the horizon, above the sea. But these other events must be reported later in their proper sequence, and, for the moment, the present account must suffice. 614 11. The following encounter report appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No. 2, Volume 29, December 1983, pages 10-13. NEAR-LANDING OF A HUGE "SPINNING-TOP" IN BRAZIL Irene Granchi (Translation from Portuguese) OVER a spot some 300 metres or so from the Soro caba Airport, lying to the west of Sao Paulo, in southern Brazil, an outsized "spinning-top" appeared one evening in June 1979 and "stood still" for at least one hour, above the wall surrounding the backyard of a local surgeon-dentist. The dentist, Dr Roberto Domingos, aged 45, and his wife, Regina Clara, a University Professor, watched the extraordinary spectacle in utter amazement. Dr Roberto thought the UFO was about 4'/2 m. in height and, 3 m. wide, while his wife thought it was at least 5 m. in height and 6 m. in diameter. It was totally silent, and both witnesses agree completely as to its shape. After the lengthy period of observation of the object (Dr Roberto thought "at least one hour" while his wife' thought it was nearer to 1'/2 hrs), it slowly moved away north-westwards towards the town of Saito de Pirapora. While both witnesses agree that it remained suspended over the same area throughout the sighting, they are in disagreement on one point, in as much as Dona Regina Clara thinks that she observed it to be spinning, while her husband did not have this impression. A rapidly pulsating red light Oust like those on Brazilian ambulances) surmounted it, while along a central band a series of circular windows were lit from within with a pale yellowish light. The bottom point of the "spinning-top" also carried a light, which was 615 emitting successive pulsations of green, red, and yellowish tones. Dona Regina Clara says that both the upper portion of the object (above the row of windows), and the lower part, were spinning in a clockwise direction, but Dr Domingos says he did not notice this, nor did he observe the colours so well, for it was sundown, and this meant that the visibility was not too good. There was, however, a perfectly clear sky. Although the event is recalled to have been in June 1979, they do not remember the precise date. Both witnesses estimate that the object was poised above a spot only six metres from where they stood in their backyard (see photographs), and they estimate that its height above the ground was no more than six metres also when the object finally moved away. An additional interesting feature mentioned by the witnesses is that there is not only the Sorocaba Airport in the near vicinity (300 m. or so) but there is also a broadcasting transmission tower on Ipanema Hill, about 5 kms. from where they were standing. It is also interesting to note that a lawyer residing nearby, Sr. Carlos Barbosa, reported that he had experienced interference on his TV set at precisely that time. Dr Domingos sent me an account of this sighting shortly after it had occurred. A lady who is a draughtsman for Volkswagen cars in Sao Paulo and who is also interested in UFOs, Uti Siebrecht, came over to visit me in Rio shortly after that, so I asked her to pursue the investigation of the case for me, and the present report, and her excellent sketches, are the result of her enquiries. There is much more that one would have liked to have learned about this incident, so it is unfortunate that we have not yet a taped report of the interview with the couple. However, Uti Siebrecht's sketches, plus the two sketches by the witnesses themselves, should suffice 616 to show us that, whatever it was that they saw, it was certainly no ordinary little children's spinning-top! "When I clap my hands near an ordinary housefly, it quickly flies away. I removed the wings from an experimental fly and clapped my hands, but it didn't move. Thus, I conclude that when you remove a house-fly's wings it goes deaf." - Roger Mason, New York City (From OMNI, October 1983) Eyewitnesses Dr Roberto Domingos and wife Sra Regina Clara Domingos. A CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE THIRD KIND ON AN ESTONIAN ISLAND Heikki Virtanen (Stockholm) When Swedish-Finnish investigators were able to visit the Estonian Republic recently from Sweden they were given some interesting UFO reports. Part of this material, relating to a Soviet contact case near Pyrogovskoe Lake in the USSR, has already been reproduced in an article by Heikki Virtanen in FSR Volume 28, No.3. We now give below a further report which was secured by Heikki Virtanen and his colleagues during the same visit. He tells us that the story had to be repeated to him orally and written down very rapidly, so some details may have been missed. As Estonia (population: 1,300,000) has been, since June 16,1940, under loving military occupation by the greatest imperialistic power (population: 268,000,000) that our planet has ever known, it has, moreover, been necessary to omit certain other details in order to protect the witnesses and the investigators who have been involved. EDITOR This sighting occurred at the end of August 1980. The time was about 6.00 pm. on a Sunday evening, and the eyewitness, a factory worker, was engaged in 617 checking some instruments in the yard of the plant, located on one of the Estonian Islands, when suddenly he caught sight of a peculiar, colourful object standing on the ground about 30 m. from him. The object glittered in different colours, and his first thought was that it must be something that had been forgotten and had been left outside by other employees. He approached the object (see Fig. I), but when he was some 20 m. or so from it, he observed that there was a black cube beside it. This cube was about half a metre in height, and on it was another, smaller cube in which some kind of a 'tube' was rotating. (Fig. 2.) The object which had first caught his attention, as he could now observe, was a cylinder with tapering ends, in which something like "streams" of different coloured lights were moving. The "streams" were the longer the lower they were. Both the object and the two cubes had clear contours. His first thought after noticing the cubes was that the rotating 'tube' was investigating bitumen. About 20 seconds after he had caught sight of the cubes the upper one began to rotate horizontally, and two holes became visible. Then all of a sudden an orange coloured beam of light came from them witness. He felt no pain, but felt the air around him had become warmer. He felt himself beginning to fall backwards, but still conscious. The witness experienced no shock when he hit the ground. It was as though he were lying on something soft. Then, as he lay there, he observed how the brightly coloured object began to change shape. Somehow it seemed that it :sank” down, and became a “classical saucer”. Then the saucer began to rotate vertically, showing its under-side, which was black, and then it vanished. The witness is not sure what became of the two 618 cubes, but he assumes that they went into the cylinder/”saucer”. When the UFO had gone, the witness found that he was able to get up from the ground, and he went back into the factory. For about twenty minutes after the experience he felt ill, but no other consequences seem to have been noted. He did not dare to tell anyone of his experience except his wife, and even her he did not tell until a week later. Some time after that, when the witness was a little talkative after drinking, he related his experience to a female acquaintance who in turn informed the Estonian UFO investigators. It was possible to examine the landing site only a year after the sighting. Several botanical specimens were taken for testing and for Kirlian-analysis, but these all proved to be normal. It must, of course, be emphasized that the landing-site is right in the middle of an industrial area, so that any traces that might have remained from the landing would long ago have been contaminated with industrial residue. The radioactivity reading for the spot was found to be normal. We also received some information about a UFO sighting by Frontier Guards at about the same period, but naturally it was not possible for us to verify this or to secure any details. The sketches which we give are based on drawings mad by the Estonian investigators. 619 12. The following encounter report appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No. 4, Volume 29, April 1984, pages 13-16. REMARKABLE CONFIRMATION FOR ADAMSKI? An important Brazilian contact case of 1957 (Translated from Portuguese) FSR Vol. 3, No.6 (November/December 1957) carried a brief account from Senhor Escobar J. Faria of the alleged experience of Dr Joao de Freitas Guimaraes, a lawyer and professor of Ancient Roman Law in the Catholic Faculty of Law in one of the Brazilian universities (possibly Sao Paulo?) who claimed to have had a remarkable close encounter and flight in a craft with friendly alien beings of a very human-like type. Here is the considerably fuller account of his story, which we take with his permission from Dr. W. Buhler's SBEDV Bulletin No.4, published in Portuguese in 1958 and now translated into English possibly for the first time. It seems to be based on a transcription of the Professor's account as given by him in an interview on the Brazilian TV Channel 13 in August 1958, though some of the' dates do not mesh well and we think therefore there may be a typographical error somewhere. -EDITOR ONE evening in the cool season of 1957 - seemingly in June or early July - Professor Guimaraes was on legal business in the coastal town of Sao Sebastiao, which lies a little north-east of Santos on the Atlantic coast in the State of Sao Paulo. He had already dined, and was taking a stroll along the beach, the time being about 9.] 0 or 9.15 p.m. The sky was overcast and dull. There was no bench nearby, so he was sitting on the sands with his knees drawn up, contemplating the dark sea. Suddenly 620 he perceived the colouring of the sea beginning to change and grow lighter over in the direction of the Ilha Bella, an island lying right opposite Sao Sebastiao, and this was followed by a jet of water that shot up into the air and put him in mind of the "blowing" of a whale. By now too he perceived some sort of "high-bellied craft" which seemed to be heading for the beach. Arrived at the beach, it put out some sort of "landing-gear" consisting of spheres. He noted carefully that they were indeed some sort of spheres and not ordinary buoys. "Adamski-type" occupants Two men then leapt down from the craft and came towards him. Both were completely human, or at any rate looked so in appearance. He admits that he was frightened, being alone out there on the shore. So he stood up, but despite his alarm he held his ground and awaited them. By now he could see that they were tall beings, over I metre 80 cms. in height, with long fair hair, light-coloured skins, and, as he could perceive, eyebrows. They were dressed in green overalls fitting tightly at the chest, the wrists, and the ankles. Their eyes were "light-coloured and tranquil". The professor asked them, in Portuguese of course, whether there was something amiss with their craft, or were they perhaps looking for somebody? There was no reply to the question, so he repeated it in French, and then in English, and finally in Italian, but they still gave no answer. Invited aboard The next thing was that he had the impression that they were inviting him aboard their craft. He admits that he has no idea how he came to think that they were inviting him, but says simply that he felt this was what 621 they were doing, and that they were employing telepathy. He admits that, not being a scientist, he has never occupied himself with these matters such as telepathy and he adds that he subsequently discovered that they do have the gift of articulated speech too. He says he had never given a thought to the idea of "flying saucers" and that, being a busy man, he knew virtually nothing whatever about this subject. Their craft seemed however to be one of these "saucers" and, still sensing that they were inviting him aboard, he decided that he would like to learn more and found himself gripped by an irresistible desire to view the interior of the machine for himself. One of the men set off in the direction of the disc and, with no sense of reluctance, Guimaraes followed him, with the second man coming along behind. Arriving at the disc, the man in front leapt up on to it easily and lightly, but Guimaraes had to use both hands to get up the ladder. Standing in the entrance to the disc there was a third man. When they were inside, the man at the door came and joined them and the door closed. The professor now found himself in a brightly illuminated compartment, and he could see that there were other compartments too, also brightly lit. The flight As the craft rose into the air, the professor noticed that there was water on the portholes, as though it were raining. He asked: "Is it raining?", and one of the crew replied to him telepathically that it was not rain, and that the water was produced by the rotary action of part of the craft. Surrounding the disc there was a ray-filtering tube, which had the property, the crew member said, of producing a semi-vacuum in any of its parts. 622 Gazing out through the port-holes, the professor beheld a vast, intensely black zone all around, in which the stars were shining with astonishing brightness, Then came areas where the stars seemed to be in even greater swarms, shining with an incomparable splendour, followed by other areas which seemed darker, with fewer stars. Then they passed through a belt of violet-coloured atmosphere, and after that an other, similar belt, but of a more violet shade, and of a most refulgent brightness, and during this stage the professor felt the craft shuddering strongly, and he showed his fear, whereupon one of the crew said to him telepathically: "Our machine has just left the atmosphere of your planet." During the trip he asked them from where they came, but got no reply. He has no idea why they were unwilling to identify themselves. When he learned that they were already beyond the Earth's atmosphere, he was amazed. He noticed that the compartment contained a cil"cular instrument with three very sensitive needles. These needles had been trembling, but when the Earth's atmosphere had been left behind they started to vibrate intensely. As one of the crew explained it to him, the craft was being driven by the effects resulting from the magnetic forces present there in Space. The brilliantly shining bodies visible in Space, of various shades of colour and the rainbow-coloured clouds shooting past, all this, he said, constituted an indescribable spectacle. When they returned to Earth, the professor noticed that his watch had stopped. He was consequently unable to say how long the trip had lasted, but he thought that it had been for about thirty or forty minutes. Back in his hotel, the professor wanted to shout and tell everybody about his extraordinary experience. 623 He had concluded, he said, that the crews of these machines are engaged in a task of investigating the inhabitants of our Planet. And it was his impression that they desire to alert us regarding the dangers that threaten mankind. (This statement, be it remembered, was made in 1958. ED.) As for his own opinion about us, the professor said he felt that our behaviour is well nigh that of savages. Every man, he feels, is born good, but becomes bad because of the conditions inherent to Planet Earth. Thus, for example, there are a whole series of experiments of a scientific nature that are at present being conducted in a thoughtless, frivolous fashion. As a result, the indiscriminate explosion of atomic bombs is not only adding to the ionization of the atmosphere but also destroying those layers of the atmosphere that filter out dangerous radiation. If more care is not taken in the employment of these terrible devices we shall all suffer from the consequences of the explosions. Professor Guimaraes says that, although he had his extraordinary experience 14 months ago, he had told nobody the details of it until now, except his wife. However, about six months ago, he said, he had spoken about it to two people, namely to a Judge in Sao Paulo, Dr. Alberto Franco, and to a Dr. Nilson (?) a former lawyer in Sao Paulo. This was how it had come about. It so happened that one day, in the course of a luncheon at the Lawyers' Association, Dr. Guimaraes had caught sight of an aluminium panel, and this had caused him to make a joking allusion"to "flying saucers". There was a great deal of talk about the saucers at that time, and, from the manner in which he spoke, some of his professional colleagues began to suspect that the professor might know something more about the subject, but he said no more. Subsequently he confided in another friend, Dr. 624 Lincoln Feliciano. The latter, greatly taken with the story, passed it on to someone else, and in this way it got out and an account of it got published. Professor Guimaraes says that, since it happened, he has had no peace, being besieged on all sides by folk who want to hear about it. Though people are cordial and pleasant to him, the affair puts him in a difficult position, because he finds it extremely hard to explain to them precisely what it was that happened to him. To describe the situation in which he sees himself, he employs the following image: say, for example, that in the course of some journey or other, a man saw a pneumatic drill at work and, when he returned from his journey, he wanted to describe it to other people who were interested but who knew nothing whatsoever about pneumatic drills. Obviously, he says, it would be impossible for him to give them a precise description of a pneumatic drill. In the same way, he found it quite impossible to describe his experience, because the events experienced by him related to matters far above and beyond his knowledge. He went on however to say that he was not the first citizen from Planet Earth to have travelled in one of those machines. For, after the newspapers had divulged his story, he had been given information about books dealing with the subject, and some of these books had contained accounts of experiences similar to his own. And asked if he had felt any malaise during the trip, he said that he had felt a certain degree of discomfort when the craft took off and when it was descending again. He had felt very unwell, with a cold sensation in his extremities. and he attributed this to his naturally nervous sort of disposition. 625 Second meeting arranged Professor Guimaraes also said that an appointment had been made for him to meet the crew of the machine again on August 12, 1957, but that he had not kept it. Asked how the appointment had been made, he explained that in the course of the flight the crew had shown him a Zodiac of twelve constellations. A wheel indicated the year, and the repetition of the number "8" twelve times gave him the impression of "August." The meeting not kept Asked what it was that had prevented him from keeping his appointment for a second meeting, Professor Guimaraes said that it would have been impossible for him to go there. Arrangements had apparently been made for a whole cavalcade of other people to go there too when they got wind of it, and this would have produced a tremendous uproar. Another reason was the he had just had some deaths in his family, of close relatives. On top of that, he said, he had been approached by an officer of the Brazilian Air Force, who requested him not to keep the appointment. The Air Force had made arrangements for some of their jetfighters to put in an appearance, and that could have caused some grave incidents. Had one of the aircraft fired on the disc, it would have appeared like an act of treachery on his part. He felt it would have been disloyal of him to have contributed to producing a disagreeable situation for those visitors who had been so kind and nice to him. He was, he said, admittedly curious, but his sense of prudence outweighed his curiosity. 626 13. The article below appeared in Flying Saucer Review, issue No. 5, Volume 25, March 1980, pages 3-5. THE "CAT-FLAP" EFFECT Aime Michel Translation from the French by Gordon Creighton 'The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done." Ecclesiastes, Ch.1, v.9 WHEN French people are about to get married, they quote a saying that sums up two thousand years of conjugal wisdom: they say: "The time comes when you just have to draw a line and put an end to the situation." And some even go on to add: "one way or the other." Well now, the time has come for me too to draw the line and make an end of it: and so this will probably be my last contribution to Ufology. The reason for this is not, of course, that I am about to get married. (My children are the ones who are now at the marrying age!) No. It is simply that, when I was making a detailed examination of the UFO wave of the autumn of 1954, I had a particular purpose in mind: namely to introduce the scientific method into the study of UFOs, even though this would mean that others and not I myself would have to do the actual work. Well now, this has already come about, and it is being done well - in France at any rate - since GEP AN began to produce their first findings. Their first report (Spring 1978) master-minded by Claude Poher, has convinced those of France's scientists who have been willing to study it, that the UFOs are indeed a real and important problem, and one well deserving of their interest.1 627 Poher is at this moment on sabbatical leave somewhere on the high seas in a boat that he built with his own hands. His place in Toulouse has been taken by Alain Esterle, another engineer at the French National Centre for Space Studies (C.N .E.S.). Esterle is a competent, painstaking, thorough type of man. He and his team have spent their first year of research in drawing up the shape of the programme that their penetrating investigation into the UFOs will take. Those who have read through this study programme2 realize that never before has any group of investigators compiled so exhaustive a method for looking at all conceivable aspects - whether known or possible or merely suspected - of the UFO phenomenon, not excluding those aspects of the phenomenon which still lie outside the field with which our scientific method is able to cope. In France, at any rate (quite apart from such questions as the maintenance of a state of permanent alert, and the surveillance of the national territory) the era of the private UFO investigator is over, for only the professional scientists are possessed of those large-scale means -'-laboratories and computers and so on - that will be required if any new progress in UFO research is to be made. Thanks to the resources available to the C.N.E.S., backed up by the Army, Navy, and Gendarmerie, one can now be sure that, henceforth, nothing further will happen anywhere in France without being investigated thoroughly - with, of course, the obvious exception of anything that might possibly take place without attracting human attention and so without our knowledge. It is towards this last-mentioned possible aspect of our problem that I should now like to direct my final refelctions. For this purpose, I shall base myself not on Ufology itself, but on the speculations now going on among astrophysicists regarding the subject of extrater628 restrial life. The impatient reader may perhaps think that I am going to try once again to prove the E.T. Hypothesis to him. Let him be patient! Having followed with close attention the discussions and discoveries of the astronomers over the course of recent years, I propose - on the contrary - to prove that a through going study of the E.T. Hypothesis solely from the astronomical standpoint will inevitably end in our envisaging the existence of an Ultra-E.T.H. comprising all realities of psychism and of the history of our planet, including also all that we still regard as pertaining to the realm of parapsychology, and even of religion. At the end of last June (1979) there was held in Las Vegas the first world congress of engineers to discuss the problem of interstellar galactic propulsion. Convened by the most eminent American engineering association, this congress had as its objective the examination of all the possible means for converting into reality something that, only fifteen or twenty years ago, still seemed to pertain to the realms of science fiction: namely travel from star to star (ie. from sun to sun) across the Galaxy. I have no knowledge as yet of the papers that were read there, but there were expected to be several hundreds of them. It may well be that at that conference there was far more talk of the difficulties than of the means for achieving so formidable an enterprise. Nevertheless, it remains a fact that, if we date the birth of modern science from the discovery of the quanta (Max Planck, 1900), then it has taken only 79 years from that date for engineers to be considering that the time has corne to examine the means available for effecting this Great Voyage - the prelude to the Diaspora of mankind (terrestrial) throughout the Galaxy. On the other hand a number of astronomers and physicists (Stephen Dole and G.K. O'Neill for example) have calculated - and have done so quite separately that, within the framework of only those means that are 629 available to present-day science, a minimum of one million years, and a maximum of ten million years, would elapse between the first interstellar voyage and the total occupation of the Galaxy. In other words, (a) we are, at this moment, already studying the means for leaving our solar system and, (b) even if we admit that this Great Departure can only become possible in a few centuries from now, the entire Galaxy will be occupied by mankind (terrestrial) - or, rather, by its descendants - in from one million to ten million years from now. It is from this point onwards that I now request the reader's close attention, for. I am about to introduce the Cat Flap Effect which, I think, will alter radically all our previous speculations about "extraterrestrial" life. Up till now, the big preoccupation of the astronomers dedicated to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligences (S.E. T.L) has been to find the most plausible solution for Drake's Equation, as set out, for example, in 1973 by Sagan in his article "On the Detectivity of Advanced Galactic Civilizations" in Icarus No.1 9, p.350: N being the number of galactic "civilizations" capable of communicating with us, this equation is written as N = RL where L is the presumed lifetime of a civilization, and R is the product of six highly speculative factors of probability, such as the "probable" number of stars having a planetary system; the "probable" number of planets "suitable for life"; the "probable" number of those planets where life has appeared; the "probable" number of those planets that have given birth to an intelligent species, etc., etc. All these "probabilities," about which we know nothing whatsoever, are highly uncertain and so naturally they are- like every probability - inferior to 1. The 630 product of them can therefore naturally onIt tend towards zero. We see thus that, despite our immense desire to know, S.E.T.I. is a well-nigh desperate piece of research. In fact, all the conferences and all the publications on this theme have only ended in a mass of contradictory and unverifiable suppositions, and you can see convincing proof of this merely by reading through the bibliography3. But the two facts noted above, namely that (a) we men, after less than a hundred years of advanced science, are already studying the means of setting out for the stars, and that (b) a few millions of years will suffice for us to occupy the whole Galaxy, these two facts render Drake's Equation totally useless and totally obsolete. For it is in fact useless for us to know (even very vaguely) how many stars have "suitable" planets, how many of them have produced life, etc. (see what we have said above), inasmuch as, if only one single planet in the whole of our Galaxy were more advanced than ours is, this would suffice for some portion of the Galaxy, or indeed for the whole of it, to be occupied already. The Cat-Flap is the technology of the first interstellar voyage: the first civilization to cross the Cat-Flap point explodes, literally, into Galactic Space, and occupies it totally, within a negligeable period of time (i.e. between one and ten million years) compared to the cosmological durations of time which are registered not in millions of years, but in billions. The numerous and uncertain questions raised by Drake's Equation are thus replaced by one single, solitary question, to wit: has anyone else yet crossed the Cat-Flap? This question, which at first sight looks as uncertain as the R factors in Drake's Equation, can (and 631 should) be put in a far more striking fashion, namely as follows: What is the Probability that we are the most evolved beings in the Galaxy? For, once the question has been put in these terms, the reply given by astrophysics is inclined towards the view that the probability of such a situation is virtually nil. In fact there are tens of billions of stars of the same type as the Sun, and the majority of them are older than the Sun older than the Sun by billions (not millions) of years. Consequently it is virtually infinitely improbable that we could be the first species to reach the CatFlap threshold. Indeed, on the contrary, it is infinitely probable that the Cat-Flap was passed by somebody else billions of years ago and that, during the whole of the vast period of time that has elapsed since then, the Galaxy in its entirety has been occupied. If we accept this (and let us remember that the only alternative is that we are the most evolved of all beings in Space) then we must at once face up to certain consequences which totally alter the whole of our perspectives, historical, philosophical, and indeed religious too. We would, for example, have to face up to the fact that "somebody" (or "something") was already around when the Earth came into existence; that this "somebody" was present (but, indeed, were "they" merely present?) throughout the whole evolution of life on Earth, the appearance of man, and the whole of his history. And furthermore we must face up to yet another consequence: how are we going to be able to imagine for ourselves what that "somebody" or "something" is like, when 90% of all that we know at this very moment in 1979 was unknown to our own grandparents less than one century ago? 632 It is not surprising that the astrophysicists have detected nothing in Space resembling any sort of human activity such as we would define as "intelligent." What would indeed be surprising would be for the contrary to be the case. What, pray, is our own "intelligence" likely to be in a few billions of years from now, if men of my own generation now no longer recognise the world that they knew in the days of their own childhood? Well, here 1 am now, talking about my age. Let us just leave the matter there, then. I have nothing more to say on our subject - that is to say, if the reader agrees with me that, in fact, while we have only been discussing astrophysics in this article, that is, nonetheless, OUT subject - this subject which we - my cat Grisonne and I - have so often discussed in our beloved FSR. Since her mention of this Cat-Flap _ for it was Grisonne herself who suggested it to me in the first place - she too has had nothing more to say on our subject, and I must in truth confess to you that she has aged quite a bit, and she is sick and somewhat senile. Let this then be the expression of our final thanks and of our adieux to our readers, to all of whom I wish a long life. References 1. The Poher Report Uune 1978) has not been published because it is too bulky, but it isn't "secret'." 2. July 1979. This likewise is not secret. It is simply a study programme. 3. For example, in the artjcle by T.BH. Kuiper and M. Morris, in Science, Vol. 196, p.616 (1977). There are many other articles too which are more recent, but less easily available, and there has scarcely been any advance since then on what Kuiper and Morris say. The only interesting bit of progress has come from David W. Schwartzman (Howard University) in Icarus, Vol. 32, pp. 633 473-475 (1977), wherein, discussing the extreme brevity of the period between the birth of ,advanced science and the beginnings of the Space Adventure, Schwartzman observes that this period in the history of a civilization is like a mere flash in the immensity of cosmic time, and that we Earthmen are consequently now living through a rare episode and one that is, maybe, unique at this moment in our Galaxy. As a consequence of which the Earth, as it is at this present moment, is perhaps a very interesting and precious "object" for "alien" intelligences '- something comparable, say, to the birth of a child in a family. 4. The objection could obviously be made that "occupa tion" (i.e. settlement) might no longer be an interesting activity or no longer an ethically attractive activity for more evolved "minds." But let us point out precisely this: the Earth hasn't been "settled" by others. It belongs to man, who is free to perpetrate here all the follies and stupidities that he desires. The concept of "occupation" or "settlement" which we are here discussing is clearly something of a different nature. Of what nature? That is a profound and difficult philosophical question I leave to the reader tor him to meditate upon it. 5. The repeated failure of the astronomers to detect the faintest trace of "intelligent" activity in Space can also be explained by Schwartzman's rarity factor. This rarity, which is deduced from two quite certain facts, namely the enormous durations of cosmic time and the brevity of the technological episode, would not of course exclude absolutely the possibility of a chance contact with another "cosmic rarity" like ourselves. It would merely render such a chance contact improbable, something which would only occur at very great intervals. There is also another hypothesis - and a frightening one - namely that, if we have detected nothing in Space, this is because there is nothing there, every burst of intelli634 gent life being doomed to end in suicide through its own "technological episode." Such a state of affairs would be the final word in the vast mystery of all things. The whole Universe would then simply be nothing but one immense continuous catastrophe. But such a hypothesis contradicts the laws of large numbers: it would mean that every evolution, without one single exception, commits suicide at the close of its "technological episode." But should just one civilization, amid the vast infinity of historical chances, not commit suicide, then, sooner or later, that civilization will find itself coming up to the Cat Flap, and, once across it, that civilization will be sowing its life throughout the entire Universe. And so we are brought back' once more to the same prospect of a Universe that is already totally "occupied" (whatever the precise meaning that one gives to this word). And so I, for my part, believe that the far-distant descendants of what we call "mind" - which is in fact none other than the human mind - have already developed, millions of centuries ago, new modes of being that are beyond the capacity of our present intellect to grasp. Let us always bear in mind the billions of years that still lie ahead of us in our future (if we don't commit suicide), whereas it has only taken a few hundreds of millions of years for life on our Earth to evolve from the mollusc to man. 14. The unusual encounter story offered below, appeared in the book Aliens Among Us, by Ruth Montgomery, published by G.P. Putnam’s sons/New York, 1985, 240 printed pages, ISBN 0-399-13065-9 The account presented below is found on pages 96-103 of the reports because the pal were unaware CHAPTER V 635 Close Encounters My Guides have repeatedly stressed that spaceships are nonessential for the conveyance of spacelings to earth. These highly developed entities, they insist, are able to reassemble the atoms of their bodies within our atmosphere so that they become visible, physical beings, and can as easily disassemble the atoms when they wish to disappear. If true, it may be the only logical explanation for the cases that I will now relate. Because the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) is principally concerned with physical evidence of UFO sightings and landings, Dr. J. Allen Hynek and John P. Timmerman referred to me a letter received in January 1982 from a man named Robert Hurlburt, who was then residing in Starke, Florida. They thought that the Hurlburt case might be more in my line than theirs, since no UFO was involved and I had recently published two books about Walk-ins. Unfortunately, a number of years had elapsed since the alleged encounter, a frustrating circumstance in so many of the reports received at CUFOS headquarters, either because the participants had originally feared ridicule, or were unaware that a legitimate clearing house existed to investigate their claims. Hurlburt's letter proved so engrossing, however, that I began a correspondence with him and eventually made a number of long-distance calls to his relatives and friends. Now in his mid-thirties, Hurlburt identifies himself as a commercial artist with a master's degree in art. But in July 1971 he was still residing with his parents in Claremont, New Hampshire, when he and his German Shepherd dog, Misty, set forth on an extensive hiking trip into the Green Mountains of Vermont. His intriguing first letter, somewhat shortened in the interest of space, describes what happened next. 636 "On our fourth day out, we came across a young man sitting beside a stream. It seemed to me unusual to find him in such a desolate area, as I noted that he had no backpack or provisions. He appeared to be in his midtwenties, with straight, collar-length brown hair, rather slender, and slightly over six feet tall. He looked up as we approached and said 'good day' in what sounded like a British accent. Misty ran over to him readily, her tail wagging in greeting, which was unusual behavior for her, as she tended to be wary of strangers; but her enthusiasm led me to think this person was OK. "I sat down beside him and asked if he had a campsite nearby, to which he replied that he didn't. I became suspicious at this remark, as we were thirty miles from the nearest town. I asked how long he had been in the area, to which he replied three days. I asked myself, 'What the hell has he been eating in the past three days, pinecones?' My next reaction was that he might be an escapee from Waterbury Asylum thirty miles away. He noticed the .44 magnum revolver at my hip and inquired why I was carrying a gun. I told him that since being attacked by bears in Alaska two years prior, I now carried a gun when hiking in deep woods. This explanation seemed to relax him, but not me. Thinking that I was in the middle of nowhere with some nut from the funny farm, I gathered my gear and headed back toward the trail. As I was walking away he called after me and asked if he might walk with me for a ways. Reluctantly, I agreed. "That day we walked sixteen miles, mostly uphill. I was sweating and out of breath, and decided to make camp for the night. I noted that my companion wasn't even affected by our long, arduous hike, which led me to believe that he was in better physical condition than he appeared to be. As dusk was approaching, I pitched my tent and gathered some wood for a fire. My companion merely squatted nearby on the ground, gently 637 scratching Misty behind the ear. He had told me earlier that his name was John. I cooked us up a meal from my provisions, and afterward brought out a bottle of wine, pouring us each a paper cup full, and then several more. I became rather giddy and rambled on about myself, but he didn't seem in the least affected by the wine. Except for admitting that he had lived in England for a time, he seemed reluctant to talk about himself, so we fell into silence after awhile. "He noticed me gazing up at the stars and moon and asked if I thought there were other beings on some of those planets. I stated that I believed there were many civilizations on other planets, and that I thought those people had been visiting earth for centuries. He said, 'Would you believe me if I told you that I was from one of those planets?' That remark definitely blew it as far as I was concerned. My suspicions about him returned. I thought, 'This guy really is some nut that's escaped from the asylum. Maybe he's going to kill me.' "I figured that it was best to try humoring him, so asked which one he was from. He said you can't see it from here because it's so far away from earth. At my 'Oh, yeah' reply he said, 'You don't believe me, do you?' I said I didn't, and he replied, 'What if I showed you some proof that I am?' I asked to see proof, and he dug into his pocket and produced a whitish-colored stone about two and a half inches in length, somewhat oval in shape. It looked like a piece of quartz to me, so I asked, 'What's that?' He said, 'It's a communication disc that I use to keep in contact with my people.' I tell you, I was getting paranoid listening to that crazy kind of talk. I asked him how it worked and he said, 'It draws power from the life source of your body and directs it in a beam back to my planet.' I asked what in the hell he meant by life source, and he said, 'This disc absorbs the energy emitted from your body and then transmits this energy into a beam similar to radio waves.' 638 "I was getting more scared of this character by the minute. I asked if I could see the stone and he handed it to me. I t seemed warm to the touch and I got a tingling sensation that ran up my arm into my head, like a chill,except warm. I held it up to the firelight but could not see through it, nor did it have any identifiable markings. It was just smooth and warm. John went on to tell me about this planet that he claimed to be from: that it was a warm, temperate planet with abundant flora and fauna; the atmosphere had a thick cloud cover and consisted of a high quantity of nitrogen, with oxygen and traces of other gases, some of them familiar to earth, some not. He stated that this planet had two moons and traveled in an elliptical orbit around its sun; and he told me its name, but I can neither pronounce nor write it. He said it was slightly larger than earth, had two polar caps, and a total population of around 500,000,000; that population control was strictly adhered to, meaning reproduction was not a haphazard occurrence; that there were seventy major centers of population; that there was no pollution or disease; [the inhabitants had] a life expectancy of 160 years; that a central committee of seventy representatives controlled the government and each member was elected by one of the seventy major cities by electoral vote of the populace; that there was no crime or famine, and everyone worked in unity to assist one another. The primary concerns of the people were scientific achievement, research and study of alien cultures, and bringing peace to all cultures. They had begun space exploration over twenty centuries ago. Their space vehicles varied in size and shape and were capable of speeds exceeding the speed of light, and were powered by drawing energy directly from the sun. He stated that his culture had been sent to earth to study us and someday to share its technology with us, but as yet we were not prepared to handle such power. He referred to us as infantile. 639 "I sat listening to all this in a semihypnotic state. I was overwhelmed by all that he'd said and was even beginning to believe him. He continued talking, all the while holding the disc between thumb and index finger, and stated that he was only permitted to tell me certain things; that when he had told me enough the disc would warn him by blinking on and off three times. And sure enough, that disc distinctly blinked on and off three times. It surprised the hell out of me. I asked if he'd been in contact with any other people on earth, and he said he'd met a young lady in my hometown and had told her about himself. "I slept soundly that night and awakened at the break of dawn. My companion was gone! There was no sign of him anywhere, almost as if he'd never really been there. I cut my hiking trip short and returned home." Hurlburt said that by means of a telephone directory he was able to locate and talk face-to-face with the young woman whom John had mentioned, and that she readily admitted knowing the space man, but added that she was not permitted to say much about it, and had not been in communication with him for more than a year. When he saw her again two years later, he said that she did not even broach the subject of John, but she had changed. "Before she was joyful and happy," he mused. "When I last saw her she was quiet and solemn, as though she was keeping some inner secret to herself." After making several long-distance telephone calls, I was able to trace and talk with the young woman, who is now married and living in a different state; but when I asked her about John and the mysterious stone she adamantly insisted that she did not know what I was talking about. Other remarks that she made verified what Hurlburt had written to me, but on the subject of John there was a closed wall. 640 That circumstance might have cooled my interest in the story, except for the changes that Hurlburt reported within himself since the strange encounter. He says that he has been affected "psychologically, spiritually, psychically and physiologically," but that the latter is the most evident. "I maintain an average body temperature of only 96 degrees," he reports, "and I no longer catch colds or flu; my hearing and eyesight have become more acute, and I can perceive a broader spectrum of visual responses. But perhaps the most remarkable physiological change is that I have not aged at all since the experience, which leads me to believe that my metabolic rate has slowed down. "Prior to my experience, my theological beliefs bordered on agnosticism, but since then I have come to accept a deeper understanding of what we call the creative force, and can now recognize that there are various manifestations of that 'force' existent on both a material and a subliminal level. The psychic aspects occurring as a result of my experience have been more subtle and intermittent than the other changes. Nevertheless I feel that I have obtained heightened psychic capabilities, although I cannot seem fully to master them. Sometimes I can see into other persons' heads and know what they are thinking or are going to say, and at other times I can 'touch' certain persons' minds and make them say certain things and act certain ways. Precognitive thoughts sometimes manifest themselves, but these too are uncontrollable. "Thus, I can only say that I have indeed been 'touched' by a higher life form and know within myself that I have been given a message to deliver and a task to perform. What this message is, and this task, I do not know, as the full implications have not been made known to me as yet." I asked the Guides for comment on that strange 641 encounter in the Green Mountains of Vermont, and they replied: "Hurlburt is telling the truth. The man he met is a highly developed master who visits earth from a star beyond Andromeda called Cessna. We do not know why the girl in question denies her part in the story, unless she was pledged by John to secrecy." They then added that the incident could also have been blotted from her memory through a form of hypnosis at which our space brothers and sisters are apparently adept. 15. From the book UFO Danger Zone, by Bob Pratt, 343 p.p. , Horus House Press, Inc. (August 1996), ISBN: 1880852-14-8, we present below the following material (found on pages 253-269 on the above book). SHAPES AND OCCUPANTS “ It just disappeared bit by bit by bit, and I was all alone. That's what was so bad about it. Nobody believed me. My husband said I was crazy." Weeks later as Jackie talked about the "McBurger Case,” she was able to laugh about it. But the night she saw the UFO, it wasn't funny. The incident lasted only a short time. It happened as she was driving home about nine o'clock one night and something startled her. "I happened to look up and just above the trees on the left side of the street half a block ahead was an oblong object glowing blue with orange flame color at the back end," said Jackie, a softspoken woman in her thirties whose husband was a police lieutenant. She stopped her car in the middle of the street, dumbfounded. “It was just clearing the treetops and crossing the street to my right. I couldn't tell how big it was. There's a house on the left and a church on the right, and when it got over the church it began disappearing. You've 642 seen these TV commercials where bites are taken out of a hamburger with trick photography? That's the way this looked, with bits of it disappearing from right to left. I wondered how it could do that. It was frightening at first, fascinating but scary." In ten seconds it had disappeared completely. She quickly looked around, hoping someone else had also seen it, but she was alone. This was one of the strange tales I picked up while checking out reports of UFO sightings in Alabama early in 1976, and it helps illustrate not only the bizarreness of the phenomenon but also the difficulty in pinning down exactly what these things look like. The terms "flying saucers" and IUFOs" are generic or catch-all descriptions. When most people think of UFOs, they visualize disc-shaped objects, but a disc is just one of an uncountable number of shapes. The same goes for sizes and occupants. Many photographs and videotapes have been taken of UFOs, but often the images are small and fuzzy and tell us very little. Photos exist of alleged occupants of UFOs and alien bodies, but many if not all are suspect. It is virtually impossible to prove such photos are authentic. Round and Squashed For the most part, our knowledge of the shapes and sizes of UFOs and their occupants is based on the descriptions given by people wholve had close encounters, such as Jackie in Alabama. She saw "an oblong object glowing blue." Itls likely that each of us would have a different interpretation of exactly what she saw. Too often people cannot describe clearly what they see. lilt was round and sort of squashed, II one might say, telling us very little, and too often the investigator has his or her own ideas as to what this means. In central Brazil, Hulvio Aleixo has used a unique 643 technique in his investigations of some three hundred cases in the Valley of the Old Women. He carries PlayDoh of different colors as part of his investigative tools. During the initial interview, he asks the witness to use the Play-'Doh to make a model of the UFO he or she has seen.' From these usually crude models, Hulvio and members of his UFO organization have made more precise models, all of which are kept on display in glass vials in the group's headquarters in Bela Horizonte. There are more than a hundred different shapes and sizes, attesting to the great variety of UFOs that people have seen in just one area of the world alone, the Valley of the Old Women. The diversity of the forms is so immense that it confuses us, II Hulvio said as we examined some of the models in 1992. Part of that diversity, as Cynthia Luce pointed out, may be explained by the fact that people often see things from different angles and don't always see the object from all sides. For instance, Hermelindo -- who was yanked up toward a UFO by a hook around his ankle after fighting with a little creature -- saw the object as being round. However, his brother-in-law saw it differently. Awakened by Hermelindo's screams for help, he watched most of the incident from the house some distance away -- and to him the UFO was conical or bellshaped. Even among investigators there can be wide differences in perceptions of shapes. In my investigations, I became convinced that the most commonly seen UFO in the United States during the 1970s and 1980s was a triangular or boomerang-shaped object, usually very large. Triangular UFOs have been seen in many other countries, particularly in Europe, yet they're seldom reported in Brazil. Hulvio Aleixo says he's never had any reports of triangular cases in the Valley of the Old 644 Women. Yet there have been many bell-shaped objects and some cone-shaped ones. As we discussed all these shapes, we realized we could be talking about much the same thing. One of the most common descriptions of UFOs in Brazil is fogo, or a ball of fire. It's usually a round, reddish-orange object of varying size, depending on how close it is. In Pinheiro, where this type of object was seen almost every night for four months, the fireball would come down within a thousand feet of town and hover. It was close enough at times that witnesses could see colors swirling around on its surface, much like molten steel. UFO Rises Out of River It's possible that the fireball and the disc-shaped objects are one and the same thing. In my one venture into the Amazon, in July, 1981, I met Noemi Rodrigues, twentyeight, who had seen a UFO in both forms. A tall, dark-haired woman, she taught first and second-grade pupils in Santarem. She had seen a UFO on two occasions, both just several weeks before I talked to her. Her first sighting was on June 20 and the second on July 1. Both occurred when she was a passenger on an overnight boat from Alenquer to Santarem, a trip of about eight hours. The first time was about two o'clock in the morning,” Noemi said. “Everybody else was sleeping in hammocks on the deck but I couldn't sleep because the rocking of the boat bothered me. I was standing at the back of the boat when I noticed a big ball of light about a thousand meters behind the boat, zig-zagging from one side of the river to the other. It didn't come close to the boat. Then it disappeared. I didn't say anything about it to anybody. I asked the pilot if another boat was behind us but he said there wasn't. 645 “The second time, I saw the UFO come out of the river. I was standing by myself at the back of the boat again, between midnight and one o'clock. When the saucer left the water, it was not very bright, so I could see the shape. I could see water dripping off it, draining, and it was disc or saucer-shaped, like a plate. “It was about a thousand meters behind the boat and it rose up maybe six meters. It was big, maybe a meter and a half wide or more. Then it got very bright and looked like a ball of fire. It began zigzagging back and forth like the other one did. It was going so fast it made me sick. I was very frightened, too frightened to say anything to anyone. Then it disappeared. It dimmed out to nothing." Thus, the dull-red disc-shaped object flared into a brilliant light that looked like a ball of fire. Is it possible that the ball of fire that most people see conceals within its fiery aura a disc-shaped craft? Maybe. Future Scientist Sees UFO A somewhat similar experience -- seeing a disc turn into a fireball, but in reverse order -- was reported by Charles E. Kohlhase, who was mission design manager for the Voyager space mission at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. One night in August, 1956, before he became a scientist and was still in college at Georgia Tech, he and his father went out into a field near their home in the vicinity of Americus, Georgia, to see how well young Kohlhase, then in the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, could locate stars. After about fifteen minutes of stargazing, they spotted a light over the far end of the field moving parallel to the horizon. It blinked on about every ten seconds for a duration of two or three seconds. The light 646 appeared to be going back and forth, left to right, above the trees, about the width of the field. They thought little of it at the time and decided to return to the house. Looking back at the light, though, they realized it wasn't moving back and forth anymore. Instead, it was moving slowly toward them, pulsing on and off. “lt kept coming and finally stopped at a place that was about a forty-five-degree angle of elevation to us, II said Kohlhase. “lt emitted no sound and no exhaust. Then the first thing happened that really scared us. This thing turned a brilliant white hot. I shouldn't say hot because I didn't feel any heat from it, but it was extremely bright. "I crouched down covering my face with my arms in anticipation of a possible explosion. I was convinced that whatever this -- whatever it was, maybe an airplane -- was about to blow up in a trillion pieces. But nothing happened. There was no noise. This brilliant whiteness began to dull, to tone down to about a blacksmith's horseshoe red, like when you pull a piece of iron out of the fire. For the first time, I could see its outline. It appeared to be a saucer-shaped object thirty to fifty feet in diameter that was fifty to a hundred yards away. “Then it began to move slowly back in the other direction. When it got fairly far away, it looked more spherical than it did saucer-shaped. The object continued moving until it got back over the tops of the distant pine trees. Then two other lights somewhere in the distance rose up from the other side of the trees. The three objects then moved off to the southwest and disappeared in a minute or SO." Airmen See Ball-Disc Kohlhase first revealed this to his scientific colleagues at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1968 and 647 told them: "Being of a scientific discipline, I do not believe in 'flying saucers.' And, yet, what I saw did look like a large 'flying saucer' of a diameter of thirty to fifty feet and a thickness of five to fifteen feet. It is my opinion that the object was solid, that it contained an energy source that was the cause of the object's luminosity, and that it was under control. I will always remember and be impressed by this UFO sighting." When Noemi Rodrigues saw the object rise out of the Amazon river, it was disc-shaped and glowing dull red. Then it turned brilliant and looked like a ball of fire. Kohlhase saw a brilliant white object tone down to a dull red and then he could make out its outline. It was disc shaped. Some Brazilian Air Force personnel also have seen a ball of light that turned out to actually be a discshaped object. It happened late one night in 1977 during the long UFO flap at the mouth of the Amazon, which a captain and some sergeants were investigating. They were on the river when a ball of light as bright as the sun passed over them and stopped on the other side of the river. It then turned its light off, and they saw a discshaped object twice as large as a Boeing 737 airliner with many white windows. One of the few people who have seen the fireball up fairly close is Francisca Oliveira, a housewife in her sixties who lives in Sao Goncalo do Amarante, Ceara. Late one Saturday night in January, 1990, she was walking home after visiting her son. She was in the middle of the street a few steps from her home when a flash of light lit up the sky. "I thought it was lightning," she said. "Then it happened again, and a second later a third time. I looked up and saw a huge ball of light the color of fire. I saw something large and round, kind of mushroomshaped and with a kind of tube or thin stem coming down. It was higher than the light pole. It had a light 648 focused on me." Francisca screamed and dashed inside her house. "I was sure the thing was going to get me," she said. "I tried to wake my husband but when I looked out again it was gone." Matter of Terminology? The cigar-shaped object is another description heard from time to time in the United States and other countries but seldom in Brazil. Again, though, this may simply be a matter of terminology. "Refrigerator" and "silo" shapes -meaning long and cylindrical -- are reported in Brazil, and several Brazilian investigators have suggested we’re probably talking about the same general shape. The sizes of UFOs vary greatly throughout the world. In the United States, some triangular objects have been reported to be as big as football stadiums. At the other end of the scale, a Tennessee woman once told me that in the spring of 1974, she and her husband saw five disc-shaped objects no more than two feet in diameter slowly fly in and land among a herd of cows in a field across the road from her house. One cow took offense and kept running at one disc, which rose up and crossed over the cow several times before it flew away with the other discs. In Brazil, most objects are neither very small nor enormous, nowhere near as large as a stadium. They generally range in apparent size from five to thirty yards across. Not all of them are disc-shaped or like fireballs. For example: Case One: In Apodi, Jorge Fernandes saw a square object. Jorge is the man who had to hold onto the grass to keep from being pulled into the air by a tornado-like wind. He believes the wind was generated by a UFO which suddenly appeared about forty yards 649 above him as the wind blew. He said the UFO was square, four to five yards across and had a round, bluewhite light about two yards in diameter in the center of it. Case Two: In 1977, electrician Jose Antonio De Oliveiria and three other people saw a rectangular object pass slowly overhead on the outskirts of Santa Cruz. It was lit up with red, green and yellow lights that alternately blinked on and off. It was the size of a big truck and, as it passed slowly overhead, a sound like running water, as in a shower, was heard. Case Three: In Quixeramobim one afternoon in 1982, businessman Jorge Simao and a dozen other people saw a strange object pass through the sky. Si mao said the object moved slowly and was composed of one long cylinder or tube and two shorter ones centered above and below its From the back end of the larger tube came something like smoke or steam. It was about two hundred yards high and took seven minutes to pass out of sight. It made no sound. Case Four: In 1988, Marconi Cabral, a state agriculture official in Rio Grande do Norte, was spending the weekend with his family at their farm northeast of Santana Do Matos. Shortly after dark one evening, he and his seventeen-year-old son, his sister-in-law and a farm worker saw a ball of light pass over a mountain several hundred yards away. "It was yellow with a bluish tinge around it, had a vivid red light in front and had a tail like a comet," he said. It was smaller than a volley ball and was going east following the ridge toward NataL" Before they had time to recover from their surprise, another object identical in size and colors went rapidly over the same path. Then every half minute or so for about ten minutes another would pass, and another. Cabral said they didn't count them but estimated they saw fifteen to twenty such balls of light. All dis650 appeared toward the east and none were seen going in any other direction. The Occupants The crews of UFOs come in different sizes and shapes, too, but the variety doesn't seem to be as great as the UFOs themselves. Luis Carlos Serra, the teenager who vanished for four days near Penalva in 1978, saw three beings less than three feet tall. They wore uniforms like spacesuits with visors that covered their faces, and spoke a language he didn't understand. Both januncio and his son, Beato, reported seeing ordinary-looking humans. Januncio saw a man and a woman sitting inside a UFO but motionless, as if they were robots. Beato saw two men and a woman, and one of the men looked down at him with what he interpreted as a shrug of scorn or contempt. Antonio Duarte, the Mossoro councilman who saw a UFO disappear in a silent explosion, saw three beings about four feet tall. They were dressed in what looked like jumpsuits, one amber, one orange and the third gray-green. They were normally proportioned but had large heads and flattish faces. Their skin looked grayish. Joana Rodrigues Ferreira, who lost her baby after an encounter in Ceara in 1988, and her ten-year-old daughter saw two small beings in silvery suits. They seemed to just appear at the base of a tree ten feet away while a brightly lit UFO hovered over the tree. Joana couldn't see their faces because the light was so bright but could hear them making a tick-tick-ticking sound. Antonio Amador De Lima, the old man who was yanked into the air with a hook in the back of his shirt, saw two "kind of ugly" women with yellow arms and a 651 man with a beard in the UFO. Otherwise, they looked like humans although not Brazilian. The UFO itself was cigar-shaped, twice as big as a car, brown, and had a red light in the back. Hermelindo fought with a creature smaller than him and lost. It was gray, about four feet tall and had slid down a cable that dangled from a UFO. It was covered with material that felt to Hermelindo like metal. Here is what others have reported seeing, in chronological order: Case One: Faustino, the assistant engineer on the diesel freight train that was slowed by a zig-zagging UFO, had an earlier experience around 1950 as a teenager. He had accompanied a man and his son into the mountains near Maranguape to get bananas. On their return at mid-day, Faustino was walking some distance ahead of the other man and his son when he came upon a UFO sitting on the ground. Nearby were a man and a woman, both about six feet tall and skinny. They were "ugly," had wraparound eyes and were wearing long yellowish robes. Their arms were loaded with branches. Faustino called out to them. They looked at him, hurried into the UFO and suddenly took off with a blast of air that nearly knocked him down. The UFO itself was big, silvery and shaped like a squashed oval. The reflection of the sun from it hurt his eyes. Case Two: On the morning of April 7, 1964, Maria do Socorro Inocencio was washing clothes in a pond when she heard a noise in the sky. Seeing an object coming down very rapidly, she hid in some trees and watched as it landed on the ground. Two beings emerged. They had small bodies, large heads and wraparound eyes and were greenish looking. They had backpacks on their clothing, which looked like loose-fitting jumpsuits. They were talking to 652 each other but she couldn't understand what they were saying. The two spent about half an hour picking up stones, pebbles, plants and soil samples, all within fifty feet of the UFO. She was only fifteen feet from them but was quite frightened and stayed hidden. The two beings then entered the craft, which quickly rose into the air, spinning and leaving a sort of vapor trail behind. Maria was nine months pregnant. She lives in Pocinhos, Paraiba, and had gone to the farm to stay with her sister. She remembers the date she saw the UFO because it was just three days before her youngest child was born. Case Three: Around midnight one moonlit night in May, 1974, Manoel Pacheco Juca, forty-seven, and a friend, Pedro, had been fishing along the Atlantic coast two miles from his farm near Paraipaba, Ceara. They were walking to another location when Manoel looked back over his shoulder and saw something that hadn't been there minutes earlier. About forty yards away were three men standing near what looked like a jeep near the water. Manoel and Pedro were frightened. They ducked down and watched. The strangers were dressed in dark clothing and apparently did not see them. Five times the three strangers hurried side by side into the ocean and just as quickly returned to the jeep. They were wet and seemed to be measuring something with a rope. They said nothing, and no sounds were heard. After about three minutes, the three climbed into the jeep and disappeared into the ocean, jeep and all. Case Four: Joao Ferreira, forty-seven, and his son, Ademar, twenty-one, were fishing in a river near Trairi, Ceara, one night in May, 1975. They had caught a fish and Joao had left his son to start a fire to cook it while he went to fish farther down the river. 653 About eight o'clock, Joao heard his son shout: "Father! Someone's trying to catch me!" Joao ran back and, in the light of the fire, saw a blue disc-shaped object as big as a car on the sand with three men standing near it. The UFO had a dome and five or six windows around it. One of the men was a short, stocky fellow and the other two were tall. The stocky one had yellow clothes. The tallest one wore green and the other blue. All had light skin. “I surprised them and they quickly entered the disk and went away,” Joao said. “What impressed me was that when it took off, it gave off all these sparks or rays of different colors and it went very rapidly. It lit up the whole area. I understood them to tell me: 'You stay here, we’re leaving.' I understood the stocky man even though he wasn't speaking Portuguese. “I didn't see my son at first and I was crazy trying to find him. I thought they'd taken him into the spaceship but he had hidden in the bushes beside the river.” Case Five: Just before dusk one afternoon in 1976, Hercilia da Costa, then nine, was walking home from catechism class in Sao Goncalo do Amarante, Ceara. As she passed through a patch of woods, she saw a light ahead. Seconds later she came upon a UFO sitting on three legs in a dry river bed. Gathered near it were seven men about six feet tall in dark suits. They appeared to be surprised to see her and stared at her. One was kneeling and putting pebbles into a transparent bag. He spoke to her but she didn't understand him. ”The men looked like Americans," Hercilia said. "They had normal mouths, hands, no hair. I didn't see the hair. It was covered by their clothes. I didn't see their eyes. They were wearing black boots that came to mid-calf. The man who spoke to me opened his mouth when he spoke. They didn't try to catch me." 654 The UFO was round, silver colored, had a door and two little round windows with dark glass in them. Hercilia remembers very clearly seeing two red lights on the front and hearing a motor noise that sounded like a helicopter. "I was so afraid that I felt chest pains," she said. "I ran back to the village and told some men who went back there, Horacio and Augusto. When they got there about ten minutes later, the UFO was gone but they found footprints and three square holes in the ground." I have talked to all of these people, been in the homes of most of them and even stayed overnight in the home of Manoel Pacheco Juca and his wife, Adelaide, a poor but generous couple. None of these people have the slightest doubt about what they saw, and most are certain they have seen alien beings in craft that come from some place other than Earth. Comparisons In the 1964 case, Maria Inocencio described the two beings as "greenish looking.” This is unusual because "Iittle green men" are rarely ever seen. Nearly everyone, especially scoffers, makes jokes about them, but in the hundreds of cases live investigated, there were only four or five such reports. One other interesting thing about her case and Faustino's in 1950 is that they are typical of the humanoid cases reported in those days, when UFO crews seemed to be obsessed with picking up plants, stones and soil samples. Such incidents were reported in many parts of the world in the 1950s and 1960s but are seldom heard of now. In 1976, nine-year-old Hercilia saw seven men next to a landed UFO, with one of them kneeling down and picking up stones. By that time, there were fewer and fewer such reports. Hercilia was a quiet-spoken, 655 impressive witness. A twenty-four-year-old housewife and mother when she told us her story in September, 1991, she often paused to think before giving precise answers to our questions. Antonio Duarte's experience near Mossoro in 1988 and Manoel Pacheco's on the beach in 1974 are somewhat similar to Hercilia's. Duarte saw three busy beings floating to the ground and back up into a UFO before it disappeared in a silent explosion, and Pacheco and his friend saw three men running back and forth between their "jeep" and the ocean. In all these cases the entities gave the impression that they were very busy doing something of great importance. And that may be the key. Some researchers suspect that much of the socalled activity of UFO crews on the ground is a deception, that the aliens are aware of witnesses watching them and that the gathering of soil samples or whatever is just a show, a display of some kind. What the motives could be is anybody's guess. One possibility is that they want people to believe they are explorers from other worlds.This transition from "sample gathering" to plucking humans and dogs from the ground may be part of an evolutionary process in the phenomenon. What we can say is that these craft come in many shapes and sizes, not only in Brazil but throughout the world, and they have crews consisting of small creatures with large heads or people who look like normal humans and sometimes both. The fact that there are so many UFOs, of so many shapes and sizes, makes it hard to believe UFOs come from other planets or stars in our universe. With hundreds of thousands of sightings and encounters reported throughout the world, even millions, there would have to be a steady stream of UFOs coming from all parts of the universe to account for them. This fact alone -- among others -- is what keeps many scientists 656 from considering the possibility that UFOs are real. So what are they and where do they come from? 16. In 1992, Timothy Green Beckley, published the book Strange Encounters (Inner Light Publications, ISBN: 0938294-21-0), 95 printed pages. Below we presented material from this book, pages 83-95 There has been speculation for as long as I can recall that UFOs have set up “shop” under the seas and oceans of our world, thus avoiding the necessity of traveling back and forth to some distant solar system. Throughout history, our seafarers have witnesses unexplainable pinwheels of light beneath the waters. Dazzled by these spectacles, they wrote about them in their ship’s logs and even drew what they observed. Vast cities may even exist in areas such as the Bermuda Triangle that were constructed by other worldly intelligences. Some of our ships may have unfortunately been attacked by some rather unfriendly underwater denizens. For hundreds of years, mysterious unidentified lights and objects have been observed hovering, submerging and emerging from various bodies of water all over the earth. These unidentified craft would appear to be using the vast water areas of the earth as operational bases. Former NASA Mars mapping expert, Jacques Vallee, author of the book, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, has candidly conceded that not only is it likely, but it is most probable that the UFO-nauts do have hangars deep under the sea, where they cannot easily be detected. Some credence to the existence of such entities 657 is seen in the fact that the National Bureau of Standards has stated that it never has been able to identify mysterious radio signals which seem to come from somewhere in the middle of the South Atlantic. These recurring sounds have never been identified or specifically located. Undersea UFOs have featured in some of the earliest stories of the sea. As long ago as the 12th century, seagoing men returned with tales of objects which followed their ships for periods of days sometimes at sea level, and sometimes just below the surface of the water. Many of these objects were reported to be brightly colored. At night they often lit up the sea for miles around. Some were circular in shape while others were described as long-"like the body of a whale," silver in color. Charles Fort in his book Book of the Damned, describes a case in which Captain EW. Banner, skipper of the ship Lady of the Lake, reported seeing a remarkable "object in the sky." It was said to have taken on the appearance of a semi-circle divided into four parts, "the central dividing shaft beginning at the center of the circle and extending far outward, and then curving backward." Fort placed the date at March 22,1870. One of the most documented accounts of UFOs seen over water is still vividly remembered by William J. Kiehl, who lived in San Francisco when he was interviewed. Kiehl reports that in August, 1914, near Georgia Bay, Canada, he and eight other persons observed an odd phenomena: "Wet and chilled, we were gathering wood for a fire when two young girls who were in the party came running excitedly into our make-shift camp in an isolated cove and demanded that we follow them to a nearby beach. A deer was standing there, they said, gazing out onto the water at a strange machine which appeared to be anchored. We followed the girls and there, near the 658 middle of the bay, was a strange machine of a type I had not seen the likes of before nor since. "I would say that this strange machine was about nine feet high and twelve feet long. On top of the ship were two little men dressed in green and purple tight-fitting clothes., Square yellow masks which seemed to rest on their shoulders covered their faces. "A light green-colored hose appeared to come out of a small porthole about half way up the side of the unusual craft. The two little creatures appeared to be trying to get some kinks or knots out of the hose which was dragging in the water. "Their task accomplished, three more crea-tures appeared on the topmost deck of the craft and began adjusting some type of rods which were affixed to the upper part of the ship. "After what was probably two or three minutes, the five beings went inside the ship by way of the porthole from which the hose was extended. "The ship then rose from the bay surface sucking with it a heavy upsurge of water which sprayed the entire sea, leaving a mist above which did not settle for some time. As the ship continued to move straight up it changed color from red to green, and then made a tight left turn and flew off on its side." Another almost identical story, which received little publicity, appeared in the September-October 1950 issue of The Steep Rock Echo, house organ of the Steep Rock Iron Company, Ontario, Canada. A senior executive of the company, accompanied by his wife, was on a boating trip when he pulled into a tiny cove in Sawbill Bay just after dusk on July 2,1950. "Cliffs rose on all three sides of the cove. Small trees and bushes concealed us and our boat from anyone overhead in a plane, had there been one around that evening:' the man reported. The couple had decided this would be an ideal 659 spot to eat. "Suddenly," relates the executive, "the air seemed to vibrate as if from shock waves from a blasting operation. I had an intuition to climb ten feet up a rock, where a cleft gave onto the bay." There he saw a large shining object in the curve of the shore line, about a quarter of a mile away. "I rushed back to my wife and brought her back to the cleft in the rock," he said. Together they saw the strange shining object which they described as being like "two saucers, one upside down on the top of the other floating on the water." On the top of the craft were several open hatches and approximately ten "little figures." The leader of the UFOnauts was standing on a small raised platform. "He wore what seemed to be a red skull cap, or perhaps it was red paint. The caps worn by the others were blue," says the report. "I should say the figures were from 3 feet six inches to 4 feet tall-all much the same size. We could not see their faces. In fact, the faces seemed like blank surfaces and the figures appeared to move like automata, rather than living beings." As the two watched through the fading day-light they saw one of the beings pick up the end of a green hose, lift it from the water, and begin walking to the rear of the ship. As soon as this figure had completed what appeared to be his job, all of them climbed down the open hatches into the interior of the ship. The hatches then closed and the watchers heard a strange hum. Seconds later the UFO took off at high speed. Days later they returned to the area with an associate. As luck had it, they again saw the object with its hatches open, but the hum from their boat motor apparently attracted the attention of the UFO's crew who jumped through the ports on the top of the ship, which immediately took off. The U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office issues a weekly publication, "Notice to Mariners," which is a 660 valuable source for those collecting material on the observation of marine phenomena. In recent years this publication has contained several ac-counts of mysterious celestial events which are still completely unexplained. The following re-ports have been selected from this publication for a period of a single week in 1959. They are listed under Section VI "marine Information" which contains "selected reports from cooperating observers".. .Mariners are urged to submit reports of their observations of the various marine phenom-ena. Such reports are evaluated and published as appropriate, "for the benefit of the maritime com-munity in general." The following are typical: CELESTIAL PHENOMENON North Pacific Second Officer L.R. Bjelde of the American S.S. "Mariposa," Master R.C. Russell reported: "On 14 September 1959, at 1318 C.M.' lat. 31 ~6' N., long. 140°04' W., course 061° gyro., speed 19.7 knots, light variable breeze, air temperature 67°F., sea temperature 72°F., barometer 30.14 inches, a gigantic explosion was observed in the sky. The horizon was brightly illuminated by the blast which left trails that resembled smoke. The phenomenon was on a bearing of 056° true at an altitude of approximately 45°, apparently high above the normal atmosphere." CELESTIAL PHENOMENON South Atlantic Third Officer W.E.Hughes of the American S.S. Del Mundo, Capt. E.]. Quillin, Master, reported: ''At 0615 C.M.'f. October 6, 1959, in lat. 2°22' S., long. 38°48' W., on passage from Cabadello, Brazil, to New Orleans, a bright white light with a yellow 100m of about 4° was observed just under Castor and Pollux bearing 35° altitude 38°. A yellow 100m trailed the light which traveled 661 southeasterly and set below the horizon bearing 96° at 0622 C.M.'f. Mr. Hughes stated the light appeared to be man-made and traveled at a uni-form speed and brightness and was observed for approximately seven minutes. "Weather partly cloudy with good visibility, wind ESE force 3, barometer 29.84 inches, air temperature 78°F., sea temperature 78°F" MARINE PHENOMENON Indian Ocean Capt. Luigi Colombo, Master of the Panamanian S.S. Stanvac Singapore, reported:"At 1810 C.M.T. April 4, 1959, in lat.2000'N., 59<>.22'E., course 182, speed 13.5 knots~ on passage from Abadan to Maritius Island, the third mate called me to the bridge and I observed a diffuse light on the horizon bearing 252°. Observing the light through binoculars it appeared as the 100m of a city beyond the horizon. It was not due to lightning as the phenomenon lasted for some time and was clearly seen. A similar luminous spot appeared abaft the beam and a third one of lesser intensity was observed abeam. Radar showed four circular targets at 20 miles and 3 larger ones at 40 miles. The observation lasted from 1810 to 1930 G.M.'f. and only one lightning bolt was observed above the 3 luminous sources. "Weather clear and good visibility, wind calm, moderate long swell. Barometer 30.00 inches, air temperature 82°F., sea temperature 80°F." CELESTIAL PHENOMENON North Atlantic Second Officer P.v.d. Vrie of the Dutch M.V. Colytto, Capt. R. Ijlstra, Master reported: "At 0130 Zone Time, February 22, 1959, in lat.18<>.20'N., long. 58~0'W., I observed an ob-ject moving very fast in the sky. The height of the object was uncertain but esti662 mated at more than 300 meters (984 feet). It was observed moving from west to east when suddenly its course was al-tered in the same direction as the ship (235°) which it followed for about three seconds and then turned in the same direction it previously followed, without any change in speed. The color of the object was between orange and red and had a small trail of white-blue gas. "Weather partly cloudy with good visibility, wine NE force 3-4, slight sea, air temperature 79°F." Hundreds of similar reports have found their way into mariner journals over the years. On August 29, 1964, an amazing photograph taken from the Eltanin, a Military Sea Transportation ship about 1000 miles west of Cape Horn, South Africa, showed what apparently was a complex radio antenna being raised from the ocean at an estimated depth of 2250 fathoms. Dr. Thomas Hopkins, a senior marine biologist who was on board at the time, remarked that "at that depth there is no light, so photosynthesis could not take place and plants cannot live." Scientific investigation has failed to explain the what-for and why-for of the object photographed by the Eltanin. In 1964, USO's or Unidentified Submarine Objects were frequently seen in Australian waters. Henk Hinfelaar, editor of New Zealand's Spad-view, personally investigated seven known cases between January and November of that year. One of the reports occurred on January 12th, when an unidentified airline pilot (known to Mr. Hinfelaar) was on an assignment from Whenupai (Auckland's Airport) to Kaitaia. The crew was comprised of the Captain, First Officer and an Operations Officer. As they flew low over the coast line approaching the southern end of Kaipara Harbour something shining drew their attention. The pilot veered the aircraft slightly to port to fly more directly over the object which was just under the sur663 face of the water. He saw that the object, which at first glance might have been mistaken for a whale, was actually a metallic structure. He observed the following details: 1. It was perfectly streamlined and syrnmetrical in shape. 2. It had no external control surfaces or protrusions. 3. It appeared metallic and there was a sug-gestion of a hatch on top, streamlined in shape, not quite halfway along the body as measured from the nose. 4. The shape was not that of a normal submarine. 5. Its length was estimated at 100 feet with a diameter of 15 feet at the widest part. The March 26, 1966, edition of the Miami News relates how Isaac Lester and John Robert Bair, who were cruising in a motor launch, spotted a strange cigar-shaped object maneuvering in the sky quite low over the water several miles out at sea. To get a closer look, they headed for the object at full speed. When they were within a few hundred yards of it they noticed "eerie pulsations of light around what appeared to be the nose section of the craft." Then, what looked like a greenish volume of light, water or vapor, extended from the underside of the object down to the surface of the water which they discovered was strewn with dead fish. The crew of the launch radioed back to the Boca Chica base to report what they had seen, and. within several minutes search planes were flying over the area. It was then that the strange craft took off and vanished. On January 23rd, 1968, the French Subma-rine Minerve disappeared with 52 men on board, somewhere in the western Mediterranean. About the same time as the Minerve went down, strange "ping sounds" were heard bouncing off a mys664 terious object beneath the surface. Over 30 ships and dozens of aircraft were called in to take part in the search. According to the New York Times, "French officials reported that a destroyer had picked up an echo on its sonar gear which apparently came from a metallic object lying at a depth of 412 to 650 feet." However, several days' extensive search showed no signs of the Minerve. So what was this metallic object which sonar had tracked? In late May, 1968, the U.S. submarine Scorpion also disappeared without a trace. During the search for the missing submarine by hundreds of aircraft and surface vessels, a crewman on the Navy refrigerator ship Hyades sighted a strange "orange object" some 1400 miles east off Norfolk, Virginia. This was where the Scorpion is thought to have gone down, but air and sea search for the object provided no clue as to its identity. These and many other authenticated reports of the mysterious lights and objects which have appeared over the oceans of the world would indicate that there are submarine UFOs as well as what must now be considered the more conventional flying saucers. Canadian artist Gene Duplantier gives various shapes and sizes of aliens.(next page) 665 666 WHAT DO THE ALIENS LOOK LIKE? Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who acted as technical consultant for the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and who heads the Center for UFO Studies, maintains that his files contain over eight hundred instances in which earthlings have been confronted by aliens from other planets. And while some of these reports can be brushed off as tall tales or the ravings of crackpots, there is a solid base of evidence for believing that we are not alone in the universe, that our earth has been and continues to be-visited on a regular basis by flying saucers and their occupants. Reports about contacts with ufonauts have been increasing in the past few decades. The aliens have been described as varying considerably in shape and size, indicating that our planet is possibly being used as a stop-over point by a number of interplanetary races. In Australia, a man stumbles upon a 13-foot-tall alien emerging from a strange circular craft and is blasted by a red ray that temporarily immobilizes him. In Argentina, several farmers are frightened by the sudden appearance of two seven-foot-tall saucerians who try to kidnap one of them. In the U.S., a 15-foot-ball “being” with a round blood-red face (with no nose or mouth) approaches seven eyewitnesses who run for their lives. In Brazil, a 10-foot-tall giant saucerian “Cyclops” tries to carry off the son of a farmer. Around the world reports of giant aliens have flooded the offices of government agencies who are baffled by the strange actions of these beings. Is it possible that the many different sized and shaped UFOnauts who have landed on earth have carved up our planet-like galactic colonizers-into spheres of influence? It was a humid evening in late August 1963. The moon was full, and the stars twinkled brilliantly. Near the town of Sagrada Familia, Brazil,the Eustagulo family 667 lived in a modest home in a rural area. They had never heard of flying saucers. On this particular evening the two Eustagulo boys, Fernando, 11, and Ronaldo, 9, were told to go to the well in the garden and clean the family coffee filter. The two went down the litde stone stairway that led to the well with their friend Marcos. The night was so clear and luminous, they didn't immediately recognize the sphere that was floating in front of them as they stood in front of the well cranking the pulley to bring up a bucketful of water. When they first saw the object, it was above the trees, practically touching the branches. The boys could make out people sitting one behind the other in four or five rows inside the craft. Then suddenly a door popped open, making a humming noise. Two luminous parallel bands speared the ground near a flower bed and a slender being, about 10 feet tall, glided on the two bands of light to the ground, landing near the foot of the stone stairway. The being rode down the beams, with his arms outstretched, in a slow sliding movement. Once he reached the ground he walked about 20 feet, with his back stiff, legs open, and arms stretched out, balancing himself. He moved, swinging his body from left to right continuously until he reached a rock in the yard and proceeded to sit down. All three boys agreed that the being wore a transparent helmet over his head, and had only one visible eye of dark color in the middle of his forehead. It was actually a giant-sized saucerian Cyclops! The UFOnaut was wearing high boots, which had long, thick triangular spikes protruding from each. The spikes made strange impressions in the soft earth, which could be seen for days following the sighting. The trousers the being wore seemed to be fastened to the boots in a ring fashion. The moment the being hit the ground, his suit seemed to inflate as if it 668 filled with air. His garment was very shiny and similar to leather. Fernando said that the being had a copper colored box on his back, and a square pack which covered part of his chest. He said this pack gave off flashes of light, and he thought it was either a camera or flashlight. In the craft's open doorway the boys could plainly see the other occupants sitting behind control panels turning knobs and flicking switches. Frozen in their tracks, the boys said the being reached for one of them as if he meant to sweep him up in his giant hands and carry him to the waiting ship. Fearing the worst, Fernando picked up a brick and was about to heave it at the space-man, who was seated on the rock, when the being stood up and stared at the youth. Fernando was unable to move, or throw the brick. It was as if the being had gained control over his body and his movements. As if suprised by the boy's hostile action, the "spaceman" took a few steps back, his mouth opening in a vertical fashion, showing a row of white teeth with two larger ones at the corners of the mouth-one directed downward, the other up. The being proceeded to enter the ship, gliding up the shafts of light still beaming down. This time, however; the Cyclops floated skyward with his hands pressed against his body and not out-stretched as before. Looking through the door of the open ship, the boys saw that all the crew members were about the same size and stature and wore the same transparent helmet. The youngsters also felt that one of the beings on board was a female, since it had long hair pulled tighdy into a bun, while all the others appeared to be bald. As in many cases already reported, the boys felt that the occupant was not really attempting to hurt them. They could not explain how they got this impression, but their fear had disappeared. The boys were also 669 quite certain that he would return again. When asked how they knew this, they answered that it was just a feeling, as if someone was talking to them. A local Brazilian UFO researcher explained this as a telepathic suggestion and claimed that others in the vicinity had also reported strange objects in the skies that evening. Another of the many cases of giant UFO-nauts was reported in the Australian Flying Saucer Review. It was raining heavily at dawn on October 18, 1963. Eugenio Douglas was driving with a truckload of coal, between Monte Maix and Isla Verde, in Argentina, when a brilliant headlight, apparently from an approaching car, blinded him. As another "auto" approached, Douglas realized that the vehicle had only one headlight. He slowed down to avoid a collision, and as he did the light became so bright he could not look at it any longer. He stepped on the brakes and put his head on the steering wheel. The truck was now on the edge of the road. Douglas got out of the truck and through the veil of rain saw a circular metallic craft about 35 feet high in front of him. Douglas told an investigator from the Review that, "Suddenly another light of lesser intensity appeared in the vehicle. It came from an open door. Several tall figures passed through the opening. They were human-like but extremely tall." He estimated their height at approximately 13 feet and they were dressed in tight fitting metallic suits. According to the filed report, the occupants wore strange head gear with protrusions that looked like small antennae. Douglas said that there was nothing repulsive about the big men, yet he was terribly frightened. The moment his presence was discovered by the aliens, a ray of red light flashed, burning his skin. Eugenio Douglas was in such a state of fright that he could think of nothing but grabbing his revolver and fir670 ing three shots at the tall being. Then he started to run on the road toward the town of Monte Maix. But the "burning light" from the ship followed him wherever he went. When he reached the village, Douglas noticed that as the red beam touched electric lights in the street, they turned violet and then green. A strong smell of gas immediately spread all around the area. As he came to the nearest home he began to shout for help. This was the house of a Mr. Ribas, who had died the night before. Unexpectedly, the candles around the casket and all the electric lights in the house turned green. A strange smell instandy filled the room. Hearing the shouts outside and seeing the weird happenings inside, the Ribas family rushed out of their house to find Douglas with an over-coat over his head and a gun in his hand. Neighbors appeared on the scene to stare at the green street lights. In the meantime the UFOnauts had disappeared into the gloom. Douglas was taken to the police station where he showed burns on his face and hands, and again related his weird experience. The police officer then remembered that he had received a number of calls about the electric lights changing color throughout the town, which was attributed to irregularities at the local power plant. Douglas was examined by a Doctor Dabolas, who stated that the burns had been caused by radiation similar to overexposure to ultraviolet rays. The following day the villagers went to the site where Douglas met the strange machine with the giants, and found large footprints (19112 inches long), partially washed away by the rain. Burnt out cables were also found in the truck. There have been many observations of flying saucer "giants" in South America, but sightings of these beings seem to abound in Argentina. Saucer News (September 1965) contains a brief report concerning an 671 incredible incident which occurred in the town of Torren. During February of that year, a UFO landed in full view of a group of extremely excited and frightened farmers. Two strange beings, towering over seven feet tall, emerged from the craft and walked toward the villagers. As in the Douglas case they had an apparatus on the foreheads which gave off small rays of many colored light. The beings then went into one of the nearby houses and attempted to kidnap the farmer who lived there. They were unsuccessful, due to the combined efforts of his friends who came to the rescue. On the same evening the craft landed again, and this time the farmers opened fire on the giants. To their horror and dismay the bullets had no effect. Despite the ability to withstand the fussilade, the spacemen were easily discouraged from the kidnap mission. Interestingly, one of the farmers who fought the spacemen hand-to-hand later came down with a strange skin disease. Brazil has also had its share of visits by these giants. In August, 1958, three men on the out-skirts of Mindui reportedly observed a pair of eight-foot-tall beings dressed in brilliant red clothing. They watched the spacemen walk up a hill to their UFO, and take off. On February 14, 1965, on a beach near Guarani, Brazil, five local residents observed the landing of an unusually large object. Three of those present went back to a nearby motel to get additional witnesses. While they were gone, the two remaining UFO witnesses cautiously approached the ship from behind sand dunes, until they managed to maneuver within 60 feet of the craft. From this position they noticed that three beings had alighted from the ship. The UFOnauts were thin, tall creatures about eight feet tall, each wearing a dark, one piece suit which fit very tightly around their bodies. Before anyone else could arrive at the site, the 672 craft took off. However those who did return could see traces of footprints and unusual circles where the object had rested. Several hours later on the same evening, Nilo Domingues, while resting on a beach in Atlantida, Brazil, saw a UFO land and immediately turn on what appeared to be a bright spotlight that moved about on the sand. A porthole could be seen on the craft and from a door on its underside came another strong light. Suddenly the object took off rapidly and disappeared. Half an hour later, Domingues returned to the beach with his son and found strange markings in the sand, which looked like the ship and its crew had returned dur-ing his brief absence. From Vilovi, Spain, comes a sighting of an enormous hairy monster seen on February 27, 1968. The "animal" reportedly left huge footprints in the ground and walked the countryside at night scaring animals. Several horses were reportedly attacked by the beast. There have been frequent reports of UFOs in the area. Even more recently, a Rumanian migrant in Australia reportedly saw three giant creatures in purple and yellow clothing about 200 miles north of Brisbane. This sighting was carried in The News of January 17, 1969: "Mr. George Vas, a repairman, his wife, Malanka, and daughters Olga, 14, and Maria, 13, all say they watched the space-men collecting sugar cane and other plant specimens for 10 minutes. Mr. Vas said he and his family were asleep in their caravan at the edge of the road. About 4:30 A.M., they were awakened by the barking of their dog, lea.He heard a loud buzzing noise like a big swarm of wasps, and said he saw a'n object land; it was between 25 and 30 yards in diameter and looked like a Mexican som-brero. It gave off a brilliant violet color. Mr. Vas said he and his family watched as three spacemen -about three times larger than humans~descended from the ship. They had blocky arms and legs 673 and shapeless bodies. They gave off a purple-yellowish glow. After gathering specimens for about 10 minutes, the spacemen returned to their ship. The craft then went straight up, traveling very quickly. As it took off, the hair on (every-one's) body stood up as if affected by a form of magnetism. Mr. Vas said this was his third sight-ing of 'spacemen.' He saw one as a child in Ruma-nia in 1918, and another near Belgrade in 1946." Although the appearance of these giant UFOnauts have been less frequent in North America, information has been obtained of at least 25 reports centering around sightings of these creatures. Mary Lou Guenther, a Canadian researcher, reports that on September 19, 1963, about 8:00 P.M., a UFO hovered over a field across from a school yard in Saskatoon, Canada. As the UFO passed over the vacant lot, it dropped a large container of some type. After the UFO took off, the young witnesses, including ll-year-old Brian Whitehead, started walking in the di-rection of the "box." When they were within 15 feet of the object, someone or something stood up. The being was about 10 feet tall, and suddenly started moving toward the children, moaning and holding his hands out as he came at them. Brian described the alien as being dressed in clothes which "were like a cloak worn by a monk." The "suit" was white like a huge crayon. When questioned whether he saw pants legs, Brian seemed puzzled and said, "I don't know; sometimes I could see right through them." After the children had calmed down, the police were summoned, and they arrived about 45 minutes after the incident took place. The investigation centered around the field for several days, and details of it were sketchy. The boys were questioned separately and asked to draw sketches, which apparently matched. According to Mrs. Guenther, "The following evening some boys while in the playground saw the same UFO 674 return and again hover above the lot.They thought they saw an extremely large man lying on the ground because they saw 'arms and legs move.' The object then disappeared, and they saw nothing else." During a widespread wave of saucer sightings in Mexico in 1965 there were several cases involving giants. In September, a group of saucer occupants estimated to be 10 feet in height, with brilliant red eyes and no mouths or noses, were seen by three women who claim they popped out in front of them during a stroll through a suburb of Mexico City. The beings were dressed in shiny gray suits and boots "just like out of the comic strips." After seeing the beings, the women said they ran away in panic and when they eventually decided to return to the site the UFOnauts had departed. Not to be outdone, the United States has had its share of this type of creature. On the evening of September 14, 1952, seven witnesses, including a National Guardsman, climbed a hill in Flatwoods, West Virginia, after watching a flaming fireball land in the immediate area. When they reached the top of the hill, they were startled to see a dull orange glob resting on the ground. From the glow surrounding the object emerged a 15-foot-tall being which towered over the witnesses. Its face, everyone agreed, was round and blood red. No one noticed a nose or mouth, only eyes, or eye-like openings, which projected "greenish-orange" beams of light. Around the red "face" and reaching upward to a point was a dark hood-like shape, which could have been a helmet. Watching the "monster" gliding over the ground in their direction, the wimesses took off, running back down the hill and clearing a four-foot gate without opening it. Later, questioned by researcher Gray Barker, the witnesses stated that an awful odor, like rotten eggs, 675 covered the entire area. This stench was so horrible that they were sick to their stomachs for hours afterward. Returning to the area with Gene Lemon, the Guardsman, Barker found the site covered with mysterious "skid marks." The impressions were about 10 feet apart in the tall grass and led from the tree, where the "monster" was last seen standing, to the location of the alleged "fireball." Oddly enough, at the exact time of these seven witnesses' experience, residents from surrounding states were calling local police departments, TV and radio stations, and military installations to report peculiar aerial observations which were generally interpreted as meteorites. The Air Force sent an investigator to Flatwoods a few weeks later and convinced at least one wimess that what they had seen was a top secret government rocket, propelled by an ammonia-like fuel. No answer has ever been offered to explain the appearance of a 15foot-tall monster. Thus it must be listed as another appearance made by giant saucerians! A young Van Nuys, California electrician, Ted Kittredge, came forward in June, 1956, with his account of meeting three seven-foot-tall "visitors" who appeared quite friendly, had long flowing hair, and spoke English, "as if they had memorized thousands of conversations and were repeating the words on tape." Kittredge said his stepbrother, with whom he shared his home, slept through the entire episode. Kittredge himself was awakened by the barking of his dogs and upon stepping outside to investigate saw a huge golden colored ball in his yard. "Three men approached me without hesitation and told me not to be frightened," he said. "I was really scared. In fact the whole thing seemed like a dream. Only I know it wasn't. Several other people in the Valley had seen the same thing, even talked with the men. I just hope I never see 676 it again, that’s all. “ Kittredge also appears to have had a brush with a mysterious group who try to silence saucer witnesses. After appearing on a TV show in Van Nuys he got a phone call in the middle of the night, warning him that it would be wise not to talk about his contact. "I was told to stop worrying and stop talking," Kittredge said. "I could hear machines clicking in the background and the voice said 'We know all about what's going on. You just keep your mouth shut and forget about it.'" This type of phone call has been received by many people after a close sighting or contact. While going for a late walk in the sand near Riis Park, N.Y., in September, 1961, Stan Suban of Brooklyn, claims that he saw a creature at least seven feet in height near a burning fire. The young Columbia University student maintains that his sighting occurred around 2:30 A.M.: "A sphere of white light hung suspended around the fire. Near the water I could see five or six persons whom I took to be skin divers. I could see the black 'wet' suits with the white strings drawn at their arms. They were all about 61/2 feet tall and well built. I was about 50 yards from the fire and was attempting to get a closer look at what was going on. Then a figure, much larger than the rest, approached from the direction of the water. It came up to the fire and bent over it and remained in that position for some time. Then he walked around the fire several times, stopped and took off what appeared to be sweat pants. What then terrified me was the appearance of this figure. He was white as snow, seven to 71/2 feet tall, and had no distinguishable facial features. "I couldn't believe my eyes but stared at him in fascination and terror. At this time I hid behind a concrete block which was about seven feet high." The "alien" even towered above the structure. After looking at the creature for several minutes I knew he was not of 677 this world. He walked with an animated gait. I was impressed with the massive power it seemed to have within itself I do not believe the ‘person’ was human. Minutes later, the creature disappeared as it moved out of the firelight toward the ocean. Because of the constant shifting of the sand no impressions were found to confirm Stan Suban's tale, but he is very definite about what he saw. One of the strangest encounters involving giantsized saucer occupants occurred to six teenagers in Daniels Park just south of Denver, Colorado, on the evening of April 8, 1966. The group of teenagers consisted of Alan Scrivner, Donald Otis, Michael Simington, all 17 years old, and Patricia Retherford, Kaye Hurley, both 16, and Mary Zolar, 18. At about 5:30 P.M. they drove to Daniels Park, which is a short ride from the heart of Denver. They parked their car and walked, joking as they went, a distance of some 350 feet to an old dugout shelter where they proceeded to build a fire and have a picnic. About 9:30, Scrivner told reporter William Logan of the Rocky Mountain News, "We were all inside a shelter and thought we heard a sound like someone walking on top of the roof." Scrivner and Donald Otis took a flashlight and went out to have a look. "We couldn't see anything. It seemed real quiet outside, and then we noticed this buzzing sound. There was something out there rustling around and it would stop when Don and I would stop. Up near my car we looked out into a nearby field and saw something that looked like another car with big round taillights. The lights moved around and then were gone. We went back to the shelter, where the others (were waiting), and they told us they had seen a big figure or something pass in the light outside. They said it was a lot taller than me,and I'm six feet one inch." Scrivner estimated that the being was seven feet tall "We decided to leave and as we walked to the car, 678 Don yelled about a light. There was a white light that shot out real bright across from us, and two blue lights, dimmer, and a brighter one below us." Four of the teenagers stood on the hood of the car to get a better view. They saw four objects that looked like "fireballs with domes on them, sort of squashed spheres. This strange sound was all around us. It didn't come from one direction. It was pulsating." Scrivner then told reporter Logan that three of the objects were off to the right. "Two that hovered and one that went up and down and the fourth came around from the left. The last one changed its color to red after it got close to us." Red rays seemed to be coming out of the bottom of the object "on and off" as if the object was trying to blast off unsuccessfully. Scrivner continued: "We decided to drive out of there. My car wouldn't work right. It's a 1954 Ford, but has a new engine and works fine, but the engine kept (conking out) like the ignition was going on and off. There was nothing but static on the radio." After Scrivner finally managed to get the car started, he reported that the others all saw a huge light on the road behind them. "It was 30 feet behind us and came up right behind our car and then it went out. The strange thing is I couldn't see the light in the rear view mirror." Police Chief John C. MacLvor said the teenagers seemed quite sincere and "two of the girls were really frightened." The chief commented, "I'm inclined to think they really saw something." Emil Slaboda, Wire News Editor of The Trentonian, has been one of the few dedicated newsmen who has tried to get the facts about flying saucers across to the public. His investigations of several sightings which have taken place in New Jersey have turned out to be valuable contributions to UFO research. 679 In his Across the Board column of February 5, 1967, Slaboda wrote: "The following two stories are true to the best of my knowledge. They happened in the Trenton area and both cases were reported to the police. The principals, however, wanted to remain anonymous and for good reason, monster and flying saucer stories often bring ridicule to the tellers! Although only a select group of people know it, a monster, presumably from a saucer, visited Washington Cross Park, New Jersey, and scared the daylights out of four nocturnal visitors to the park some five weeks ago." Slaboda reported that two men and two women were driving through the park when they noticed an unusual shadow pass over their car. ''Although there was no sound of engines, the four passed off the shadow as that of an airplane heading for nearby Mercer Airport. They stopped the car moments later and two of the group left the car for a short walk." Suddenly there was an alarming roar, "as if some animal were nearby." Hurrying back to their parked auto, the couple saw an eight-foot-tall creature gliding toward them over a grassy knoll. "It definitely did not walk like an animal or anything human," one of the witnesses explained. Slaboda interviewed a brother of one of the witnesses who told the newsman, "I don't know what they saw out there, but I do know that what-ever it was, it certainly scared the heck out of them." The second encounter reported by Emil Slaboda occurred on Friday, March 3, 1967 not far from the same Washington Crossing Park. "Two 19-year-old girls were driving down Bear Tavern Road, in Ewing Township. They were in the vicinity of the Mountain View Golf Course when the UFO put in its appearance." The girls told the Ewing Police that the craft was about 20 feet long, cigar shaped and was lit up along its entire length. When the object dipped down in front of their car, the 680 girl driving slammed on the brakes and began to scream. It was once suggested by the late Ivan T. Sanderson, and more recently by John Keel and many others, that a good number of UFO occupants are actually "androids" manufactured creations. This would mean we are dealing with non-thinking, nonfeeling beings and are faced with the task of trying to understand machines which are merely "programmed." The space giants, from eyewitness reports, could be the machines created by the UFOnauts to land on earth and perform various mysterious tasks. Imagine what the Russian "Moon Rover" would look like in the eyes of a lunar creature. What is astounding about the space giant phenomenon is that these "creatures" have been sighted throughout the world. But perhaps the most important aspect of this mystery is this: witness have always seen different shaped beings in different locations and one type of giant has never been sighted in another area. Have the masters of the giants or the giants themselves carved up the earth into spheres of influence to accomplish who knows what? Research indicates that giants have walked the earth in the past. Were they from space? If so, why have they returned? 17. In 1990, Timothy Beckley published the book The UFO Silencers (Inner Light Publications, ISBN: 0-938294-87-3), 160 printed pages. From the above book, we present two fascinating accounts. The first entitled Abduction and MIB incident in Canada (pages 70-81 in that book), while the second goes by the name An Alien In Our Midst (pages 8388). Abduction and MIB Incident in Canada Another weird account of MIB activity comes our 681 way from Lawrence J Fenwick and Joseph Muskat, CoDirectors of the Canadian UFO Research Network (CUFORN). Two different cases involving the abduction of humans by UFO entities in Canada occurred pretty much around the same time in August, 1979. The people abducted were a girl of 14 and a man of about 43 years of age. The girl was aboard for 15 minutes, the man for an unknown length of time. The incidents were investigated by Canada's then-largest UFO investigation group, the Canadian UFO Research Network, or CUFORN. The evidence included matted-down grass, residual radiation, physical effects on one abductee, an MIB visit, and an independent observer who saw the UFO moving to the spot where the girl's abduction took place. To this day, the independent observer, a woman, does not know that there was an abduction involved. The first of a series of UFO sightings which culminated in the abductions happened in the eastern part of Toronto, Ontario, on Thursday night, August 2. That same night, one hour later, similarly-shaped UFOs were reported in Northwestern Kansas and Southwestern Nebraska, 1150 miles southwest of Toronto. Articles about the sightings in the Norton, Kansas Telegram and the McCook, Nebraska Gazette were sent to CUFORN headquarters by Edmonton, Alberta member John Mus-grave. He sent them as part of his monthly UFO clipping service. CUFORN, founded in December 1977, is a group with 55 members in five countries. It’s membership is restricted to persons with expertise in dozens of scientific fields. CUFORN's policy is to avoid contacting the media which distorts, ridicules, fabricates and exploits UFO events, especially in major cities. This leads to crank phone calls and harassment of UFO observers. In order to avoid this, the names of three girls 682 and one of their mothers have been changed in this anicle. The three girls are Sarah Hines, 14, Cathy R.,14, and Jackie B., 11. They and Jackie's mother filled out the appropriate CUFORN sighting report forms, CE2's and one CE3 form. The incidents involved seven teenagers, 13 parents and one young boy. They saw six UFOs, two of them arrowhead in shape. At 9:50 :P.M., August 2, Sarah saw something in the sky nearby and told her two girlfriends to follow her to the field nearby, which is owned by 'Ontario Hydro. Two lights were hovering low near high tension power lines. The two objects rose when they arrived, one heading south, the other north. From his house window, Cathy's father saw one of the objects at 9:50 :P.M. He later refused to fill out a sighting report form. When the two objects had left, Cathy sighted two arrowhead-shaped objects, which appeared to be moving backwards from the northwest at 9:52 :P.M. A minute later, Sarah and Jackie observed a cigar-shaped object. It was black with white lights around the periphery and a green light at one end. The cigar was following an arrowhead-shaped UFO at about 500 feet elevation. The cigar emitted a sound like a generator operat-ing at low power. An oval-shaped object appeared at 9:55 :P.M. It had a green haze around it and had four curved legs longer than the body of the object. There was a dull red light on top, red lights along the bottom and yellow lights around the circumference. It appeared to hover over the senior public school roof, two blocks northwest of Sarah's home. This object was 12-15 feet in diameter and about six feet in height, excluding the legs. Another girl, Jodi, saw the object over the roof. When she approached the wall of the school, she felt paralyzed and began to cry. The seven teenagers on the school grounds were soon joined by their parents. The parents said they did not see the oval object, only the 683 arrowhead and cigar objects. The teenagers said the crickets in the vicinity stopped chirping during the incident. The oval object lifted off the roof about 30 feet, hovered again and then disappeared from sight when its lights went out at 10:05 P.M. Immediately, the sound of the crickets was heard again. Sarah normally sleeps four to five hours a night, but this night she slept 12 hours with no dreams. On Friday the 3rd at 9:50 P.M., the same observers plus Cathy's mother, a friend, Bill MacMillan and Jackie's brother, Ernie, went to the field, which is adjacent and to the east of the school grounds. Again, the sounds of life in the field seemed to stop. No cars were seen or heard on the normally-busy street, which led to Buttonville Airport, three miles to the north. They saw an oval object the size of a football field at a 300-foot elevation. It was flat, dark and solid appearing, with large checkered patterns and three large "fans' of 50-foot diameter beneath. The entire object turned over slowly, rose and headed south very slowly. At 10:00 :P.M. Bill and Ernie observed two large arrowhead objects at about a 500-foot elevation north of the field. The angle of elevation to the observers was 50 degrees. One object seemed to explode silently. The pieces separated as if a jigsaw puzzle was being taken apart. The object's total size was now doubled by the separation of the pieces. This object and the intact object were now separated by 200 feet. Sarah had an urge to go alone to another field 3/4 miles northeast of the Hydro field. Sarah walked, as if in a trance, to the other field. There she saw four bright lights hovering at about 500 feet elevation at 10:10 p.m. Sarah returned home and again slept 12 hours with no recall of dreams. At 10:30 :P.M. that night, Cathy dialed the tele684 phone operator and asked her whom to call to report a UFO sighting. The operator suggested she call the Ontario Provincial Police. She spoke to David Craig, an OPP public relations officer. He called an acquaintance of his who knew Joe Muskat, CUFORN Co-Director and President. Muskat phoned Sarah on the 5th. That night he visited and interviewed Sarah and her mother Alice, after notifying Co-director and Secretary Lawrence J. Fenwick. Events began once more at 9:50 P.M. on Saturday, August 4. The same teenagers, along with Jackie's father, went to the Hydro field. Jackie's mother, at this time, was walking a few blocks away and saw an arrowhead object heading north at about 20 miles an hour about tWo feet above the street level. Just after her observation, the people in the field watched two hovering arrowhead objects for about two minutes. Then, at 500-foot elevation, the objects all headed eastward "like a flash." Also at 9:50 P.M., Sarah felt compelled to walk away from her friends to the field northeast of the Hydro field. All sounds of life seemed to stop. Sarah crossed the road to the field without looking for cars. She said she had the feeling that there would be no cars and there were none. There usually is some traffic on the street even late at night, since it is a main north-south street. Upon reaching the field at 10:05 P.M., she saw an arrowhead object move off the street to the field and in front of her. It settled slowly to a height of two to three feet above the foot-high grass. She walked to within two feet of the object. Suddenly she saw four shadow-like figures emerge from the object and hover in a semi-circle two feet above the ground. The figures were four feet tall, football-shaped, one and a half feet wide and less than an inch thick, like wafers. She looked at them for one to two minutes and passed out. She recalled being on the UFO and observ685 ing the general area. She also saw a man in a blue suit walking a dog. She remembers waking up in the field 15 minutes later at 10:20 P.M., stretched out on the ground about 15 feet south of where the object had been. Again, upon her return home, she slept 12 dreamless hours. Muskat asked her why her face was orangered. She said, "You won't believe this” He asked her if she had any other marks on her body. She said "Yes." She showed Muskat her right hand. One pin-prick mark was clearly visible on the inside of her index finger and a one-eighth inch diameter elongated red scrape mark with a pin prick inside it was on the base of the thumb. These marks healed in five days' time with no medical attention. Her mother said Sarah's eye pupils were dilated and that she had washed off some of the redness on her face the next morning. She had done this out of curiosity and fear. By the morning of the 5th, the dilation was gone, her mother said. Muskat asked Sarah "What was the thing you said I wouldn't believe?" She replied, "I was onboard a UFO." Muskat, Sarah and her brother, Jay, went to the site, where they saw a triangular area of depressed grass which had a grey pallor as if the chlorophyll had gone from it. The measurements that Muskat took there corresponded very closely to the description by Sarah. Muskat , photographed her hand, the matted-down area and called Larry Fen-wick and Harry Tokarz. All three went to Sarah's house to ask for further details. Follow-ing this, they proceeded to the field. There, she showed them approximately where she had awakened. During the search for the exact location, Sarah noticed a nickel and a penny lying on the grass. She searched her pockets, telling them she had eleven cents the previous day. She only found a nickel in her pocket. This money was found at the location at which she had awoke, 15 feet from where the grass was mat686 ted down and dried out. On August 7th, Claude Freeman, CUFORN member and pilot, was asked to get a Geiger counter to check for radiation. That night very heavy rain fell, preventing use of the Geiger counter. On the 8th, Freeman and Henning Jorgensen, CUFORN radar and electronics expert, took radiation readings, while Muskat obtained soil samples. The readings were 1.6 to 1.7 higher than the normal background radioactive scintillations. Geiger readings were taken in areas as far as five feet away from the depressed area. The readings ranged from 14 to 19 at that distance. Inside the depressed area, they ranged from 23 to 34 scintillations per minute. Muskat interviewed Cathy on August 9th. Cathy described her observations of August 2nd. She said the arrowhead object had a red mist around it. It was silent and, inside the red mist, the surface appeared white and smooth. It hovered and moved up and down slowly. She said that at arm's length the object would have been the size of an automobile. On all three nights, the weather was clear and warm. There were many stars in view and the moonlight ranged in intensity, from dull to bright. There were a few fluffy white clouds on the night of August 2nd. Cathy said the arrowhead object came from the northwest on August 2nd. She said there were six objects in view that night. She also noted that the wind was almost nonexistent, and was from the south-east. The edges of the arrowhead object appeared sharp. "The bottom looked like pipes on the bottom of a car." Sarah said that on the sightings of the 2nd, she began to cry while she watched the oval object and could not believe what she was seeing. Cathy also said that on the 2nd, she saw an "orange-red ball of fire." Cathy said that on the afternoon of the 4th, some friends helped her get up on the school roof, where she 687 saw oil and half-square marks. These were no longer visible a day later, when investigators arrived. CUFORN contacted a doctor who specializes in hypnosis in Toronto. Regressive hypnosis sessions took place on October 10, 18 and 24, with Sarah's mother present. The doctor's name is omitted here as he does not want to be bombarded by phone calls from persons who wish to have regressive hypnosis. He prefers to be contacted by CUFORN. The following is a summary of the tape recorded regressive hypnosis sessions. For coherence, a few statements made in the second session are included with those of the first session. October 10, 1979: Sarah said she was taken on foot through the UFO's wall. The interior was brightly and uniformly lit throughout and sharper than regular lighting. Sarah detected the odor of chicken. Her hands went through everything she touched, except for an ordinary cat from Earth. She was told they had been "growing it" onboard and it was to be released eventually. The creature had not done any tests on the cat, which roamed around freely on the UFO. She said there were seven shadowy creatures on the UFO and that she could see right through them. They were long and oval, like large American style footballs and were four feet tall. They appeared crystalline. Each was of a different, but strange color. They told her telepathically that they had taken her for tests to see what humans are made of They said they had been on Earth before and would return when she was 25. She felt she was onboard for "what seemed like a year. Dr.: Did you stay here on Earth and just look at it from the air? Sarah: Yes. I saw the whole world. Dr.: Did they take you to any other world? . Sarah: Well, they showed me this place. It's real and it's 688 there, but it's not. Dr.: Was it another planet or star? Sarah: Yes. Dr.: Do you remember what they did to you that made your skin become tanned, sort of like a sunburn? Sarah: The bright lights. They've got to stay on. They have to have light. Dr.: Why? Sarah: To keep them alive. Dr.: Why did the bright lights only cause sort of a sunburn on your face and neck and not on your hands? Sarah: Cause my hands were glowing. Dr.: Do you know why they were glowing? Sarah: No. October 18, 1979 (Second Session) Sarah described the physical examination administered to her. They put an instrument in her mouth. A "light" was put on her thumb and index finger which painlessly burned holes in each of them. Blood was extracted from the holes. A machine was placed on her head "to find out what I know." She asked the creatures where they were from, but she said she did not know what the answer was. Sarah saw an ordinary English-speaking human man on the UFO. He said he was there for the same tests. He told her his first name only, but she recalled merely that it began with an "A." He was "from here," Sarah said, but not from her neighborhood. The man said he was taken aboard after she arrived on the UFO. He stayed onboard after she was let go. The creatures told her that they were going to let him go after they had released her. This man may or may not be a Canadian. "A" told her he did not mind being on the UFO. He asked the creatures questions when Sarah was pres689 ent, but Sarah could not recall them. "A" had dark hair, which was "going a bit gray.)) He looked about 43. He was "not very tall" and wore casual clothing. .He told Sarah he was a store owner. Sarah said there were a lot of plants and computers on board, although most of the computers were in another room which she got a glimpse of. Dr.: How did you get off the UFO? Sarah: They took me out the door. It wasn't a different color door. It was just a little hole in the wall. I went through a little hole. And then they put me back to sleep and then I was on the ground. Dr.: Do you remember how they put you to sleep? Sarah: Yes. Dr.: How? Sarah: They told me to go to sleep. Dr.: Does it still seem very real to you or does it seem like a distant dream? Sarah: I'd say "real." Dr.: Were you frightened at all? Sarah: No. Dr.: Did you feel they were good people, good beings? Sarah: Yes. October 24, 1979 (Third Session) Note: The incident referred to here occurred on October 11, 1979, one day after the first session. Dr.: What are you seeing? Sarah: A funny man. He's tall, skinny, and he's got funny-looking shoes on. Dr.: How are the shoes funny looking? Sarah: I don't know. They're just funny. Sarah told the doctor she was in the school courtyard at lunchtime along with her friends. He had followed her to the courtyard from the cafeteria. The MIB came over to her and told her to move away from where her friends were. Then he started asking questions. She said he wanted desperately to find out who her friends 690 were. Dr.: He gave you no reason why he wanted to know? Sarah: I think he wanted to kill them. Dr.: Why? Did he think they were dangerous? Sarah: Yes, I guess. The Man In Black said he had a lot of partners everywhere. He warned her that if she did not tell him about everything onboard the UFO that he and his friends would get after her. And if she went away from him while he was talking to her, he would scare her again. She thought about calling for help, but could hot because the man's "mind was stronger" than hers. Sarah told him exactly what she had seen and heard on the UFO. He seemed pleased with her information, only showing sur-prise when she mentioned the computers. He said he knew there was a man on the UFO. He told her that he had spoken to the human man since that time. Dr.: How did your conversation end? Sarah: He just went. Dr.: You mean just walked away? Sarah: No, he just disappeared. Dr.: Right in front of you? Sarah: Yes. Dr.: Do you think that he was human? Sarah: No. Sarah had told Muskat about the Man in Black on October 12. She said he stood six feet tall and looked like a dead person. He had a dull grey-toned face, slanted eyes and wore a black suit. Sarah could not remember the shape of the lips, but recalled that his grin was sinister. He had a very pointed nose and long fingernails on tapering fingers. His feet were pointing outward at 90 degrees. His shoes had three to four inch heels. In a summary of the sessions, the doctor noted that Sarah had been taken to a psychiatrist several months before her experience as a result of school problems, 691 the strains of adolescent adjustments and sibling rivalry. He said she had a vivid imagination and had claimed to have seen some bizarre-looking ghosts. She had a very strong interest in the occult for the past few years, but, according to her mother, not much interest in UFOs. She had not read books or magazines on the UFO subject. The doctor said the UFO incidents began on July 23, whereas the three-night sequence of sightings started on August 2nd. He mentioned that Sarah "claimed" to have seen some UFOs on that night and the two succeeding evenings. He used the word "claimed," although he admitted he did not investigate the sightings by other people in the area at the time. The doctor commented that Sarah was remarkably nonchalant about the entire experience both before and after the hypnosis. This was her attitude toward her father's death, he added. Her nonchalance concerning his demise was understandable due to a reason which must remain confidential. Her casual attitude toward the UFO incidents is partly explained by the absence of serious side-effects on her. An important point to note is that she told CUFORN's investigators that the experience inside the UFO was moderately pleasant. He said the Hines girl seemed candidly surprised to hear what she had said under hypnosis when the tapes were played back to her. He said her casual attitude returned after her initial surprise. What he does not know is that, from the moment CUFORN was in touch with her and up to a week after the hypnosis was complete, CUFORN'S investigators repeatedly told her to be calm about the incident. She was told that abductions are not as unusual as most people think and that any side effects on her would disappear very shortly. In other words, the investigators conditioned her to a casual attitude. This attitude conditioning was referred to by 692 CUFORN member, John Musgrave, in his article, "The UFO Investigator as Counselor and Healer," Proceedings of the 1976 CUfOS Conference,pp. 198-200. The hypnotherapist said that "subjects do not have to relate the truth while questioned under hypnosis." If Sarah was lying, the doctor would not have said that she experienced genuine surprise at hearing a playback of the tapes of the hypnotic sessions. others with years of experience in the UFO field have stated that subjects cannot lie under deep hypnosis. These include Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, University of Wyoming, and Dr. James A. Harder. Dr. Alvin Lawson, in "What Can We Learn from Hypnosis of Imaginary Abductees?," 1977 MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, pp. 107-131, stated that it is possible to lie under deep hypnosis only when subjects are deliberately told to imagine an event and are fed leading questions and outright suggestions. After the first session, CUFORN'S Larry Fenwick asked the doctor if he would monitor Sarah's bodily direct current electrical field in subsequent sessions. This technique was suggested by Dr. Harold A. Cahn, a clinical hypnotist, in his article, "Use of Hypnosis To Discriminate 'True' and 'False' UFO Experiences," The A.P.R.O. Bulletin, March, 1979, pp. 4-5. Cahn said when a subject is faking there is either "no great DC potential charge (no trance) or whatever verbal account they present is obviously derivative. The doctor declined Fenwick's suggestion, saying that the device is unreliable, despite the fact that he has never used the instrument. The hypnotist said that the sessions should stop because of the death of Sarah's father and her recent depressed state. However, the threat by the Man in Black at the school may have been the real reason for discontinuing the hypnotic regression. Possibly, deeper hypnosis could elicit much information from Sarah. Although they are omitted in this 693 article, five times during the hypnosis she said "I don't remember," indicating that mental blocks may have been implanted in her subconscious by the alien entities. It is ironic that the doctor stated that he hoped his summary "will be of use to you and your colleagues in attempting to get a better understanding of the UFO phenomena" (sic). The doctor's written summary made no reference to the taped session describing the Man in Black. He did not mention that Sarah saw a cat inside the UFO. He did not refer to the photos Muskat showed him of the marks on her thumb and finger and that her mother noted that' the pupils of Sarah's eyes were dilated for 12 hours. In the summary and in a conversation with Harry Tokarz, Joe Muskat and Lary Fenwick, the doctor said that Sarah told him under hypnosis that she heard buzzing and beeping sounds when she was aboard the UFO. Her account of this was not on the tapes. CUFORN's Joe Muskat arranged for soil sample analysis, which was done on August 17, at the Radiation Protection Laboratory, Special Studies and Services Branch, Ministry of Labour, at Ontario government offices in Toronto. ROI readout time was 2,000 seconds for gross counts inside the area where the depressed grass was found. Naturally occurring Radon daughters ranged from 123 to 178, with a naturally occurring annihilation peak of 256. Cesium 137, a long lined fallout nuclide reached a peak of 331. Potassium 40, naturaIIy occurring, was also noted. Radiation accounts for the soil ranged from 3 to 83, with an average count of 44. The counts for the background or normal soil outside the site ranged from 1 to 23, averaging out to 6.743. Thus, the affected soil was more than six times as high in radiation as the soil outside the site, even after a heavy rainstorm. In the light of the doctor's lack of involvement 694 with this and the other facets of the investigation, it is not surprising to CUFORN that he made the foIIowing statement: "I do not believe that any conclusive judgement can be made at this time regarding the validity of her account." In contrast, and in conclusion, CUFORN judges that this was a genuine double abduction incident. An Alien In Our Midst Throughout the years there have been widely circulated rumors indicating that extraterrestrials have already infiltrated into our society and are at this very moment walking unhindered and defiant amongst us. Exponents of this ever-growing theory maintain the reason they are not easily detected is because-like chameleons, with the ability to blend in perfectly with their surroundings-these alien beings have the power to literally hypnotize human beings into believing they are as normal-looking as you and I. Others who postulate on this are of the firm opinion that any abnormality that may show is simply chalked up to some mental disturbance. Society is filled with individuals who just don't "fit in." There are the vagrants who inhabit the streets day and night, the "shopping bag" ladies who call the city's subways their home, and the "crazies" who we try to avoid every day. We simply shake our heads at these unfonunate ones and continue on about our business, often dosing our eyes totally to that which we live sideby-side with-shut away from our world-but part of it nevertheless. "You've just got to talk to this fellow: He's no crackpot!" I had been a guest on the Larry Ford talk show several times. A veteran of Pittsburgh radio, Larry has a keen interest in the offbeat, and he's not afraid to air the views of experts in a wide range of controversial 695 fields. As usual, Larry was right in his character analysis. Pittsburgh musician Tony V. recently came faceto-face with a "man" whose unusual behavior and strange abilities rate him as being "mighty peculiar" in anybody's book. For anyone who can vanish without walking away, who can materialize behind locked hospital doors in the middle of the night, and who is the possessor of "highly unusual" body characteristics, is certainly "strange," as you are likely to agree as you read further along in this amazing incident. "Being a musician, I get to play in some pretty unusual places," the talented drummer points out. Tony has done the circuit of bars, concert halls and afterhours clubs. It's simply a part of his job-what he does in order to make a living. Tony remarks that a lot of the bars he performs in are packed to the rafters on weekends. "They're the types of places where the girls come to dance and the guys come to pick up chicks." One evening, Tony was standing near the bar in one of these places when he was suddenly engaged in conversation by a stranger. "He said his name was Robert and that he was interested in astronomy and UFOs. Someone, he said, had told him that I was interested in the same subjects and he felt we might have something in common." Tony brought out that the man said he lived around Arnold, Pennsylvania, and had read lots of books about flying saucers. At that point, Tony didn't feel anything was out of place. Then the man began discussing Frank Edwards, author of several best sellers on UFOs. "My new companion then made a rather strong statement. 'You know he's dead.’ And when I told him I hadn't realized the fact, he continued, saying, You wouldn't want to know what happened to him.' " Tony said the man's voice was rather ominous as though his words were meant to be a warning or some type of 696 threat. From Tony's description, we can determine that the individual who called himself Robert was very coldcalculating. He was also quite peculiar in that he was abnormally thin compared to the woman he almost always came into the bar with, who was exceedingly fat. The woman was supposedly Robert's wife. As a further description, Tony says the man was Caucasian, but with yellowish skin, as though he were suffering from Jaundice, a disease due to excretion of bile pigments in the blood, characterized by yellowness of the skin. His eyes were slanted, but he wasn't Oriental. He was about 5'7" and his hairline came to a widow's peak. I never saw him dress in anything but black. His manner of speech was low and sort of stiff. He did not have a good command of English, although he seemed to have a knowledge of science. Tony explained: "The three of us were seated at one of the tables one night when Robert suddenly passed out. It was as though he'd had a seizure-that is he just keeled over. He was out cold. I tried to revive him, but there was no sign of a heartbeat." Tony says that he and another customer picked up the man and took him to Tony's van, which was parked outside. "I was going to drive him to the hospital, even though it appeared that he was dead." This was when Tony noticed that the man had some very strange physical characteristics. "I unbuttoned his shirt, and I saw that he had absolutely no body hair. In addition, he had no belly button, nor nipples." Apparently, the man came to, and apologized for being trouble. "The really strange thing was that his wife seemed to be unconcerned about her husband's condition. She didn't try to help us and went about her business as though nothing had happened which was out of the ordinary." 697 As peculiar as that night might have been, Tony tried to push Robert out of his mind. "I had dislocated my shoulder and was in extreme pain." He checked into 'a private room in one of the area hospitals and completely forgot about the incident involving the strange man at the bar. "While I was in the hospital, Robert came to visit me a few times to see how I was getting along. I really didn't have much to say to him, but I figured it was nice to have a visitor in my condition." It wasn't until Robert showed up at the hospital in the wee hours that Tony began to put two and two together. "I really don't know how he got into the hospital or ,past the security desk at that hour, but I awoke at about 3:00 A.M., and there he was, standing right beside my bed." Having been under sedation at the time, Tony was extremely tired and couldn't talk to the man. "I just sort of told him to come back later, at another time. It was as though he had materialized in the hospital room and just as suddenly vanished into thin air." As far as his interest in UFOs went, Tony says the individual who called himself Robert had a technical fascination with the subject. "He was interested in the mechanics of how these interstellar craft operate. One night, after I'd been out of the hospital for some time, he called me up and said to meet him in a rather isolated wooded area about 40 miles north of Pittsburgh. He said that he wanted to show me something. Being that it was such a desolated spot and that I was beginning to feel increasingly uncomfortable around him, I decided to ask a friend of mine to come along for the ride. Then, together, Tony and his friend drove to a spot very near the river. "We sat in the car waiting for him. It was a cold day and so we were anxious for him to show up. We never did hear or see a vehicle approach, but from out of nowhere he was standing in front of our automobile." 698 Tony maintains that the man seemed unduly upset because the musician had not come alone. "My friend was almost laughing at this guy, that's how strange he looked. It was kind of comical. I couldn't hear him speak-his mouth didn't move-but I had the distinct impression that he was in a bad mood. He repeated several times the phrase "You must get out of here. It's dangerous." One minute Robert was beside the car and the next he was inside in the back seat. "If he opened the door I didn't see him.” Tony can't swear that it was a case of walking through a solid car door or of teleportation, but doesn't rule these possibilities out completely.' Tony never did find out why he was asked to come to this particular area. "There have been any number of UFO sightings and landings in Pennsylvania over the years, but none that I know of in this vicinIty. Because of what had transpired, Tony didn't want anything more to do with the man as he thought he was quite dangerous. "One of the girls who hung out at the bar where Robert usually showed up, said he scared the hell out of her just by being around. She wanted to know why I associated with characters like this. "Anyway, he telephoned me again one night and said he had to see me once more and I told him in no uncertain terms to get lost, that I really had no time for this kind of stuff. It was just so weird how he always wore the same clothes-the same black pants, the same black shirt, and the same, very cheap-looking black sportscoat. He would give the creeps to a ghost." At around this time, Tony's arm started acting up again, and he wasn't able to play for a while. "About five months later, I went back to drumming in the same after-hours bar and I just happened to ask the owner if he's seen my peculiar-looking friend. I was told he hadn't been in the place since I'd stopped playing.” I asked Tony if he'd noticed anything else particularly unusual about the "man in black." Tony thought about the question for a few minutes before answering. 699 "He would never drink. He didn't smoke, and for the life of me I never saw him eat anything." As far as UFOs are concerned, Tony feels this person knew quite a bit about the subject. "I'm pretty well read on the topic and know more than the average person. However, he knew a whole lot more. He would talk a great deal about how UFOs actually ran and he went into this big spiel about radio waves, and concentrated radio beams which I couldn't make heads nor tails of. At times he sounded like a physics professor while on other occasions he said some really stupid things.” Several times the man talked about how he wanted to actually capture an alien. "He had this device which he said told him when UFOs would appear at certain times of the year. He said this contraption would make a huge beacon, like a homing device would. It was really off the wall.” Tony doesn't know what to make of the incident. He isn't one hundred per cent positive-not having any concrete proof-that Robert was a genuine alien, but then again so many strange things happened in connection with this man that he isn't willing to rule out this possibility. Tony would like to know the truth, but he isn't about to spend the rest of his life searching for it by tracing down this man. If he should show up again, he's quite ready to ask him all kinds of questions. But in the meanwhile, he's more concerned with his musical career. Tony's group has been getting quite a bit of attention and their music has begun to get airplay on some radio stations. Maybe fortune will be good and he'll make it too-right to the top. Then he'll be among a select group of celebrities whose talents may be known about in some pretty distant places. Copyright Information 1) UFO and Alien Encounters from around the Globe 1) Copyright of this collage article as a whole: Brainstorm Fantasia, Inc. 2005 2) Copyright of quoted /reprinted material from Flying Saucer Review (now defunct): FSR Publications Ltd. 3) Copyright of quoted/reprinted material from the book Aliens Among Us: 4) Copyright of quoted/reprinted material from the book UFO Danger Zone: Horus House Press. 5) Copyright of the quoted/reprinted material from the books Strange Encounters and UFO Silencers: Inner Light Publications 700 The Ummo Contact Case by Olban Vagon The controversy has been raging for some fifty years or so. The UMMOphiles that it is a genuine ET contact case, that has been going on since the 1950s; a contact which is markedly distinct in many respects from most other extraterrestrial contact cases. The debunkers on the other hand, have invented all kinds of theories to explain away the case: CIA operatives, KGB, or high level scientists who for some unfathomable reasons, have decided to perpetrate a clever and most unnatural hoax. It all started with a series of letters sent anonymously to various individuals. According to one of these letters, a spacecraft first landed in March of 1950 in a low mountain zone in the French Alps. A group of UMMOites from the spacecraft then watched and inspected the surroundings, and went so far as to have a close encounter with a young shepherd. According to the young shepherds description these ETs were perfectly human looking, scandinavian appearing types, the nordic types which have been reported numerous times in ET literature over the last 60 years (as well as in some ancient sources and texts).Around 1965, the first of these letters arrived with and opening statement: “We know the transcendence of what we are about to tell you. We are aware that such a statement could only come from a joker, a mentally ill person or some journalist or advertising executive aiming at exploiting it for his own profit. When some new item escapes the usual framework or veracity, and in the absence of ways and means to check its reality, any intelligent and balanced mind has the right to, and should adopt a skeptical attitude. Bare testimony should not be accepted, even less when it’s origin is unknown and thus open to deception. For us, what we are going to tell is true. But according to all logic we cannot ask you to believe such amazing affirmations. We admit that we would do the same if we were you...” Further on, they also write: “We come from a planet whose verbal or phonetic translation could be transcribed as: UM-MO [in Spanish,(U)MMO].” After that, they proceed with scientific data concerning distance, mass, size, and a host of other elements concerning their planet and its inhabitants. Their planet is 14 light years away from Earth, but the journey only requires a few months, due to hyperdimensional foldings of which they know how to take advantage. They also make it very clear that the Universe is multidimensional. Below we present two excerpts from the article entitled THE UMMO LETTERS: ET CONTACT OR HOAX? by Josh Morisson, which was published in the March/April 2004 issue (U.S.A. edition) of Nexus Magazine (pages 55-58 and also page 75) : MAKING SENSE OF THE DOCUMENTS In Spain, the first "official contact" to receive such a letter is Fernando Sesma, in Madrid, in 1965. This man is interested in esotericism and UFO stories, and 701 claims that at the time he was in actual contact with ETs. He periodically gathers a small group of amateurs in the basement of a fa~ous cafe (Leon), a room called "The Merry Whale". As new leiters come in, motivations and methods of these dispatches can be pieced together. The Ummites claim to have sent documents in the first place to high-ranking scientists in different countries, including Spain, to arouse their curiosity. Having encountered polite but clear rebuttals, they then tried another strategy. They decided to focus on people more open to these questions, and to search for UFO amateurs, journalists and writers. Soon a group gathered around Sesma in the Merry Whale Room for readings of Ummite documents. Letters sent at the time to several countries had been indiscriminately posted from anywhere on the planet. A few weeks after the first dispatch to Sesma, a sighting took place in Aluche, near Madrid: a spacecraft landed, and the story was told by local press. Another sighting subsequently occurred in similar conditions in San Jose de Valderas in June 1967. These cases have been widely exposed as unsubtle put-ons (see box, "Faked Photographs ?"), yet marks and objects were left... In 1975, Jean-Pierre Petit, a French engineer, learned about the texts. He is one who has lent credit to the Ummo story, in France and beyond, through several books he has written on the subject. J.-P. Petit studied the scientific material in the letters; particularly everything that concerns the structure of the universe, antimatter and other information that led him to develop what is called the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) propulsion mode. Some of his workis published in peer-reviewed journals in physics and astrophysics and presented at international con . ferences. Showing both nerve and humour, he even goes so far as to mention an Ummite sen..der in one article's references! Then, in turn, Petit started to receive letters. One of them is published in his most recent book, UFOs and US Secret Weapons (OVNls et Armes Secretes Americaines, Editions Albin Michel, Paris, 2003), den;lOnstrating that he is still at it. [See his website, and article in and Science News 9/05; Ed.] But Petit, who is an excellent. populariser, has a strong personality and denounces the Spanish group's propensity to hold almost in reverence those "blond beings from miter space" and to obey, though not always "to the letter" , the strict conditions required by the Ummites concerning the spreading and collective readings of the documents. Later they explain that they conducted an experiment on the level of acceptance of brand new ideas in a given network... Petit will not rest until he has.a real contact! DIALOGUE ON THEORETICAL PHYSICS fact relies on a four-valued logic, whe~as we use third-excluded ~ Since JeanPierre Petit has explored the cosmological side, let " logic, Le., with two values (every claim is either true or false; see &;)US take a look at the highly complex case of elementary particles. ", the problems caused,by this in quantum physics, for instance). ~ However, to 702 avoid stepping into that complexity, it might be interesting to make some comparisons. I have collated, in dialogue form, sentences extracted from 1966-1967 Ummites letters (quoted as "V") and combined them with quotations from a recent book, Beyond Space and Time: The New Physics (Au-deta de ['Espace et du Temps: fA Nouvelle Physique, Le Pommier, 2003), by Marc Lachieze- Rey, a theoretical physicist and astrophysicist from the French National Centre for Scientific Research. He tries to sum up what today's research in physics is all about (his quotations are represented by "P"); and the extracts concern the conception of the universe and its elementary components. ,U: ' "The contradictions obser:ved by you in relativistic physics and quantum mechanics are the product of an original defect. They are the consequences of basic and fundamental mistakes in concepts." P: "Relativistic description neglects the internal properties of matter; quantum description neglects gravitation (space-time geometry)." So far, nothing much surprising, since anyone interested in physics circa 1966 would have known this. In another extract, the Vmmites mention their concept of an "elementary component" , which we refer to as "Z". U: "We will explain the concept of Z, which must never be confused with the concept of a geometrical or mathematical point, elaborated by Earth's physicists as an abstraction with no physical reality. " P: "From the concept of point originated the most important difficulties in physics... Non-commutative geometry consI~ers spaces with no points... The fIrst advantage established by :the string theory (in the 1980s) is that interactions are no htrfger localised as points in the space-time continuum." , The idea of a no-point geometry was proposed in the 1930s, but formalised only a few years ago. Thus weare talking about highlyspecialised concepts for 1966, but it is getting even more puzzling. U : "You should only replace 'spacetime continuum' by 'discrete (discontinuous) setofZ'." P: "We would like to consider a space-time which is discrete and not continuous." P and V really seem to agree! U: "For us exists what is called space-time...but immersed in an Ndimensions framework." P: "Conventional cosmological conception does not allow us to see our spacetime as immersed in something else. But in recent theories (superstrings and branes), our space-time is indeed immersed in something wider: the subspace, a sort of backcworld... Our space-time represents only a part of the universe." U: "Our cosmos is what you call a space-time continuum; we need 10 dimensions to defIne it mathematically." P: "[In the superstring theory] the space-time is replaced with a variety which has a high number of dimensions (10 or 11), called the "subspace"... Five different kinds of superstring theories (all in a lOdimenslOn subspace) have been discovered in the years 1970-1980." U: "[Z defInition] As a fIrst conceptual approximation, we could say that it is a 703 bundle of oriented axes. The least important about such a bundle are precisely the axes (mathematical fIctions), with respect to the angles formed by the axes." P: "Fundamental objects of physics are not particle-points but one-dimensional "strings", or even objects with arbitrary dimensions (branes). Those theories are close versions of a more fundamental theory, still unknown." U: "Any particle (electron, meson, graviton) is precisely a Z which is oriented in a way distinct from the others." , P: "Two strings in those States appear as two different particles." U: "What you call subatomic particles, with different attributes of mass, charge and spin, are nothing but multiple orientations of one same Z." P: "Whether it is in a quantum state or another, the same string (from the subspace) appears in our world; for example, with a changing mass. To put it another way, we would see different particles. " This list of similarities of ideas, even in their formulation, is far from complete in terms of elementary particles. So, is the superstring of our super-physicists the "Z" of the Ummites? We have not reached that far yet, but the analogies are striking. The hoax thesis in such conditions implies the complicity in 1966 of high-level physicists-or clairvoyant ones! Jean-Pierre Petit once said that string theory is "a swindle". Maybe he has changed his mind. There are hundreds of pages of the UMMO material available in the public domain. They can be found at the website Of these hundred pages of UMMO materials, we present the first 41 pages. 704 Ummite Physics and Metaphysics "The Essential Texts" Note to English-speaking readers: Strangely enough, the interest shown in ET phenomena manifests itself differently from country to country. In England, one hears about crop circles, whereas in the USA it is Area 51 and individual testimonials of implantations or abductions. In Europe, particularly in Spain (the origin of the Ummite letters) and France, the Ummo affair is more widely-known, due no doubt to the books written on the subject. The letters in question were originally dictated in Spanish, then translated into French. To our knowledge, this is the first time the "essential texts" have been translated into English. We trust the reader will forgive any possible ambiguities in this text since some were already present in the French translation. We have good reason to believe that several letters in English may have already been sent to Canadian, American or Australian contacts (there are also certainly letters in German and Japanese)...!t is our hope that if you have a copy of one or several of these letters, you will contact the webmaster of this site so that we can mutually complete our information regarding this event and IIUmmite thought", on a strictly documentary and philosphical basis... but we steadfastly refuse to enter into a "sectarian" mindset! The purpose of this site is to disseminate Ummite ideas (visitors from the planet UMMO ?) through the primordial letters we know of, thus allowing everybody to make up their own minds about the concepts elaborated within them. The site's authors have slightly modified the presentation, removed paragraphs that had nothing to do with the object of study, and classified the letters thematically in a logical order, so as to provide a better understanding of the ideas developed within the texts. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Part One: " IBOZOO UU " - The IBOZOO UU (compilation or excerpts from the letters D 59, D 52 and part of the document about the UEWA) - Key passages concerning the IBOlOO UU (from various documents). Part two: " UNIVERSES, PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION" - Introduction to part two - Excerpts from the META-SCIENCES website (iBOlOO UU /WAAM-WAAM / BUAWE BIAEI / the BA YODUU / the BUAW A / the OEMBUAW / WOA / OEMII 705 - Schemas - Univers, religion and philosophy (excerpts and compilation of letters D52,58,30,29,357,371) - Excerpts from the Ribeira book "Ies Extra- Terrestres sont ils parmi nous?" - Univers, religion and philosophy (excerpts and compilation of letters D41, 45, 42, 33, 792) - History of Jesus on Earth (letter D791 and D491 summarized) Part Three: " UMMITE THEORIES OF EVOLUTION" - Introduction to part three - Letter D 58 GENERAL CONCLUSION AND PERSONAL REFLECTIONS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Ummites? What's that? To better understand the story behind the Ummite letters (pronounced Oummites), some background is needed. The Ummites claim to have landed on Earth in March 1950, in the area of Digne. Three crafts brought a crew from the planet UMMO that set up a base (see the summary in the book by J-P PETIT), probably on the Peak of Blache, between Digne and La Javie, in the south of France. They spent a certain time analyzing our habits, walked around Paris (and undoubtedly elsewhere), and avoided drawing attention to themselves. 1n 1965, Mr. Fernando SESMA, the organiser of a slightly esoteric Spanish "association" which claimed to be in contact with other extraterrestrials, begins receiving letters. Other recipients also receive some. Contact is lost in 1970, then is regained in 1987, and continues until 1993 (at least, we do not have letters possibly sent outside these periods) with other recipients, particularly in France. We currently have approximately 200 to 300 pages of texts written by the Ummites but it is possible that many other letters exist. In a 1988 letter, reference is made to the existence of 3,850 pages, copies of which having been sent to several individuals represent the equivalent of 160,000 booklets! Reading this, you are undoubtedly at least somewhat incredulous. It is to be expected. What is more difficult to dismiss is the body of information contained within these texts when one takes the trouble of reading them. To be sure, one will always be able to object that these letters are the creation of a group of scientists wanting to launch the basis of a new theory in the form of "a hoax". But a hoax lasting for more than thirty years, without any of the participants having one day come forward to say "We really had you going. Well, it was us... "? We 706 do not believe it. So what other likely scenarios remain? Since 1975 (?), a French scientist, J-P PETIT has been aware of the existence of these texts. The information contained within them has allowed him, by his own admission, to establish various theories concerning magnetohydrodynamic propulsion (MHD), shockwave elimination at supersonic speeds, the basis of a new "tetravalent" mathematics and the modelling and the calculation of a twin universe, a theory which, if accepted by the scientific community, has the potential to fundamentally change our current vision of the universe, especially since it addresses one of the weaknesses of the current model: missing mass. But these letters do not only deal with astrophysics. They also give important information on the Ummite design of the Universes (we have one word, they have five) and their components, on religion, evolution, network theory, information technology, the operation of their craft, etc. In these letters, more than 400 words, mathematical algorithms, algebraic relations, and a great number of symbols were used by the Ummites who were kind enough to give the translation of certain terms. You will find the translations in this compilation. Unfortunately, without the knowledge of Ummite grammar or verbs (if they exist in their language), it is currently impossible to provide a comprehensive linguistic analysis. Why was this work of compilation and editing done? We realized how difficult it would be to fully understand Ummite thought and the concepts advanced, by virtue of the necessity of referring to different letters, sometimes difficult to find, often poorly presented and which contain paragraphs having nothing to do with the original subject, thus making their reading very difficult. The concepts were gathered in a logical reading order which is: • The IBOZOO UU • The universe, philosophy and religion • Theories of evolution It is preferable to read each section after having "assimilated " (as much as can be done) the preceding one. The authors of this compilation of the principal Ummite letters asked themselves several questions at the time this booklet was published: Did they have the right to use texts which, although in the public domain (over the internet), were not addressed to them? Did they have the right to disseminate the contents of these letters? Did they have the right to modify them to make them easier to read and understand? 707 Another accusation that could be levelled against us is that of wanting to "convert" people, or worse yet, of starting some kind of sect; it is a charge that is very fashionable these days. But it is one we deny, and nowhere in this document will you find an incitement to such activity. Moreover the Ummite themselves do not in any letter, at any time, suggest that their beliefs become the foundation of any "rite ". In any case, an important "sect" that has existed on Earth for nearly 2000 years preaches much the same ideas the Ummites speak of, at least in regards to morals and the survival of the soul. The difference is that the latter claim to base their beliefs on scientific knowledge and seem to have eliminated rituals. It took us time to assimilate (no doubt impeifectly) these concepts, so rich are they in a knowledge which we can admit while still remaining critical. Will this knowledge be one day recognised by scientists? We do not know. It is in any case something to think about. Must one believe in the absolute truth of everything here? In addition to the hoax-by-scientists theory, there is another: a study of public credibility conducted by the secret service, "channelling", an preconditioning attempt for the emergence of a sect, etc. Will we one day have indisputable proof of the existence of these beings? There are only two possibilities for this to happen: either "they "make themselves seen and known in an irrefutable way, or some knowledge of theirs (scientific or not), unknown at the time the letters were published (books by Ribeira, J-P PETIT, publishing over the internet) proves to be true,for example: :f fIred shift" variation (shift towards the red segment of the E.M. spectrum according to the speed and direction of the object in relation to the observer) is not constant but is a non-sinusoidal periodic function. :f Discovery of 86 pairs of krypton atoms at the "end" of DNA strands in all living beings. :f Abrupt temperature variations in the center oftoraidal nebulae (from 270°C to -273,14°C) and that the plane of polarization of the spectrum line D emitted by sodium is polarized by an angle of 0.8 radians (without another polarization for another wavelength). :f Frequency of the activation impulse of nerve centres located in the coroidal ventra-lateral plexus of 10368 Hz 708 :f Discovery on Mars of simple unicellular and pluricellular plant-cell based organisms. :f The water contained in the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus can "memorise" electromagnetic radiation corresponding to a wavelength of21,106 cm. (Approx. 1,421 MHz) The model of the Universe proposed by the Ummites seems credible to us. The ontological consequences are also credible, and thus important. But we leave you judge for yourself. Let each one decide for themselves. Writers. NOTA BENE: - In the transcription of the letters, the passages in italic characters are notes which the writers thought good to add (NdR), that is to say translations to facilitate reading. - the transcription of Ummite words is sometimes different from one part of the text to another. We do not have a reference for Ummite spelling, so the transcription of the letters seems to have been primarily phonetic... (Ummo Oummo?) PART ONE IBOZOO UU - The IBOZOO UU (compilation or excerpts from the letters D 52 and D59 - note 4 of the document on UEWA OEMM) - Key passages concerning the IBOZOO UU (from various documents). Excerpts from letter D 52. received 11 - 28 - 1966 by M. Villagrassa THE CONCEPT OF SPACE (NdR: all sketches are missing) When you look at yourself in the mirror, the image you see IS NOT IDENTICAL to what other people see when they look at you. Simply hold up a written page in front of a mirror to verify what you have known all the time but not given much thought to. The mirror seems to transpose left to right. Not long ago, one of our brothers in the United States informed us that a North American writer had written a scientific book which posed the following: if a person sees their image inverted left to right in a mirror, then why isn't the image also reversed top to bottom, with the feet at the top of the image? 709 It seems that in the United States, only 2 % of the adults they asked could give a satisfactory answer. Only 38 % of a group made up exclusively of experts and students in Physics, Psychiatry and Mathematics could answer quickly. This illustrates perfectly that if a great percentage of people of the Earth are not prepared to understand certain fundamental concepts in connection with space symmetry, vision and perception on the level of the brain, they will be even less able to understand and analyse proofs and demonstrations in connection with Higher Mathematics. When two objects are symmetrical in relation to a plane, we say them that they are INNUO VIAAXOO (eniantiomorphic). It is easy to see that these two objects cannot be superimposed, although their morphological identity is obvious: you could yourself, on Earth, find thousands of examples (right shoe and left shoe, left-turning screw and right-turning screw, two ears, etc). Obviously, many INNUO VIAAXOO (enantiomorphic) bodies can be superimposed when their morphology is symmetrical. Any body which can be divided into two identical parts [or INNUO VIAAXOO (enantiomorphic)] in relation to a plane, we say that it is AA INNUO (symmetrical). Some examples of AA INNUO (symmetrical) bodies are the OEMII (human bodies except secondary physiological differences) and the polyhedrons regular among many others. Any physics student could give the definition of a field according to Earth physics. Is a force field symmetrical? You consider the field to be isotropic. This is false Imagine that in an " area" of the Cosmos free of asteroids, cosmic dust, gas etc we put a metal sphere. Apparently nothing has changed in the vicinity, so now we put at a distance a smaller sphere, which is attracted towards the larger one with a force you call gravity. Let us repeat the experiment at various points A, B, C, etc. of this area of the cosmos. The closer we put the small sphere, the larger the force of attraction will be, and so too its speed towards the central mass. You define the field of forces as an area surrounding the sphere where the phenomenon appears. An area whose ray is infinite. Your physicists are accustomed to graphically representing a field by points to which one assigns a sym710 bol they name vectors (in this case force-vectors. You assign to the central sphere represented by the point M the characteristic of INERT MASS which creates this mysterious GRAVITY FIELD. It is inevitable that serious questions arise regarding such a poorly explained concept. What is mass? Does any particle, any body have an inert mass? Which is the true nature of these mysterious forces? When we look at an object, we know that it has volume and at the same time that it " weighs", " has a mass". Are MASS and VOLUME ( or SPACE) the same thing, or at least are these two concepts so closely related that one cannot conceive of an object that has volume but not mass or vice-versa? A great confusion inevitably arises when we start from the false assumption that space is an entity unto itself, completely separate from our mental phenomena like FEELING and PERCEPTION. Does space exist OUTSIDE OF OUR MENTAL perception or is it an illusion of our senses? To answer definitely one way or the other would be a serious error. WE on UMMO know for certain that there is a REALITY outside of ourselves, which stimulates our brain and sets in motion a mental process we call BUA W AIGAAI (perception). But this reality is as different from MENTAL PERCEPTION as a mountain is from the word "MO-U-N-T-A-I-N ", which is used to represent it. This concept is not foreign to your scientists. Some examples: what does COLOUR (PERCEPTION) have in common with the electromagnetic wave which stimulates our retina? The colour is a pure psychological phenomenon. It does not exist outside of the self, and there is even the paradox that different wavelengths cause different perceptions. Thus when the stimulus is 398 Earth (millimicrons), we interpret it as a red patch of colour, but if it arrives at our skin with a slightly longer wavelength, " we feel heat"; something very different than COLOUR: The same external reality causes different illusions. So also SPACE (as such) is another illusion of our senses. Yes, there is an external" something" which causes this psychological perception but this" something" is really as different from our illusory concept of space as a wavelength is from the green or yellow the spirit perceives. And we also say to you: your specialists have held onto this idea of differentiating the concepts FIELD of FORCES and SPACE as distinct entities. You admit that the nervous system masks the feeling of FORCES and the feeling of SPACES and 711 work out a system of mathematical equations to define this" something" external to the self called GRAVITATIONAL, MAGNETIC and ELECTROSTATIC FIELD, and this other" three-dimensional or N dimensional something" called SPACE. You know that a FIELD of FORCES cannot exist outside of a SPACE affected by these fields. Moreover we affirm that FIELD OF FORCES and SPACE can be identified. There cannot be a universe outside our own in which, because there are no particles, there are no deformations of this space (which we call FIELD) either. More specifically: the action of the gravitational field is that which stimulates our nerve endings, sending a series of codified impulses to our brain which in turn makes emerge this illusion we call SPACE. That is why when we speak about dimensions to define space, do not believe that the dimension of length in the WAAM (cosmos) is the same as we imagine it in our minds. As this would require a considerable and continuous mental effort, throughout these reports and for the sake of convenience, the length of a straight line can be considered to be synonymous with dimension, and to a certain degree that is correct. We will also speak to you about the perception of space, the way in which we conceive the decadimensionnel W AAM, the true concept of asymmetry of our W AAM (Cosmos) which converts it into an ENANTIOMORPHE ofthe U-WAAM (anticosmos). We will explain you how we polarise sub-pparticles to make space travel possible by using the curvature of space and we will also speak to you about true distance which makes such travel possible. DOCUMENTS: * D 59/5 letters received bv Mr. VillaRrassa from Mav 1.1967 and part of letter D 45 received by Mr. Sesma. UNIFIED FlEW THEORY. THE IBOZOO UU. TRUE STRUCTURE OF PHYSICAL SPACE, MASS, SUBATOMIC PARTICLES AND GRAVITATION. During a conversation which you had with my brother on which I depend: DEI 98, son of DEI 97, you asked him for information about travel and the concept of SPACE. The topic is complex as you shall see in the documents that we will give you gradually. Of course, before describing the types of feelings we feel when 712 we travel in a OA WOOLEA UEWA OEMM (lenticular vessel for intra-galactic displacement) it is better that you have a more precise idea of our concept of SPACE. You will see that our theory differs substantially from that worked out by Earth mathematicians, and that our image of WAAM (our universe, part of the Universes), even though we regard it as a multidimensional UXGIIGIIAM (space) which has in its structure of many curves that we call masses, does not look anything like the Euclidean three-dimensional concept of space, and neither is it a faithful reflection of the modem Earth RIEMAN, BOL Y AI or LOB A TSCEWSKY models, which assume an N-space (or multidimensional space), implying that the cosmos can adopt the form of a positive- or negative-curvature hypersphere. There exists for us what is called SPACE - TIME, conceived by MINKOWSKY but plunged in a dimension with N dimensions. When we expose the concept of the IBOZOO UU (which should never be confused with the concept of point geometry or mathematics, worked out by Earth mathematicians as an abstraction with no basis in physical reality) you will better understand our Theory. You will notice that the great contrast between your models of space and our, real, model rests in the different interpretation of the concept of dimension; a concept which for you can be interpreted as a scalar. An exhaustive elaboration of our Theory of Space would require many hundreds of typed pages. We will thus limit ourselves, in a few pages, to describing the most basic elements of this concept. For those without a strong mathematical background we will use graphs with a simply illustrative value. That will be useful for you the day the physicists of the Earth finally discover the true nature of the Universe; at that time you can be proud to have had knowledge of these concepts (even if on an elementary level) for several years beforehand. We are certain that after carefully reading our notes, you will find in them true understanding of the concepts of TIME, of DISTANCE, ATOMIC MASS, PARTICLES, ENERGY and GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS, and of ELECTROSTATICS and MAGNETISM. You will then be able form an idea in your own mind about the panorama that presents itself to space travellers before we describe it in a 713 forthcoming report. Naturally, the travellers' perceptions are not truly extraordinary. They do not have visions of colour never perceived by our retina, or fantastic tactile sensations, or incredible sounds. On the contrary our sensory organs continue to code exterior messages with the same psychological and physiological laws. Only new stimulations, resulting from other sources of energy and matter, are different from those we usually perceive. The Hot planets and Stars are nothing more for us than concentrations of Mass, and to our sensory organs they can effectively disappear. Do not forget that when changing reference axis. the new three-dimensional space which opens up to us is different. For example certain objects which, under the former reference frame seemed to be concentrations of luminous energy (being reversed), will now be in the form of immense clouds of subatomic particles. A collision with these nebulas would certainly be fatal for the vessel. Until now in the many reports and conversations, we had spoken about the IBOZOO UU without explaining their meaning, and had limited ourselves to translating this phoneme by “PHYSICAL POINT ". We also resisted the temptation to add a mathematical demonstration closer to our WUUA WAAM (mathematics of physical space ), because that would require an initiation on your part to the to our UWUUA IEES (tetravalent mathematical logic); it is to the detriment of the scientific rigour of the concepts that we expose to you. Furthermore we advise the people of the Earth not to repeat their harmful practice with this text of trying to read it all at once. Each homogenous paragraph of half a page to two pages must always be assimilated before reading the following one. THE REAL WAAM AND THE "ILLUSORY" WAAM UNIVERSE). It is very difficult for the OEMII (man, by extension human, by another extension "intelligent living being) to have a true perception of the real nature of the Physical World which surrounds us. Apparently the mental images we have made for ourselves of this Medium which surrounds us can lead us to conclude in error that the Physical World is as we “see", “touch” or “feel” it. But a careful analysis by the scientists of UMMO as well as by Earth scientists, and those of other Galactic civilisations (possessing a certain degree of culture) revealed that our WAAM is not as our senses normally perceive it. So: the vivid colours we enioy looking at a flower garden are but a beautiful psychological perception. There is no chromatic richness that exists outside of us. Only a range of electromagnetic frequencies remains as the last substratum of percep714 tion. The OEMII is the only being of the W AAM that goes beyond the limits of its own organism to understand the world, and it uses the spirit to this end as an intellectual means, since our bodily senses, nervous system and cortical mechanisms of synthesis and psychological perception completely distort reality. Let us see for an example how our physiological bodies II distort II the truth by masking things in beautiful clothing, without which our WAAM (universe). viewed as is would come across as nothing but a cold succession of mozoo UU out of phase with each other. (we will explain this concept shortly) When you take for example a cigarette lighter between your fingers, you are aware that it is THERE: cold, shiny. “It " is thus THERE, between your index and thumb... it is not a fiction: it EXISTS". But this lighter is nothing but a simple perception. The physicists of OYAGAA (the planet squared: the Earth) could tell you more about this simple pocket lighter. They would say for example that you are not actually touching it, in spite of your sensory perception, since there is of large relative distance between the metal atoms and the electronic clouds of the atoms of the skin covering your fingers. Perhaps a layman would timidly object if this small piece of metal is not touching his skin, it is impossible to hold it and that it should then" fall to the ground". But the Earth scientist will speak to him about Force fields, Tensors, Repulsions between negative electric charges. He will suggest that the metal's low temperature produces this cold sensation and that it is the consequence of the low amplitude of the vibration of its molecules compared to those of the skin. And he will point out that the compact appearance of the chrome-plated object is illusory since the atomic nuclei are as separate from each other as the Stars of a Galaxy. An Earth expert in physiological optics will say to you that the real brightness of the object is about ten times larger than the apparent brightness, but that, when the light crosses our eye, the crystalline lens and the vitreous humour absorb almost all the photons, and so only a very reduced luminous energy arrives at the retina. An Earth physician will smile if you ask him how the light (of the flame) arrives at the cerebral cortex, and he will explain why the light never arrives at the brain, but rather that the photons, when striking the retina, induce codified impulses which are transmitted by the neurons of the optic nerve in the form of an electric message, in the form of a code, so that the resemblance between the 715 butane flame and the message our brain receives from the retina is the same as that between a grazing cow and the letters that make up its name. And finally a neuropsychiatrist will tell you in very vague terms (for he himself does not know many steps of the process) how the brain combines the millions of codified impulses into one synthesised perception. The onIy image we have of the mysterious lighter and the flame which exist apart from us is a sensory illusion. Indeed: such an image of the lighter, however familiar it may be to us, has as much in common with the true obiect as the letters D-A-F-F-O-D-I-L have with the plant they designate (they = these letters ndt). The OEMII (the man) must thus rid himself of these mental images ingrained since childood, about things, colours, sounds etc... Beings of every social group we have encountered, connected to various OYAA (Planets) with which we have been in contact, and including us, you the OEMII of the Earth and we the OEMII of Ummo, realised this was necessary, and gradually scientists from various civilisations are bringing to light the true basis of our WAAM. Where are humans on this scale? Does the mathematical model of the Universe put forward by Earth physicists, with its relativity theory, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics an accurate description of the truth ? By presenting our WAAM theory to you, you will be able to judge the differences for yourselves. We observed that the OEMII (the man) of OYAGAA (Earth) which you call" man on the street" not initiated to Earth physics, has a very primitive concept of space and the universe we call WAAM. Since he was a UUGEEYIE(child) he was educated to accept as valid the deformed image of the external world our senses offer us. Just a if, as a child, he had been locked up in a bare room, without being allowed to see his parents, who would only have taught him the letters and syllables of an Earth language. The child could get the impression while looking at the typographical characters that furniture, animals, trees and other objects expressed by these graphical symbols have the shape of the letters which represent them. The Earth OEMII thinks of Space as a " scalar continuum" in all directions. From this image of space, you worked out (initiated by Euclid) a whole geometry based on abstractions such as the point. the line. and the plane. You finished by accepting that POINT. LINE and PLANE really represent the true components of the W AAM, although using a mental abstraction. 716 This original vice, not yet corrected, is costing you a considerable delay in the comprehension of the physical world. Indeed: when you innocently accepted the existence of Euclidian three-dimensional space, Earth mathematicians such as GAUSS, RIEMANN, BOLY AI and LOBATSCHEWSKY had the brilliant intuition of the possibility of extending the restricted Euclidian criteria by working out a new geometry for an N-Space. 'And although the human mind cannot visualise a body of more than three dimensions, mathematics makes it possible to overcome this mental hurdle. But do these mathematical models of elliptic and hyperbolic multidimensional geometries accurately represent the reality of our WAAM, or are they only" entelechies " (NdR : realisation of the essential element of something, completed act of vision: borrowed from Aristotle), created by mathematicians? The relativity hypothesis of the German Einstein at first adopts the criterion of the Russian Minkowsky, who conceives time as an additional dimension, with the intuition of a tetradimensional space-universe. The Earth OEMII took a gigantic step in breaking with the previous intuitive idea of a three-dimensional cosmos. But, is that how it really is, our SPACE - COSMOS. Absolutely not: Our image of the WAAM (cosmos) i.e. space, differs on a fundamental level from that which you have elaborated.. And it is precisely when it comes to dimensions that the divergence is strongest. What is more, contradictions you observe between relativity physics and quantum mechanics are produced by a fundamental error. They are the result of errors at the most basic level. At this point, a footnote is needed for some observations. 1 First of all we point out that our idea of space, as opposed to the Earth conception, rests on several mathematical fundaments different from yours. It is not necessary to go into detail about our mathematical symbols; such a superficial problem is easily solved by a suitable transcription (conversion from base 12 to base to), but it will not be simple for you to understand our algorithms relating to WUUA WAAM (mathematical of Physical Space) without first following a complete initiation which would take many months for even the Earth initiates in mathematics. There is a reason: when it comes to analysing the properties of space, the nor717 mal postulates of mathematical logic, which is familiar to you and to us besides, are not useful to us. As you know, formal logic accepts the criterion you name "law of of non-contradiction"(according to which any proposal is necessarily true or false). In our WUUA WAAM (mathematics of Physical Space) this postulate must be rejected. One then has recourse to a type of multivalent logic that our specialists call UUWUUA IES (logical tetravalent mathematics) according to which any proposal can adopt four values indifferently: - AIOOY AA (TRUE - CORRECT) - AIOOYEEDOO (FALSE, ABSURD) - AIOOYA AMMIE (can be translated: True outside from The Waam) (NdR: out of our conventional dimensions) - AIOOY AU (untranslatable in Earth language). Even if we do not obtain anything from divalent Earth logic, we do use it in our everyday life or the study of the macrophysical phenomena. We can offer you the concepts of the WAAM. It is possible, and we will limit ourselves to a system in which infinitesimal calculus will work as well as integral calculus, topology, tensor and vector calculus, graph theory and operational research, so familiar to Earth people. For your convenience, when we the use of mathematical algorithms is necessary, we will endeavour to represent it to you using an algebra and notations familiar to you. 2 °Until now, we did not reveal this type of information to any Earth scientist since the theoretical explanations communicated to various mathematicians and physicists were directed towards other fields of Microphysics and Mathematical Theory of networks. The current discovery by some Earth scientists of this concept of physics would cause a step backwards from the required goal (because this progress would be disproportionate to the desired goal) and could be translated into extremely dangerous technological applications given the current state of the Earth's Social Network which is unbalanced. Finally we decided to make you very wisely aware of only some aspects of our theory of UXGIAM W AAM (real physical space) If a hypothetical Earth scientist Earth read these lines, the formal logician in her would refuse to accept a testimony which, coming allegedly from extraterrestrial OEMll, would appear to her to be pure fantasy. 3 °After what we have just said, one could ask an important question: how do we, the OEMII of UMMO, know that our model of UXGIIGIAM WAAM (real physical space) is the true one, and that for instance the Earth model of RIENMANN 718 is not? We are certain that our model, based on the concept of IBOZOO UU (we will further explain this concept), is true since the experimental results tally perfectly with the results predicted by the theory . The fact that we travel by changing the three-dimensional system of reference which enables us to move inside our Galaxy with the possibility of modifying the phases of what you call" subatomic particles" (which. as you will see. are nothing more the IBOZOO UU directed in a particular way) confirms our theory of the W AAM once more. What is more, our theory coincides (give or take several nuances) with the theses worked out by civilisations living on other OYAA (Planets) with whom we have had contact and who are at an advanced state in their scientific research. OUR THEORY OF UXGIIGIAM WAAM (SPACE). When our brothers arrived in Earth year 1950 on OY AGAA (Earth), and after having learned the French language and gone for the first time to the library located at 58 rue Richelieu in Paris, they were surprised to read in the Earth mathematics texts in the library that, for instance, concepts like the POINT, the LINE and the PLANE continued to be considered by you as simple abstractions of an underlying reality of the UNIVERSE. Thus when the mathematicians of the Earth define a point as a family of curves or as an ordered set of N numbers in an N space, they have the intuition of the structure of a scalar space with N dimensions in which the point is defined inside a frame of reference by its corresponding coordinates. According to these ideas, a line will be a set of points with a one-to-one mapping with the set of real numbers, so that the distance between two points of a space Rn defined as basic, can remain defined. Thus between two points A, B, of an N-space: D 59_ FIG 1 being co-ordinates of two points A (Xl, X2,X3... Xn), B (Y1, Y2, Y3... Yn), so that the framework of a multidimensional scalar space is thus defined. This rigid model of the mathematics of Space does not satisfy a number of current physicists at all: that is true despite the fact that many others continue to accept the existence of this SPACE independent of the matter and the energy it contains. Then you invented another thing: the Space of the Phases. For vou real space contains subatomic particles (another error as we will see further). You 719 postulate that each particle (NEUTRON, MESON, etc) must occupy in a given moment a position (POINT), but you must define the particle not only in terms of its position but also by its momentum. Then you imagine an N-SPACE of six dimensions in which each particle is defined by six dimensions: D 59 FIG 2 You call this" entelechie " space phases. You can then imagine an elementary volume made up of confined spaces, the limit of which would be a point. The elementary volume would be: T = according to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: dx.dpx > H; dy.dpy> H; dz.dpz > H, so that elementary volume will be T > H cubed. (H is Planck's constant) You name this elementary volume of order H cubed point of the space of the phases, since the infinitesimal point is shown when confronting intuition or physical significance, violating the uncertainty principle and since an elementary particle (electron, hyperon, neutrino, positron...) will be localised in an unspecified face of the elementary volume in question (phasic point) but never at the central point. Our conception of UXGIGIAM (space) is radicallv different. Let us start with this concept of dimension which differs from the idea that you have made for yourselves. We will try to use symbols and concepts for your brothers who are unfamiliar the WUUA (mathematics) You conceive of a UNIVERSE formed by a SCALAR SPACE i.e. : a space as it exists to our senses, in which the image of DIMENSION entails the image of a line or scalar. (D59_FIG3, F.I) 720 Space, then, would be like an " IMMENSE VOLUME" and the COSMOS something like a SPHERE of positive (D59_FIG3, F2) or negative (D59_FIG3, F3) curvature. The most intelligent among the Earth people suppose at least a curve inside the fourth dimension and identify the WAAM with RIEMANN's multidimensional space. OUR UNIVERSE would then be like a positive or negative HYPERSPHERE but DIMENSION always being identified by you as a line or a scalar. At the interior of this model of COSMOS you would put particles, atoms; forming Galaxies, gravity fields, magnetics and electrostatics, in short, Energy. (D59_FIG4). D59 FIG4 We, on the contrary, know that the WAAM (cosmos) is composed of a network of IBIZOO UU. We conceive SPACE as an associated set of antrolar factors (D59_FIG5). D59 FIG5 For us the line in space does not exist. as we explain further. so the concept of OA WOO (dimension) takes on a different meaning for us. Such dimensions are associated not with scalar magnitudes (as the Earth people think), but on the contrary with angular magnitudes. (It is curious to note, for instance, that in their blindness, the physicists of the Earth do not give an angle a dimensional characteristic.) 721 If you were children in a school, perhaps we would use a rough example as a comparisons. The universe is like a "swarm of dragonflies" whose wings form different angles (D59_FIG6, next page): D59 FIG6 All these dragonflies fly in such a way that not one has its wings oriented identically to any other. In other words, there will not be a single pair of dragonflies which, at a given moment, will be able to be superimposed so that the wings and the abdomens match exactly.. But, as we already said, this image is excessively simplified and distant in its analogy. First of all each dragonfly occupies a place in space at each moment. I.e.: its inertia and centres of gravity occupy definite zones (according to this example). An IBOZOO UU does not occupy any definite position, we cannot say of it that there is a probability of it being located at anyone point. In addition this flying insect has MASS and VOLUME, (at least in our minds) the IBOZOO UU is a particle without MASS or corporality. In a first conceptual approximation we could say of it that it is a set of oriented axes. The angles formed by these axes are more important in such a set than the axes themselves (a mathematical fiction). (059 _FIG7) 059 FIG7 The dragonflies of our infinite swarm live in time. move in short intervals of time, infinitesimal distances. The IBOZOO UU does not exist in time, it IS time. (one of its angles is the magnitude TIME as we will explain it in another report with more explanations); to be more precise: what we call INFINITESIMAL INTERVAL OF TIME (dt) is only the difference in angular orientation between two dependent IBOZOO. (D59_FIG8) 722 D59 FIG8 If after this summary explanation you visualise our model of space by imagining for example that space is a " dense mass of particles similar to atoms" you are in error, since the particles of a gas such as you know it occupy probable positions in an enclosure, whereas that is not the case with the IBOZOO UU. You should not either identify such a space with the ancient concept of ETHER thrown out by the theory of relativity. since the NETWORK OF IBOZOO UU is not at all an elastic medium in which are immersed the atoms of bodies. You could also ask us: in relation to what universal reference axis are directed the angles of the IBOZOO UU? Naturally NOT WITH ANY. There is no axis of reference in the W AAM for that would suppose a real line in the COSMOS, and such a line, as we indicated, is a FICTION. We can onlv refer to the anele of one of the secondary axes of an IBOZOO UU compared to another. arbitrarilv adopted as a reference. We inform yOU that you should not imagine that subatomic particles are immersed inside this set of IBOZOO UU. Quite simply because any particle (electron. meson or eraviton) is necessarilv an IBOZOO UU directed in a particular way compared to the others. In conclusion: we also conceive of a space of N DIMENSIONS. MASS, for example, is also a " curve of this multidimensional space ". It is the same for DISTANCES within the WAAM. Only our concepts of magnitude, curvature and distance are radically different from those of the Earth people. Thus when we represent Space graphically as a Line, a Point, we do as you do because such images are familiar to us. But we know that they are pure fiction. THE CONCEPT OF IBOZOO UU The WAAM which we know is a BOUND SET (A YUU) or NETWORK Of IBOZOO UU. It is necessary to give you the most faithful representation possible of the true nature of the mozoo UU, which has nothing to do with MATHEMATICAL POINT, nor with a PARTICLE, nor with a QUANTUM of energy according to Earth conceptions. You must thus rid your mind of familiar images such as the POINT and linear DIMENSION. 723 If you have a mathematical background you know the concept of HYPER SHERE in N SPACES. We can represent such a geometrical body analytically. Its corresponding equation is familiar to students. If we represent the magnitudes defined in N axes by ai, a2, a3... aN. The ray of the hypersphere will be defined by: D59 FIG9 As we cannot represent such a HYPERSHERE graphically, we will suppose a three-dimensional SPHERE whose axes are directed orthogonally. We try to choose a (symbolic) mathematical model which represents the IBOZOO UU. Keep in mind: when we refer to a radius vector for example, do not suppose that this ray physicallv materialises inside the mozoo UU. D59 FGIO We consider in the sphere of figure D59_FIGlO an OAWOO (with this name we refer in the sphere to the Earth idea of AXIS, as well as that of the VECTOR, with its attributes of modulus, origin and extremity). In this case you would translate OA WOO as radius vector U, whereas the lOA WOO is an angle If we consider a HYPERSPHERE with N dimensions, we can conceive as many other OA WOO (RADIUS VECTORS) as there are dimensions. That is to say UI, U2, U3... Un, whose respective orientations are orthogonal, i.e. that they form the angle of (/2 between them. Viewed thusly, the mozoo UU could be interpreted as a closed multidimensional space, and you would start again to imagine it having its points, lines, planess, hyperplanes, immersed volumes and hypervolumes. Nothing is further from the real concept of the IBOZOO UU. When we refer, within the IBOZOO UU, to an OA WOO (AXIS) and its orientation, it is clear that such an orientation does not make geometrical sense without a frame of reference. Thus when one of you pictures a line in space, it must be defined in terms of a system of axes (which you call Cartesian) so that the line is defmed by its modulus (expressed by six sides of the axes) and by the cosines with the axes: 724 Cos(Alpha), Cos(Beta) and Cos(Gamma) D59 FG 11 But you can see that this system of reference was selected arbitrarily within Euclidean Space which you imagined. It is very important that you see the difference compared to the IBOZOO UU. It is not possible to choose a system of reference within the IBOZOO UU itself. Such a system of reference must be in relation to another IBOZOO UU, arbitrarily selected. (Thus in figure 11, if we suppose two IBOZOO UU (P) and (H), it would be nonsense to refer to the cosines cos(Alpha) cos(Beta) cos(Gamma) that the OA WOO UU forms with an ideal trihedron whose origin would be the II CENTER II of the HYPERSPHERE H. Thus we can to only refer to the angle Theta lOAWOO that Ur of H forms with the OA WOO (RADIUS VECTOR) Ua ofP. It is precisely this lOA WOO Theta (ANGLE - DIMENSION) that bestows all the exceptional qualities on the IBOZOO UU. It will be necessary as of now that you make a mental effort to carry out a psychological shift so that each time in physics that we speak of MAGNITUDE, the image of a SCALAR does not spring into your conscience, instead of the lOA WOO (ANGLE that the hypothetical radius vectors of two IBOZOO UU form between them). It is nonsense TO ISOLATE, in an effort of mental abstraction, an IBOZOO UU in order to study it. We COULD EXPRESS it , by translating the POSTULATE known to our physicists: AN ISOLA TED IBOZOO UU DOES NOT EXIST. That this postulate violates the traditional proposals of what Earth people call MATHEMATICAL SET THEORY. Since if I belongs to W, element I (IBOZOO UU) belongs to the set W (WAAM), the isolated element I is: I=Ø (an IBOZOO UU CONSIDERED AS A SET IS EMPTY) We will explain a little to the OEMIT unfamiliar with mathematics: naturally an IBOZOO UU is not II VISIBLE ". even using the most sophisticated laboratory instruments imaginable. 725 You can however object: How the scientists of UMMO know that this entity exists if they cannot detect it? The use of the word II detect II is inappropriate here. If we managed to deduce the existence of the IBOZOO UU, it is because the physical model worked out by its supposed existence answers all explanations and problems regarding the behaviour of Matter and Energy and, what is even more important: it offers a plausible explanation of extrasensory phenomena and telepathic communications through the BUUWEE BIAEEI (HUMAN COLLECTIVE SPIRIT). Though such entities are not visible. for the purposes of comprehension, one could represent the WAAM as an immense network of small spheres (D59_FGI2), each one of them being an IBOZOO UU. They are each of a different colour, but inside a set of colours we could select all those that differ by a shade of the same colour; a different shade of green, for example). 059 FG12 From this metaphor (coloured spheres), we can say that that the set of IBOZOO UU are differentiated not only by the angle lOA WOO, but also by their respective OA WOO (radius vectors) which they form with one of the IBOZOO UU taken as a reference, but whose field of rotation is the HYPERPLANE H (since we cannot draw a hyperplane, we will suppose in the 059_FG13 that it is about a meridian plan P (NdR: sketch missing) . The IBOZOO UU whose radius vectors turn in another meridian plane are codified by another colour. Orange for example; 059_FG13 (missing figure)... (NdR: we found the Spanish translation of this somewhat sibylline paragraph; we nevertheless reproduced it here as is) If we select, as we said to you, all the mozoo UU that exist in the W AAM to which we attributed the colour green, we would observe that, ordered mathematically, they would form an OXOOlAEE (chain ofmOZOO UU): 059 FG14 726 In other words: having considered the IU belonging to W (subset of W). we can establish a one-toone mapping between these mozoo UU of the OXOIAEE (CHAINS IN the SHAPE Of RINGS) and the infine number of angles which a radius vector can describe in a plane. It is not that such mozoo UU form an endless chain in the W AAM and are topologically located in an ordered series. NO. it is our senses. as we will explain further. that carrv out this task of ordering. (a Earth example will help you better understand: when you evaluate the amount of money in a bank account, you can represent the dollars, pounds sterling or pesos in an order, so that you can count them. But this ordering, you know that it is an illusion). The immediate components of this chain Ll and n differ between them as the infinitesimal angle dq (in figure 059 _FG 14, we have exaggerated the magnitude of dq for purposes of comprehension). CONCEPT OF GEOIDE: STRAIGHT LINE. A hypothetical observer looking at the whole of the OXOOIAEE (chain of IBOZOO UU) from the IBOZOO UU &&(Si) would see this chain as a STRAIGHT LINE. A hypothetical traveller leaving &&Si in a " straight line" through the W AAM (COSMOS) would necessarily arrive at the IBOZOO UU from which he started. In other words: what our senses interpret as a linear magnitude, i.e. a line or as you would say "a linear scalar", is nothing but an OXOOIAEE (CHAIN Of IBOZOO UU). It is the illusory mental image which results from our brain synthesising and ordering this set of IBOZOO UU (which in the W AAM are actually in " disorder" and without definite position). At the risk of repeating ourselves, we underline the fallacy of thinking that the IBOZOO UU of this chain are ordered in straight lines in the UNNERSE. It is not so. We say that such IBOZOO UU AIOOY A exist (they are dependent on each other in the WAAM). Do not deduce from this that they have POINTS by which they can be localised. Do not believe that two IBOZOO UU. which we drew adiacent to illustrate the difference in the elementary angle dQ in images D59 FG13 and D59 FGI4, actually exist. D59 FGl5 (NdR: On the original document, the upper series of IU is quasi- horizontal, whereas the lower series has a more accentuated direction) 727 If we consider on Figure D59_FG15 a Earth observer related to the IBOZOO UU (T) and on our planet UMMO an observer related to (U) we say that there is a distance L between the Earth and UMMO because in relation to an arbitrary reference, there is an ANGULAR difference between the two IBOZOO UU. (An angular difference which implies the existence of an infinite number of IBOZOO UU between them). But if we consider this same figure in relation to another reference, we will discover a second chain of IBOZOO UU, so that this angular difference will have varied. We could then say that the distance between UMMO and the EARTH is different. < L since (Q' U - Q' T) < (qu - Qt) We can conclude then by saying that we define the straight line and its magnitude [ editors' reminder: " each time in physics that we speak about MAGNITUDE, the image of a SCALAR should not spring to mind rather than the lOAWOO (ANGLE that the hypothetical radius vectors of two IBOZOO UU form between them"] as a chain of IBOZOO UU immersed in the WAAM such that their OA WOO (RADIUS VECTORS) differ successively from an angle dq, and are all directed in a hyperplane H. A borderline case of a straight line would be the OXOOlAEE WAAM (which can be translated as UNIVERSAL GEOIDE) (Figure D59_FGI4). Do not think for a moment that a POINT ON THIS LINE can be represented by an IBOZOO UU, for we have already said that an IBOZOO UU in itself does not make any sense. In any case we define an elementary segment as a dependent pair of IBOZOO UU to refute once and for all the concept of geometrical point introduced into your brain by Earth mathematicians. If you did not understand that, it is that you have not assimilated the true meaning of our physics, so infused are you with Earth mathematical notations. Let E be set of geometrical points according to an N-Space of RIEMANN (Earth Mathematician) in which each point is P (xl x2 x3... xn) (P). Let W be the whole of the IBOZOO UU of the WAAM (I). We say that: If P d E (every point belongs to E) and I d W (every IBOZOO UU I belongs to W) We see that: W 1 E = 0, i.e. that the intersection of E and W is empty. D59 FGl6 728 If D and D' are two sets of IBOZOO UU which imply distances measured by an observer under different angles, one observes that D 1 D' = Ø TIME AND MAGNETIC. GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROSTATIC FIELDS. The IBOZOO UU is much more than one factor that gives an accurate representation of cosmic distances. Our WAAM (UNIVERSE) is a set like the framework from which we receive the multiple factors that appear to our senses and to our instruments in the static fields of Forces. Thus, we suspect the presence of a close Star by the influence which it exerts on a distinct mass. We then define this influence as a gravitational field, or we detect traces of electromagnetic waves whose sources can be a nebula whose ions of plasma move periodically. The Universe is presented to us as a substrate of phenomena as familiar as speed, force or the slow movement of time. In particular, this magnitude Time has particular importance to us. In the next pages that we will give you, we will inform you about this particularity. We will show you for example that one can compare Time to a series of IBOZOO UU whose axes are directed ortho~onally compared to the OA WOO (radius vectors) which implies distance. and that it is even possible that. if the inversion of its axes is adeQuate. that an observer in a new frame of reference will perceive as a distance what was measured as an interval of time in the old reference. You will then understand why an event which occurs far from us (for instance on UMMO) cannot occur simultaneously with another Earth event. You will also understand why a hypothetical object moving at the limiting speed (which you speed of light) will shorten its distance on the axis of displacement to a pair of IBOZOO UU (distance that tends towards zero but is not null as a LORENTZ (Earth Mathematician) transformation notes in error). In any case we will define an elementary segment as a dependent pair of IBOZOO DU. What you call a subatomic particle, like a neutrino, a meson or an antiproton, with various attributes such as mass, charge and spin, are only multiple orientations of an IBOZOO VV. If the Earth physicists continue to spend their time on detection, evaluation and classification of all the possible particles, it will take them a billion years to finish since this classification is as sterile as giving a name to each infinitesimal angle under which we can see a star over the course of a day. 729 THE AXIAL NETWORK OF THE IBOZOO UU A summary definition of the final definition of the IBOZOO VV that we will give to you at the end is this one: An IBOZOO UU is a elementary cosmic entity integrated by a beam of oriented axes WHICH CANNOT CROSS EACH OTHER, bound to a whole of IBOZOO UU independent one from the other in relation to their angularity. You can see that we are gradually adjusting each time more accurately the authentic concept of IBOZOO VV defined by our specialists on UMMO. We thought that to bring you an exact definition from the outset would have been excessively confusing, especially taking into consideration that no theory approaching ours in its formalism exists on the planet EARTH. Observe also that through the translation of this definition, we expressed that the IBOZOO UU integrate a beam of oriented axes which cannot cross each other. This is very difficult to understand if you to continue to maintain the mental image of Euclidian space with its points and lines. Naturally if the IBOZOO UU were like a sphere or a hypersphere (D59_FGIO), in its centre the different axes could CROSS EACH OTHER at a point. (For example the radius vectors would cross in the center). Therefore this mathematical model does not accurately represent the IBOZOO UU. If we chose the model of a sphere in our description, it was only to obtain a more faithful translation of the concepts by using mathematical algorithms, notations and geometrical concepts very familiar to Earth people. (It is a little like what you do when, for the purposes of simplification, you consider the Earth to be an ideal sphere whereas you know that it is an deformed ellipsoid. (isosceles Ellipsoid with three axes)). Let us then suppose a sphere (D59 _FG 10) which would constitute one of the infinite hyperplane meridians of a hypersphere of order N = 4. D59 FGlO If you are not familiar with this concept, imagine that if we give the name "meridian plane" to the section of a sphere which passes through its center, a sphere of order N = 3, for a hypersphere of dimension 4, its section will be precisely a figure of N - I dimensions, i.e. a sphere. It is necessary to remember the concept of the ANGLE in a HYPERSPACE. 730 È=È((,È) . Let P and Q be two HYPERPLANES defined by the co-ordinates U = (UO UI U2... Un) and V = (VO VI V2...Vn) These two HYPERPLANES determine a beam ". Thus in this beam " there are TWO HYPERPLANES P 4 and Q4 which are tangent with the fundamental quadratic E. The angle È = È((,È) (in which 0<Q<P) between these two HYPERPLANES P and Q is defined by: This angle is defined by the equations: (we cannot represent È on an image. We reproduce only the projection of Qp of È. Èp will be expressed by two meridian planes in the case of È for an Nspace of the order N = 4.) In that which E = + 1 since we suppose a HYPERSPHERE of positive curvature. Let us remember the difference between SPHERE of positive curvature and a spherical surface of negative curvature, which helps us to understand the concepts of HYPERSPHERE of curve E = + 1 and E = -1 (D59 _FIG 19). Therefore: when R (P Q, P 4Q 4) = -1 we consider that the two HYPERPLANES are orthogonal. If you replace the concept of linear OOWAOO (radius vector) linear of our former simplified model, by that of the HYPERPLANE of the order N = 4 and if you imagine these HYPERPLANES of reference not in the IBOZOO UU studied, but in another that is dependent on it, we can imagine three directing cosines which we will call COSY COSX COSW which define other angles for us (YXW) which we call lOA WOO (dimensional angles) . The angles will define each one the respective values of three-ddimensional space such as we conceive it. It is supposed that an infinitesimal variation in the values of these directing cosines occasionne?involves/brings about a dependent pair of IBOZOO UU. 731 At this point, we will use for those Earth brothers not very well versed in mathematics an analogy of the W AAM (universe) represented by an immense swarm of dragonflies. Suppose that these insects are of different colours, no two of the same colour or shade. They fly in such a manner that we cannot know where one at any given moment for they are at the same time here and everywhere. They are green, magenta, orange, blue, etc. Let us suppose now that our vision is so acute that at a glance we can locate the million dragonflies of only one colour (green for example) and that we also have the ability to order them by shade, from light to dark green... But it is here that the brain tricks us. Instead of perceiving an ordered swarm of insects in a rich range of shades, we imagine a cold and abstract straight line: the brightest, more luminous pair of dragonflies at the near end, and the darker blue-green dragonflies at the remotest point of this immense line D59_FG21 (NDS : drawing illegible in the photocopied document). To understand our Physical model of the W AAM, the Earth people must perfect other mental images different from those taught since childhood. You must study other plurivalent forms of mathematical Logic. You must also understand that this image of a Physical World composed of atoms, themselves composed of a multitude of subatomic particles occupying at every moment a probabilistic position, is an insufficient and shallow; you must reject this absurd mental image which consists in saying that a particle moving at an instantaneous speed V constitutes the material passage of this same particle of point P at another adjacent P', infinitesimally distant, in an interval of elementary time dt. It is necessary to adopt the real concept of speed which implies various rotations in two paired IBOZOO UU, rotations by which the first IBOZOO UU of the pair, by reversing its axes, ceases being a subatomic particle, while the second directs its OA WOO (axes, radii, vectors) to transform itself into a subparticle (as you call it) identical to the first (thus occurs an illusory effect of translation, a little like if one of two Earth magicians ten meters apart on a stage put a rabbit in his pocket only to have it come out of his partner's pocket a few moments later). Any intelligent person will understand that the rabbit did not travel mysteriously through the air, and that it was two identical rabbits. We are surprised that after having studied Wave mechanics exhaustively and having observed that all phenomena relating to time can be reduced to a series of sinusoidal functions, i.e. cyclic, Earth Physicists did not have the intuition of an angular WAAM (universe). But a correction of these concepts at the present time would hardly be beneficial for you. It is much better than Earth physicists slowly discover the truth by leaving time for spiritual values to supercede aggressive instincts 732 On image D59_FG21 (drawing visible in the RIBERA book, page 197)) you can see in a symbolic way how the brain carries out a synthesis by classifying the IBOZOO UU in an ordered scale according to their angular magnitude compared to one taken as a reference. When the OEMTI looks in a specific direction, her visual field includes all the IBOZOO UU whose OA WOO are directed under different different angles in a Field that you could mathematically represent as a HYPERPLANE. This simplistic image is intended for the OEMll not very well versed in mathematics. The initiates will understand that the IBOZOO UU are not located in definite points, and also that the term DISORDER (or ENTROPY) is not appropriate for this model either. If green spheres symbolise a visual field in a specific direction, the blue or red ones represent other possible fields as the human eye points in different directions. To say that the IBOZOO UU are like small spheres or " that between them exists a vacuum" or that they" are tangent within a dense space filled with IBOZOO UU ", does not make sense. Such mental images are those which appear to an UUGEEYIE (child) when one speaks to him for the first time on UMMO about the design of SPACE composed by the IBOZOO UU. Its childlike mentality, accustomed to familiar perceptions, tends to materialise this concept of IBOZOO UU and to assign an existence to it. In image D59_FG21 (drawing visible in the RIBERA book, page 197)) you can see how the image of a segment of a line appears in the field of conscience, a codified translation of the stimuli of the retina. Such a stimuli changes into the mental image of DISTANCE when between the eye of the observer and the visible object there exists no matter. THE CONCEPT OF THE OA WOO Having defined the IBOZOO UU as an elementary entity composed by a beam of orthogonal axes which cannot cross each other, we intentionally introduced (for teaching purposes) a concept which you must reject: that expressed by a very familiar word on Earth: AXIS. If you associate our word OA WOO (AXIS or DIRECTION) with a straight line that has direction, we must start over again because you will not have understood any of our preceding explanations. Obviously there is a serious obstacle there for we speak different mathematical 733 languages, languages conditioned by a set of different psychological perceptions between you and us. So we invite the laymen in mathematics to imagine the IBOZOO UU as a series of axes (indefinite, ideal straight lines), whose DIRECTIONS could never be compared to axes or real or ideal lines. D59 fig 22 We wish to insist on the fact that an isolated IBOZOO UU is illogical to conceive, i.e. that it has no reality. We say AIOOIEDOO (false concept, absurdity, has no reality). We will take an example for the laymen of the Earth. Imagine that we wish to obtain a closed enclosure (container) and that we have a certain number of cylindrical vases. Obviously, an insulated vase will never constitute a closed space, but if we close its opening by another (D59_FG23) D59 fig23 We will obtain a small CLOSED ENCLOSURE. A series of such vases would form a chain of sealed enclosures, as in D59 _FG24 Before we continue, it would be useful to go into more detail about the concept of a STRAIGHT LINE. The distance from one point to another must be interpreted as a succession of IBOZOO DD whose EIDIIU (angles) or more precisely, whose lOA WOO (1) differ between them as de. (see D59-fg17). The difference between EIDIIU and lOA WOO is very important: EIDIIU is our translation of the familiar concept of an angle. Thus an EIDIIU is the right angle formed by a vertical wall and the floor of a room. lOA WOO would be " the ANGLE" formed by two OA WOO (" AXES ") of two associated IBOZOO UU (D59_FGll); if in both cases we use the word" ANGLE ", 734 whereas they are two very different concepts, it is because there does not exist in your language a corresponding word (NdR: To our knowledge the concept of "angle "formed by two axes in space, axes which do not intersect, does not exist in our geometry, which requires, for the definition of these two axes, a projection onto planes, or the measurement of two angles compared to a trihedron of reference. Which geometrician will formulate the lOA WOO?) We said to you that between two points (D59_FG15) we can consider not one, but an infinity of different chains of IBOZOO DU (for various three-dimensional reference systems). In other words, it would appear that one of them is actually "geodesic" (the shortest line a body would follow between two points of a hypersphere located within a framework of four dimensions) D59 FG25 A. But this is insufficient. Any other arc located in this sphere (representating for instance a larger apparent distance as in D59_FG25 B) is represented by the SAME chain of IBOZOO 00, which it would be incorrect to qualify as GEODESIC; we thus prefer to qualify it as GEOIDIC, even if the two words have an similar etymology on Earth. THE CONCEPT OF TIME. The passage of time induces in the OEMII a psychological type of perception. It is another illusion. Within our organism a whole complex series of periodic phenomena occurs, from blood circulation to the metabolism of fats. If we close our eyes, we continue to perceive the passage of time thanks to the rhythmic periodicity of these thousands of physiological phenomena. But the conception of time for the Earth physicist differs on a fundamental level from that of psychobiologists. You see Time as a dimension, at least it is thus accepted by the followers of EINSTEIN's relativity theory. Our concept of TIME undoubtedly presents new ideas which are unknown for you. First of all we cannot regard Time as a dimension or continuum, as you do. It is not that time is quantified, but one cannot conceive a moment as a point on the axis of time. The interval dt, although it can tend towards zero, could never be perceived as small as we would like to. There is another aspect to this question we wish to underline. You consider that the highest speed a subparticle in the W AAM (Cosmos) can reach is 299,780 735 km/h (speed of light) and you regard this speed as " CONSTANT". This is not a poor measurement. Indeed: it is this same speed that we recorded... within this same three-dimensional framework. But all one needs to do is change framework or three-dimensional system so that this limiting Speed changes remarkably up to the point where the only reference which can reflect the change of axis is the measurement of this speed or constant, C. We will thus have a family of values thus: CO Cl C2 C3... Ci...........Cn, which extends from CO= 0 (zero) to Cn = 4(infinite), each one representing a definite system of reference. In the first case, (speed of light zero), definite phenomena that you associate with parapsychology are produced, such as for instance telepathic communication. The W AAM analysed under this three-dimensional system of reference has an absolute uniformity, you would say maximum Entropy (even if this state of MAXIMUM ENTROPY or DEGRADATION could occur in any system of reference where the speed of light is " NONZERO "). In the borderline case of infinite speed of light, the WAAM can be considered as nonexisting, for one could compare it to an identification of every IBOZOO UU with itself, i.e. with only one IBOZOO UU which, as you know, does physically exist. It is necessary that you understand that before continuing further, even if it is difficult to accept because of the logical reasoning to which you are accustomed. If you imagine in space an infinite range of small spheres or small balls, each one of different colour and a different shade from the others, you will then have a rough image of the WAAM. Imagine now that you locate two spheres of exactly the same colour. Your logical mechanisms would tell you that these two small balls are in different places, that they represent different entities. In short, they are two balls, and this plurality of spheres differentiated by colour fails miserably. But if we translate this reasoning into the cosmos, if you locate two IBOZOO UU which were until now distinct since their" axes" (OA WOO) were directed in different directions, and if now you look at them in the perspective that both IBOZOO UU are equal; you will then have to use another type of reasoning dissociated from divalent logic and affirm that these" two" IBOZOO UU are " the same" IBOZOO UU. 736 Indeed: a pair of IBOZOO UU that appears different, in a system of reference, for instance a neutron and a pion, by changing reference axes, these two subparticles which in the other framework seemed very distant for the observer, belonging even to two different galaxies, must be regarded as the same IBOZOO UU in another three-dimensional system. But the probability that this occurs for a pair of IBOZOO UU is practically zero when the new system of reference differs" angularly" very little from the former one. Let us move away somewhat from the central question: we define an interval of time AT as a succession of IBOZOO UU from which the lOA WOO differ between each other by constant quantities (D59 _FG26) D59 FG26 That is, that we consider in an IBOZOO UU the four" axes" (OA WOO) (and once again drawing attention to the true concept of OA WOO) which we call OA WOO UXGIGII for it is they that represent the three-dimensional frame of reference (D59 _FG27). D59 fig27 OA WOO UXGIGII which in reality do not exist, for they are as conventional as a symbol, but they a tool for the mathematician to fix the position of the true OA WOO. lf the true OA WOO (D) oscillates inside this ideal framework, imagine now a new system of reference consisting of TWO OA WOO UXGIGII, each one of them forming a 90 0 angle with the four former ones (see D59_FG27). This new framework of action of a real T (OA WOO) and those previously defined, respectively define SPACE and TIME D59 FG28: 737 D59 FG28 You can see that the OAWOO (vector axes) V and T which define SPACE AND TIME have different degrees of freedom. The first can cross IOAXOO (AngleSpace) in three different directions which correspond to three typical dimensions of SPACE, the second being restricted to moving on only one plane. Two IBOZOO UU whose axes OAXOO Tl and T2 differ by an angle such that there does not exist in the W AAM another mozoo UD between the two, will define the smallest interval of TIME. We call this interval UIWIIOO (INSTANT) (D59_FG29). What does the flow of time consist of? Is it an illusion? Take any object: a fruit. Even if have not yet developed the concept of subatomic particles yet, we have already suggested in other documents that each atomic component is actually an mozoo Uu. The fruit will be composed of water, carbohydrate, proteins and other organic chemical components. Those in turn will be composed of NIIO A (atoms) and these by subparticles; each one of them being an IBOZOO UU with its OAXOO (axes) directed in a particular way. When we measure on our watch a one microsecond interval: is the orange we have in our hand the same on we held a moment before? An Earth chemist will say: actually it is not the same because in its core, in its cells, the process of metabolism has modified its characteristics. The physicist will say: NO, its electrons have varied their position in their orbitals. But if we ask him now if these electrons, which have a different position, are the same ones as before; perhaps he will answer: YES. But it is an error: there was a jump of the IBOZOO UU which before represented the electron El of orbital 01 of the atom AI, and it is not the same one. A layman in physics will better understand this example. Imagine a frame formed by a mosaic of electric bulbs (D59 _FG30). 738 At time Tl the bulbs to form a capital letter A are lit. But one moment afterwards, t2, time has moved. The A is the same but its components have varied. One has turned off certain bulbs and lit others. The illusion of continuity is the same, but the A seems to move along the mosaic of lamps. One is not yet turned off when the following one starts to light up. (D59 _FG31); the Eb electron of our example which was only one mozoo UU, becomes Ec one moment later. If you consider the W AAM to be the integration of all the IBOZOO UU II (past, present and future "), that which call ourselves (Me, now) then we can represent it on a plane as in image D59 FG32. If I am at a II point II P represented by an IBOZOO UU with its Tp (OAXOO) directed vertically, what will happen tomorrow? II I II will be in T'p (another IBOZOO UU) which I will call the future (1) But; what happens on the plane of II ME, NOW II at another point separated from me by a distance D, i.e. a chain of IBOZOO UU? Quite simply that the orientation of its (OAXOO) &&Tu (axis of time) will be different. Thus I cannot say that there is simultaneity of TIME. I cannot thus say for example II NOW II something 739 is occuring on the planet VENUS for such a concept of simultaneity does not make sense (AND SIMILARLY FOR EVERYTHING WITHIN THE SAME FRAME OF REFERENCE). (1) By saying ME, we do not refer to an OEMII (person) composed of trillions of IBOZOO UU, but to an elementary subparticle of my organisation: a proton for example. You can see that the Earth physicist Einstein designed a universe which in some ways was not so different from that which we are describing to you. You must only replace the "SPACE-TTIME CONTINUUM" "by "SET OF the IBOZOO UU. " Einstein's model also agrees with ours on other essential points. But Einstein was only unaware that what he regarded as the CONSTANT SPEED OF LIGHT is only so in one of the possible systems of reference (for the same threedimensional system. the speed of light or speed limit is constant).. He was unaware that there were other threedimensional frameworks than the one familiar to us. Our design of the WAAM explains certain contradictions that the physicists of the Earth found between quantum Mechanics and the relativity model. It is not easy to find perceptible images of certain elements or factors (it does not seem correct to us to name them particles) which can be only conceived analytically using mathematical algorithms. But we repeat you that certain liberties in the interest of simplifying comprehension entail a very serious risk. Thus when the teachers of an Earth child represent the atom to her as “ a miniature planetary model “ and incite her to represent the nucleus as a sort of “ sun “ and the orbiting electrons like revolving II planetoids ". the child assimilates an erroneous concept which, if it is not superceded by more advanced studies, will remain all her life and will prevent her from conceiving a Physical Cosmos nearer to reality. We say all this to warn you against simple and erroneous preconceptions. It is very important to us that you do not identify the concept of OA WOO (AXIS or ORIENTATION of DIMENSION) with a line. Nor even with a rotating or axial vector representative of the oriented magnitudes. The OA WOO is not measurable, that is, it is not a length, such as the physicists of OY AGAA (Planet Earth) conceive it. For all these reasons we ask you not to try to identify it with the dimension LENGTH. Undoubtedly a layman in mathematics would try through our theory to seek a PERCEPTmLE representation of such an “ AXIS “ but we know that for you such a mental representation is currently impossible. That is why the graphs of this document are drawn in the form of spherical and axial representations which 740 are as childlike as the concept of the atom explained by some humble schoolteachers. In addition, the OA WOO IS NOT a CONVENTION, it is not a simple parameter, nor an arbitrary way of representing an mozoo UU. The OA WOO does not exist without imagining it related or “ connected “ to another OA WOO with which it forms an ELEMENTARY ANGLE that we call lOA WOO. All the confusion resulting from our presentation of our Physical concepts to you spring from our desire to convey these ideas to you in an understandable. Apparent contradictions are inevitable, just as with the question of a Earth child, concerning how a transistor radio can receive a radio station if your answer was II the words come from the air” . On the other hand it will be much simpler to imagine the lOA WOO (we could translate this by (" THE ANGLE FORMED BY TWO OA WOO ") if you remember how in previous documents we identified this lOA WOO with certain magnitudes which are familiar to you (LENGTH OF TIME). Despite all this it will not be easy for you to conceive an ANGLE not formed bv intersectine lines or planes. Such a model of the angle differs from Earth mathematical conventions. In short: if you try to apply your own mental images through the orthodoxy of Formal logic, and even if we bring to you all the scientific formulation of our theory, it will be impossible for you to assimilate these concepts. This is the reason for our attempt to facilitate the comprehension of the mozoo UU with rough approximations. In addition this does not seem reasonable. The unversed OEMII is accustomed to seeing objects delimited by lines, to mentally imagine angles delimited by lines and planes, and to position objects at such a point or in such a place. It will thus be difficult for this OEMII to imagine an IBOZOO UU that cannot be defined by the three co-ordinates which define the point in Euclidean space; it will be difficult for him to imagine that in addition he has no mass, and that he cannot be compared to a changing quantity. Also that he does not have energy in him or electric charge because such concepts (MASS, ENERGY AND CHARGE) are creations of the mind associated with a particular orientation of such elements. Perhaps an expert in OY AGAA logic might define him as the non-A A (*) of divalent logic (that is, WHAT DOES NOT EXIST) 741 But the mozoo UU is not a simple mathematical postulate, a II entelechie " composed of strange conceptions of “axes" which make it possible to outline a new model of perceiving physics and cosmology. On the contrary, we have confirmed for you the empirical validity of this design. We know that the mozoo UU REALLY EXISTS, but we recognise. that we are unaware of other aspects of such entities and that consequently we do not have even half of the COSMOLOGICAL TRUTH, and perhaps will never arrive there even if we are approaching it in an asymptotic way. Consequently we are not trying to make you accept this model unknown to the physicists of OY AGAA (Earth). Otherwise it would be necessary for us to layout our logical principles as a preliminary, and we accompany these disclosures not only with their mathematical formulation but also with a certain amount of empirical evidence. It would be childish to think that an Earth physicist would accept any premise advanced by a primarily didactic text, without a considerable amount of coherent arguments or a testimony worthy of belief. Never would the OEMII of UMMO, who remain hidden and operate discreetly, for reasons already explained, hope to be believed on the basis of mysterious telephone calls or typed documents without an identifiable signature. In short, we try TO DESCRIBE A THEORY and not DEMONSTRATE it. BASIC SUB PARTICLES When we describe our models of MASS and ENERGY, it is necessary for us at every moment to establish the differences and the resemblances between the current ideas of a physicist of planet UMMO and another of OY AAGAA (EARTH). Above all, we underline that in spite of certain differences concerning the true nature of certain factors which are familiar to you (like SPIN), we accept as valid many Earth discoveries, even if we interpret them in a different way. To illustrate what is meant by this, here are some concrete examples of coincidences. You have measured the Mass of the PROTON, of the ELECTRON, of many MESONS and HYPERONS, and have noted the difference in MASS of the NEUTRON and PHOTON. We corroborate the existence of what you call PARTICLES, and we confirm that the measurement of their relative rest-mass is correct. 742 The difference appears when interpreting the true nature of these alleged particles (we will explain this further). Now an example of a difference as pertaining to the CONCEPT itself. You have an important parameter that you call SPIN or INTRINSIC MOMENT and you" know" that it is quantified by five measurements. (Some Physicists of the Earth interpreted this SPIN as a ROTATION of the PARTICLE by assigning a MOMENT for its measurement). We, on the other hand, know that such a rotation does not exist, and that the quantification of its value is a error because if within a three-dimensional framework the Number of values is finite, the possible orientations of the" quadric" of the OA WOO which you interpret as SPIN, could never be measured correctly. Finally, we point out another assumption of yours which we have rejected as entirely false: Certain physicists of the Earth currently conceive the PROTON as being formed of MESONS. To follow this erroneous path could delay Earth research in the field of physics for many years. The primitive assumption which consisted in viewing the Proton as an indivisible particle is closer to reality. A COMPARISON FOR PEOPLE LITTLE-V VERSED IN PHYSICS During the last several years, the physicists of OY AAGAA have delved deeper into the intimate nature of matter. Little by little you have obtained a catalogue of a series of particles to which you assign a series of parameters whose measurement is possible using your current laboratory instruments. Thus you are able to measure the MASS at rest and its actual energy, its electric charge, its SPIN and its ORBITAL MOMENT. You may not know all these characteristics of a particle at a given moment but you have the possibility of locating it in a definite point. However many physicists suppose that a particle has a reality (either as a phenomenon concentrated in an environment of limited radius, or as a real quantity or Quantum of ENERGY, without being able to define the size and the position of it). However without INTERACTIONS, and before the possible collision with another particle, the particle can follow a path which you can visualise (in a NIELLO chamber for instance), all the while preserving its initial attributes of MASS, SPIN, ORBIT, CHARGE and ENERGY. 743 Before continuing, we will give you two schematic comparisons. You employ during your popular festivals a chain of rockets surrounded by a continuous wick (in Spain you call this a CHAIN (of firecrackers (ndt)) Imagine that an observer sees a street far away on which one of these chains has been extended D 59_FG33 (NDS: drawing illegible on the photocopied document). When the first firecracker explodes, a OEMII runs while carrying a sparkler in a direction parallel to the chain. The firecrackers on the chain explode one after the other very quickly and can cause the optical illusion for our observer that it is a LIGHT running along the cord. He will think he sees two LIGHTS moving in parallel trajectories: - the runner with the sparkler - the sequential firing of the firecrackers. He will perhaps not see the difference, and may even believe that there are two people running with sparklers. You thus see the difference between these two PHYSICAL conceptions. The PHYSICISTS of OY AAGAA would accept the" version" of the runner with the sparkler. The Physicists of our Planet know that the movement of particles could be compared to the metaphor of the chain of firecrackers. If a radioactive mineral emits B (Beta) rays, you believe that the electron which started from the substance is the same one which, after a few centimetres, collides with, for instance, an oxygen molecule. Our model differs enormously from this image. The ELECTRON IN ITSELF DOES NOT EXIST (just like one cannot say that a flash or an explosion exists in the firecracker). YES there is a chain of IBOZOO UU invisible to our eyes and to our instruments because of the particular orientation of these OA WOO (axes). Moreover certain OA WOO of each component of this series, or chain, change direction consecutively, only to return to their initial orientation. This is what gives the illusion of movement, and it is imperceptible to the senses and escapes your current instruments. It is not possible to conceive of an ISOLATED PARTICLE outside the WAAM (cosmos), just as it would be unimaginable to think of a WAVE of the ocean not associated with WATER. Not only is ENERGY quantified (and here the Earth physicists were not mistaken) but so is the MAGNITUDE "DISTANCES". (It is impossible to distinguish "a real quantity" smaller than 12.1\ 13 cm, which is the angular relationship between two dependent or related mozoo UU) . Specifically, a SUBATOMIC PARTICLE 744 has as its base an IBOZOO UU and another which is RELATED (We use the word RELATED for we do not find another more adapted in your language; we believe that the word ADJACENT would suggest a positioning of the mozoo UU and we have already pointed out that an mozoo uu exists but that one cannot position it).. We will try to represent a A YUU (network) of mozoo UU in an ideal plane so that none of the mozoo UU direct one of their OAWOO (axes) perpendicularly to the Fictitious Plane that we have traced. (D59_FG34) We say that A is " related" with VDU (DUU 011) and that VDU is DUU 011 (related) with Q. An OEMII will consider this network as " EMPTY" and will erroneously identify it with NOTHING. For her there is no MATTER, nor a GRAVITATIONAL or ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD, nor WEAK INTERACTIONS, nor NUCLEAR INTERACTIONS. In short she will extrapolate this AYUU (network) from the COSMOS she knows. But imagine that the IBOZOO UU in ORANGE directs one of its OA WOO, which we call OA WOOYEY, at an angle represented in image D59_FG35 of A = (/6 radians. D59_fg35 (NdR: Missing in the document received and unfortunately we do not have the rest of this D59... document) Excerpts letter D52 By studying the true nature of the particles or entities which you call Proton, Meson, Neutrino, Electron, etc our specialists discovered that there are actually small deformations of space incorrecly named three-dimensional in the axis of other dimensions. Imagine a very wide cloth. This would be the comparison of Three-dimensional Space we would call a vacuum. If we now make a small hollow or deformation in the cloth, it could represent the mass of a proton or even a meson, depending as much on the Axis of the deformation as on its magnitude or depth. Now. If you look at the cloth from one side, you will see a concavity (proton), but if you look at it from the back, you will see instead a convexity or protuberance (Antiproton). Moreover, depending on your position from various points of view, 745 this deformation can appear more or less oblique to you, i.e. applied in different axes or dimensions, thus appearing to be sometimes a Neutron or even some another subatomic particle at other times. In a word, the interpretation of such a particle will depend on the observer's system of reference. This is why physicists of the Earth are so perplexed when they discover hundreds of subatomic particles, which seem to have no end. In reality you are chasing shadows. (this last point is not a criticism of Earth scientific research in the field of Quantum and Nuclear Physics inasmuch as you continue to analyse the various characteristics of these particles. but because you regard them as different entities. With this the editors make a point of addin~ note 4 of the document on UEWA OEMM (spacecraft), which includes some specifics on the IBOZOO UU: To understand the effect of OA WOENNIUU (nuclear resonance) we would have to explain our theory of the fundamental makeup of space and matter. I will try to formulate a summary by using concepts which are familiar to you. Suppose for example a numerically reduced whole of molybdenum atoms: for example Mol, M02, M03...Mol14 whose nuclei have the characteristic, in one determined instant, of having a configuration identical to their energy levels as per the distribution of the nucleons. The fact that the quantum levels of their electronic shell are different, or that the orbits of these are distributed in an unspecified chemical sequence, then makes us say that these atoms are OA WOOENI (in resonance) We also know that an unspecified atomic particle (neutron, proton, kaon, etc.) is actually a different projection, within a three-ddimensional framework, of a same mathematically-ttrue entity that we call IBOZOO UU (up to where we grant in the WAAM (universe) the attribute of truth or existence to the IBOZOO UU) You can think of the mozoo UU by a didactic image, as "a beam "or "package "of" ideal axes "from which the various multi-directional orientations would give rise to a physicist interpreting this "beam "or "cluster "(or" hedgehog ") with multiple directed points, sometimes as a quantum, other times as a mass, an electric charge, an orbital moment, etc. They represent actually the various axial orientations of the IBOZOO UU in the same way that different chromatic tones have as their bases different frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Imagine that we try to disorientate, within the Mol atom, only one nucleon (a proton for example); it can happen that the inversion is not absolute, in this case you would observe a conversion of the mass of the proton into energy. ) E = m C2 + K, m being the mass of the proton and K a constant. A Niobium isotope is thus obtained. But we can force the confusion of "the axes "of the mozoo UU (absolute inversion) in a manner such that an observant physi746 cist would see. much to their surprise. that the proton would seem to be destroyed without a release of energy. This phenomenon would seem to you to contradict the universal principle of conservation of mass and energy (a conservation called into question by other Earth physicists; indeed the assumptions formulated by some of your scientists on the true creation of matter in the universe are actually based on the fact that indeed the sets of IBOZOO UU are reversed completely within our three-dimensional framework, being observable by those who live there). You will then see a negatively-ionized Niobium atom. Without a doubt, the remainder of the n-l Molybdenum atoms have undergone a deterioration in their nuclear energy levels, so that the nucleic energy of each one of these atoms develops as , checking that: R1 = radial Distances to the Niobium atom from each remaining Mo atom. "constants "of the system whose values are a function not only of N, but also of the structures of the nuclei of R1. The energy transferred to the remaining nuclei by this resonance effect is quantified so as to be able to arrive at being zero for an atom from the group located at a distance R, higher than the defined threshold. Thus, if we manage to excite a Molybdenum atom (Mol) located in a transmitting body (image C) by inverting one of its nucleons, we will observe in a receiving body 1:' containing another M02, a quantum deterioration in the latter, all the higher since there will be fewer parasitic atoms in resonance in the vicinity. We should point out that the transfer of energy does not happen by means of an excitative field so that the time of transmission is zero (we then speak of transfer speed or infinite information flows). This physical principle would apparently facilitate the development of an instantaneous communication system for enormous interplanetary distances, so that a message would not take several light-years to arrive at destination. Unfortunately, this is unrealizable in practice, for the existence of free "disturbing" or parasitic atoms, in resonance with the transmitter, would absorb all the energy of the system. A quantifiable part of it could thus never be transferred by resonance to so distant an atom. With the result that there are no masses in the vicinity of the Network of a similar chemical element to attenuate the transmit747 ted signals. Key sentences concerning the IBOZOO fLU (from various documents) In the few pages which follow the editors have summarised various sentences and definitions which do not necessarily appear in the preceding pages of this booklet. The reader will forgive us any repetitions. In carrying out this work (or in reading it), certain contradictions may seem to appear. These contradictions can be explained by the fact that several different Vmmites dictated these texts and thus gave their own interpretation. It is normal that an explanation coming from a " vessel technician ", from a " physics professor of IV " or from a " philosopher" would diverge to some degree. But it seems to us that the contradictions are only on the surface; they are really only" different approaches "... - the IBOZOO UU cannot be defined as a point in Euclidean space. The LV. does not have mass. THE LV. cannot be compared to a moving quantity. The LV. does not have electric energy nor a charge. ...since such concepts (mass / energy / charge) are mental perceptions associated with a particular orientation of these elements. - the angular relation between two" related" LV. cannot be smaller than 12^-13 cm, and it is not possible to distinguish a smaller" discrete quantity" . - You can imagine the LV. (using a didactic image) as a " beam" or" cluster" of" ideal axes" whose various orientations give rise to a physical interpretation, sometimes of a quantum (of energy), and other times of mass, electric charge, orbital moment... they actually represent the various axial orientations of the I.V. We can force the" disorientation" of the" axes" of the LV. (absolute inversion) in a manner such as an observant physicist of the phenomenon would see, to their surprise, that a proton would seem to be destroyed without releasing energy (this phenomenon would seem to contradict the universal principle of conservation of mass and energy) (note 4 of the document on the craft) 748 - the I.U. is an entity unknown to you. It has neither mass, nor electric charge, nor moment, nor color, etc... The LU. can be presented in the form of neutrino, of electron, proton (or its components) of a quantum of light or time according to whether its" axes" are directed in one way or another. Like you, we consider our Waam to be made up of subatomic particles and quantons of energy, but we reduce (or unify) all these physical entities one which has an angular structure. A network ofI.V. constitutes the world which we perceive, plus time. (Extracts letter D 357 in Farriol, March 19, 1987) - We call LV. entities whose sequences are connected by various angular rotations. These I.V. can display characteristics of energy, of mass, or space, depending on rotations in relation to the elements of this sequence. (letter of 1979, Delivers RIBEIRA page 257) - One can compare time to a series of IU. whose axes are directed orthogonally compared to the radius vectors which imply distance. - I.U. is an elementary cosmic entity (integrated by a beam of directed axes which do not intersect), related to a set of I.U., independent by angular relation. - the real concept of velocity (and of displacement of a particle) implies various rotations in two I.U. of a pair, rotation in which the first I.U. pair, by reversing its axes, ceases to manifest itself in the form of subatomic particle, while the second orients its axes so as to transform itself into a subatomic particle, identical to the first. It is this “point to point” transformation which gives the illusion of displacement of the particle. - It is the brain which carries out a synthesis by classifying the I.V. in an ordered scale. - When a man looks at in a given direction his visual field includes the set of I.u. whose II axes/radii / vectors II are oriented with different angles, with respect to a field symbolized mathematically by a hyperplane. - I.u. are not localised in defined points. Do not attempt try to visualise the I.V. materially, and assign it corporality. - Imagine the I.V. as a series of axes (straight lines, indefinite) whose direction cannot be compared to real lines or axes. 749 - a subparticle is an I.V. with axes directed in a particular fashion. - In an interval of time II dt ", the electron which seems to have moved within an atom is in fact a different electron, caused by a II jump II of the I. V. - a I.V. is a subatomic particle or II energy quantum II and also a true mathematical entity. - space (as a volume) is not an entity different (foreign) from our mental phenomena, like feeling and perception. It is an illusion of our senses caused by II a reality II (" something ") which causes this psychological perception. Moreover, space can be thought of as a II field of forces ". It is the gravitational field which stimulates our nerve endings and causes this illusion that we call space to emerge our conscience. - the same external reality causes different illusions (for example, the color red and the invisible infra-red are the same electromagnetic wave, differing only in frequency) - We polarize the subparticles to make space travel possible, by using the curvature of space. - the cosmos is a decadimensional space-time continuum forming an inverse hypersphere. - the cosmos is composed of a network of I.V. Space is a set related to angular factors. A I.V. does not occupy any definite position. A I.V. is not a physical body with mass. A I.U. is a beam of directed axes. Any particle (electron, meson, graviton) is but an I.V. directed in a particular way compared to others. - It is impossible for us to imagine with much anticipation the optimum conditions for these travels (between Ummo and Earth). Such conditions are dependent on special characteristics of the Physical Space which we exposed earlier in a didactic fashion. We call them VVXAGIXOO (can be translated as isodynamic). When space II IS CURVED ", or, to be more precise, when the components of Space which we call IBOZOO VV direct their II Angles II in a direction distinct from that which is normal in that environment of the W AAM (universe), you can see that the curvature happens, though the expression" To direct their angles" is confusing for an Earth scientist, but we cannot find other more specific terms in your langage.(Letter D60 to SESMA, May 1966) - a network of I.V. is not an elastic medium in which atoms are immersed. - the universe is a related set of I.U.(network of I.U.) 750 - the true nature of the I.U. has nothing to do with a mathematical point, nor with a particle, nor with a quantum of energy. A I.U. cannot be visualised... we have only" deduced" the existence of the I.U. - It is the" angle - dimension" which confers on the IV. its" transcendent power ". The I.V. is more than a factor that gives an exact number to cosmic distances. - mass is also a curvature of pluridimensional space it is only our concepts of magnitude, of curvature and of distance which are different from those of Earth. Copyright Information 2) The Ummo Contact Case 1) Copyright of the Introduction: Brainstorm Fantasia, Inc., 2005 2) Copyright of the quoted/reprinted material from Nexus Magazine: Nexus Magazine 3) The rest of the material belongs to the public domain, and can be found in the website, 751