f3S"{l )-07/ -ottt re, ,:F .i Jor-rrnal Bodtt 4, No. I A Survey on Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Strepto co cct,rs pnet;l1.Loniae from Different Diagnostic ,Centers in Dhaka CitY, Banglaclesh , K.2007. glitazone -alget Q Dhaka International Univclsity, for Mol'ramnrad Shahriar and Sanj ida Shahicil "rnd tlace en s:;olu Abstract: Strcptococctts pttt:rrntoninc (irneumococcal) rert-rairrs an impot'tirnL c;'tttsc ol pneumgnia, nreningitis, Lracteremias, arrd ncLrtc otitis mctlia rvorldr'r'ic1c. Antirnic;obial resistance among pnelrmocc.rcci has ntt.;r-renLcd clt'rn-raticalltr ove r tl'rc past Lhree clecac-les, and is inflr-rcnccd by patterns ol anlibiotic .,t". aun.i.1gral'rlc nccessiiates regional resistatrce tracl<inq. The 1;cogr.piric variation ip slsceprtibiliLl, teral p oL.,.,.ti,r" of the str-rdy is to antil-iotic sr-rsccptibility ol S, pttr'rrnrotlinc to lrctat'r-l tion a^C Macrolide antimicrobial agcnts. The data u'as collected lctrclspeclivclv fr:ollr antibiotic susceptibility re;rorts from clif{c'r'ent laLrctlatories atrcl assesscc'i Sirt?iococctt:; srsceplibility to nrr,rltiple igcnts. Aggrcgating data is a fc'asible and tirr.rely tncthod of PP. moniioring regional susceptibilitl/ paLterns and mav also ptovc bcnefici;rl irr measgring- t1-r,: effects of ilterventions [o c'lecrease antimicrolriirl rtsis[atrcc lrncl gr.riclt: in ernprili6 ;rnl imiclobial Key worcls: trea tment' Strt,ptococctrs y;ttt'tnttottioc, SLrsceptibility, Antimiclobial re'sistarrcc, p lactam, Nfacrolides. Introduction I i l I ) j t t I e= )l l I is onc of the leading catlscs oI ptrettrnoni;r, b:'tc[cmctnir, Chiltlhood lltretttnorri:t worlcl'"vide.r-r infections tract meningilis, url.l .rpp". respiraiory 6t-' ihe estirrrated 'ltlntt:rl mort;rlitl' child 40'/o annttal and meningitis, acconnt for 20 to colrtrtrics.5'6 in developing pncumouia frorn gtobal burdin of 2.7 million childhood deatl-r -lob"lly, pnc,rnococcal diseases accorlnt for I to 2 million dcaths arnl-rttallv irr lrotl-r extrernes of age.7 S.Ttnantonil7d often colonizes the nasopharvnx of heaithv chilc'lrcn ar.rcl can then, in specific situations, spread to thc lungs, paranasal tissues and caltse t.t-tt-tcosai infectiols, r.,ah, or pncumonia, or invade the bloodstreat.u aud caltse lrrcuit-rgitis.s Anlimicrobial resistanci: of S. pntttrtttorrinr, lo p-laclant, r-nacroliclcs, arrcl othcr antilriotic clrls:rcs has ipcrease dranratically throughorrt the lvorld in the past ihrcc clccacie.''-ll Thc ipfections c;rusetf try Lhis pathogen arc anong thosc least iil<elv to bc lt'solvecl urilhoul effectirre antibioiic treatment. I-'[o,wc..'er, sirrcc ]980s, a clramalic incrt:ase ir-r.rntiLriotir: rcsistance ait1ol1g S, pnt:ttntitttinc lras bccu clbscrved in l.uarrv parls ol llls 1r.'1'lf ii'.l .rr-Lt' Treatment failure associatecl I'r,ith antibiolic-rc-'sisl.ruI ptleLllnococci has bccn rcpor'i.ecl lor patients rn,iih pnertrnonia.r6,lT i-ligh level oI antibiotic tlsc is plobably tl're r-najrr ilctor drivir-rg thc emergencc of Additionaily, t'csistance to nraclolidcs and oihr:r antibiotic classcs escalated in t:rnclem rt,ith pcnicilliu resistance. Crrrrctrtlv, l5 to 30'l' of S. pnetnnonine rvr:rldwide are ptrlticlrrrg-rcsistar-rl (MDR) (i.c., rcsisiant to 2 3 clrsses of antibiotics). Despite the dramatic escalalion in [ltc ratc of antimiclobial rcsis',ancc anlorrg streptococciworliwide, the clirticnl itn1tnct of antir.nicrobial resistancc is diffictrlt lo defirrc'. Strt:ptococctrs pnertmoninc I i I Department of Phamracy, Univer:sity oI Asia Pacilic, Dhantnontli, Dhalca- i209, Ban'.il;rclcslr Corrcspondence to: Mohammad shahriar, Il-nlail: shahriar-l 2(uryahoo.corn r 88 A Strrt,ctl ot1 /\tltinticrobinl StrscL' ol'SLrcplococL-t!s In(uurotrint.f l )l/7r / ros/ l. (lr,l ir,r--s i t t D I n lin C i r 1 lltt .t1. E n DiJJ't,rt:ttl t t 14 I n rl rcl l'rclttl-rlcrrt iailrrrcs clLre lo arliibioIic-rcsistirrrI sIrc;-rIococci havc Lrt-.crr rcportccl \viLh lllcrlillsiLis, oIi lis i.ncdi;'r, ancl lower rcspirator\r iract inl'ccLiolls, bqt l6e rel;rtior.r bctr,r,ecrr clrr-tr; r'csistatrcc atrcl Ircitlr.ncnt 1'.rilurcs ]-ras noI bccr.r convincingllr csL;,zo Thcse "nrLrlIicll'trg rcsist.rnl" Pncultloc()cci havc notv Lrcc:r-r rc;trtrtccl all orrcr: t5c,,rrt>t.]cl.:t lniccIicllrs cltt'tsctl lt1, r'csisLanI rnicrobcs f;ril Lo rcspond to Ir.catr.ncr.rL, rcsrrlliug ir.r prolorlq'-11 illrless llld grcitcr risk of dcirth. TrcriInrcrrt [aiitLrcs a]so lead lo longcr ol ink.clir''it1', which ittcrcas:L thc nuri.rbers of inl'ccLcd pcopJc rnovirlg in thc ionrirLrpitl; al-icl LhLrs cxposc Lhc genclal population lo thc risk ol contracting a r.esisLant straip of infcctior-r. N4trch cviclcncc strpporls ll-rc vicu, ih;il thc lotlticotrsut.nptiop of is tl'ic critical factor in selccLirrg rcsis[ancr'. Tl-re objcctive of thc s1r.rc-ly is lo asscss airl.ibiotic strsceplibility of S. Ttttttttrtt'ttrine to 11 l.rclam and macrolicie aniinricrobial agents. T6e data was collcctccl r^r:trosprcctirrcly fronr ,antibiotic sr.rsccptibility rcports fror-n ciiflercrrl laLroratorics and asscsscd stt'tyttococcris susccptiLrility to mr,rltiplc agents. resistant I pt-LclttltoCOCr resis tance resistaltce modificatir efflux nrec$ both p lacri l resistance level resis oLltcomes likely med , , stable over rr azithromyc erythromyr prescribed ' Iow-level n I Table 1: Pe l ,. ** Table 2: P,. generation Rcsults and Discussion , All the data from 5 laboratorrcs w'1rost: pneumococcal ar-rtibiotic ir-rsceptibilitv t-esting resr-rlls \,vcre summarizcd. ln lhc pleggnt sttrdy, rve folurd the pcrccnt;rge of norr-si,rscJptible isoiates ir-r case oI peniciliin is 59.85"i', cephaiosporin \1 .27o/r, and 47.56"/" forl }lrythro1nyci1. Ptrricillin rcsislatlcc alllollg S. Ttnctnitoniac is a global ploblem. Laboratoly nurtar-ris ol pllcLlrttococci rcsistant to penicillin wcre selccled as ear.l1, as t|e l9{0s.22.2r lr wrs 20 1,ears beforc th'c first clinical isolate, with rcduced susccptibility to p"ni.ittir.r, *"r',..i-,i.,"a flotn IJosLon, il'lassachusetts;21 Literaturc revealed that, a +% totat resislance to pcrlic;llin and 10'll, irrtelmecliate resjstat-Lcc, as observed irr the present str.rdy, shor.t,s i.he incr.easirrg emergence of resistancc str.ains oi S. prtLtutrrcrtinc in Irrdia.-Earlici, tirree,year sr.rniCillar-rci for pcr-ricilliu upPer resl . Methodology The data of antin-riclobial sr-rsceptibilitv was rctrospectively colleclecl from differ:errt diagnostic centets in Dhaka city. The data covcrs the iast 3 years period (August 2O0g to Augusi 2011) ior which cot'nplcte sLrsceptibility data were availible at the-ti11e of tire ir-rqtrirv. We compiied total trnmbcrs of S. pnannonlcc isolates identified fror-n the lab.s along lvith thc pcrcent of ir.rtcn-nediate arld rcsistant isolates, focr,rsilg on 11ol1 sttsccptibilitY to pcnicillin, uracrolidcs, arrd extcr-rdcd-sp.rcctrtrm cephalospo'rirr,s (e.g., cefotaxin-re, ceftriaxone). Wc clefirred ncn susceptible iiolates nu il"ror.' ihat were of intermediate alnd irig)r-levcl resistance or those were siurply described as noL sLrsceplible to tire arrtibiotic tcsled. If only a subset of isolates rvcr-e tesied a$rinst eryLhrorr)/ciii and cxtcnded-speclrttm cephaiosporins, wc exch-rclcd thcse rcsults frorn the iggregatecl total ittr crv th ronr),ci r-r, Five diffcrerrt di.rgnos[ic centcrs in Dhaka city compleLet] thc srlr'cvs. [otrrrnl ol D t frotn Vellole revealed 1.6nL of interr-nediatc resista.ce to penicillin,?s whereas, a Nolth hrdiarr str-rdy rcported 15.2% (26/lZ0) ipterprediate resistancc resistance arrd 2.3'lo (4/170) penicillin t"rirlor-,i".2r,'ihe differer-rce in thc resistance pattcm of S. pnettrttottiue as observed irr South and North lndian sttrdies has been iy or.' thc basis of the high genctic divcrsity that exisLs among strairrs isolated"*ptuin"j froqr diffe1elt geograplrical areas within ]rrdia.z7 Ptttrtntococcal resistance rates tend to ipcrease pror,,ilg along the spc'ctrLtnl of isolatcs obtained from bloodstrealn to lower lespiratory tract to upper respiratorv-tract.28 This fact potentially corlfor,urds point comparisorrs of rlesistalce rates siuce a marked increase itr resistance can result frbm testing a preporrderancc of No. of Dj r, Cenl i Table 3: pe generation I: No. of Di; Centr 1 2 3 4 5 iv i tl .( F i t I Irlu*l o{ Vol' Dhakn Intarnntional LJrtioersity ' 89 4' No' ..p8":r'i1::yi::'3:::;;^ffiii'",lii*:'J':"i*1i];'ii,r;:'*ffi1:':?i:l'l"tJ."1 m resisbant sLrarns ;;;;;.;'t'115lJj{iTgg$*ilt;\,'.:Jf#$Ui9.1"."'l':,:i'il::li'l?: reslstance may incl of t'e trvo nrechat'risms - ;;".-,; jd,r#il';#,+r11;i jiJ::.Trf}*,:,a jE:? jl':ac'[i'e m:nruJii"";it.,,:h i;;tg"trt* o"i't''"iill g"'* " iro"9pt"1'"0 o'9qt:::1"" ot in per.ric'ri. lo..&t'r"t effrux mechanism, .o',..r.. T^e inc'ease -' both p lacram ma_r".je#iiai reEisrune" iJ orrf nrii*i., rathel than intermediate*itt-, ur',.1,r'..:;;il'itlilllevel 'itas beet-t associated wit6' w.rse resistance appears i. ."*"r^r" ,""tjtt^'t* le'el resistar.,.u u'd nign-terret,p.r,lcliiri tnacrolide resista.ce is 'rost i*fectio^r:i;'ih;";tt"ased pr-r".rl,'o.Zlcal remai.ed outcomes ro, since clir-rdalnycin susceptibilily prrmf effl'x rry'^'io*-r"""r -purioa.,* likely mediut"a tn'ility gunt"lly predicts tlrrI of E.ytniffi'"'^t''"*f strriy the stabie over ;"r :11,,{'}*,il*,i'uji: ;*"y:,1 azr i';ii'::1H,,i;ili ;lt*y*:;':i';.;' rntl oi tont"'tu'''ity-acqr-rirccl pncutnonirt ervdrromYcrfi' prescribed orri.i.,J witir clinicil [ailrrre'3('-]d t ^^,,o,"iilr'i"i;.,ip",;;,.'a,..^i;;;i Iorv-level ,,,d"-r-"rir,nn."'t-,n, "".r hle 'l: Percentage fSr tococcrrs prtctrnronineisolates "o^ Total nunrlrer ot -F6tt *tc"Ptible isolates ilo. of Diagnostic isol a tes tttt."p"Ot" IlNon (-enters J 60.33 {f ,Jr) lcX) 85 5 . 81.91 940 43) 4 59.85 2727 Total Table 2: Percentage No. of Diagnostic Centers I 2 3 4 5 of S strscepti['le 45 19 520 n5 7n 2 n"^i:]l'lin 30.57 1{\7 I to trep to co cclts p1teu117o1t1 Non suscePtible isolates flc isolates non susceptible to third Total nulnber of isolates 2.78 4.3s 72 ?9n z t+ 10.98 l/:l G 7.56 2tl 450 Jr! 520 104 "l' Non susccPtible -+1./ 1535 Total StrePtoco ccrts Pttcttttlontne N-o.-of Diagnostic Non suscePtible isolatcs non suscePtible to third ffiLn.ttt',b"t isolntes of % Nor.t susce Ptiblc d,t?$W]ffi &d'4$ffi lisi!r;$^.'i t\ 90 ol strcyttocctcctls pt1(tttlnttina t'ront Di'il'trntt srrr|ty on AtttittttcroLtinl sttsccltttLtiliLll Dltnkn Citq' Bnttl;lnLlult 1j;6'l,rosti,:t Cr'rrisrs lou'nnl of , in I Co.rclusion to ilrcrcasc' caus1l1g slg.ificarrt morbicliiy ar-rd coulitltlcs lo """''";n"r'rrrlitrrt.s l)rug-r'csistaut S. Prir:ttrriottinc lt:el I'^c cl'r-rg-rcsistirucc irrcitrde: irrarppropriatc r-'ortriity. Tlie 3 *.t;;:';..;.;., it-,,',t ^a'e r-lscoIar-r|.iLliotrcs,pro}olrgccidosagcregtl.llclls;rrrdr.rtrdcrdosirrg.Iitrrcl:gerrceofrcsislant continr'rous local as well irs global s. of lttrruitottitlrr nccrf strairrs.ind also thc lvlDlislr:airrs [6e linc of treat're't' Edtlcatio^ of of tirc serrsili'il), pattc.l, rn ".'io fr"n fot' errsltring the rational usc of '-rouilori.g hcaltir c.ri.c pror, arrci' rhc p,'.rblic is csscrrlial a significalrt role. in. edttcating botir grollps' anliuricrolriais. l)harrrracists cau play vital iuformatio. that etlcottl'alges as edltcators to assist i^ dissemirrati'g assunirrg 'oies judicious 1'se of a^tibiotics b-v lhe hcalth the rationi'rl nsc o1' atrlinricrobi.-rls. 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