20 Minute Hips and Thighs on the Wii Fit




For this, we’ll work primarily with Yoga and Strength exercises.  If you like to warm up with Yoga, you can start here:

Yoga (12 minutes)

  1. Sun Salutation–works the thighs
  2. Dance Pose–works on the hips
  3. Triangle Pose–works on the lower body and waist
  4. Standing Knee–works the thighs
  5. Bridge Pose–works on the hips
  6. Warrior Pose–works both hips and thighs

Strength Training (8 minutes)

  1. Single Leg Extension–works the hip muscles
  2. Lunge–works both the hips and thighs
  3. Arm and Leg Lift–works the hip muscles
  4. Single Arm Stand–works the thigh muscles

This is a relatively short and low-impact toning routine that can help with the hips and thighs.  As you progress, you can increase reps on the strength training exercises which would create a longer workout.  You can also go back and redo the Yoga poses as an additional add-on for a longer routine.  As always, cool down and do some breathing exercises.  And let us know if there is any way we can make this workout better!

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Wii Fit 2 for 1 Step and Triceps


Here is another variation on the step routine.  Set yourself up for the Free Step on any time limit you would like.  Like the last post, use some weights–whether 2.5 lb. weights, water bottles, or something else you may have around the house.  Only this time, when you are stepping up and down, combine it with the tricep exercise.  Move your weight up when you step up, and lower your arm when you step down.  Doing it to the rhythm of the exercise will help you keep count.  That way you knock out two exercise at the same time!

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Make the Most of Your Wii Fit Step Routines

Have you seen these stackable risers?  Or even have some in your home?  Well, drag them out, order a pair, and put them under your Wii balance board.  The higher you go, the more work you put into your lower body.  Just make sure it’s stable!



And to make it even better, grab some full water bottles, or some light weights and really work those arms while your stepping up on that higher board!  This will work with any of the routines, from the basic, to the advanced, and really gives you a full workout when you do the 30 minute step routine!

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30 Minute Wii Fit Abs workout


wiifitBegin with a warmup Yoga routine: (12 minutes)

Thought the order can be mixed up on each workout, we recommend the Half-Moon and Bridge as good stretches as well to begin with.

1. Half Moon

2. Bridge

3. Chair

4. Shoulder Stand

5. Tree

6. Triangle

Then move to Strength training: (8 minutes)

1. Jackknife

2. Torso Twists (side abdominal)

3. Single-Arm Stand (trust us on this one!)

4. Plank  (core)

5. Single-Leg Twist

Finally, try to keep your rhythm while you give your abs a good workout with Hula Hoop!  Aerobics: (10 minutes)

Super Hula Hoop (10 minutes)

We recommend slowing down and doing deep breathing exercises in the Yoga section to end your routine.  Let us know how this routine work for you, be sure to comment on any improvements you would make.

Comments (29)

Wii Fit Suggested Routines

wiifitInvigorate Your Body!

  1. Sun Salutation (Yoga) — works side and shoulder muscles
  2. Sideways Let Lift (Strength) — works arms and thighs

Keep Working Toward Great Posture!

  1. Tree (Yoga) — woks legs and back
  2. Single-Arm Stand (Strength) — works abdominal and thigh muscles

Let’s Strengthen Those Core Muscles!

  1. Cobra (Yoga) — works your back
  2. Plank (Strength) — works core muscles


Let’s Tone That Waistline!

  1. Triangle (Yoga) — works on the lower body and waist
  2. Torso Twists (Strength) — works the side abdominal muscles

Let’s Tone Those Hips!

  1. Dance (Yoga) — works the hips and spine
  2. Standing Knee (Yoga) — works on the thighs
  3. Single-Leg Extension (Strength) — works the triceps, torso, and hip muscles

Let’s Tone Those Triceps!

  1. Downward-Facing Dog (Yoga) — works on the back
  2. Push-Up and Side Plank (Strength) — works on the chest, shoulder, and arm muscles

Say Goodbye To Body Fat!

  1. Bridge (Yoga) — works on the torso and hips
  2. Spinal Twist (Yoga) — works on the back and pelvis
  3. Jackknife (Strength) — works on the abdominal muscles

Strengthen Those Ankles and Triceps!

  1. Palm Tree (Yoga) — works the ankles and back
  2. Tricep Extension (Strength) — works the triceps

This Will Really Test Your Balance!

  1. Shoulder Stand (Yoga) — works the abs and back
  2. Arm and Leg Lift (Strength) — works the shoulder and hip muscles

Two Birds, One Stone…Hips and Thighs!

  1. Warrior (Yoga) — works the thighs and hips
  2. Lunge (Strength) — works the thighs and hips

Work Toward Balanced Muscles!

  1. Half-Moon (Yoga) — works the waist muscles
  2. Single-Leg Twist (Strength) — works the side abdominal muscles

You’ll Find it Easier to Climb Stairs!

  1. Chair (Yoga) — works the back, legs, and abs
  2. Rowing Squat — works the thigh and back muscles

That’s the Nintendo Wii Fit Suggested Routines.  In upcoming posts, we’ll put these together in different sequences to target specific muscles groups.  More to come.  And as always, please click “Comments” to read others’ suggestions or leave yours as well!

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What is Wii Fit Routines?

wiifitWell, it’s pretty much what it sounds like.  Wii Fit exercise routines.  However, the purpose of this site is to share.  Have you been on the Wii Fit and thought that it would be great if there was a routine set up?  Instead of manually picking what you wanted, you could do a set plan that is recommended?  It could include things like:

1. Good Yoga routine in 15 minutes

2. Good strength training in 10 minutes

3. Upper body workout in 30 minutes

And so on.  (And yes, there is “My Fitness Coach” on the Wii, but that does not include the balance board or any of the Wii Fit games).  This blog will start off primarily focusing on the Wii Fit bundled software.

So let’s kick things off.  What would you like to see in this blog?  What would you like people to submit?  Are there fitness trainers that want to jump on the bandwagon and show their expertise by recommending routines based on the Wii Fit bundled “game?”  Submit your requests in the comments below and let’s make this site as useful as we can!  And if you have any good music selections to accompany the workout, feel free to include those as well!

We’ve posted some workouts we’ve found online and put them here with links to the original discussion.  Be sure to click on “Comments” to read them.  Even if you aren’t going to comment.  We’ll be putting up more in categories as we get more in.  Thanks for the response so far!

More to come…

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