Municipality Of Algua

Via Marconi , 70


Algua is a municipality of 752 inhabitants. It is located in Serina Valley, on the side of  Brembana Valley, about 24 km from Bergamo.
The municipality is made up of four hamlets: Pagliaro, Sambusita, Rigosa and Frerola.
A curiosity, since March 11, 1948 following the reconstitution of the municipality of Costa Serina, Algua has no more territorial continuity because it is divided into two distinct parts just from the municipality of Costa Serina and in the nearest point the two parts are more than 1,600 meters as the crow flies.
According to recent studies, the etymological origin of the name seems to derive from water, an element of which the area is very rich, since there are countless springs and small streams in the territory.
Another version concerning the origin of the toponym would be ascribable to the existence of a ford on the Serina torrent. The ford would then be abbreviated to Algua.
In recent times it is to be remembered a natural event, with disastrous consequences, which took place in the year 1888. A landslide hit the village of Truchel, sowing death and destruction. This event, however, led to the obstruction of the course of the Serina torrent, which formed a small lake, still existing today, called Algua Lake.

