Arguable and Irrefragable


Arguable adjective - Open to question or dispute.
Usage example: frankly, it's arguable whether you deserve the promotion

Irrefragable is an antonym for arguable.

Nearby Words: argue, argument, argued, arguing, arguably


Irrefragable adjective - Not capable of being challenged or proved wrong.
Usage example: the prosecutor painstakingly built an irrefragable case

Arguable is an antonym for irrefragable.
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Irrefragable and Arguable. (2016). Retrieved 2024, May 01, from
Arguable & Irrefragable. N.p., 2016. Web. 01 May. 2024. <>.
Irrefragable or Arguable. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2024.
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