There are those people, those places, those moments in time.

Those people who bring an irretractable smile to your face when they so much as cross your mind.

Those places that feel as if they are actually somehow embedded into your soul.

Those moments in time that are unexpectedly impactful, forever leaving remnants of it scattered throughout the rest of your days.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

It’s about the familiar tones you hear in the voice of a long-time friend, or the backbeat of a song that catapults you back to an entirely different era. Sounds which resonate deep within your memory bank.

Each of these things is about quality, not quantity. They cannot be forced or prefabricated. They exist only as a fleeting gift and they are infrequent at best.

They are the connection points to the story of your life and act as reminders about the people you’ve loved along your journey.

These are the things that are truly irreplaceable.