Day of Dragons - SuperRhino
Check out our latest Day of Dragons: Genesis teaser featuring Magma, the Fire Elemental.

Elementals (as they are called by Dragons) are non-native species to the world of Jrakhon (home of the dragons). The Elementals hail from Jrakhon's red moon, Nharogk and are known among themselves as the Nharogki, the ancient enemies of the Dragons.

In Day of Dragons: Genesis (update v1.0) players will be able to unlock the ability to play as Magma, (an alpha-class Fire Elemental) and terrorize Dragons.

Day of Dragons: Genesis will be coming to Steam Early Access as the next major update for Day of Dragons.

Join the Discussion on the Day of Dragons Official Discord.
Sep 19, 2020
Day of Dragons - Bad Parrot
Hello again!

We've been hard at work on the Genesis update and we are excited to share with you what we've been up to and we have a couple big announcements to make.

Day of Dragon's Official Soundtrack Now Available on Steam!

It's here! The official soundtrack to Day of Dragons is available now on Steam (digital copy) and Amazon (hard copy with concept art booklet).

If you are one of our lovely Kickstarter backers, you can visit our Kickstarter page or official discord for directions on how to get your FREE digital copy of the soundtrack!

A HUGE thank you to Rey Fernández Jr., Norman Ludwin, and the Budapest Scoring Orchestra for their amazing job on making the original and beautiful songs that bring our game to life. We appreciate your hard work and are in awe by the end result.

We hope you enjoy the music which will play in the upcoming Genesis update, planned for late fall this year.

New UI Panels Make Dragon Life Easier

While it might seem like a simple idea, coding the UI takes quite some time and a lot of work is put into making it as user-friendly as possible. We've added some more helpful panels to make the player's life a little easier.

Character Panel

The Character Panel is where you will find all the information about your dragon character and its environment. Here you can edit your skill tree and see the quality of your dragon's bloodline and genetics. Genetics will play a large part in how well adapted your dragon is to surviving in that world of DoD and will determine the quality of your offspring.

Social Panel

Here is where you will manage your interactions with your group, clans, and egg invitations. To prevent being spammed with invites, you can only have one at a time and won't be able to accept another until you've responded to the previous request.

On top of that, you will also be able to appear "offline" to avoid being send any invites at all.

Groups are a temporary grouping system for migrations, hunting parties, and more single session activities. Groups have no leaders and are not persistent, meaning once you log off you will leave the group. There is no player limit for groups.

Clans allow players to form permanent grouping systems that allow you to always see when your friends are on and offline. Clans are created and maintained by a single "Chief" who can promote up to six trusted clan-mates to the title of "Thunder Chief" to help manage the clan. Clans are persistent and, as long as a clan has more than five members, will last even through server restarts.

Clans and groups will be an important part of successfully surviving and growing in DoD, as clan-mates and group-mates can help care for eggs and young hatchlings.

Closed Testing Has Begun

Thank you to all the amazing people who have signed up for our closed testing. We have begun the first phase of testing and will be adding more more testers in waves as needed. If you were not selected for the first wave, don't fret! You may be selected for an upcoming phase in the near future.

Models, Animations and Animators

As we've said before, we started our animation process with the Acid Spitter because it is the simplest model (no extra limbs) to get in the rhythm before jumping into the more complicated models. After some hiccups along the way (like realizing the Acid Spitter was missing a spine), we are very thankful we did.

While the amazing work our animator and modelers are doing is worth the wait, it's been a slower process than we had hoped for. So we have some important news to share with you...

New Animators are Joining the Team!

We are thrilled to announce that TWO more animators are joining our team! Both have done amazing work and we are honored to have them join the DoD Development Team. We'll have them introduce themselves in a future DevBlog. While Karly will still be our main rigger, each animator will have their own creature to animate. We look forward to sharing their work with you in the future.

Shadow Scale Baby and Elemental Model

Check out this cutie! While the colors and pattern is not yet finalized, the baby version of the Shadow Scale is. We can't wait to see these little guys hatching out of their eggs and causing all kinds of mischief when Genesis goes live!

Now that the Shadow Scale model is being rigged, Jia Hao has begun refining the Elemental model. He is looking quite terrifying. We will keep you updated on the Elemental and Shadow Scale in the DevBlogs to come.

More Acid Spitter Animations

Congratulations to those who received the first DLC keys for the Acid Spitter during the surprise giveaway in celebration of Bad Parrot's birthday on our official discord.

The Spitter is coming to life more and more each day as his list of completed animations continues to grow. Here are some of his new moves.

As always, thank you to all of you who have supported us. Check out our next dev blog for an inside look at the Shadow Scale's progress, IK (inverse kinematics) in the game, NPC Dragons, and more!

A Word From Our Lead Developer
Greetings everyone,

I'm Jonathan Slabaugh, the Lead Developer for Day of Dragons.

I want to personally thank you for checking out our DevBlog! A lot of progress has been made since our last DevBlog. As already mentioned, our Soundtrack was finished and mastered and it turned out great! Everyone who has heard it likes or loves it. Rey and his team did a fantastic job. We've made it available to everyone on Spotify if you want to listen to it for free.

As you all know, we have not updated Day of Dragons: Alpha in over 6 months. That is because we are hard at work preparing for you our next update which we call, "Day of Dragons: Genesis." This is DoD the way it was meant to be. We have rebuilt the game from the ground up, updated the Engine, refactored the server code, and putting all that Kickstarter funding to good use - making the game we all want to play, the game we promised all of our backers. I hear the phrase often, "Where is the game you promised?" The answer to that question is, "We're making it and it takes time to make it right." Games take a lot of time to make, often years go in to developing, which is the beauty of Early Access. With Early Access we can release DoD Genesis 1.0, and then keep updating it with more and more Dragons, features, and content as time goes on before we reach our "Release" state. Then post-release, we continue to add more content in the form of Dragons, creatures, and maps. That is the long term plan anyways. But to get there, we need time and testing. It all begins with DoD Genesis which is actively being tested right now. Seriously, I'm sitting in the server as I type this listening to people test the Genesis update. :D

Speaking of testing, Closed Testing has entered Phase 2 of 5. The testers are doing an amazing job finding and reproducing those bugs. So a special thank you to them. (you all know who you are). The server has been amazingly stable, there were only 3 server crashes, all 3 being in Test Phase 1. Since the crashes were fixed, it has been rock solid stable. This is one of the benefits to having only 1 programmer! ;) Testers have also been providing feedback which has shaped the game in some ways as we are always willing to listen and improve what we've built.

After Phase 5 is completed, we'll begin open testing where anyone who owns the game can download it and hop in to the test server. Open testing will continue until all DoD Genesis content is finished and combat is balanced and then we will push it to live. The ETA on that date is... when it's done.

Regarding the ETA to DoD Genesis. In development, you can set schedules, organize your production charts and workflow, but you can't control how long it takes to get each system or each item done. That is the mystery variable in determining an ETA. I do know that Phase 1 took us about two weeks, Phase 2 is three weeks and counting now. We probably have another week of Phase 2 before we go to Phase 3. There are 5 total closed testing phases before we begin open testing where everything is balance tested before we push it live. Each new test phase will last longer than the previous. Those are the details regarding an ETA which we get asked about a lot, but the honest answer to the question, "When will the DoD Genesis update be out?", is, when it's done.

Some of the things coming in DoD Genesis include,
- Vulkan support
- Linux Client support
- Nesting System
- Genetics System
- Mutation Trees and Mutation Points that enhance your character
- Clan System
- Interactive Foliage
- Animation IK
- Skins
- Alpha Growth System
- Unlockable (through Gameplay) Skins/Creatures
- New UI, Character Panel, Social Panel, Admin Panel, etc.
+ And much more!

We appreciate your patience as we continue to work everyday on this update which was made possible by you, our supporters. Our goal is to make the best Dragon Survival game ever, and we're slowly getting there, one day at a time.

Thank you for your faith in us, your love & support, your well wishes, and your feedback. I look forward to playing with you in Jrakhon, the world of Dragons.

Dev Q&A Livestream

We are currently planning to have another live Q&A in the upcoming months. Keep an eye out for the exact date, coming soon.

From the Community

Each blog post, we pick some of our favorite screenshots and artwork posted by the community to showcase here. Want a chance for your submission to be showcased on our next blog? Post it in the appropriate channels on our discord!

Some of our favorite recent screenshots...

by Itasa#6682

by Death Wing#1646

by Chonk#6682

Some of our favorite artwork from the community...

by ShiftyRaven(halofan523)#1506

by Horus#9404

by Kass#5988

Thanks for reading!

~The Day of Dragons Development Team

Don't want to miss out on updates? Follow us on our social media accounts or become a patron to get updates before they are released!

Discord | Twitter | Youtube | Instagram
Day of Dragons - Jao
The Day of Dragons (Original Game Soundtrack) is now live on Steam on our Store Page and includes both 44100khz 320kbps MP3 and 48000khz 2304kbps HQ lossless WAV files. A 10% discounted package bundle that includes both the Game+Soundtrack is also available. Players who own Day of Dragons the Game can use the bundle for a 10% discount on the Soundtrack.

The Soundtrack includes 16 original tracks composed by Rey Fernandez Jr. and recorded by Budapest Scoring Orchestra. The music is beautiful, moving, emotional, and touching and will be part of the Day of Dragons game experience.

We'd like to thank Rey Fernandez Jr, Norman Ludwin, Leandro Gardini, Phil Colodetti, John Witt Chapman, Ludwig Maier, Phil Colodetti, The Budapest Scoring Orchestra, and Dominic Henderson for your hard work and great performances.

Lastly, today marks the one year anniversary of our Kickstarter campaign's launch - one year ago today we took a leap of faith and pitched our idea to the world, and we found 12,000+ backers who shared our vision for an awesome Dragon game, who believed in us and who made it possible for us to make this game a reality. Thank you to ALL of our Kickstarter backers for making the Day of Dragons Original Game Soundtrack possible.
Aug 3, 2020
Day of Dragons - Bad Parrot
Hello again, everyone!

Welcome to another development blog. We've been working a quite a lot since the last one and are excited to share some of it with you. Check out what we've been up to last month...

From the Ball of the Lead Hamster

Greetings Dragons (and you Elementals over there), as summer continues to pass us by we are reminded just how quickly time flies when your working hard. Indeed we have been working hard on getting the Genesis update out to you all with the First Five, the Flame Stalker, Shadow Scale, Inferno Ravager, Magma Elemental + the Acid Spitter DLC. Speaking of our first five, it is not looking like we will have them all finished and animated by late summer like we had hoped and will be moving our target date back to late Fall. The Acid Spitter is done and being animated as you will see below, the Shadow Scale model is finished and waiting to be rigged. Magma has entered the sculpting process, and our other 2 dragons will be worked on later this month and into September then rigged and animated. So hopefully by late fall we will have Genesis out to you all. It will be worth the wait and will blow everyone's expectations out of the park!

Speaking of which, our 1st iteration of the new UI system is nearly completed, it's been a lot of work, but I think we have a clean, user-friendly, readable, non-obstructive, and organized UI for players with a couple different options. One of the options recommended by fans was to have a "Streamer-mode" where the location coordinates of the player don't show up on the screen to prevent stream sniping. We liked that idea and put it in. There's also both a Survival style and RPG style HUD to choose from. The character panel has a ton of info in it, including Genetics, Mutations, Heritage, Biology, Vitals, Armor Resistances, Habitat, and a Compass! We even have waypoints in the game now, you can have 1 waypoint per region for a total of 4! Pretty beawesome right? We'll talk more about the genetics and mutations later. But all these systems are already in the game.

Something else that we have in the game is timezones! Each region has its own night and day cycle which vary a few hours from one another to give it a East/West timezone feel. If you are in a night time and want to see daylight, go to a different region! I think that's cool. You can also move around with the character panel up, and it does not completely block your view so you can still see which helps prevent you from getting eaten while checking your info.

If you haven't checked out our Patreon, we invite you to check it out, it is loaded with behind the scenes development content, the lore writer's blog, an exclusive Red Dragon skin, development pipeline updates, and more. Check out our patreon here.

There's a lot of cool stuff we can't wait to show off in our next Dev Livestream. Thank you to all of our supporters for believing in us, together we are building the dragon game we always wanted!

- Jao the HamsterBall

A Player-friendly User Interface

A user interface, or UI, is an important part of the game and can take a bit to design and code. We are working on making sure the UI is as player friendly as possible.

Character Select

Some of you may have already seen this one in our last livestream. Players will be able to select their species, gender, and unlocked skins through this menu and learn the basics about the species they have chosen. Server owners will be able to add information and rules that appear in this screen so players know what to expect before entering each server.


We've streamlined and improved the chat system. Players will be able to choose if the chat is toggled on/off or if it fades after use. On top of that, you will be able to cycle through several chats or view all the dialogue in one. The chats include Global (all players can see), Local (only players in rendering range can see), Group (only group members can see), Clan (only clan members can see), and All (includes all dialogue). What's the difference between Groups and Clans you ask? Well, you will need to wait for the next dev blog for that ;)

In the meantime, check out the images below for examples of the new chat coming in our "Genesis" update.


Players will be able to choose from two difference Heads-Up Displays, or HUDs, which include Survival or Roleplay. In survival, players will get a more natural and immersive experience. Damage will show as different degrees of blood screens and other indicators will be displayed only when necessary.

The Roleplay HUD will allow players to see all of their important stats on screen at all times in a small display in the corner of the screen, ideal for players who don't want to be distracted or have their view blocked by the damage screens.

Check out more pictures of the damage screens below! Please note that they are still being worked on and may have a few changes before the release.

Admin Panel

This one is for all of our lovely admin and server owners. Gone are the days of typing in long and confusing usernames. Server admin will be able to select the players from a convenient list that shows the players Steam ID, username, ping, clan, location, species, age, and sex. We want to make managing your own server as user-friendly as possible.

Acid Spitter Animations

Over on the other side of development, our talented developers have been hard at work on bringing our dragons to life.

Acid Spitter Animations

Acid spitter has some new moves including the "nope" (backing up) and the "good boi" (sitting). While the animations are still being perfected, check out just a handful of what's new below.

Status Effects

There will be a large variety of status effects in the game, with the first ones being released in our "Genesis" update. While which ones that are going to be included has not been finalized, here is an example of just a few we have in mind.


Any fire based attack will have a chance to cause the negative status effect of Burn on another player. Burn will deal damage as well as reduces the player's armor.

Acid Decay

A trademark of the Spitters, Acid Decay drains a players armor and stamina, leaving them vulnerable to other forms of attacks. Being hit by or walking in the bile of an Acid Spitter has the chance of causing this effect.


Not only bile based attacks can cause negative status effects. Bleed can be caused by physical attacks using claws, teeth, or spikes. For those without good grade armor, bleed will decrease the health of players while increasing their torpor.

These are only a few of the projects we've been working on to prepare for the "Genesis" update. Stay tuned for the next development blog for potential information on clans/groups, the Shadow Scale, and much more!

Want a bigger part in bring the dragons to life? Sign up for your chance to become a closed tester by clicking here.

And now for some highlights from our discord community.

Dev Q&A Livestream

Our next Q&A livestream has not yet scheduled. Stay tuned and watch for updates to find out when the next one will be!

From the Community

Each blog post, we pick some of our favorite screenshots and artwork posted by the community to showcase here. Want a chance for your submission to be showcased on our next blog? Post it in the appropriate channels on our discord!

Some of our favorite recent screenshots...

by NatureLVR576#0120

by 🌻KyraG🌻#6415

by Death Wing#1646

Some of our favorite artwork from the community...

by DragonBridage#6368

by KIVI#9599

by Kezran#0001

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more news about the upcoming "Genesis" update!

~The Day of Dragons Development Team

Don't want to miss out on updates? Follow us on our social media accounts or become a patron to get updates before they are released!

Discord | Twitter | Youtube | Instagram
Day of Dragons - Jao

Those of you who've played the 0.8 alpha version know how unpolished the day/night cycle and the lighting is. We've spent many days working on the new lighting and day/night cycle system to get it ready for the Genesis (1.0) update.

Feast your eyes on this time of day transition trailer as the Acid Spitter walks through time in the Dune Desert featuring "Dragons in the Desert" from the Day of Dragons Soundtrack.

Day of Dragons - Jao
Day of Dragons is 35% OFF during the Steam Summer Sale. If you've ever thought of playing as a dragon, there's never been a better deal on Day of Dragons.

Day of Dragons will soon be releasing our Genesis 1.0 update which will include the Flame Stalker Dragon, the Inferno Ravager Wyvern, the Shadow Scale Dragon, and the Acid Spitter Drake along with the Magma Elemental custom designed and created by our own team. Additionally, the update will feature new UI, a new user experience, many new features, better netcode, more server options, and the 1st version of our mega map.

Grab your copy during the sale, the game won't be available at this price again any time soon.
May 17, 2020
Day of Dragons - Bad Parrot
Hello again!

We have been hard at work since the last dev blog and dealing with some sickness in our dev team, but everyone is feeling healthy now and we're back in full production. (Thank you for all the well wishes and kind words! -BP).

Anywho, we hope you enjoy reading about what we've been up to.

Models are being prepared for animation!

Day of Dragons has moved into the next phase of development! Jia Hao, our modeler, has begun retopologizing the models for rigging & animation, and creating the texture maps for the materials, starting with the Acid Spitter.

He is working hard perfecting the details and creating high and low poly meshes for each of the five first custom models to join the game. These creatures include the Acid Spitter, Inferno Ravager, Shadow Scale, Flame Stalker, and Magma Elemental. Each model will have morph targets added to specific points. These will be used to allow seamless dynamic growth from the adorable hatchling stage all the way up to a mighty elder dragon (speaking of adorable hatchlings, who else can't wait to see them!? Eeeee - BP). Seamless dynamic growth is a game feature created by our lead developer/programmer "Jao" that we have been using in the game since EA release December 4th and allows models to dynamically "grow" over time instead of having to have a separate model for each stage of growth.

The Acid Spitter was selected to begin the modeling process because of its simple design which allows our team to get used to the new model production pipeline before jumping straight into the more complex winged wyverns and dragons. Our animation team (Dana & Karly) have been already been working on rigs for the Acid Spitter model. All five of these creatures will be joining the world of DoD in the greatly anticipated 1.0 update!

Speaking of the next update....

What to expect in DoD 1.0 "Genesis"
The next update that Jao is calling "Genesis" (The Beginning) will be our largest to date and we can't wait! Why 1.0 and not 0.9?

"Genesis is going to have so much content in it, that it cannot be considered a subversion update, it's the transition from 0.9 Alpha where we got systems in the game and tested them for bugs and stability, to the 1.0 Alpha, still Alpha, but this will feel like a completely new game, the placeholder dragons and maps will all be gone, the "First 5" will be in, the megamap will be in, I've overhauled the game code, updated the engine, refactored the dedicated server, added new admin features, redesigned the flight and movement system, eliminated a lot of bugs, added Vulkan support, touched up the UI, added UI panels, and so much more. This is not a subversion update, it's the beginning of Day of Dragons - what it is supposed to be, what we promised it would be. What is on Steam right now is the pre-Kickstarter version of the game - a game made with out-of-pocket funding, what you will see in 1.0 Genesis is the "beginning" of the post-Kickstarter funded version of the game, and we're very excited to deliver on our promise, even though 1.0 is just the beginning of that delivery, but it will put to rest any doubt of what our small team is capable of and prove to all of our fans and all of our backers and supporters and even our critics that Day of Dragons is that Dragon game we've all dreamed of playing and we know you will love it." -JS

We bet you are also excited for Genesis so we thought we'd give you a sample of what is to come.

New Landscape and Biomes

One of the biggest changes will be to the landscape of the DoD world. The new map will include a number of new and Each biome will be connect via portals and spawn points for the species of dragons who call that biome home.

Seamless Growth and Beyond
As stated above, the models will be adapted to allow smooth growth from the moment they hatch to adulthood. While the growth is seamless, there will be four main stages in a dragons life; hatchling, juvenile, adult, and elder. This will also be the first time the alpha growth stage is seen in-game.

After reaching adulthood, some species of dragons will be able to continue growing to reach the Alpha Class known as Elder Dragons. These will be massive beasts able to take on other Alpha Class creatures, such as Elementals, and can team up to take on the Terror Class (gasp! -BP). Alpha growth will not be like standard growth, however. Certain actions may slowly add to your growth and the community will need to work together to unlock the secrets.

"A note on creature classes, creatures are classed Level 1-10 with 10 being the Terror Class which is the biggest, baddest class in the game including creatures such as the Sandslayer Worm with more Terror-class creatures planned in the future. Alpha class creatures (elder dragons/elementals) are creature level 7. Behemoth Class creatures such as the KS Behemoth Ice Drake are creature level 8. So is there a level 9? Yes, Level 9 is a Leviathan-class creature. This is the first time we've mentioned this bit of info, but the Leviathan class, will be the largest class that is (unlockable) playable, and you all are going to freak out when you see what it is. ːsteamhappyː But even a powerful Leviathan will have a hard time fighting a Terror class creature without help." -JS

Nesting and Breeding
A key feature to gain rare skins and strong dragons, 1.0 will see the first version of breeding in DoD. Players will be able to nest in their friends as adorable hatchlings. A male and female of the same species is required to nest, but you will have to choose your mate carefully. Females have a limited number of eggs per clutch and will need rest in between broods while males can father offspring at any time. With the world being a dangerous place, females can't afford to waste eggs. Picking the right male will be critical to pass on the best stats to your offspring. If only there was a way for the females to know....

For those who would rather travel the world alone, Singleplayer mode may be more your style. The first version, Singleplayer will allow you to explore the world without the threat of other dragons and play as species you have yet to unlock in multiplayer.

And Much More....
The 1.0 update will be a big one. We are aiming for late summer for the release and we can't wait to share it with all of you.

How big are the dragons?

To ensure the models are the size we'd like, we've begun making charts to show the size of all the species in the DoD world. So far we have completed the first versions of the Elemental and Dragon charts. These charts will be modified and updated as more species join the world.

We are working on several more charts including an AI, a Terror Class, and an all species chart. We will also be making species sheets with age charts, clutch sizes, sexual dimorphism, and more fun facts about each species that lives in the DoD world in the future.

Click the thumbnails below to see larger versions of the charts!

Dev Q&A

Oh no! Where is the dev Q&A section!?


We got rid of it. Instead we are going to do more frequent live dev Q&As with the next one in June! These will be recorded and published afterwards for those who miss the live event. We will let you know the exact date later this month, so stay tuned. "We might even have a few of the other Devs you haven't met yet join us." -JS

From the Community

Each blog post, we pick some of our favorite screenshots and artwork posted by the community to showcase here. Want a chance for your submission to be showcased on our next blog? Post it in the appropriate channels on our discord!

Some of our favorite recent screenshots...

by NatureLVR576#0120

by Lex Luthor#1646

by Kimmy#6669

Some of our favorite artwork from the community...

by Horus#9404

by Valcora101#2515

by Zanna#1395

Thank you all for reading! If you've read this far, please, please subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Twitter! The links are below. Also, if you'd like to interact with the developers directly, Join our Discord! We will see you in the next development blog!

~The Day of Dragons Development Team
Day of Dragons - Jao
Greetings Steam Community,

As we mentioned before, we will be focusing on models and animation previews and sneak peaks going forward as we work towards the 0.9 Game Update for Day of Dragons.

In the video below, we share a sneak peak of the "First Five" Beawesome Games-made models which will all be appearing in Game Update 0.9. The models seen in the video are their rough proxy versions which are being used to make the rigs and animation cycles, the actual LOD's of the models will be shown later along with their UV's and Textures. A two meter tall mannequin is used for scale reference. The old Fire Wyvern Marketplace Dragon is also shown for scale reference. All of the current marketplace dragons (Fire Wyvern, Fire Dragon, Plasma Dragon, Buff Dragon) will be removed from the game as of the upcoming 0.9 Game Update.

Day of Dragons is a dragon survival game currently in development and available on Steam Early Access.

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- Beawesome Games
May 6, 2020
Day of Dragons - Bad Parrot
The world of DoD is as unique and diverse as our own. Dragons aren't the only creatures scurrying about. Here is a introduction to two more of the AI species planned in the future.

Dune Weaver

Throughout the desert environments, Dune Weavers are a common species. Named for their ability to seemingly swim through the earth, Weavers spend most of their time underground feeding as they sift through the substrate. Occasionally, they will emerge to warm themselves and rest. Strong armor covers their delicate bodies and grants protection against small predators. However, some juveniles may find success if they have enough determination and skill.

Swamp Snapper

A deadly predator to small or immature dragons, the Swamp Snapper prefers moist, cool habitats. They will float at the surface of the water with only their nostrils exposed. Once a Snapper detects movement, they will launch their deadly attack. Grabbing a drinking dragon with their powerful beak, the Snapper will then attempt to drag its prey back into the depths.

Though fearsome, Swamp Snappers are not the most intelligent creatures and may underestimated the size of their target, latching onto more than they can handle. This makes them easy targets for skilled adult dragons looking to lure out this aquatic creature.

These and more unique AI species will be joining the world of DOD in 2020-2021. Stay tuned for updates and join our discord for sneak peeks at more custom content.
Day of Dragons - Jao
Here is a look at some of the recent development updates posted on social media.

The Acid Spitter Model Reveal:

The Sounds of Dragons SoundFX Reel:

Dragon Model Reference Scale Chart:

If you have social media, be sure to follow us at the following links:
Follow on Twitter
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