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Hanging Smoke Quickly Disappears. Smoke moves slowly on a black background and a sharp stream of air blows it away leaving blackness
At the bottom of the canvas, black sharp rocks change, and beneath them volcanic lava gurgles or boils.
Abstract seething waves. Isometry 3d square area. Abstract landscape background. 3D technology animated landscape. Digital Terrain Cyberspace. Black on White. Scary place on an uncharted planet
molten lava landscape with a moon and lake of fire
Expansion of Puffs of White Smoke. Puffs of white smoke slowly fill the dark space of the screen
Gradual White Smoke Build-up. White smoke hangs floridly in the air and slowly spreads across the black screen
An old stone bridge spans a gurgling stream its cracked and mosscovered surface serving as a reminder of the countless journeys taken . AI generation.
a small clear lake in the middle of the forest with a gurgling waterfall
Abstract seething waves. Isometry 3d square area. Abstract landscape background. 3D technology animated landscape. Digital Terrain Cyberspace. Black on White. Scary place on an uncharted planet
Gradual Injection of White Smoke. White smoke hangs floridly in the air and slowly spreads across the black screen