Killing Time

Killing Time

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A Complete Walkthrough [WiP]
By OneMore
This game is cryptic, hard and a giant fetch quest of keys and is a guide as found on the wayback machine! Original author, Don Trubey, can not seemed to be contacted...if you somehow know him, let me know. This guide has been copy and pasted to ensure that it does not get deleted off the wayback machine for whatever reason. Enjoy!
For my organization, CD-ROM Fossil, I started a long play of Killing Time. Here is the first part:

tl;dr I got stuck.......going in blind (with some childhood memory) was not smart. After searching on google all I found was a GOG Forum where a guy posted to the walkthrough using the wayback machine.

So if you would prefer to see the walkthrough in it's original format then click the following click:

Just in case the archive gets removed, the walkthrough will be present here.

The original guide was written in 2004 and the formatting is kinda hard to follow at times. So I also edited the overall flow of the guide.
Elijah would like to add......
My real name is Elijah. If I want to insert a note within this walkthrough, to ensure that the original author keeps credit and it is clear what parts are mine and his, I will do something like this:
The duck swims on the lake

Elijah would like to add.....
The duck may sim on the lake, but my daddy owns the lake

And that's how that would be done. If you get the reference....good for you.
The original author doesn't do a very good job describing the controls. I included his original thoughts
along with my own clarifications throughout the guide, but just in case here is my own version of the subject:


Left and Right Arrow Keys: Rotates the camera
Up Arrow Key: Walks forward
Down Arrow Key: Walks backward
Q and W: Strafes left and right
A: Jumps
Shift: Sprint
Ctrl: Attacks
Space: Activates
Alt: Another way to strafe when combined with the arrowkeys
1-9: Selects weapons
Tab: Map/inventory screen

Controls can be rebound if you hate this.
The original walkthrough begins with...........
Killing Time was originally created for a cult gaming platform called 3DO, then in 1997,
Logicware released the Macintosh version.

Critics dismissed it as a "Doom clone," but I
was impressed by the music, sound effects, gore, and overall mood of Killing Time. I played it off and on for about a year, unable to figure out the conclusion, so I searched
online for help and found a whole galaxy of reviews, screenshots, and cheats... but no
walkthrough... so I decided to lock myself up for a week and write one.

Elijah would like to add.......
There is literally no other walkthroughs on the web. If anyone finds another one and it's decent, let me know in the comments

This walkthrough is completely compatible with the PC version of Killing Time released
in 1996 by Studio 3DO.

At various points, you'll be advised to:
look down [page down]
crouch [Z]
run [shift]
jump [A]

Sometimes, you may have to run and jump to go higher or further, and if you get "physically" stuck, say, between a tree and a wall, jumping will help.

Also, sidestep left [Q] and sidestep [W] will come in very handy.

Elijah would like to add.....
sidestepping is good for peaking around corners when shooting. This is really the only cover you have in the game. You can also strafe by holding [alt] combined with the arrow keys. You also shoot with [ctrl]. There is no mouse look.

Your ultimate mission in Killing Time is to destroy Tess Conway's Waterclock. But, before you're able to complete that task, you must destroy six Egyptian Artifacts located in various attics of The Mansion.

The attic staircases are locked behind four blue iron doors studded with multicolored
stones in a circular pattern; you'll see these "Endgame Doors" as you travel through the
ground floor of The Mansion.

A few factoids about the enemies you'll encounter in Killing Time:
(1) They cannot cross into the next "level" (e.g., the zombie goons in The Gardens can’t enter The Mansion).
(2) They’ll attack each other if they're clustered together and you're some distance away (e.g., giant wasps will buzz zombie hunters, clowns will slap skeletons, etc.).
(3) The vampire bat maids will not attack you—they just go around dusting things—until
you attack one of them (or another enemy) in any enclosed room... then they go nuts.

Finally, in most video games, at any time, you can jump from one game level to another
using various cheat codes. But not here, not on the Isle of Matinicus. You'll have to
make your way from one side of the island to the other—through every nook and
cranny—and back again to finish the game in the uppermost part of The Mansion.
Elijah would like to add.....
This is just me posting a screen I took of the original walkthrough. I might change it in the future but for now here ya go.

The Docks
Enemies: Zombie Bootleggers
Items: None

You start out Killing Time in your boat with a pistol and six bullets.

Turn around and go down the stairs to a room below to pick up more bullets.

Go back upstairs, turn right, get out of the boat, then go left on the dock walkway.

Follow the walkway around, and in front of you is a building in which you'll see the first of many "help me" ghost movies.

Elijah would like to add....
You have to stop and look at the help me ghost to get it to play the short movies. They are EVERYWHERE but provide you with all the lore.

There are more bullets and a crowbar in the room to your left.

Upstairs, you'll find more bullets, but also some machine gun toting zombie bootleggers.

When you go back downstairs to exit, if you turn left and go around the side of the building, you'll find shotgun shells and a blue health globe. (These globes will be found here and there, and sometimes left behind by an enemy you've killed. To increase your health, step into or through the blue or gold globes, but stay away from the red ones; they actually DECREASE your health.)

Go back to the front of the building, and continue all the way up the stone walkway to The Courtyard.

Secret: In the upstairs room with bootleggers and three long crates, just to your left when you enter, a section of the wall is brightly lit—push on it for twin pistols and bullets.
The Courtyard
Enemies: Zombie Goons, Zombie Bootleggers
Items: None

Here, you can either shoot the goons or hack 'em with your crowbar to save ammo.

If you need them, there are blue health globes located on both sides of The Courtyard.

Enter the long, flat building through the door with torches on either side.

Go left, kill the bootleggers, and pick up the Tommygun, which uses pistol bullets.

Continue down the hallway. (There's nothing in the little rooms to your left.)

Through the open doorway, a bootlegger is waiting to your left. In that same direction, around the corner, you'll find a control room with more bootleggers and a shotgun. (The shotgun will be your best friend, believe me.)

Go back to the doorway, and you'll see shotgun shells behind some stacked crates; pick 'em up.

Nearby, there's a room full of stacked crates. It's a bit of a maze, but you must go in, kill the bootleggers, and flip down a switch located on the back wall; this opens the passageway to The Gardens.

Go back to where you entered this building.

Turn left, and go into the now-open passageway. If you go around the wall to the right, you'll see two doors. This is what's behind the nearest door: a small room with bullets, then a small library, then a dining room with two blue health globes, then a pantry with the door that leads back into this passageway. (Surprise! There are bootleggers in every room.) Go all the way up the stone steps. Soon you'll be outside, and you'll see the second ghost movie.
The Gardens
Enemies: Zombie Goons (mostly), Zombie Bootleggers (a few)
Items: None

On the stone walkway, just before you enter The Gardens, you'll find bullets and shotgun shells to the left and right.

Go out to the fountain and look around.

You'll see The Mansion on one side of this area, and two maze-like walled gardens on either side of the gate.

These gardens are full of goons, but they're also packed with hidden ammo. (If you find yourself low on ammo later, you can always run back here and pick up more.)

At this point, if you go up to The Mansion, you'll be turned away by Robert, the butler. Press [tab] and look at your map. (You can adjust the size of the map by pressing the [+] or [-] keys.) The area to the west of The Gardens is The Kennels, and just north of there is The Hunter's Cabin; this is where you'll find your invitation to the party. Press [tab] again to return to the game.

Secret: While you're at the fountain, run and jump nto the round pool surrounding the gold statue. Push on the base of the statue for a gold health globe, which increases your health to 100%.
FeanorsCurse Jul 15, 2023 @ 7:44am 
Sorry, but "complete walkthrough" and "WIP" are contradictions and this is clearly not complete. Also it starts with "no mod" for mouselook, but there is the community patch without which this game should not be played.
kyzero72 Jul 7, 2020 @ 11:38am 
I don't know if its steam screwing up again but i cant get any further than the gardens and the original walkthrough isn't available, any chance there is more to this somewhere?
SecretAgentKiiN 特务健 Jun 14, 2019 @ 3:49am 
Good Job! :47_thumb_up::2018bestcoffee: