Harry Edwards Sanctuary launches new initiative for carers

The debt we – and the National Health Service – owe to those who care for or support patients and the elderly at home is incalculable, but we must not take their dedication for granted. They too have a life, and need occasional respite. In recognition of their work, The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary ‘Time for You’ was created especially for carers and supporters. It aims to provide them with some breathing space; a time to recharge, and refocus their minds and energy.

The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary at Burrows Lea, founded in 1946 by the world renowned spiritual healer Harry Edwards

The Sanctuary offers a complete break, whether for a few hours or a whole day, in its relaxing and peaceful environment deep in the Surrey Hills. ‘Time for You’ provides a healing experience; the opportunity for carers and supporters to focus on themselves and their personal wellbeing. The environment supports the individuals’ inner peace and tranquillity. They can have a break from the feeling of isolation experienced by so many, and be among friends, old and new. If they wish, they have the opportunity to experience natural therapies. Time for You Carers’ Support Groups will launch on Monday, February 7 between 11am and 1pm and will take place on February 7 and 25, March 7 and 25, April 4, May 27, June 6 and 24, July 4 and 29. There is no charge, but donations will be gratefully received. For more information about the centre and the support offered, please e-mail: info@burrowslea.org.uk, telephone: 01483 202054 or visit: www.sanctuary-burrowslea.org.uk

The Harry Edwards Sanctuary on googlemaps:

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