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Places in the city: Using formal commands to give information.

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1 Places in the city: Using formal commands to give information

2 What is a command? zTelling someone what to do. zTone is important.

3 Why use a formal command? Who would we use one with? zWe use formal commands to maintain distance with someone, either because we don’t know him or her, we want to set a formal tone, or because we want to establish a certain type of relationship. zWe use formal commands with: Strangers/All adults (possibly)/Adults in positions of authority

4 Let’s review--which are the formal pronouns in Spanish? zUd.—Usted zMeans “You” with respect zUds.—Ustedes zMeans “You all”

5 Ud. / Uds. Commands zHow do we form an Ud/Uds. command so it’s clear it is the imperative (command)?

6 Ud./uds. Commands To form the commands zTake the “yo” zDrop the “o” zOpposite vowel (ar have “e”, and -er/-ir have “a”) zIf plural, add “n” zTo make it negative, put “no” before the verb. ¡Fácil!

7 zTo form the command COMER zTake the “yo” Como zDrop the “o” Com zOpposite vowel Coma Ud. zIf plural, add “n” Coman Uds. zComa conmigo, por favor.—Eat with me, please. zTo form the command HABLAR zTake the “yo” Hablo zDrop the “o” Habl zOpposite vowel Hable Ud. zIf plural, add “n” Hablen Uds. zNo hablen Uds. ahora. –Don’t talk now.

8 You try! zVivir--To live z1. Vivo z2. Viv z3. Viva z4. Vivan z5. No Viva(n)

9 zEstudiar—to study z1. Estudio z2. Estudi z3. Estudie z4. Estudien z5. No estudien z6. Meaning? Study/don’t study You try!

10 zSalir—to leave/go out zSalgo zSalga(n) zSalgan por la puerta a la izquierda. zTener—to have zTengo zTenga(n) zTenga su pasaporte en mano. Pay attention to “Yo-go” verbs--they keep the spelling

11 Other “yo-go” verbs zDecir-to Say zVenir-to come zHacer-to make zPoner-to put Digo-Diga(n) Vengo-Venga(n) Hago-Haga(n) Pongo-Ponga(n) Diga Ud. la verdad./Tell the truth. ¡Venga Ud. a México!/Come to Mexico! No hagan página 23./Don’t do page 23. Pongan sus papeles aquí/Put your papers here.

12 Also, pay attention to verbs with stem- changes (e-ie) (o-ue) (e-i) zVolver—to return zVuelvo zVuelva(n) zVuelvan Uds. a las 3 a la catedral. zContar—to count/tell zCuento zCuente(n) z Cuenten la historia, otra vez.

13 -car/-gar/-zar verbs z-car/-gar/-zar verbs will have the same change that they do in the preterite and with negative tú commands.

14 Ud. / Uds. Commands z-car becomes -que zBuscar—to look for zbusco zbusce(n)--incorrect zbusque(n) zBusquen Uds. el cruce de Independencia y McDermott. -car/-gar/-zar verbs as formal commands

15 Ud. / Uds. Commands z-gar becomes –gue zLlegar—to arrive zLlego zLlege--incorrecto zLlegue(n) zLlegue Ud. a la parada de autobús a las 3:10; no llegue tarde, porque sale a tiempo. -car/-gar/-zar verbs as formal commands

16 z-zar becomes –ce zEmpezar (e-ie)—to begin zEmpiezo zEmpieze--incorrecto zEmpiece zEmpiece Ud. el examen. Ud. / Uds. Commands -car/-gar/-zar verbs as formal commands

17 Ud. / Uds. Commands zRecoger (to pick up) has a spelling change in the yo form. zYo = recojo zRecoja(n) zRecoja Ud. su pasaporte de la oficina. Other verbs with spelling changes

18 Ud. / Uds. Commands zSeguir (e-i)(to continue/ follow/go on) also has an irregular yo form. zYo sigo zSiga(n) zSiga derecho dos cuadras hasta el semáforo. Other verbs with spelling changes

19 Ud. / Uds. Commands zVerbs that have irregular forms have the same irregularities as with the negative tú commands (Remember those?)

20 Irregulares zDar (to give) zEstar (to be) zSaber (to know) zSer ( to be) zIr (to go) zDé(n) zEsté(n) zSepa(n) zSea(n) zVaya(n)

21 Práctica zComer zSaber zAbrir zComprar zLavar zBuscar zLeer zSer zIr zComa zSepa zAbra zCompre zLave zBusque zLea zSea zVaya

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