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Más números doscientos /as 30 treinta 300 trescientos /as

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Presentation on theme: "Más números doscientos /as 30 treinta 300 trescientos /as"— Presentation transcript:

1 Más números... 200 doscientos /as 30 treinta 300 trescientos /as
400 cuatrocientos /as 500 quinientos /as 600 seiscientos /as 700 setecientos /as 800 ochocientos /as 900 novecientos /as 1000 mil 2000 dos mil, etc…. 30 treinta 40 cuarenta 50 cincuenta 60 sesenta 70 setenta 80 ochenta 90 noventa 100 cien 101 ciento uno 102 ciento dos, etc...

2 números, números y más números
cien mil doscientos/as mil un millón (de)

3 Spanish numbers are not read in hundreds beyond a thousand, after a thousand the numbers are dos mil tres mil, catorce mil, etc. When a number from 200 to 900 is used before a feminine noun, it takes a feminine ending: doscientas chicas, quinientas pesetas. Cien is used when it precedes a noun or when counting. Ciento is used in compound numbers between 100 and 200 (ciento trece, ciento cincuenta, etc.

4 Mil is never used with un and is never used in the plural for counting.
The plural of millón is millones, and when followed by a noun, both take the preposition de: un millón de dólares, dos millones de pesos, etc. In Spain and in most of Latin America, thousands are marked by a period and decimals by a comma: $ 1, $1.000 $ $2,50

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