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Caesars English II Ancient Latin Stems, Lesson I.

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1 Caesars English II Ancient Latin Stems, Lesson I

2 COM means together. To combine is to put things together; something is complete when it is all together, and something is complex when a lot of parts work together.

3 INTRA means within. Intramural sports are within a school, rather than between schools; intracellular means within a cell; and an intravenous injection is a shot that puts fluid within a vein.

4 CENT means one hundred. A century is one hundred years, a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter, and a Roman centurion was a soldier in a subdivision of a Roman legion, called a century because it contained one hundred soldiers.

5 AD means to. To adhere is to stick to something, to adapt is to adjust to a situation, and to advocate is to give your voice to a cause and support it.

6 FER means carry. To transfer is to carry things across to somewhere else, an aquifer is a natural underground system that holds (carries) water, and a conifer is an evergreen tree that carries cones.

7 Advanced Word: Intramural The English adjective intramural (intra MYOOR al) contains the Latin stem intra (within) joined to the stem mur, which means wall. Intramural refers to events that happen within an institution, rather than between two different institutions. Intramural college sports are among teams from within the walls, metaphorically speaking, of one college, rather than between two colleges. The metaphor of events taking place within great walls is a glimpse into the past.

8 Ancient Latin Stems, Lesson I stemmeaningexamples com(together)combine, complete, complex intra(within)intracellular, intravenous, intramural cent(one hundred)century, centimeter, centurion ad(to)adapt, advocate, adhere fer(carry)aquifer, conifer, transfer

9 Solve. Analogies force you to see relationships. An analogy is a relationship between two pairs of things example: A giant is tall as a mountain is high. DESCEND : ASCEND :: a.bicycle : tricycle b.submerge : emerge : superman : preschool

10 Solve. DESCEND : ASCEND :: a.bicycle : tricycle b.submerge : emerge : superman : preschool

11 Caesars Analogies: Find the most similar pairs. INTRACELLULAR : CELL :: a.advocate : oppose b.transfer : goods c.interior : car d.century : year

12 Caesars Analogies: Find the most similar pairs. INTRACELLULAR : CELL :: a.advocate : oppose b.transfer : goods c.interior : car d.century : year

13 ADVOCATE : OPPOSE :: a.complex : intricate b.combine : merge c.adhere : stick d.complete : partial

14 ADVOCATE : OPPOSE :: a.complex : intricate b.combine : merge c.adhere : stick d.complete : partial

15 Caesars Antonyms: Find the best opposite. ADVOCATECOMPLEX a.articulatea. elemental b.revokeb. complete c.invokec. intricate d.resistd. ornate

16 Caesars Antonyms: Find the best opposite. ADVOCATECOMPLEX a.articulatea. elemental b.revokeb. complete c.invokec. intricate d.resistd. ornate

17 Caesars Context: Find the best word to complete the sentence. The senator was forced to _________ closely to the emperors instruction. a.adapt b.adhere c.advocate d.aquifer

18 The senator was forced to _________ closely to the emperors instruction. a.adapt b.adhere c.advocate d.aquifer

19 High on the mountainside above Rome, the _______ swayed in the wind. a.aquifers b.centurions c.conifers d.advocates

20 High on the mountainside above Rome, the _______ swayed in the wind. a.aquifers b.centurions c.conifers d.advocates

21 Cicero could not in good conscience ___________ for the Emperors new law. a.adapt b.adhere c.allocate d.advocate

22 Cicero could not in good conscience ___________ for the Emperors new law. a.adapt b.adhere c.allocate d.advocate

23 Caesars Classic Words Challenge 1.From Joseph Hellers Catch-22 Havermeyer had tiny bits of peanut brittle ________ to his lips. a.advocating b.completing c.adhering d.transferring

24 1.From Joseph Hellers Catch-22 Havermeyer had tiny bits of peanut brittle ________ to his lips. a.advocating b.completing c.adhering d.transferring

25 2. From George Orwells Animal Farm He set forth his reasons for ________ the building of the windmill. a.advocating b.adhering c.completing d.transferring

26 2. From George Orwells Animal Farm He set forth his reasons for ________ the building of the windmill. a.advocating b.adhering c.completing d.transferring

27 3. From Toni Morrisons Song of Solomon The doctor had prescribed…hours of rest to be rigidly ________ to. a.complex b.advocated c.transferred d.adhered

28 3. From Toni Morrisons Song of Solomon The doctor had prescribed…hours of rest to be rigidly ________ to. a.complex b.advocated c.transferred d.adhered

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