Product Type Facets Overview

Product type facets allow you to organize your different products into categories on your online store. Product types are configured using four (4) out-of-the-box facets: Publications, Events, Merchandise, and Other Departments. You may rename the labels as desired. Product classes must be linked to the codes within these facets. You may also add as many "Product Classes" to each facet as desired.


Product facets, powered by system types and codes (highlighted below), drive what is displayed in the sort order. In order to get a product facet to display on the web, you must first web-enable it.

Once web-enabled, product facets display as highlighted below on the web. In this example, the product facets are "Publications", "Events", "Merchandise", and "Other Departments".


Product classes drive the sort by topic. You assign the facet code to a product class, as shown below. In this example, "Publication" is the facet code and it is assigned to the following product classes: books, uncategorized, technology, internet, computer, financial, digital content, and magazine. In order for the product class to display on the web, it must be web enabled.


Once web-enabled, they would display as shown below on the web.

The diagram below illustrates the relationship between facet codes and product classes. In order for the facet code to display on the web, you first need to web-enable it. Next, you assign the facet code to a web-enabled product class. See Configuring the Back Office Settings for Product Type Facets for more information.

Customer Impact

After the appropriate back office setting have been configured, your customers will see category on your online store display similar to what is shown below.