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AGOH and AFOH do not affect 3D growth of MCF10A cells.

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posted on 2014-02-26, 02:54 authored by Min Chen, Teresa Knifley, Thangaiah Subramanian, H. Peter Spielmann, Kathleen L. O’Connor

MCF10A were seeded in Matrigel and treated with AGOH and AFOH at the indicated concentrations for 14 days. Then the phase contrast images (A) were taken from randomly chosen fields. Matrigel-containing colonies were smeared and immunostained for integrin α6 (green), E-cadherin (red) and nuclei (blue) (B). Diameter of 60–80 individual colonies was measured and averaged in each condition (C). Cells were treated with AGOH for 3 days, harvested in RIPA buffer, and immunoblotted with polyAG antibody (D). Representative images from at least three separate experiments are shown. Scale bars in phase contrast equal 50 µm and in confocal images represent 20 µm.
