Gaia mural street art Nashville

Filling a window in Banker’s Alley is this colorful face, called “Gaia.” It’s a product of Skye Walker, who has recently produced three murals in town that I know of. Besides this one, he created the large mural featured in Keep a breast and another large mural on Gallatin Road I will be featuring soon. All three murals are part of Walker’s Sea2Sea Mural Tour, which you can follow on his Instagram page. (Check the hashtag #sea2seamuraltour.) Kelly Yazdi modeled for the mural, and Ashley Seagroves of Studio 208 worked on the logistics of getting the mural made. It’s painted on wood panels inserted into the window. “Gaia” is the ancient Greek Earth goddess, as well as a term used to refer both to the Earth’s biosphere and the concept that the Earth can be viewed holistically as a living organism. All three interpretations seem to fit this image.

Located at 218 Third Avenue North, on the outer wall of Black Rabbit. It’s almost halfway between Second and Third Avenue, in an alley that lies halfway between Chruch and Union. It’s steps away from the mural featured in A rainbow of pride. This is downtown – plenty of parking, almost none of it free.