
“Cry Baby” by Helen Rusovich.

ALFAR (old ice. álfar; singular álfr)

in Germanic (Scandinavian) mythology light and luminous spirits [1] connected with the fertility powers. They were known of using an exalted language (see [2]). Later legends speak about their dark counterparts who used to live underground with ➚ Völunda considered as their prince [3]. Usually they were contrasted with the ➚ Aesir [4-6]. They are the origin of later legends on elves (English singular elf, Swedish elf, plural elvar; German Elf, feminine Elfe) – analogues of the light alfar and gnomes – the dark ones.


[1] Skirnismál 4; [2] Alvísmál 10 ff.; [3] Völundarkvida 34; [4] Hávamál 160; [5] Skirnismál 7; 17; [6] Lokasenna 13; 30.


Path of Trolls. Poll 5. Which link should we follow next?

  • Aesir (55%, 6 Votes)
  • Völunda (45%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 11

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