Mastering Leading Zero Magic: A Friendly Guide to Formatting Leading Zeros in Python

Unlock the Power of F-strings, str.format(), and str.zfill() for Consistent Number Display

Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2023



When working with Python, you’ll often encounter situations where you need to format numbers, particularly when dealing with data like dates, IDs, or rankings. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the magic of formatting numbers with leading zeros using three popular methods: f-strings, the str.format() method, and the str.zfill() method. By the end of this article, you'll be a leading zero wizard, ready to tackle any Python number formatting challenge!

Zeros leading number 4 on a device panel by PythonistaSage. Source photo: Unsplash, edited; Creative Commons 2.0

1. F-strings (Python 3.6+)

F-strings, also known as “formatted string literals,” are a fantastic way to format strings in Python. They are my favorite choice. Introduced in Python 3.6, f-strings have become a popular choice among Python developers for their simplicity and efficiency.


number = 7
formatted_number = f"{number:02}"
print(formatted_number) # Output: '07'

In this example, we use an f-string with a :02 format specifier.

In the f-string example, the :02 format specifier is used to pad the number with leading zeros. Let me explain it in more detail:

  1. f"{number:02}": This is an f-string (formatted string literal), which allows you to embed expressions inside string literals. The expression inside the curly braces {} is evaluated at runtime and then formatted using the format specifier provided after the colon :.
  2. :02: The format specifier consists of two parts. The number 2 specifies the minimum width of the field (in this case, 2 characters). The leading zero 0 before the 2 indicates that the field should be padded with zeros if the number has fewer digits than the specified width.

So, in this example, the number variable has the value of 7, pywhich is a single-digit number. The f-string formats it with a minimum width of 2 characters, padding with a leading zero to get the result '07'.

If you have a number with more digits than the specified width, it won’t be truncated or altered. For example:

number = 123
formatted_number = f"{number:02}"
print(formatted_number) # Output: '123'

In this case, the output is '123', as the number already has more digits than the specified width.

F-strings are a powerful Python feature that can help you format strings with ease.

2. The str.format() Method

The str.format() method is another versatile way to format strings in Python. Compatible with Python 2 and 3, this method is a reliable choice for developers working with different Python versions.


number = 7
formatted_number = "{:02}".format(number)
print(formatted_number) # Output: '07'

In this example, we use the same :02 format specifier as with the f-string. The key difference is that we place it inside the str.format() method's argument. The str.format() method is a practical approach to formatting strings, ensuring consistency across Python versions.

3. The str.zfill() Method

The str.zfill() method is a string method that pads a numeric string with leading zeros until it reaches the specified width. This method offers a straightforward way to handle leading zeros in Python.


number = 7
formatted_number = str(number).zfill(2)
print(formatted_number) # Output: '07'

In this example, we first convert the number to a string using str(number) and then call the zfill() method to pad it with leading zeros until it has a width of 2 characters. The str.zfill() method is a convenient solution for formatting numbers with leading zeros in Python.


By mastering the magic of f-strings, the str.format() method, and the str.zfill() method, you can now format numbers with leading zeros like a pro. These three methods offer a range of options for tackling any Python number formatting challenge. So, go forth and sprinkle some leading zero magic in your Python projects. Happy coding!




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