Acknowledging the Idea of Individual Differences

Saif Farooqi, PhD
The Shortform
Published in
Dec 18, 2021


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Each person is different from the other. There is no set rule or norm for a person to behave. An awareness of individual differences among each other is of utmost importance.

Life tends to get competitive. To cope with this competitiveness, individuals must be aware of their unique strengths and weaknesses, which they can utilize appropriately. This awareness enables individuals to identify their true potential, choose their goals in life, and move towards the direction of positive mental health. Individual differences can be reflected in skills, abilities, traits, coping strategies, and so on.

Awareness and acknowledgment of individual differences develops a sense of uniqueness. The person realizes that they are a unique entity and that social comparisons may be misleading. It helps to understand the true sense of happiness and success, develops self-efficacy, self-determination, self-competence, and gives purpose in life.



Saif Farooqi, PhD
The Shortform

Psychologist (Ph.D.), Blogger, Podcaster, Writer, Asst. Professor, TEDx Speaker. Strongly endorse the idea of Critical Thinking