Amplify Hosting and GitHub Repository

Santosh Manandhar
3 min readFeb 7, 2023

Amplify hosting is one of the services AWS provides. It’s a git-based workflow for hosting full-stack serverless web apps with continuous deployment.

Features of Amplify Hosting

  • Amplify Hosting supports the common SPA frameworks, for example, React, Angular, Vue.js, Ionic, and Ember, as well as static site generators like Gatsby, Eleventy, Hugo, VuePress, and Jekyll.
  • Manage production and staging environments for your frontend and backend by connecting new branches.
  • Connect your application to a custom domain.
  • Deploy and host SSR web apps created using Next.js. framework.
  • Preview changes during code reviews by setting up pull request previews.
  • Improve your app quality with end-to-end tests.

Deploy Amplify Hosting (with Existing Code)

  1. Login to AWS Console, and navigate to AWS Amplify from Search Bar.

2. If you have not created an Amplify app yet, scroll to the bottom of the page then select Amplify Hosting > Host your web app. If you have created an app before, select New app > Host web app

3. Choose GitHub and click Continue

4. Depending on your Git provider, you will be prompted to allow Amplify Hosting access to your repositories. After successful authorization, choose the repository for this app from the Recently updated repositories list then select Next.

5. On the Build settings page, Amplify automatically detects the correct build settings so there is no need to make any configuration change. Accept the default by selecting Next.

6. On the Review page, select Save and Deploy.

7. Your app will be created and you will be taken to the app’s page in the Amplify Console. Amplify Hosting will provision an isolated build and hosting environment for your project and deploy it. The process will take 2–3 minutes; you can monitor progress by selecting the Provision, Build or Deploy links as shown below.

Domain Management

Once your application deployment is completed, you can manage your app domain from AWS Amplify by clicking Domain Management under App Settings on the left menu.

  1. Click on Domain Management.
  2. Click on Add Domain
  3. Select the domain name and click on Saveyou must add your domain in Route 53 prior to this step. Refer — Route 53, Use your domain for static website

