The Glorious Days of PlayStation and Sega Saturn Demo Discs

Keep your downloadable demos. Give me these days again.

So let’s say you bought a new PlayStation or Sega Saturn, and you weren’t sure what games you were going to buy for it. Sure, you could take a chance on a $50 title, based on a review you might have read in EGM, but you’re just unsure of how it’ll play or if it’ll interest you in the long term.

But that’s what demo discs were for. Yep, before these companies got the idea to release demos of upcoming games as digital downloads, they imprinted them onto some sort of disc for people to try. Now, these were usually available via a number of means, either at a store included with the system; distributed through an old press publication (remember those?) like the Official PlayStation Magazine or the Official Sega Saturn Magazine; or even through another party, like Pizza Hut, who had a memorable one featuring hit demos like Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and Final Fantasy VIII.

The cool thing about these discs is that they were their own entity. There was nothing to download, nothing to worry about space-wise. You could just pop the disc in, go through the menu (usually something “hip”-looking with a 90s flair) and then check out the demo of your choice. These usually consisted of something timed, with one level or a certain amount of minutes to enjoy the game, but it was enough to give you an idea of what they were about.

The good ol’ days of Pizza Hut. Miss ya, Red Roof.

Sony actually had a program at one point where they sent these discs out monthly, through PlayStation Underground. They were glorious, not only including demos to choose from, but other extras that showed you something to hype the game. They were interactive in a special sort of way, keeping you entertained enough to maybe put some cash down on the game.

Hey, Sega had its special ways too. Thanks to the Official Sega Saturn Magazine, it had a number of great demo discs for its system, including a nice little treat for the holidays — Christmas NiGHTS. That’s right, a special version of its hit Sonic Team game for all to enjoy, with presents to open each day. (Well, virtual goodies, but you get the idea.) It’s fetching mad dollars on eBay to this very day, so there’s something really special about it.

Obviously the trend only lasted a while. Despite their popularity, demo discs eventually went the way of the dodo, along with those press publications and the idea of letting players try out games this way. Perhaps it just took too much time out of the developer’s day to set them up, or they just didn’t get the distribution Sony was looking for.

Still, I miss them. Again, they didn’t require a hefty download, you didn’t have to worry about online traffic, and, surprise, they didn’t need updates. You could just pop one in and enjoy a Friday night with one, while eating your Pizza Hut and preparing for a marathon of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on your VHS player. (Remember that?)

Here’s to you, demo discs. I miss ya. And here’s a demo reel to make you feel all warm and nostalgic.

Have a great week, everyone. And thanks for those that subscribed!



Psychobabble- Video Games + More by Robert Workman

Former game journalist now working on helping others. All about talking video games, bad movies, shows and more. Oh, and I have a Battletoads tattoo. Hi Mom!