AIoTE = AI + IoT + Edge

AIoTE = AI + IoT + Edge

Mitko Vasilev
1 min readApr 11, 2019


Edge computing and EdgeAI are climbing on the top of the hype cycle and are already delivering new business growth. “Privacy first” and “on device” frameworks, keeping your data stored and processed to the maximum on your device and get only the insights to the cloud. Exponential growth for IoT services — distributing the storage, compute, analytics and energy consumption on the edge and customer devices.

From DIY products with integrated AI chips for $99 to mobile phones with AI-coprocessors, IoT gateways and edge-ready servers -we are getting unlimited edge computing hardware capacity for the software to follow.

Edge application software orchestration, device element management, extended cyber-security, machine-learning software and frameworks for edge device like TensorflowLite, XNOR running on CPU, GPU, TPU, DSP, FPGA…

All the new use cases in B2B and B2C are providing an opportunity for the early adopters to become more competitive and to start monetizing today. 2019 will add the new abbreviation

AIoTE = AI + IoT + Edge

and the massive new business around it is following shortly after.

#AIoTE #AI #IoT #B2B #B2C #EdgeComputing #Konstruktr

