Frilled Shark

1 min readNov 2, 2023

Deep sea sharks with eerie resemblances to eels are called frilled sharks. Their frilly-looking six-gill slits on either side of their bodies are the reason behind their name. The main reason these enigmatic organisms are hard to examine is because they inhabit the ocean’s depths, where doing research is challenging. The fact that we know so little about this creature adds to its fascination and mystique.

Frilled Shark

Diet of the Frilled Shark

These sharks can extend their incredibly long jaws to swallow astonishingly enormous meals. Although this skill allows them to devour anything up to half their size, it prevents them from possessing bite strength on par with other sharks. Smaller sharks, bony fish, octopus, and squid are a few examples of frequent prey.

Research indicates that more than half of this species’ diet may consist of squid, at least in some populations. Because squid moves so quickly, experts theorize that frilled sharks can catch them by bending their bodies and lunging forward like a snake.

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