Word Roots for Organs

Review Flashcards

The following are a set of flashcards that contain a list of word roots related to the organs of the human body. Each word root is explained with a word example and a breakdown.

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#1 Col/o or Colon/o

Col/o or colon/o is a combining form that refers to the "large intestine". 

Example Word: colon/o/scopy 

Word Breakdown: Colon/o pertains to "large intestine", -scopy is a suffix that pertains to "process of viewing with a scope". 

Definition: A colonoscopy is a procedure in which a physician examines the inside of the rectum and colon using a scope or colonoscope. 

#2 Dent/o

Dent/o is a combining form that refers to "teeth". 

Example Word: dent/ist

Word Breakdown: Dent is a word root that means "teeth", -ist is a suffix that refers to "specialty".  

Definition: A dentist is someone who specializes in the care and treatment of teeth. 

#3 Encephal/o

Encephal/o is a combining form that refers to the "brain". 

Example Word: encephal/itis

Word Breakdown: Encephal is a word root that refers to "brain", -itis is a suffix that refers to "inflammation". 

Definition: Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. It can be caused because of an infection.

#4 Enter/o

Enter/o is a combining form that refers to the "intestine". 

Example Word: gastro/enter/itis 

Word Breakdown: Gastr is a word root for "stomach", enter is a word root for "intestine", -itis is a suffix that pertains to "inflammation". 

Definition: Gastroenteritis is inflammation of both the stomach and intestines which is usually caused by an infection.

#5 Gastr/o

Gastr/o is a combining form that refers to the "stomach". 

Example Word: gastr/algia 

Word Breakdown: Gastr is a word root that refers to "stomach", -algia is a suffix that pertains to "pain". 

Definition: Gastralgia means stomach ache.

#6 Gingiv/o

Gingiv/o is a combining form that refers to the "gum". 

Example Word: gingiv/ectomy

Word Breakdown: Gingiv is a word root that refers to "gum", -ectomy is a suffix that refers to a "surgical removal".  

Definition: A gingivectomy is a dental procedure to remove diseased gum tissues.

#7 Gloss/o or lingu/o

Gloss/o and lingu/o are combining forms that refer to the "tongue". 

Example Word: gloss/itis

Word Breakdown: Gloss is a word root that means "tongue", -itis is a suffix that refers to "inflammation". 

Definition: Glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue.

#8 Hepat/o

Hepat/o is a combining form that refers to the "liver". 

Example Word: hepat/o/megaly 

Word Breakdown: Hepat/o pertains to "liver", -megaly is a suffix that pertains to "enlargement". 

Definition: Hepatomegaly is the enlargement of the liver.

#9 Hyster/o, uter/o, metr/o or metr/i

Hyster/o, uter/o, metr/o or metr/i  is a combining form for "uterus". 

Example Word: hyster/ectomy 

Word Breakdown: Hyster is a word root that pertains to "uterus", -ectomy is a suffix that refers to "surgical removal". 

Definition: A hysterectomy is an operative procedure which involves the removal of the uterus in its entirety or part of it.

#10 Nephr/o or ren/o

Nephr/o or ren/o is a combining form for "kidney". 

Example Word: nephr/osis 

Word Breakdown: Nephr pertains to "kidney", -osis is a suffix that refers to "abnormal condition". 

Definition: Nephrosis is a condition in which blood proteins leak into urine, which is accompanied by swelling and degenerative changes on the kidneys.

#11 Oophor/o or ovari/o

Oophor/o or ovari/o is a combining form for "ovary". 

Example Word: oophor/ectomy 

Word Breakdown: Oophor is a word root that pertains to "ovary", -ectomy is a suffix that refers to "surgical removal". 

Definition: An oophorectomy is a surgery that is carried out to remove either the ovaries or both of them, depending on the case.

#12 Orchid/o or orchi/o

Orchid/o or orchi/o is a combining form for "testis". 

Example Word: orchi/o/pexy

Word Breakdown: Orchi/o pertains to "testis", -pexy is a suffix that refers to "fix or secure". 

Definition: Orchiopexy is a surgery designed to move and/or permanently fix a testicle into the scrotum. 

#13 Proct/o or rect/o

Proct/o or rect/o is a combining form that refers to "anus" or "rectum". 

Example Word: proct/o/dynia 

Word Breakdown: Proct/o pertains to "anus" or "rectum", -dynia is a suffix that pertains to "pain". 

Definition: Proctodynia is pain in the anus or in the rectum.

#14 Salping/o

Salping/o is a combining form for "uterine tube (fallopian tube)". 

Example Word: salping/o/stomy 

Word Breakdown: Salping/o pertains to "uterine tube", -stomy is a suffix that refers to "surgically creating a hole". 

Definition: Salpingostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an opening in the fallopian tube to repair a damaged tube or remove an ectopic pregnancy.

#15 Stomat/o

Stomat/o is a combining form that refers to "mouth". 

Example Word: stomat/itis

Word Breakdown: Stomat is a word root that means "mouth", -itis is a suffix that refers to "inflammation". 

Definition: A condition called stomatitis is an inflammation involving the mucous membranes that line your mouth.

#16 Adren/o or adrenal/o

Adren/o or adrenal/o is a combining form for "adrenal gland" or "adrenaline (epinephrine)". 

Example Word: adren/ergic 

Word Breakdown: Adren is a word root that refers to "adrenal gland" or "epinephrine", -ergic is a suffix that pertains " produced or activated by". 

Definition: Adrenergic means being activated by the adrenal process.

#17 Cardi/o

Cardi/o  is a combining form for "heart". 

Example Word: cardi/o/megaly 

Word Breakdown: Cardi/o pertains to "heart", -megaly is a suffix that refers to "enlargement".  

Definition: An enlarged heart is called cardiomegaly.

#18 Cyst/o or cyst/i

Cyst/o or cyst/i   is a combining form for "bladder". 

Example Word: cyst/itis 

Word Breakdown: Cyst is a word root that pertains to "bladder", -itis is a suffix that refers to "inflammation". 

Definition: Cystitis is an inflammation of the urinary bladder.

#19 Derm/o or demat/o

Derm/o or dermat/o is a combining form for "skin". 

Example Word: dermato/logy

Word Breakdown: Dermat/o pertains to "skin", -logy is a suffix that refers to "study of" or "specialization".

Definition: The study of the skin and the diseases that affect it is known as dermatology.

#20 Hemat/o or hem/o

Hemat/o or hem/o is a combining form for "blood". 

Example Word: hemat/o/crit 

Word Breakdown: Hemat/o pertains to "blood", -crit is a suffix that means "to separate". 

Definition: A hematocrit test calculates what percentage of blood is made of red blood cells. 

#21 Lymph/o

Lymph/o is a combining form for "lymph" or "lymphatic system". 

Example Word: lymph/oma 

Word Breakdown: Lymph is a word root that refers to "lymph", -oma is a suffix that pertains "tumor". 

Definition: A lymphoma is a malignant tumor that begins in the lymph nodes. 

#22 Ocul/o, ophthalm/o or opt/o

Ocul/o, ophthalm/o or opt/o is a combining form for "eye". 

Example Word: ocul/o/motor 

Word Breakdown: Ocul/o refers to "eye", -motor is a suffix that pertains "movement". 

Definition: Oculomotor nerve controls eye movements, pupil contraction, eye focus, and eyelid position.

#23 Oste/o

Oste/o is a combining form for "bone". 

Example Word: osteo/por/osis 

Word Breakdown: Osteo pertains to "bone", por is a word root that refers to "pores", -osis is a suffix that refers to "abnormal condition".  

Definition: Osteoporosis is a disease which makes the bones brittle and prone to fractures.

#24 Phleb/o, ven/o or ven/i

Phleb/o, ven/o or ven/i  is a combining form for "vein". 

Example Word: phleb/o/tomy 

Word Breakdown: Phleb/o pertains to the "vein", -tomy is a suffix that refers to "surgical incision". 

Definition: Phlebotomy involves surgical incision a vein to take a blood.

#25 Pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o, pulm/o or pulmon/o

Pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o, pulm/o or pulmon/o is a combining form for "lungs". 

Example Word: pneum/o/thorax 

Word Breakdown: Pneum/o pertains to the "lungs", -thorax is a suffix that refers to "chest" or "chest cavity". 

Definition: A pneumothorax is an accumulation of air in the pleural cavity usually caused by a lung injury or chest injury.

#26 Rhin/o or nas/o

Rhin/o or nas/o  is a combining form for "nose". 

Example Word: rhin/o/rrhea 

Word Breakdown: Rhin/o pertains to the "nose", -rrhea is a suffix that refers to "flow; discharge". 

Definition: Known commonly as a runny nose, rhinorrhea is the discharge of watery mucus from the nose.

#27 mamm/o, mast/o

Mamm/o or mast/o is a combining form for "breast". 

Example Word: mammo/gram 

Word Breakdown: Mamm/o pertains to "breast", -gram is a suffix that refers to "recording data". 

Definition: The mammogram is an X-ray picture of the breast used to screen for breast cancer.