Point Avisadero

Point Avisadero is a cape in , , . Point Avisadero is situated nearby to the neighborhoods and .
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Point Avisadero Map
Point Avisadero

Notable Places in the Area

is a public park in San Francisco, California; maintained by the San Francisco Port Authority.

Theater building
The , formerly known as South San Francisco Opera House, is a theatre at 4705 3rd Street in Bayview-Hunters Point district in , , United States. is situated 2 miles west of Point Avisadero.

Railway station
is a light rail station on the Muni Metro T Third Street line in the neighborhood of San Francisco, California. is situated 2 miles west of Point Avisadero.

Localities in the Area

Bayview–Hunters Point is the , , neighborhood combining the Bayview and Hunters Point neighborhoods in the southeastern corner of the city.

is a neighborhood in the south eastern corner of , between and Portola neighborhoods. is situated 2½ miles west of Point Avisadero.

is made up of several mostly residential neighborhoods of

Point Avisadero

37.72979° or 37° 43' 47" north
-122.35884° or 122° 21' 32" west
3 feet (1 metre)
Open Location Code
Geo­Names ID
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Point Avisadero Satellite Map

Point Avisadero Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

Also Known As

  • Avisadera Point
  • Avisadero Point
  • Hunters Point
  • Punta Avisadera

In the Area

Point Avisadero is situated close to the locality and the neighborhood .



Popular Destinations in San Francisco

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Discover the cape in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom and the locality in Dominican Republic.
About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0.