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“Frfr”: Here’s What it REALLY Means and How You Use it

“Frfr”: Here’s What it REALLY Means and How You Use it

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Ever stumbled across this rather funny-looking abbreviation?

Well, most likely you did because if not, you wouldn’t be reading this article, would you?

With that said, let’s learn what there is to learn about “frfr.”


What is the meaning of “frfr”

“The meaning of ‘frfr’ is ‘for real, for real.’ It implies honesty, reinforces points, conveys agreement, shuts someone up, or expresses disbelief. It is commonly used in informal contexts like social media and chat rooms. 


Where does “frfr” come from?

Originally, people used “fr” to mean “for real.” You would find this abbreviation often online, especially when chatting and using different types of messengers.

The word evolved with time, and another “fr” was added to emphasize the honesty and sincerity conveyed.

You can think of it as the difference between someone saying, “I really like this coffee,” and someone saying, “I really, really like this coffee.”

The difference might seem pedantic, but it is just a matter of emphasis.


How do you use “frfr”?

Before we can look at specific uses, we need to establish a few things.

Firstly, since “frfr” is slang, it has no place in the workplace.

It is informal, and using it with your boss is the fastest way to come across as unprofessional.

Consequently, it only makes sense for you to use it with your friends and close acquaintances.

Secondly, this word is way more popular in text format than it is in speech. In fact, not many people use it in speech, and if you use it while talking, people might find it strange.

Like most slang, “frfr” is popular among the young crowd, so anyone over forty might not even understand what it means even when you use it in text.

Additionally, people who use “frfr” tend to use other slang terms as well. So, it wouldn’t be out of the question to come across a text like this, “frfr g2g. Brb.”

However, because we are trying to learn more about “frfr,” we will not use it with other esoteric slang terms, and we will look at how the word would be used in both writing and speech.

With all this said, we can now look at the different uses.


”Frfr” used to imply honesty

“Frfr” is used to imply honesty and sincerity. Its synonyms, in this case, are “honestly” and “sincerely.”

For instance, let’s say that your friend is looking for your phone and thinks you’ve hidden it as a prank. You might respond by saying, “Frfr, I have no idea where your phone is. I didn’t take it.”

And, if you’re using it in text, it might be used as follows.


Friend: You going out tonight?

You: Nah man. I think I’m staying home tonight.

Friend: You always say that. But, you end up going out anyway.

You: Not this time. I’m trying to fix my sleeping cycle and get to bed early frfr.


”Frfr” used to reinforce a certain point

However, “Frfr” can also be used to stress on a specific point, in which case it is being used instead of words like “seriously” and “genuinely.”

If you are trying to study while your roommate is playing their musical instrument in the next room, this might make it hard for you to focus.

So, you might decide to talk to your roommate and explain the situation to them.


“Listen, any other day of the week, I would be happy to hear you play your guitar. But, I have an exam tomorrow, and I frfr need to study to pass.”


In the above example, you are stressing the importance of you studying for the big exam, so the word “Frfr” would make sense in this context.

When used in text, “Frfr” can also be used to drive a certain point.

If two students are discussing their presentation for the next day, this might be the conversation they have together.


Friend #1: Have you finished your part yet?

Friend #2: Not yet. I’m still wrapping up the research.

Friend #1: You need to get a move on frfr. We don’t have much time, and I want to rehearse once before we stand in front of the whole class tomorrow.


”Frfr” used to convey agreement

Another usage of “Frfr” involves agreeing with someone else. In this case, “Frfr” emphasizes the fact that you see things eye to eye, making it another way of saying “I agree with you 100 percent.”

Let’s imagine that you and your best friend are discussing movies.


Friend: Have you seen the latest Christopher Nolan movie?

You: Ooof. Of course, I have. That was a great movie.

Friend: Yeah, frfr. I was glued to my seat for a solid two hours.


In text, the same logic pretty much applies.

If you and your friend are talking about visiting another colleague who has just had a medical operation, the text conversation might go something like this.


Friend: Have you visited Tara after she’s had the operation?

You: Not yet, but I’ve meaning to.

Friend: Neither have I, and I’ve been feeling crazy guilty about it.

You: We need to visit her this weekend.

Friend: Yeah, frfr. She visited me right after my accident. I’ll set it up.


”Frfr” used to shut someone up

This one is used during special contexts. Specifically, you can use it if you feel someone is not being on the level with you.

If you feel that someone is being dodgy or feeding you a lot of nonsense, you can use “frfr” to tell them to cut it out and to give you a straight answer.

Let’s say that you are talking to a friend, asking them where they put the book you lent them.

However, your friend is being dodgy, giving you this long-winded story about how they went out with your book in their backpack and …


Friend: So, I was out, and I had your book in my backpack, right? Anyway, as I was getting on the bus, I …

You: Dude, frfr, did you lose my book?


What you are asking your friend in the above example is to cut the games and to be honest with you.

The same exact logic applies when it comes to text.


”Frfr” used to express disbelief

Another usage of “frfr” involves the conveyance of disbelief. It’s the same as saying “seriously” when you hear or see something surprising.

If your texting with your friend and they tell you that they finally asked their crush out, this might be the ensuing text conversation.


Friend: So, guess what?

You: What?

Friend: I just asked Melissa out.

You: Frfr. And, what did she say?