
Page 1

, The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm:"'"

Fall River, Mass. Vol. 1, No.9


Thursday, June 6, 1957

Second Class' Mail Pri,eleg.s· Aulhorized .1 rail Rim, M'!ss.

PRICE, 10, $4.00 per Yr.

JUNIOR FORESTERS AID APPEAL: Chief" Ranger Barbara Gaspar of the Junior Foresters, Fall River, pre­ sents a check to Bishop Connolly for the 1957 Catholic Charities Appear. The Junior Foresters are observing' the tenth anniversary of the founding of their organization.

Examination. -of Cand.idates For Priesthood June 18

Appeal Reaching Toward Record

A new record high is almost certain·to be reached this year by the Catholic Chari. ties Appeal. With parish after parish making greater sacrifices, the Appeal total has now passed .the $300,000 mark and appears destined to overtake the previous high of $336,317.44, even surmounting the Gold. en Jubilee Yt:ar Campaig·n. Lay Chairm~n Robert V. McGowan of North Attle­ o

boro today asserted, "I am deeply grateful with the manifestation of generosity shown by the' peo­ ple of Southeastern Massachu­ setts. I realize that an amount such as this certainly entails sac­ rifice on the part of many." "We often hear it said." com­ mented Mr. McGowan, "that all aid comes from social agencies and philanthrophy but I realize now that men see Christ in other men and their giving is based not solely on the principle of the dig­ nity of man but finds its source in the recognition of God in every creature." The Appeal h"adquarters re­ ported today that 44 parishes scattered throughout the diocese have surpassed their 1956 parish totals. Acushnet St. Francis Xavier. Assonet st; Bernard·s. Attleboro Holy Ghost. st. Stephen. St. Theresa. Buzzards Bay st. Margaret's. Central Village st. John the Baptist. Fall River Our Lady of Health. Sacred Heart. St. Anne. St. Anthony of Padua. St. John the Baptist. St. Louis. St. Michael. St. Roch. St. William. Sapto Christo. l\'Ia!,sfield . St. Mary. Nantucket Our Lady of the Isle. New Bedford Holy Name. Immaculate Conception. Our.Lady of' Purgatory. St. Boniface. St. Hedwig. St. Joseph. st. Lawrence.

5;000 AT COMBINED CONVENTION: Attending the 10th anniversary meeting of the Conference of Catholic Schools of Nursing, held in conjunction with the 42nd an­ nual convention of the Catholic Hospital Association of the U. S. and Canada, in Cleveland, are Brother Maurice, C.F.A., Alexian Brothers School of Nursing, Chicago; Sis­ ter Maria Lawrence, S. C., Paterson and Sister M.. Otto­ nella, O.S.F., Milwaukee. NC Photo.

Catholic Schools Award Diplomas t~ Over 1,900 Approximately 1;950 boys and girls will be graduated from the elementary and high school divisions of the paro­ chial, private and diocesan schools this month. It is expected that about 502 will .receive diplomas from various academies and . high schools and about and the secondary school grad­ 1,452 boys and girls will be uates will be about 140. The following is an approxima­ graduated from the many tion of the graduates by com­

elementary schools in the Diocese. Of the total group, the largest number to be graduated in any one community will receive di­ plomas in Fall River. In the See city, elementary school grad­ uates will approximate 672 pu­ pils. The academies and high schools In Fall River will grad­ uate about 226. New Bedford will have the second largest number of grad­ uates: It is expected the elemen­ tary school graduates In New Bedford will approximate 398

munities: High School Division

Fall River 226

New Bedford 140

Taunton 120

Fairqaven 16

Elementary DivisIon

Fall Riv.er 672

New Bedford 398

Taunton 129

North Attleboro 116

Fairhaven 61

Swansea 31

Acushnet 23

Attleboro 22

An examination for colleg'e students desirous of study­ ing for the diocesan priesthood will be held in the Convent of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, Prospect Street, Turn to Page Twenty-One. . Fall River, at 9 Tuesday moi'ning, June 18. ~-------------------., The matter for the exami­ ...

nations will consist of those Time to Start fall Riverife Physician subjects usually undertaken June is the month of the during the first two years of Sacred Heart of Jesus. Tomorrow


the classical college courses. There will be no examination in philosophy. Each candIdate appearing for the examination must present a letter of recommendation and transcript of marks from the col­ lege which he has attended: a letter of recommendation from the pastor of his home parish; certificates of his baptism and confirmation and parents' mar­ riage. The Chancery Office should re­ ceive prior notification of the young men who are to take the exam.

Priest Transfers Are Announced The Most Reverend Bishop has announced the tl'ansfers of the Rev. Adrien E. BernieI' from St. Michael's ChUI:ch, Ocean Grove to Notre Dame Church, Fall River, and the Rev. Edward O. P a q 1I e t t e from St. Mary's Church, Taunton. to St. Mary's Church. Mansfield. Fathers Ber­ nier and Paquette have been ftlling temporary assignments since their ordination by Bishop Connolly on Feb. 2 of this year.

Nun Gets MD Degree


"Bless our homes, bless our families. 'Choose from them all those who are needed for Thy holy work." These petitions contained in the Prayer for .vocations Wee~ seem singUlarly sig­ nificant as one reads the announcement from Maryknoll that SIster Maureen Thomas, a former Fall River resident, York. While in college she was will be awarded her M.D. listed in "Who's Who Among degree at Georgetown Uni­ Students in American Colleges ver~ity next Monday and, and Universities."

following hel' year of internship, will be eligible for assignment to anyone of the various countries where Maryknoll Sisters do God's work. Sacred Hearts Graduate , Fourt8'enth member of her Order to be awarded a doctorate in .medlcine, Sister Maureen Thomas (Anne Marie Higgins) is. the daughter of Mrs. Nora E. Higgins. 967 Robeson Street, and the late Thomas F. Higgins, a prominent attorney who served Fall River as Mayor. A graduate of the Academy of the Sacl'ed Hearts. Fall River. Sister Maureen Thomas was granted the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry by the College of Mt. St. Vincent. New

Boston Internship Sister Maureen Thomas, who was laboratory technician at Un­ ion Hospital, Fall River, for three and a half years after graduat­ ing from coUege, will interne at' St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Boston. A brother of th~ Sister-Doctor is Dr. Thomas F. Higgins of Fall River, a well known physician \who specializes in internal medi­ cine. A sister is Miss Eileen Hig­ gins. Commercial Training Su­ pervisor of the Southeastern di­ vision of New England Telephone and Telegmph Co. Rev. John J. Madden, her uncle, is stationed in Freeport, N. Y. Sister Maureen ThoIllilS ex­


- the first Friday of June - is a wonderful time to start the devotion of the nine first Fri­ days. Since many parishes have evening as well as morning Masses tomorrow, it should. not be all difficult for persons to receive Holy Communion at a. convenient hour.

Plan Diocesan Men's Retreat A diocesan laymen's retreat will be conducted at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown" beginning Frtday, June 14, Rev. William J.' McMahon, Director of Diocesan' Retreats. announces. The retreat will begin at 6 on Friday and will conclude with services on l:!unday afternOOn. June 16. I Father McMahon Is most de­ sirous of securing a large num­ ber of attendants from all walks of life In the entire diocese. Res­ ervations .Fan be made by con­ tacting Father McMahon at P.O. Box 82, Acushnet. or through this newspaper. 21 Bedford Street. Fall River.

-. . New Officers ,-

OFFICIAL . ­ Dk>cese 'of Fall' River

The Paris'h,Parade,




ST, ~BERNARD'S, Credit . Union's 'will 'pr~sent th6 I BISHOP'S APPOINTMENTS' ASSONET" ,

charter to President G!lorge, A. v, , Proceeds from a public auc-, 'Moisan and the :'directors. Cam- , tion to be held at 10 o'clock f?at:' me Whitehead' of St. Mathieu's June 8, Saturday-9 :00 A.M.-Ordination of Rev. Maurice Bel­ urday morning ,will be used for Credit Union will· cOl)duct ' a lenoit, M.S., at St. John the Baptist, Fall River. 'the benefit of St. Bernard's question and answer period. June 9, Sunday-ll :00 A.M.-St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, Mission. 'Refreshments will be, Confirmation. Iiold by the Women's 'Guild uno; OUR LADY OF LOURDES; 2:00 P.M.-Mt. St. Mary Graduation, Cathedral. der the direction of Mrs. R. Mich:'" " TAUNTON The Holy Ghost Fiesta will be 8ud, Chairman Joseph B. Car­ 4:00 P.M.-Jesus-Mary Academy Graduation~ Fall River. held on the church·grounds Sun:' roll aimounces.' 7,:30 P.M.-Holy' Family High School Graduation" New da,y. High Mass will be 'sung at Bedford. ' 11 o'clock by Father Oliveira'fol­ NOTRE DAME, June 10, Monday-lO:30 P.M.-Corporation Meeting, Sacred lowing a parade through streets FALL RIVER Heart Home, New, Bedford: , Movies of Fatima were s,hown of the pari~h. ',' 3:00 P.M.-Sacred Hearts Academy Graduation, Fall River. at a ,meeting of the Women's Members of· the Holy Ghost so-' Guild in Jesus-MarY auditorium. clety will serve a free' dinner at 8:00 P.M.~Coyle High School Gra~uation., Taunton. Rev Gerard Boisvert opened and noon, with ,a band concert to 'June 11, Tuesday-9:00' A.M.-Corporation Meeting, st. Jos­ elosed the meeting with prayer. follow., , eph's Orpha'nage, Fall River. . Mrs. Raymond Boule, chairman of the refreshments committee, ST. PATRICK'S, Mass Ordo was assisted by Miss Claudette FALI; RIVER Church Names Salois and a group of members. Mrs. Richard A. Buckley, first STUDENT HEAD: Elect­ FRIDAY _ Mass liS on tbe B Ish 0 p ConnollY has an· Next ,meeting will be Sept. 30. president, was honored at the in­ ed President of the student Feast of the Ascension. Simple. notmced that the new' church stallation of officers banquet held b d t St b 'II (Oh') White. Mass Propel'; Gloria; second collect for Peace; Preface being constructed in Swansea by the Women's Guild in observ­ HOLY ROSARY, 0 ya eu enVl e 10 FALL RIVER Cat ho lie Central High of the Ascension. Votive Mass will be known' as Our Lady of ance of its 20th anniversary. Guest speaker was Rev. John School is Kent Salter, con­ The following .have bee n in honor of the Sacred Heart of Fatima. vert to the Faith, and first Jesus not permitted. named officers and committee E. Boyd. Seated at. the head ,ta­ The Bishop has also an· SATURDAY-Vigil of Pente­ chairmen of the Women's Guild ble were Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edmund d nounced that a new church in . year: cost. Double. Red. Mass ,Pl'opel", Centerville, which will 'be ready for the ensumg J. Ward, pastor;--Rev. John J. member of h.is race to hoI Mrs. Delbert Frank, president; Delaney, moderator; Rev~ Wil-; the- office since the student Gloria; Preface, Communcantes for use in the near future, will Mrs. Albert Roy, vice president; Ham E. Galvin and Rev. John council was organized ten and Hanc igitur of Pentecost. l;le known as Our Lady of Victory. H h Ibn ' SUNDAY--Pentecost Sunday. Miss Concetta FaZio, secretary; 'Cronin. years ago. e as.a so ee Double of I Class. Red. Mass M!·s. Charles Santos, treasurer;. Mrs. Thomas Bagley was in­ elect d e co-cap t· am ,0 f th e Proper; Gloria; Sequence; Creed; FORTY HOURS

1957 football team. NC Pho­ Preface,' Communicantes and Miss Lucy Accetulo, hospitality; .tll:Iled as president; Mrs. Alex­ ander 'Buba, vice-presiqent; Mrs. to.. Hanc Igitur of Pentecost. Mrs. Frederick Squillace, litera­ DEVOTION

ture. Walter Burns,' recordIng secreMONDAY-Pentecost Monday. JUne 9-St. Mary's, 'New Bed­

Miss Rose Furgiuele, program; • t,ary; Mrs. Henry Urban, correspouble of I Class. Red. Mass ford. Mrs. Alphons Saulino, publi~~ty; ponding secretary; "Mrs. Edward Britain to Conduct !"roper; Gloria; Sequence; ,Creed; at: Mary's, Norton. Mrs. Jennie Imbriglio, Catholic ,'DeCiccio, treasurer; Mrs. Wil­ Rel ••g ••oUI, Exhib•• ,t••on Preface, Communlcantes~ and ,Charities; Mrs. Frank Mazzoni, Ham Jones, register. ' Hanc Igitur of Pentecost. June 16-St. Mary·s. ;North , )Touth. _ The' executive board includes LONDON (NC)-Blrmingham, TUESDAY-Pentecost Tuesd­ Attleboro. Mrs. John Iodice and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Drobyski, Miss Ann the great industrial city in the day. Double of I Class. Red. Mass Blessed Sacrament, Fall John Conforti, registrars; Mrs. Hughes. Miss Helerr Buckley, Midlands of England,'will be the Proper; Gloria; Sequence; Creed;· River. Preface, communicantes and Anthony Pannoni, nominating Mrs. 'William McHugh, Mrs. Lyn~ scene '-of Britain's annual Reli­ June 23-St. Elizabeth, Fall committee; Mrs. John Souza, wood Smith, Mrs. John Griffin, gious Vocations Exhibition this ,Hanc igitur of ·Pentecost. River. membership; Mrs. Frederick Da- Mrs'. Joseph Biszko, Miss Arlene year. It Is to be held during the' WEDNESDAY - Ember Wed­ Corpus Christl, Sandwich. nata and Miss Rose, Saulino, - Heath, Mrs. Harold Nab.b. f' t k fJ ' i "t .. nesdl\:Y after Pentecost. Double. .. lrs wee 0 une - n a own Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Se­ June 30-0ur' Lady of Purga: directors. ' t h a t has not yet been built. quence; Creed; Preface, Com­ tory, New Bedford. So iarge has this 'animal exhi­ Children of the parish and Ordinary Stresses munlcantes and Hanc igltur of, Sacred Heart, North At-. bition now become that. a "town Pentecost. members of the Women's ,Guild P lObi.. tIeboro. arenta Igallon THURSDAY-Thursday within of tents" is to be erected which took part In the May procession July 7-St. Francis Xavier, which prece,ded the crowning of ,vill include one of the largest the Octave of Pentecost. Double. TOLEDO (NC)-Some Catho­ Hyannis. the statue of the Blessed Mother lic parents in the Toledo diocese canvas structures in Britain Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Se­ Holy Trinity, West Har­ bY'Susan Bertoncini. Rev. Joseph are not going to be able' to get covering almost the area of a quence; Creed; Preface. Com­ . wich. Pannoni, "pastor, delivered the their children into a 'Catholic football field. municants and Hanc igitur of : People of Birmingham will be • Pentecost. school, according to Bishop sermon. Flower girls were Bar­ ,. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~ given a unique opportunity to • bara Gracia and Lela Seneca. George J. Rehring of Toledo .. see something of the life and AlLumnae Comm.un.on Announcing, the diocese Thomas Spe'ar was cross beare:r, SI~G'UI'N. Ernest Bohn and Vincent' Smeri­ bot be able to ,keep up flnancial­ 'work of priests, Brothers and Miss Joan Walker '53 is gen­ glio, acolytes. ly with, the school needs of the, nuns, and to learn about the eral chairman' of ,the annual population growth, he called on work of the Catholic Church in Communion breakfast to be held Truck Body Builders ST. PETER'S, Aluminum or Steel

Sunday for members of Mt. St. parents to take more seriously Britain and in the missions over­ SOUTH DIGHTON' 9~4 County St.

their obligation to provide for the It is expected'that 150,000 Mary" Academy Alumnae Asso­ seas. Holy Name Society men have a NEW BEDFORD,' MASS.

visitors wlll throng the 'function eiation, 'Fall River. heavy responsibility in, the fight religious' training' of their chil­ Breakfast wlll be served in the WY 2-6618

. against the forces of evil which dren. Older brothers and sisters during the week. . The long~term purpose of the academy cafeteria following a would destroy religion, Rev. must help too, he said.. The Bishop ,said that both on exhibition is to encourage voca~ High Mass to be sung'at 9 o'clock George E. Sullivan, of St. Domi­ nic's, Swansea told members of the elementary and secondary tlons to the dioceSan pi'iesthood In the chapel. Members of the level'the diocese will find'it im­ and to the'religious communities 1957 graduating class will at­ the parish organization. tend the Mails ,and breakfast and "Men can do a great deal on possible to provide for 611 the of pi:iests, Brothers and nuns. Diocesan sections illustrate the become members of the associa­ their own initiativ'e," Father chlldren who wll.l seek entrance Sullivan Said, citing occasions to Catholic schools. He reminded training of a priest, froni the daY tion. he enters the seminary to the during World War IIwben parents of their obligation in pro­ tecting the young from undesir­ ,day of hls,'ordination, 'and the liervicemen at sea or in foreign able influences that are active many-sided llctivity of his life theatres made the most of dlffi­ outside the lJome. in a parish. eult 'elrcumstances. "Men have a natural Inclina­ Designing-~Ianning-Constructi~n tion to serve and can best express this desire by setting a good ex­ ample' 101' 'others in serving FRENCH . ' ENGLISH Specia'izin.g In ~hurch. Property Christ,", he said. ' '1500 Pages MAKES YOUR The group will receive Holy 300 Illustrations ' 'Communion In a bodY at the 7 CAR RUN BETTER Budget 'jerms o'clock Mass Sunday morning:At New :Car, Dealers' ,







ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA : A charter to' opel'ate will be presented to the newly organized parish Federal Credit Union at a Meeting in the parish hall at 3 o'clock Sunday. Officers will be elected. , A representative of. the Federal

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College Plans

Spotlighting Our Schools HOLY FAMILY "WHo NEW BEDFORD

Lou Henderson, a senior, re­ ceived two certifioates of merit in the National High School Pho­ tographic Contest. . In the National contest spon­ liored by the Greg'g Shorthand the entire class in Stenography II received Honorable Mention and Geraldine Campbell received R Certificate of Merit stating that her paper was outstanding among the 2.000 papers that had been received. Two other mem­ bers of the class, Wanda Gryss and Sandra Bennet, received pins in a previous contest.

by the Fall River Junior Music Federation for het' oustanding contribution to music during her four years at the academy. SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FALL RIVER

The Senior Mot her and D:aughter Mass will be cele­ brated tomorrow morning at Sacred Heart Church by Rev. Joseph Sullivan, pastor. Dr. John Wise conducted 41 members of the biology class on a tOUt· of the Wood's Hole Bio­ logical Station and Oceanogra­ phic Institute. SACRED BEAUTS ACADEl\IY.




Aymerian, the 1957 yearbook distributed this week, is dedi­ Ann Coyle, Anne Delaney, cated to Very Rev, Mother Margaret Powers, Pauline Cffil­ Zenaide Lorier, SS.CC., Superior land ~1l1d Rita Faria will repre­ General of the Sisters' of ,the sent the school at today's meet­ Sacred Hearts, wiTo visited the Ing of the Catholic student coun­ academy this Spring. Editor - in - chief is Patricia

cil and throughout the next

Hemingway. Assistant editor is

school year.

Teresa Houlihan. Business man­

,At Class Day exercises tomor­ row Mary Ann Sahib will read ager is Patricia Ellison.

the class poem: Catherine Cleare, JESUS-MARY ACADEIUY,

the essay: Madeleine DiSanto, FALL RIVER .

.Tean Desmarais and Sheila Ho­ Five students were inducted

chu, the will: Phyllis Bouchard, into Madonna Chapter, National

Leonora McCabe and Ruth Zy­ Honor Society and two others

giel, the prophecy: Gertrude­ were admitted as aspirants at a

Healey, Joan Hunt, Lydia Me­ traditional candle ceremony with

deiros anc) Maureen Koziol, the President Claudete Labreche pre­

llistory. siding.

Members of the Class of 1953 New members are Greta Assali, WI10 will receive college degrees Jeannine Babin, Catherine Gou­ this month include Antoinette let, Cecile Nadeau and Lorraine Abraham, New Rochelle: Eleanor St. Georges, Aspirants are Di­ Ashworth and Geraldine O'Sul­ ane Caron a.nd Doris Dupont. livan. Immaculata: Judith Carey, Received into Quill and Scroll, Bradford D u r fee: Maureen' an international honor society Clc'are, Albertus Magnus. for high school journalists, were Also Joan Daby, University of ClaUdette Chauinard, editor of Massachusetts: Ann Dunn and the school paper and the year­ Margaret Sullivan, Bridgewater book: Carol Ann Dugan, co-edi­ State Teachers College: Carolyn tor: Janine Patry, Claire Latessa Giblin, Chestnut Hill: Claire arid Greta Assali, associate edi­ Souza', Rhode· Island College of tors: Pauline Coulombe and Educ,ation: Cynthia Souza, Re­ Claudette Labreche, art editors. gis: Barbara Phelan, Salve Re­ A Communion bre-akfast for gina. 1957 graduates, sponsored by the Patricia Barret '55 will gradu­ faculty, will be held in the audi­ ate from Becket· Junlol' College. torium Sunday. June 16, l\ISGU. I'REVOST IUCH,


Fifteen seniors have been no­ tified of their acceptance by vari­ ous colleges, with five being a\V(uded full. or partial scholar­ ships. Robert R. Caron. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ovila Caron. 1861 Rod­ man street. has been appointed to the Coast Guard Academy, New London. Andre Desrochers. son of MI'. and Mrs. George H. Desrochers, 405 Oak Grove avenue. has been a\\'·nded a scholarship by North­ eastern University. Andre Lavoie. son of MI'. and Mrs. Homer Lavoie, 453 Stafford road,. Tiverton. has received a four-year partial scholarship from Stonehill. Albert D. Roy Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy, 65 Walker street, and Gernrd Plouffe, son of 1'.1r. and Mrs. Felix Plouffe. 118 Clara street. New Bedford. have been awarded partial scholal'shlps by Providence College.



Helpers of the Holy Souls Offer Many Services Throughout World

Blessed Mary of Providence, many of them from the poor In­ whose beatific·ation is to be the , dian villages surrounding Mexico only one this year, founded one City, are given free medical care each year at the" Helpers' dis­ of the first congregations to carry pensary, on social work among the POOl'. Recently the Helpers estab­ Her brief life of 46 years was lished a club for young Puerto lived in the middle of the 19th Rican girls in New York City, century during the days of revo- , providing a spot for those high lution, suppression of the Church schoolers to gather after school and war which wracked her na­ and receive practical instruction tive France. She died in Paris in many phases of home eco­ on February 7, 1871.· nomics. She founded her congrega­ One of the most welcomed tion. the Society of the Helpers Helpers' institutions In St. Louis of the Holy Souls, OIl the advice is the Tiny Tots Club, where the and encouragement of the saintly nuns care for young children. Cure d'Ars, Father John Vian­ In Montreal, the Helpers teach ney. the fundamentals of social serv­ Free Medical Care ice to high school girls, prepar­ The Religious daughters of ing them to supervise summer DOIUINICAN ACADEi\IY"

Blessed Mary of Providence make camps and playgrounds. Similar }'ALI. RIVER

thousands of nursing and soeial­ activities are carried out by the Theme of the yearbook, Domi­ service visits annually to homes Helpers in Africa, Europe and

,nilog. is "Our School Is a Dom-­ and hospitals. They gather and Asia,

inican School," developed distribute clothing and food­

through an intensive stUdy of stuffs for the poor. They estab­ Dominican life from the founder, lish missions and operate medical St. Dominic, through the Domin­ dispensaries. In 1956, attend­ tean saints and traditions of the ance at religion classes conduct­ seven centuries of the Order's ed by the Helpers in New York alone ,vas nearly 40,000 children existence. The staff comprises Barbatfl and adult~. The flexibility of the .Helpers' Freitas, editor-in-chief: Claire Dumont. associate editor; Valerie program'{\))ows them to meet the Weber. Nancy Hart. Jeanne needs of the communities they Gagne and Virginia Morrisette, 'serve. In Mexico, 6,000 children, assistant editors: Louise Chouin­ ard, business manager: Pauline Lavoie, assistant business man­ ager. Also Barbara Lavoie, art edi­ tor; Susan St. Pierre and Jean Whitehead. assistant art editors; Marg'aret Nester, Jeanne Pichet­ te, Madeleine Ring and Jean­ nette St. Yves, photography: Alice Furtado, typist.

New Social Service School for Fordham NEW YORK (NC> - A grant of $50,000 toyordham University from the William J. Wollman Foundation has been announced by. Father John O. Fumiss, S:J., national director of the Fordham University Development Fund. The funds will be used toward the construction of a new School of Social Service- for the univer­ sity, as a part of Fordham's new midtowh center. The School of Social Service has been' located in New York City for 40 years.

New Community NEW YORK (NC) - Several Brigittine nuns arrived here from Switzerland to establish the first house of their sisterhood in tha United States. Led by Mother Lucia, the nuns will open a new monastery in Darien, Conn., for their com­ munity, the Sisters of OUt' Most Holy SavIour and St. Brlgitta. ­



Stream/ite Lugguge




Sodality officers elected for the next school year are Mary Lo­ max, prefect: Sylvia Houle. vice prefect: Anne Marie, Poisson, treasurer, and Virginia Howarth, se'cretary. Rev. Paul F. McCar­ rick, director. received candi­ dates into the sodality at a cere­ mony in the chapel. Sister 1'.1. Denisita. R.S.M., is moderator. Sodalists appointed to the Catholic Student Council for next year are the Misses Lomax, Houle and Howarth: Pierrette Levesque, Carole lVIattlolore, Eleanor Black, Ann Carr and Mannterite Williamson. Anne Marie Doolan '57 was awarded a certificate of honor­ able mention in the Massachu­ setts Youth Leadership contest for outstanding qualities of lead­ ership. A $25 U. S. Saving's Bond was presented to Pearl Hodg'SOll 'a7

OUR LADY OF VICTORY CHURCH: This new church in Centerville is rapidly nearing completion. It will help meet the diocesan need for an expanding Catholic popu lation on Cape Cod.

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God Love You . By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen,· n.D. I'alm Sunday morning Our Lord sent two of His disciples down the road from Bethany to Jerusalem. They were told that ­ on meeting a man with a colt they were to say~ to him: "The Lord hath, need of It." . Our Lord requisitioned: Hie beast on which He would ride triumphantly into Jerusalem." He brushes aside all claims, all titles, even'.all needs with the ,s'imple words: "The Lord hath need of It!' When He·sayS this to us, He never CIpects us to oppose, to postpone or to deny. l'Ve are to loosen our hands that grasp, and unlock the treasury tliat hoards. To Christ's authoritative' demand, the only answer ''Is obedienceIlwift and glad. ' ,But that is not the whole story. Our Lord also said that when He has finished with the colt He will restOre it. :How happy the owner must have been after the Resurrection and Ascension to say: "I gave my colt to the Lord for His triumphant entry into Jerusa­ lem." The Lord also tells us, "I have need of your talents, your money, your sacrifices." When we get them back-and we always do-there will' be a fra.grance about them, and the memory tha t He used them. If y~u wish to get the greatest blessings out of your possessions .Jay them at His Feet. You will get back ;)'our capital transformed into heavenly merit. It will be more truly yours than ever before. This is true of any sacrifice y~u make now to convert a pa.gan in India or help a leper in Africa. When you send your little' sallrifice to the Holy Father through his own Society for the Propagation of the' Faith then indeed you lay it at the Feet of Christ for you put it into the hands of His, Vicar on earth! GOD LOVE YOU toJ,Y. "Please let this $10 help some of those

~oor p~ople who are good enough to let us help them." .. ~ to M,S.

I am 10 grade two and saved this $2 from the money I received when I got A's on my report card." ... to R.T,B. "The enclosed $25 is a

lecture fee, that I want to go to the Missions." ... to A,O "Today Is my 84th bIrthday and in thanksgiving'for God's blessings I send this $3 for my brothers and sisters in the Missions" .; .. to Anon "A small $5 sacrifice I made by giving up my day off." ,



You .say you have your own GOD LOVE YOU MEDAL That's wonderful. but does your best friend have one? 'Introdu~e your' .friends to your Blessed Mother through the GOD LOVE .YOU M~DAL.. ,non't wait for an, occ,asion to gi~e a gift. just give It for­ frlendshl~ s sake and you WIll f10d your frIendship stronger In Our Lady. WIth your request and the corresponding offering the medal of, ,your choice will be sent. " Small sterling silver medaL.,...... $2 Small 10k gold filled medal $3 ,Large sterling silver medal $5 Large 10k gold filled medal $10 Send to: Society for the Propagation of the Faith 366 Fifth Avenue, New York IX, N: Y., or your Diocesan Director. '


WASHINGTON (NC)-A mod­ el law on obscenity, without.8 specific definition of obscenity itself, was approved by a 'distin- -. guished group of lawyers and jur­ is~meeting here. The statue'is one of a' series comprising a Model Penal Code which-, the AmHican Law Insti­ tute is drafting and will-recom­ mend for adoption by the States. The recommendation: 'by the Institute's Council and its R~­ porters would have defined ,ob­ scenity as a "predominant. ap­ peal to prurient interest by des­ cription or representation, going substantially beyond customary limits of candor." This criter­ Ion of obscenity was, offered In place of one that was described as the mqst common test today,' namely, ·the "tendency to arouse sexu(ll ,thought or desire' or to corrupt morals," Declaring that it \vas not pos­ sible to define what is obscene, former Judge Learned 'Hand of the .United States Court of Ap­ peals said: "We must leave it tQ the jury to say. is this obscene." United .States Circuit Court Judge James A. Fee of San,Fran­ cisco, and others, argued for jury trials ,in obscenity cases. 'Juries, he contended, represent the jUdgment of the local commun­ ity. He also held that the;power of the judge to set aside a verdict of a jury is a sufficient' safe­ guard. '


FUNERAL HOME · 70; Wa"shi~gton Street TAUNTON VA 3-337-1



Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail It to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenu~ New York 1 N. Y., nr your DIOCESAN I)IRECTOR REV. RAYM;OND T. CON~ - SIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mas~.

Helen Aubertine Braugh Owner and Director,

Spacious Parking A~ea

Jesuit Not~s General Hospital' Need ·for Care of· A'lcohol,ics

129 Allen St.

WY 2-2957 New Bedford




CLEVLAND (NC)-Alcoholism eral hospital must exerclse com­ In Stock For Immediate Delivery is a medical responsibility which 'mon sense in Its admission pol~ general hopsit:iJs can successfully • DESKS • CHAIRS Icy, b!! familiar with the latest handle, a priest said here. ' FILING CABINETS Addressing a' session of ,. the methods of treatment, and orient 42nd annual convention of the its staff to accept "the alcoholic • . FIRE FILES • SAFES Catholic Hospital Association of as a sick patient like other sick FOLDING ABLE$ the U. S. and· Canada, Father patients," ANDC~AIRS ' John G. Ford, S.J,. said that a . "Care of alcoholics In general general hospital does have an ob­ ligation to the nation's alcoholics. Catholic hospitals," said Father' The professor of moral theology Ford, "offers boundless oppor­ 22 BEDFORD ST.: at Weston College, (Mass,) told tunities for winning, souls back FALL RIVER 5-7838 to Chris..t," convention delegates that "alco­ holism is a triple sickness, of . body, mind and sou!." When more than 4,000.000 Americans have a sickness it be­ comes public health· re~ponsi­ , , bility. al}d. the. general hospital has to have a share In It:' he Sharon, Massachusetts continued. The Jesuit, who lectures at the LOCATED MIDWAY BETWEEN BOSTON AND 'PROVIDENCE

Yale School of Alcohol Studies, OFF ROUTE I

said that general hospitals who , For Boys 7' 13 Years Old accept alcoholics have found that 8uch patients do not create un­ You May Register. for Periods of, 'usual difficulties and require no 2 -.4 - or 6 VVeeks special faciliitles. He said, however, that a gen­


R. A. WilCOX CO.




Six-week season: June 30 to August 11






.Catholics Advised liTo Observe"

Votes Cast on School B~s 9D~~ ,

Obscen ity LaW'

T~TORING Is Civen If Desired by the -Parents

Write or Phone: SUnset 4-5762


Sharon, Massachusetts .


"Grammar Grades 4-5-6-7-8 tHE BROTHERS OF T,HE SACRED HEART



HARTFORD (NC)-Catholics of Connecticut were told by their bishops that they "should care­ f\llly observe the action taken" on the school bus bill by the State House of Representatives. The controversial bill, passed by the State Senate, would per­ mit the state's municipalities to . provide' bus transportation for children attending nonprofit pri­ vate schools.. . . . The admonition of the Bishops was given in a pastoral letter signed by Archbishop Henry J. . O'Brien of Hartford. Bishop Lawrence J. Sheehan of Bridge­ port and Bishop Bernard J. Flari­ agan of Norwich .. The Bishops stated: "As the matter Is one of fundamental American justice, and of the most acute concern to so many of our Catholic parents and children. since more than 62 per cent of the. children born in Connecti­ clit in 1956 are Catholic,' you should carefully observe the ac­ tion taken, especially that of your local representatives," The Bishop's pastoral also said:

"It should be observed that the United States Supreme Court ruled long since that public wel­ fare benefits cannot be Withheld from a child because he exer­ cises his American right of reli­ gious .freedom by attending a school under religious auspices when' that school meets standard educational requirements, , Second Class Citizens "It should also be observed that every state bordering on Connecticut has for some time had laws allowing the pl'ovisfon of such services, and thus guar.. antees that' no child Is treated as a second-class citizen, or made a victim of discrimination, for exercising the American right to' attend any accredited schooL "The proposed legislation had in it nothing novel, nothing at odds with the common practice in neighboring states, nothing violating constitutional princi­ ple, nothing in any m-:lllner or measure a departure from, the principle of separation· of Church and State.



­ Tht Holy Fat!Jfr's ~li!Jion

A few weeks ago In a special encyclical letter appealing for mission help the Holy Father very touchingly wrote about the "gt'ave problems imposed UPOll mission­ aries" due to lack of funds and of the "des­ titution parah'zing many mission aeth'Hies." His office has sent us' these hV9 appeals + '~hich are striking examples. Nos for a chapel, a school or an nrphanage, the pries' in Mayam, India, begs $300 to buy land for a cemetery and $200 to drill a well to prO. Aid vide water for his people. Very important In daily .life. '

Your STRINGLESS GIFTS help the Holy Father to meet -at one. countless other mission emergepcies like these. Have you made • practice of sending him your sacrifice regularly? Recently a lady sent $5. "Father, 1 just decided not to buy an Easter hat. Give this to the Holy Father." We're sure she's much happier.

SAINTLY QUEEN MARGARET The life of, this Scottish queen (feast June 10) .was· marked with much fasting, prayer, and per­ sonal care of the poor and sick. That's also how

SIST~R MARGARET In Ethiopia wlII spend the rest of. her life, If we. can find a noble friend to ::> help her with the $150 needed yearly for two years training. We have also SISTER BASILE in Egypt





DISASTER SPELLS DESPAIR 'Perhaps for the faithful on Santorina Island off Gre~ce which was stricken by • terrible earthquake 'two summers ago, bringing havoe upon their.cathedral, leaving a huge crack In the wall and dom~ and ruining vestments, vessels anel furnishings. These poor, simple peasants are a minority surrounded by Orthodox neighbora whG-· poke fun at them because their church lies so Ion. In ruins. But their good Bishop Is full of con­ fidence that In His· own time God will send the $4,000 needed to repair the eathedr.al, and new­ furnishings for the altar and church. OUR l\USSIONARlES RELY ON YOUR MASS OFFERINGS FOB



Speaking of !\lasses which ;)'ou are so often arranging

for friends and loved ones who are departed, the Good

Lord would not expect you to forget yonrself. With

our SUSPENSE CARD you can arrange now for Masses

for your own soui, lest others ~orget or pass on before





ABRAHAM AND JACOB From Egypt and India these two lads are hoping' for word that w. found· a o"sponsor" to'send In any' installments the $100 each bo, , needs ~earIY. during his Sill years of seminary training. .

~'l2ear Otstffiissions.,



MIgI'. Peter P. Tuohy, Na"1 Sec·,

Send all communications to:


480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17, N. Y.

At Our House

Graduation' Always ·Happy. Time for Every Family . By Mary Tinley Daly

It's the season of caps ~nd gowns, long and/or short White dresses, new suits, red. roses, invitations and their attendant lists, class dances and picnics, presents, visiting relatives, reunions, s,hutter-bugs, "Pomp and Circum­ stance," unbroken-in shoes, speeches, tearful, farewells, young people "about to embark," diplomas, congratulations, "facing the future;' and the like, And it is being said on platforms In. short, it's graduation from Maine to California during

time, in your town and in ours, From the increasingly popular cute kindergar.....,." ten graduations to the solem­ nity of univer­ sity commence­ ments, nearly everybody Is touched eithel' directly or in­ directly. If you're not graduating your­ self. nor any member of your immediate familY', chllnces are that at least you received an invitation - say from Cousin Emma's oldest boy out in Kansas City. You remember how much fun you and Emma used to have. and this is the first time - out­ side of Christmas cards - that you've heard from that part of the clat1~ Anxious }'{'etting' c> You can imagine Em's wonder­ 'tng whether 01' not Jim Junior ought to send you an invitation. (Em always debated everything back and forth a ,dozen times before making a decision,) . "I do hope she (you) won't feel obligated to send a present," you can envision Em's anxious fret­ ting. "But, on the other hand, she (you) might heal' about Jim's finishing (in the mid-west ·'finishing" Is synonymous with gTaduating from schooD - and I wouldn't want anybody to feel neglected. I just don't know," Jim Junior evidentb' made the decision - for here's the formal folded sheet asking the honor cif your presence at a Kansas City bigh school on June 7. What do you get an 18-year­ old boy you haven't seen since the day he was baptized? A wal­ let? Probably has six already. Minor problem that It is. you are glad that Emma thought of you as "one of ours" at this l1appy time. It's an Occasion For a happy time it is in every family, Whether Mary Rose is finish­ Ing the eighth gTade. Ellen grad­ uating from hig'h school, Jim getting his A.B" or William is l'eceiving his hard-eamed Ph.D.• family and friends rally round Irladly. It's an occasion, ."One of o.urs" has gone through a period of intensive' training with his peers, has had ups and downs along the way, bas weathered the storm of examinations - and has made it! He/she is among the victorious. Why the HUI'I'y The class listening to the com- . mencement speaker may be com­ posed of only 10 members, it may be 1,000, But, from a family standpoint, there is only one, As the line goes down the aisle, necks are craned 'for just that sole graduate. Previously dead­ pan and bored, faces light up as the graduate comes into sight. ... It's as though you hadn't seen this family member for manths. The list of names seems long. until that one name is read ­ and then you wonder why in the world the master of ceremonies is in such a hurry to get to the next one. The commencement speaker begins. Why, l)e really has a message for these young people. You hope yoUI' hopeful Is taking it all it), Like the policeman's lot men­ tioned in Gilbert and Sullivan, that of the commencement speaker "is not a happy one." There is only so much to say to 0

these early June days. It's pro­ bably said on several platforms in your, own city on this palti­ cular day and newspapers have a: time of it getting a new slant on each. Riding on Cloud "Be inspit'illg, be clear. be brief and be seated" is achieved remarkably often by clever com­ mencement speakers nowadays. If your lucky enough to have that kind give the speaker a big hand - and tell him so after­ ward. And then the congratulations, given and received, during the milling'-about period, meeting parents of the graduates, dis­ cussing plans for the future, sentamentalizing quite naturally over the carefree days just past, . They always seem carefree when they're past. On this day, you and yoUI' graduate lll'e poised between the "carefree" and the "challenging" -and, you're both on Cloud No.9. SANTA FE (NC)-A former prIest of the CongregatIon of There's nething like haVing a secretary general of a community the Servants of the Holy Para­ graduate in the family. Ask the A complete set of vestments, man/woman who has one! made by senior members of St. of Brothers will be ordained a elete. a community started in thta Patrick's Troop Five of Wareham. priest in St. Francis Cathedral on archdiocese in 1947 ta care for Edmundite Fathers was presented to Rev. John A. June 1 by Archbishop Edwin V. aged and infirm priests. Th" Chippendale, pastor, at a Girl Byrne of Santa Fe. Wear New Emblem He is Rev. Christopher Lynch, motherhause Is at Jemez Springs. The Society of St. Edmund has Scout Court of Honor in the par­ 38, who served as an official of N.M. ish hall. adopted a new emblem which will the Alexian Brothers in the early Sister Georg'e Marie, Mission­ distinguish it from other reli­ 1940's. While in residence in Servant of the Most Blessed ary gious orders. A small red cross Europe, he directed the progi'am 27th Anniversary with S.S.E. in gold will be worn Trinity, leader of the troop, and of Catholic Relief Services-Na­ Mrs, Alfred Beauchemin, a com­ by the side at the end of the tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ cincture which clergymen wear mittee member, designed and cut' ence in the British zone 9f Ger­ the material and directed the as a sash. • u many during 1948 and 1949. COATS The new design ,has been ap- . sewmg. Mr. Lynch will be ordained a Made of white silk brocada SUITS proved by the General Council of the Society and insignia have with the litl,lrgical cross design DRESSES been issued to all Edmundites in' in the material, the vestments are educational. parish and mission trimmed with dark. blue satin GOWNS with wheat pattern and the mon­ work. ogram A. M. for Ave Maria in the FORMALS The red cross wl\s designed by the Trappist monks of the Holy center of the cross. They,are used THURS.-:'FRI.-SAT.

Rood Guild, Spencer, Mass. It at Sunday Masses. JUNE 6-7-8

The entire troop of 46 mem­ carries on its cross arm the three bers took part in a progTam de­ ATTLEBORO, . MASS. g,Qld letters, S.S.E. Above and be­ TREMENDOUS

low the middle S are two golden picting' the life of Stephen Fos­ BARGAINS

rings with blue', stones to hongl' ter. Father Chipp'endale present­ ed badg'es to 'the Scouts. "Known Wherever the Blessed Virgin. ' The square cross, 2 34 inches There Are Schools Pay Scale Provides across. is sometimes called a Mal­ And Colleges" tese cross. Fr. PUI'till said, but For Dependents Acushnet Ave at Holly St. it is actually " CI;OSS patel' with New Bedford STEUBENVILLE (NC) - The the ends flared' and the cross pieces cUl'ving in toward the College of Steubenville here in Ohio has anno'unced that a new centel'. faculty salary scale will become Old Manuscript effective in September 1958. with a provision that increases in the ST. BONAVENTURE mC) ­ A 14th centUl'Y manuscript copy scale will step it up to a new of the Bible has been pre'sented level in 1958, 1959 and J960. and Each faculty member Will re­ here as an addition to the col­ .lection of medieval manuscripts ceive an added increment'of $100 at Friedsam Memorial Library per year for each dependent child of St. Bonaventure University. up to 18 years of age. TIRES • DELCO BATTERIES The presentation was made by Another innovation will be the Hug'h Grant of Bradford, Pa.• offering of higher education at • PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS and Samuel Lasser of James­ the Franciscan college to chil­ town in memQry of the late dren of faculty members .tuition FALL RIVER-NEW SEDFORD-HY ANNIS-NEWPORT Ag'nes J. Wise of Bradford. ,free.

Vestments Gift Of Gi'rl Scouts

Alexian Brother To Be Priest


1I L








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'. and E'NGINEERS G'




Pres. .

Registered Civil and Structural Engineer'

Member N,ational S'ociety Profenional Engineer;


your Independent grocers







THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., June 6, 1957

Weeldy Calendar Of Feast Days


TODAY-St. Norbert, Bishop­ , Confessor. He was born In Lor­

raine In 1080 of a noble family

and led an early life of, dissipa­

tion at the, court of Emperor

Henry IV. He repented and estab­

lished the Canons Regular,

known as the Premonstraten­

sians. Later he became Arch­

bishop of Magdeburg. revived the

'popular devotion to the Sacred Heart of the Altar and strenu­ ously resisted heresies impugn­ ing the doctrine of the Real Presence, He died in 1134.


Published Weekly b~ The' Catholic Preu of the DioCen of River ,21 Bedford Street , OSborne '-7151 Fall River, Man. PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D;D., Ph.D. CENERAL MANACER ASST. CENERAL MANACER Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll , MANACINC EDITOR Attorney Hugh J. ,Co!den

State Aid for Catholic Pupils

The Connecticut legislature has passed a 'biU permit- ' ting towns and cities to decide by referenda whether to supply bus se.rvice for pupils of non-profit private schools. TOMORROW-St. Robert of Newminster, Abbot. He was a. 'Chiefly involved are ab~ut 70,000- children in Catholic Yorkshire priest who took the parochial schools., Benedictine habit. He obt'ained It has not taken long for the cry to be, raised that it permission to join a group of monks.at York, who were striving is against American principles. What Ameriean principles, to live according to a new inter­ may we ask? pretation of the Benedictine Rule Is it not at:l AmeriCan principle that the education of at Fountains Abbey in 1132, which soon became Cistercian. 'children is the right not of the state but of theit: parents? Newminster ,Abbey was founded And so the parents have.the right-not the privilege, from it In 1137 and St. Robert became its first Abbot. He died' mind you, but the right-to educate their children in any in 1159. 'adequate school. ": Cloaks What He Means SATURDAY - St. Maximinus The public school system was inaugurated oecause' of ,Aix, Bishop-Confessor. Hit it was foreseen that some parents would not provide for lived in the first century.oOTr'adl. their ch.ildren's education because of neglect or ignorance Mon dating from earliest Chris­ or lack of means or death. But the education of children tian times avers that he was .. remains first a pa,rental right, not a state 'right. Palestinian and a JdlsCiple of Our Is it not an American principle, als'o, as stated in most ByJosephA. Brieg

I Lord who accompanied S8. Mar. of the State 'constitutions' and ordinances pr,oviding' for tha ,and Mary Magdalen and, Cleveland' Universe Bulletin

public 'schools, that religion and morality are the most", their brother, Lazarus, to the essential elements in education? ' .. I see by the ~ne~spapers that a Presbyterian official south of France. He is venerated· as the first Bishop of Aix In Against what American, p~'in~iples are our parochial has denounced parish school education as "a kind of brain­ Provence. Another tradition adds schools? ' waShing." that he was the man born blind to bl'ainwashed in a parish school, Some will talk about the separation that should exist whom Christ gave sight, men­ Well now, let's s~e.' I was brainwashed in a public tioned in Chapter IX of the Gos­ between,church and state. That is supposed to prove by I myself went to a ,pllblic school. pel of St. John. law that the state has no right to give bus rides to children school. I resisted the efforts attending Catholic' schools. Let's say a few words about Alright but Religion SUNDAY - Pentecost. which of my 'dedicated teachers that. ",\ " Is that what Rev. Ganse Little. occurs 50 days after Easter. It The First Amendment of the Constitution of ·the about as muc,h as the aver­ pastor of the Pasadena Presby­ commemorates the descent of th8 age boy does, but in spite of my­ terian Church, meant when he United States says that "Congress shall make no law re­ self Holy Spirit upon the Apostles i~ gave me a good educa­

spectingan establishment of religion ,or prohibiting the tion.they ~poke to the General Assembly the 'form 'of fiery tongues. This One sub­

free exercises thereof." Mr. JustkeWilliam O. Douglas of j e c't, however.

of the Presbyterian Church in date generally Is the feast of SS. Omaha as president ,of the Primus and Fellcian. Martyrs. the Supreme Court, writing the majority opinion ill the was necessarily

They were aged brothers whO ChuI;'ch Board' of Christian Edu­ Zorach case, has this to comment: "We are a religious missing. T hat

cation and accused parish'schools lived in Rome about 297 and subject w!ts re­

people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being ligion .

were arrested, because of their of "brainwashing", pupils?--;.. . . We cannot r~ad into theBifl of Rights a philOSOphy You know' ,perfectly well it " Faith, during the Diocletian and I mea n the 'Maximian persecutions. They isn't. , 'of hostility to religion. The First' Amendment does not science of reli­ Parish school children, like were thrown to the lions In th8 say that in every an.d all respect~there shall be a separa­ gion. 'We 'said public school children, are taught Ampithootre but the animals t h,e Lor d's , tion of church and state. Otherwise, the state and reli­ Prayer would not harm them. Later they at the beg'inning of each all the'required subjects-arith­ gion would be' aliens to each other-hostile, suspiciou!'!' school day. anel had l'eadings metic and citizenship'and Ameri­ were beheaded outside the walls . and even' unfriendly.' Municipalities would not be per-_ from the Bible. Furthermpre, the can literature and soon; but Rev. of Rome. mitted to render police and fil'e protection to religious teachers were religious people, Little does ,not consider this MONDAY _ St. Margaret of brainwashing groups. A fastidious atheist or agnostic could even object li.ving by 'religious codes. : Scotland, Queen-WidOW. She was Obviously, what he calls brain­ Central Slutly t~ the' supplication with wliich the Supreme Court open washing Is the study of religion. the Queen of Malcolm III. and But whei'cas all other subjects each session: 'God save the United States and this hon­ used her 'Influeilce for the good Let's see, then what' that sub­ were taught as definite branches orable court.' " . , ject teaches. of nillgion and justice. She was k~owlecJ.ge, to be systematically Dr. Luther' Allen Weigle, dean emeritus of Yale Divin­ .of U. S. Constitution The especially devoted to the poor and carefully learned, i'eligion My youngsters learned' that and worked to prevent their op­ ity ,School, has said that separation of church and state wasn·t, Religion came to our is a sound· principle "but it is 'terribly: misunderstood and young minds 'in school rather they were created by God. Is that pression'. Through her good of­ If so, the Declal'a-' fices. a number of churches,and mauled about. It does, not mean separation of state and than, as, a sentiment thl!-n as a brainwashing. tion of Independence is a braln­ monasteries. were built. ,~hlt . body of iiilportant information God." , spared no 'pams in the .educ~tlOn and as an-intellectual and moral washing document.' When a community votes to give bus service to Catho-' discipline. They learned that all human of her chIldren. She IS saId to lic school pupils there is no joining Of ChlHCh and state. We were not brought to see' beings are equal before, God. _ have foretold the day of her in the Declaration also. Is Qeath, November 16. 1093. By The Catholic schools are here to stay and' .this help is not religion as the central stUdy That's it brainwashing? Papal decree. her feas~ is cele­ which gives integration, direc­ even keeping them in existence. What is being d~ne is that They learned that ,God gives brated on thIS d~y in Scotland, tion and timeless ITIeaning to all the child is receiving some of the benefits for which his other studies. men and women certain rights but on June 10 III other coun­ parents tay taxes. Let us not forget that the Catholic with which, nobody has the right tries. That was, and 'is'-the basic dif­ parent is paying good money to the community. If his ference between parish, school to interfere. That also is In the TUESDAY ~ St. Barnabas. child is getting nothing back then he is being penalized ·education and public s9hool edu­ Declaration. Apostle. He was one of the n They learned that everybody is for attending a Catholic school, discriminated against for cation. In other respects; they are bound to obey conscience, and no disciples of Our Lord and was a. much alike. exercising the American principle that eq.ucatioIi is the, The reason I know thiS is that government may, rightly force native of Cyprus. He is mention­ right of the parent, punished for putting into practice I have five children wl{o have any religion on anybody. That's ed repeatedly in the Acts of thlt what the Constitution calls for, a r~ognition of the ppsi­ ·been educated, or are no\" being 'in the United States Constitution. Apostles and worked with St. More brainwashing? Paul at Antioch, Seleucia. Pa­ tion of God in all things, education included., , educated, in parish 'schools. phos and other places. He is said Chief Duty Makes Comparison The benefits of bus service, free lunches, health pro­ to have' been stoned to death at ", They learn that religio'n and. other children, they get Like visions-these are given, not to the Catholic schools but Cyprus beoouse of his success in morality' are the foundation of to taxpayers' children. They are, given not to make better their m'other and me to h~lp with good govtrnment and a happy preaching the Gospel. homework in the ev'ening~' Catholics out of youngsters but as services 'granted to citi­ · their as I got my father and' mother nation That's in the Northwest WEDNESDkY. - St. John of

zens by a community to which the citizen contributes. It to help me when I wl\s in school. Ordinan'ce. Still more brainwash­ St. Facundus. Confessor He was

is not that the Catholic children are getting something for i studied reading. So: do my ing? a 'Spaniard who became' a hermit

My children learned that their npthing-they would b~ getting something for something, children. I stUdied spelling. So do of'the Augustinian Order at Sa­

my children. I studied arithmetic chief duty in life is. to know, love· and about time, too. and geography and history. So do and serve God; to love their lamanca. He was noted for his

No one would deny a bus ride to a child b~cause of my children. And so on. neighbors as' the~elves, and , devotion to the Mass. The power age or race. Why deny it because of religion, c~oice of The subject with which I help eventually to attain to eternal of. his prooching brought about a. reformation in Salamanca. He schools? Or it it an American principle that the state de­ my younbsters are the same 8ub­ happiness with God. denounced the impurity rife at This sort of thing is brainwash­ cides what schools" our children must attend? Is it an jects-with the exception .of re­ ing? the time and went to his death If so, what is Rev. Ranse ligion-with which my parents American principle that there be taxation without the helped me when I was in public Little doing to his congregation in 1479, poisoned by a woman ' rendering of services, or with discrimination set up on llchool. ' when he speaks from the pulpit whose companion in sin had been converted. on Sundays? ]lI my children, then,_ are being the basis of religion? 0


Calls Catholic Education •


'Kind of Brainwashing'

Hollywood in Focus


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., June 6, 1957

Heston Now Considers Role Of Priest in Next Film

New Bedford PrilSst

At Army Graduation

Capt. Francis X. Wallace of New Bedford, gave the in­ vocation and benediction at graduation exercises for 125 Re­ public of Vietnam army officers at Fort Benning, Ga. , Father Wallace is spiritual adviser fQl.· the School Brigade at the fort, a unit comprising col­ lege graduates who enter the Army. The class was the first to be graduated from the Republic of Vietnam Military Academy.

By William H. Mooring What is Moses like with the whiskers off? Many young moviegoers, writing to agree with me that Charlton Heston really won the 1956-57 Oscar with his majestic perform­ ance in "The Ten Commandments," beg me to tell them abo u t the man himself. ' Some add "and what he has Ross and movie producer Edward to say about that Oscar." Small may fight it out between If I did not shy from per- themselves. I do not ·know. nor Ilonal palaver, I might tell you greatly care, whether Small's that Chal'lton Heston orders his film, "Monkey On My Back," tells the true story, of Barney steales "cold in,., Ross. Small says Barney okayed the middle," " ' the script. Director Andre Toth.. Which is gorily l'8re. I found claims Ross was on the studio out when 'we sets and saw the film made scena had lunch toby scene. That perhaps was the ' get her the time fOJ' him to protest. Maybe Barney could not evaluate the o the l' day. I could t est If y story until he saw it all finished that, more than on the screen. many of the movie stars, he, looks Everybody who took a hand in and speaks the same off the it must have known, however. screen as on it and that, at 32- that one sequence shows in de­ he was born in Evanston, Ill., tail, a sleazy dope-pusher giving Oct 4, 1924 _ Heston:s most Ross (Cameron' Mitchell) an striking characteristics are quiet illegal shot of morphine. This dignity. natural humor and evi- kind of thing the Treasury De­ dent emotional and intellectual partment Narcotics Division says is llklely to arouse "curiosity maturity, He talks movies more sampling" of dope by weak­ like a producer than an actor, I am therefor not surprised willed neurotics.' Then again, that he has formed, with Orson "Monkey On My Back" shows Welles as partner, a company to Ross making a relatively easy produce films in some of which aJld complete J'ecoveI'Y fI'om the they'll appeal' together. Nor was morphine habit, by "cold turkey" I surprised by his answer when withdJ:awal methods. Sure he I aiiked him how he felt about \uithes, screams. has heeby­ jeebies like a bad case of D.Ts. being so completely and unac- But it is over quickly and pre­ countably passed up by the Hol­ lywood Academy. "The most Im- sumably permanently which ex­ perts on the horrors of dope pOl'tant thing to me," he said, - addiction warn us is extermely "is that I played the part." He'd rare in real life: This makes the have felt honored by a nomina­ tion for Moses', It might have "fight" between Barney Ross and Edward Small look like pleased him greatly, to win the shadow boxing for the sake of Oscal' and get It. But as an actor, the parts given him count more publicity. It is very unimportant than academic honors. If 'the when viewed by the side of tha film public had been choosing decision which must be taken by the Oscar winner "Chuck" Hes- Hollywood at large. ton (that's what they call him Should dope films of this kind, In Hollywood) would have been be permitted at all? Or should deeply. perhaps inconsolably dis- Government experts who under­ appointed. It happens however. stand trom sad experience the that the Heston stock, alreadY gravity of increasing drug addic­ good and high, has gone much tion and who detect the enemy higher around Hollywood since sources of great volumes of n­ he put on the Moses whiskers. legally distributed narcotics, be backed by estatutory powers to Wide Range , prevent all dope films set in the I doubt that any other Holly- heroic mold?'

wood star of comparable age

would dared' play Moses. Most Priests to Study of them could not have grown

old convincinglY, to say nothing At Puerto Rico

"flEW YORK (NC)-Cardinal

about acting the part. One of Jieston's principal assets as a Spellman has announced that

atar is that he can take on a half of the 30 priests ordained

wider range' of characterizations this year for the New York arch­

than many. With his own unit. diocese will be assigned for spe­

as well as working for the big cial training to the CBtbolic Uni­

studios, he can indulge his ver­ versity of Puerto Rico, at Ponce.,

The Archbishop of New York

satility far more. At the moment he's thinking said that next fall these i5 of playing a Catholic priest who priests will join more than 100 tries to overthrow the tyranny Spanish-speaking priests already of a corrupt "city boss." There's working in New York among a controversial angle to the 500.000 Puerto Rican Catholics story. however, so Heston. al­ who have settled in the metropo­ though a non-Catholic, wishes to lis since 1947. get that ironed out before he A working acquaintance with finallY' makes up his mind. He the language and social back- , still gets oodles of compliments ground of Latin America will be (as well as a share of the profits) the primary purpose of this in­ on his "War of Major B~nson." tensive 12-week course. You'll remember he played an army officer, sent as punishment. to coach kids in a Catholic, mili­ tary academy where tiny Tim Jiovey was the "littlest soldier." Heston told me he tried for )'ears to persuade some Jiolly­ wood studio to fUm that litory. They couldn't see it. Finally Universal - Internationid, for whom he's just made "Badge ot Evil," a Mexican bordertown story did it. "The Private,War ot Major Benson" cost '$630.000, a mere trifle as feature pictures go. It was a good family picture. aleache. got the highest l'ating from the Leg'ion of Decency and ab:eady DI.lnfed. has pulled in $2.250.000. with Purifies many countries still to play. W.

need not worry too much about

that Oscar. Heston will not. He'll too busy looking out for good

At IfGUll' NeIghborhood .tol'les. Store and favorite Barney Ross Story Super-Marleet Ex-marine, ex-puglllst Barner



Korman Water

Dominican Academy , Rev. Anselm E. Vitie, O.l"., of Providence College will' preside at th!! 4~th annual Commence­ ment exercises' pf Dominican Academy, Fall River, to be held at 4 o'clock Sunday aftel'noon in the auditorium. Father Vitie will also celebrate the Commencement Mass Sun­ day moming in the, academy chapel. Parents of the graduates will attend the Mass and be guests of the class at breakfas~ in the auditorium.






Bishop Connolly blesses the corner stone of the new St. Mary's, located in the Cherry Hill Acres section. At the Bishop's right is Very Rev. John J. Shay, pastor of st. John's Church, Attleboro, one of the deacons of honor to the Bishop. Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher is pastor of st. Mary's Church.

More Conversions INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - A Catholic Census and Information program conducted early in 1956 increased by 27 per cent the number of converts in the Arch'­ diocese of Indianapolis, There were 1,729 converts in the arch­ diocese as compared with 1,351 during 1955.





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Better food at Any Price"





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Heating, Oils Ma'ke Warm Friends"



DIAL WY 8-5153.

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Special Sund.ay Dinner. In the HERRING RUNI Noon to 9:30 p.m Th~ prices are special, the food­ extra.-:...deliciolls-speciall Adulia' Dinners from $2.25, Children's Dinnen from $1.5~ • Ample Free Parkin, •

Dumont's Pharmacy Alfred A, Dumont Rei. PII. Pro".

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T.unton. l>lauaclnuelu


!Listof·Contributors to 19~7C;atholic Charities

Special Gifts Diocesa n o

$1000 Lincoln Park. $750 Fall River National Bank. $250 , The McDonald Co., Congrega­ tion of the Sacred Hearts. $200 J. L. Marshall & Sons, Inc. $150 I Holy ,Cl'oss MiSliion House. $125 In'Memory of Rev. 'Francis Maloney, Chaplain Thomas F. Daley. $100 Confirmation Class of St. The­ resa's, New Bedford; In Memory of Judge Joseph L. Hurley, L'Union St. Jean B apt i s t e. D'Amerique, Fulton Packing Co., Chaplain Francis A. Wallace'. Chaplain John F. Denehy, La­ Salette Seminary, East Brewster; S ton e hill College, LaSalette Seminary, ,Attleboro. LaSalette Shrine, Rev. Hum­ berto S. Medeiros'. ~ $75 , Rev. John F. Hogan, Rev. Ar­ thur G. Dupuis, Rev. William A. Galvin. $50 Bishop Tyler Knights of Co­ lumbus, Diocesan Guild of the Blind, O'Duggan StUdio, Walsh Brothers, R. J. Toomey·Co. ~ C. J. Heffernan," Edmand's Coffee, Rev. John J. Sullivan. $25 In Memory of Rev. James C. Conlon, Owen McGarrahan Co., In Memory of Rev. Thomas Stapleton, Joseph D. Murphy, John E.Fuyat. Rev. Philip'Ross, Rev. George 'A. Lewin. $20 Russell Macomber, Agostini Construction Co. $10 Marr Scaffolding Co., Western Waterproofing Co.

Attleboro $100 L. G. Balfour Co., A Friend, Catholic Nurses Guild of the At­ tleboro Area. $65 Mr. and MrS. Gerald Heagney. $60 Conlon & Donnelly Co., Antaya Bros. $50 M. S. Co., Catholic Women's Club, Saart Bros., Morin's Diners, Inc., Alcazaba Circle, Daughters of Isabella. Apco Mossberg Co. $35' Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Duffy. _ $25 I Foster Metal Products Co., A Friend, Charles Tomae & Son, Thomas Manning, Stephen H. Foley. Reardon & Lynch, Wells Mfg.­ Co., Leavens Mfg. Co., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaynor, Plastic craft & Novelty Co. $20 William Dunlap. $15 Vachon Service Center, Ather­ ton's. . . $10 The M F Ashley Co., GUyot Bros; Co., Inc., Pitman & Keeler, Inc., .Wilbur C. Kiff Co., B .& J Jewelry Co., Inc. Clegg Mfg. Co., Bernard Con­ nell, Connelly Gold Stamping Co., Postmaster Francis J; O'Neil,' . Pope & Read. . , Bruce & Lindstrom, Bibeault Pharmacy, Inc., Brown's Bowen Brothers, Morse Andrews Co. Reynolds &. Markman, Lon­ don's, FlOYd's, Inc., . ,Ripley & Gowen Co., Inc., Larson Tool & Stamping Co. Joseph C. Bourque, Dr. Arthur Pal'ker, The Perry Welding Shop, B: A. MacDonald Express Co.

,Fall' River $1260 Berkshire 'Hathaway, Inc. $1000 Fall River Electric Light Co.

$25 Cab and, Bus Company, Hub Advertising Co., Mr. and Mrs. Norris Tripp & Co., Inc., Mrs. John B. Waterman, Lorenzo E. Clothing, Remy Moving Com­ Ella J. Nerney, Stanley Oil Co., $750 pany. Savard. Fali River National ·Bank. In Memory of Frank E. Duffy, . Fall River Mailing Bervice, Inc., Zeitertion Realty Corp., $500 Louis A. Drape, Inc., John E. Cox Francis B. Leary, Mell Jewelry Bricklayers, Masons & Plasterers, Gerald E. McNally. Company, Sullivan Signs, Atty. CompanY,·Atty. Terrance Lomax, Union No. 39, Fish Transport, Jr., Atty, Milton A. Westgate, Inc., Browne Pharmacy, Inc., Cherry and Webb, Mr. and William E. Crowther. Mrs. Harold E. Clarkin, Mr. and . Needlecraft 'Dress Mfg. Co., Joseph A. Cohen, American Wall William J. O'Brien, Duplicating Equipment Co., Hathaway Oil Parks COlnpany, Smith Lumber Paper' Co. . Mrs. George M. MontIe. Herbert C. Eales, Inc., Dr. Co., Inc. Company,' William N. Wheelock $350 and Sons, Inc., Harold K. George W. Blood, Murray's Phar­ Acushnet Saw Mills ,Company, J & J Corrugated Box Corp. Hudner. macy, James P. Hart: . Dr. Louis Miskell, Robert C.Salt­ Catholic Women's Club of William Eaton, North End marsh, Dr. Gilbert V. Foster, Dr. $300 . Somerset Dr. John A. Arminio, Laundry, Faris Furniture Co., Ar'; Ambrose Finnell. Catholic Women's Club. A Friend. Burke Realty, Inc., Burke's, Inc., rUd'e Grocery Co., Mt. Hope Edwin Livingstone, Esq., Glen­ Textile Workers Union of Am­ Daughters ;of Isabella, Assump~Grocery. non Roofing Co., Dr. James H. erica.. tion Circle No. 74. Dixon Burial Vault Co., San- Mahoney, Dr. and Mrs. Manuel $250 Mother Catherine McAuley fold Gold Company Sousa., Dr. Orrin W. Hall, United - Arthur A. Plante & Sons, Stel­ Union Savings Bank. Guild, Daughters of Isabella, St. Auto Workers, Hiram Wheaton Patrick's Circle, Maplewood Yarn' la Anne Frocks, A & A Mfg Co., & Sons, Dr. Robert E. Durant, Citizens Saving Bank. $200 Mills, Mass. Catholic Qi'der of Anderson, Clayton & Co., Auer- Mr. Emory E. Wallace, Dr. A. H. Donnelly Painting Co. Foresters, Troy Sheet Metal bach Bathiobe Company. Collette. $184 Slater' Paper Box Co., Fall Works, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Smith, Catholic Memorial Home. ' United Rubber Workers of . River & New Bedford Express" Herman's Liquor Store, New Bed­ '$150 America No. 261 CIO, Lavoie and Fall River Radiator Wor}{s, John' ford Public Market, Hubert S. 'Kelleher, SUllivan.Funeral·Home, Mackenzie and Winslow. Hillman,' Inc:, Norman F. R. FIJmagan, Inc., A Friend. C. E. J;3eckman. .

International Ladies Garment Thompson, Isadore Setlmv ComWALE Radio Station, Freed­ Workers. pany, Ideal Bias ,Binding Com- 'man Soloff Company, Fall River Dr. ;John W. Glenn.

·Dr. A. B. Crowe, N. B. Morris $125 pany. . Florists Supply Co., August Bad­ Montaup, Sand Gravel & 'Bove Chevrolet Co" F. R. Knit- way & Sons, Standard Furniture Plan Company, Dr. M. Francis Const. Co: ,ting Mills.. Inc., St. Patrick's Co. Hinds. ,Miller Pontiac Company, D.ia.Women's Guild, Travis Fur~iture , $100 $20 mond-T Motor Sales, Pearl Wet Co., Inc. F. R.Package Stores Associa­ Continental Elastic Corpora. $20 Wash Laundry, Bayside Manu- tion, C. F. Cushing' & Son, An_ tion, RodoVSkY & O'Donoghue, Professional Pharmacy, Morris fa'cturing Co.; Arkay Pants Corp. derson & Olson, Dr. P. H. O'Con­ Small Brothers Mfg. Co., In Finance Co.,' Aaron Dashoff, Colonial Cleansers' & Dyers, nor, Dartmouth Fillet Corp. Memory of Rev. Thomas J. Sta­ Palmer .& Friedman, Economy· pleton, , Joh!} Coughlin Funeral Venturini Brothers. George Bernique & Co.,' Dr, Home. James T. Hughes Sheet Metal- Radiator Works, Wolf Credit Emil Suchnicki, Lincoln Stores, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Lajoie, Works, Atty. 'Ray C. Westgate. Jewelers, Beacon Garment, Inc. Inc., Holmes Coal Co., Dr. Joseph Prescott Jennings, Heni'y J. Fei­ John Wojtowicz, Fall River FaAvon Curtain Co., Lion Auto­ H. Gleason, Enterprise Stores, telberg, Cook Borden. & Co., per and Supply Company, Adams' motive Stores, Inc. W. T. Grant Co., Atlantic Carton South End Electrical Co. Book Store. Corp., American Flexible Conduit Knights of. Columbus ,Council . New Bedford Pacheco Brothers, Nelson R. Co. • 86, Oliver M. Cherry, Webb Oil - Cherry, Nelson's Dairy, Durfee $1,000 Atty. Charles Mitchell. Insurance Agency, T. K. Webster Company. .Theodore Loranger & Sons. , $15 In Memorial of Rev. George B, Co., I n c . , I $500 Cornish & Co., Inc., Dr. Harold H.. Schwartz and Sons,' Inc., McNamee" James . W~ Kearns, First Safe Deposit National Goulston, Dahil Co., New, Bed­ Carey· Construction Co., Bmdy Sears Roebuck Company! Bank. ford Typographical Union No. Electrical Supply Co., WSAR Ra­ $15 276 Gollis Men's Apparel, R. J. $300 dio Station. Wilson E. Hughes, M.D., J. J. Saltmarsh. A Friend. Newberry & Co., A Friend, Rob­ . $.75 Dr. and Mrs, Curtis Tripp. $250 Atty. & Mrs. John J. Harring­ Inson Tree Service, R. E. Smith, $10 Mr. Michael J. Leahy, naw­ ton, S. S. Kresge Co. ,Co., St. Vincent de Paul Society, son's Brewery, Catholic Women's Tiberii Florist, Goodhue Lum. Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. R. St. Mary's Cathedral, William F. Club. bel', Mrs. Etta Kroudvird, N. A~ Buffinton, Dr. Morris Ferresten. Staples, Massasoit Manufactur­ Textile Corp., F. W. Woolworth $158 $70 1ng . Co., Wilfred J. Gingras. and Company. Our Lady's Haven Guests.' Alpert Brothers, Ralph E. Borden and Remington. Arthur Goldy's Sheerin Elec. $100 . '$60 Loper Company, Troy Clothing Monte's, Inc.~ J. F. St. Aubin . tric Company, Fishermen Pier Specialties Company, 'Modern Henry J. Duffy Pharmacy. $50 Furniture Company, Fall River Company, Berkshire Hathaway, No.3, BuHaing and Construction 1.eonard Walsh, Atty. and Mrs. and New Bedford Bottling Works. Inc., Dr. Arthur Buckley, Dart­ Trades Council, Frates Dairy Co. Calvin Clothing Company, Dr. James H. Kenyon, Corcoran SuP­ Reliable Sportswear, J. M. mouth Textile Corp. Riverside Development Corp., Robert Rosenberg, F. S. Bright. ply Co:, Fall River Emblem Club, Darling Jr., Terminal Bakery, Atty: Francis' A. D,oyle, Atty. man Company, Hawthorne Shop. John P. Slade and Son. Dr. Paul P. Dunn. Gerald' P. Walsh" White's Farm Harpoon Harmonizers - S.P.E,B.• Bishop James E. Cassidy Coun­ Modern Shoe Store. eil No. 3669, Knights. of Colum­ Dairy, The Charles F. Wing Co. S.Q.S.A. $10 , bus, MI'. and Mrs. Thomas Hud- , Am: Federation of Musicians New Bedford Defense Products,

ner, Carmelite Sisters for the A Friend, Dr. Henry C. Lawson, Universal Roofing & Sheet Metal Local No.' "214, Journeymen Aged, Catholic Memorial Home, Central' Lunch, August Hebert, & Co.

Plumbers Union No. 53, Novick: Charles P. Ryan, Hoffman Lion Son, Joseph Cabrall Roofing. New Bedford and Acushnet Jewelers, Dr. Clarence A. Le­ Seal Sac, inc., James Kane, Cooperative Bank, New Belford Blanc, Dr. Harry F. Noyer. Mills Co. Louis Hand, Inc., J. Whitney John W. Cain & Son" Lavoie's Five Cent Savings Bank. Cussell's Cleaners & Dyers, Dr'. $95 , Bowen, Pacific oii Company, Monte's Jewelry Store. Russell Wood, Dr. Clarence E. F. R. Glass Co., Sanitar,y~LaunClover Club of Fall River, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burt, Everett H. Corson, Donat Katherine Crosson. ~ dry, Inc." Atty. and Mrs. Isadore Freitas. -Bourassa. John F. McMahon 'and Sons, Levin, Dr. H. Stuart Seglin, John, Atty. Henry A. "Bartkiewlcz, J. $50 Inc., Ashworth Bros., Inc., C. J. F.Doyle Contracting Co. Mr. Hyman Krivoff, Andrew P. J. Duggan Roofing,Co., Dr. An­ Leary and Sons, Inc., Mr. and Loring Studio, Esther's Beauty Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. thony Carvalho, Samuel Lipman. Mrs. Everett B. Mills, John' F. Shop, MOl1roe Electric shpply & Francis, DeBrosse Oil Company, Attorney, M. David Scheinman. Stafford and Company. Hardware Co.,. Cotton Club, Leigh Textile Gompany. . Attorney. Sacred Hearts Academy, Corri­ Ann 'Dale Products, Inc., Ma­ Ideal Sales Co., Inc., Lawrence U. B. of C. and J. of America­ thieu Coal and pil CompanY"Dr. gan Apothecary Corp. Local Union 1416, DI;. Stanley B. Maxfield, Little Bay Super Thomas Abbott, Chace Mills Koczeril., John I. Pauling, Inc., ·.Market, Mac's Tire & Rim William Freeman; William Stang Assembly-Knights of Columbus, . Curtain. Co., Franco American Babbitt Steam Specialty Com­ Service, Ressco. Women'l"Club, Inc., F. R. Chap- pany, Wilfred Brimley. Norman F. Hochu. ' Dr. A. L. Brunelle, New Bed­ tel' Pro~idence College: Alumni Edward Brayton, Judge Bea­ General Plastering and Tile' ford Emblem Club No. 75, States trice Hancock .Mullaney, Manuel Association, Universal CIT Credit' Company, Dr. Wilfred Rousseau, Nitewear Co., Dr. Albert Sterns, : Rogers and Sons, Mellen Hotel. Corporation.' Dr. James Manley, N. B. Joint Paul Smith Insurance Agency. Grand Central' Market. Odias Board Textile \Vorkers Union of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mona':' A. D. 'McMullen, Inc., Miss ghan; Jr., White's Dining Room Dumont, Hathaway !lond Davis, ' America, Michael. C. Austin. Alice Kelleher, Russell, Milhench and White Spa:- Caterers. Frank Feitelberg, Tri City Office M. J. Curran Express Co., & Harrison, Inc., Dr. Paul F. D & D Sales & Service, Inc. ,Equipment Corp. \ Philipp J. Kane, Inc. Walsh, Dr. Herschel Heinz. '$35 Alfred S. Sherwin, W. T. Grant Eastern Electric Co., Inc.,. Blue' Dr. A. Senesac, Dr. and Mrs., Richard K. Hawes. Co., Bill Howard, J. N. Gendreau, Ribbon Laundry~ James J. McKenna, Dr. William Regal Floor C:overin'g, Building Inc. $40 W. Nelson, Mendes Barber Shop. Materials Company, Maple Street Elena Frocks Inc., Frank S. Dr. John Dias. O'Donnell Funeral Home.· Laundry. Mooarty, Feldman Brothers, $35 Keith's Ice Cream Co., Inc.• $25

Federation of Cercles Lacordaire Acushnet Fish Corp., Building Joseph Blum, Abetta Sportswear, . Cascade Drug Co., National & Ste. Jeanne D'Arc, Inc., Brick­ . Materials. Barnet & Barnet. Contracting Co., F. R. Permanent layers, Masons, Plasterers InterFiremen's Benefit Assn., Patrick national Union No. 11. ~. McGowan, A Friend. M &G Sportswear, Inc., Gale .. F. R. ·News Co., Inc., Eagle Motors, Inc., Nathan Miller & Finance Co., St.. Williams Wom- Sons, Jos'e ,F. Noverca, First .en's Guild, Mr. and Mrs. Michael SportSwear Co. ~ F. Fitzgerald,' John Simpson. . CHfford E; Smith; Thomas J. 8'80 SOUTH 'MAIN. ST. :.... FALL RIVER . J. Fred Beckett &' Son, ,Albert . Ashton & Son; Star Mafket, Mt. a. Pierce, David Lash, Letendre' St. Mary 'Alumnae Association;· & Boule Wholesale Grocers. Dr. Benjamin Leavitt. Smith Electrical Supply Co.; , Green' "-Storage Warehouse, James N. Buffinton and Co~ Colonial Wholesale Beverage pany, 'Lamport Company, Ad-Corp., Ste. Anne's Hospital ,Safe''Y.Tes.ted US.edCars vance FroCks; Inc.; S. A. Ross' 'Nurses .Alumnae; Luso-American

Manufacturers Realty. ' Macaroni Mfg. Co., Paul McCabe.

Telephone OSborne 8~5236. Atty. James Seligman, Car- ' Bobby ~ Jay Sportswear Co.,

pentel's-'Union 'No~ 1305, Cozy Irving Wagner, Fall River Poster


A Friend.







The Infinite Life of God As Seen in The Gospels By F. J. Sheed

God· is a living God. But what does His life consist of? It is hard to phrase the question, so little accustomed are we to thinking about this particular matter. Just as we ask what aman does with his time, so we may ask what does God do with His etern­ ity. What does He do with· thew's Gospel, a third is brought Himself? He is not infinitely In, still within the oneness­ idle: what is His life-work? "Baptizing them in the name of We might be tempted to say that He runs our universe. and leave it at that. But, of course. we cannot leave it at that. Running a fi­ nit e universe could never be the whole life­ .work of an in­ finite Be i n g. The universe seems vast to us; it is not vast to Him. He made it of nothing; He need not have made it at all. We may think of It as a side-line for God, not the main thing. If one were to describe Shakespeare as an actor, It would be true but it would leave out his supreme work, which was the writing of plays. That God runs our uni­ verse is true; but that could not be His life-work. What is? Knows and Loves Let us concentrate on the two groot operations of spirit. God knows infinitely and loves infi­ nitely. What does He love with His infinite loving-power? Al­ most instinctively we answet· "Man." And this, thank God, is true. But, for the reason we have already seen. it cannot be the main truth. Finite creatures are no adequate object fOt· infinite love-we cannot comprehend it, we oonnot return it: and, once again, we need not have existed. Is infinite love never to find an object worthy of It? We might say that God loves Himself; but, whatevet' light this might bring to the great theolo­ gian, there would be something a little depressing in it for the av­ erage Christian: the notion of Ood, solitary In eternity. loving Himself with all His might would not stimulate our own spiritual lives much. And indeed man­ kind has almost invariably found soemthing frightenh~g In the sol­ itary God; it was to escape from that feal: that the pagans invent­ ed their many gods. A God with companions of his own sort was not so frightening. God Is One God. Their desire to find compan­ ionship for God was a true in­ sight; their solution was wrong. It was left to Christ OUt' Lord to I'eveal to us that there Is com­ panionship within the one di­ vine Nature-not a number of Oods, but three Persons within the one God.. It is In the knowl­ edge and love of the three Per­ sons that the divine life Is lived. And Chrisr our LOt'd wants to admit us to the knowledge of It. As we read the Gospels, we find Our Lord saying something new about God-there are hints· and foreshadowings of it in the Old Testament. but certainly no statement. Alongside His insis­ tence that God is one, there is a continual reference to some sort of plurality, There Is no water­ ing-down, of course. of the strictest monotheism-Out' Lord quotes from the Old Testament "Hear, 0 Israel, the Lord thy Ood is one. God." But there Is a new element of more-than-one­ ness, which still leaves the one­ ness utterly perfect. lIo1y Spirit

Matthew (xI.27) and. Luke (x.22l give us one phrase:.· "No one knoweth' the Son but the Father; and no one knoweth the Father but the Son .. ,": here are two persons put on one same lev­ el. "I and the Father are one" (John x.30): ·they are two per­ lions. yet one. At the very end of St. Mat­

WY 6-8867





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~~:~laM a~all;~: ·';:;.;;';~.d:g~]1

Perpetual Remembrance In Dally Mass

1957, graduated from Mercy Hos­ pital, Dallas, Pa., May 24th, 1957. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beleskl, 58 Washing­ ton Street, Fall River, Eileen was a member of the National Federation of Catholic StUdents; the college sodality; the College Students Mission Crusade. Miss Beleski was an active member of the Thespian Club and the Forensic Club while at College Misericordia. Miss Beleskl was awarded Q four-year tuition scholarship to College Misericordia on the ba­ sis of a competitive examination held by the college.

The Living and Deceased May Be Enrolled. Illuminated Certificate

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572 Pleasant St. New Bedford



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New Bedford






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A Living Rosary ceremony was portrayed on the lawn of St~ An­ thony rectory. Fairhaven. by Ing and designing. Asslsliant ed­ Father Damien Council. Knights Itor-in-chlef of Alethea, the col­ of Columbus. under the direc­ lege yearbook, Miss Markland has tion of Rev. Damien J. Veary. been a member of Kappa Sigma. SS. CC., pastor of the church Phi Sorority; on the staff of and chaplain of the Council. Participating organizations al­ Distaff. the college neWSlmper,­ so included Children of the Con­ and a member of Beaux Art fraternity of Christian Doctrine, Club.

Children of Mary. the First Com­ munion Class and McM-ahon As­ Sheila Isabel kt,,<P'.;;:':;

. sembly, Fourth Degree K. of ·C. Higgins, daugh­

of New Bedford. ter of Mr. and

Rev. Jerome Lane, SS. CC., was Mrs. Charles J.

celebrant at Solemn Benediction, Higgins of 677

with Rev. Leo King, SS. CC., as New Bos ton

deacon and Rev. Matthew Sulli­ Road, will be

van, SS. CC., as subdeacon. The graduated Sun­

sermon was preached by Rev. day with B.S.

Norbert McCarthy, SS. CC. degree In edu­

The girls' choir of St. Mary's cation from Fitchburg State

Home, New Bedford, also partici­ Teachers College. Miss Higgins. pated. who has accepted a teaching po­

The· service was arranged sition in the Middletown school through the cooperation of Fath­ system, has been treasurer of er Damlen, Sisters of St. Mary's Home. Sisters of Sacred Hearts the Philodemic Society. chair-. of Fairhaven, McMahon Assem­ man of Miller Hall social com­ bly, John Steele of St. Isidore mittee, a member of the New­ Council, K. of C, Chairman Rich­ man Club, Women's Athletic As­ ard Ward of the Catholic Action Committee and Grand Knight sociation, and Outing Club.

Alban Duschesneau. Mary An.

nunciata Call-a­

han, d'aughter

of Mr. (lnd Mrs.

Thomas E. Cal­

lahan, 59 Ly­

ons Street, was

graduated from·

University 0 f


with a degree of B.A., maJormg

In education. During the year

she was on the dean's list. She

has been a member of the Edu­

cation Club, Psychology Club,

Newman Club, Carnival Com­

mittee, Parents' Weekend and

Senior Banquet committees.

Eileen N. Be­ leskl was grad­ The Perfect Gift uated with a for Your Loved Ones Bachelor of Sci­ ence degree' in Nursing E d u ­ cation fro m College Miseri.

s. .'



Five members of the Class of 1953, Mt. St. Mary Acad­ emy, Fall River, have earned college degrees and five other members, who entered the Religious Sisters of Mrcy, are candidates for degrees,' four· in the educational fiel.d and one in nursing.

Margaret Jane Donnelly, daughter 0 f ~f Mrs. Se.rah L.ti Donnelly, 182: Locust Street. b. received a B.S. l'h degree In ele~ the Father. and the Son, and of mentary educa- ."".,.. . t10n from Col- ~E, . the .Holy Splrit"-three persons, lege Misericordia, Dallas, Pa. but with one name. one nature Miss Donnelly won a four-year therefore since God names things college 'scholarship on the basis for what they are. of competitive College Entrance This combination of one and Board and special examInations more-than-one is most fully evi­ from the college. dent in the four chapters-four­ Miss Donnelly, who has ac­ teen to seventeen-in which St, John tells of the Lalit Supper. cepted a teaching 'position on (Everyone who Is taking this Long Island, has been vice-presi­ course seriously should read those dent of the Future Teachers As­ chapters again and again; there sociation has held the offices is no exhausting their richness,) of president, vice-president, sec­ What Is especially to be noticed retary and treasurer of the Alpha Beta (elementary education is a kind of "interchangeable­ club); president of her class; on ness," Thus when Philip the Apostle the staff of '''Misericordia'', the . says (John xlv.8) "Let us see the college newspaper; a member of Father," Our Lord answered: the National Federation of Cath­ "Whoever has seen me has seen olic College Students. the col­ lege sodality, mission club, ath:' the Father," Similarly Our ~ord says that let association. varsity hockey. He will answer .our prayer (John intramural sports, dramatic club, xiv.14) and that His Father will and an active member of the Christian Doctrine (John xvi.23); that He will send Catholic the Holy Ghost (John xlv.7) Apostolic Group. Jean Marie and that His Father.wlll (John Caya, daughter ( xlv.16). In the doctrine of the Blessed" of Mr. and Mrs. :. Caya, Trinity all these phrases fall George 177 N ash u a miraculously Into place. Street, received an A.B. degree Estimated 4 Million

In sociology. from Salve Re­ Alcoholics ·in U. LACONIA mC) - There are gin a College, .!,1ki,:,d~tt.:i,}::f:':::';il four million alcoholics in the Newport,R. 1. Winner of a full United States, Father ·C. Ford. four-year tuition scholarship on S.J.. of Weston (Mass,) College the basis of a, Competitive Col­ lege Entrance BOoard examina­ said here. Addressing the third annual tion, Miss Caya was editor-In­ spring conference of the Laconia chief of Regina Maris, yearbook Committee on Alcoholics, the of the college: vice-president and Jesuit priest salt!: "We, as a na- . charter member of Sigma Phi Sigma, Mercy Honor System; tlon, do not seem to have success­ .fully Integrated drinking of al­ president of Le Cercle Francais coholic beverages into our Ameri­ during her sophomore year and can culture. The true- alcoholic a ·member of the club for fOUl' always has an excuse for his ac­ years; on the staff of Ebb Tide, the college newspaper; a member tion, as a 'nerve steadier,' for in­ of Catholic Kappa Gamma PI stance, and likes to think- of him­

(National Honor Society); vlce­ self as able to .'take it or leave president of her class in her It: "

sophomore year: secretary of the Alcoholism is a three-fold Student Body and Student problem-sickness of body, mind Council during her junior yoor. and soul-and very few alcohe­ Jean Chris­ lies ever change, unless their tine Markland. heart Is touched, the prle"t de­ daughter of Mr. clared. and Mrs. John Fatllet' Ford. who has studied Markland, 5 0 the problem of alcoholism for 10 Warren Street. years, added that if a person graduated from wishes to restrict his drinking to Bradford Dur­ true moderation, he should do fee College of so through scientific facts and Tee h no logy spiritual principles. with a B.S. in ~ashion, iIlustrat­ Father Ford's ~ recently pub­ lished book, "Man Takes a You'll '?nll In I.ove 'Vltb Drink," suggests such an ap­ NORMAND'S DONUTS proach. .

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.....,....... ~.


,­ New Bedford $10 Pothier Monument Co., Feder­ al Motor Transportation Co.• Qllver Sportswear Co.• Knowles Loom Reed Works, Thomas W. Croacher Estate. Sidney's Depilrtment Store,-Dr. Lawrence Luby, H. Witkind, George Law. Carmelite Sisters. Our Lady's Haven,. Mrs. Mary A. Walsh. De­ Wolf & Vincent, J. W. Durant Co.; Inc., White Cottage Ice . Cream, Inc., St. Eulalia Court, M.C.O.F. No. 164, Dr. Franklyn Berry, Loretta . Hat' Shop, Brenneke's Pies, Ed­ ward G. McBride. Dr. Eli Nochimow, Edward Whitehead, RusseIl H.' Macom­ ber, Union Liquors Co.. Poor Brothers-Jewelers. Mutter Perl Foundation. . Steamfitters & Helpers Union. Standard Ele'ctric Co., A Friend. Paramount Pharmacy. Dr. Har­ old Cantor, Martin Sullivan. Israel Yarchin-Union Foodland. Lincoln Pharmacy. Dr. Stanton Bellnkoff. L. Grossman & Sons. Dr. John W. Bermingham. Atty. George L. Nowell. Louis Herman. Corrreia & Sons. Tripp & Taber. Dr. Carl· Persons.

North Attleboro $50 Evans Case Co.. The Rome Restaurant. $25 Albert A. Morawski. Lavery I Irvine Co., Walter H. Murphy.. $15 .Johnson Brush Co. $12.50· North Attleboro Gas Co. $10 B. & L Cleansers. Westcott Construction Co.. Harvey Gay. Excel Rosary & Novelty Co.• A Friend. Eugene W. Campbell:

Taunton $50 Katherine Maloney. $25 The Casey Family. $20 Catherine Brady, Mary Mc Lear, 'Sara Maloney. . $15 Dennis McSweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy. \ $10 Mrs. Mary Moriarty.


$2ft '

Mr. and 'Mrs. :JosephA. 'King. Dr. Frederick Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bell. $10 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bou­ cher, Raymond Cooney. Mr. and Mrs. John Dean. Theresa La­ Ninia, M!lry Levis. Joseph Masterson, Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Corinne Riley. Kathryn ;Stokes. ST. JOSEPH'S

$200 . Rev. Ubalde Deneault. $50 Rev. Henry R. Canuel. $10 . Herbert Lavigueur. Alfred Veillette, Wilfrid Morin, Armand Boucher, Theodule Mandeville. Hubert Lavigueur. Laudia Fitz­ gerald. Dr. Samuel - Brown, B 0 u 1 e Funeral Home. ST. TlIERESA'S

$200 Rev. Gerard J. Chabot. $150' Pau~ Bradley.,.­ . $75 Rev. Roger L. Gagne. $50 Donald Boardman. , $15 Louis McBride. Leo Lyons. $10 George, O'Brien. John Drew. N e Iso n r Roy, Roy- Langlois. George Dennett'. Andrew Brady, Rene Therrien. John Plath, Elizabeth' Murphy. Gerald Brogran. John Bourque; George St. Ger­ main. Frederick Blythe. John Kenny. Walter Donaro­ wicz; .Mlchael, Arata. Louis'Thi­ .bodeau, Joseph Urbank. ~ Walter Delucie Claire Board­ man, George Boyd, Confraternity of Christian 'Mothers, Nobert McKenna. ' Vincent Andrews, Thomas Higgins. Robert Hannaway. Levi Monast, James Dwver. Henry Lamoht~gneL William Howland, Andrew Charron. Cle-, ment Duclos, Edward Duclos. M~·s. Mary Slosek.





Rev. David O'Brien.


A Friend, A Friend, St. Vin­ cent de Paul Conference. A Friend. Thomas 'Masterson Jr.. John ) Bosnengo. Oyster Bar. $20 Assonet Mrs. Albert Pye. Mr. and Mrs. ST:BERNARJl)'S Eugene Sweeney. $100 $10 Rev. John E. Boyd. A Friend. the Fay Family. $50 Rev. Adalbert Szklanny, The Captain and Mrs. D. -E. Kue­ brich. Damon Hatch. Buzzards Bonvie Family. Margaret Mol­ tenbrey, Richard and Joanne Bay Theatre: Theatre Packllge Store, White Drew. Rabbitt. Caldara's Bait & Boat $25 Shop, Bolles' Package Store, Bak­ , A Pl,'lrishioner. err's Store. $20 A. Clayson Tucy. Frank B. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Mullaly. Cook, Onset Package Store. Inc.• , $10 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brown. Mr. Wld Mrs. H. Gibson. E. W-: -, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan. Douglas. Tucey Bros" Annie L. Eldridge, Eldridge Lumber -Co., Mr. and Attleboro Mrs. Gordon Oliosi, In Memol'J, HOLY GHOST

of .Elizabeth Jane Howard. In $100 "

Memory of Margaret C. Cook. Manuel Castros.

C. J. Hart, Camille R.Remll­ $75

, lard, John B. Bourne, Kenneth Rev. Cornelius J. O'NeilL

. A. i..uce, Thomas Masterson Sr., $50 Oulllette Raymond. Central 'Village $10 ST. JOHN '.rHE BAPTIST Homer Clifford, Irene Rich';' $150 ardson. Rev. James E. McMahon. The Martins Family. $25 ST. JOIllN'S Casimire M. Bartkiewicz. $500 "" $iO Rev. John J. Shay.. Donald F. Sandberg'. Bernard $100 T. Kelly. Robert A. Alpaneze. Mr. Fred Bullock. J~hn .Costa Jr., Andrew Perry. $75 M~nuel. Vincent. Rev. James F. McCarthy. $70 Chatham Dr. and Mrs. Vincent O;Don­ 1lI0LY REDEEMER nell. , $60 $25 Nickerson Lumber Co., Doane Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy Jr. and Beal. , $30 Rosemary Casey. Mrs. Alice Stobbs. $20 $25' A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Corbett. .Edmund Henry. Mr. and Mrs.' Moye. $15 Wllliam Rellly. Mr. and Mrs. John Cavanaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Niquette Jr

Po rish Gifts



Thurs., lune 6, 1957

$10 Mr. and Mrs. Connely, A Friend, J. Thomas. Haley. Earl Hunt, A ~riend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gleason. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Phillips.

1l)~9hton ST. PETER'S

$125 'j Rev. James F, McDermott, ,~5()


Arnold, Hoffman & Co., Inc. $25 Mrs. Josephine Haggerty. $10 Joseph Dionne, Henry J, Kee­ nan, Dr. Charles M. Eouza.

Edgartown ST. ELIZABETH'S,

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Harring-­ tob, Mrs. J'osephine HurlEy. . $15 Lillian and Nellie O'Hearn, Helen and Irene Wallace. $10 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Adam.' Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Benevides and Family, Mr. and Mrs. George Biltcliffe, Mrs. Cathe.rine Brahy. MargGret E.. Campbell. ' Robert Coggeshall, The Corky .Row Club, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cournoyer, Angela Cyr, James Dacey. Edward Darcy Mr. And Mrs. MGnuel Estrella' arid daughter, CatheI;ine and Anne Breheney. Helen Goff and Mary Shea. ,James Harrison: Marie Hurley, Mrs. Rose Kldd, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manning, the Martin Family, John Mc­ Greavy. ' Catherine Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. . Harold Nagle, the Nagle - Fam­ ily, Mary Nelligan, Mrs. James A. O'Brien Sr. In Memory of Mrs. Mary E. Simpson, Agnes Tunney, in Memory of Ellen A. Walsh.

$50 . Mr. and Mrs. Donald A.' Eeru­ be. Harborside Inn.' £25 BLESSED SACRAMENT St. Elizabeq1's Guild. .$100 . $50 In Memory of John D. :Flynn,. . Rev. Eugene Dion. $50 Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher. Rev. Roland B. Boule. . William P. Silva, Connod' Mar­ $10 ket. 0

Bertha Brault.


Emile Laferriere.

George T. Silva, M. V.' Co­ ESPDRITO SANTO operative Dairy, Corinne's Beau­ $300 ty Shop. Rev. John V. Resendes.

$10_ $10 ,AI's Package Store, Colonial Antonio V. Miranda, Jordan Drug Store, Edgartown' Drug • Store, Roland Authier, Mr. and Medeiros. 1Il0LY NAME

Mrs. George F. Lane. $250 Mr. and Mrs. John 'F. Madeir­ Mrs. William Sherry. os, Irene B. Henley, Mr. and Mrs. $.125

Frank C. Mello, Mrs. Esther Dr. and Mrs. Da,.niel Gallery. _ Johnson, Colonial Iml, Mrs. Ed­ $100 ward J. Tully.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Donovan, Anna R Flynn.

'Dr. and Mrs. Harry !,owers, ·Mr. Anthom~ Duarte.

and Mrs. William A. Torphy. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Giblin. fairhaven $50 ST. JOSEPH'S Rev. Donald A. Couza, Dr. and $100 Mrs. FranCis J. D'Errico, Mr. and Gerrett Schuler, Donald C. Mrs. Joseph Phelan. Oswald. Mr. and Mrs. LeWis Morley, $50

Mr. and Mrs. JamesE. Bullock. John Correia DeMello.'

$35 Edward L. Soares.

Mr.' and Mrs. Edward J. $25 , Delaney. James Muldoun,' Charles Pit­ $25 tIe. Dr. A. J. Mullen, James Mr. and Mrs. John E. McDer~ Dunn, Braga Family. mott, Mr. and Mrs. Leo;Berube. $20 Mr. and Mrs. David Boland, Dr. Denis Brault, David Fitz­ Helena Sullivan.' Mr. and Mrs. gerald. ' -Roger Ferreira. $15 In Memory of Irene E. Davitt, Dr. Bernard F. CaITer., Alfred Mr. and Mrs. J. Burke Shay. Raymond, Joseph C. Perry. $20 $10 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kelley Louis B. Gold, Anthony De Jr., Dr. and Mrs. James Sulllvan. Terra, -N,B.C. Construction Com­ Mr. and 'Mrs. G. Richard pany, Joseph A. Saladino; Bessie Duffy. Noland. $15· James Lanagan, Earl Dias, The Madden Family, Mrs. John B. DaVidson, Edmund Elli­ Thomas F. and Eiieen Higgins, son. John Black, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Heaney. Mr. and Mrs. Hogan. F. R. Dr. and Mrs. John Partridge. Perry Family, Regan ~ Stiles $12 .Family, Doucette-Murphy. John Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stafford Saunders. , Sr., Mrs. Julius Cohen. Edward Szeliga, George Quinn. $10 Frederick Quirk, Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lynch, Helen Jackson, Bissaillon Family. The Nash Family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Donaghy, Joseph Kobak, Matthew Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Marjorie Carey, Mary L. Daley, Francis 'Crosson, Gertrude BoDr. E. Vogt., land. ' . Edward Kenny, Val Archam­ Mrs. Lester' Osborne, Mr. and bault, Joseph Sullivan, In ,Memo­ Mrs. Thomas Brindley, Mr. and ry of E. J. Boland. Mrs. Anthony Keramis.. Mr. and ,Joseph Rezendes, Thomas A. Mrs. David "A. J. Burns. Mrs. Rielly, Amelia Texeira. Henry F. Shea. , ST. MARY'S Austin McAulif~e. Mr. and .. $10 , Eugene Caron, Edmund Pat­ naude, William Boyle, Al and Phylas Bakery. ' . I SACRE][)' HEARTS

• $50

A Friend,

Fall River




$250 Rev. Arthur W. Tansey. $75 Rev. Alfred J. Gimdreau, Rev. Walter A. SUllivan, Rev. Paul F. McCarrick. $25 Mrs. Catherine Connell, Alice and John E. Fitzpatrick. Rose and Mary Hurley, M. Olive Noble, GertrUde O'Loughlin. . Hedwig V. Poveda, Amelia and Ann Standish. $20 Mrs. Henry Dailey and Family.

Mrs. Edward Warwick, Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Cooper, Marion Foley. $10 William S. Lynch, M. Doris, Sullivan, Andre Guy Sirois, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Sears, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bunting, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Couto. Mary and Anne Hampston, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nasser, Mr. and Mrs. Russell McDermott. Katherine Battersby. Mr. and Mrs.' James Davitt. Mr. and Mrs.l'Herve Bernier, Mrs. Mary Skehan, Mr. and Mrs. Ev­ erett q. Crowley. HOlLY ROSARY

$200 Rev. Joseph R. Pannoni.


In Memory of Dr. Antonio S. Ventura, Robert L. Germane. $35 Made Rite- 'Potato Chip Co.•

Jnc. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mazzoni. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patota. $10 John DeNadal, Confraternity of Holy Rosary. The Belmont Family. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION

$250 Rev. Felix S. Childs. &50 Ca'tholic Student's Council. Rev. Robert L. -Stanton. Rev. Paul G. Connolly. ' $25

- Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNally. $20

Mr. and Mrs. Jose Borges.


Thomas P. Heaney lind Fam'i1y, George Bolger.


Eli Barnaby, Eugenia Coffey, Elizabeth Doherty, Mary Griffin, Grace P. Holden. ' Robert McMillan, Eileen Mc­ Nally, Charles Ney, Mary Ney, Thomas Tracey. John R., Williamson. Margaret Williamson. _ . Eli Barnaby.> Everett Lafleur, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Money. Michael P. Rya,n. Mrs. Clarence P. Sulllvan. Mary Whitehead. Mrs: Clara. Whitehead, Louise Sullivan. Raymond Driscoll. NOTRE DAME· DE LOURDES

$500 ' Rev. Alfred Bonneau.


Dr. Willlam Boudreau.


Rev. Gerard Boisvert. Dr. Jos­ eph Fournier. Rev. Roger P. Poirier. $25 , Dr. Adelard Demers Jr.• Octave O. Desmarais, Homer Goddu. Robert Phenix.


Dr. Roland Chouinard.

'Mrs. Antonio Lagasse, Antonio. Lagasse. $15 Dr. Maurice Demers. Joseph N. Gendreau Family. . $12 Marie Anne Clement and Helena Chace, Henri Ouelette. $10 Alfred T. Bouchard. Paul Coui·chaine. Armand Dallaire, Ferdinand Francoeur, Anne Ma­ rie Masse. Mary Bouliot, Annette Fl'ascatore. Max Zand. Mr.' and Mrs. Alfred Brodeur, M1'. and Mrs. Armand Brodeur, Hormidas Dupuis Family, Mr. and Mrs. Loretta Fuller. o


Specialists In

Special Floral Arrangements

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~lQI:r~hly Fear


Old Age

THI AHCIHOR­ Thurs.. June 6. 1957 .

Li'felsOnly Piigrimage

Nun Is First Woman Medal Recipient

To Eternal Happiness '

NEW YORK (NC) - Sister 'Mary Emil of Marygrove College. 'Detroit. became the first woman to be awarded the De Ill. Salle Medal by Manhattan College. The Immaculate Heart of Mar y nun was voted the award for her work with thtt Sister Formation Conference. a committee of the College and. , University Department of the National Catholic Educational Association. The conference seeks to pl'omote the ad:vance­ ment of the religious, cultural and professional formation of Sisters 0ll pre-serVice and In­ service levels.

By Donald McDonald In one of the recent issues of "This Week," the Sun­ day newspaper supplement, there appeared a feature ar­ ticle (~ntitled "143 Ways to Stay Young." The vice-president in charge of brainstorming at Bat­ ton, Barton, Durstine & Os­ born advertising agency had let's-pretend-were-youthful- re­ called in a team of brain­ gime is that it does. not square stormers and in one hour he with reality. It is a fake world had collected more than 200 sug'gestions on ways and means of s t a yin g young, "This Week" selected 143 of the ·'bf;:st" i d 'e a s and published $) t h e m . - ~,,', Of co u l' s e, there were some amusing' suggestions, like "G 0 t o t h e Grand Canyon and see What it means to be 1'eally old," Before Theil' l.'ime But the intent of the piece and the reason for its publication were deadly serious, simply be­ cause a lot of people are appar­ ently deadly serious, almost grim, 1n their fierce and fearful desire to "stay young" forever. A week before its "143 ways" article, the same sllpplement pubHshed a 20­ question 'quiz to help readers determine whether they are "Growing Old Before Theil' Time," Not too long ago,' we used to 1'ead articles almost every week telling us "How to Grow Old Gracefully." Apparently this do­ 1t-yourself project failed for the 1'eason that the fearful ones gag­ ged on the stark idea of "growing old" and couldn·t progress be­ yond that brutal fact to an ex­ amination of how to manage the thing gracefully. So, of late, we have been get­ ting a steady diet of more palat­ able fare. We are now given recipes for "staying young," an immensely more attractive dish than "growing old gracefully." Fading Beauty

we 'have built and, if we can believe modern psychiatrists, halt the emotional and mental insta­ bilities in modern life are caused by the 'construction of these fake little worlds and our refusal to live in the real world. Meaning of Life , We can best ,get at the secret of "how to face hfe realistically," by taking a look at some who have succeeded. Some of the happiest, most "gracefully" old people I know are nuns and priests who have retained, with­ out consciously trying, the au­ thentically youthful spirit. This is true not simply because the Religious are free from the dictates of the conventional vanities. It is more fundamentai­ ly because the Religious under­ stand- the meaning of, life and the basically non-terminal na­ ture of death.

Scarcity of Priests

Cited by Vincentian

TO NEW POST: Msgr. Joseph McGeough of New York, is pictured following a private audielJ.ce granted him by His Holiness Pope Pius XII in Vatican City. Msgr. Mc­ Geough, Holy See's first internuncio to Ethiopia, under new Vatican ruling, was not named Archbishop, but hav­ ing all episcopal privileges, departed for Addis Ababa after _conferring with the Pope. NC Photo.

Chl'istian Pilgrimage

This understanding and this realism is not limited' to Reli­ gious, but it is most consistently and conspicuously found in Re­ ligious. Not the least of the hazards of the lay state in life is the contagion of naturalism in the world, the infectious assump­ tion (in all phases of life) that eadhly existence to which man can lay claim. The fnature Christian knows otherwise. The mature Christian 1s not ovel;joyed at the thought of death, but he is not crushed by it, either. The mature Christian is not perfectly happy, but he is remarkably close to being per­ fectly serene. The mature Chris­ tian does not neet "143 ways to stay young:" he knows that "young" and "old" "are terms which have meaning only 1n time, whereas he is on a pilgrim­ age to the timeless where there are neither the young nor the old, but only the childlike.

Dan Cunha to Head Athletic Association ALBANY (NC)-Dan Cuhna, assistant director of athletics at Siena College here, has been elected president of the Middle Eastern Catholic College Athletio Association, succeeding Don Ken­ nedy of St. Peter's College, Jersey City. Also elected was vice president Jimmy McDermott, athletic dir­ ector at lona College, New Ro­ chelle, who replaces Tommy Ni­ land, LeMoyne College, Syracuse. Re-eleeted were Danny Lynch, director of athletics at'St, Fran­ cis College, Brooklyn" secretary­ treasurer and Don Zirkel, sports publicist at St. Peter's, historian. Mr. ZirkeL is on the staff of the Tablet, newspaper of the Brook­ lyn diocese. The six schools ,forming the association are, Sieila, St, Peter's, Iona. LeMoyne, St. Francis and st. Bonaventure.

What I should like to see, one of these Sunday -. supplement ~weeks, 'is an article entitled: "How to Face Life Realistically," and Of Course, Sunday supple­ Modern Furniture

ments are not primarily con­ K of C Gift cerned with helping people by Repaired, Restored

ROCHESTER (NC)-A $14.000 publishing for them significant and Refinished check has been presented to the truths. They are primarily con­ cerned with selling newspapers•. world-wide re1ief a~ency of the because the more newspapers U.s. Bishops by the New York REAR 172·DEAN ST.

they sell the more advertising State Council of the Knights of TAUNTON

Columbus. they can' secure and the more advertising they can secure the more profits they can make. And an article adVising people to be 1'ealistic about life and youth and" old age and death would be a risky venture indeed, particuliu'ly since the press has been en­ cOUl'aging them for a long time to be unrealistic about such things. Only the Fall River Trust provid~s

Why are so many people 1n this country fearful of growing convenient neighborhood bank­

old? I do not think it is princi­ pally because "growing old" 'iil­ ing. Ou~ South ••• In the Flint

volves a loss of physics.! beauty and vigor. That is an important and in Somerset.

factor, but basically a .symp­ tomatic one. A fading beauty and a diminished vigor are constant·' 1nexorably closer to the end of FLINT BRANCH - 1219 Pleasant Street OUl' earthly existence. to death, that dread word which the Sun­ SO~ERSET BRANC,H - 1045 County st,reet _ day supplements never, never discllss. SOU'rH END BRANCH - ,1649 South 'MaIn Street Fake World And so. if we can mask the wrinkles in our skin, darken and dye the gray hairs. "color" our cheeks and lips, prop ourselves UP with massive quantities of vitamin tablets, change our auto­ mobile to a convertible (top 43 NORTH MAOINI S'II'IRIEIE'1I' nown). associate ourselves with £ompanions balf our age, and rota' Asseta OV~II' $26,000,000 start working our way through those lists of "143 ways to stay young," we can then keep at (vary DeposIt AC~OIl/lDDIt 'DDS8JJcratrR 1O(p till $U~fOOO

IHm's 1 eng t h those a w f u I 8V 1!hJa lFerdelf'CII' De~@56t ' D D51WItilADDCl:a CG)ft~(lJ)1f'ilA'J6",,1I!J

thoughts about death. 'rile ouly cUffl.culty wltll this

Named Professor. DACCA, Pakistan (NC)-Holy Cross Father Richard W. Timm of Michigan City, Indiana has been named a member of the faculty of science of Dacca Uni­ versity. The college is conducted by U. S. priests of the Congrega­ tion of Holy Cross of the pro­ vince of Indiana under the direc­ tion of Dacca's American-born Archbishop Lawrence Leo Gra­ ner, C.S.C.

NEW YORK (NC)-This city's Catholic firefighters were told that the' U,S. Bishops are alarmed over the growing scar­ city of priests and of relIgious vocations. The warning was given by Vincentian Father John E. Hur­ ley, headmaster of St. John's Preparatory School, Brooklyn. He spoke at the annual Holy Name Communion breakfast of the New York Fire Depart1l1ent.


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:4 RMS

..A-QuaImj .Atdk

$14 . .Daniel Marchand and Family. . 'OlJR LADY OF HEALTH $10 $150 Ernest Haslam and Family, Rev. Maurice Souza. Roland Pilotte, Mr.. and Mrs. $20 Alfred Gagnon; Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Pereira. Armand J. 'Desmarais, Alfred $10 Mr. and, Mrs. Armand Figueira, Desmarais and Family. Aime Goyette.and Family, Mr. Frank Machado Souza, Joseph and Mrs. Armand Thiboutot, Mr. Bento, A Friend. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS and Mrs. George Casavant, An­ toinette Michaud, Mr. and Mrs. , $250 \ Arthur Vidal. Rev. Joseph L. Cabral. Mr. and· Mrs. Edward Ouel­ $25 lette, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gau­ Julia Simas. thier, In Memory of Clovis May­ $10 Luciano P. Andrade, Manuel rand, Boy Scouts Ti'oop 4, Small Arruda, Edward Teves, John Boat Navigating Olass, Barbers' Travis, Our Lady of the Angles' Union F.R. Local 331. ST. JOSEPH'S Youth Club. $300 . Atty. Frank A. Rodrigues, Jos-, Rev. Joseph P. Lyons. eph Theodore. $100 SACRED HEART MF5. John L.Clemmey. $200 $75 Sacred Heart Parish Societies. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. $100 $70 Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank Reilly. A Friend. Sacred Heart Parish Women's $50 Guild. Rev. William J. Shovelton. $75 $25 Rev. John G. Carroll,' Rev. Atty. & Mrs: Frank M. Silvia, Raymond W. McCarthy, Rev. Harry Sears & Sons. John J. Regan. Edith Sears: . $50 $20 Dr. Edmund F. Neves. Charles A., Mary R. and Fran­ $35 Mr. and /Mrs. William Fair- ces' P. Shay; $15 clough. '$30 Mrs. Charles H. ChorIton. '$1.0' ',' K d J ames enn;2~' In0MemOry of Mrs. Edward l7. Thomas A.' Synnott, IMiss Gorman. Mrs. Thomas H. Duffy,' Agnes K. McNerny, Mr. and Mrs. George w. Rigby, Mr.' and Mrs. Francis E. Sullivan, Catherine Walter K. Gander, Walter Nichi'­ Train01:. Adelaide Trainor, Mar- por. garet Sullivan. Mr. and'Mrs. Charles Trainor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy' $20 Elizabeth -Trainor. and Family; Helen McAvoy, Mrs. Patrick Fleming. Ann Borden and Family, Mr. and $15 ··Mrs. Bernard Tomlinson. .Mr. and Mrs. John Coyle, Mr. Mr. and Mrs., John Maher, and Mrs. Raymond Gallagller,,' Henry T. Munroe, A Friend, Arthur Shea. Daniel J. McCarthy, Mr. and The Riley 'Family; Mrs. Albert C. Shovelton. . $10 ST. LOUIS Kathleen Harrington, J 0 h n $200 Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. ThomRev. Thomas F. Walsh. as White, James H. Fitzpatrick $50 Jr.. · Mr. and Mrs. John Simos. Rev. EdwardJ. Burns. Honor Toohey, William Des~ $25 mond, Leo McShane, Elizabeth Mrs. John Doran and Family. C. Leary, Dr. Albert Perron; Dr. and Mrs. George Horan, Mr. Patrick F. Sullivan, Mrs. Grace and Mrs: WaItlll; Sullivan, Mr. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. William F: Whalen Jr.· E. Harrington, In Memory of ,Frank Shay and Betty, Dr. Isabelle A. Storey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan. . Thomas Stapleton. ,~ $20 Isabelle Dearden, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James 1;. Giblin, In Memory of Maurice Staple- Alfred McNally and Family. ton, Raymond Peloquin, Rosetta Alice and Marion Fahey, the Sullivan and Agnes Barrett, McArdle Family. Elizabeth Owens. The Conneiton Family, Mr. Jerry's Shoe Service, Thomas and Mrs. John Maher. . Fleming, John Fleming, Alice $15 , BaileY,Margaret F. Lowney. The Cantwell Family, The Mr. a~d Mrs. David J. Mat- Creigh Family, The Hanrahan. thews, Mr. and Mrs. ArthUr Family. Beland, Miss Margaret A. Burns. -James Whalon. ST. ANNE'S The DeMeo Family. $200 $10 ' Order of Doninican Fathers of Mr. and Mrs. Charles BevilacFall River. qua, the Misses Elizabeth and $25 Margaret Bushell,Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edouafd Simard. James Conroy and F8!mily, Ray$10 mond Coogan, Mary Grourke. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cabral. Margaret Johnson, the Logan Family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dr. Adelard Demers, Mr. and Moisan,Helen and: Louise MurMrs. Andre Giroux, Mr. Jules·. phy" Mrs..John McMahon and Levreault, Mr. and Mrs. Fabien Family. . The Myles Family, .Mr. and PheniX, Cecile Sutton; ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Mrs. .Thomas Padden, Irime . .$300 Reynolds, Irene Stratton, MarRev. Laureano P. dos Reis., garet Sullivan, the Wordell Fam$25 ny.·' . Jose Carreiro. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Albert, $20 Mrs. James.Benson, Mrs. John A. Dr. Francis Petrone. Brown, Mr.· and Mrs., John $1'0 Cronin and Family, Delia and John ,Ferry, Frank B. Silvia, Catherine Harding. Alfred Vasconcellos, Tiago B. Mr. and Mrs. Charles HarSilvia. rington, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick ST. ELIZABETH'S Higgins and' family, Catherine $175' Horan, MI:s. Harry Koosel, Jane 1 McDermott. Rev. Joao Medeiros. $10 Dr. William F. MacKnight, Antonio Couto and Family. Gertrude and Catherine O'Neil, ST. JEAN BAPTISTE J. William arid Anna B. Sulli$350 van, Mrs. Agnes and Claire TanRev. M. P. Leonidas Larrivere. guay, Mr. and Mrs. William . $60 . Ward. Rev.. Donald Belanger. ST. MATHIEU'S $50 \ . $200 Rev. Rene R. Levesque, ~r. Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais.' and Mrs. Henri Demers. ,$50 $30 Rev. Arthur C. Levesque. MarieAnge and Alma Rouleau. $25 . $29 Misses Leboeuf. Mrs. Jean Baptiste' Yokel1. $20 , $15 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beaulieu, Dr. and Mrs. J., Donal Milot. Edgar· Poisson. • '



Fall River.



. MrS~Clement Paquette, John Ca­ Rev. John Czerwonka.

hill; James A. Quinn, Mary M. $10 Quinn. Honorata Meczywor, Joseph M1". and Mrs. Louis Viveiros, $15 Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Dionne, Mr: and Mrs. James Stevens, Mr. ' Kosinski, Dr. Richard Soja. • ST. WILLIAM'S and Mrs. Edward Breault and Mr. and Mrs. Emile ~ote. $400 Family, Mr. and Mrs. George Ne­ $10 Rev. Raymond T. Considine, Caroline and Elizabeth Ko­ ville, Dr. and Mrs. Orner Boivin. $75 Mr. and Mrs. Emile Lapointe, zenski. William Ryder and Mrs. Lucy Rev. Lester L. Hull. ' Robert MelIo, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ frid Pelletier, Mr. and Mrs. AI­ . Hughes, John J.' and Nom' F. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carvalho. phoilse Barrette, Mr: and Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Margaret Ma­ and Mrs. Horace Hall, loney, Mr. Arthur Pige,on. $10 0 Martha Hobbs. ST. MICHAEL'S Mr. ,and Mrs.. Oliver Rapoza, Mr. and Mrs. John Rochefort, $1,000 Mrs. Margaret Dacey. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Costa, Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis. Mrs. An'drew Machado, Mr. and The Malloy Family, Mr. and Mrs. William Tetreault, Mr. and Mrs. $35 Mrs. John Kane. John Maitoza. . , Evelyn Ahneida. Willjam Whalon and Family, $30' SANTO CHRISTO Mr. and Mrs. Rayond· Onorate, Rev. GeorgeJ. Sousa. $400 Joseph Flynn, Mr. and Mrs., $25 ' Rev. Francisco C. Bettencourt. Epherm Gasperini, Maria and , Holy Name Society, Dr. iJoseph Frances M. Cash. $75 i Carvalho, Tobias Furtado. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes. Mr. and Mrs. John Cavanagh, " $20 . Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Mr. $50 Rev. Ernesto Rego Borges, Bel­ and Mrs. Joseph Pieroni, "Mr. ~. ,Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. mira' Tavares. . and' Mrs. Leo F. Charrette, James Costa. $15 E. Saunders. $30 . ,'Beatrice Capeto. • John Aronis, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Daniel L. Freitas. , $10 Daniel Scully, Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ $25 . Arthur. Saudade, Holy Rosary tin Delahanty, Mary and ·Eva . John Brilhante. Society: FI:ancis L. Storey, Man­ Harrington. $15 uel Perry, Manuel Furtado. SS. PETER AND PAUL Dr. Jesse Baptista. ST. PATRICK'S $500 ' $10 $300 Rev. John J. Kelly. Antone Souza, Arthur PImenRt.• Rev. Edllmnd J. Ward. . $75 tel. $75 Rev. John Po' Driscoll. Rev. Leo M: Curry, Rev.' John. $50 Falmouth P. Cronin. - Rev. William F. O'Connell, ST. ANTHONY $50 Margaret Lahey, St. Vincent d~ $500 Samuel J. Priestly. Paul Society, SS; Peter and Paul Rev. Jose M. Bettencourt II Rev. John J. Delany. Women's Club. Avila. , $40' , $25 $50 William K . Coady. MI:. and Mrs. Gustave Mattos. Manuel B. Pacheco, Jr. $25 In Memory of Dr. Thomas H. $25 ,Dr, and Mrs. Joseph Norman, McNally. ' Anthony R. Delizia, Mr. andi William T. Donnelly, Mary E. , $20 Mrs. George' J. DeMello, in Mem­ Noon, Henry Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Bagley, In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lowney and Family. Dr. ory of Manuel Emerald, Edward F. Rapoza, George F. Rapoza. George V. Broderick. and Mrs. Edward Shannon. Joseph E. Souza and Family, Helen P. and Mildred A. Sul­ . $15.50 Jesse E. Torres. livan, Mrs. John L. Sweeney., Mr. and Mrs. John FalveY. $20 $20 , $15 Joseph Flora, Elmer Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mc­ Anne Ford, The Foster Family, Jayme G. Souza, Francisco Ta­ Carthy, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mrs. Paul Griffin, Maureen Hy-, vares. DeCiccio. land. The Mahoney Family. $15 $15 $10 , WlIIiam Bonito, Peter Can'al­ Mr. and Mrs. James Nicoletti, Charlotte' Britland, Mr. and ho, Manuel P< Dutra, Richard I. Sheila Higgins, Abbie I. Kilroy. Mrs. Charles Burke, Charles 'Edward J. Healey. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, Mary and Isabel Miller. /Burke Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anthony Ruggiero. ' Arthur Rabesa, Manuel F. Ra­ Callahan, Henry C. Creighton. poza and Family. Frank Rego, The Wilcox F8mily. The Coady D e'n n i s Cunningham and Manuel P. Rose, Manuel R. Family. Adrien J. Hughes and Family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Fin­ Soares. ' . Family, Alida Hart. ner'an. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fo­ $IZ $14 ley; A Friend, Mr. 'and Mrs.' Abel Mello. Ra'y's Upholstery Shop. James Glynn. $10 $10 Thom1\s Griffin, Mary JOY ana George Burgess, Manuel Bur­ Mrs. Ellen Welch, Mr. 'and Mrs. Michael Whitty, Elizabeth Veronica Dacey, Eileen Keavy, gess, David Correllus, Michael P, Mr. and, Mrs. Daniel Kelly, .The Dutra, Gordon Ferreira. and Mary Barrett. King- Philip Joseph F. Ferreira, Manuel L. Settlement' Women's Club, Mr. Laliy Family. MI'. and Mrs. William Lomax. Ferreira, Servulo G. Ferreira, and Mrs. Michael McCarthy. Lynch, Constance Louis H., Marshall;-Joseph S. Me­ Mrs. Mary J. Harringtoll, Ger­ Catherine aldine Harring:oll, Mary E. Kil­ Lynch, Helen Lynch', Ursula and deiros.. Salvador Medeiros, Charles J. roy, Mrs. Michael Mullaney, John John Lynch. , MI'. and Mrs. James C. Mur­ • DeMello, Ch!lrles J. DeMello, Jr., F. Fanning. ' In Memory of MI'. and Mrs. phy, Kathleen McIntyre,' Mrs. Manuel F. DeMello, GUY W. Nick­ McKeon, Mr. and Mrs. William John F. Quinn, _Mr. and Mrs. erson. Theophilus Oliveira, Angelo O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore James E. Rogers, Anna L. Sul­ Blouin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee livan. Pacheco, John Pena, John Pi­ Edward and Charles Sullivan, mental, 'Jasper Puckett. and Family. Francis Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rioux, Mrs. Flora Sweeney and Family, William F. Rapoza. Fred P. Mr. and Mrs. George Biltcliffe Mary C. Tansey, Mr. and Mrs. Rose. Jude C. Royals, Albert Francis Taylor, John J. Tyrrell, and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Jos­ Souza, Belmiro DeSouza. eph Keogh, Mr. and Mrs. John I Mr. and Mrs" Nicholas Tyrell. Frank G. Souza, Joseph L. ST.-ROCH Souza, Clara Miller. Souza. Manuel G. Souza; Jr.•

$100 Thomas Ryan; Mr. and, Mrs. Manuel O. Souza,. Ronald Souza.

Rev. A,drien Gauthier. , John Whipp and family, Mr. and Virginia Tavares, David Teixe­

$50 Mrs. Joseph White, Mary E. Ira, Fred ,5. Travers, Antone Vie­

,Rev. Reginald M. Barrette. \.' ira, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wolf. Burke, Mr: and Mi's. Julius Raekowski. ' . ST. STANISLAUS ST. PATRICK'S John Manning, William: Mad­ $125 $250 den, Mr. and Mrs. Peter' Abdal­ Rev.' James E. Gleason. Rev. Hugo Dylla. lah, George Fletcher Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCann. 1\1:r. and Mrs. Raymond Mc­ Guill, Mich,ael T. Cusick and Family, Mr. a,nd Mrs. Thomas H. Booth and Family, John Bevilac­ SIS SEVEN SEAS: Visiting England, Holland, Germany. Austria, Italy, qua. James Derrig. Switzerland, France ' ; From $995.-'-54 Days Mr. and Mrs. Henry B~ckley, Mr. and Mrs. James Judge, Mr. GUILD OF CATHOLIC LAWYERS 'JULY12 and Mrs.~ Vincent Ferris, Mrs. SIS NIEUW AMSTERDAM: Visiting Portugal, Sicily, Italy . Charles A. Donnelly; Mary' and ,From $1257~33 Days Ella Holland. TO FATIMA AND ROME JULY 18 Harold. Powers, Mr. and Mrs.'" SATURN lA-Visiting Portugal. Sicily, Italy, France. Holland, Switzer­ Charles E.,Nodine, Mr. and Mrs. land, Extension 10 Ireland ' From $1450-56 Days Jolm McHugh, Mr. and Mrs. 5th NATIONAL IRISH PILGRIMAGE AUGUST 9 Norman Connell; MI'. and Mrs. Arthur J. Richard. NIEUW AMSTERDAM: Visiting Ireland, Extension to France. Spain, Ital"; and Switzerland Mr. and Mrs. James E: Shea, ',' .. F~om $595-18 Days Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Burns. 3rCJ ANNUAL FALL PILGRIMAGE to FA'II'DMA and ROME

Gertrude V. Kennedy, James OCT. 4

Nestor, Mr. and Mrs. Aldei Pic­ (FEAST DAY 'OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA)

ard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Susan SATURN IA: Visiting Portugal .sicily, Italy •.. From $695-39 Days Fitzgerald. for free folders Write lor CoBi : Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs.' Louis Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doucet, Mr. and I . Mrs. Roland Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. 101 RIVET STREET ' NEw BEDFORD, MASS• George Booth. ' WYman 3-2296 Mrs. Lillian Reardon, MI'. and


THE ANCHOR-­ Thurs., June 6. 1957




1 THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., lune 6, 1957

The Yardstick


Prelates Oppose Right-to-Work Legislation

Family Import Noted

By Supreme Pontiff


Holiness Pope Pius XII, In an

.address to 200 families from

Barcelona, Spain, spoke of the

Christian family as "the funda­

mental cell ,of human society,

the basis of social stability and

the cornerstone for world peace."

The Pope warned against pre­

lIent - day dangers threatening

.familles. the exaggerated desire

for material well-being. demanlls

of work which scatter members

of a family and false principles

which tend to transform the'

Sacrament of Marriage Into a

futile and 'unsteady union.

By Msgr. G'eorge G. Higgins .

In 1950 the Archbishops and BJshops of the Province of Quebec, Canada issued an important Pastoral Letter entitled, "The Problem of the Worker in the Light of the Social Doctrine of the Church." Curiously enough, this important document has aroused almost as much in­ and obtain an efficacious joint terest and discussion south action, the unions must be able of the border as it has in to rely on the greatest possible Canada. During the past year or two, for example. it has figured rather promi­ nently In the continuing de­ bate in the United states on the subject of right to work I legisla­ tion. Several op­ ponents of . right to work leglslafion. in­ cluding the present writer, have cited passages from the Pastoral In support of their opposition, It Is their contention that these passages are a clear-cut defense of the so-called union shop and a very persuasive argument against the enactment of rlght-to-work legislation.' . Priest Enters Debate On the other hand. several Catholic proponents or defenders of right-to-work legislation in the United States completely dis­ agree with this Interpretation of the French Canadian Pastoral .. They maintain that the Arch­ bishops of French Canada are in favor of the union shop only, If at all, In the case of specifically Catholic unions or, to put it ne­ gatively, that they are opposed to the union shop in the case of lio-called neutral unions-the only kind of unions we have In the United States. Until recently this debate about the official position of the French Canadian hierarchy with respect to the union shop has been confined more or less ex­ clusively to the United States. That Is to say French Canadian commentators have kept out of the controversy. Within the past· few months, however. a compe­ tent French Canadian authority. Father Gerard Dion of Laval University. has jumped Into the debate with both feet and has landed squarely on the side of those who are In favor of the union shop and opposed' to the enactment of rlght-to-work legislation. . Father Dion's opinion obvious­ ly carries a great deal of weight, for. as Director of the Depart­ ment of Industrial Relations at the leading Catholic university in the P1'ovince of Quebec. he is presumably very well qualified to interpret the real meaning of the 1950 .Pastoral Letter of the French Canadian hierarchy. Father Dion's Statement Father Dion's statement In de­ fense of the union shop and in

opposition to right-to-work legis­

lation is to be found in the Feb­

ruary Hlsue of a monthly publica­

tion entitled Ad Usum Sacerdo­ tum. which he edits with great distinction fiS a service to priests 'who are working in the field of Catholic social action. For the benefit of those who do not have access to this publication, we nre gQing to reprint herewith the

major portion of his timely and aut.horitative statement. Referring to a recent book in favor of right-to-work legisla­ tion .by an American Catholic author, Father Dion writes in part as follows: "Can you imagine citing Judge Rand in the decision . . . which bears his name, to draw an argu­ ment against union security, And using the authority of the Bishops of Quebec for the same purpose. But in their Pastoral Letter. paragraphs 112 and 133. the exact opposite is stated: 'In orde}' to reallze all these alms.

number of members, without ever facing recruiting difficulties' and open or hidden oppositions to their action. Hence one perceives how necessary It is that urilon se­ curity be understood according to the txlgencies of the true free­ dom of association. Emloyers and legislation must favor this secUl'i­ ty. It Is up to the employers and employees to determine, accord­ ing t 0 given circumstances. through a collective 'agreement, the formula by which the union security will be assured In every case.' (112) Up To Both Sides "When the Bishops wrote this text," Father Dion continues, "they understood perfectlY the Canadian and Quebec context. They knew that there existed Catholic unions ahd others of the American type and that both, fol'> the welfare of their industries. had clauses on union security. They knew also that certain em­ ployers and certain politicians objected to these provisions. The letter came after a legislative bill <Bill 5 which has been with­ drawn) which contained an ar­ ticle prohibiting the closed shop and the union shop. "We do not see how, in all honesty, one could use the au­ thority of the Bishops of Quebec for advocating right-to-work laws. that is to say, laws for­ bidding employers and worker to include provisions for union se­ curity Iin their collective agree­ ments. This Is completely con­ trary to the wishes of the Quebec episcopacy. If. as' the Bishops' said. it is up to the workers and the employers to determine ac­ cordin~ to particular circum­ stances the formula which would best guarantee this union securi­ ty. It is evident, that this should not be prohibited by law .... Hierarchy Stand . So far as the present writer Is concerned, Father Dion's author­ Itative interprlltation of the French Canadian Pastoral Is the last word on the subject. Unless lind until his analysis of the Pastoral is repudiated by the French Canadian hierarchy it ought to put an end to the con­ troversy referred to above. If his interpretation of the Pastoral is correct. there is absolutely no doubt that the Archbishops and Bishops of French Canada are definitely in favor of· the union shop (even in the 'case of so­ called neutral unions) and that they are definitely opposed to the enactment of' right-to-work legislation. Q.E.D.

LaSalette Shrine ATTLEBORO, MASS.








of New Bedford Mass.


Governor Foster Furcolo chats with Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jos­ eph H. Boutin of Holy Rosary Church, Gardner, following his appointment and swearing-in by the Chief Executive as a trustee of the University of Massachusetts, located in Amherst. .

Sacred Hearts Bishop Connolly will present to 50 members of the Cla~s. of 1957 at Sacred Hearts Academy. Fall River. at exercises to be conducted at 3 o'clock 'Mollday afternoon. Seven students will graduate with honors based on their four­ \.. . yeai.' scholastic record. Catherine Cleare, Lydia.M e d e i l' 0 sand. Madeline DiSanto have achieved highest honors; Phyllis Bou­ chard and Jean Desmarais, high honors; Sheila Hochu and Joan Hunt, honors. Also included in the group of the highest ranking students are Leonora McCabe, Mary Ann 'Sallib, Maurene Koziol and Ger­ trude Healey. . Honor students will be Class Day officers at the. traditional exercises tomorrow. Another member of the gradu­ ating class to receive honors Is Eunice Edgett, who has been awarded $100 by the Fall River Junior Music Club for outstand­ Ing achievement in music during her high school ·years.

Organizers of Pilgrimages Please Contad:

Rev. Father Director . TEL. Attleboro 1-0008

Main Office

Union and Pleasant Sis.

North End Branch 1200 Acushnet Ave. Member Federal Deposit

Insurance Corporation





Contact Mr. Gama'che, Tel. WYman 9-6984.

SKELLY· DETECTIVE SERVICE, Inc.. • Armored Car Service .• Uniformed Armed Guards • -Complete Payroll S~rvice 215 BANK STREET



OSborne 7-9388


,// WYman


Daily Masses: 6:30, 7, 8 A.M.

Canfessions Daily: 6:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Devations on SUNDAYS begin year round at 3:00 P.M. Perpetual Navena ta Our Lady of LaSalette every evening at 7:30 P.M.




/fJr"uick deliveryfJl






Wood Lumber Co., Joseph M. Gonsalves. $25 Robert CorcoraJl. Fay's. Finast Stores, John S. Keohane, Shor­ ty's Sei'vice Station, Mr. and Mrs. John Romiza. $20 Fallhouth Paint and Wallpape'~' Store. $15

Mrs. Loretta Doucette. Hellman Ilnd Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Tripp. $12-


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazel­ ton. $10 Mr. and ·Mrs. Walter Bennett, . Betts Garage. J. J. Buckley Fur­ niture Store,' Mr. anci Mrs. Jo­ seph' Cardeira. Mrs. Mary Q. Cobb. Hon, Thomas. H. Connelly, Capt. and Charles Corey, Daugh­ ters of Isabella, Elm Arch Inn,' Falmouth Photo Supply Store.. MI'..and Mrs. George Fonseca, John Giabbai, Mr. and Mrs ..Leo Griffin, Michael Healy, Mrs. Lewis Lawrence, James McCabe, William Mc­ Cann, Mr. aild Mrs. Edwin Me­ deiros. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MOITison, ·Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert· J. Noonan. . . Savery Chevl~olet Co., J~~n T. Sheehan, Smith's. Variety 'Store, Tony's 'Diriei', Dr. aJ~d Mrs. Philip J. Wessling, MI'. and Mrs. James P. Wynne.'


$1,000 . Rev: Leonard J. Daley. $100 MI'. and Mrs. Rene L. Poyant. $75 . Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen. $50 Ellen O'Neill, the Misses Gregg, Father McSwiney Circle. D. 'of 1., St. Francis Xavier Guild Fath­ er McSwiney Council. K: of C... Mrs. William Fitzgei'ald: $35

Ml'. and Mrs. Raymond Hills.


MI'. and Mrs. Charles Coyle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferdensi, Mr. and Mrs. John Kilcoyne. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin. Mr~ and Mrs. Edward Kelly. MI'. and Mrs; John Vetorino, MI'. and Mrs. Roger Allen. Alice Keveney, Beal and Ames Doane, Ray Lyons. $20 Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Morse, Mr; and Mrs. George Lemay, William Clarkin. Mr. aJ)d ·Mrs. Charles Dumas. Mr. and Mrs.' John Hart. ,


MI'. and Mrs. John Tel'l'Y. Mr, IlndMrs. Virgll Casey imd .Fam­ i1y, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Bou­ chard. .' . . ( $15 Mr. and. Mrs. John Keane, , $12

Mr., and ~UrphY.



ST. lHIJEDWIG'1I Fay,. Dr: and Mrs; JosephT. TIHI! AtiCHOR-.­ .and Andl·e. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Boy(e. Helen B. Sullivan. Mr. $109 Thill'''., BunG 6.' 19'51' . Lamothe, Mrs. AUl'or6 Cornell. Mrs. Bernadette Chiasson. Mr. and _Mrs. Nicholas Karukas.

Franciscan Fathers. and Mrs. George Vigeant. Mi·. and Mrs. Graham Scud·

ST.lIYACINTH'S $10 Mr. Hector Pruneau, Mr.. and del' ·Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burns, , Ann and Grace Bancroft, Alice $150 Mr.'· and Mrs: Stanley McLean. M. and Hazel E. Davis,Ciarence Mrs. Odoric Nerbonne, The Nor­ Rev. A. L. Moreau. Arthur Poirier. Albert Brunelle. Dupuis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas mand Family, Mr. and Mrs. $50 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mc­ Halkyard, Mr. and Mrs. James Ovila Boucher. Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Herve Jalbert. Wyman Epstein.

Carthy. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence HarringtOli. $25

Dr. and Mrs. Ubalde Paquin. Mitchell. Mrs. Harriet Butler William Hoal"ti, J. J. Marshall St. Vincent de Paul Confer~ and Mother. Family. John N. O'Brien. Hugh Mr. and Mrs. William Sliver.

ence, Mrs. Eugene LaFranc~ ST. ANNE'S Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ~ioux.' J. Shanaha,n. Elizabeth Phanetft. $100 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Killen, Anonymous, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rev, Armand J .. Levasseur. $15 Mi,. and Mrs. George Parmenter. WilliamB 0 11 c h a l' d. Harold $50 . Ladies of St. Ann's Sodality. Constance Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. Coughlin. John Harrington: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lamoureux. Rev. Ernest R. Bessette. Donald Ross. \ Grace and Theresa Sheehan. ldr. and Mrs. Adrien Desro­ Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Richard, $10 Mrs. 'John Thomas, Mr. and siers" St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mr. and Mrs. John Dantos, Agnes Mrs. James Wilson Jr. Mr. Donat Couet. $25 '0 'Neil , MI'. and Mrs. GeOl'g'e, ST. JAMES, 'HOLY ROSARY Rev: J. Normand Hard~. Garoufas, Mr. and ·'Mrs. Vinc~nt $300 $10' ' $20 O'Neil.' ~ev. Hugh Gallagher. Le'on Branchaud Manuel Pim­ Mrs.' Cordelle Langlois. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McKenna. $100 William Lemlin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams, entle and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremlah'Coho­ Il\'IMACULATE CONCEPTIQN $15 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Alosi, Mr. $575 . Atty, ,and Mrs. Uly'sse Auger. Ian. and Mrs. Kenneth Daly, J,Vtr. and $50 Feast of. the .Blessed Sacra~ , . , $10 Mrs. William J. Lind. Rev. Albert F. Shovelton. Rev. ment of 1956. Dl:. and ¥rs. Louis Perras. Helen and Catherine L9 wne y, $200 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lavoie John A. 'RoSsley. Elizabeth M. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Morin. P. T. Rev. A. A. Branco. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Rosario Le-· Phaneuf, Monsignor Noon Circle. Morin~ MI'. and Mrs. Joseph Mc­ The Hurley Famlly. $75 doux,' Mr. arid Mrs. Leo Bolduc.

Manus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rev. James' V. Mendes, Rev. St. Anne's Sodality.

$40. Tobin. . . Lliiz G. Mendonca. Dr. William John O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ros­ ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA

$50. brough and. Dorothy, Mr. and $25


Olympia Associates Trust. Mrs. Anthony Cassella. Mrs. Mr. alid Mrs. James Bolton. Rt. Rev. Albert Berube.

$25 Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Brotherson• . John Staffen, Mrs. Alice Niedz­ $50 Feast of the Blessed Sacr",­ wecki, Mr. and Mrs. William Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot, Rev. Mr. and MrS'-Louis Coholan. Mr. ment of 1957. and Mrs'. PhilIP Hemingway. Mr. Covell. Henri ·Charest, Rev. C. J, d'En­ $20 Mi:. and Mrs. Emerson ,ClOU­ and Mrs. John C. Martin. tremont. Dr. David Costa. _ The Cawley Famlly. Mrs. Julia. tier. Mi'. and Mrs. Edmund $30 . $10 Kennedy, Elizabeth Swansey.. Guerin and FamilY"Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Orner Tardt Hildebi'eto Borges, Arthur Fre­ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Barry. Julius Morin, Mr. and Mrs. $25

. 'dette, Joaquim S a I g'a d 0, In Cosmo Montagna, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. F. Broughton. Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Roland Giard.

N. BUl·ding. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peter Nelson. . Memory of John and Is~bel • $20 I Mr. and' Mrs. Leo 'Gregoire, Motta, Jose S. Fl'ade. Adrien Beauregard. Mr. and M. Goulding, Dr~ Daniel J. Hal'· .. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel G.' da rtng~n. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Norman McLean, Silva, Joseph Taveira, Joseph Mrs.' Henri L. Galipeau. " $20 Ursula Wing. ' $16 Perry, Mr. and:,.Mrs. Manuel' De. Mrs. Edwalod R. and John Anna.Esa and Family. Mr: and

I Ponte, Joaquim Gomes. Arnett. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mansfield Arsenio Nunes, Sylvester Silva. Mrs. William Beauregard.

O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. $10 ST. MARY'S Mr. and Mrs. Abel Rebello. Delima Cloutier,· Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. Agnes Tiernan. . $300 . OUR LADY OF TUE : Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E; Eugene Laplante. Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Edward L. O!Brlen. ASSUlloiPTJON Oscar' Leblanc •. Mr. and Mrs. Corbeil, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew $100. $59 GeOl:ge Charles and Family. Mr.­ Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ker· Rev. William R. Jordan. Joseph V. Smith: Win, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mar. and Mrs. Donat Boisvert. $50 $25 Florence and Therese Boisvert. tin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pin· Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haron. Our Lady of the Assumption Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Leblanc. Mr. nington. A Friend, St. Vincent de Paul Club. S" Emory Bentley. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers. , Conference. . and Mrs. Edgar Trudeau. Elsie $20 Margaret T. Walsh. Mary M. Pinard. $25 Our Lady of the Assumption Walsh. Emma Dagesse, Victor Belan­ William P. McDermott. Holy Name Society. ' Harriet M. Perry. and Mrs.

ger, Leo Berube, Mr. Mr and Mrs. Nugent ChlI1i, $15 . $15

Albert .Paquin, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ~nd Mrs. JaJl1es Q.Clemmy. B. Kest.enbaum. The Misses Hannigan. .Mrs.

Joseph A. Secour. . William P. McDermott, A Friend. . OUR LADY OF 1\-IT. CARMEL .Margaret A. King, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Z: Bou­ $20 $500 cher, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave John Pholar. Dion Family. A Frie'nd. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Antonio P. Lamarche, Mr. and Mrs. Euclide Mr. and Mr,s. Michael Feeley. Dion Family. Vieira. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gobeli. Fisette, Honorine Swol. $15 ' $210 Anna A. Meehan. Mr. and, Mrs. ,John .Coyle, ST. BONU'ACE Mt. Carmel School. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Shee­ , $25 Friends. _ $50 . han. Mr. and Mrs. John Clarkson.. Llllian B. Corre. Luiz Rev. Luciano Pereira, , $12

$10 , David Crotty. Family. $10 ' . Thomas Connelly and Family.

Frank and Mary Butler. $25 Mr. and Mrs. John Casey. Mr. $10

ST. CASIMIR Mr. and Mrs. Virginio Macedo. and Mrs. William Fox, Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Avila.

$50 $13 I Family. Mr. and Mrs: 'John ­ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baptist.

Rev. K. Kwiathawshi. .Macedo Family. Gilooley, Mr. and Mrs. Ginesi _James L. Barrett, The Misses

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI $10 Ginesio. $200 \. Brimley. Mr. and Mrs. David H.

Edward' Gn;cia. Charles: A. Kane Family, Mr. and _Mrs. Butler.

Rev. Alfred R. Forn!. Edward Landers. Mr. and Mrs. Frates, Albert and Beatl'ice $25 Mr. and Mrs. Jules P. Correia.

Lopes. Enos .and Sara Lopes. William McLauglhin, Mrs. Eliza­ Mrs. Catherine Corry. Ml". and

St. Vincent de Paul Confer­ OUR. LADY OF PEUPF.TUAL beth ·Noohan. Dr. and Mrs. Rayence, Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Sarlo. Mrs. Daniel E.· Francis. Mr. and

I HELl>. mond Ockert. <.

Mrs. Frank T. Francis, Mr. and

$15 $200

Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Prohod-_ Manly Mfg. Co. Mrs. Gilber.t Francis. .

sky. Mr. and: Mrs. John Notella; 'Franciscan Fathers O.F.M, $10 .Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Gif­

Mr. and Mrs. Murray'Smith, Mr. Conv. Louis and L 111l,a n Bono. ford. Mr, and Mrs.. Josepl1 Gon­

$35, and Mrs. Orlando Souza. Mr.

Charles and Catherhle Pallatro-, salves. Mr. and Mrs. Milton

A Friend. and Mrs. Edward Torrance.

nl, Mr. and Mrs. Fasquale N1­ Griffin, In Memor)' of Mrs.

$25 . Chambros Family. Frank De­ Elizabeth Phaneuf, John ·M.

colac!. Francis P. Grenn, Andrew and .

. vine. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sykes, Mr. Quinn. Gizella Banas. , Mr. and Mrs. Manuel V. King.

and Mrs. Paul Vanclni. $20 Nantucket Mrs. Alice- Lowney, Minn1e Mc·

Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Bac­ Mr. and Mrs. Casimir Smeka. celli. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Finnl, Donald, Frank A. McNulty, Mr.

OUR LADY OF THE ISLE '$12 . Giulio' Cesare Lodge Sons of and Mrs. Michael J. McNulty:

$350 Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Kaszyn­ Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Ma­

Rev. Edward F. Dowliili.. Ilk!. Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Bales­ guire. Mr. and Mrs. John T.

$75 $10 tacci. Itil.1ian American Woman', Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Francis

Rev. Daniel E. Carey. " Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Sikorski. Club. Roach, Mrs. T. W. Ross, Mr. and

, $25 John and Lydia Janaszewicz, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiPiro. Mrs. W1il1am Wood. Mrs. Orica J. Curtis. Walter and Genel'ieve Aratiasz. $10. Our Lady of Perpetual, Help'So­ ,Thomas McGrath, IVtr. and ciety. , Mrs. Byron Dunham. \ OUR LADY OF lPURGATORY . - Mrs. James Glidden. $50 Rev. GeorgeSaad. New Be'dford _. $25 HOLY NAl'11E Thomas & Thomas Attorneys. $1,000 $12 I~cluding extra helpfUl and useful Rt. Rev. Timothy P. Sweeney. Peter S. Thomas. servi.ces. Try us and~see. . $10: $500. . St. Vitlcent de Paul 'Society. 'Daher Families. Dr. Joseph N. . . $75 . OlP~N ,Joseph. Hykel Simon.


Rev. Henry T. Munroe. Rev. , Leo T. Sullivan. $200

T/he Rev.' Alphonse E.Gauthiet. , .$30 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mol'i!&rty. $35' Francis Kennedy. . Rev. Luciene Jusse9.ume. . $25 $25 . . Mr. and Mrs. Michael WJ1.F;on. Rev. Rene G. Gauthier, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur FonscC9" ,and Mrs. J. Herve Beo.9.rd.




$10 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zamites, R. Murata, Little Fan Shop,Mrs. Jennie Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. John Lycett. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bisb.ee, Mr. and Mrs. William Collins, Mrs. John C. Madeiros and Fam­ ily; MI'. and Mrs. Sherwood Ton­ dorf, Richard B,uT. Mr. and Mrs'. Howard Fahey, Mr. and Mrs. James Hobert, Mr.' and_Mrs. Everett Normand, MI'. and Mrs. Valmore Guertin, Mr. and Ml's; Joseph Bourque. Clifford White, Edmond Daley. Heien J. Quirk, MI'. and Mrs.' Francis Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. John Madden. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelly, Mr. , and Mrs. Earl Frl1-tus. Frank MaJ:shalli Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bra'y, Mrs. Frank Brown. Mr. .and Mrs. Willilim Madden, Mr. 'and Mrs. Peter Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trocchi, Mr. 'lind Mi·s. Ray St. Germain, Mrs. Con­ stai)ce ·Davidson. MI'. and Mrs. Harry W. Lawes. Mr: and Mrs. Raymond. Paine, Mr. and Mrs. William Quirk, $All Mr. and Mrs.' Anthony WhIte, William, James 9.nd .Matthew Mr: and Mrs. Wintbrop Quinl.0,n. Wllson. Mrs. Rene TaVefl,ll, M[I,y C. Richard and Helen Regan•.

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The FClImbly Clinic

ThufS., June 6, 1957

Extra Fam(lial Activities Perform Necessary Task

Prelate Sounds Call For Bar Members WORCESTER (NC) - A call for lawyers to play their part in keeping alive the humanistic spirit has been sounded by Bish-' op Joh.n J. Wright of Worcester. "The lawyer is a member of a learned profession," Bishop Wright declared. "He. therefore. is called to a love for the things of the mind and is bound to play his part in keeping alive the humanistic spirit, the knowledge and love .of the liberal arts which. with the grace of God, must save us from cold materialism and de­ humanizing technocracy."

By Rev. John L. Thomas, S. J.

How much time should couples devote to outside ac­ tivities? I'm thinking particularly of some modern family organizations such as Cana, Pre-Cana, the Christian Fam­ ily Movement, and so on. It seems to me that some of these movements are defeating , their own purpose in taking a task which they can and must parents away from home perform if Christian family life where they belong. There Is to flourish. Rre so many extra-familial acti­ 'Vities alreadY clajming our time, why add some more?


You know as well as I do,_ Katie, that there will always be some who will become absorbed in outside activities to the ne­ glect of their parental obliga­ tions: ObViously, they are mis­ taken in their zeal. "One swallow does not make Spring," as the old Frel1(;h saying goes. The efficacy of no movement can be judged legitimately on the basis. of the few who happen to err.

You have a good poi n t the l' e, Katie. Modern life has become so de­ manding on our CANON MISSAE FOR CARDINAL: Major General time that there Patrick J. Ryan, right, Chief of Chaplains, U. S. Army, is danger that the home will Sale at New Bedford presents a Canon Missae to Brigadier General Jean-Marie be I'educed to Badre, left, Chief of Chaplains, French Army, who will· To Benefit Blind little more than state Division of the Blind will bring it to France for presentation to His Eminence Mau­ • hotel. conduct its annual two-day sale ~'ice Cardinal Feltin, Archbishop of Paris, Spiritual Head Father is a­ at New Bedford YWCA from 10 of· French Catholic Chaplains. U.S. Army Photo. way several nights a week, moth­ er has her meetings to attend, to 5 o'clock today and tomorl'ow. New Bedford chapter of the Australian Cardinal Chaplain to Moscow ILnd ev'en the older children's time is becoming increasingly ab­ . Catholic Guild for the Blind, Confirms Amermcans Given College Post Ilorbed in social, religious, and with Miss Kathleen P. Burke, past president, as chairman, wiII staff SYDNEY (NC)-His Eminence WORCESTER (NC) -,- Father· "chool affairs. When is the fami­ ly ever home together? It is a a table all day tomorrow. . Norman Cardinal Gilroy, Arch- Louis F. Dion, A.A., nominee of All articles which will be sold bishop of Sydney, adm~niste~'ed the Assumptionist Fath .~ t b basic law of social interaction the sacrament of ConfJrmatlOn. el~ 0 e that unless people are together are made by the blind and pro­ and do things together, they soon ceeds are used for their benefit. to 34 officers and men aboard the chaplam to U. S. Catholics in Have you ever wondered Do I eircraft carrier Bennington, flag': MO~c~w. has been name~ alumni lose their feeling of unity and have a vocation? ••• Can I be a St. Mary's High ship of Carrier Division V of the cOOIdmator at AssumptlOn Col­ communion. Besides, how can priest, ••• Would I be a Ilood !Rt. Rev. Msgr. James Dolan, U. S. Pacific Fleet, in SydneY lege here. He. wiII continue as parents instruct, guide, and get priest, If you have, you will find the college regIstrar. Harbor. pastor of St. Mary's Church, to know their children If they great help in a brief booklet writ­ Taunton wi.Jl present diplomas at The Bennington was one of Father Dion was named for ten especially for voung men like are never home together? the 47th annual graduation exer­ the America warships in Aus- the Moscow post after the Soviets yourself, facing a decision that Competing Influences can change your entire life. This This is sound l:easoning. Does cises of St. Mary's High School, tralian waters to take part in ousted Assumptionist Father celebrations of the 15th annivers- Georges Bissonnette in March, . booklet tells about the Holy Cross it prove your point against our Taunton, to be held at 7:30 Sun­ Fathers who serve Christ" across day night in the church. !try of the Battle of the Coral ~955. Father Dion was issued a contemporary f ami 1 y move­ the world" as parish priests. for­ Sea, naval victory in 1942 over visa ~y the ~ussian Embassy in The following seniors will ments? I think we shall have to eiRn missioners, priest-teachers, a Japanese fleet. Washmgton m December, 1955,' graduate with distinction: and home missioners. Its plain analyze the situation further Summa cum laude: Jeanne St. Cardinal Gilroy said the Coral but was advised not to use it direct language will help you take before we can give an adequate Germain, Sondra George, Sea battle was the chief factor when it became apparent he the best road to servinR Christ. answer. These are the points Japawould \>e refused admission to in saving Australia from Magna cum laude: Jeanne Lin­ Simply fill out and mail the cou­ that must be considered. ' pon below. The seconds it takes hares, Sheila Tetlow, Barbara nese invasion. Many Americans Russia in retaliation for refusal First, parents have a serious Zawacki. may change your life: . gave their lives in that conflict, by the U. S. to allow Russian obligation to instruct, guide. and Cum laude: Louise Brezimki. he said, and Australia is etern- Orthodox Archbishop Boris to Ilupervise their growing children. enter the United States. Blanche Bourque, Anita Caron: ally in their debt. HOLY CROSS FATHERS In the modern world, this task Rosalie Digits, Doris Emond, "You could have received this North Easton, Massachusetts 15 both more necessary and more Jane .O'Hearne, Ann Sullivan, sacrament in Rome, or in st. GUARANTEED Please send me free information difficult. It becomes more nces~ Susan Torres. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, about the Holy Cross Fathers. ,Ilary because. a whole series of T.V. and RADIO Miss St. Germain has been out sid e influences such as awarded a partial scholarship to or in Tokyo. and like the Holy SERVICE Name movies" radio, television; printed Emmanuel College. The award is Mass, it would have been the material, and so on, affect the based on her scholastic record &.."tme everywhere," he said. AUTO RADIOS bY "You are children of God child and frequently contradict and her College Board Examina­ Member R.T.T.G. _ Street baptism and soldiers of Christ by parental teaching. It becomes tion. Confirmation," he .told the new­ more difficult because the par­ City Miss Linhares received the ly confirmed men. "It should be ents must compete for time and award offel'ed to the outstanding your ambition to become devoted 46 MUDDLE RD. interest with these influences student in the business depart­ ACUSHNIET WY 5-7548 Al{e .. State to His service. There can never and a host of others which take ment by the Catholic Business be any conflict in duty, for in both parent and child away from Education Association. proportion as you are loyal to the home. your cause, in that proportion Seniors held their annual out­ ·Intelligent Guillance . ing last night at Nanaquaket. you will be loyal to Christ." Does this mean that parents Ilhould spend all the time possi­ ble with their children? In itself, this may not prove very effective. What the child needs is to feel wanted and loved, encouraged in his efforts, corrected when he makes mistakes, instructed and \ Ove,. 35 Years of Satisfied Service guided in meeting new problems, GREEN ROOM (fiARIOT ROOM and' -supervised In learning to live with others. This requires WEDGEWOOD ROOM understanding and time on the parents' part, but its effective­ Business Breakfasts, Parties _ ness is not wholly dependent on Available for Social Organizations \ the amount of time spent with 806 NO.- MAIN ST., FALL RIVER OS 5-7497 the chlldl'en. Intelligent guidance PHONE OSborne 6-8221 not social retirement character­ .1zes the adequate parent.








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Parental Obligation

Second, let's look at the family movemen'ts you mentioned. They have several pertinent features. First, they involve husband and wife as a couple, thus draw­ ing them together in unity of thought and action. Second, they involve couples facing similar problems and seeking Christian solutions. Third, they are apostolic. They aim to strenghten and stabilize family life in contemporary so­ ciety. This is a serious obligation which all Christians are bound to assume. Since Catholic fami­ lies exist as a minority in our country, they need to join to­ gether both in deepening their own understanding of marriage and in promoting this under­ standing among others. This is






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VHs6tcrs Welcome Sundays 2-5 P.M.

New Bedfcll"d ST. JAMES . $10 Roberta S. Ashley, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baptiste, Mrs. Ed­ ward Barros, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ . liam Best, Mrs. Wright· Bolton III. I, Mr. and Mrs. Damase E. Bou­ chard, Mr. and Mrs._James W. Clark, Paul Clark, Charles Cia­ vin, Mr: and Mrs.. Robert Crowe. Helen L. Crowley. Anne Daw­ bel', Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Em­ ery, Nellie Fay, Mary E. Foley. John E. Foster,. Mary A. Gal­ lagher, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ger­ rard, Mr .and Mrs. James I. Gib­ lin, Mr. and Mrs. John Gomes. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harrison Harriet Hart, Mr. and Mi·s. Wil~ liam Hendricks, Mr.. and Mrs. David Hickey, Atty. and· Mrs. Edward Hicks. . Mr, and Mrs. Leo F. Kaxa­ naugh, Mrs. Maria Koorney, An­ na L. K,ennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer D. Kennedy; Mr. and Mrs. Armand, Janet and Jane Langis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luckcraft Mrs. Cornelius McCarthy, Mr: and Mrs. Timothy·F. McCrohan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mackay, Patrick 'Meany. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mich­ aUd, Mary M. Moran, MI:. and Mrs. James P. Mullin Jr., Mr, and Mrs. James C. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Rourke . Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pen­ dergast, Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. R!ta, Mr. and Mrs. Robert St. PIerre, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Sheehan., Mr. and Mi's. Hugh Quail. Mrs. Edward T. Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. JosepH R. Smith:· James Stan­ ton. Clifton Sullivan. Patricia Sullivim, William Sul­ livan. George E. Swansey, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Sylvia, Jos­ eph F. Waldron. William F. Waldron; Helen Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W~elan, Mr. and Mrs. William .Wmg. ' Mr. and Mrs. -lames A. Wor­ den. $10 , Ar:~ient. Order of Hibernians. AUXIlIary, Mr. and Mrs. Romeo H. Barabe, Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Boudreau, Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ est Chicoine, John F. Clark. Mary Clark, Margaret Con­ nelly, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cot­ .Mr: and Mrs. William R. Flood. ~r. and Mrs. Raymond J. Fon­ nO.lr, Mrs. Katherine H. Edwards. tame, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fraz­ ier, Mr.. and Mrs. Wilfred Gill Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hecner Sarah A. Keighley. • Mr. and Mrs. Leo Larriviere Agnes and Catherine Lister. Mr: an~n Mrs. Matthew J. McAvoy. MI. and Mrs. Anthony Moura Elizabeth O'Rourke. " Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sottak and Mary Sotak, South Eastern Past C~ief ,Rangers M.C.O.F., Agnes Tiernan, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tschaen Jr. Mary E. Whelan. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Zych. '. : ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST $250 Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia. CharlesF. Vargas. $100 Ernest Margeson.. Plumbing and Heating Contractor. $75 . st. Vincent de Paul Society.

$11S ,

Couples Club of St. John The

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simmons.



Joseph Vera.


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs.. lune 6. 1957 . $50

Rev. James Dalzell.



Hjlda Kirig. Thomas P. Barry, George Pimental. Aida Alves, An­ tone Ferreira: Antonio de M. Castro M.. D., Antone DeMello. Manuel Gracia, William Rose. Marion S. Freitas. Frank Edwards" Joseph,· C. Motta. Julia S::--'Freitas, Antone Silva..FranK F. Freitas. Angelina Vargas. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Mc­ Graw. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dias, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cabral. The Lewis ;Family and Mary Simmons, Joseph C. Sylvia and ~amily. Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph -Masse. ST. JOSEPH'S , $350 Rev. Louis E. Prevost.

'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawler Finnell' Family.



'Manuel Pinto, Margaret Con­ sidine. Mr. and Mrs. James Mor­ an, Mr. and Mrs. Tadeusz Swiszcz. Janet Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. ·Fred Kelly, James W. Carney, Wright P. Walker:'" . Mr. and ·Mrs.' John Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed 'Connors.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyonnais. 'Mrs. Rosa Myers, Mr. Arnold Weaver. Mrs. Juliette Dion. , ST. LAWRENCE $750 Rt. Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G. $100 Mr: and Mrs. W. Conroy. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Buckley, Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Mahoney. Mr. and Mrs. CharlesJ. Mc­ Gowan. Anonymous.

Rev. Louis Boivin. $75 Rev. Roland J. Bousquet. $50 Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Roy, Mr. Ernest Dionne: Dr. and MI's. Al­ $75 bert G. Hamel. Rev. John Murphy. ' In lV1l:lmory of Mrs. Alexandre$50 Seguin. . Mr. and Mrs. Timothy' Keat­ $35 Maurice Dansereau and Fami- ­ ing. Atty. and Mrs. M~urice Ly­ ons. ' " ly. . Ill'. and Mrs. Joseph T. Bald­ $30 win. Conrad Seguin. Rev. William E. Farland, Rev. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Duchaine. Justin J. Quinn, Mrs. Joseph T. LeBlanc and Son, Mr. and Phelan in Memory of Joseph Mrs. Louis Vaudry. Mr. and Mrs. Phelan. In Memory 'of Anne and Francis Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. James Meade, Dr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam "YllJsh. R~oul Mathieu. A. Friend, A $35 Fnend. $22 John N. Powell. Mr'. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. Kel­ Alfred Bourhard and Family. '. $20 leher. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roy, Nor­ $30 mand Robert and Family. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc$15 Govern. . Philias Jodoin and Family and. Mrs. Katherine C.' Buckley. Mrs. Delphine Desmarais; Tho"; Mary Downey, Mr. and Mrs. John mas Weaver ancl Family and D. Kenney. ' Mrs. Judith Allain; Thomas $25 Bou.rassa and Family; George Le':' Mr. Fred McDevitt. Ruth McBlanc; Mrs. David Begnoche and Faddan, Mr. John Curran Dr Family., and Mrs. George, F. Riley. 'Wi1~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur janson Ham E. King. Mrs. Donat Labrie and Family: Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dunn Mr. and Mrs., Herve Couture.' Neil Fitzgerald,. Mr. and Mrs. Al~ . ' $13 bert Kennedy, Katherine and Leonce Methot and FamilY/ Margaret Stlllivan, Ann, Helen $12 and Margaret Gleason. Piu~ Allain and F'amily, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tripp. Mr. Leontme Michaud. and Mrs. H. R. Sherman. Mr. and $11 Mrs. Walter Collopy. i Philippe Mathieu and Family. Dr. and Mrs. ,William IVluldoon, . Mrs. Pemberton Nye. Mr. and $10.511 . Mrs. Marian Bonin and Fami":- Mrs. Thomas Osborne~ l~-. . Mary Sheerin. Alice Sheerin. $10' Mr. and MI:s. Michael Sutton. Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Mathieu ' Joseph Bolton. Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Kutis, Orne;' Saunders. ,p MUll', Joseph Lemaire and FamiPriscilla Cameron. ly, Mrs. Albertine Begin and . $21 Family., Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin De­ - A 'Friend,' Franco'is Bouchard plro. ' and Family, Mrs. Jeanne Le$20 vesque. Ovila -Vaillancourt and Ida Finnen, C~ tllerine. Agnes F'amily, Mr. and Mrs. George and May O'Malley. Mr. ancl Mrs. Pratt. . Edward Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ Hilai~'e Tremblay and Fam\ly.· est Oliver, Dr. Aubrey J. Poth­ Th.e Misses IViasseau, Hormisdas ieI'. . ' . . Trial and Family and Leopoid 'Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh. Goy~tte. Francois Collard ahd Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Ford. Dr. Family, Mr. 'and Mrs. Ovila Bol- and Mrs. Arthur L. Brunelle, Dr. due. and Mrs. Jean Webstel'. Mr. and Simon Languirand and Fami- Mrs. Patrick Davis. ly, Mr. and Mrs. Luciene BerniMrs. Edith ,Smith. -que•. Alphege Robitail~e, and . Joseph Amara!, Mr. and Mrs. Family. Ludgel' O. Robida and A. Leclair, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dami­ Family. Alfred Gaudreau and coni, Marion E. and Paul Keane, Family. . Mr .and Mrs. Charles· Phelan. Eugene Lapbe and Family. Al- Mrs. Dennis S: Maguh'e, Mr. and , $50. bert Moquin and Family and Mrs. Perry Coholan. Rev. George E," Ameral. Rev; Mrs. Sm. Foster and Family, Mrs. Marie Boutin, MI'. and Mrs. Manuel M. Resendes, Dr. Joseph Aldege Cote. Mrs. Philias Fortin Mr. and Mrs. Louis Perras Jr P. Ponte. and daughter. _ Peter Roche, The Burke Famil~: MI'. and Mrs. Frank M. Martin, . Simeon Lafrance and Family, ' Mr. a~d Mrs. Robert McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel J. Soares. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Theotine Leblanc. FranCIS E., DeVine. $35 . Julla Joyce. Atty. and" Mrs:' George P. Henn Gardner and Family. Daniel ,and Yvonne Gardner. Joseph $18 Ponte. Dansereau.' Mr. and Mrs. N. Damaine. " . '$25:' . $15 -

Erest Leblanc and Family,

Mr. and Mrs, Serafim E. Mello, Marcel Trahan and Family, Mrs. Ellen A. Sullivan. Mary Gleas-

,St. John's Holy Name. Society., Pete!-, Dufault and Alice. Mr. and on. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Beed-.

Albert. Williams, Dr. Manuel Mrs.. TheodoreMailloux.paul.em.GertrudeGleason.!VIr.arid

DeMello. ' . Bermque and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mattos.

Frank Silvia Jr~. Miller's Sup­ Mrs. Wlllie Brizard, Ernest Hod:: Sarah Murray. Mr, and Mrs.

ply." ' . sQn and Family." William Hayes, Mr. I and Mrs. $20 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olivier. John O'Connor, Mary:A. Kimeal­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ly. Dr; and Mrs. WllliiJ.m' O'DonST. KILIAN'S nell. ..' ' Cockshutt, Dr. and Mrs. Norbert : ., , , $400 . ,Mr". ~n;d 'Mrs., Joseph Rivet -'Mr V. Perry, Dr. and. Mrs. Norbert Fraga. . Rev... Edward L. Killigrew. and Mrs. Edmund Kelley; Ken~ '$15 ' neyS Dependable Cleaners John Gracia, Walter J.~6u-' Rev. W1lliam J. McMahon. Mr.' and Mrs. Daniel 'Dwyer, yeira. '


Ruth and Theres'a Harney. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Turpin. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Vincent Brim­ ley. Mr. and Mrs. ,John O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, Law-· renee Finn\. Margaret Downey, Anna M. Driscoll. $1% and Mrs. Helen Morrison. Mr: Leo St. Aubin. $11 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood and Tommy:


Winifred Keneally. Mr. and Mrs. William H,. Barter. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgE; St. Aubin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deasy. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sullivan. , MI'. and Mrs. Louis L. Du­ mont, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mo­ rang, Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Durant, Thomas B. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myette. Mr. apd Mrs. Joseph Peters. the' Sullivan Family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peccinl, Mr. and Mrs. James Koorney: Mr., and Mrs. MY1'on Tripp. , Mr, and Mrs. Francis McCar­ thy, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Desrosiers, Hope McFadden, Joseph D. Toomey. Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan. Monica Zygiel, Mr. and Mrs. James McQuade, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams, Helen A. Dris-, coil. Mr. I and Mrs. Manuel .SYlvi~, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ledvina. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ryan, Helen O'Connor. . Elizabeth O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Murphy. Louise Hoye and Ida Hoye, MI'. and Mrs. ,Arthur Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burke. Mrs. Margaret and Stephen Carney, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mar­ chessaultand Family, Mrs. Elsie Doyle, Mr. arid' Mrs. Anthony Nunes:' Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Russell. Mr. and Mrs. George Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. John Duxbury. in Memory of MI'. and Mrs. John' Holland, Helen Doherty. Mar­ garet Doherty. : Stephen Doherty, MI'. and Mrs. Joseph Flinn, Mr. and. Mrs. ,Charles R. Hinkley. Mr. and Mrs.' Francis C. Mahoney, Mrs. An­ nette Lowrie. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Malley. Edward Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maguire. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levesque. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pelczar, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mosher. Mrs. Aloyse Koch, Alice Payne,. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Francil Gillin Mrs. John Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien, Mary and Eleanor Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Pederson. ,Mr. and M1's·. Peter Lemos, Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy. Mr. , an~ Mrs. John Zygiel. Mr. and Mrs. August Medeiros" Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Southworth. Mr. and Mrs. George Linney. Mr. ar;d Mrs. Leo C. Higgins,


Stephen Hayes, Angel" Hayes, Mary Leonard• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mundorf, Mrs. Temple Corsori, Irene Sad­ ler. Veronica O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius 'Con­ nors, Mr. Charles J;' Balboni Mrs. Mary Rosen.' Mr. and Mrs~ Elme,r Page, Mrs. Mary Driscoll and Eileen. George Maxim, Mr. and 1IIf!·s. Fergus Bolton. MI'. and Mrs. A. .Buckley, Edward J. Foster. Mrs. Mary E. Bannon. Elizabeth Reilly. Ed~ard Har­ rington, Mr. and Mrs. J. St. Au­ bin/ Mr. and Mrs. M. Harring­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fred­ ette. Mary Norton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Murray, Mrs. Annie Roderick Mr: and Mrs. Patrick J. Moore: Frances Maher Albert W. Perrier. Mr. and Mrs. William Balderson, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sheerin, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Parker Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MacFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. John Stager, Mr. and Mrs. William Manning. Dr. Robert W. Small, William MellI­ mail, Josephine Fitzgerald. .Mr. and Mrs. John Lally, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Malone. Helen Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lewellyn Roberts, Alice Cashman. Mrs. Rita Ambadgis, Mr. and Mrs. C. Baines and Elizabeth Baines. Mr. and Mrs. Maurie!! Burke, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bur­ nett, Martha Douglas. Ursula Galligan, Mr. and Mrs William Kearney. Mr. and Mrs: Paul McCabe, Edna Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Murphy. ~enevieve Murray, Albert SmIth, Mary C. and Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sullivan ,Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hall. • . Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shel:man" Mr. and I,\1rs. Andrew Hul'1ey, In Memory of Helen M. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. John Gero. Mr. and Mrs. John Squlik. ' Mr. and Mrs. Willis"Goodwin Mary T. Winsper, Mr. and Mrs· Daniel Downey, Mr. and Mrs: Peter Ward. Elizabeth Cassidy. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Crowley. Mr. and Mrs. Francis MWTay Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MCAVOY: Mr. and Mrs. James Sheel'in, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Galligan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mahon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelleher' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Trahan: Mr. and Mrs. A. Oliveira, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hurley. Mr. and ~rs. Edward O'Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrington Mrs. Edward D. Murphy,' Edward Harrington, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Brad Esslinger. Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes Kathleen Roche. Lawrence F: and .Shirley A. Mullaney, In Memory of Manuel Rezenbez Christopher J. Limerick, Jr. • Rita P. Limerick. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foye, Helena Cantwell Mr. and Mrs. John J. MUrPhy: Mr. Albert C. Wobecky. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carney. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Markey Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cloutier" John B. Shea, Mr. and Mrs. R: Silvera.



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Swiss Guard Installation Most Impressive Sight By Rev. Edward J. Mitchell

Twenty-eight new halberdiers have been sworn Into the,Pontifical Swiss Guard In one of Rome's most colorful ceremonies of the year.

Long before the 9 o'clock cere­ mony got underway, the recruits were busy helping each other


jnto suits of ,armor that clinked with the glorious history of cen­ turles. This shiny store of armor (mostly originals) is used only for great occasions. And no oc­ cllslon clln match In greatness this day of May 6! It is the Swiss Guards' Fourth of July and 'Patriots' Day rolled into one. For it was,on May 6 over 400 :years ago (527) that the newly­ formed Swiss Guard received its baptism of blood. Clement VII was Pope at the time. In defend­ jng his life from· the invading French. Germans and Italians, 145 Swiss Guards were slaughter­ ~d, most of them right in St. Peter's Square. The surviving 42 Swiss 'Guards w his ked Pope Clement to the safety of Castle Sant'Angelo. It was none too soon. For observers at the time said that if C I erne n thad stayed behind another three Hail Mary's he would have been killed. As it later turned out, Rome was sacked and fell. Clement was taken prisoner, and the Swiss GUII,rd was disbanded. Victory in Defeat But happier days came back to Rome - and with them came the Swiss Guard. Then the date of :May 6 became the symbol of that loyalty and courage that has ever since ear-marked the de­ fenders' of the Pope. It spelled out Victory in Defeat. It is now May 6, 1957. and the new defenders of the Pope are marching from their barracks to the Vatican's biggest courtyard, the Bt:lvedere. The sun IIllistens on their well-polished armor. Up front a vice-com­ mander leads, followed by' two drummers and three pipers whose ancient march-music fills the morning ail'. Then comes the captain leading two companies of lJalberdiers m a l' chi n g four abreast. The colorful Swiss Guard banner rides the place of honor, flanked by guards wield­ ing the famed two-handed sword. White-gloved hands swing in unison • • • yellow and blue clad legs step along in perfect time • • • red-plumed helmets flash in the golden sunlight. Watching this spectacle approach, a visitor would almost think that he had been shot by some "Time Ma­ chine" to the late Middle Agesl Oath of Loyalty A thrill sweeps through the few thousand invited guests as the Guards march b l' i skI y through an arch into the Court of the Belvedere to the stil'l'ing rhythm of the drums and fife. This arch bears the name of Pope Julius II, and it is fitting that this great Pontiff should be re­ membered on this day, for it was he who first brought the guards to Rome in 1506 as his personal bodyguard. Inside the courtyard the splen­ didly-arrayed officers of the Noble Guard, the Palatine Guard and the Papal Gendarmes (va­ rious kinds of Vatican police) are snapped to attention. The Swiss Guards circle the courtyard once. and then the recruits fan ,out single file across the courtyard. To the brisk' kicking of gravel under foot, the Commander, his officers and the Guard chaplain review the troops.' After the re­ view, the c.kaplain dellvers a short address in German. Then comes the Oath of Loyalty. The booming voice of Msgr. Paul Krieg, Chaplain of the Swiss Guard' for over 30 years, echoes through the courtyard: "Each member of the Roman, Apostollc, Cathollc Religion who Is admit­ ted into the Pontifical Swiss Guard swears to serve with fidel­ ity, loyalty and honor, for the entire duration of his service, the reigning Pontiff (Pope Pius XU>


Rev. Edward J. Mitchell, son oj lIfr. and Mrs. William Mitchell oj 53 Buckley Street, Fall River, has spent jour years at the North American College in Rome. He was ordained in the Eternal City on December' 16, 1956. Father Mitchell is a member of the Im­ maculate Conception Parish, Fall River.

""""""""""""""" and his legitimate successors, as well as the Sacred College of Cardinals, should the See be vacant, to promote their welfare and safeguard them from all harm ..." "So Help Me God" Drums roll • • • the flag is carried to the' center of the courtyard • • • a corporal calls out the names of the recruits one by one. The first recruit advances towards the flag; there is great determination in his step. On either side of the flag stand two sword-bearing Guards. The re­ cruit grasps the flag-draped pole firmly in his left hand and hold­ ing up his right with the three middle fing!!rs extended he cries: "I swear to observe conscien­ tiously and loyally ail those things which have just been read to me, so help me God and the saints!" This oath is given in the native tongue, which is usually French or German. A hush falls upon the crowd as each recruit marches to the center and promises to de­ fend the Holy Father, even with his life, if necessary. One cannot help but reflect upon the blood­ spattered pages of ,Swiss Guard history, and then see here, a new hero willing to add another crimsoned leaf "pro fide ac virtute." The swearing-in ceremony is over. The 28 youth from Switzer­ land are recruits no longer, but halberdiers of the Pontifical Swiss Guard. As, they parade around the Courtyard of the Bel­ vedere on the return march to the barracks, there is il. little more spring to their step and their heads seem to be somewhat more proudly thrust back. And so a new chapter has been added to the glorious' Defenders of the Pope.

OATH OF LOYALTY TO HIS HOLINESS. A Swiss Guard is shown swearing to de­ fend the Holy Father even with his life if necessary. One of the most impressive exer­ cises in the Eternal City Is the Induction of recruits Into the 400-year old Swiss Guard. \





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RECRUITS HELPING EACH OTHER: Here two new members of the colorful Swiss Gual'd help each otper don. the ancient suits of armor that clink with the history of centuries.


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'$10 . Mr. and Mrs. John Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffiths. Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, James Murphy. Jr.• Florence ChaloneI'. Mr. and Mrs. George Swansey III. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fon­ taine. Margaret M. Austin. Anna . M. Brady. . Mr.. and Mrs. Leonard De-' Moranville, Mrs. Jeannette Rad­ cliffe, Mary T. O'Brien. Eliza­ bl\th F. O'Brien, Helen L. O'Brien. Mr.. !lnd Mrs. Romeo Langlois, Isabelle E. SUllivan, Ellen Dow­ ney; ·Mr. and Ml:S. Kenrieth Burke, Mr. and Mrs. James J.' Carr Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Driscoll, Anne Downey, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Silva, Mr. and Mrs. John Curry, Dorothy. Curry. Atty. and Mrs. T. M. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs.' Odee L. Landry, John N. O'Brien, William. H. King, Mary Doherty. Florence Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ziemba. William H. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. MauriCe' Boyle, nMr. and Mrs. Amedee Lamontagne. 'ST. THERESA'S , $200 Rev. William E. Collard. $50 Rev. Andre P. Jusseaume. $20 . ,.Mr. and Mrs. Zephyr D. Pa~ quin. $10 . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Char­ bonneau. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Loranger, Mr. and Mrs. Gast(;m Loranger.

North Attleboro SACRED HEART

.. ~

. $200 Rev. Joseph Lame. $50, Rev. E. L. Dickinson, Mrs. Geprges Boule and The Misses Bourassa. $25 ' Mrs. John Morin~ $20 $15 Jeannette Achin, Raoul Precourt. $10 Achin Family, Arcade Brais, Cecile J. Brais, Adelard A. Cha": bot, Joseph' Chabot. Mrs. Lrn'p,tt,a A. Champa,lrue A Friend, Henri Desautels, Dona't Desilets and Family, Arthur Girard. " Mrs. Am'ore L8!brie. Mrs. Phllo­ mene Lacasse, Georges Mercure, Jean B. ~t. Pierre and Family Peter VanBeaVE1l'. • ST. MARY'S $100 . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright. $50 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moraw.. _ski, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brals. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gendron, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lambert Rome Restaurant: ' Rev. Howard Waldron Rev Edwin J. Loew, Mrs. Mary Con~ don, $30 Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pint. , $25' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons, Frances Morse, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levis. Mary and Margaret Kinton Dr. and Mrs. James DeWitt, Mrs: Stanley Sheldon. ' North Dighton $20 _ ST. JOSEPlI'S . Mr. and Mrs. William Emmett, $150 • Patrick Mf::Guckin.. MarlY' Wil­ Rev. Francis A. McCarthy. helm, Mr. and Mrs.' William $25 Ford, A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. The Burke Family. Robert Welser, Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ $10 bert Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Turner, Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Manuei Borges, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hillman , ¥essrs. David and John Perry. Mr. and Mrs."John Higgins. Mr: Robert Wade, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Cornelius Lyons. _' Mllto.n Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. $16 Albert Gramm. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clyde DePriest. . Arthur Bourga1t; ,Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Martin Henry Furtado, Sr. Dr. Daniel Kiley, Mr. and Mrs: James Dowdall, Mr. and Mrs. North Eastoll1l Harry Stanford, Mr. and Mrs.· IMMACULATE CONCm:JrTIION John Gaffney. $500 $15 Rev. John J. Casey. Mr. and Mr.s.' G. Howard $25 Morse, Jr. Gertrude Cassldy, Mr. Helen Derby. and Mrs. William Rowe. Mr. and $20 Mrs. Robert Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. ThomatJ Canan, James Coogan.

$10 Mr., and Mrs.' Anthony J. Campana, Mrs. Joseph L. Cain, Mrs. Mary O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kirk, Dr. and Mrs. BurtonW. Trask. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. De­ Crosta, A. F. Aubrey and Sons. Mrs. Ellen Hobson, Mr. and Mrs. Irving R. Harrison; Mr. and Mrs. William Hetterman. .A Friend, A Friend.


THE ANCHOR­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Croteau. Thurs., 'un.,6. 1957 Mr. and Mrs. Alme Grenier, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Berthold, Mr. $15 and'Mrs. Robert Hill, Mrs. Louis" Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bergeron. Lavery. Eloonor Rpdgers. $10 $10 Falls Shopping Center, Mr. and ­ Mrs. Agnes M. Alward, Mr. Mrs. Douglas GaUdette, Mrs. and Mrs. Ross J. Bridge, Mr. and c'atherine Chatterton, Mazie Col': Mrs. Joseph Burke, Leolinda Cor­ lins, Mrs. Mary Reilly. reia, Mrs. Mildred. Deady. ' Mr. and MI:S. Thomas McCar­ Clarence Galligan, Mi,., and thy. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Zalesky, Mrs. Eugene Geldart, Mary Gil­ Mr. and Mrs. Heroert S. Houlth­ dea, Catherine H. Healey, Kath­ ton, Mrs. Anna' Woodward, Ro­ eryn E. Healey. . bert LeBland. . Margaret E. Healey, Joseph . Mrs. Mary LeBlanc, Mr..and Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mrs. Edwin Wilmarth, Mr. and 'Kent, Eileen Lordon, Francis Mrs. Edward McCretton, Sr., Mr. LOl'(~on. . and Mrs. Thomas Hoey, Leon Mary Lordon, Mr. and Mrs. S: Pin!, Jr. " George Lowndes, Mrs. Donald Roben A. Pini, Mr. and Mtll. McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph, Stanton, Paul' Coogan. L. Nelligan, Thomas H. Spurl'. Annette's Beauty Shop, Dr. Mr. and Mrs: Edmund Rice, Florence Leary. ' Norman Hughes, Mr..and Mrs. Mrs.. Theresa Leary, Joseph Anthony Pires. Petrone, Mr. and Mrs. Albert . Levesque; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Norton Charron, Mr. and Mrs. Philip ST. MARY'S Coakley. ' $150 Mr. and Mrs. John Kelleher. Rev. William 'D. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John McCormick. $100 Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes" Mr. , Anonymous. anq Mrs. William Durant, Mr. $50 s,nd Mrs. Michael Nolan. Fernandes Super Market. i.lrs. Mary Iaconis, Mr. ami $25 Mrs. Anthony Nadeem, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Bauza,­ Mrs. Walter Rowe, Mr. and'Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. William Flaherty, Donald McAdams. Margaret Cm­ T. J. Holmes Co., ,Inc., Norton' ley. Catholic Women's Club. Mr. 'and Mrs. William Dia­ $15 mond, Mrs. Margaret Lany, Ver­ Mrs. Anna B. Shea. onica Reilly, Charles McCarthy, $10 Mr. and Mrs. James Whalen. Mrs. JosephP. Bartley, Mrs. Jennie Angus, Mr. and Mrs. Catherine Fillmore, John M. David McQuaid, Mr. and Mrs. Gomes, Mr. and Mrs. Adelot· Frank Fisler, Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ ,King, Dorothy Mondor. thur Fortin, Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs.. Peter Moridor, Diamond. Henri Yelle, Thomas Bl:Yant, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dean', Joseph Fernandes, Sr., Joseph Mr. and Mrs. James McNamara, Fernandes, Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Petti, Mr. Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Wich­ and Mrs. James Kearney, Mr. le.nd, John Pollis, 'Samuel Arena, and Mrs. Hector Blais. Aguiar Stores, Paul Sabourin, Mrs. Julia Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. James Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Oak BluHs Edward Meade, Mr. and Mrs. SACRED HEART George Bankert, Arthur H. Le$500 _ vesque. . Rev. Edward B. Booth. Mr. anjj Mrs. Roland Cloutier, . $50 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Leonard, Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanlon Sacred Heart Guild. Nellie Lavery, Mr. and Mrs. Jo~ $25 .seph Zaino. St. Vincent de Paul Society. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Gillooly., Holy Name Society. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Rollins Maloney. HrJen Donley, A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Corey. . $15 Mrs. Ernest Paulus. Mr. and Mrs. Armando Pache­ . . Mrs. Katherine Kennedy, LouiJJ Stimford, Joan Murphy, Mrs. Al­ co (In Melnory of Mr. and] Mrs. Joseph P. Santos) fred I:teilly, "Farrell Toher. Eldridge and White. Albert Hindle, Ellis and O'Don­ $10 nell Family, A Friend, Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Armando Pache­ Helena Scanlin. Mrs. Theresa Block, Mr. 'and co (In Memory of Dorothy Ann ' Mrs. Walter' Willersinn, James Walters)' Joseph Peters. McDonald, Elizabeth McKeon Ocean View Hotel, Sarin's, Mr. and Mrs. Norman LeTour~ Mary P. Weeks Insurance; MI'. ,neau. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wolfe, . and Mrs. James Bowler. Mr. and Mrs. John J. McGowan, 'Orleans Marjorie Shea, Genevieve Riley. Julia Rlley. ST. JOAN OF ARC' ¥rs. MarJorte Berg-h,-Mr. and $100 Mrs.. George McGee, Marcella Rev. James E. Lynch. " McLean, Ros,e McLean, Mr, and $50 Mr~. Gerald Dorey. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Guida. Mr. and Mrs. August Funke. $10 Lorden Family, Mrs. Walter Fos­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benz. ter, Mrs. Louise McNeil, Mrs. George Morin, Emile Olivier. Marie Bolster. The Misses Hennessey,. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marsten, Smith. Mr. Frank and Miss Kathryn John Weidler. 'Hughes, Mrs. Laura Henshaw. Mr. and Mrs. James Coogan, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Doran, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin. and Mrs. ArthUr Baranousky. Agnes Mears.


$200 Rev. Leo J. Duart. $50 Rev. Fra.ncis M. Coady. Dr. Thomas F. Perry. $25 Atty. John C. Snow. Holy Name Society. $20 . Frank A. Days. . ,


Chauncy Hackett. $10 J. Arthur Lopes, Beatrice Welsh, Manual Cabral. Edward J. Dahill, B. H. Dyer Co. Capt. Henry Passion - Boai Liberty Belle, Rudolph Santos. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cote, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Perry, Louis O. Cabral. . Boat Silver Mink', Joseph A. Days - Day's Cottages.



$125 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Foley. $75 Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill. $30 Mr. and Mrs. H. Earl Heron. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gough. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gib­ ney. $20 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Austin J. O'Toole. Mr'. and Mrs. John FarrlseY,Mr. and Mrs. Cletns J. Monohan. The O'Neil Family. $15 Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Sullivan ~, Mr: and Mrs. Nelson P. Doyle. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilkin­ son. ·$12 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mc­ Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F • Doolan. $10 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carreiro, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T.-Tlerney. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E'. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. George' A. Crombi. . MI< and Mrs. Thomas E. Mat­ thews, Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Bond, Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell. Dr. and Mrs. Francis Buckley. Mr. and Mrs.Joseph D. Hopkins. George W. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Dussault, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard V. Swales, Mr. and Mrs• John J. Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond J. Ba­ ratta, Mr. and Mrs: Zigmund 'J. Jackim, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Clement, In Memory of' Henry P. O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. William Whalen. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison. Mrs. Margaret .W. Renaud, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bean, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flaherty, Daniel Holland. . Carl Brodt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green,. Mr. and Mr!l. James W. Killoran, Mrs. Marion E. Padams, Margaret Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, Mrs. Daniel F. Shalloo. the Guiney Family.

$250 ·Rev. James E. O'Reilly. $100 A Friend. $30 Mr. and Mrs. Hel1l'Y Harris. ' $25 MI'. and Mrs. Roger Brassard, Alderic Jacques. Holy Ghost Brotherhood, Law­ rence Weyker. $20 ' Kinnane's Drug Store. Paul Shread. $15 Mrs. Harold Peck and Family. Mr. and Mrs. John McAloon. Jeannette Vincent. , .$10 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flatley, SO'uth Dartmouth Mrs. George S. Duncan, Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Manuel and ,ST. MARY'S Matilda Costa, John Trainor. $400 Mrs. Kathleen, Shultz, Mrs. Rev. A. G. Considine. Louise C. Fallon, Manuel Moi­ . $100 toza, Nelson H. Little. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mahoney. John Hendricks, Mrs. Reuben $50 Barker, Jane Barker, John Pul­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene. lan. Mrs. Helen Aubertlme Brough. Edward ROY, Mark F. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brady. Lester Kiem, Eileen Darling's. $35 Jesse Hall, Emily Hall. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Anna Hall, T. Royal Demers. $30 John Unsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donaghy. Kenneth Read, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ $25 gar Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan, Mr. Wilfred Blanchette, Manuel . and Mrs. Gerald Murphy. Mr. De Mattos, Louis Dupere. and Mrs. Thomas Brooks, Sil­ ST. MARY veira Family, Mr. and Mrs. An­ $100 gelo DeMello. ,Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glennon Jr., Kathleen Heron, St. Mary'. Somerset Guild. ' $20 ST. JOHN OF GOD • Mr. and Mrs. Francis Winsper• $50 Mr.' and Mrs.' Manuel DeMello. Rev. Bento Fraga. . Dr. and· Mrs. John Machado. $25 $10 • Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. CarMr. and Mrs. Joseph Singleton. reiro. ... Mrs. Thomas Horan, Mr. ami $10 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Law­ Mrs. Charles Desmarais, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hayes, Mr. and ton. Mrs. Luke Horan. ST. THOI\'IAS l\IORE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Silva. Mr. $500 and Mrs. Joseph Glennon, Rev. Joseph K.Welsh.


$125 John B. Lebel and Sons, Inc. $100 . The House & Garden Shop. ~ ,$50 , Mrs. Walter T. Hall. MI'. 'and Mrs. John F., Shields. $25 Ann and John Trust. Philip M. Boudreau, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. M u r p h y, Anonymous, A Friend. ' A Frlend: A Friend. $20 ' Our Lady of the Assumption Guild, Mr. and' Mrs. Robert F. Cross, Two Friends, Anonymous. $iS, Thomas Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cammett, Dr. and Mrs. Chade/l C. Haskell.

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Presbyterian Policy Statement Criticizes Parochial Education

Three ed'ucators who helped charged in a speech that paro­ Bishop Connolly wllI preside up the recent Presbyterian chial education is based on 'a draw and present diplomas to the kind of brainwashing foreign to statement critical of paro­ 'policy graduating class of Mt. St. Mary Christiall education.' Do you By D. Bernat,:d Theall, 0.8.B. Academy, Fall ~iver, at exercises chial education have been quizzed agree with this?" on 'the precise. meanings of 'some in St. Mary's Cathedral at 2 Dr. Hunt: "I do not think it is . of its widely publicized declara­ Wa.lter StaI:kie's The Road to Santiago (Dutton $5.95) o'clock Sunday afternoon. possible to generalize like' that. tions. is a travel book worthy to be ranked with the very best Very Rev. Arthur Tansey, rec­ Four of the five were reached But simply on the basis of hu­ examples of that fascinating kind of writing-With Bel­ tor of the Cathedral, will present by telephone, but only three man nature's quirks, I am per­ the graduates to the Bishop. Rev. loc's Path to Rome, Robert Byron's The Road to Oxiana, would comment~ The- fifth is in fectly confident that in some Paul F. McCarrick will give the instances In both publiC; and pa­ Europe. or George Gissing's By the address. , Interviewed were: Dr. Rolfe rochial ,education there could be Ionian Sea. It is a fine coun­ Hamson's The Walled Garden, The service will close with found a type of teaching that Hunt, a committee con­ ter-balance to the mass of (MacmllIan, $4.00). The author Solemn Benediction of the' Most Lanier might loosely be called 'brain­ sultant who is executive director, of some 30 books, Ross William­ present-day writing about son was a well-known and suc­ Blessed Sacrament, with· Bishop religion and .public education washing.' " Spain that takes only General cessful literary man fQr more Connolly as celebrant; Very Rev. division. National Council of . Dr. Burnham: "That quotation Franco's politics and Spanish than a score of years before his Paul J. Price, SS.CC., deacon;_ Churches of Christ, New York might be out of context. I am not Rev. Normand Hardy, subdea­ familiar enough with DI·. Little', decision in 1939 to enter the· .con; Rev. Edward J. Burns, City; Dr. Archer Burnham,' di­ ~:i~t~lic~:n ~~~ .. :wr7f!?i!~;;~I;1 rector of research,' Nebraska statement to comment." ministry of the- Church of Eng.; deacon of exposition. Dr. Oberholtzer: "I am no~ parture, an d < { ; l · . · · land. Chaplains to the Bishop will State Educational Association, see s . n o t h i n g ' : . From the beginning. of his be Rev. Maurince Souza and Rev. Lincoln, and Dr. Kenneth E. familiar with the speech. But I good in either. ' Oberholtzer, superintendent of cannot agree with what has been ecclesiastical career, Williamson Examples of . was convinced that he possessed Robert L. Stanton. Very Rev. schools, Denver. quoted. I think It Is· extreme." Humberto S. Medeiros, S.T.D., this sort of Answer Queries Holy Orders as valid as those of will be master of ceremonies. School Board Status thing would be any Roman Catholic priest, and The questions' asked were: Arthur Paquette, B.Mus., 'wlll Question: "The statement says Herbert Mat­ that he could offer Mass and direct the singing With Louis J. "Are you familiar with the con­ 'there is no rightful place on any the.ws' The absolve from sins. As time went Curran, B.Mus.• at the organ. tents of the statement drafted by school board for those not un­ Yoke and the on, he began to realize that his the Presbyterian body?" equivocally committeed to the Ushers will be brothers of sev­ Arrow's or sort of priesthood was not that eral of the graduates: Peter and Dr. Hunt: "I met with the plrinciple of the public school.' Richard believed in by most Anglicans. Ralph BoardJpan, H-enry .Hodg­ committee at several sessions, but Does this rule out persons whose stu­ Wright's WllIiamson found himself, along son, Richard McGee. Joseph and I did not see the statement in its children attend other than pub­ pidly and arrogantly superficial with many others, being driven· final form. I did not know it lic schools?" Pagan Spain. ,Professor Starkie. from the Established Church by Stephen Moore, George Peck­ had been adopted." Dr. Hunt: "No. It means that who has written eight books and its official decision to recognize ham, Maurice Stapleton, Robert Dr. Burnham:' "I was not at the persons who serve on boards Theroux and Milton Wrobleski.' , numberless essays about Spain the orders of. the non-episcopal The following will graduate the meeting of the committee must believe in the need and pur­ and especially about Its gypsy Church of South India, a mel'ger when the final text was adopted. pose of these schools. I know with distinction: lore, loves the country. its people. of several Protestant groups. Maxima cum laude: Patricia I have a copy of it, but I dislike many persons With' children in and its religion, and' writes with When. in July of 1955 the Ann McGee and- Lois Marie Eve­ to comment because I was not non-public schools who sincerely tremendous gusto and spirit Anglican bishops voted to recog­ with the committee' when it fin­ leth. . believe in the value of publlo about them all. nize the South Indian orders and schools." Magna cum laude: Madeline ished its deliberations." Never Dull Word Church.. Mr. Williamson preach­ Dr. Burnham: "No. It refers to Deborah Blais. Patricia Marie Seek ·Definition . Specifically. he writes in this ed a sermon in one of the great Biardman, Ann Marie Doolan, keeping out those who would de­ "I have not Dr. Oberholtzer: book. as its subtitle tells us, London Anglican churches, say­ Joan Durfee, Elaine Anne Gra­ seen the final report. I do not stroy public education, who do about the pilgrims to the shrine ing that "after today, all ordina­ vance. recall much of its exact wording." not believe in it. The statement of Saint James himself and the tions in the Church of England says persons have the right to Rita Theresa Matton, Marjorie Question: "The statement de­ growth of devotion to him, then are almost certainiy inval1d."

Mary Mersey. Marlene Gertrude fines parochial schools 'as cre­ send children to the school of about the history of pilgrimages

In the hope that the official Newton, Norma Lillian Theroux, ated 'for the purpose of instilling their choice. 'Both types shQuld to the shrine. But he writes at Convocation of the Church would Margaret Mary Wrobleski. sectarian doctrine.' That is all it be defended with equal valor." most length and most readably revoke this decision, he remained Cum laude: Leonllda Bibian says. Do you think this is a com­ Dr. OberhOitzer: "No. However. about one particular pilgrim~ge an Anglican untll October 14. Andrade, Catherine Rachaele it does 'seem a little unlikely that plete definition?" of Dr. Starkie's own in 1954. On that day in 1955, the Convo­ Burgess, Rachel Claire Caron, Dr. Hunt: "It overlooks the someone who did not believe in This pilgrim was, he tells us, cation overwhelmingly voted to Joan Pauline Chicca, Margaret contribution to citizenship. I am public schools enough· to send In search not only of St. James accept the ministers of the South Mary Ferreira. convinced that we have many their children to them should be shrine. but of the healing virtue Indian group and to ailow them Patricia Louise Flynn, Carol good Am~rican citizens whose on the school board." of solitude. which can be found. to officiate at Anglican altars Ann Furey. Maureen Anne Gar­ Want Healthy Debate among other ways. 'in walking. and to ,receive full' equality in cia, Loretta Marie Manchester. growth and citi~enship has been encouraged through exposure to The educator .who did not wish Though he had, at times, com­ the Church. On Octobel' 15, Mr. Beverly Anne Moore, Ann Marie all kinds of schools." . to comment Js Dr. Harry L. panions, and though he is by and' Mrs, Williamson were re­ Pacheco. Dr. Burnham: "You are read­ S tea I' n s, superintendent of nature a sociable man, he found ceived into the Catholic Church. Barbara May Peckham, Sylvia ing .into it something opposite to schools. Englewood, N. J. He said In plenty the medicinal alone­ since when he has devoted his Anne Sheehan, Elizabeth Doro­ what the committee intended, I he deemed,it "improper to do so ness that he sought, and which pen to attempting to explain thy Silvia, Geraldine Marje Sil­ don't have the text in front of as an individual operating out­ he feels the modern world' has Anglicanism to Roman Catholics Via, Margaret Elizabeth Staple­ me, but the intention of the defi­ . side the committee." lost the abllity to appreciate. and to win over his former ton, Janet Olive Sylvia. nition, was to describe the prime The educator out of the Unit­ Of the four routes which me­ colleagues.

purpose of the schools," ed States Is Dr. Harvey M. Rice, dieval pilgrims followed from.

Chosen Again Importa.nt Objection Dr. Oberholtzer: "It is not a president, State University Col­ France to Compostella. Dr. Star­ The story of the Church of LOS ANGELES (NCl - Mrs. complete picture of them. Rather, lege for Teachers, Buffalo, N. Y. kle chose that which begins in The three,.questloned stressed . ArIes, goes through the gypsy South India debacle <In which, R. Calvert Haws, past second it is intended to point out the country of the Camargue, the as Mr. Williamson is careful to vice president of the National primary emphasis in the schools. their belief In· the value of hav­ It is undeniable they also train ing both ,public and parochial Cevennes. then Toulouse, and so point out, the American Episco­ Council of Catholic Women~ has for responsibllities in a school systems in this country. to Santiago's shrine. At every 'pal Church did not follow the been re-elected to a three-year pupils democracy." They expressed a desire not to one of these places the traveler lead of the English Establish­ engage in "wild controversy" Chara-es Brainwashin&, hlUl much to tell his i'eaders, ment) is 'but one part of this term as a director of the Board Question: "At the Presbyterian' over the policy statement and and there is not a dull word 'in autobiography. There is much of the National Association for general assembly, Rev. Ganse hoped, instead, it would result more than three hundred pag·es. that is charmingly told of the Better Radio and Television. author's childhood and youth Mrs. Haws will.also serve as a Little president of the body's In. "healthy debate/' . Local Color with a rather strange set of member of the association's ex­ Board of Christian Education

In every city there" are church­ relatives, and of literary life in ecutive committee. The Nation­ es and shrines. and Prof. Starkie London' during the years before al ASSOCiation for Better Radio and . pastor of the Pasadena,

Calif., Presbytei'ian C h u l' C h,

tells the story of each, and none . World War- II. . and' Television is a non-profit Is dull. Some readers will find The book ends. rather abruptly corporation' dedicated to the ad­ especially noteworthy the gypsy with the conversion of its author. vancement of specific listener­ passages, with references to and many passages from his viewer interests in the' fields of stories that the. author has told diary and letters that: are ap­ ' radio and television. elsewhere of "St. Sara," thie pended might. it s"el!ms to me,' "It's a whale of a drink" gypsy patron and. of the "Sea­ have been better worked into the Insure In Sur. Insurance borne Marys," also dear to gypsy main - body of the book. One 17 DELICIOUS FLAVORS hearts. ICE CREAM suspects that haste to get this BEST SINCE 1853 And there are people of all interesting and most worthwhile LEO II. BERUBE, Mgr. Ilorts - young priests who dis­ WE DEliVER story before the public was to cuss the French priest-worker blame: A more important ob­ 951 Slade St. Tel. OS 5-7836 CALL movement, tellers of ghost stories jection: the author occasionally WY 9-6264 and singers of songs. fellow-pil­ refers, without qualification, to grims, and the local residents. "the Blessed Sacraml!nt" as be­ .and 9-6265 Out of all of them this traveler ing present in an Anglican • L1NGUICA has got something for his book, church. As it stands, tWs is in­ • CHOURICO and he is not least successful accurate and confusing. At any Yvonne Lajeunesse Vaudry • MORCELAS Owner when he takes out his fiddle and rate. the Walled Garden is not Capitol Bldg. Rooms 3-4-5 At Grocers-Super Markets plays Spanish and gypsy music only a distinguished addition to 1428 Acushnet Ave. as his contribution to a local the literature of conversion, but I New Bedford WY 5-7387 festive gathering (this reviewer a fine autobiography as well. 45 SCHOOL ST. can testify to the degree. to which liSBON SAUSAGE CO. At So. First St. Dr. Starkie's fiddle can point up 433 So. Second st. TO ALL CHURCHES Ideas in a lecture on the history NEW BEDFORD "He who does not WY 3-7645 of Spanish music,) RECTORY • CONVENTS take up his cross Like Belloc. this pilgrim knows and follow me is the importance in a wayfaring life of good food and drink, and not worthy of me." Rentol on Rug Cleaning he writes of them too. Finally, Matt. 10:38 there is here, as in Belloc, the 42 WEIR STREET, TAUNTON, MASS. Servic~ • Do It Yourself same sense of religio.n, vitalizing CAU "YOUR RELIGIOUS GOODS STORE" not only a foot journey, but a life as well. Alnn all, The Road Inc~ LARGEST SELECTION OF

to Santiago Is a book not to be missed. 30 CHAMPION 'lER. RELIGIOUS· GOODS IN THE DIOCESE

Diffp,l'ent Journey NO. DARTMOUTH, MASS. Always Welcome to Browse' Around NORTH ATTLEBORO A different kind of journey is WY·S-7803. the subject of Hugh Ross Wll-



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S'outh Dartmoutl1 ST. ~IARY'S $10 , . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kerwyn, Mr. and Mrs. Michae~ Smith, Virginia Ponte. / '4 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brasells, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Valente, Marlon S. Freitas, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Bettencourt Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Luke McCrohan. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Menard, Dr. and Mrs. GeOrge Gendron, Ruth Deasy.

South Yarmouth ST. PIUS TENTH

$71111 Rev: Christopher L. Broderick. $50 . Mr. and Mrs. John G. Dohel"ty, $25 Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Slocum Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Shea. Doane, Beal and Ames, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Martin. $211 Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Joyce. , $15 Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slattery, . $12 Mr. and! Mrs. Michael Lahiff, $111 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Tour.-. jee, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Mc­ Guerty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Bran­ . agan, Mr.' and Mrs. Thomas Hague Sr., John 'Coyle, Andrew Doherty, Finley's Y.D. Liquor Store. Mr. and Mrs. Petel' McNamara, Dr. James E. Mottau, Mr. and Mrs. William Williams.


$100 • Rev. Slianlslaus J. Goyett.e. $50 Rev. Ernest E. Blais. $10 Mr. and Mrs. Hyacinthe Saul­ nier, ST. IUICHAEl.'S

$250 Rev. Joseph O. Cournoyer, $150 A Friend. $50 Rev. Maurice E. Parent, Rev, Adrien E. Bernier. $25 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lacroix, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh J. ,Maguire. $20 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Borge. , $10 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barthel­ mes, The Catholic Women's Club, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Creamer.


$300 Rev. William H. Dolan. $50 • Rev. James F. Kenney. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bombardier. $12 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Correia and Family.. $10 Elsie Amaral and Fa'mily, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chamberland, Margaret Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faria. Mr., and Mrs. William Mc­ Aloon, Mr. and Mrs. T. Leo Mc­ Carron,Mr. and MI:s. Edward McGarry, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno' Mozzone, lVIr. and Mrs. Joseph Rapoza. Manuel Rose Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Zeiba. HOLY ROSARY $100 Franciscan Fathers. $10 Bertha Bolster, Russell Wood­ ward. Frank Biedak, JO,'ieph Drew­ niany.

Wareham ST. PATRICK'S' $100 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers. $50. Rev. James W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. ·Alfred Beauchemin, Isa­ belle Cumming.


, $25


$20 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whittle. . ,$15 Mr. and/Mrs. William T. Hur­ ley. • $10 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cham­ berlain, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chassey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cunniff, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dahill, Helen DahilL Maribeth Dahill, Margaret Darcy, Mr. and. Mrs:' 'John J. Downing, Elizabeth Dunn, Mary Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Faunce, the Fenton Family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence . Lacaillade, Ml. and Mrs. George Manning. Edward "McAloon, William and Miss Cecile McAloon, Mary MC-' Nerney, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Nunes Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John F. Parker'. . Kathleen Pet e l' son, Emma Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sweeney, Nora Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio TostI. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trucchi, Mr. and Mrs. John Trucchi'Sr., Louise Wellman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wheeler and Family, Mrs. Jeanette Whittle. ~.


I $500

Rt: Rev. James Dolan, P.R. $75 Rev. William F. Morris. $50 Rev. John J. Galvin, Rev. Nor,. man J. Ferris, Rev. Edward· O. Paquette. $20 Mrs. Mary E. ChaIsty and Family. $18 'Mrs. Francis P. Norton.


Katherine McCarthy Family. John J. Gosling. . $15 Ralph Buckley. James. D. Judge, Edward Lehan, Josephine and Mal:y McNamara. . Patrick Lyons, Mrs.' John I. McNamara, Mrs. Joseph Shee­ han.


Thurs., lune 6, 1957

General and Mrs. William P • Ennis. $10 Dr. Joseph Frisch, M. V. Fune­ ral Home, R. M. ·Packer.

$25 Mr. and Mrs., Charles Lorden, Mr. and Mi·s. Walter O'DoIinell, John Welch 'and Family. ' ,,$20 Edward Bouareau. $10 Mr. and Mrs'. John Boudreau,' Mr. and Mrs.' Franklin Brown, Mrs. 'Florence Carney, Mr.-and Mrs. Wallace Smith, ,Mrs. Mar­ cellina White. Mrs. John Cronan and Famil,y, Mrs. Howarli Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gregg and Family, Claire Leddy, Francis LUlmey. Mr. and Mrs. E1;nest J. Madot, Mr.. and Mrs. John Mansfield, The McMahon Family" Anne Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S: Rose. '

$150 Rev. William Smith. $50 . Rev. Daniel A. Gamache, Rev. oj Raymond R. Hamel.' . $25 Anonymous. . L. M. Witherell & Sons.

\ , $20

Raymond Nolin


Euclide Boivin Sr.


Joseph Arguin Family, Euclide Bury, Boivin Jr., Matthew Swansea Charles' Bousquet Family, Mrs. ST. DOlUINW'S Paul Boutin. $3011 . William Dumoulin, Georges Rev. creorg'e E. Sullivan. Morin Family, Paul Pratte. $30 Edouard Goguen, Vital Bour~ MI'. and Mrs. T. Clemmey geois Family, Mrs. AIda De.niger, Murphy. Christine Lehoux, Raymond Pel­ $15 . letier. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reise. ST. ·JOSEPH'S $10 $200 '_ Mr. and Mrs. James McMahon, Rev. Patrick H. Hurley. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dias, Mr. $75 and Mrs. John R. Mello. Rev. Joseph L. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Travers, .$50. Mr. and ·Mrs. Stephen Mathias. Rev. Arthur K.~Wingate. ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE

20 .

. mlluAcULATECONCEPTION $300, ,., Rev. Thomas H.. Taylor. , $50.' 'Rev. James F. Lyons. $25 Alf~'ed Retilly. $10 Deslhond Bagge" John Coyle, Ralph M. Handren, Mary Power, Marie Power, John Power. .

FAR EAST PRESIDENT HONORED: Vie~namese' President Ngo Dinh Diem is pictured receiviItg a Doctor of Laws Degree from Seton Hall University, South Orange, with, Al'chbishop Thomas A. Boland of-Newark, making the presentation. The citation read, "He, more than any­ one else, stopped the comm~nists in their hour of partial conquest of Vietnam."

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Card. FraterlanzR Club. $20 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Valle!. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bumpus. Mr. Alfred Pappi, John Rhodes and Son. $15 Mr. and Mrs. William McLean. Mr. and Mrs. C1).arles O'Rourke. $10 Enis and COorothy Bonzanl, . Pauline Zora, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Cushing, Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Francis, Mr. and Mrs. John Lowney. ~ Mr. and Mrs. William Reed and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Fran­ cis Murphy. MI'. and Mrs. Harry Grages, Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. James Williams. Mrs. Bertha Taber, Cross In. suranee Company. Mr. and lVII's. 'Matthew Riley. Frances Walsh, John Demar. est, Mr. and Mrs. Mablo Govoni. Mr. and Mrs. Leo st. John, Mr. arid Mrs. Francis Monohan. ' Mr, and Mrs. Matthew Curran. MI'. and Mrs. Remo Tassinari.

$10 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hunter, Esther ·Buckley. Ethel Buck- Mrs. William Joki, William H. ley, Mr. and Mrs, William Bunt- Kelley' and Family, Mr. and Mrs. lng, James J. Burns, Marguerite M. Claffy, Paul Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Albert 'Clement, Ernest Roderick LaTour. Dawson, Ml'. and Mrs. john Joseph O. ;Lincourt, Barbara ·Dooley. Joseph W. Dooley, Mrs. McMann, Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Ethel Boyle. McMann, Mr. and Mrs. Francis West Harwich 'Andrew Driscoll. Edward buf- Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. John HOLY TRINITY fy. Marguerite Hoye, Mr. and Rountree. $100 Mrs. Charles Lincoln, John J. Mr. and Mrs. John Schondek, Mr. and Mrs. William C. McElroy. ·Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serpa, Mr. Dorothy McManus.. Margue1~- and Mrs. Adjutor St. Pierre, Mrs. Welch. $30. ite McManus, Leo Poirier, Wil- Dennis E. Tlberiius, Lillian Ladies or the Association of liam Mulhern, Ml'. and Mrs. Ar- White. • thur J. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Braga, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and , Margaret Neenan. Walter Ne- Mrs. Edward Carroll and Family, Mary. $25 v itt, Mr. and Mrs. William Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Castle, Mr. Doane, Beal and Am'es,' Inc.• ment, Janice Russell. Alfred S-an- and' Mrs. Harold Cole, MI'. and MI'. and Mrs. J. Harry Cash; Mr. ford. Mrs., Leo Conroy. Stanley Tokarz. Mrs. Anamae .. Mr. and, Mrs. Dennis Craven, and Mrs. P. F. Lavedan. $20 Ward, James 'A. Ward, MI'. and, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Egan. Olivia Ernest Links, Mrs. Herbert Wittig, Giannini, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard $10 Charles T. Anderson, John J. Goslin, Paul Hall. ML and Mrs. William BI·ady. Campion. Mrs. John J. Carr, Mrs. Eugene Heinig, Mrs. Ed­ Mrs. Dominick COl'l'ig'an, Dona- ward Henchy and Eileen, M1'. aud Mr. and Mrs. Fred Precourt. hue Family.. Mrs. Roger Lee, Mr .and Mrs. Ed- Mary Carey, Nathan Mowry. Mrs. Joseph DutIy. Thomas J. Fitz- ward Johnson Sr., Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace Wales. Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Cum. patrick. Mr. and M1;5. John J. John Laffan. Fitzsimmons and Family, Winl.Mr. and Mrs. Roland Menard. mings, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard fred Flaherty. Mary Fountain. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murray, Hawkins, Mrs. John TaYlor, Mr. Paul Fountain. Mr. and: Mrs. 'Mildred V. O'Conllor, Mr. and and Mrs. William Bullock, Th8 Harold H. Galligan, James P, Mrs. Mauel Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Carmain Family. Mrs. George Grant, MI'. and Galligan Jr." ~elen LatIan, Mr. Stuart' Place. and Mrs. Francis P. McCabe. Mrs. Joseph Rostel' Family, Mrs. John Donlay. MI'. and Mrs. John Donovan, Mr. and Mrs. Winifred McKeon, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Alobert E. Smith. Mrs. Jeremiah McCarthy, Alice Mr. and Mrs. Leo Benoit, Mr. Everett Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ I. McCusker. MI'. and :Mrs. and Mrs. Alvin Bergeron, MI'. seph Mahoney.

Michael J: McCusker, Elizabeth and Mrs. The 0 d 0 r e Dupuis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Long.,

McKenna. Yvonne Dupuis, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lillian Dowd.

. Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph C. Megan, Warren Hall.

James McMorrow.'" James and Holy Name Society, Mr. and Westport Mary Masterson, Manuel Mello, Mrs. Alfred~ Hebert, Raymond OUR LADY OF GRAC~ James Mulholland. , Jette, Mr. and Mrs. Edward $150 , Catherine E. Murphy,. Corne- 'Lamoureaux, MI'. and Mrs. Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne. lius Murphy, Helen O'Brien, Mrs. Stephen Martin. $40 M abe I O'Brien and' Family, Anonymous, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Walsh. George Patrick. Joseph Racicot, Ernest Prado, $15 James Powers, ·Mrs. Ralph Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Wltschey. Adrien D. Picard. Reckard, Thomas W. Scanlon, $12 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Shaw, Vineyard Haven Manuel R. Faria. Francis Smith. . . ST. 'AUGUSTINE'S $10 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tokarz, $100 Normand Gamache, August\! William Welch. , Chouinard, Mrs. Dorothy Burke, Rev. John T. Higgins. ST, PAUL , $25 .Jules Lavole& Gedeon Banvlll8 $75 Holy Name Society, St. Vincent and Family. . Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell. de' Paul Society. ST. GEORGE $30 $15 $1000 Mrs. Carmela Casella and Mr. and, Mrs. James BOYle, Lincoln Park. Family. r $25 MI'. and Mrs. Aimee st. Pierre. . $20

Mr. and M!,s. Fred Fountain,

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Menard, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tremblay. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall Sr., Ml'. and Mrs. Arthur J. Yelle. Mi'. and Mrs. Francis J. Tum­ mono $10 SALES - SERVICE - INsr AllArlON Leon Bora, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ , MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE ST., FAll RIVER fred Champagne. MI·s. Thomas Sheehan a,nd Marguerite.' Mr.. '5~7484 and Mrs, Wilfred Foucault, F. Vernon HarL'ica.



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Robert Duhamel, 215 Ger~om Street, New Bedford, won the prize for the highest ranking student for four years in science and also was awarded the Paul A. Dever $500 scholarship' at Stonehill College Commencement exercises. Awards for general excellence went to undergraduates Paul La­ rocque, 10 Myrtle Avenue, Acush­ net, a freshman and to Rose Gillen, 218 Summer Street, New Bedford, a junior. Included among recipients of awards was Theresa Theodore, 29 Hartford Street, So. Dart­ mouth, a freshman.

Forg'ets About Theology By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D.

Bishop of Reno

Science fiction, as we learn to our edification, now numbers its devotees by the millions. Detective and mys­ tery novels, redolent of gore, may still hold a slender lead in popular esteem, but their empire is thi"eatened. They tell us that innumerable ma­ gazines are published every Who Decides month for the satisfaction What this implies for the fu­ of the science fiction ad­ ture of language stUdies may be dicts, and the correspondence columns of these periodicals faIr­ ly scintillate with Ingenious sug­ gestions for inventing satellltes and invading the privacy of Mars .and Venus. Gone with the wind forever are the pedestrian simplicities of the pioneers, men like Jules Verne, Edgar Allen Poe, and H. G., Wells. Time-Machines pro­ liferate In tllis world of wonder, and dally excursions into the past or future are advertised at surprisingly modest rates. Life for the science fiction fan, If not precisely beautiful in an aesthe­ t1c scense, is at least endlessly fascinating. Truth Machine

There comes to mind, in this connection, an Invention pro­ po,sed by that protean French­ man, Andre Maurois. He sug­ gested a Truth Machine, a dElvice which would automatically elim­ mate from the human record ev­ erything that failed to measure up to the absolutes of veractly. Insert a book or a magazine' at eme end of the machine, and It would come out at the other with all the lies, errors, and misstate­ ments nearly erased. As Me.urols himself pointed out, howe\'er. the effects of this gadget might well prove discom­ forting. How many volumes of history. for example, long stan­ dard and approved, would emerge from this mechanical purgatory with vast areas of blank spaces m place of the serried lines of print. How m~ny textbooks of science, alas, would come forth Virginal in their white purity. And how much of our treasured literature would be reduced to the banality of unvarnished statement. No longer would Hel­ en's face launch a thousand ships and burn the topless tow­ ers of IlIum, because, clearly, It did neither. Language Translator

No. heaven forbid that the Truth Machine should ever be invented. And yet, who is to set the limits to the possible In this age of Incredible automation? Truth Is always stranger than fiction, and In the few years since MauroIs flung out his'lIttle jest we have come to regard the electronic brain as, a household necessity, If not an actual sur­ rogate for our own feeble efforts m the way of thinking. Now it seems hardly worth while to bother with the studY of mathe­ matics, when all sorts of calcu­ lations can be entrusted to in­ struments so much more reliable than the human mind, that slng­ uularly fallible and incorrigibly sentimental piece of mechanism. This, at least, Is balm to, our spirit, for arithmetic was never the' favorite recreation of our midnight hours. Not long ago we read an ac­ count master-minded by a group of language experts working in conjunction with technicians of the International Business Corp­ oration, with the aim of of pro­ ducing a variant of the electronic brain which would translate texts from one language to another. Feed Russian into the mouth of the machine and It would come out perfectly good English, with nil the rules of orthography, etymology, syntax, and even prosody scrupulously observed. It is said to handle sequence of tenses without so much as miss­ ing Q cog, and Is never guilty of those grammatical bloomers • which are at once the glory and the dcspall' of our litemture.

imagined. Who would be so fool­ ish now as to spend Interminable hours wrestling with il'l'egul~r French verbs when all that is needed Is one of these machines to turn Rbcine into plain English prose? That bougeois gentll­ homme, M. Jourdain, who discov­ ered to his astonishment that he had been speaking prose all his life, would be richly vindicated. The newspaper account of this modern marvel specified, how­ ever, that the texts to be trans­ lated, or fed Into the machine, must be meaningful. No non­ sense, in other words. Marois' Truth Machine is one step near­ er realization. We are oppressed by the melancholy reflection that an article such as this, hardly meaningful at all, would not read well in Russian. But the further question Is inevitable: who is to decide what is truth, the ma­ chine or man? Tragedy of World It is not really as funny as it

sounds. In an age which is ab­ sorbed by the power of the ma­ chine, which Is but a step re­ moved from the actual worship of the machine, it Is by no means impossible that the machine should be made the arbiter. Our Holy Father, POPe Pius XIi, in seven recent statements concern­ ing the machine and' automation, has not deemed it foolish to warn us against this' new cult of me­ chanization. His quarrel Is not with the genius of man which can make the machine do his work and his will, but with the mechanistic concept of life which would glorify the product at the expense of the maker. Pygmalion furnishes only too apt an illus­ tration of the Holy Father's meaning. The artist dreamed his statue had come to life, a Gala­ tea more beautiful than any woman of flesh: modern man Is In danger of endowing the ma­ chine with the soul he has dis­ owned for himself. It Is the tragedy of a world which has learned all about tech­ nology and has forgotten all about philosophy, or, more prop­ erly, all about theology. For it ignores the essential fact of our knowledge and experience. that when God came down on earth to give us life. He came, not as . a machine, but as Man.

Appeal Continued From Page One

St. Mary.

.st. Theresa.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Rev. Thurston. N. Davis, S. J., editor of America, and William Holub, Dayton, have been elected ~o the board of directors of the National Catholic Press Association. NC Photo. ,

North Westport


Corpus Christi.

PITTSBURGH (NC) - U. S. Republicans had been in power Senator John F. Kennedy of a lon'g time, "that 1928 was a pe­ Massachusetts, has expressed the riod of prosperity and that Al belief that a Catholic could be was campaigning against prohi­ elected president of the United bition - an unpopular stand," Senator Kennedy pointed out. . States. "The people are running ahead The Senator noted that Gov­ of politicians • • • who say a ernor Smith did better in the CathoUc would have no chance South' than did Adlai Stevenson in 1952. for the presidency," Senator Ken­ At the Democratic convention nedy said. "The people today are in 1956, Senator Kennedy came more Interested in a man's talent close to winning the vice presi­ and ability than his religio\ls con­ dential nomination. His chief victions," support came from the South. He Senator Kennedy, a Catholic, was defeated by Sen. Estes Ke­ who has been mentioned as a" fauver of Tennessee. likely candidate of the Democra­ tic Party for the presidency in 1960, &aid he will not 'seek the post, but that he will be' a can­ didate for reelection to the Sen­ EVERYTHING ate in Massachusetts in 1958. The senator expressed his views FOR THE HOME in a tape recorded radio station interview. 104 Allen St. In 1928 when the late Gov, Al­ New Bedford fred E. Smith of New York, a Catholic, failed in his try for the WYman 7-9354 presidency as the Democratic candidate, reasons other than re­ ligion figured in his defeat, Sen­ ator Kennedy said. "You must remember that the







South Yarmouth

.st. Pius.


St. Dominic.

St. Louis of France.


Immaculate Conception.

St. Jacques.

st. Joseph.

St. Mary.

St. Paul.


st. Patrick.'

West Harwich

Holy Trinity.


St George






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st. Thomas More.





North Easton

Immaculate Conception.

Our Lady of Grace.

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TA~:I ~:I..t"I·S In~.

North Attleboro

Sacred Heart.

St. Mary.


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We~tp0II"'1t ;

Thurs.. lune 6. 1957


. . $150' .. '; , Rev. Lorenzo H.,Moriiis. $100 George Considine. $50 Rev.. Edmond R. Levesque. $25 , Mr, and Mrs. John F. ·Ward, Mr. and Mrs. William Luncy', Mr. and ,Mrs. Rene Savoie, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lariviere. , ' $20 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peck, MI'. Fraida Carrier, Mr. and Mqi. Emmet Almond. $15 Potter Funeral Service. Bra­ ley's Creamery. $10 Mr. William Bessette and Daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Almedor ,. Houle, Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Di­ Nonno, Mr. and Mrs. John Mus­ carella: Mr. and Mrs. Aurele ,L~­ doux and Mom. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munroe, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilcock, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Slattery, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brmvn. Mr. and Mrs. Taddeus Wicher: ski, Mr. 'and Mrs. Frederic Best, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Moorehouse, Patricia Makin, Stevensons' Res­ tam·ant. st. Isidore Council No. 4373 Knights of Co1Llm~)l\S, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ring. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Galligan. .. ' ST. JOHN THE: BAPTIST

$150 John DeNadal. $20 William 'Forres~. $10 George Leach. Charlotte Me­ derios.

Prelate Answers Literary Plaints

MAP CRU'SADE FOR SOULS: Archbishop Albert G. Meyer of Milwaukee (second from right) and members of WisGonsin's hierarchy discuss plans for a statewide Catho­ licCensus and Information ~rogram. ~uch a crusade for souls in other states has won many converts to the Church and has re-claimed many inactive and lapsed Catholics. From left, are Bishop Joseph J. Annabring of Superior; Bishop John P. Treacy of La Crosse; Bishop Stanislaus Bona of Green Bay; Archbishop Meyer and Bishop William P. O'Connor of Madison. Standing is the Rev. John ,A. O'~rien of Notre Dame Univer­ sity, who has taken part in similar programs. NC Photo.


$300 Rev. Francis McKeon.Woods Hole $50 ST. JOSEPH'S Rev. Francis B. Connors. $200 $10 Rev. Bernard H. Unsworth. Mrs. R. Harold Allen, The $110 Misses Fitzgerald. The Kevican Megansett Friends. Family, Mary and, Martha $75 Nichols. Rita O'Donnell.' .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bradley. Helena Ragget't. Joseph Torres $25

Family, Mr'. and Mrs. John , St. Vincent, de Paul Society, 'and Welch. . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Archambeault.

ST. PAUL'S $10

$300 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sylvia, Rev. John J. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O'Connor, $25 . Walsh Estate, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton B: Rennie. St. Vincent Geoffrey Lehy. De Paul Society, John Cunning­ S~. Joseph's Women's' Guild. ham. Daughters'of Isabella - Falmouth $20 .Clrcle. MI'. and Mrs. Matthew Mc­ Carthy, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Law­ rence, Cyrus Doiron, Mr. and With~rell. Mrs. William Stone, Ellzabeth $15 St. Paul's Catholic Women's Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cree­ mer. Guild. , Mr: and Mrs. George West, Mr. $10 Marion. Campbell, Mrs. ,Wil­ and Mrs. James McInnis, Isabel Downing, . liam Carmody, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert H. Dickinson Family. Julia McCarthy, Mary L. Rennie. Attleboro Mr. and. Mrs. Salvatore Spinel­ ST. JOHN'S li, Elizabeth Sullivan. Corilla Ro­ '. $10 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Magina, dier; Mr., and Mrs. Richard E. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph U. Masse, Silva. MI'. and Mrs. John Connors, Mr. and Mrs. John Mutch,. Mr. and Mrs. HenrY.Woodcome, Paul' 'H. Gaffney. Thomas Boisclair. Mrs. John Nihan aild Family, Charles Sav­ age.

and Mrs., C h est e I' Jackman, Mr. ap.d Mrs. Harold Dion, M1". Manuel Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michney. Sl.'. JOSEi)H

$50 St. Joseph's Assumpta Guild, st. Joseph's Holy Name·Society. $15' -!.\iII'. and Mrs. Joseph Caiozzo.

Alice May Flynn. CharlES Lawlor and Family. , . $10 Jamcs Argiros. Teresa Arleta, M1'. and Mrs. Halo Bel'11acchio, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bettencoui-t·, Laura Bisio. Mrs. He~'bert Bliss. Raymond Brocklehearst. NIr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward F. Cameron, Elizabeth and Minnie Doran, Mrs. Anna Dyer. Robert Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoye. I'dI'. and Mrs. John Kelly, James Kenyon, The Ker­ 'vickFamily. Xv[r. and Mrs. John F. Laffan, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew 3'. Lane. Mr. anp Mrs. Paul Leonard, Mrs. Agnes Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward Lynch. Louise lVIcAloon,Mr. and Mrs. Hug'h Moran and Family, May­ dell Murphy, Mr.'and Mrs. Harry Nichols, Mr. ahd Mrs. Edward Nixon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Orsi Jr., Lt. Jg. Edward Quegan. U.S.N., Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Papazoni,

Edward J. Ryan. Edward F. st. Pierre. Walter Sca'nlon, Dr. and Mrs. George Schloemer. IV[r. and Mrs. John Shea, Mr. and Mrs. John Shea, John Shea. PeteI' Shea. Edward'R. Silvia. Christine Sullivan the Tyson Family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sil­ via. Helen Smith, Margaret Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. George H. White. Mrs. George Williams Francis Wrenn, Harold Wrcnn, A Friend.

South Dartmouth ST. MARY'S

$25 Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Cole­ man. $10 Mr. and Mrs. Jam~s Quigley, Dr. and Mrs. Albert Amarantes, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyce, Dr. and Mr3. Victor Almeida.

New Bedford ST. I\fARY'S

$150 ·Rev. John J. Hayes: . ,$50 ·Rev. James A. Clark $10 MI'. and Mrs. Charles McKin­ ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST

$12 Charlotte Trott. $10 Mark Greenleaf. M·unuel L. . Sylvia. Rose Amaral Hendricks.


$20 Jean-Baptiste st. Pierre. , $10 Elzear LaFerriere. 'Julien For­ set.


Welfare of Youth

He points out that NODL prints

each montl'\ a list of comic books,

magazines and pocket-size books

which it has judged objection­ able for youth." The organization "has never

reviewed a cloth-bound book,"

because it concentrates on publi­ tions available to youth at a. nominal price, and it "does not enter the field of adult reading," the Monsignor notes. In explaining how NODL re­ views publications. the official says that, while the ma~ority of reviewers· are Catholic,NODL (iaes have currently a Protestant and a Jewish reviewer. "It invites all Protestants and Jews who are sincerely interest­ ed in the welfare of youth to join its reviewing board," he says. . Individu,als and organizations, the Monsignor declares. "have

the privilege of disregarding with

the judgment of NODL reviewers

resJ:!ecting specific publications."

Vasco L. Villela. Joseph Silveira. Manuel E. Cardoza,' Antonio M. de Mello. SAINT THERE:SA

$100 Ml:. and Mrs. William Belanger. $25 MI'. and Mrs. Edouard Cote, Mrs. Angelian Roy. $20 Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Giguere. $15 Kirby Funeral Home. $10 Wilfrid Belanger. Corinne Bur­ gess, Emile Dalbec. Clovis Fec­ teau Family. Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ land Gaouete. Mr. and Mrs. Valtheas Paquin. Oviia Rock .

CITIZENS SAVINGS - a name to remember whether you're thinking of opening a FAST-GROWING SAVINGS ACCOUNT or obtaining a LOW-COST HOME'MORTGAGE LOAN!


$100 Rev. J. Orner Lussier. Morse Sand & Gravel Co., Dodgeville Finishing Co., Mr. and Mrs. Leo Roy; . $50 Mr. and Mrs. Felicien Brouchu. . $25 Holy Name Society, Congrega­ .tfon of the Ladies of St. Ann. \ " $20 Mr. and 1\1rs.•Omer Fontaine. ,i ' $10 'Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Vanasse, ~r. and Mrs. Eugene Ferland,' :Mr. Robert Cloutier, 'Mr; and Mrs. Henry Tremblay, Mrs. lj;'herese Anderson. l Mr .and Mrs. 'Luc Pelletier, J.i.tr. and Mrs. Raoul Lacasse, MI'. ~nd Mrs. Cornelius MUl'phy, MI'. and Mrs. Harold Holmes, .

NEW YORK (NC) - Recent criticism leveled against the Na­ tional Offlce for Decent Litera­ ture is answered in an artlcle in the June 17 issue of America . magazine. Msgr. Thomas J. Fitzgerald, the group's executive secretary, says NODL is operating In the· field of public morals. and that "public morals are not just a private affair, nor are they wholly a matter of religious opin­ ion." "Our American society. as its inheritance 'from· Western cul­ ture," he adds. "has definite moral standards and principles which we all respect, notwith­ standing our religious differ·, ences." . "The welfare of man and of society rests on these principles." the article continues. "It would be foolish, 'therefore, to. main­ , tain that liberty must be equated with unrestrained license. Hu­ man freedoms are essentially subordinated to good morals and are safegu·arded by them:


The . AMERICAN POLICY SEEKS PEACEFUL CHANGE: , Welcomed to 'the national convention, of the National Council of Catholic Men, meeting in Cincinnati, are· Al­ bert J. Sattler, retiring NCCM President, left, 'and Deputy Unc;ler Secretary of State Robert Murphy, center. Host 'to ·the convention at right, was Archbishop Karl J.Alter .of Cincinnati. Mr. Murphy outlin~d .aims of American for­ eign policy that seek' ways of peaceful international

change. NC Photo. ..










• Sports Chatter

Area High School Teams ~n 'State Title Tourl1ey" By Jack Kineavy Somerset High School Coach

Baseball Is enigmatic. The Chicago White Sox, cur­ rently leading the American League, have only one hit­ ter in the select .300 class. He Is Nelson Fox, the diminu­ tive tobacco-chewing second 'baseman who Is belting the ball at a lively .347 clip. The only other Windy City in their approach to various situ­ Sticker with a respectable ations. They go by the book. Birdie Has Know How plate performance is the What is it then that sets one

c:apable Orestes Minoso at .285. The Red Sox who leaq the circuit In total runs scored have regis­ tered 192 tallies, 01' 28 more than theil' Chicago rivals, Then there's the case of the talented Chuck Stobbs, Washington's luckless lefthander Who, at this writing, has an abysmal 0-10 record. Ad­ mittedly one of the best portsid­ ers in the game today, Chuck pas now lost 15 straight, having suf­ fered defeat in his last 5 out­ Ings in 1956. At one stage this leason, the Washington club had tallied but 2 runs behind Stobbs In 40 consecutive h1nings. These c:ame off the bat of Roy Sievers (two home runs), the only Sen­ atol' who has been at all effective at the plate this year. Discoul'Rgement is beginning to aet 'in, however. The Red Sox lent Stobbs to t~e showers in the second Inning of his latest Itart on Saturday. The stoical portsider wlll be hard pressed to lalvage anything resembling a respectable record now. Last year Chuck posted 15 wins for the Senators who hurt the Red Sox Immeasurably. Washington had a 13-9 edge over Boston In '56. Stobbs originally was Red Sox pl:operty. Many fans in this area law him perform for the Lynn Red Sox In 1947 in the now de­ funct New England League. Chuck came up to the Lynn club that ,year after pitching one game for Brattleboro in the old Northern League. He was brought up to the parent club later that lame year and has been a re­ Ipected major leaguer ever since. Classy Trio The answer to the success of the league leading White Sox rests with the phenomenal per­ formance of their pitching staff. In Bllly Pierce, Jim Wilson. and Dick Donovan, the Sox have a Ireat Big Three. Gerry Staley, a reformed National Leaguer, and rookie Blll Fischer have also· c:ome through handsomely for Al Lopez. Fischer's retention necessitated the dropping of the venerable Ellis Kindel', Incident­ ally. ' Pierce, whose Spring showing eaused Lopez grave concern, ,howed that he still had It when the bell rang. Stylish Bllly, the winningest pitcher In the majors, has an impressive 8-2 record, with a 2.22 earned run average. Wilson, the much-travelled vet­ eran, whose career was nearly ended by a line ,drive of! the ba~ of Hank Greenberg In 1945, has a 5-1 record and an even lower (2.17) ERA. Pitcher-Managers Scarce Is it merely a coincidence or do former catchers -have that cer­ tain something that stamps them as desirable managerial timber? No less than six of the present major leaguer pilots were catch­ ers In theil' playing days. Fore­ most in the group are Al Lopez, White Sox, Paul Richards, Bal­ timore, and Birdie Tebbetts, Cin­ c:innat1. Bobby Bragan, Pitts­ burg, made his debut last year, and freshmen Jack Tighe, De­ troit and Bob Sclieffing, Chica­ 110, joined the ranks this season. On the opposite side of the ledger, pitchers experience th~ glcatest diffiCUlty in attaining ma.nagerial status in. the majors. Fl'cd Hltchinson, St. Louis, is the fJoJe ex-flinger at the throttle In the majors today. For some l'enson, pitchers as a rule, are not Ill, wen versed in the phases of the game beyond their immediate' J>f11l~. Generally, hov.evcr. major leaHll£ mnnllllen VlH') but llttle

above another? Accepting the premise that they are equal in competence, and have,' suitable personnel with whom to work, it would seem that the personal re­ , lationship that a manager estab­ lishes with his players deter­ mines his barometer of success. Some managers have the knack of getting the most out of their charges, Only a few.have that infectious ability to transmit a winning spirit. to communicate with a player in such a way so as to confirm the latter's faith in himself. The relationship which FIRST SPACE CHAPLAIN FACES TV: Meet Father Chi-Rho, who throug'h an exists between Birdie Tebbetts "electronic spacescope," brings viewers In the St. Louis area sce~es. from all ?ver the and the rejuvenated Don Hoak is world on a new weekly television program, "Guide.d Missals.," Program,. aImed ~t an instance in point. Under Bir­ die's guidance the ex-BrOOklyn, smallfry according to Father Franci~ J. Matthews, ~Irector o~ the st. LOUIS Cat.hollc Chicago infielder has blossomed Radio a:qd TV apostolate, lsJo amuse youngsters, beSIdes teachmg the~ about AlmIghty into a real star. God. NC Photo. _ .. A glance at the latest National League standings reveals Cincin­ Asians in Maiority nati out in front. The Reds also lead the league In batting with Among Foreigners Continued From Pare One

a fine .288 mark, some 22 per­ MILWAUKEE (NC) - More plains the value of medicine ilr

Since 1922 centage points higher than Bal­ than hal! of the 77 f9reign stu­ religions work as follows: timOl'e's leading average in the dents attending Marquette Uni­ Fabricaton of Charity of Christ junior circuit. This would suggest vel:sity this semester litre from that a transition has taken place. "When we first came to Asia, university officials noted. It used to be that the National Georgetown as Freshmen, we Marquette's foreign students League was considered a pitchers' were greeted with a story by the include 45 from Asia. 19 from and league, the American a hitters' Dean of Students, Father O'Don­ Central and South America, five .266 mark, paradise. Baltimore's nell. He told us of a much loved from Canada, four from the Mid­ however, would place them fourth statue of the Sacred Heart in a dle East; three from -Africa and in total ranking behind Cincin­ little village in southern Europe. one from Europe, Asian countries 5-7471 nati, st. Louis' <'281) and Pitts­ The village was bombed and the represented at Marquette are burgh <.267). 753 Davol St., Fall River statue was scattered In many China, the Philippines, India, Jesuit Products pieces. Some devoted, peasants Korea,' Thailand. North Borneo, Doing well in Triple A ball spent months after the war find­ Pakistan, Japan and Viet;Nam. are three graduates of Jesuits ing the pieces and putting the Second semester enrollment colleges In Massachusetts. Mike statue together again. However, also includes 65 American citi­ Roarke and Joe Morgan, both they were unable to find the zens from the territories of Boston College luminaries, are hands, but they enthroned the Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam and starring in the Braves organiza­ statue once again and wrote un­ the Virgin Islands, tion. Mike is catching for' Wichta der it these words: In the American Association, 'He has no hands but yours.' where, when 'playing Indiana­ "As missionaries our prime OIL BURNERS polis, he encounters Don Proho­ purpose is going to foreign lands Also complete Boiler-Burner or vlch former Holy Cross shortstop. to bring the Charity of Christ to APPRAISER Furnace Units. Efficient low co~t Mike, incidentally, Is hitting at a Bouls to whom He was hitherto REAL ESTATE heating. Burner and fuel oil sales .343 clip and has appeared In 20 unknown. Medicine is a means and lervice. . games. Height's teammate Mor­ 'and only a means. although a gan is holding down the short­ INSURANCE powerful one to this particular stop berth for Atlanta In the end. There are those Who, use 136 CORNELL ~T. 480 Mt.Pleaunt Street Southern Association, their voices or their pens to bring NEW BEDFORD New Bedford WY 3-2667 Billy Kearns; former Somerset Christ's love to others-these are WY 3-5762 High basketball coach, now head the teachers, the wl'iters.-they coach of baseball' at Tufts and are literally fulfilling Christ's' Dodger scout, was in town last command to 'Go forth and week to view the Coyle-Durfee teach .. .' game. It would seem that the Medicine in Missions path to Alumni Field was pretty "They their lives at­ Rt. 6 at The Narrows In North, Westport well beaten what with the Sox' tempting spend to instill into pagan Joe Dugan and the Braves' "Doc" the doctrines of our faith, Gautreau having already caught souls, the tiny to be nurtured and the Hllltoppers In action. With tended toseeds Where The blossom forth in a truly the Eastern Mass. - Toul'l1ament Christian life.' There Entire Family are those due to get underway on Thurs­ who use their hands to attempt Can Dine day, the scouts' work will be to relieve broken and sufferl9g Economically really cut out, so dispersed are bodies--these are the nurses, the playing sites. Entrees from techniciians, pharmacists, doc­ Bristol County League are Dur­ tors-they are following the as­ fee and New Bedford, while Case pect of Christ's life as Div~ne and Somerset will bead the NalTY are attemptmg banner in Class B. Yarm'outh and Physician-they For Reservations show the Charity of Christ to Chatham will represent the Cape to a life of pagan souls through in Class C. Phone OS. 5-7185 service-an enkindling of hearts 'to love through love. Reds See First, Ma,ybe "When pagan people are ill with disease' and writhing in Last Papal Blessing VATICAN CITY (NC) - For . pain, the fastest and surest way ) the first and maybe the last time to show them Christianity and, the love of Christ is by relieving of their lives, a group of Rus­ sian tourists saw His Holiness the suffering, if possible, lessen­ ing the pain,-using the hands Pope -Pius XII impart his bless­ of Christ to win the hoorts of ing to a crowd here. The Russians, 400 strong, had men for Him. This is the role of just come out at noon from a medicine in missionary work. Furnish "Fuel" , visit of the Vatican museums and "Then there are those w,ho fol­ of the Basilica of St. Peter when the Pope appeared at the win~ low Cillist in His hidden life. dow of hIs private e.partment to These are the missionaries who CONDITION~NG bless several thousand assembled through prayer and sacrlfice win untold numbers of souls, for in Saint Peter's square. ARTHUR J. DOUCET fRA~(:OS J. DEVINE The Russian tourists witnessed Christ. They do not work di­ rectly with pagan s,?uls but 'fur­ the papal blessing and took pho­ 363 S>ECOND Sf. FAll. IIU\?ER"MASS. tographs of the crowd and ,of the nh;h the fuel' for those actively limos." working in foreign Pope.


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Hig her Plane Writing Urged CHICAGO (NC) - A Jesuit professor denounced the "low altitude" of many writers today In. their pres~ntation of evil in modern life. Father Norman T. Weyand, S.J., chairman of Loyola Univer­ sity's English depart,ment, 'said in a luncheon address to mem­ bers of Loyola's Citizens' Board that ,these writers "have no uni­ fied viewpoint on evil . and its place in the human economy. "The low altitude writers • • • are at best confused, at worst misanthropic or even sadistic," Father Weyand declared. , Evelyn Waugh and Sigrid Und­ set are two leading Catholic novelists ,who take the most "balanced" view in writing about 'evil, the Jesuit educator. He noted that this balanced view­ point is rare but necessary for a propel' t l' eat men t of men's nature, his conflicts, and his destiny. WELCOME CARDINAL 'TO HERMIT KINGDOM: Greeting His Eminence Jo~eph Father Weyand opened his dis­ cussion of the problem of evil in , Cardinal Frings of Cologne on his arrival In Korea, are from left, Bishop Paul M. Ro the modern novel by quoting John Henry Cardinal Newman ,of Seoul; Father Vincent Cho, chancellor of Seoul Vicariate, and, at right, Columban who said, "You cannot have a Bishop Thomas Quinlan, Regent of the Apostolic Delegation to Korea. During his stay slilless literature of sinful man." '''But the true novelist can pre­ in Korea, Cardinal Frings visited state" officials, and toured Catholic institutions in sent reality without getting down and wallowing in the gutter with .the Seoul al:ea., 'The Catholics of Cologne have taken a special interest in the Church in his subject. Waugh and Und~et the Far East and the Cardinal's visit points up the spirit of cooperation between the showed how," Eather Weyand stated. ' two areas of Germany and the Far East. NC Photo. "

THE ANCHOR­ ThUI'll., June 6. 1957·

Maryknoller Last Bishop in Ch'inf;l MARYKNOLL (NC) - Thhty years ago Maryknoll Bishop James E. Walsh was raised to the episcopacy in the booming mis­ sion fields of China. Today, he is the last remaining American bishop in Red China, a virtual prisoner of the-communists.. The 66-year-old .prelate from Cumberland, Maryland, has 40 years of mission experience' be­ ,hind him, having been among the first Maryknoll missioners to go .to China in 1918. . Today, the slight, grey-haired Bishop resides in Christ the King Rectory in' Shanghai, re­ stricted in his activities, but a. living reminder to the Chinese Christians in their struggle against the Red persecution of r~ligion.



June 7, Catholic


'June 14, Catholic Laymen

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