June 2005

Page 1

lune 2OO5 Volume 8, Number 5 $,5e5 / $6es Gnada www.antlqu€dollcolleclor.aom

COLLECTOR, The Art Andre Special Dr


for a Princess



Half-Dolls National Antique Doll' Dealers Association




Ghina Dolls I r.- --l





.tl _L



Lll,_i,li\ lJ l',1"'_, !\/ \i\i, r,tfj l'_, --

i\ llle ;UE D(tLI- i\ jr,'!'le 1l ,


z00i ,AT' T'iIE FI IA ' PA Lop.w: lI O"ILL, l'lt t t ;i t,, Fir r, '--") ; uxDi\r, ),1tr








"l'laling\lakr:l nre' i'Lhr:thnnol thislaLuL,rrsrrrctn,n. 1'}c hiry trL: rlolls arc th: strrtl ol rlrcrnrs. lrrt. oh, thq an: sr vr:rr

nl. Th. aui,lio lhrnx ;s inst,iirl l,r I hr. lll9li l)ook "\l,nh,,r

Coosf .l r)il' till(rl \rirh !inr,g. tn,or0gut,hs ot.hildrcn t,l.ring

1ni.) lrlc tlx,rlr' \rilh lh.i Iolls. lh. .u,rhn in.l,xl.s rn

ouGuntling nl(1i(in ol nnrirtrx. rlolls Imm lh. Iincn lirr.h xnrl Ctjmrr rlollnrak rs ol lh, l9lh ..nl,,r). l),,1 rl$ indn,l.s yonrlc|trrl raritirs - r,mr: on.{,i-,+inds - lh l vou hxrc,on. to

expect at this r..ual uuclion. SucI as the 36" Palner Cox BroNnie made by Schoenhut or the small collection ol very rare action Kevpies. More than 300 ourstaDding dolls are included in this catalog. each with asard winDi'rg .olor pholographl rnd w.llresearched documentation. Call today 10 ordo )ou. t20 png. c,1rl{,g io. $39 (includ;ng pstage and prices realized) or 1en is c suhscr;p6oD ($249). Call l-800-638-0422 or order online a1 N$\r.lhcliaults.com.

Therrault's the dollnlastcrs

IOllo\ lil . \ rrt,,' i.. \lr'\ rn,l I llrltS\

. r,' LI:

lll)l) ():i{t lrlll

\r\! $.11) c r;n u lts.com

NikkiKvitka 4536 Cusler Drive,

Harisburg, PA 17110 ema l: n ke €nterprses@comcast nel

i6e[ rnteryr[ses,lnc.

Member UFDC

Pho^e 717-236-7148 F a\ 717-236-6807

Specia(tzrng in the 'llart anl L[u,we





du d,.adilEre'

MinUhoddoll.snd'@sorle!instockandmod@minein.lllh€time9@llwilhyour-wanis,''3[,ayFelurnPrivileges, r,risGu,a, oijo,er a.a vi"-a accepred. wil buy your d;[s ourrishr or e[ lnem ior you on @nsisni:g!!

lli:".Gvj. iiliiiiie,ri.;

Always Buying Quali$ Dolls & Toys or Entire Estates Sell With Confidence . Buy with Confidence Member of UFDC . Member of NADDA Call Toll Free I-88&JAY LOWE or \717\ 396-9a79 t ncasteL PA 17606 FAX 717-396-1114 Email bigbirds@voicenet.com

P. O. Box 5206


Yi t+ q.-'





I'apier Mache-a ni(c si/a<ldrrl in n blue cotton d6s. Sh. llrs bmwn



Slars eyN i.d . wins)Dc sDile Snne .razins in hnn, 26 '. $1100 lcd An amusinS Fkn(h Alklnnton Clown. The head is E 5 D. His hal sid( kr sido nnd the hcad tums as he



nu,s fro

manipul.rr$ th. chrin rrick. Fom nn e.rl), .olldtion, 22". t1,250

3. WondEtul onEinal ,uneru Automatun with lorgneite. A stunninS

oriSinar ex.mpl€ wilh wo*ina mov€h€nt. Frcm the onAinal ownei


{. 21 ' Simm HalbiS 151 boy. Fantastic oritiDl doll puEhased fom o.iSiml mrer wondcrful deep nodelin8l $lzm

Please visit our website at


l l)" St iff Brcs n Bear, A petitc .{dy cxnmplc in ver}, nice condition with o.iginilpads and i 8n'itcxprossion, burton nr..r $1,8s0 Cerman auromatonwith papicr h..lic h.nd, i.onpantun to the "Duc." rutomnron. Shcuks h.r h..d lftm sidc to side,lifrs her toys and kicks her f*t. A wonderful exampl.l $8,0fl1 Hoh.f Colored B€ar by Srciffwilhanrwl$ (lur{)in fanhstic

ck{h.{, bulbn nr e.r origin.l .ondition -ncr.rbNn L SmallC.man paddl6,hel b(rnr .i(, 1910, in rery fine oriSin.l condition (in tEais hand). S95{


for more quality dolls and toys!

! Wondedul Chino Heads 575" Cutly ha ABG chino, expaed eors $165 55" Blonde ABG, ponially exposed eors. Repaircd shouldet $45 6.5" Kktet, exposed eotq low bnw &


$1 55" Blonde by ABG, poniolly

white center pon. exposed eon. $185

Dorling Blonde 32" ABG china with exposed eon. Redressed it grea velevet & gold

brocode. Oh reploced cloth body ond thino linbs. Cure child loo*. 5425

Geat Size & Pockoge 12" Nl oiginol by Kliog. Fla

Fabulous Ealy Chino 8.5" Pink tinted chino on peg wooden body with

1^ ). -

np chioa with blue eyes. kail clothes & wondetful oronge

chinotmbsbyAWkKstet Coil brui&d bun with center

pointed/molded tasseled boots.

pan infront. Deep orunge flot



shoes & clenched ight hond"

Aarique block silk dle.ss & slig

all in a gotgeous ontique boska wih pillow $i600


Sweet Child China

30" Floi. top china by ABG. Antique

ua&ruear, rcdrcssed in pink satin

&*s Old replaced cloth body and

6in linbs, 1 foot rcpaircd. $4%





C-overed Wogon Style 23" Beoutful fah tinrcd diaa by ABG. Old reploced chth


Girfran Holf Dotls\

275" $36

body ond chiaa limbs. kbulouslv &essd in ontioue


4.5" Atms owa11


7t* --f,

pinky brcken $2

UM -\

ru* 1116 108th


98004 '


42 fi1116 t wwt+:dollon.com

%tnffi %e(ferunann gnesdstdfiG" _"dr*pfi ' '

Buying and Selling Fifle

Satislqction Guanntee.t

lrt,q$.p.p"t"t *ro*rrr"OUffifu r. e{ I "*s*

Adv.rtirina & Crc.tiv. DiBto. Keith Kaonis Edirorin-Chief: Doma C. Kaonis

A.lmidst.alion Managei: Lo!.aine Moricone Aru?tudu.tion: Lis Amb@

Gaphi. D6itn.i Maria Sivakofi ConlributinS Editoi Ly.n Muday S.l.s Reprc3enl.tive Andy Ourmt

-t ..-Il r

Ofr.Ed lor you coNidc.alioo a raE 17" HURIT Lihin lady ciE: l3ao, p€ir..t bis{ue h..d,

rwiEl h I m onshrl sd:.ppdD body r$re mnd'n*, jturdy) !,lE h- J Ely erheF,t t@r qlll lokly blup prhhd e]6 and do*d l@(h Fd th. d'*nm'Ern[ dldd. Plea€ .all ior pldG of 6rlly dnsed rrdy Fabnr@6 oon. $5rtm

Cir<rl.rion Dirccloi Deni* &lly

subs.nflion M.n.tei rim Lan@ M.rkering: Penguin Comnunications Publi..tioE Dircctor E.i. P@tter

a,&,? Do[ co//.rldr (rssN 1096-8474) is published monlhly by the Puffin co., LLC 6 W@dside Avsue Suite 3m.

Pedodi.als postage paid at Norrhporr, NY and ar addational mailinS oI(i.A. Contenis

copyritht 2m5, all nghts e*tued-

11013'neybum Dr., Glen Alle& VA 23059 Phone (E04) 354-t28 . I.* (E04) 35&1329 . Email lindak222@.omc.5l.nct

Poslnustr: Send addres.hanges to.4"t,4!. Dol/ Coi/.r,or 6 Woodside Avenue, Suite 3m,


Subscription Rat6: One Ye.r (Twelvc l$ues) $3e.95i Two Yea6 {Tw6ty{our Isu6) 169.95. Fi6t .l.s d€li!.ry in US add $21 per yeai catuda a.ld $27 per year EUDrE add S31 per

FrNE,{NltQUE DO LLS ANO ACCESSORIES We'v. hd.d! llo 8ox 7?71, Bearerrol OR 9707 Pi. 503{.rs2.38 . C€It 50}57/-9a15 . F.r 5tr14{s2l,ll . Ns E-nril rupiNlli{a€rizd.ftr

,€ai ,apm, Alstralia New Zealand and Mero add S33 Fr yea. South A@rica and Sinaapore add $.% per !ca. Bemuda and South Afri(a add S41 p€r ye.rFori8n subsoiptions must be paid in U.S. tunds. Credit cardr accepted, For infomation elated to advertisi.& ple.* call (631) 2614100 or FAX (631) 261 qt84.

SEE US ON THE WE8 AT: http://www.anliquedollcollector.com enail: Antiqu€DollColl@aol.com Antique Doll Colletor is nor Bpoisibl. for dy ilrreracie in advenis' @nert An


manusCipt musi be a.cofrp.nied by SASE. ,4rri{!a Ddli Colk ror asum6 no Gponsibility 60r such tuterial. An nEhE iNludi.g ft-aNlarim

aF eNed by rlE publGhs. Requsts for penissions .nd Fpnnts must be made in

wntint to Artif!. D.I Colk.toi 02005 by the

I\4O\/ING? lmpondt wc ned y@r old adnEss dd yor ncw- Thc P6'l Offict does nor formrd

fuN'IkrtJiiiulP'(bIB'l$duudlobhb,n$'f,ltt lb,id'F'ld$Wia rL+fu@F,dN.dryEfud qnp[D!,ld,n,iif@[rt lLrr/r'h6d. nh k0d qu

\ll.fLif lfr)(r\\r)u\

\t5.\r\r.rnfn.rJ.l r\rnr\

S€cond CIN Mril. Call 1,888,8m-:588 or

\1. \nrr


srile to us al6 woodside Avenue- Suite l{)0.

Ns$Ffl. Nry Ydl ll?6E-

la f,4urn, a,ndrvintwg<t doll* at a'uotf'ow

At,"g4^,tt 6, 2005 I at tl"@ LaLweL I A'^., Rto. 7 3, Mt.

fuil,-cDl,o1. catil.ogttBr: $ t 5 {of ir{ornafi.oav 01'to odPr a. cab*t*la


?.O. tso1t 37, tarWLD.P, I4D 21979



(4to) 17s-2o9+ Gto) 275 2213

flntit,fe.p.Qt"t 20

June 2oos Volume E, Number s

About The Covcr Little is knouh abo* Andre ThriUiet oth1 tho the foct tltut his dolls are beothiokinslv

b.auttful. One M! to lcat obout the is ta pdt thcn

t to then 19t,]. centrry anktic cofllexl, thercby @eoling the sculptor behind fien creation. On ow a nliddle p*iott ATa d o funeot Ttiste or


trng- Fdce. Couectiah Ie nniler A. H. Kohn. Photo Rcfi n


l.a a

ANDRE THUILLIER The scrlPtot b.hind thc

rxltitg saltn*s ol th! AT.





o tul Mnr Lahi


E\quisit. hdis,oftol haldnp fiaaws, ttt. th.

hallDnrkofttis 0k t.






.\ I


It News





This Anlerican ltirs M$turl thdt th1 Dnrk tt pn, ty cu,,n" sotc of the datis klide



NADDAIN CHICAGO Atttt t'cckcnd ollnb taus dottsl

t2 Auction Gallery





44 Emporium 6o Calendar 63 Classified

Quality Anlique Dolls bv Mail '

Retum lov'leBe . Layaways ' Member

TelePhone t2121787_7279 ' l,,O' Box 1410 '

NY NY 10023


rS. De.md ?dia 23" r. & lhe \bElY - naE lN ouaht! 'cld au hil ' Di;cd or ladl Mth





Hll'anr raN;late, rlis4il olir

md odr. etmcilins, oriSual h.rlu ind lrvilh lill bu6d. bi(t

a r3" Eartv d Choid Al.trm

B:br - tn;6ner p td wrLh a DEti! fa@ ro, erlv iPpli.d.re

litriln sd6 sd 6e fed in deiMl 0nbov t doii6 all ,@;rr*, M6 pierty mroring'

5la Berulitul WinSed Cninr -a

dqu. ponrait ol rriquirl uth

hn!+mirLs ed ta;al n@c hold€d hri@nb, the old dodl

boly d wry 6r. Paiod dr6



impotul dirll. r 1350 il3m 6.1360sPdi F.lhion-h


5 -)

lu,urNs wekabl€d elf

ill'tslaon qMn se*l

".ffi€d ru"* n i."tooltln i lq' r,* Fuft" doe l&0s male $N ,irh side Bd.a @mpadNr lm old do$ [0lv with had€ am

:nd br{E dA drknq m hs mEgt tu,t or .lenani doth6-w$ wa,le .cl .' well $I3m weJre


;Pre4ftir.r' - sh; $ v hatr

with bNshmic, black slas eY5,


odsinal doil dY, mderu€d and leatler boots, erD€lt vmhge aemble. awraie wdr, no FPainL

7 o

hitrhnqlvcFiile $16s0

1( Mirl vr.lorim W lidv .la$i( Pu.ple till g@( omh Mq d 6l'dem6h6@d

9. & 10.

wifi Bold and Fa hanlmmsl EpLls bLue 31a$ ele, PE@d


;6, a rashDn Fkell 1450 n.11 133{L Milin.* Model _

.arlv dd raE wi$ s$ort, nolded


Mnabbm hat dd Painled tuh, orisiDl dolhe!, noni.l weaL 8E't 12. rE', PiF H.dct schwab Asi.n

so@@\ oliw bnt wfi Prert)

hli+",lmond q6 "nqiEl boly


D'nl eilk dbDld.ftd Umono

importint dlovel,hiddmnaw

ll ll"Endirh P.ddrr Doll Dmbablv"C.



H WhiE, Potmoudl

i laro,'!x ondnrl dolhe 'n APlh .ddibo wrth hay o{

25 aufi.ntic wa6, wa hea4 all

14 13" 134& [ndi$ Wd ha (tm .haE it wL$ wi\ dm. faint smil€ d tu onsinal shorr piil l6tur amr $750

li 13 Rrre GEincr Bol -"qm.la$ hnd Mlh.'de Paried mDad@r Ctriner Lab€l dd l"io;l bodv *th l. * u*' ,ni bou ;$ k@den h@ls m .lequr old sll !el!€r. Ha\e,tu 16 Ctrs Eve PrecEiftr



Nancy A. Smftft tsuyrn7 and sefftng

q""(rry anti4ue doffs. Syeciafizing in earfy dotfi dofG. tsox 462 Nat i c F., Ma s s a c 6u s etts o176o-oooS

ofione $os) s4s-1424 lE-Mni( nasf,off@c omt astlut Member NADDA


,f,* Richard Saxman i",-\ PO Box 53 Yalley For0e PA lO4El Tel, 6lGtls-ggu'Fax: blo-tl5-o3al Email: rickgax@earthlinl.net Itlember NADDA S UFDC


Bulias A S.rrn c

Antique Dolb Tcddy Beon


l-eft Doll: 19 Rare Glass{yed Parian w/ \[4g € Piffced t.rr. Mould€d Blous€ 6 Jewelery t3l@; Right Doll: Rar€

18 l/2' Simon Hrlbig 600 Toddler $ 1875: Lefl Bear: 14" Eady Sl€iff t) l0O: Right Bear:

9 l/l' tarly \lhite Sreill w/ Blank Bu on J975

Please visit our website at:

www.richardsaxmanantiques. com

(rr7Three Doll Auctions Two Davs in June One Differ"ent Location Fridav. June 10.2005

Treasure Hunt Doll Auction Preview 8:30 a.m. . Auclion 10:30 a.m.

Uncatalogued Antique and Collectible Doll Auction Previow 3:00 p.m. . Auction 5:00 p.m.

Saturday. June 11. 2005 Crdme de la Crdme Catalogued Antique and Vintage Collectible Doll Auction

A Few of the Tempting Tieasures...

Preview 8:30 a.m. . Auction 11:OO a.m.

. A shy 14" incised Jumeau, 9' Figure A Steiner, '15" Schmitt &

. Exceplional French poupees. including a 13' woodbodied Bru and a 21" Portraii Jumeau Poupee Peau Fils in laclory clolhing and other bebes ol varying sizes

Columbus. Ohio [,lakoy Cenler in Old Hilliard 5462 Cenler Street, Hilliard, Ohio see our websil€ tor a nW and dircctions b neatuy tod ng

. Desirable German dolls - 17" K'B 117n with flirty eyes,

17" black Simon & Halbig 739, and s€veral closed-moulh Kestners, including a rare 16" black pouty child

. A vadety ol delighflul characters, plus Kathe Kruse, primitive cloth, chinas, piano babies, tall dolls 30" and over

. Several antique and vintage dollhouses and accessories, including Bliss and Bed Rool German

Order Your Catalog Today Visit our website lo regisler lor Live lnternet, Phon6 orAbsenlee bidding, and be sure 10 add your name lo our mailing lisl.

taOO-442-3526. 5855 John Glenn Hwy . PO Box 1755 . Cambridge, Ohio 43725 . (7401 432-7400. Fax (740) 432-3191


t 1


Ag9&,nW !. l;;;;

GERT LEoNARD 1 esraul)


P O. Box 295 San Dinas, CA 91n3 Phone l9Bl599-2723 Far {909) 5994355 Please visit my website http://www.€andgantiques.com




ldMdtu sh. ll:. rE !iu.u, bhd,hs a roi! b].d

re$Ms. sk oM ryIh r rirtb trort & 6 ah rnrrqF ouuib &

lf c.'Ix rtrod'ie.nn ulx$l ltnc,nn L h.dr.ir Hir viskdiri r I rlp dorh.!.! olji l@r rdou bL otr

9x5&H'q9'.5h€6JbmM*db.tr'dBa{Lnh.l r4"@s qr JEf Ii'! r;r ddr 6 'ir oarh .d' 2" re lumru . nn ; r rerr dE !!or k dri nrd r



!ri!,;tril're-ff rl* enhneuliiir


Hkdnh,IIhD.k&d6!!Pdd&drdfirbh6hin 5. r- tl lt ,rr4 .IiiL i!| r bdr rilk blu q.d doll *ill rK od* d,h. r5s , a r ie ord do.rtt sll 6 h ri , tE miil .hErrr i r)- re r?I . ft5 n . htt oh-dr ]y .E;i & [ ho Jr, 7. rr: x t !,.I\n bh]. dul:fu b:t hr.lya'ig!b:h'.M&bofts|'.i

rr 16" tondr luhou r:Jid-Itu r ii dr

r.iah* !lu! nrd Ldr bbrl! qi..l. slr h- llr ldrh b'l.d *n . h.,ritul dB i



!I'{ hl@e I BL (m' rie) 'n

r ri H. {$c- fili isr q.e&

idld.tul dutrfti 5l. lE hd hmd irIim rqkdorhs.Tfi lovi! bl!. q{d don is ii s(lLnr mi ion. r3e50

diridmll.dhody.Exniraalkd d16m r t nielr, Member UFDC, NADDA \4sa, Mastercard. l year Layaway Doll Stand ond Shipping lhcluded Satifaction Guaranteed

. .




rai, .o-



7 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Richard W. Withington, Inc. The Netions Leading Doll Auctioneer 590 Center Rd., Hillsboro, New Hampshire 03244 . 603-4&-3232 . NH Lic.#l

Doll Auction Schedule for 2005: June 23. August 25 . September 22 . October 27 & 28

\tP5ritt -

1f Our JUE 23 auction *ill fetuEi .,um.aux. Steirer. FEmh Fshions. SFBJ. K*R I I7&114. JDK. Hilda Heubachs. Bonnie Bab€, Belrons, wd, chira 38' Smla in origiral shippinS.ane,


b.ftlirol atl bique. Schoenhul Bliss. Just Me, Vogue. Ravca s.ow babi.s, doll ec.swics, dollcdiages, doll shoes, paper dolls, .lolhes, books, & much MorE | |

All auctions stan ar I0:0OAM Insp*rions: wednesday Eveningr 7:30PM 9:30PM


MomirS of$e sle:80OAM - IO:oOAM

Holiday Inn. Nashu., Ne* Hampshirc. Exn 4 OffRoure 3 For futurc consiSnments call Dolorcs Smith



Home Tel. (603) 483-8090 or€-mail Lsid483@comcast.net

or \rithingron@conknet.com website: wryw.withitrgtonrucaion.com

C^r roas $16 E^cH. No ABsEN.rf,E BrD6. No S^rrsTAx. ll% BuyERs PrEMruM. DrscouNrED ro l0% FoR C^sH oR CHECK

Aatry tuft 'H , siz 2, lE irch6, tle My tot oti.i8l but d the

fptiod an.l dpptuptiotel! styled and sitd. sol.l lot 541 .u0- Cnca 1882,

theftare butawli ited nunbd Edotts by A*tiri Hatop@u.


Alwtr Bebe Modebbr Dolls nodzbd b! tlt F@th *ulptot Alturt Mnque dp belie*.l to b! anoq a linited editbn ol no note ituh lW dolls- Cit@ 1916, the dalls uerc cist ned in the Patis studi$ ol Mttqd,ac-Irtux. This ?ranpte is A. Motqu. on the hed and v@iqne 75 i4 wnol on thc l@t. FM the S.eley Fontily Dol Collect@



18 iflches, tutlc

ht ore

yeot ohly in 1679, uith

uith @ pbt dttiulation

l, .t'


A suryb A.T-, sirt 4, 14 in lt8 by Andrc iet vith ptFed


bique noiut h€rd oa a k l

dgd ,ltould.rplate. aad sign n A.T. shoes, ealiud 558.249

Known ds Tifany, thk do 's story

A lun@u Ttiste in a tu,.ly hund size 9,20 in.h.s. wotn| the otiginat cut u ne- ond l,oh

w latured in ttu Sdl.y

theselry rollqtbn eld lot s28,A@.

Theriault's Magnifique! April 30 in Las Vegas del'nous auction e\citement we look ro lhe recent Thenautt sate featurin8 the

IEorMildred S€eley family collechon, d eled group of dolt. rhal were pffienied over the ye.rs as gifts to her two children. The star a$ra(tion was the Albert Marque doll, purchas€d many yea6 a8o along with a boy Marque rhat was sld by Theriault,s in 2m2 for $215,000. The sister doll with ihe oriainal costum€ broughr $196000 during the April30 sle entitled Magnifiquel The S€eley collection of some 50 dolls along with more thm 300 additional dolls from important coll(dons made the April 30 Las Vegas evenr one of the mo6r thrillinS in r€cent years. For more inJormation Bo to www.theriaults.com


This sia 20 lkneaL 42 inclB kll, htost likelv a spctiat ahibit ndd.

u a luneau @np6iti; add

uxtdd joitt.d hotly, c.1885 ftali.ttl $45.920. Ale ptcturcd, o si412,25 inch to brb.lu @a,57,280 t2

This ehaming all o.iginal pelit. Ft.n.h belE bv S<hnitt .1 Ftls. 12 itt h6 tall. uith thz

A Bru bebe fun E clossic Ftid

btought $35,8r1O.

h.nds,23 ituhes tall, Mliztl $32,480.

o,*iii LH

ltun ttu Patu buthue A$ Enhnk Sase, c.1880,

uith the.Lsituble nodeL.l torpe tip. otigitul hoAy oad pefett sutpted

Mn Au.tiot Gilkru o tnl. 5t

ch<* u @r o dp vv€6

$br,r,@ zr x4 cery ror:rd Do0 sior sr olnq I

9i4i'" Oolb a &fun<lrqddgGearu lnn.

EEil C|ajogigredolE oh

,dy rsr Nridr D.r f6'ihL Hilh tldnd,l& o'.tr} Hin NJ


(,2t N, Northwgl Hi8hw.y, Chi..go, Il 60631 . (fi3 ) 59GltO . (800-442,3655 ord6 only) . F (73) 5,+17!l, o94 Tu6, wrd , s{ 10..n. . s pr 6 p.n. clo6ed so dd Mo Nd o}l:P, pnk Rid3e & Nil6, 3/,r mit6.d o, tti€r Av.. in tht t t of in buihliq. cka to n mPr er!,*w9 rnd pu k hnqdtttifu. chtutoh ls l6t s.ldka q AntiqE, Mod.fl dllt co .dibk txtk, Bobt, s





22'C,Bor.u kl'ns gr.iid, bl@ 66 s/t^i11, ha,l r oF i'M,




23- SflJ 216 Pdr o/m li& 2 kri & mkl€d hgP. bl .l ry6. dl8@l b.h1 h.d!, I Ep&rd lD4 HB ,u llm.



fr/ 't-"






,-(€fu I5dHrl.Foh8iNrp.bbEqPE 3 6 lidbodyl,l5 13" TunPdturd x6hdrll, m dodr h.dr hln Lr|; :ft ,dd€d .9le rld body */ h6tE lffi, brr rlBlr 2/2, BJ body, H n

ey6,body Epx, i:tr|ft 12fi 2l_r€bEDf?t0

15r.13*P|pnhhd4d& q6 lrdbojyr/ bsltr

c t66 q6 */ me!,,r 9d-rE

.N ln m a is) tl,ls Noi ir5.


Xtu 195 s/ htr.rrbmq lid bodr, @po aru, U J qe t150. N* i195. 2.}r2', Ker t 5{ DEt, rbquc lhc uL& prnbLrr M bodr */ Ul C ry tgtr 21.12'ClM w/ nddri hri f,6w.30 HH s!, !d hod, v/bi{E.tu 1,60. I,ks tliS 21.12'










<Come under my umbrella and I will accompany you to the museum.))

Puppenhausmuseum teddy bears toys


45 Hearthstone Rd., Yonken, NY 10710. (0t4)79 744 . Fax (914) 79tr1758 'Member UFDC Update.l Nelo Photos . www.alic€miffia.con . €mail: ama(fia@r.n..om



I Ir/r h rh/rd. t IL[i.ElL hpql[n,i$ idituiggdil t rr $L- tra Gn-ir}.ii. rie bl( wdfttr.,l!e,diaU!itr b6a,lE t6 Le r-i$.r 9r5 mpl{,i! 6m,ir d.d, hdr, rd ed.difgorft 6. t in

}1,i}c]]ifrhdd.d'd6Il'Hhilnl hSatdF96e'dL.,opuEJnddr,idr'dt,olbi8uit nr tli, b.dy Gddr rd ord Endr oB q hmrrD,, Qr& { Oaii



l'D'l('lz Lt,dind6du}5r dEri h{ry


xtr"Ldibor,:ndrNdd.6,rolhlI,iLhrh,@tutFi"br hj3 lalE rEiir r sd efn Icis6ull'I) r0 Lar ')'oEr m'i.DrP 0!]Eu[od!)c.4.dr loLD

6 Goodr r'At( }ln, rilh *:tnd6 m!6, ri& d.p tlr rl.p 46 ll.l2 )5'M4ifi ! d'lySIH r.li,bln! udrd@!ar{r.8, d!&{ir Mld,4ru dPBid. t1,1& bHly 0n& ri& beu,filly ,lerrd &{ira [!., onv ,o.da h.ni. r lq I* nt ditrr',l b fr'd, hi tsi EG. lGrli sL6r.tdr {i6 atuliry, rbcr dB u,isr erdfr.r horr. {B lt"i,





nyu, &!pl5,dintr d'aar r0 t.6i4!d:n blld:gn r,s



l MORF}IY AUCTIONS: 2OOO N. READING ROAD.DENVER, PA l75l? TEL: (?17) 335-3435 AAX: (71?) 336-71 l5 www MoRPHY-{rcrIoNSC;}r."3'lll.:.#:xH",rToRPHYAUcrroNs'coM






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li:*q ^i"l:'d:i1l::119 . , .

Murlca Hil, NJ 08062


Phone 1.85&78-9778

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EnAl6 v,tkty ' Hi8l6t Q,aliry ' E d,Phry Saie Cedit Cfids

270.586.0384 . Mdtbq UFEt


r Mnr, sdiuly SorB@ pam bdr 2l-, ria haireyh */aprlid bo6 & b"rl, pided 6E/arh$, shndinB .hiii rulfled bodie, FpLcd y, flaeiry nbse lilk s$tr. 5299 xRorrilwol ihNin3 lmy h:iE9L w h roeib dm6bd h:ft 6rd in b:.t, $nain3 rprli.d blE l*! D 6d.nd 1G ol h.tr r. fiN \,ttMI rcril'h,n s'lm r! Hnbs 1.0 hdd\ sJkd -uhk }!(,lm". h ory rrn ) wis, *r shs €G, d*d moutht 2 5" t295 dh l(hoier bldde, d l blonde t'Nn han) r c,.dkf,r dpdM "0r& Dnpl6- uim'r.d. l/ bx w'dr ddh bodv e Mpo rft /l$' o@lctum & b.ntd \t4limm,Dr riI rk*r4* t,li ( @'b! Ej r b4lo hdd d o Udr 4ribu,ed b q[ &dcnehikl, 13' hl raq bh dpd h h k'q, qls dod, b.dr r /do ift. Bf ,.lsr *sn w/*li$ b.d\ t ldh rl4p.r, Aellol r

o IrR hj p.rkd p nl b'squ. b.bb 2 5". pinEd I'nb. nrr?d'Glffit', ni dini8e 7 All msdl ,.nd r&. sl&.!d. Cl'd vdlLl Brrl. doro.

lf r,ll. r.hd tu^hmd (lrlft



r /m.rh,r ddhe h.r & llirF Etftlldr odirio 3505 3 La! Fine B.F. rllongitul nd !{nn Gr@ wi$ Fnne ros{ tu& s.4ue q

Plds ylir our hEmr do9'Hodr.n! d,niique ddll! & alrxsi6r l D.y rftm Pliril.3e Sairsr&ridnC@ ry'CanGr,yrki]6 Y6il 6a ir.r ra'joFrdqu.ilollllm. E ui! ioyajoyst'{udolr.re P o B.i m, Fnnuin, xmtuty l2l]mr0r

(Nat l



Jttic Grandma's J .Rckotos


ooll Dc,l6 as^.)



2137 Tomlin$n

Av{ue Brcd, New Yort 10{61 . (718) 86}0373

/www*randmasatti.dolls..om . €mail: joyc€dous@aol..om'

l. :. rtBdlmrlU p/Esr6 d6 & har, od. OPvmr boly F&d hi{e asld6 d& & hia* l6K

.c Dru loay ll!.1 & d3. lr:a dl woidstulpmmlEdrodh

E /,l6nble mld.d Bru h@ tp sisld 0r hc slt 6:bdudi J. 7


cto*d Mond Porrv b.

p/w q6 Llr,@hb FL biiuq

LrtlIGr bw\ m* trdw lr.drd wE [.rdbnd & qr mc dEi


xlfu b.d,],.^ m m rhn iit .ir.r doN.tplg!n6 ^don6b


d lr'5r.Qt2fi roddLabrrl tu*kn h6qu. M upfs H[


mldcdbp. lm'il&ryoiq dE, fk & undia cftn.hubby'rl

rup'l'enr pilebilquq h* HH,i*,

ba}l o/h.aletratifk

!hG. o'l hs mr. dlnlv [D tuy

c, rrRr !E:id rlE he n rn r )r s& H )uu [tl.iind bqE,huFbr.l "vo rF-/tullo,ia upps En h.tr lds ns tull ralDtr LREAI old und6 li mc dG On lF bbulob ons body ihtr n E nd cumBluru I haE Ed h:dlr

/I ladi*r Mnr Ponnir lumEu r: /0, mr*irkflt p;k biquq

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& or,& Ft, hbrkls rd PEidr

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r 29 r /r x!fu rrTr D.in hrErirE bra*. br c q6 h /Lt!'roui m* loni iull Fd l"r !pper l&ha

nr6ll.nr oir rdn sr<'ll slh


ib oirii.l a,ne a hrii ric dir.


lmhJm ir rqrh,m mr ldudin8hnfrr rimrblesil( axE O! [d qi& tu.Fd


Bk b'{u, bulB nB bLE

'mmidl:h tu JDid o/{ G @ ndu ai qn rt&Ft,IBifdd d6, sr rL r, hr tr lr' mA !F.d 4 Ium:u "\c oi ls siq aeld,uilrH{tuL:ra hnl b tur d,! nutb( ri :



11x_sdEd a( Hofimi6tlm '500. bi d..}q 8Ni o,i& sor*.d! -m[at bqE, wi& ord h6d..


dd ti,i'ly dB & binnd. oi her dn3 body. slP I rmm rhe nE !50in


whbb4'.mA rblu sB&FF ukrlrr,huld Ftull.€bwi inm I r m'fl hhirh ! D'!h.bh mc'M' O' rmlsF { cbhq bd1 m h? flm,+ m.! { hld! ;\ rlbLlda:d.['ni 16' {.hn hr Lr. b* lha\ hllffh-dr'd qili


n;ntr olEsdl!,lE un uk tE, bn $rh dimn or d 0p d hguhhll hrn .q t3?50 r mi dr,i, aF li.lF. nFihr bE( Dbultudn& moh,is x'r t,' LF.rrq @bi'te. 't350 q,y .r.hr. YoL h ir. lor. br dld dd ds.Glw ,$urm o4 {e;d l*mli{y rrE I 4il'E N lr'rc rdllmu rl ic, IBimr p.l.rafu.:D,4 bl. r/w.ya on& ndv! sBl p.E tui'4 ti d. dlR sodsri cr Bd ll,llEu Jc tul\ m .d l*d, ol!3 lt d 6( dlrrmg 4rd dnl i ri{hodv F, d M .

LrtuomINARILY hefl btulll' tti75

b..l-.o.2hbJuhuJ'l..hmatolrkbs4(b's:Mrpw.]Ron&tuFr.tutlor3moDtrlllnur{Switid! tumu @ r.d & a Bt ks pB;! obE ni .{o r bc dB mtJuq I r nr h.r Slr ha, tully ,i3,Ld lEd≪m ,,lv a'id {. Hir boav nErhd h;di ihGr k66j,odr 9rborolnvolkbrd L

b-d'ul,u f* *1;d, b"H -. ir }!u or hnd d r4,t r il' rl,e-dJD cEr s'nn'1ad n\. n


%etly,CibrafiA's *fln$4w 9,ol/ls

Phone: 718-859-0901

. Fax: 718-859-1506

MEMBER: UFDC Email: I ibradolls@aol.com



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.rB.lo.l lmtl! du" bodn i[6]i&FEdr k dE 5lEr!!9)


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r dffi soroENHur F.rur*


-di6 li!, rdqF dk Ne rb c'ly. AL.'dr


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r.E,Ir xaols cruxnEr tlo(( BE8E ,{LL ANnouE m*tu|tu ribulqadEpl6-b4 mhqs rHrfi J* ^ tl7rur.tr! mUEFt U i! ruN^Issrxc[ COsrLMt to dr Hu. Pw G Ftu (kr 8:d Jumu ron k[6 bod, ,. v rltt IUMtf,U Elm Pw q4 tnnd! ons Jum.h bod, on* sR ds.d tud\ Sr^ND[.,r ^drvot { corcEirus'22' tEErurc^iJ roE m rMQw BrE Pl{

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r{ l}" rcSmER ft7 CHILD Blur J&p EA, ds body Ben


TYtMor Bi. uu Ca

6n lqun o, hdr onFDl \dmru

rr slMoN & ti^tarc rila.H^xrcrtr - .'', tm b bodr Frhn Dls

m.LoU bodv wih rEld€d Dnq h:i o. dim Lnhr& Plrhd


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d4 rrq*dEind ds onprb,ir \ren <€d 11150 13 rr'60ltYwoc rY MERTYTHOUCI{I clr) h,ri n6,ul

i.d" Pw s6 i.lu dnE iEd. cdr dni6ml. ..... ...-. --,.Jrs I lf sru lor rrinl ruo( cHtr D ,,Ja,m -,--, :o lr tlNo & oro Dr[ss[L ME|N L r: 20JrcsrNrRlo1ornD^LLoRrcrNALMnr 3'!4w blM .rqq6 rd m$ w,3: iq@ ndJE rd oF, mriqu t6, sLft flin !r5, oisiiiLirpF hodv anhqur dr$ donsitul!i3. mainr hrdr thmq'... .. .lR, .... .11700 l, 12'rEr[E rEstlv[l r{ Ounrmx BIE o6 oneDl Hdn ddun,i& siiiur dr o{.nd b.rudtul hodf rn :o$ re irMt^u

AL5OI,\0 3RLU I [, uA\\ lt \rr \U\,5 tu\LRS C.\LORr,l tL\(H f{S}r()\5, CI R\r\\ ( rrrR\Clr ]{s llO\DERFLt ITOLLIISOF.\l1sl, lor a Eal reat, visft my AWARD WINNINC WEBISIE ro w l00 MORE DOLLS Cill, F r, or Enatl lor d@nl doll list with ov.r lm .nnq{. dolkl ALL DOLLS AFE FULLY GUABANTEEON WA|TING-3 DAY FETIJFTI PRIVILEGEI


www.kathyl ibratysdol ls.com

News Housekeeping for Dolls at the Mus6e de Ia Poup6e-paris AB'de range.or loy\ hde been produced thar refl(r -Srownup..acrivr"{ \ bes: po(elain tea *ts, .urtery and fine Blassware, opFr or mameted kilchen urensils. <oves. gas cooker and ovens. ,rons and ;;n,ng boards,

boile15. waching machines and ctorhe. pegs, va.uum cteanea, f;ther dusters and (lednin8 acessorie, p,d8e;or' Ewing machines and s€wins :€ls, 8Mery stores filled w irh ,prod uctr , ven htaroB. as we as thp cjorh_ rn8 wom with thep.divties such as aDmns

Dolls haw alway\ been .urrou ndea ,housereeprnS marerials. The*


everyday ob)ecr..nd above atl roys have had a main mte in rhe LtleSirt\,

educahon and in then imirarion 8ames. Hou*te€prng has atso rcnecied society's evolution and rechnotogicat advances. The Mur€e de Ia Poup6e-paris r€veals in their new temporary exhibit the variety of hou*keeping aids for dolls and lhe rmaSe lhey reflect ofour socictv from the Second Empire unhl tod;y. More than a l00o obiecrs wil be p.esented wirh abour 100 dolts .oming from the Mus€um, private (ollections and loans from roday,s

Thise)(hibit is aimed at vesreF day's children, coltecto.s a;d fans of dolls' tea *ts and miniatuE

honehold appliances. NostatSic people will remember their

domesti.loys md will share their pleasure with today's chitdren using the same 8ames. Tte exhibit

Evelyn Ackerman Featured in Modernism Magazine!

runs frcm lune 4 to S€ptember 2t 2005.

Mutt d.ld Poup!.-Pa s

/.'\ ver the years, Annque Do[ Co eclor \Jhaq published manv artictes bv

T.l: N i3 1 42 72 73 71

Evelyn AcLerman, and her dott, tov and dollhouse bmks are among our finest rer erences. But many of you are unaware thal Evelvn and her husband rerry are also known for their (eramics, tapesrnes, mos.ics, met.land caNed wood panets, plaques and decorative hardware. VeNtile in many medrums, rhe d6ianinA couple ar€ featured in the SpnnAedrhon ol Mod.rx,s,r ma8az'ne. The eighr.page arti(le showcases severatof rhetr pieces, $me of wh'ch E'de in m,.e,-i"tt*tions. The article also prcvides sur.es for those inlerested in ,acquirin8

Frx: 00 33 7 44 54 U 48

Phot6 @fit6y Mtste d.

A.kermans." Modernism Masazine, phone 609-3974104. www.modemism,



NeWS continueil PBS'History Detectives Unravels

Doll Mystery Drcviding answers to lhe {amiliar


query - "Hey what's ihe story with that?" - the cnti@lly acclaimed PBS series, History Detectives retums for its third season on Monday, June 27 at 9pm ET/PL

CombininS the Iatest forensic te.hnology with old-fashioned, pavement-pounding dete.tive work, th€ series lifts the lid on intriSuing artifacts and objects, family legends and local folklore in cities and small towro In a segment to air this summer or early (all entitled "tpSacy of a Doll" a Marytand woman is th€ own€rofa CEiner doll. Pinned to iis dr€ss isa note sayina the doll once belonged to a fomer slav€ of the legendary

Confederate general Robert E. le. Her grandson ,oins History Detfttives to help his grandmother uncove. the true story behind the doll and its legacy as they head to Maryland, Pmnsylvania and VirSinia to explore the complet and intriguing story behind General Lee's rel.tionship with slavery For http: / / wwwpbs.org / opb / historyde-

Animals In Motion /\-

urrently showins until October 9, 2m5 at rhe PupFnhausmueum in Baselis an exhibit ofeight original Steiff m(hanical display showpiees manufactured f.om the 1950's up to the present day. The ea.liest showpie.es were designed by Albert Schlopsnies b€ginning in 1910and us€d as shop

New Exhibit Opening "Dolls from the Attic" fr \-

olledoE are invited to bnng therr

children or srand-ch,ldren to a family exhibil being shown at the Mercer Museum, Doylestown, PA. "Dolls from the Attic" consists of five interactive settinSlr an opportunity to Bet "dolled up" in a reproduction doll costume and pretend to pour tea at a fancy victorian doll tea party. Next, dress a baby doll, carefully washing her clothes with an old-fashioned washboard and tub, and then rock her to sleep in a doll cradle. Afrer that, make-up stories and act them out with dolls and doll-sized fum-ishings in a se.tion featuring a colorful dollhouse. tlam about the traditional dres of different.ountries as you try on clothing modeled after the intemational and souvenir dolls in the "Dolls frcm th€ Attic" exhibit. Finally, record your own doll stories and memories at the interactive video station, The Storytelling Kiosk. Additionally, other doll-related erhibiis and activities are featured throughout the museum. And onJuly rZ the Me(er Mus€um wilthost, in conjlrnction with the Doyl6town Hcpital, "The Doll Health Fair." Visitors of all ages are invited to bdng their dolls to the mu*um for a medical check-up. EmerSenry r@m nurs6 frcm Doylestown Hospitalwiu be on hand to administer routine medical c.re with stelho*op6, tiny hospital identification bracelets, and bandages to treat minor boo-boos. ln addition, information on how to care for and pteeee dolls willb€ available

Collectible Doll Co. Gourmet Doll Supplies for the

Discriminating Doll Collector

'iloflIqoln lrofl lloldt *D.lrrclie!'Blfl e(e Pref, lere *ill{non..t ! 1Pftlrrt rlor DlrpLrt *Plpei Tor for Dolls *IlErlo, Prtiers lor rlrl e Croc[ei Ollitut 'ColLctibl. D,oIl f.rtiont

"ridr[ed Croct r.d ourllrs Doll ,erelry 'C.13 Par*Pip.i lr4i Ormnerl! 'feliher rvht.{. Poitrrdr rDol! Serh{ ProFctr Doll Stoer "ltotrir Doll Vl{s 'Le.fier.illtrirruE Ac.!i3orl.i Mold t1 clobtl cttuhss not snr(n

Merc€r Mus€um is lcad in b€auh-

ful Bucks County, 45-minutes north of Philadelphia, PA. For mor€ inforrnation www.mercermuseum.orS or calt (215) 345{210.

Complete 5 Catalog Set - S2s ppd. hcludts $15 none! ba.k .otpot uith purchas?,


l-800-566-6646 Coll.ctible Doll Compln, a66r 5equi6 Du@enses Wrr. S.qoln VA s3s3,

I t

o I

t L -

The Art of Andre Ttruillier by Jennifer A. H. Kohn

Andr€ Jean Thuillier was not destined from birth to make dolls which one hmdred years after the fact would make .ollsto6 gdp (at thei beauty as wel as at their starding price6.) ln lact, his b€ginnings were humble, md not parti@larly prepocsing: a derk in a shop *lling po(elain khick-knack, he n@thel6s had a shSular eye for beauty that stood him in Sood stead for the r€st of hiB life. A st€p up inlo a porcelain laciory wh€re he w6 able to famili iz hirelf with a wide range of invenl,ory and Monsieur Thuillier was on his way to his life s work. Despite his s€emingly lackluster origins, he mEt have b€en a man with a unique vision for his dolls, as ATs arE among the most beautitul and desiable of a[ French bebs, with pri.6 that demoBtrate ably the laws ofsupply d dernand: whm supply is linubed, deound mkhels up in conrmensurate proportion. fieie are a number of AT fac6 md bodies, somewhat slrprisin8 Aiven the size of the company: a colGsus like

lumeau it was not. What it was, however, was a manufacturer of some of the most remarkabl€ dolls €ver made, at any time, or anywher€. It's not that they did anything special, not for Monsieur Thuillier were the mech.ni€al wonders of lhe ninete€nth century with bebes

who could ki€K c.y and oh yes, kiss! No, perhaps the main truth of the matter was that when one is m€rely beautitul, then thatbeauty is and of itself is enough:Most ATs are simply beautiful. (lt.an be argued that the ATs with open mouths with two rows of sharp little t@th.re more s.ary than beautiful, but many collectors love them, as they are $ typi.aloftheir time, and also, no small consideration, th€y Monsieur Thuillie. is ieferred to as a manufa.ture. listed by himplf as a manufacturer, but in reality, may have be€n an assembler only, buyins f.om Francois Gaultie. and possibly only for a briefpe.iod of fifteen years. No patents for kxlies were appli.d for, in .onkast to some of the heavy activity from other companies, who se€med to have submitted patents daily, so enthusiastic was then output and lastly, his premiles app€ar to have be€n too small lo have mnufa.tured anythin8 lar8er than a thimble. Also, we know frcm the rsords of fG that they did inded sell to Thuillier, but,ust how mu.h of his offerin8 came frorn that fine firm is not known, lost as the information is in the mists of antiquity.-.(Note: this last infomation is from the forthcoming volume lI of the Frcnch Dott E tcyctopetln.)

Abovs L@k at the two fac6 sideby-side, Lily-Seville, a middle period AT, and \rivian, a L.nE-Fae jumeau, size 14, dd you will € the $ulpror's hod in borh. The simihnry is artisti. morc than a.tual, bur thafs the pef needed. Photo by ReAiG l,l$inger Opp6iie: Lity-Seviue i. a Comie Lowe Oriti.al, l@ki.E very chi.. Ptoro by Regna Lansin8er 20




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had stnky a1l-wood bodi6, whil€ others had liShrer,weighr composition and wood bodies, making ihem very nice to pose. Whatcollectors choose to regard as the mo6t important part of the dolls, mmely, the heads were all formed of prEsed bisque, with its narrow rim at the top of the head, and the shallowest of indcntation where the nose and mouth appear Ears were applied, but are less prominent than th@ oflumeau, for example. Simplicityof form was a hallmark of the ATs, wirh whatever basi. body was fashionableat the time, comparable ro other company's dolls, and of the finest quality, but the dolls were anyrhing bur simple in Urerr presentation, bemg top-of-theline Iuihl) anired inhabitantsof the elite world of F.ench doll nakin8. TheE being relatively littte information available about ATs, one possible way to learn about them is to put them in their nineteenrh .entury artish. context, as all dolls must be designed by a.tist. Mct people, when they think about the art of the ninete€nth century are reminded of the naturalist work of the impressionists, who sought to bring importance to art works of every day liFq .ather than the heEtofore preferred 8.and style of painting and rulpture, with its riSo.ous demands for nobility of subjet. Products of the Academic tradirion, most nineteenth century s.ulPtors were considered realisls, until the advent of the great Auguste Rodin, a maste, but of fo.m and feeling, .ather than the smooth surfa€e consid€Rd de rigueur by the academic lculptors and their pat ons. For the purpo6es of sculptins dolls, an impressionist was out of the quesrion - childrEn prefer smff th realism, and the roughly textured sculpture created by Rodin would have been unsuihble.


IF If a rose by any other name is reputed to smell as sw€et, rhen

if th€ dolls were made solely by FG, does ir affecr their beaury or their value? tn the author's opinion, no. FCs are finely made dolls, highly collectible and d6iable, but having b@n manufactured in much la.ger quantities than rheir AT counterParts, their prices must necessarily be lower although the look of ihe dolls is not as much lsbeauriful as different. For different the ATs .re. Therc are other French bebes who ar€ much sought-afte. by colleciors, and some cost even more than the ATs themselves, but while the Hs, rhe A. Marqu€s, rhe dolls of Hen.i Delcroix and others may appeal, none havequite lhe melting softness of the finest AT's expression, wirh lheir uniquely lifeJike physiognomies, although to many oftheir fans, Iumeaux cone clo*...

Whatever the configuration of the firm, it began in 1875, and proceeded rapidly io the top of the heap, meiaphorically sPeakinS. Early to middle period dolls are the most atra.tive, and wh€n found in all-original condiiion, are treasures of lurury so well dressed and pampered,looking were they. lf orher.ompani6 perfeded their dous with rhe passage of time, the reverse was partially true ofATs later dolls are as far from perfection as thei. earlier couterparts are €los€ to ft. The initial dolls made by the compmy are typical of all firms in that they were a little tentahve, with very soft painrinS and lery pal€ bisque. Kid bodies with bisque hands were the norm, the mo.e graceful hands were made for And re Thuillier by who€ver was s(ulplinS for him, and the chunkier veEion cdme from Francois Caultier's unknown sculptor Some of the dotls


Why I love these dolls... Phobs by Re8ina Lansinger

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,1. l75" I7 5" 8aqi 8aq, &,lal rhindu br AK; IJN$ IJN$ KallusJNiBnt,


.,mN/ddh Ioddlo hrl\ wi$ .,mpo/.ldh wi$ln n m ltts :nd i F, ,n,l nplid blur slft? t\ $ had lo ind! !:,3fir 16" No I w.dr tlide IIio ll't lJh, K h.KnMdothddll.ntrnnlhodsini.n hn. r ,rhdr l.r,r ll) q F.n,...i a n. qBturuE n fur bul re^ Br\l itin !o \n rf.i.l, Frur.r. siSMtriE [r{ i,5m. i{.!00 6. Stu 6, 15.:" dHn MIh leb Teb br by Jumdu, oneitul ma&\j ma&\i luN.u lumdu, onsitul

r. r\r


tuy with sl6iSht Ndsts; wrists; anliqE d(nhs, !hG, ori8nal wig s4,3! s4,&m.

7 ll' FEh f, D Mclunirl rhnr {urs, r!tu. h6d hod h tmi dunial Doll fi,r Si n Hrlhi, Hrlhi& R.D. L.l, lo]. on[in] onginl tur lash6, lash6

|iEt nbNm ind $6 Ne., ldon [Et

Call or omail us to discuss your doll needs and/or collection sales (901}} 792-3747 cel (qBl277-083i] emai[ dollstr@c.bleona.not Post Olfice Box 5m3, Texarkana, TX 75505 Memb6rs: UFDC and I{ADDA W€ accept Visa, Mastercard and ottei genenous layaways. Far mor. fitt.d to a doll's requnemcnts were lhe works of J.an-Baptiste Carpeaux, wh@ s.ulpted masterpi(es 8ra(e the Paris Opera, or Albe.t-Ernest Carrie.-Belleuse, whom webelieve sculpted for lumcau and who was a.tually Rodin's tea.her and eventual rival. In looking at his works, {l started with the lattea as Caftier-Bclleuse had a huge commercialas wellas a fine art practice, and th.re is confirmation that he did indeed sculpt at least one doll) I began to see a family @mblance betwen some ofhis portrait work, and that of the ATs, with their innocent yet potent sensualit, almost always a sub-text in that more eprs*d cra. A man like Carier-Belleuse who had such a commerciillbent might have thought nothinS ofstulptin8 anonymously for multiple doll compani6, su(h as Jumeau, or even the iiny but elegant firm belonging to Andre Thuilliei As any a.tisi knowt inome is income, whethe. from port.ait commissions, o. from the sale of an easel painting or for sculpting a doll- Even the most suc.essful.rtists cannot usually afford to turn down work ofany kind, l6i the market dry up, emethinS as kue then as it is now. I de.ided to iest my theory by usinS the doll that is identified with Carier-Belleuse, lhe Long'Face Jumeau, size 1.r (lcallher Vivian) and pairing her with a middle period AT (affectionately known as Lily-Seville) of the same size. t okinS at the two sid. by side, I saw some resemblance, but more importantl, sin(e the pairo.iginated from two different companies, the style of sulptin8 appeared to be the same, with a firm command of te.hnique. Eoth erpe(ly formed, their faces and trcdies were clearly fashioned by. master of his cra ft. (The bodies are almost identical, chunky and childlike, with hands of sliShtly different proportion and conformation, lerdin8 me to believe that CarrierBelleuse sculpted the whole doll: the hands may havc chan8ed with the pasSe of timeand prcvailing fashion, with the la.ger ones beinB earlier than the smaller ones, which had begun to refl

(t C€rman competition.)

When an artist is at the beginning of his career, often the work is charachnzed by youthful exuberane and .onfidence, but less skill than in later years. By the time that Ca dier8elleuse created rhe tanS-Fa.e,umeau he had.lF.dy exe(uted major commissions, had worked for Wedgwood Porcelain in England, revitalized Sevr€s Porcelain in France, and was extraordinarily facile in his ability to transmit from idea to a.tual pie.e his intentions. Perhaps no other a.tist of that amazin8ly f{und time was as prolifi., or as able to metamorphose frcm fine to dtrorative art in the blink of an eye. Particularly notable are his po.trait sculptures, one of Mlle. SophieCrcizette, star of the ComedieFrmcai*, with a fa.e startlinSly like ihat of the AT, while anothea Mlle. Simone Boucheron, a child, €ombines the features of the Long-Face and the AT, and points to Carier' B€lleuse as the designer ofboth dolls. Did he s(ulpt any other ATs? Initially,l wasn'tat all sure of thai fact, as the early dolls have their own beauty and charm, but their modeling is more delicate, and lacks the darhg flair so apparent in later dolls. Also, the painting of th€ early dolls is less dramati., and Rms to take its influen e f.om €arlier nineteenih century techniques. It is thebravura sculpting of the middle period face that lays claim to the nolion that th€ astonishingly .reative CanieFBelleuse, who tumed his hand from everythinS tuom makin8 iewelry to dolls, and some of the finesr of ffne art of his time, was the man behind that model of AL However a chance compari$n ofan early, middleand late psiod doll, .ourtesy of the generosity of Florence Thenault, made me (hange my thinkin8 to con lude that oll the dolls wer€ sculpted by the artist, as the visual relahonship between the thrce, lying on a table toSether was ovetuhelming. I su+'e€t that Carrier-Belleuse created the fi.st doll, and then may have retumed to sharpen and intensify that beautiful head to refled prevailing whims. When then compared with a Carrier-Belleus€, the evidence was

Aidft Thtillier to ti' tcdonNg.58 2l

Ann lllarie's Anti4ue Ool/s ;;;.,p,3;; '11122 Alabama Ave, Youngtown Arizona 85363

Tel (623) 876-8373 E mail amadT@aol.com



Website http://rdolls.org Layaway, Relurn Privileges, Member UFDC ( ) rE! nd D

i' M'.'o, Dor.p,r c.r.ron


00idt olo'c-

3. MAr Cunry, BrFo.th., mLnr dlid @xra., 2f hr. 1350.

+ Fddr lod( a h..d, p*l .ya, staiqhl *tu1, S.lh,[ t0€ comDodt@

e. PoR @ nEr.d JuEu, Mr! m fn!.( b.dy, la hll, pEry rr$ 5. Podr.n .l,@u

f!h.., 19 bt, ti,

qrer oulllt, o4 l6h fr t@8. PoB 6. MqM.n., 6'hrr, bls qras .y.., ivrl ,r.cL dB cborrE, rth !fr, hd bor 11350. rrlrml. ]34"Er, dt,

,.800.336-DOLL (3655) BO.Bd 266.3O1 G|Bnm.dA..

doriig, d@ !h$ .16. $25.

For our Fall 2005 Toy, Doll, and Advertising Auction oarh. Bob &J{Lj. Sen

roldion.f .sr;6n tor.6r d.dd.d mroa3 {Edrdo6. Coi,g in Bith r pEst .ri G of rppoximd.ly ,350,000, JlIi g,red *r 41.6 br.lins mr .2.6 Millid ad rt'. .6r, miis nd r*r ih.n J6 FwdLlAlcdon R@dl NBdy ocistr d b rhn g'ar lNion r '...[.dio4 'G-d,y Koll;q Oo.At6, EAisn Plbn%nph don,:d nu.h mE. Als omins b .h. blck i. hlg! sr ol nrnyre FEmh dolL & C.mr rhrltrr;nd. Bsw"Wddy",rnmeu, l.dion oiccr Coh icmq nrc to/s incl. m.gninant Cordon B.nn.t ser, lirc coin-ap rrcrd. & Endiry, .rly hinr, mriqu. rdv.fGin8, .t , Wjr! @r 35 r.B oi.rp.nene, olf.r inA ;iF..:61. .rFnir (ind. nord d.rLB.Jry Low. Mik Crdmll4 .nd Ri.l Ssmrn), r m, ,&rEsiE m{k dns p'lAnB incbdiry ,l)ft of dE lin6t . .Lrr in lh. ;nd!r.y, . Epuhrim for l,on6t .nd f:ir &rii'g, rd rh. lld omFridr ismisid nB rEir"H.,r.n6 D ruri.. lr. ,iu s( Jtu d. sEr6 d @n }ar tiE u.iqc .oy!, dout 'Erling .dEn*ios, . t oin{p.frr.a nrhin.ry C:I bdry id i,clBion in thir acitins nL. B.low c s* ofrh. sdndi,g ,HIB ftlD tur lR.r rfr..:

Millid ftr

(l-r) lly Low, doll .on5ultrnt holds rR "Morir' tloll which n d lor 113,8Ir0. srndy JulL holds s&H 152 .lulia

G.hr .hr.dr Joll whi.h eu n, 422,t25. Jih

l d! 1bgutitul lhzlr DcF,e Jumeu whi.h eld tu !24,150.

Wft.li.ryou ll.rc on. h.n or rn .nrir coll.dion, conrftr u. bd.y for r *itno ioblig nrn.,\ dr.l liunM !01, SLlttcsu lld,, niirG.ld, NlU 01937 W.65ir, wjuliuuc.ion!.cm nl,(201a517125 Fa:(207).r3 250, l,i.r:


soecral Dolls to Teach a Little Prin cess


bv Rudolf Ebeling

the Ro) al A un,oue sroup or doll: rPide in lhe Archives of *hr'h I hd\e done fur in'trrurron lri"'"i..]i"? ,n"'N",r,*,and<, dn colle'rion' doll lheir on s orl ;uit a bit of rc:loralion bit or hinoriLdl intormarron whi(h s rll pur



;'lr, ,

our ldsr Dutch hrns wd' wtlliam rI ""te\r. or rn nrtemb'rs in r8'ro' rr ptoved ro iii,iitl,ii *i,i.l**o sophiaq'""n n"ter lelt al home rn.lhe r,. ,"r,rort ."*,,g"," it'" "" *trite trer trusband turned out lo be a woman'/er l'.ethedanas, 'i}""ii"i""J. born' who' aras' arr i-^,r."r. -arriase three sons wele rrhour dn heir' Thdl s in lE84 ihrone oulch n'.a t"""". i*"r"*,f," or rhe House or i',,iri r'".? -""i,ir'" *d or rhe roval dvnasrvthe courr' dmong ;;;;. r, ,h., couldn'r rind r pnncess rrnB (lophraturcPedn r877r dnd in dred er w,doh ;;:'i,':. ;iii;;; ;";* the hoperull) Sive btrth to d litlle Prin(e or Pances''

'iri . ,-" ,-,;r".-,;; i;;;;.,",

Left A <lancer at the Courr oi the Prince Roval'

liSc' m" a"i'" e' or rhe Rovnl Hou*hold

abov€: Ouen l_mm silh nt'nce$ ltilhelminid'

oii " . "i,i"',


of the Netheri:tndt. 2a


& ;Dz't'I'/ t





Iri ilotu.


Lu.kily they found P.incess Enma of Wald(k Pyrmont (r85& 1934) ag@able to the maniage and the wedding took place in 1879- lt proved tobe an excellent choice for she proved in later

years to be very good quftn who was much loved by her F$pleShe had, among other qualitie6 ofcharacter a perfect feelin8 for what w. call today "public r.lations." She was a wise and honest woman who managed - after all the larious escapades of the old king - to elelate the popularity ofthe House of Orange to an unpr€cedented heiSht. Not in the least be.ause she Save birth to a daughte. wilhelmina (1880-1962). Her dau8hter luliaM (190s20o{) gave birth to Beatrix (born 1938)who is our present queen. This will give you a histo.ical frahe and I (an start t.llin8 you morc about lhe littl€ Princess wilhelmina as a child. We have learned a loi about her eady years thanks to a charming book that her British Sovemess, Miss Saxon de winter, dedicated to the upbringing of th€ young princ6s. Wilhelmina was a prctty, inielligent child, butbasicauy a very lonely child as no other brothers or sisters were bom. With her mother she visited the mtire country At home she was only allowed to play with a few.hildren of the upper class€s in the palace of the Hague wheE she lived. Fortunately she had her dous which were her best friends and which shc loved dearl). Among her dolls were a lumeau, Bru and many early Kestners, some even dressed as tDys. TheR was an extensive wardrobe of themost teautiful doll(lothes rmaB,nable. rome furn ur€ and many ac(escories.

wrh nu brclheB orrnreB. ftincs5 wlhelmh. {u8hl lhe <ompany or her pKi.us dolls rhor,\,ourt J orTte AkhivA or rhe Rovar Hou*hord of lhe Nethertands

when the king died in 1890, Wilhelmina became the youngst person to sit on a thrcne in Europe, while her mother Emma

becme her lady Sovemor untilWilhelmina came of a8e in 1898. Frcm the moment lhat her father died, her education to prepare the child for her difficult task ahead became the most imporiant assignment for the Queen Mothei In the daily s{hedule l6s iime could be spentplaying with dolls. A large display cabinet was designed and mad€ \,here theywould live. Wilh€lmina kept this doll's cabinet a ll her adult life, in fa.t in r€rnain€d in her bedr@m until her deaih- Few p€ople knew of the dolls existcnce and no one was allowed to pl.y with them, thus they remained in mint condition. Several yea6 ago when the managcEof the RoyalArchiv6 were reorganizinB they dis.overed an old box containing six brown bisque dolls in lndonesian attire, some parc€ls with cloth6 and othe6 with a.c6sori6. The costumes were true to many Eastem kaditions .onsisting of large sheets ofmaterial held together by a b€lt, pin or brooch. Also in the box was a booklet with photo8raphs of fiften dolls in their different clothes with detailed descriptions ofsame. Fifteen dolls! What happen€d to the oth€. nine dolls? Finally it was sug8ested that it would have been the intention to chanSe the .ostumes of thes€ dolls. Nine leparate costumes were divovered, unfortunately these were not allowed to be unpacked and photographed.

As I have restrung five of the dolls, I can assure you that it was n€rcssary to make drawings and take notes to be certain dlat in redressing, the co6tumes would b€ corr€ctly ass€mbled. Diessing a person and even a doll- tmt everalhours and.onsiderable skill Further research proved that these dolls were meant to tea.h the youg Princ€ss how the important govemors and members of royal families were dr€ssed so that she would be able to recognize them when she met them on official occasions. At ihat time Indonesia - then named the Dutch Indies was a colony of the Netherlands and part of the kingdom. It was the intention of the Dutch govemment that the young queen would some dav visii the.olonies. On the whole very few people at the time were interested in the colonies and their future. Only those who had lived thee undeEtood drat the country had princes of the same high rank as European monarchs with vast rcyal households. Their sons h.d excellent academic haining ir Europe and studied at Dutch To teach the young princess Wilhelmina something about the complic.ted and diffe.ent social structur€ of her colonies sornsne who knew of the princes's fondns for dolls must have come up with the idea to ask the p€ople in the Eastem colonics to send dolls in ceremonial attire. Be.aue most other inhabitants of the East lndies were Muslims who were not allowed to depict human beings, they order€d dolls wiih a brown compledon from Cermany and sent them to the East where appropriate wigs and clothes could b. made for the dolls. The Simon and Halbig factories began making tind bisque dolls in 1893, s I presume this was ('th€ year the dolls wer€ produc€d- As Simon and Halbi8 only made heads, lhe dolls w€re asmbled at the Kammer and Reinlurdt factories (the bodi6 bear their markings). On the ba€k of the heads are the impressed markings Simon and Hatbig with the letters K'R and a size number 55 (2r.5 in h6) for the "importani" men, 50 (20 in.hes) for their wiv6 and.r5 (18 inches) fo. the servants and gnl dancer. The bodies are made ofwood and composition with balljoints. On the front of each h.ad under thc h'ig a "W" is impresed




indicating sleping brown ey6 with eyelashB. The mouths are open with four upPer teeth and the ears are pierced. Th€ Eastem style wiss were made by Chinese hairdresers out of black human hair in a fashion totally unusual to the European doll industry Most of the real diamond earrinSs have been replaced by glass copies but everythinS else is as authentic as it was 120 years ago. The garfrents of the Indonesian p@ple, and so for the dolls as well, are based on a loincloth or Kain and a jackcto. Kabaja. There is great vanety in the designs of the kains according to the social status ofits owner and these patterns are faithfully made in proportion for the dolls. The sizs of the Kains may differ according to sodal statur for example, ihose for rcyal PeMnaaes may be very longThe patterns are done in white blue and brcwn colors in the so'called batik technique. Avery fine cotton cloth is partly.over€d with fluid wax according to the desired d6ign. when the wax is ha.d, the cloth is died blue or brown, then the wax is washed out leaving the parts that we.e covered by wax white. This same ?7




-t L


Lefr, rhespouseola civil*rvant. Ri8ht, an In<ton6ian govemo.

A lady in waiting at the coult of th€ Prin e Royal. pro€ess is executed for the next color, the end result being a beautiful piece of supple material intricately pattemed. Of the six dolls, the C'own P.ince of qobakarta is the mo6t important pebon of theSroup. being the orJy one wearing a pair of t ouse.s of Britishlndian ongin. The border of the houseE is gold embmidered. On top, the long Kai. is wom and draped aroud the waisr d held in place by a satin band a.ound the mid Khon over whi.h is a support for the kis (a t}?e of dagger). The shit is closed by diamond buttons and he weare a black.loth jacket, clearly with European influence and richly embroidered gold and silver thJead. The buitons only fo. decoratron bear the letteE H. B. being ihe name of the Prince HaMgkoe Boewono. A s€cond kris, which like the other one, is a perfe.t miniature exarnple in cut wood and gold, is held in the rear of the abdominal


band. A tFical hai called a Koelek nade of black utin with gold facings is wom with this costume. lt reembles a top hat without its brim or a flowerpoi hrrn€d upside down. Arcund his nsk the Prince wears a chain for his wat€h and a pair of toothpickr and on his feet a pair of slipp€rs. The longish hair is tied in a tuft at the

ba.k with two.urls above the ears. When the Prince wears this tull state dress his wife, called the



Raden Ajoe, weare a chst prot{tor and loincloth in ceremonial designs and a black velvetjacket with gold enbroidery closed by a golden brooch, while other jewels, pins and real flowers

decorate her hair She wears a fan, a handke.chiefand gold embroidered black slippers. Her lady in waiiing is dressed in a similarbut more sober way, in a satin blouse with the usual Kain/ less costly jewels and a gold embroidered band around the neck. The s{ond man of the group, the Govemo., wea.s a costume that is a less ornate veGion ihan that of the prince a small€r Kain and his head is covered by a tu$an with batik design. His wife is d.essed in a pale blue silk Kabaja. The smallest, the girl dancer of the royal cou.t, isbeautifulin her fanciful costume consisting of a long Kain wo.n with a g.een velvet top without sleves and a long stole that is an indispensable acces$ry to emphasize her movements. A gold-embroidered sash and showy jewelry complement her extravagant headSear - a pair of large Garcudabirds of gold leather with real featheNl Sadly, the Pnncess never took the long sea voyage to Indonesia and soon after Dutch rule was rcstored following the second world wa., .evolutionary nationalists waged a bloody war, Frentudlly h rnning rndependpn, e for Indonera.

ANrrQur & Cor,Lrcrrslr Dou. Aucrron frida1. .lune 17. l0 a.m. 120 South Spring Sheet

Louisville, Kentucky 40206 KENNETH S. HAYS & ASSOCIATES, lNC. will be selling at absolute auction collections of dolls from Michigan and Kentucky estates. German bisques - Chinas - Lenci - Scho€nhut - Emma Clear - Annette Himstedts - Barbies - Madame Alexanders - Ehnics - Compositions - Doll turniture - Doll artist dolls TERMS: cash or approved check

uncatalogued INSPECTION:9 a.m. Day ofAuction No Buyer's Premium


IupoRunr Al,rrrqun Doll Aucrron

[ridil. luqust 26. I0 a.nr. 120 South Spring Street

Louisville, Kentucky 40206 HAYS & ASSOCIATES, lNC. proudly offer at absolute auction the combination of two collections of antique dolls. One of the collections is from the Louisville Estate of Suzanne Zabenko. She inherited her (ollection from her aunl Emma Walker Emma walker was a life long connoisseur of early dolls. In the pursuit of her hobby, she becdme good friends wi$ doll histonan and author Eleanor St. George. Dolls from her collection were pictured in Eleanor St. C€orge's book entitled "The Dolls of Yesterday."

The second collection comes from the French Lick, Indiana Estate of Audrcy Noble. Audrey was a well known doll collector and belonSed to several Indiana doll clubs. She not only was a talented seamstress for her dolls but she also repaired dolls. Rare wooden glass eyed Queen Anne from late 1600s, purchas€d from the Bowers Museum in Califomia - Early papier-maches including twin lady dolls - Milliners' Models and pre{reiner Gorgeous Bru Jne with bisque arms - French rumeau - Early Chinas - Parians - Waxes includint English Montanari baby and Lewis Sorensen figures - Halfdolls - All-bisques - Cerman bisques Emma Clears - Lenci - Heubach piano babies - Snow Babies - Shirley Temples - Hard Plastics - Doll Artist dolls - Doll dishes and tumitur€ - Doll Clothes - Doll Parts - Doll book TERMS: cash or approved check

Catalogue on Line INSPECTION:8130 Day of Auction

No Buyer's Pr€mium

Hoys & Associotes, lnc. Kenneth S. Hoys Kenneth S. Hoys, Jr.

Auclioneers - Approisers

502.584.4297 hoysouclion.com

CARMEL DOLL SHOP PO. BOX 7198, Carmel, CA 93921 . PHONE (831 ) 625-5360 VISA . MASTERCARD . LAYAWAYS . AMEX . Member UFDC and NADDA Proprierors Michael Canadas and David Robinson

r. 17_ Clasd, cL,rh

ceitol{llr chitu {irh pErry blR 66 ()n a

!iv,lE.hiM am ap lmA and BiaGn,,'d dr w@6

blalr6i d boob Deed in dE FMtn lash, h6 oisml, !.,0.n pnnrGtuft6mri r !4!ll rrbFriNryhandN 53:00. : ltrfil Tenind nnchnl Ln.hx.I rih n rFP ;n shouldcdEd wilh unusual, mol'l€d,


Hi*hli*hb i(lude

a moldd bmd $ id i bh(l band. lou(hups ro nm (h'p.) . moldai ind . hre [!md{ L6hr pluft H6 blm,j hai,llvle c ekant, a 6 ln delkat. feiil painting ol , doii lrdr h$ ls eh b'ique hmts tEprtr h m lundl. .& hoB r ehpk rll go$n m i ddhN slDde ol U.c iid dp bl{t i'n Pl bs'js add gretul .mtEsl Ciro l36t 5l{!0.



lRidr)&l /r"rI britE(h'ld wrth)ohld.tu lnakh

lins.dF ii leii aml and h\ oder lu.ter boE A , en prch .hrld h'6 a *dc5prn"n, h$dnsma msbEd\otqLl

add a(drndum Tlef,or(h nrnB pdmrtbch{\ll iurpp.sq! dK wirh ninelous drhils her undeNe.r is

l. 15" Poueah :&rahiEfuibuhn bfi.aim:i rimol SMrtu & fo., she r m l\tn"O" H'shlBh6'ftludeblu( fler i (rxd mrurh lnd i \ h. i,E osDl, blond

'ntalr tuiunwis Sll€ismatulh ioinkl @slilidi bodv. Hsr

iudpd.rvb d6 and shiE onh blre, ilm8 hi6 h6 underrhrgs ed sh6. aE mEDl 5h€ 6 { oh, she E ll! h.r mdriiS b be F{ry rltar tlo@

I 13" GlM Fa5hi6 doll rhir tre rhbure ro ttu frm ol IlnA, r'rh i $l'dnme bisque heid and b'it@ tun&. Htrkl r doth with l6lhd "srn on'Lath{b@rs. ftn h k h,lyhas lo, cly h'g€ bl* Sla$ ey6, prfted s6 Md h€r nn*ituJ mihrr w s 6 sryhd up manmr,dnd lhm tuhn€n h h: 'n.dtr r.fimblo bd'n€1 Hs .stom leru6 mrh d.h'l k

ieftdibh i't b6dw6l iid i iull bstk $2m


5.22- Toddlab!

r.y & Hrhn, nold 167 rh irci*d N!k, ai,j

,(6H6@i, o] a phkn toddler bodv thtr [ltle sEdEn

ha! bom sleep er6. atr op6/clc6ql Eoufi and . bqond adonbh epffiid. Her tull mohan sis is onsiML tr arc hd drs, pimlore md od.ftldlhing. Cno l9l2 Os@. 6 t" Mig@h€ wirh p€lid bisqu, a vel nftL



blue el6 and pale blue piinFn bdb \iln mlded bunm the qll Gtun. mrh k@6 a supelD. blu. and Lln hr. oiSitul blood molun Big. To 16, Cl6 srt .er.i6





x7"C@uA[birq*si6lEn*in lriA!nbodnrlblc C6.16 A <ifl Er md€I, slr bo66 wnGtul &b,l ro lE hindl rld rE kF 6tur blFe.ftn sdc qd id+o:hred



slE ltd .inl dtr ctutu 6 6riEh & h,nd lE bmnel E ol. quililyand ! FRrdr b.d m,h 3.ll"ch (h, Child b Ksrn* ImpF*n r E, rhs ob,nd


dq t!5


qzed.uhe boaL nk. b'squq.n unu.u.l! h nlghEd, pxnrsl blue q6 an anliri* mnh.n ,'8 rnd 1\ m a^ d,ly.

hid{uiliry.nddrwirskd bcl} HermelldNB'd,

plelinS iid la? ir d€liShrlul ind ha slc aE mhqm. t2m q I7.l/2'Edly FEd' rish6 bv shnFir. fti5dirD

,buuertE d ndel. nfi bwn 116 m .ri mtdim

q.b@ deil, pGffi an 66ul pinl kid I@{E bodi hjd ld.ly, p./.<i, dio liitb. H6 digiDl shn ris i in bolhfd

oditim sh.! s6nns, deluE oriqw clum; stylish h.r and ruthrg \.1\ d mu(, plui. .ndqw

,E mpl€lt hn

B dirh.allolBhid holHurcrquliil CrM 1865 955d1 July lGls Lltritd r.d.nlioi ol0ollClubs MlionrlConvr ion

lt" ChaE kl Gild by r6tnc, mld ,189. Hishlishb idude : Fftd b6que h6d, blw dep{y6, (shftlr ER ro 10.

luveBlNpr6):nd r F nred MpGrxfi bo(lt,0f lolah X6tM qualily. she elains hu oiginal, ,ull, blond, mohan siA and is seling a .hamin3 .{rLn pnnt

d6, ed and whik

.hd apm nd eriiMtiii sh6 t6500.

Il 27" Oisk 8.be b) Emilajumdu. l+mFd o bad ot lEid &* Lt D.rr{,!"r SIE lDs oeild aid loelr

in Ed'pdr


paFMidI sy6 i'n a boutinlnv bis9k, ltmiry ,-vl€il huM h.n sh. H.r i.intd mF6irii body n in ni! dd,M md hs dDmr! aanh€n .nlond ldm K rnqr. d rE udetlhin6 rnd n 11 13" Cnl6(k (hld b Bieh & rlEhrld, mdd 15d2,

slc t


Mt ed '*hn

(sntudtop ) Her MglGL loifl, humn har si8"sldkhd' in a l!$ous stude oi aubum n imin* rnd $€ ha lo, el) bl@ dsp+y6 rnd ,n openth€n mouth Ho

toni€n lompogrlon body rcbrN . stunnhq onqitul inih Sn@d,op is werins m trllnlins annque witn mu.h d.b'L iu.h & orsNe heEtrkhitrs t{sm zr ChiM crtklM hitunis i(dr trddcl lDtr w n 6m brud6rrol6 ir tfu 6d. Ihs lInd$r rad@n bGr lorlv ,{inr (l€hlE trrluilms epibEd llF u h 0E hhr oi. f,irr rid p,inEd qrh m(n c.rc h6 bl* e16 <lolh body widi l6dE rtu and *pd.rr\i loserr







pnpodim ft.le8nL He arr.i6 h,@d d,pFr in mhqx bl&l wml amn8 ahrc, .nmpk{e u h , bmd. r,610r A hEly loud Nmde rhir ts sur ro pld* l0rladi6 14 25'Cnlfu dild by snn & Halbrs wilh a b6qe donEd h&d, LmpEs€d 0N. G .n ] nyle. ,EiSnt.wisk b.dy. Sh€ lDs 6p6iw blE papeBflRhl ,nd nrrmrdmn



olmnS k' hsbilqk Hahdrybl dno&nwignoi8ul,

L'. I


a Lh6duui! wml d6 NirharL€hm Hermi[h'nr

had mrh n{r,l rms ddr d.6m rd m ai abiir

ompkt lhe \.i) \w pxr4e. i€. lt lll/2'Winker bv Heba.h. nold t9l,t1. fti mi{hieLfls Cemn bir4k dtadtr. ol . liiso q. rhan n{xmlh rNrd. h,! mlded lDn. equBrlely pimtd elB iid an erl,ml] 0rd.ho6 mim,. Hr E o , joinred omporrid hddlfr body

qulh lsdvbdeJm rhid*inhE

oI rw*pod iddable Rd r.d whik


su'r. h6 shp.d




16. l0'China tuy, d i liM bddv stutttld wirh or10n. Tli! rtuE m,n f.rtuE r biN's hriElle N h nie NsF painted d ftehi iF fie hint ol i $ile idld me.n rouble in his o*l

Ludrl\ hr rclli^. hs uflB'Dl 6rume nmplets\ hh,r :lber i bir m{h drruE d Rnn b h,i . bo d^ll nI hE rji. nl

'n dd8,nal odiri6. Cnci l8O. 91195 17,l,u/,l" Fanry Hando P hn0navery6rca iolafilhrdy. Itu cmMn bbque J-ulddE4 r ldl blue er6 .nd delrde pamxfiL leruB i ls el\ iwefl bel h.'6n L m lhirl6 ol (a,e au liil lunhd oruhdhi and 5tu,npd wirh bl,.L h.adr A sp(Dl tuBhlisht c h€ eadisr'tunel F@rLpiLnltd

CsLn'i bod! !.mpoql ol u md idd nehL (implmts Adher p.dd.d rnd d eEd in dh[ Hn trisml *lM of bhd sll 6

&.mr.d Nirh bdh bld ind @ heFr beias add a gl'flenn& veteltquirry l1ltre E i tupa r lnmb rque hg, ,ftdsi lE bbqk hiid! iE pend and ln€h tlor I3 Sall'ir olG ii rh€ mr.hrm'ry isF{r or rh6 (,m

Kir.hd, $ hlrl dii6.i(r lcm Hishlrshh ffLu,l€ a Nmde uL olibc Im bl* d rhiFpiinrir lilrhd tum'tup.. <lDppin3 blfir ad l@b, pl6 ,{wn6 siloE. Msum 21 5/3"W. x 13" D r 12"T.5295.

Come visia our shop in I-incoln Court on Lincoln Slrect, betwecn 5th and 61h, Carmcl, California Please visit our wcbsite www.carmeldollshop.com . EMAII,: mnd@rcdshift-(om

by Shona and Marc Lorrin



Mn. Elisabeth dc

Fran.e, sistct of Louis xvl. She urs Buillotinetl in 1794Pai ting by i4adanv buis-E|isabdh Vigie -Ltbr n .

Halfaoll nn*ed " Elisabeth'.

e besan colle(tins half dolls some 30 years ago and dabbling in resale soon lhereafter

Mistinguett for example.) Today, considerably more

infomation is available aboul the ladies' uses, identitis, impirational $!rc6 md the fa.tori6 which pioduc€d them thus making half-dolls a

no illushations. Our descriptios (which sound rather silly now) were as 8@d as we could get them reBardinS condition, size, cctuming, am po6itions, etc.; nevertheless, the m6t frequ€ntly asked question and the one to whi.h our answer was ofparamount importance to the prosPeciive

btyet was: Does she ln& i prettA fac?? So lihle was known about halfdolls in tho6€ days that it is not particularly surprisin8 such basic crite.ia as fa.ial beauty was tne determining factor whether to buy or not to buy. (It must be said, however, that there are prettyjaced dolls endowed with large and dmsy hands as wen as eme hi8hly dEirable and a(uate models of women who weR l6s than stunning in real life - Marie Antoinette and


One particularly interesting maker of halfdolls or Tepuppen and the one who claimed lo have fiEt created the tea.o6y doll was Carl Thieme.

"Ol the uo*s i,t Santry at prcsefi initdti,tg ol.l Meissd porcelain, the cletercst ard nost dangenrc i s Wbab U...S ai c h si s c h e P o rze I I a nlabri k C a Thiene...at Potscharyl neat t)ftsden. Heft, arnory othet things, awnade, it would seen, the spunot s 'Cnnoline group6'...which forn tine to titne moke

thei aryanrce with the same unblushing dema s as to pri.e as the gensine.l l792sl S iichs iscl e P o t z! I Ia nfabt ik @ t1

Gtl Thinte z! Potschappel

ViSfu -Ia'br t fi tlott o i t 1

ol Mati?

A tn 'tit.

sh. Mr x ill.,tt,tell ilt 1793. Marn A n'ntutl. hnf.ttlt. Th. o lu shtt ifcnrl Thn t hrlJ dnlls k otrl tolxis|

**.a,a,$ &&e&s&&e 6a56



1oh ,6b




'*dt # *. d.t fi f;^ & i, 6 e & e t-


,ft.,t ,$ frI'fr rt"1rn,t.6 a

{.d,} *[, *t&trt ,,*' + ,,i. b




j!, & ,P., Z6 &,*.&&'& 6no



"J \

Carl Thieme began his own "production" by Purchasing large amounts of porcelain from the fa.tory of C.C. Schierholz- He skillfully concealed the onginal mark behind a nowe. blossom and in its place he painted a "T" for Thieme and a blue fish. ln 1868, he opened an art and antiques shop in Dresden. The enterprile thrived attracting tounsts eager to buy "Dresden China"- Thieme soon moved his busins to other premisE within the capital city of Saxony. This shop suniv.d until the destruction of Dresden in 1945. Carl Thieme had a desire to create and manufacture po(elain of his own desiBn. Dresden was his lo€ation of choice for a factory but the cost of real 6tate was too expensive. In 1871 he bought thrce parcels of land in the nearby town of Potschappel. Produ.tion began the

following year. Karl August Kuntzsh was employ€d by Sachsishe Porzellanfabrik von Carl Thi€me zu Pots.happel in 187.r as a flower-maker Kuncsrh maded one of Thierne s

dau8hteE in 1879. EiSht yeaE lat€r Carl Thieme died and his three sons were otricially register€d as ioint owne6 of the factory but the achral controlling power lay with hn $n-in-law Kuntss.h. The sons of Thieme wer€ bought out in 1895 by Kuntzrh who b€came sle ownei DurinS the "Kuntzs.h" years (187+1951), the fa.tory sufered many de.lin6 but th€6e were not unique to

Thieme. Economic depressions, epidemics and wars affected most businM aliSned with luxury or noressential products- The elder Kuntzsrh died in 1920 leavinS his wif€ md two sons to run the company. From a pre-war b.ochure: It was in Thieme's lactory that the lirsr loncy panffi tanps uere mdde. rhe Potschappel lactory

was the one which oeated the china dol/-basts uhich uere ndie tp into teo-cosies. Bq the line ol handpeioroted toble udrc Thiene's goods uete intrcduced


iflto all storcs of rhe USA, ond lot mdny yedft these petotated plates a d cotnports a good


sdle, until that seieswas copied in Baocnc, machine.ut at.l de.orated by de.dlconanin a in.lia-nftber stonps. kauduldtly ,is .heap initation, sold at a

tftnetulous ptolit, uos eten ddrked "Dtusden", afld the publie beliet'ed that ftal Drcsden Chind uasbeins ollercd. Any orticle na*ed "Dresdei', but .onins lron Bat'a;a, is a cheap initqrior ad olno oalue to .onhoisselfrs. Fot any yean alnadyntiene is leading lor notelties. No uolder thqt other lactunes and decontcn are copyinghis pro.lu.ts. Mdny otti.tes sol.l in Dfts,lc,t shops noloadays ate not ot oll nade in Dresdet.merc is oflly orc chinaJaetory uithi,t 10 niles ol Dresden, aad rhis is Cart Thiene's at Potschappel-freit"l just outside Dftsden. A edcdn .lealerc.lain that th..olle.tion shotun dt Cdrl Thietne's is rhe lalgest shown in the uo d, a d thot each atti.le nade ot corlThiene's is a uotk ol att, tde to style and pe*.t it the execttion. Eurythit g dow in the uorks is hatuluork. Ewry patt of a nisld

louq. us.d ds onancnr on thc oarious a i(t?s, is notleUed ltea in the hand, and then rflade up into a

flowet All the decordtion is done bv hand. This entirc ha uork nakes Drcsde,, Chino both.,alwble Ifyos ua,tt to buy reol Dftstld Chinq - a guorantee lor handwork - then bay it uheft you aft suft to get real Dres.len China, anl no substitutes, Buy it at Carl Thiernc's, Pragetstrasse 23.

Lovely handmade Ilowers were the hallmark of Carl Thieme.


Ioys in the Your rourcc for 6n.

Doll houcc dolL,

Mini.turc!.nd Doll Hourcs


JOAN MAJEUNE 20t-55A-6715

,a PLt* .rop b1 Dd r.L to a. .. ou dihirr:

Junc4&s2m5 (dE

FABULOUS ORIGINA! GERMAN DOUBLE ROOM BOX fmish.d with mlkhing di.in8 @m ud prlor pnG in gild.d hd Md Dk uphoht.y. OriSin.l pip.c Md M.in! ThG


FORMERLY EI(HIBITED AT THE ATLANTA TOY MUSEUM, rhn grr Gdm.n Kirch.n E filcd wirh fin. Mcldin p,c .nd r ipLndd o'sl4 .y.d &n h orixin.l dl6.

P.n oi. col(oon ofdou ho,E doll; 'OI {ion !l). Wshntun DoUs Hou* sd Toy Mum includina d& *ldaion oi Sin;n ed Hdba dou"nd Mv oths fio; 7t b !29t. Plcg c.lr or

bisqu. dou hod*dou Mrh mold.d blond. hrn, oiAinrl.cMe. Ttu rcom, 2IL x 12 1/2"H x 1 2-l/2"D, a2.550

lEl oaUFDC NariondJ

An q.itim omDLm.nr ro

Ch.rry Hill Hotl


July 10- 13, 2005

w dol ollcdor


CHANDEUI R by th. cl.bnrd rlttrh ELs m.Is Emil. G.!e, hdunq in P, dwnsth.l880s61900. Aon.-otu-ldrd pi.e for )bu 6c.m quality dou how. PL$c cdl for d.hjL.

prk' D..l li)6dood with bristu sDld tu:ftr. G.mmx

c. 1890i. Th. D.rlq ]'W x 4-ll2" H. t4ls Tn. Si&b@d, 4-l/2'H x 2-l/2" W. 1435 FIVE MAIDs AWAITINC,,, P[dOU hOU& ENJjG,



bthosnph.d prFr on qnd vill,.. l8eoi. Sr., .d;i{ mdi,., mulo g,bLd [do p,Rm.d lhins]c md *dn.d Ahs sndffi. wEp rbund knndrh, rhF. tums, *.U.nr pri.r 2t'H ! 1R"\,!/r 10"D tl)m

website: www.toysintheattic.info . email: toysintheattic2@v erizon.net

The Carl Thieme factory was only slightly damaged as a result of World War II. Arother fortuitous event occurred conceming the €ompany's extEmely valuable sample collfftion. This collection was destined for Russia as war reparatiore but thanks to some clever dcumentation manipulation and a sympathetic Russian officer, Emil Alfred Kuntzsch (the younSest son of Karl August) re.eived back his own porcelain .olletion one day after

Pots.hapIEl lay in that part of Germany which b6ame the Sovi€t Occupied Zon€ after the wal The new .ulers were perceptibly interested in the Thieme fadory but they had to 8et dd of Kuntzs.h whom they b€lieved to be a Capitalist. Kuntzs.h was accused of having committed

*veral crim6 rncludinS the herding of por.elain fiSurines, zinc and oil and cons€quently, spent a few months in confinemmt. The r€cord is unclear as to whether he saped or was expelled, but in 1952 Kutzsch was in West Gemany. He owned a porcelain and antique shop in Kais€rslautem until his death in 1969. A portion of the porcelain colle€tion which had been saved from transport.lion was 5old in lc57lo raise money for the paymeht of workers' wa8es. In 1958, a disastrou! summer flood inundated the fa.tory; more than 1,m0 old molds and nearly all archival dcuments were destmyed. Private invstment in the factory was eliminated in 1972 but re-established in 1990. At this time a French banking syndicate assumed control. Rather than

produce the porcelain paste th€mselves, itwas imported from France. The French paste was a wonderful white .olor but not flexible mouSh for figuin6. Furthe., the Fmch instructions were not underst@d by the workers. German-made paste reappeared in 1994. As of 2001, inlolven y pro(eedinSs were in effect and a new owner willing to conhnue Carl Thieme as a fun€tioning porcelain facto.y wasbeing sought. Particllarly prior to world war ll, the Carl Thieme factory not only copied models from other manufactureN but their marks as w€[. when conionted in 19$ about th€ utilization of thes€ foreign mark, Emil Arred Kunlzsch replied that the mark wer€ "fr€e" (public domain) and that hrs lactory was nor lhe only one using lhem. The porcelains of this fa.tory are beautiful creations whether th€y be old or new. When we began €ollectin& F.ieda Marion's first halfrlollbook (Chitu Hall Figu/cs Ca etl Pincushio,t Dolls) was not long out. w€ marveled over the models which we were (ertain would never come our way. Thop we admi.ed the mo6t were the lovely ladies holdinS baskets of handmade flowers - those we now know are from Carl Thieme.

Editor's Note: Sin e 1999 Shona and Marc t-o.rin hav€ published four b@k on halfrlolls. Thes€ aie pari of a six or Rven volume series ennied The Haf-Do l\ith Rel ed Ilems, Makerc I Vslrcs.I1\e Lorrins may be contacted by

writing tor luniper64@aol.com.

BDITH TUU IONEtY DOtt Madame Alerunder's First Felt Edith - Our



For the frrst tirte aw, Mtdame Nerander has recreated the beloved Edith The Lonely Doll in felt...an unprecedented collaboration befi een Madame Alexander, Steiff, and The Toy Shoppel l}.

Dare Vrighl s beloved charaoer from the 1950s is dressed in her tradidonal pink and white dress with white apron. As in Dare s original photographs, Edith's hair is styled in a long, curly pooy lail and tied wilh a black velvel ribbon. She wears black leather shoes and has tiny gold hoop e,mings (not slmwn). Her fmlures are hand-painted and faififuIy recreale her charm from fie orignal photos. tsdith sunds 12' t ll.

Steiff created a wonderful edition of felt Edith's playmate,

@'i1ffi ,+;,;,'#;';,-j,',1!#


pink rtilched no\( and stciff BunoD-ln.Etr logo



fbe bnel! Doll is a clastic chiurfi's series of doD'knk lbat lwi bee in publicaliox fot alnost 50 rs, The chalaclels tfis seTies bf Dare Vngb baoe been kngd bf genefitiofi' I/orn 't Do miss Wr chance ta ow tbis Toy SbpF Exchtsirc!



&**i,d#i',*'*j,i{i#** .,





- 200r -


.n orrt * I 800 447-7995 hl 8{N J79r780 l1612 Buyslrcd, Richnond, v 23236






Rob€na and Ziggy Zygarlowski. NEw ADDRESS 475 lTlh Ave., Palerson. N.J. 075{N (973) 6844945. Far (973) 523-7585. CALLmLL rREE 1{X1569-9739

Be swe to check ott our erciting neu ueb site st:

urt u. rcb e t I asdol lh o use. c om

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,1Idn.11"lrL r tunYioiihd mF b.dl


-r, o

,d'r.i dE l iire$ - rr d. t!6 l.rirrd'd.tulc.Hb cdiradi.rdIiim,i.irHF"d6-ri{dd ld:d.L 4IE.ilft.F,lddm'jmid&F,ldr*,II!bFt,d.}o!5tosI r.d!roFurndrd6,ol6iqiridr{E ir m.r }. ii} ft rn LF tuL d ]l r d'id lrdln5 diE si$ r lrrfl e- 6d Er @rr w* d&ldr rio 'rn 6tu o,ld - dE c , m ft rsh mJSr, 'u'] Hrh. oddrim ivs .wmirl.dpdhjudrdtrF!d ^ffii..!to @ @$ rihdlnd n[ !hd.d ]i6 nsi:l riri emr. b.dy - 16'dl!645


|!" hh ?r od hqJd ! $! @d,ld 16 lltfrl, dadlt aq b}. Id!,1losd'M_ &r.,oi ,8xI lio rl,E {d' .d; o r ffib {6 Ffld u . E?4 d! s . hh&d rd uu!.r [odr rihq h. h - o@6rn brihir d:*16 o.d'6.d

d(bddrat nfu nL!.a :rd nl5 rd idJ.l, hh h rrer& llldFdd'drbc'!'['$rF6..d'l.A.td h@ dd rm*rs-nd,@Iffi i$drrld d 'Bqrdd ,hdd 16.l} r:d r.! E dr d iaElul u tu blil, b.dl E h'll.r rrd.ll,* hoeJdi rdcNh@derM-LdH @@,i odlrdhrydfrLnrr d.$rqm'iari d$.irdm.dofld.DudiidI-hido 6]kddI'admdb,rifr$Ldr lu'dtsiiHtriilhl6-ln*!d!.beli5mFd.tl-rqlulSr i$hmri :i dl Sr.ot r,tiddfil'&'y chq h r m b tul r4ir - lhi h,riful nty 6ri! haoli MrEiLh rEdid hi{ufr$iiDL,hdd.dl'-$ft &r[..dhtudd,h ffi rrd ElE,mdl8dr.lEhu twn*ec-{rdLlddBmd'hd'!.&m,r*r'dhrrnhd'-rsd.r dirrL'ld.r!-

taffi 'b4iJo.c,,dld'F@h.i,e rcrrrB&di4.d6-bdrlm ut i! - li(.r$rh r6J nl]!ddn!ri c ra.,qclrnrn.6iadd-I'![.9n v*.&fl !.td dr.tiq, i.d t* h rd! rr.diry,X - llir:Jddr:J dqtn* lddH .r., drhl , du; isrq;.!dd!d m$- EiLsri{' nr' iF6' EnF"Dd r-! iac'drr .ntm6rri4tuLdBqEdtriidr!lr$irirlus-acdr&' [eEn] mlrlndaddorb ae4 p.i,, ',$r'trF'-dtrsr@6r rh r;d.tl mu ialL*r i0n! -ir lti?ril s $3J rfl.$.!,[ swd sd, htm Fdld ho kl!)E aid dtu-i..li,.dlorbflb ddrie@qan !r,ir - lk-rd,LdddlLqE sodcodwd(ilftrrRid- dnd H?i Ir Ell slli r d. tiq !d, r.orh qdii iii honek ku r4 s !'ord rm r H& al,br hd hsf Fdi hJdE.!EU.d.dj.drr6dL6c'*lE.c,E,'d!t.0ls&odhmr.'.6 id' wluE ru.d.rE aCrtFrdr d !d.$.{rid h!. Ir cl eet {dd'}l)hId!'fuiddEt#fudI] LcEsrunn.urbJildtuddnltrnro€-rlordl'l.F.ndl'iJ''drintr {d,r,lIhI:nI,dIdtsd.Erf,olFni!d&l.d',+t r wd.l'I:ll dltd'rLc'd, Am'srollr,) h lrd.eAL{nd-a.J.i d'6h,$ +irtr rirld didE -d,rid,rG - lr |ll s9r _ d,9o f rrrsrLrlu.ldr.yrrr0odHrm ?qlpbricqudi')h.!u{hhd,bdp'ul l,l 'etrs - !/odrcJ DUd tiid !u, @ hldrl'b\6.sudtrr?lr),Ifu mf bl'r {!, 1g hdrft.d{J.}d,{?'.I,*efiE!r}d,0!.d,6rdJ( /.dLr !.rqhr. a E{ tuqoi.!!E iL rr! d hr a4 -.4rhh a - Etr bi? 6n h!q!. rEr aq & L,r dd rq b4E hi r" d' dtu mu @rft .mrddt r4tu d d bLq H l*diild.dhmlht,iJlws.llLib\.dd'krffi6d'IlslEIEet!!}0!gn\u[ rq6 dd& ad m$ r* ldi.164*'.-Ls'do i6liiddd! dbr d oF .6nrFn.6iii.ent$r6hr'd F ImEndiiha. eod'/dE n |dd ddcr b,Ey,id dlaq !.Erqdllyldclul tb*?-.80.i db - opvl ltrr.uid',n ii -:l ^.&,dnp'l-dd.Ldr'h 18lqi'-a.ad'd dro -m*,rur diid d.dB- r{'r! te5 I rN&n6,!lN6id!.I&titud$di] rrft.h.irr m.Ierrim:l!'ditJdrdmial t{m Erl imE -jt idnl t"dEl hB m -artu laranmri4a,dlelD ,r.r.1f, {s4 @ tr$ ii} d' ,il JldrB- h! 0p1. dt, d ! ou'ia hrd'pd del rn eF d $dD, hl.irls nx'nrkeoFNi!urlm|,lrri,rarybali,Jba ccd6n@Frd hr9i.@hdbl,@.lbE.qtad.rdi4.rl.!I,'{q n lnidni! ris Mo,d \ sdffi r HdM - Anltdl M q$ hlqll r'dr {.d r,i!.?d hB.. '!ttLLlErisnda 6!uEd6r hqn qi r* l',tr rE +F LIE {dh qi .ndr rri ftdr-r!& idrdl@tdr -rr" rl,st 'drd. i.'d , uiEtidd.d,dEldhShxerr,irir-..urlllld.hEErr"$! ec*.F, brt 6rc Fl in {*r. luu rMcrir,ac@!!..ln*en nacdrr:Errurddlrit iq66r-\krLFirnFlldri'd.dd0.uhldo:':d -.8& adt- r siand.x'd er5 'id.d!,1$7 @mturi'.dndr rEdid*u,F l\rw lI"Enn.s lliarrl@x.q}'dFNlErltrur "i,h-a'F n qd oke B Ld' - &ron 0rmr. Tmau i! l, rtu l!d, -.*lh ddb onr i'd @idlitE*- ll"bdhr.fi lI,dli


o i,..4 l








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ir. i

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I ul I


IT tp


@8',:6*:;:i[*-* O DOLL HOUSE N J' 07504 Roberta and Ziggy Zygarlowski, NEW ADDRESS 475 lTth Ave' Paterson' . 1'8fi1569'9739 (973) 684i945: F* (971) 523-7s85 cALLToLLFREE

\ Photos by Zi88Y

Be swe to check out out erciting fleu web site at:

uuw.r ob er t asdollho u s e. co m



Roberta and Zissy Zysarlowski, NEW ADDRESS 475 lTth Ave., Pate$on. N.l. 07504

(973) 68441'45 . F ( (973) 523-7585 . CALL TOLL FREf, l-t00-569-yr39

B. suft to chak ott ow ercitinS nru wb sile ot: u,'tou. rcbe r tas dol lhouse.cofi

Eil-,'l-G Liberal Findcing Available

RaI€ and wondrous French children - e.ch

having a very special unique face - everyone full of radiant beauq and tlorious wonder - ell heving pristin€ Ilawless bisque and elldin8 the presence of Sracious P€rfection - excellent

additions to any collection.

t. Never to be round Phenix Bebeby Hcnri Alexandre - 20" r.ll - t4,495. 2. Wmdmus clc€d moulh RD (Fib€ry & Delphieu) 22" tal 53,995

t: 1


3. Exrremely raE always dcirable shel, size (r3) - fully

ioint€d body Fiaure ASt€iner 11"rau-$5,495. 4. Breathr.kinS oFn moulh Bebe by ED (Etieme Denanur) - 21" tall $2295. 5. Radiant .l@d oouth Tete Juoeau - enomo6 bluc

ey616" rau - $4,495.

5. Wond€rful oFn moulh Jumeau young lad - dep brcwn eyes - 18" tau - $2,795. 7. nwer Iound - dced mouth 'J" ^lw.y\de{rable. B€b.'leph uis ,onny - rm shell sire 13" tall i3,995. 8. Wonde.tul clo*d mouth Tete Jumeau wilh rare lo find lever ey6 19" lau $4,495. 9. Glo.ious.lNd mourh Fiaure A St€iner B€be -


24" raU $5,995.

I 7 o

Compocition Dollc 6old bythe Elektra Toy and Novelty Company by Ur6ula R. Mertz Photo6 Otto Mertz

ooo YYY u f t was the )ear I910. ln \ew Yorl Crty, e\rablnhed fims lite ll . l. Hohman and Louis AmbprB & Son had imported doll. dnd luy. fiom Eurcpe.ince the mid 18t0. \ow. dometic p(duction I

r"fil::*:.:l':i# i,'lli l"",;xl,:ffJ:,::" -"' - dl


Flcisclukr & Baum. e ager to I ry thei; lu(l $ dull. mrde 'ih of that new, unbrcak.ble materialcau.d.omposition Th. llektra Novelt_v and Toy Co. was another one of tho{. To begin with, the firm sold stufied animals. A Ploylhn,Ss ad from April l9r0, and placed by Strauss, Haas & Co. announced lhat "The Elektra Toy and

Novcliy Company had b..n formed Iff thc manufactur. of a uniqu. Iine of high class stuffed toys and novelties of every description." Only one item was specified: A sirteen-inch tall French poodle that Etailed at onedolla- By 1912,lhe Elekka Toy & Novelty Co. had placed their own illustrated ads in the trade magazine Plryrrirgr which included a stufH poodle and an American made composition doll. American {i.ms we.e nciv and incxpericn..d at making dolls. Thev did what aDv a( student would do, go and leari from the old masi.rs a.d the previous B.neration. tor dou mikers it

mednr thrr rhrv.up,ed d,'ll hcdds rn'm (u(ent. \ert pupular (,crm,lnp,trcelJinhcid-.'lhu,'tlhHmo\ri!llHncuo,(d *-r

El.ktr.lorl lor.ltrCo.

i;:Tl':;'-*.:ij';:**l'; ;:,r.m::' ;:l'


called Coquehe with a molded hair ribbon and sideglancing

Phot6 @u\td<totkuis fu top tqt: lllssttotion fron Octobel 1912 Playthirys aA, shooing


Eleklra Toy & Novelly Co. STI F[l]D ANIIIALS rnd


CW ol pagc lron Ploythiflgs, dated Atgust 1912, shotuing o 'Ce-Coo Eye dolt, obt'iously n Cnnat inqn @ith papet naclp herd atd cloth Copy oI pogc hon Plrythings .ldted lune 1912, sh@n d tohg othus h the Xht.o ,at a ltttl.boy.dll.d lolh ludps. a .opr nI ttt ld ,our



6 R hrilt-

stdt R,100doll- ptudu..d b! th. Cdno4ln




22" B"by .alled Chtbby or Tootsi. Wootsie. Ma*e.l Elektr, T. N. CONv. All .ontpositio , fullf iai ted, i ch.li g tutists. lse sE rnE illustldtio" ht s?eti,l 4e* joint). Moldetl, pri'ne.l hqit nn.t c!c, opeL cl@d honth. Unhrtandtely, theenlift doll is rery fadcd. Anotha ell cffipositiol b^br, 16' tdll .r.l tu16*tL Ma e.lj ETAN CO N.Y Both all

.o po6ition btbi6 haB this s?ecial neck joint.

h. r.'l

Elektra used both ofthes. for making composition dolls.In 1912, they offered a boy and girl pair callcd Amy and Laurie (\ee.d rllu:tration,. main characteF fmm l-ouisa MayAlcott's "Litlle Women." Their ad from October 1912 statedl ''Thir .iory hds jusr been drdmati/ed and is enjoyin8 a sensational run at'The Playhous€' in New York." Obviously, Elektra had learned earl) on that a "tie-in" with popular events.an help selldolls. For Amy, a composition

20" Blqck Bab!. Mrtked

Ehktn T Nc. NY- ll

Cot! right. Ftawl conq@i-

tior hcod ond lol'ct orns. TM Bdbks. L?ft:17" Marketl: Elektu T- NC- MNY.

Coryright. Sni,e coistnetion os bla.k brb! (io ttoldcd torgre). Old elotha. Ritht:22" Llanicdl na*ia$ ad

.otstructio - Old .loth..

)oao YYYY

Molded, poit ted blatk han

uouth toith nloLlcd tongk-

NC. Ny.llCoplright. Flittl .o,npasitit head o d



rhtu" hddt ol ftt

Note: Al co ,inl tlolk hrd ltn py bodits drd lihbs, shtffcd !'ith cxkkiot and joh,t.t1nt shotldt5 a d hips ulith ortsidc t tnl ot catdbtn/d disk\-

otd hips uith n,.ile disle-

a d brcw er$. Ornktoscd

32" Dutch Citl. aCon dlDol|.Mr*td Et.kttu'r.

t tt ar 6 Clo t hotlv. tyto an6 n dl.rs. lDntt dnt sho nr: aM hip<. Molded. N 'tdleatwcs r d hnn. Allnti{t al, itulrdit9 thc pnntt!1 Dut.h

Atproprirtc .loth body dnd tunt legs, joi,ncd at sho ders

Dut.h gt s hcnd rtut Ur.t. Sdn s !,cr. also ustd i)r t'toductio'1ol nt.hins yns cnllcd "At obitt Bou

Coquette was useii, easily .ecognizable by lhe proEuding nolded hair bow. Laurie was represenred by an a\ yet unidenrified doll. Unfortunately this pair must not have been ma.ked as to maker. It has never been s€err although unmarked composition coqueltes and little boy dolls from that I period can be found. The K star R fl00 copy sold by Elektra has never located. Likewise, ifit was not marked, il would be indistinSuishable Irom allthe other K star R f100 copies sold by various N€w York City firmsThs El.ktra Toy and Novelty Company produced quite a variety of dolls in a wide range ofquality and prices. 8€sides children and babi6, theE were camivaldolls and those d.essed in ethnic costuhes. The heads of the babies and camival dolls were also

d€rived from Cf,rman material. It seems ihat molds wer€ taken of Ceman bisque heads and then slightly modifi€d and molded hairgrafted on. They strcnSly resembled thecerman Kestner B21l and aE pr€sum€d to have been desi8ned by Fe.dinand Pani. The CoL,'a, E/.V.Iop?dii, yol.l, reported that in 1914, Elektra was granted patents for three doll heads designed by this artist. One oftheir high quality dolls was a 22" all composition baby called "T@tsie Wootsie" or "Chubby," offered in 1916. Before li8htweight wood pulp composition was usd, earlier composition maierial was very dense and heavy. Elektra's dol]s were made from the early, heavy material, including Chubby. The actual22" baby doll weiShs five pounds. For lhi\ rea(on. not mrny dll.omposirion dolli were made at ihis time. Chubby was sold with molded h.'r or n wi8.'lhe appealing baby Hy was obvi. ously modeled after a Ge.man example. Chubby had another unusual featurer his wnsb are iointed. What is Eferred to today by coll€.tors as camival dolls weEat the time advertis.rd as "Live Merchandise for Paddle Whels, Pria, etc." Mo6t of them are frcm 28" to 30" tall. Their cloih bodics arc Lrudely made and Iumpy, stuffed wilh e\celsioi Howevea their headsare exceptional and inte6tins. All of them have.haracter faces. When found in thei. original costumes, .arnival dolls are utt€rly charmin8 and cannot be overl@ked. The two Rosy-Posy dolls illustrated wiih this arti.le b€ar a copyright dalp of l9l7 and were obviously meant as decorative objects rather than play doll.. One of them al:o.€ems a German copy. the'r coBt.uction reminds one very much that Rose ONeill's Kewpies were on the marketand very popular. Many ofthe Kewpies featured iointed arms but non-iointed legs like the Rosy-Posies. The l0" all originallittle Sirlwith an appealinb

face but stump hands shown here would have been

from Elektra's economy line as would have ben her compdnion.lhe Indian Maiden. The Indian's simple, brown cotton twill dress is trimmed with .eal leather fringes. The colortul shoulder s.arf b.iShtens her cctume. InterestinSly, both dolls have identical heads of the same size. The Elekha Toy and Novelty Company wentout ofbusiness in 1920. Ashake-up in the toy industry was due. WWL which lasted from 191+1918, had €!t off the toy supply from Europe and had given the Amencan toy industry a chance to develop and thrive without much competition. This.hanged after the war was ovel Markets were open aSain .nd competition had incre.sed. Why did ontemporary newcomere like Ideal and Fleischake. & Baum suwive and Elektra not? It was obviously their lack of innovation. They held on to thei. Pani designed heads and did littleelse. To cite just one example, Ideal by now had a patent for sleep eyes. They could be inserted th.ough the doll's ne.kopening. Effanbee also offered dolls with sleep eyes, although theirs could only be us€d for dolls with wi8s. Of course little Sirls wanted dolls thal could slep. It appeas thal Elektn never made a doll with slep eyes or one of liShter w@d pulp

ct$e-ry ol uncte son. A picce ol aninol skin bas used ht hisb.otd.

lt is ossu,rcd thot uhat ndt the

tuo aails houitS the beat.l tu plac.

T.N.C. N.t1l/


However fascinating Elektra's adaptations of German dollheads are to collectoE today, mop was obviously needed at the time to meet renewed foreiSn and domestic competition. 29" ldkey, o colnit'al doll. Ma*e.l Elektn TN.C. NY ll


CoW t ight - I,Ln t icol const rue t iol ns Dttch


. All otiginol.

t, I {



,1 ,


.ltuultbs ond hips @ith

11" ahd 13" RostrPosy. Neithe/ ore rulk d. but

ou bide.l hks. Mold(d paih t-

cd block hnir uith hea.lban.l

h hont endittg n, o nol.lcd rc*tte on ch side oJ the

then ba# (*e abov) that rcods as hltows: Made By Elektlo Toy & Noulty Co.

Openlclosed nouth. All

llRoty-Pdi I copright t9t7

?!;.'{^!*i' /rt


otigi nal ercept noccosi ns. Right: 11" Idcnticol h.d.l ds ob@. Ssne narkntgs and

consttuction, lx.epthr strmp honds. All otiginol.

Sell a Doll in the


Antique Doll EMPORIUM a :., .,


c/o Michelle Maio, 57 Maple SE*i Addison r.{Y 14801 \5071 359-4286 Et'rrnM,f, {0[i t h9${dr Firv.sar

r 7 mlLn ru ltn

hl]6, b!qE. rqra rd" u F reBEd{6 k iFd6EbLrd,tuhrdr@ fdh. rrbE4 rrdal@ lnruturyr d rir'.hr kh i.(d &.\} i&iFb ur@,d44 tut4us 4 lr rdrdrTrtftdt rr6advs Mlrfuwnhtrlldhdnlbafi!. ,r, lrriar H,tu !d'^r.r( ti' ki_,'hr,a dt h,Bid. &NrrnF& lsnd.tur'J:Y.t ftd'rla 'd.ri,rd JdihaE.llrrad'fu.r1lr'lirlr


Lq,,r.riPd c!i Fddryct r*r!i+bd6blntu ]Ero,slDr.oulYDt',0ajq,m0Efd!.54.Ere

D.diry MiEMlEtte in her own swet little tq. Swivel hed, a"H $79s.

drnd.rffi*dldtl,Ele Fkh$,al fuqr*, G*b!@h4d rdirtr,d.D deffi dffiur.dd4lfr k!d&Fntdol, fu&ftrafuddutl.*@Iftk *)|@l|lN.kErdFh(16B


rErdrE ot d v.r@

TOYS IN THE AmC 201-568{745

dw4dFl!FJFIdfuifi qfuliqrydYFh@rubj

M.TovsInTheAtti..inf 6


Fnwt Qaotitt Antiqu. Dolls tttl A.*oti6 6en@c L.yaw.le stisfactio Auaranled email: ni.heue@t353dolhoup.on

Usit ny websit€ at www.l853dollhou*.6n

rlYO gtStIIl $moUES


REAI-I'Y Call 21t29.r81s or


July 23,2005 9:30am Kestne! Effanbee,

wirh rare joinied elbows, ey6, Perfe.{ion in a tiny

Madame Alexander, old French and German dolls, Jan Hagera, C.M. Bergman, Tete Jumeau, antique and new doll furniture.

prdatel Maryt Anliq@

York County Club York, Nebraska .simatzt3z&ol-on JlwuNlilrFGr.lu\,ihN,Nusuilll :tuupleoidolk inrourn,lLrliM lh \du,tr,uld llllti{llii odrro

402-862-5595 888-313-39,14

Car't make it to the auction?

proxibid Bid online with Proxibid!


r sd.!d llle .r .





mE^fl( 6[r *!ooo,



Barbara's Dolls Bafuara Spea6 P.O. Box 126095 Ft. Wo l. TX 76126


Phone (Home) 817-249-2069 (alle, 8:30am & belore 1 0:00 pm CT please)



L 1lr Pi Conpo. Orieihl brbi6, all

origMl m odB@l rd Flh%. K l/2/Made in cehany/17 1/Z bi

bdyN.dGllMIt14m rd, hm tk, q morw a h€auhfi:ly dEsyd .tlm 3. A" rold€d ha, u iikd bisque h., Ldy mbSlio blE c)6


openklc{d trud! mnderlul mhqk dEr€d {el 2-Ft s.ltin8


: /)

el .;)




heI "6

t;l {hih d6, liF duird in Ed, .bsllhly z 2t' wr on paptu

hrk IidI *iin ky

uncurl mlded han, in ehbohl€ "do" in

brl( bDwn sl,ss e!6, mhq* do&E, me @diit h wr relly m sleld.r


C e>


3.21' trondetudy ropd,'n..,ndqu.dofia 9. ll" C.bru&r Hdbr.ll sneldd hdd boy,

inqlio blc E6 d.niry d.dE p@ l]*E pur wi8 oi, whd emftd kri mid rG



rT , 12.17l12"E ClerPa,!beaulilullydF*dbsltituldoll1350 13. 12- Sih6-rdbi3 rul'l .sso, blM slap s, bau[hJly dnsed,

hutui Mn wi*, sRri.r qrNio t5o l,l.(a)Panolmi l9r0! dorh Ruslin dolls,:ll od8n:l Prn $5 (b) 5' oNrd lod Gman doll, ram bndi ill orisiml an'l


r dollhe* m *id, nNidr. dEsl a 3q s.er h&i idoEbLs3r5 lo 17' xhG1hur Eby Le Nddhl dlHd 'n nriqF .loih. hohr_ h


exdlknr dd. Exftpr lor iaJred iaids...l7s0

lZ Mdft.


olk(b'3 dom'21- CEsv d(*d in hr *hjb o4i y

3€L- Nrfil all ni3iDl rnd h€dhtul...U,m "so m^).irnd6 13 1r l9@t Xrile Xo* Bd wiri nd b6ids and tE.Uei aI on8in, and miil in

Ix ll" mAld 9lO Cmny bddLl 5 pc ConF. bddkr b.d, dr.ed in hd old sbo.wt'nd ) p.. playsl bh. sl. erq o4. nofiin *i& dE lors [ll aE

eld sbd lilkiry brby dlk ro you... O95


t t is s mu.h more than a dolt I showrrho* or vou who have aftended a N;tional Antique Doll Dealers' Association show know it is a wekend event, an entertainin8 yet €ducational experience, as

well as a wonderful opporhrni, ty to shop amon8 lhe best doll dealere in &e country. The oveMhelming success

This 11 inch iancy paian, $1100, resides in ihts chaming oom ser ting c.ealed in 1985 by miniatun$ Wittiam Bladtey, Piced ar g14OO, it was oiginally used as a display piece in Neiman rvlarcus. Esiette Johnston, Allania, GA. It doesn t ger more orlglnatlhan rhistA rar6 characler

mai<ed 207, arl bured to Caterlelder Puppenfabrik and lr rhe original box, 17-112 inches, was priced al $9950. Fick Sarman, Valley, Fo.ge, PA.

NIADDA in Chicaqo

of the Ausust 2003 NADDA show prompted a retum trip to the Windy City April 9 and 10. The Sheraton Cateway Suitee a quick shuttle ride from O'Hare Airport, provided a .omfortable venue for the show which on.e again was superbly nanaged by Cisi williams-Giamone, of Gigi's Dolls and Sherry's Teddy Bears.

The ertire fou h floor or the She.aton Gateway Suites was reserved for NADDA dealers and show-goers. Many attendees arrived early to attend the Saturday noon lecture ,ar y lrey MEh Speak, a seminar on the American doll artist Dew€es Cochrarr presented by Shirl€y

Butzin and William Zito. Inte.est in the artist was furth€r piqued by a fabulous exhibit of dolls and memorabilia hiSh-


Maianne Spinelli, Beaverron 08, sxhibiled lhis lov€ly Fohmerlashion wrh a swivelne.k. lt

The Camel DolrShop suite is the closest thing ro being in a dottshop. vinuaty every squa€ nch being ulilizedlLettto right, a 14-112 inch eany Sonneberg Be[on type chitd, $2600;aTele Jumeau, size 4 (lt sold eady to a @llecto4i Kesiner 182, g42OOi two-fac€d characrer Jumeau, $12,500iC Steiner, $6500 and a Kestner AT, $12,500. CametDoU Shop, Camd, CA.

t'f lightsof whi.h we will bring

you in a futue a icle. At I :00 p.m. the show opened to an eaSer crowd of shoPPere, who were in no hury to leave as the day pr%ressed. The suite format makes for an enjoyable experience as buy€6 seem to take a more relaxed attitude, often spending considerable

time disessing dolls with the dealer in question. And there . b€ no doubt that there is a surge of excitement as each suite beckons with the siren $n8 we all love... "dolls, dolls." On Sunday moming, Michael Cmdas ed David Robinson's prcgIam Ercn.h Fashion Dolls The Opdcnt En was a reptise of thei unlorgehable exhibit at the

Coll€.tors coud taks th61. pick lrorn this lovsly group ol mignonotles ofisred by lhe Simonlon's. Th6 raresl oxampl€ wilh jointed elbows was pnc6d al S5A0O, Mary Simonlon. Mary',s Anriqu6 Oolls, Hacae.da Heighls, cA.

Toy and MiniatuE Mueum of Kar$as Ciry enjoyed by many of you d!.in8 last year's UFDC snvention week. S€veral of their most exquisile ermples wee on display for us to drool ove., uP close and Personal. It was a great weekend and if you missed it, hopetully next time a NADDA event presents

itselt you won't think twice. Hop on a planeorget in the

cd and 8et thee for a fabuloG

A darling Heubach \^/hisller, $1050lrom

Yvonn€ Baird, Olympia, WA.

This Jumeau is a v6ry big gnl, a slze 20, measunng appoximaiely 43 nches. There were only a l€w mad€ lordisplay purposes. Val Slar, Chicago, lL, olleGd io. S10.950.

A lovely china Bohmer lashion dolt, $32{,5. Gigi's oolls and Sherry's Teddy Bea6, Chicago, lL.

G6n Loonard's dolls always bnng lhenown luxunous er a(an96m6nts! This 26 inch Figuro A Stein€r stitt with the pap€r tab6r on h€r body was $7500. E & G Antiques, San


Michael Canadas, pre

DollShop, pres€nled a dolls Sunday moming. Those allending Frunch

naring area ot cottectinq




An open moulh Jum6au, 52700, FigureASl6iner, $5S00 and an incised Jum6au, Ss80O were olt€Gd by Gei Geniile, Clatuton, Ml.

Spsndi.g a day at ths seasido w€re this K6tn6r AT, a Kosher 128 and a K'Fl 117. Ano and Chanos Phillips. Glsndal€, CA.

This H6ubach 6970 had qrBal modBling down lo h€rdimprsd chin. h was ofi€r€d by Richad W.ghl Antiques, Bnchrunvill€. PA

Jay and Connie Lowe, tancasl6( PA, ofi€r€d lhis French automaion ,or $9500.

Honey and Ed Koljbaba lrcm Wasning(on sl.als olrorcd a

vaioly ol Skookum (blls and memolabilia. The popolar clolls ws.s ma(b in many difisr€nl sizes and mabnab b€ginning in 1913.

sr40o. holds a Polichinell€, $950. aarl

Chndmas can come any lims in lh€ doll wond. This "shop' window b€longod lo MaBhall Manin. Folso.n, CA.

An unusual lndian dollby Mrry Frar'.es Woods was p,ic€d at S1750. Tum ol hs C€otury Aniiques. oenv€r. CO.

A maqnilicenl25 inch EJ 10, 520,000. Nancy Smilh, Natik, MA.

K'B 101 Marie dressed in ihe coslume o, Bitt€nx $3950. Aalbara OeF€o, Chula

Rchard W ghl olAntiqles Boadshow lame. holds a one-oi-a-kind Punch and Jldy pair They sod early in lhe show.

i Cloth Chase Baby. $99s Margarel Benike, Zumbro

A wdn.lcrltr 16 in.h.losed

m.!rh Kesrner marked xl wiih

slraghl w st baljointed body, $4900 lrom Turn oi lhe Cenlury Anl ques, Denver, CO. An award winning parian, $44o, was shown by Floyd Jones, ChiGgo, lL.

A 1g-inch wax over in complete, all original condition, $1650. Sheia Needle, Oceanside, CA.


i l'

westport, CT 06880

Pho^e 2W227-Ba0 Fax 20}222-9048 Member UFDC and NADDA



Buying and Selling Fine Antique Dolls and Accessories.



shoulde ead with wax limbs and cloth body, blue glas irt €y6,.. r880's, made in England by ltalian artists.

12-1l2 in.h wax baby, poured wax with wax limbs and.loth body, made in England by Italian makeE, c. 1880s.


S€e us at the National UFDC Convcntion

Philadelphia, PA. Exhibitinr AutohaloB, Antiqu. Bru,rumeau and Steinei Bhoet French fffhion accessories .nd mo.e.

Moving to Oneonta, NY end ofJuly Check website for details.

Authentic French doll clothingi/shoes/ accessories for Jumeau, Bru, Steiner! Janet E. Day 517 S. 3rd Street, Lafayette, IN 47905 765-429-5t94 Email: janetday@mohairdollwigs.com Ebay ID: mohairdollwigs.com Web page: mohairdollwigs.com See you at the

National Doll Festival in Philadelphia July 10-13 . Sun thru Wed. Hilton Philadelphia/Cherry Hill Free shuttle. Bring measurements!


6\SA6\4a7-d\$A6\ (

A7-6\4AA6\ AA6\m6\$A6\$A6}s7-6\


Dawo and Dotter Importers and Their Chinas


IJv Msdhs \i/slerm8n Ni.hols


c (



c (

s c (

z (

t c (

t c




z c



c (

z (

s c (


c (


Bo@ nnd Dotq.hino shotkle Ead dolls, rll mtkd Pot.Dt-7|9o, o tl uith mkl nunbersCollectiod oad Photo KathcriE Kuctens.

their makf n the 1880s, a time when few chinas were marked by I ers, the importing firm of Bawo and Dotter (pronounced I Bah-voh and Daughter) were unusual in that they marked some of the china dolls made for them by German porcelain factories.


er*\9c.r4{Je-a6\9c-4 \9q-46A9e-46\9e-26\9e.}6\9e..A \re-44$\9el


6!9lJd\,$aJ6\{6a 6\sa




cate factory molds ranging from 0 to 10. The mold numbers do

The Bawo and Dotter fi.m began ,s fine oorcelain makers in 1838 in

not consistently €orresPond to the size o{ the head, so it is more likely that the numbe6 evolved ar a part of the manufachrring

Bavana', tle southem Piovince of

Germany includinB Munich and Passau, the home of D.essel, Kiste! & Co. who made china shoulde.heads and half dolls. In addition to their own porcelain works, in 1872 Bawo and Dotter took ove. the Elite PorceIain factory in Limoges, an area of France known for Por.elain ln 1883 in Fischern, Bohernia, (latei oa.t of Czechoslovakia) another irea known for porcelain. rhe Schlassenwald fa.tory which also

process, a rcference that only t}le porcelain pourers understood. It ;ould allo be that more than one factory was resPonsible for PourinB the shoulderheadt and u*d diffelent marking numbers. The marking otr the ba.k of the shoulderplate shows the mold number in the center of the back, and beneath it. "Pat. De..7/80." The mark is stamped into the porcelain in well Printed letters and numbeE using the Amelican seven. rather than the Cerman

made china doll heads, is in this area. ln 1864, German-bom Francis H. Bawo and American'bo.n Charles T. Dotter established the American film of Bawo and Dotte., imPo.ters in New York Ciry Dotte., who lived i! Brooldyn, on December Z 1880 took

seven with a slash through it.

Many of the marked dolls are of the simila! moldinS and have verv similar face Paini style. TheY have an orangered bow nouth with slighdy uPtumed cornert chin dimple, tiny Painted nost.il dots, full cheeks with very hiShly

out an American Patent for a doll with a printed corset and china head and arms- The patent desoib€d, " .. the body of a doll, consisting ofa woven fabric suitably cut to fom a front and back pie.e, which are sewed together at the sides to form an outer casin8 and stuffed with sawdust or other suitable material. On the front oI this outer casing is Printed in ink, or otherwise delineated, a representation of the front Portion of a corset, and on the ba.k there maybe similarly delineated a reP.eentation of the back portion of a corset...The bust and head of the doll are '.. made in one piece, of china or like material, and affixed to the body in the usual man nerby an adhesile substance, such as a suiiable stue or cement. rhe arms mav consist of stuffed uPpei *ctions united to lower sections of china or

colored o.ange red blush .over ing a large area, blue eyes with no highlights or outlines (althouSh some have a.ollection of the blue paint at the lower edge of the iris), black or b.own one stroke eyebrows and fine red and black eyelid lines. (Snaller examPles may not have the red eyelid line.)Hair color is black or caf€-au lait. The bla.k Painted

hai. has m unpainted Partline


2 4 )

? a )

2 3 )

2 3 )

? )

3 ? )


The hairst/le is flat on toP, curly, and covers the ears. Dotter exPert

The dtawing ac€omPanying the Datent shows a ladv doll with a round face,

ihorter. crav, center parted hairstlle;cloth body w,th p;inted co;set and (loth and china arms. etrhoush the d,aw,ng shows a shoul derhead with four s€w-holes, the pr*",--"rl"a a.ff, hr* none. and a\ slrted

in the patent. (hc.houlderhead i\ Slued to

the body' Thi" patented prin red coFer bod y w .hina herd and drm. i* the be\r lnown and the most manufacturcd of the Bawo and Dotter marked chinas. It was marked to ind!


Frcnt. The H ttutr A Ca- Potcl Jattory

dotlc thts ,kzed i;tuloL 'ttouldahcad ht Bd@ & DotteL Chifla doll heod shords to nd at theloctorystte hou the dentical io.ial pot tint.we 4h onlv ocdtt Batu I Dattet .oith the Llcrt'tii chnns ntotked

Pot Dt'i80'

BdtL. tn" bdtL.houtd,.ptd,c tontota,thc iii\et1 nd,x attrbukd to thp Bdua 6

o.iii co. rt" ta,pe a.,,"a *ze ,,.t*

4 b d,4ttdlb;it? ludbebaft?n lound on doll herd shords susnn MNrt

Colkction Rseathby Mary Knmbhalz

Katherine Kuckens believes the hai.style to be a transitional one between the flat-toP style of the 1860s and the later low-brow o. ".ommon" hairstyle of chinas of the 1880s. They do not tuature the fad of cu.led bangs ofthe r870s, but do have small o.ls around the face which arc sornetimes exaggerated by the Paint. The hair molding in the back shows comb marks. Some dolls have rather sketchily painted hairlines that do not entirely cover the molded hair The shoulderhead mold has a very .hort ne.k. no sew holes, and an inden_ tation in the front Plate to delineate arms






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*:n:x'*;**' ' l? ----ld

found made from nearly the eme rnold with lhe same face paint style, unmarked, or with only ly n-t*ig Hertwi8 a size number, probably madeby "ury possibly as PrototyPes prototypes for their own uE, or 6\ for the later marked ed dolls. These Ttese dolls do y'l not have the.oret €t bodiesbodies. lt seems likelv likely Eawo <( thatrHertwig Hertwig would wo uld have made the Bawo well. but so far noth. andL Dotter limb! limbst as well, fa, nolhrur wherc I 6r ina i.s is known abolt wheR the coet *herc the bodres material was pnnted nted or wherc bodies were made and lhe he dolls ass€mbled. ,:rlea shoulderheads are I { Many patenrmarked should€rheads arc i.toth bodies with no I e) now found on plain.loth no trace of the printed coEet. oset. Thev They usuallv usually have have II Dical of the 1s80s. The I4 china armss and legs ty typical 1880s. The ire many m:nv chilrlchln:s lS dolls arE somewhat xewhat like tlthe child chinas madeby le by Alt, Be Beck, ck, and Gotts Gottschalk, Klin& and perhif il{ Hertwig and Company dr dunng the l880s, ae .i.ip..r"""a perfected and over{tr,Jtrnll\r bisque.hild dolls were being Pr rhe tiling.h,ms in populariry How€ver, the Bawoand Dotte. Dotter patent illustrarloll' l.ok more adult, and judsing the 6,t iudsins from rh" tirnr sluling.o.set and d adult-type adult-type bustline,'they bustline, they were gain, they an nrr.nt b be women. Again, arei perhaPs transrr,onar I 6\ Perhaps a transitional doll, in a tradically 'adically char lging doll mr market. changing ,hile, in New \l.inrvhile, \l.in$ New York, Fran.iss Bawo Eawo retired and p.r*.d hi! p.r\\.d hishalfof i half of the t business officially ally to his son, C. F. W. ll.r". Ch, l].r*. Charles les Dotter ((of the patent)retired but the )retired in 1889, bui I c, ie.l ind.onrinued I O lL\..rnd lL\. ind Dotter famil the families intemaried and continued rhe L,u{n." iinto ns the 1890's l8e0's Bawo and nto the 20th ,century Du.ing l).ttcr h.. l)r,ttcr h.J ietail shops in Londorr Parit Parir Berlin, Eerlin. Hamburs Hamburg A ro & Dotter Dort€r had some .rnil Bnrs inil Bnrsels. It is prcbable able that Bav Bawo e) ,ddition to distribubnp rorfr or r.tail stor€ in New York in addition lorfrolr. distribunng ,*":nrl lh.ir inrpr inrports to other outlets. )utlets. The B Bawo and Doler Dotter office -story buildii \is i iilc \is iilc-story building ng on Barcla) Barclay, street Street in the china 'n ',n Anotherofii€e Anothe..ffi.e wiq 11, ,wer Manhatl inr portcb' distrid in lc inrportcb' lower Manhatian. was ,i,,*"rS*""f o..rrc.l in DrEsdeq once in the provin.e o..rlcd of S (ony and lat€r i.r pirt oi tEast C{rmany. porc€ln lS9l I Sel lhe the fim of IBawo and Dotter tts had e\hib exhibited ed porce\ ir.s at the Chica go World's F air and in 1906 the 6rm l.rln \ir.s Chicago Fair, ll< m,de h€(l I ? tr i'.rrlY.r i\ any.rtising tising a dep? department of dolle made hv by the b€sl (n,,nur .rakers, in€luding (n'rnur. bisque .r'i,"". as *ar well as ,ing both bis, +. and.hina, .J ".a nU d(ill', celluloid, and composition. ..,r 1. A.ording A.ordin8 to the (olr.rm lEnry.lopedia, lnry.lopedia both china and :nd bisque dolls have t,rr t{trnld t,rr taun with the mark firm m Bawo and Dotter: ark of the firl "l! & D' niound on some chinas, and "B 'B & D Ltd" Ltd' on bisque bisque .i,)lL'. A K .1,)lL'. Kling'made marled"B&D ling'made ch china hasbeen found ma.ked "B & D (possibly wac I 10 " ind i l4" china of 1880-1890 (p l0 ossibly by Hertwig) Hertwis) was ry York vork branch branrh of Bawo Ji.r,\ !.!dt ma.ked "B & D," Ji.f,\!.!( D." ThE The N Ne Bawo .rnd I)()tte I)()tter continued to announce a bigger bip@r and betterdoll better doll ' J.fn,lmcntlt thmughou J.fn,lmc, reniining dolls with thmughout ihe teellt mentioning 'kcelluloid simu .nrdt Halbi8 hea, headr tu.tle-mark celluloid dotls. dolls, and a I C, " ll.,, .lr\ I "ll.,,.lrv I 6) Baby laby Belle" d inventory Bar.lav Barclay doll as part of their inventoru $.,\ no lloubt a r€ference to their locatjon $.r\no!l(l cationonBarciaystreei on Barclay StEet








|) I do | Ia I lJ mrer l/ assembled. la

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Js| lr r,,/r /nrr!d,,1Dr,r,r , lr lSSrr l,rr,i, dr| l'rr,i, drr r,\! rr\! tlil\l ,l lil\l

hr\.. ,\..1,n\,ofth. l,n\, ofth. thn[t thnIt r!n. oi lir!!r n('l ' hr ct ,,,\l 1,,,1! s(!n.oirhclirs!rL1()1, rhc

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fl II L: 54

.llrrr .rr. ,,N.l.trjnt.d t'oi]\ lr, ,,,,,.llrrt ir. oricinJl origin.,l I,, I. tln,,, tln. L,,N.l.frjnt.d t'od\ i(, r!,\ -. irt.\ nr,l(le,l ((ilh ,rnJ inJ \\ritrl( rit l( \'inr ilh ii.utfe(i .utfe(i hhrnJ \'inl lr, ,,,,:rrh, h, {.1.,,,i {.1.',,irhci,n,\ rhc i,n,, lhr\ hr\. hr\ . . rinr tor t,,r t\ irs lo lo srnx rht,i,,r,f.l rht, iL,r I f.lr.i , r.i rh..nn, rh. irnr \l,rn\ \lrn\ \.i. \.i. rd.i\.d rd.i,.d \ ith th. srnx. ().i!inal .hn1.r lu\ n,()r,l i,,i ,,1\,, {, .,, on the \horlJ \horlJ rl,rr lu\er er tl,rr.. ().i!inal.hnl.r l.rf rL,.rr,,,LalJ ,.Ll bu!. bu!. bool' s Llh l,lxrl\ rel\.rnd .rnd r poift.d hlP hlP s(inn,nx),mn\ rr Li rl ( tl,r s(inn, nx), mn\ b. i.LLnrl n,LLnLl Ln.i:od *ith *iththcnr,lJ thc nr,lJ n(L nht rl,.,tr ,()fl.,pond, ,()fl.\pond\ l() .+rrt. .+r.rt. nunit!r nunit!r lo 11,.,h(n, 11,. 'h(n, (nt l l,, 1! n,r\ .r' \.,. \.,. frink\l in I.l.r ttntrr. ntrr. nrnk.. n.,nk.. l.l.rlI Lnl (nr r.h,il b.d\r htrl\ tl.L,r f,r .i | .,f(i nr.i\ l,i\. l,i\. be.n irfltrn r, tht th! rttLlrl ut iffltrn (),tr\,,' .,1,f,1,,,1,, rh. -iJ..c.rnr- ll,. firnr, rd (tr\.t ntr\.tLl,prn\ drP. n\ tr.nt t(fit firnrrd rh( : I r rL L.|.1 \r\ l( .i the tln lnit, l.ri. ls:l)' ls:r)\ rn.l rnllI lssL). lssr)., ,rnn.hn\. inll ilnn\. rhe 't\ lrlll tu( l. .,f.1 , n\nr.\ in th. hofl trofl nirrl njrrl IJ IJ.ift\ .ift' rn thc b..l ,\,\lrlll (ir\'l \1.nr\ L,\ ,r ,rrtrind llr. (i)r\'l \hn\ nrtrind thc t(Jt.ng. t(Jl.rlg. (n rl,. (.r\.t, le\.r hnrl (]t) I l\ \ lr\ h,\1.nlv h,\1 .nlv lh. tk)nl hnllt)l hnll t)l lh. rh.(.,\.t.le\.r hiLl L,()lli r,,f)r ,Lnd n.l b.r.l. bi.l. \lanY oi oith. th. (! iglnil i!rlnil .ors.t l.odres lrodres hir. 'G in thr rl,( {,1.1\)'G thrLttnrnlot L\rtnnn,,t thr thrl)(\l\ l,(,\l\ th.rt thit.\i.nd .\i.nd inl() inl()lhe lhe ! lL,rh iL,t.rr' .l,,rh lL,t.rralJ l(s\. n) hclP hclp th. Joll\ Joll. iit.t. Nrlrps. lcnLl frrlrps. and lcnLl he L(g' L(g\ \T.n\ or th.'( h.r h.r\r \r }r,il.J tln Ir,il.J thnrLh tln 'l.rl. I '\ r,, rhe \\rn:r \rui-rL 1..rllnh I lLnh ot ol th. todr... t,(tr1,... \\ In\. trtr |lr thf!. hi\. tr.cn t.cn (r\.t bodl... ()i.th., .tol. b,nll.. n!, ,.1 , rl,L. t,r trr ,., ,.\ ()i.rh,, Joll. \ l,ll,,, h.r\ h.]\.', ..r{.t nf , \.,,ft.1..,h,\,. thr\. rrrh.,,A,1.,.,,1, s,th.or\'1r r,(1( l,\ Di.hinc.h.iD. Di.hinc.h.iD. .lLlL rLr,i. .Lrni ni rirng\ ri,ng' tufr,is rrfrris tlrnus llrnughh lh. slii.hcs. (") tm Kronrthol/ \.tr ,.\',,,.h, .,,,.h, re{,ltinil i.(!n \l,rr. \lir\\ (l() Krcnrtrhol/ ' (.f t,',s,.1 !r..r .rl.r't(inn.n! hn\ tr rf\ l,) (r. ,,.,,, rLrr p(tr..Lnn (.ftr,rs ll.r:l C.nn.n\, hns t..!ti,r.,r( Lr\\iLrl., .\\iLrl., indi..rt.: th.rt thrt ll.r ll.,l$l$ ig .rrii ird Co por.cl.rln P(!.cl.rln i.r L,,r\ ir (.illhuttr,, .illhuttr,, lhurin!r lhurintirihl.i ihl.i t.,rt t.rrt oi E.rt (ltr.r.nr\ )) Ir.,r l,,i\, r.nl. ,.nI. rho,. p.rt.nr nr.,rt.,i nrirl.,i,h(tr,ldfdlrad' 'h(trrldfd1rad, n{ Il.r\,,.rrrl )(ni.. Ili\o Ili\o ind I)oitr,r JJiLl iLl .ot .sn thrir por.r por.r l.,r , ,,, , [.. L,] ,, I i,.h.flr i\h.flr \h.n \ h.n rh. f,,k' nr \.r\ t.rl.n out in in f,,klrr l.\ -.1r, I1.,1\isl(ipourthrm)ld' i l(i pour thr m)ld' -.1,,\\ nr\ h.\r hiir\l I1.,1\iI \ ir , rl,, li.\(i.,fJD()ttcrpilrnl \,i.rf.l l)()ttcr P.rlrnl nrrr n,r,lI ll(.rl' ll(rtl\ lr.ne llr\e b..n 1...n L


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It "till,,+',*ere lJ

II and w. Il{3 the and I I I $me" I t I office" lq the.h'na I {

*ar"r", | ) l) 6m ll

* * the have Dotter:

with a

in N.s Y(

| l6 II l3 l\ lr) q ly' la l\


,.".*"."th.f,*tr^.,. I \

\\ hilt'L hi[. other kinds of porcelain wares were the first focus

,)i thr o.i! o.iginal inal firm o( IBawo and Dotter, the company establL.h.(l Ln .'rmenca became involved with dolls in the 188Os lsh.(l

ffl;'::,r['i:1ff.| l5

\.r' fprobably one of the larger imporiers of ueman .rfJ \i' .,fJ larger rmm.te60l Ceman (loll' in th ve may hope rhat more thee 1890s and rearly )arly l900s. Ywe that moe ,flonn.rti. about thern will.ome too liSht rfronn.rrion lisht in the tuture. future.

t .>

lt l.) lq

\-) (-"/.r(^.ri i.-,rr9<J e-a6{9 e.4\? e-a6\9c-aA\9e.4


6\$A 6\4aa d\$7) 6\$6 d\$/J 6\SA 6\$46\,$7n6!S-idn/sa




c ( $


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Blottlc Br@ u.l Dottet .loll


tith t eytb1a,;, ntk d t6,

rctains potion oIpdte t d print-



.d-ldbic cotset (liont o U)onh4

oti9i,nl body ortl rctarts hct otigi-




Colemal Dorcrhy S., ElizabethAnn, and

( $

Krcmbhorz Mary Go.ham. Llentifuht! Gn"'io Clhhs:

l3 l? IJ


., Elelyn lane. fl,. Co/d.ror3 Etlttorydir ol Vol. 2. New York Cmwn Poblishe6, Inc., 1975. 1840s-1930s, Crantsville, MD: The Hobby Hou* PEs,200{. Ku.ke6, Kltherine. 'Dotte.'s Daudte6," Dol iedel, Autusl


2@4, pp. 3G39, 6t & 75.


X.pe-aoo-p e-aospc-4ata9c-40$\9e.A6\Je-ae\9e.a6\9c.z^l\9c.46\9c.30{A9 e-4,




l. Tro wMdotulSh:l$dolls.OF is r.n uiue, in h( td dNl ad 5. A {onddlul Br ol Door ol Hop6 in ibeluklv plislift ondillm. iEboriflmls,,mFrle pffi T1H fl ewphrllr.km d6hmmd h! pilk 5ill. I &lir fitr s quib uN, d I rrq 6tdmhd lln bolhlueoDttu,boi6 tu dollh Ed. dd bF eedenul nlnB lita lffi He h^ r td hii Ed 6Rid. id6 IE r ri.l irdE mii Di.r Eimnd bmra.d dE dou h @, ir.y, min3. l'lft oei l?", h;.. bl!€ bonr s$ r& ons,El 14" Wmd{iul 8llm EI?d Cfias ins i libuloE doll - *D drla 'lL-hlns E d pnred 9350 .bdlhrmraml lorlr bmk i.te '5L6d! nze tue old.ui ind r xr s$d Nfr r.) rBa slP [l. ro A an tldfi doll.1950 'nrd&ixltunlihm.,4ytr &rxl.r*i6diiDl*i8andcrtLlBlr5 1. nn lsd! dRd m$ li tridr s hlhl m&m drb{t ol I l, 8tsmlbai(ii*fl,.rfulmid oldirimki$td mlo4 & l:rd)lB blR i6 ind r 8mr bJl r,innd bodl slE *e.R. M lE ,r dmrr md *Fl I]i minr him ha r hoL in brd dDmnr old blur r[ d6. Hr lunds luye s.r dddlna 9ll{ uiciBbrahdltu rd BlsodG tlc50 3 21" llis h rEakll p@ rwl The plduE dG mt do il iu.lie { $. glds dom. dus efldiion A ltrfti $ldh! ii vibrai nd F.t.l ind nf, oI.sl patrF ol.[ Ti. ur,6r ksbE u] o . dnd.lnrl bed. ldihinudEdD.-trwithsExaptsalst€@E cl,lonteLa blad p.nbs.ziry ar his (ika hhrIEllor6iEslnBItisi5 d6 m tunv iiiid bdv 8fim d6 @ dtjMl ,(9 diiEl id frntrft .idd d nb unildm.i tlF Bdld m lE shE. prD, IE fr hd 6E€d! 3.il ,ic 9lm wddtul0FEiN 60 dM lo hn rur lr.tm





Please fifid rfie at www.dollsofitique.cott

l/ I




. e-rnail: oaillsdoll@aol.con . Cofltact fl1e fol additional photos,

tokt htutl ftun I'dge 2 1

At.^",". in

uplayed wifi an original condition, the hair in the oriSinal s€t,

still in the

original labeled bo& brought $8,250 (not including

buyer's the M.Masters

Harns au€tion

A sia 5Ime.u, with stamped f1.jumeau body bmught $3leo at the r€cent Withington auction.

on Apdl23.

fa kinner's r€(mt auction featuEd a diverse day


)of mtiqu€s, frcm the exkaordinary pap€r collection of the late Maunne Popp to mechanical music and automata, dolls, and rare children's lite.aturE. Tte rare advertising automaton created to advertise Denslow's Mother Coose sold for $17,625It is believed to have originally come from the owneE of M6hall Field's in Chicago where it was likely displayed in a store window. The Jumeau Triste, c. 1885,29 inches, with marked shoes, brought $1t450.


A delighttuls€tting includinS a summer

f.Ihous€ with piltars and carved wooden figures representing the seasons, dating circa 1820, realized realized app.oximtely $19300 at the April Laddburger auctim. A former museum piece, it measur€d approximately 23 inches wide, 22 inches deep, and 19 inches tall.

A Heubach e,050 smiling girl, f1c. 1919, 17 hch6, realized $10575 al the r€cent Skimer auction.


Fil A K & R 109 50, bisque character

fLdou,19-1l2 inches, with side

A 19 inch umarked fashion with leathE Agusseted body, redressed, realized $3300 at Aldertur's April sale.


glancing blue painted eyes, closed mouth, onginal iointed body in very A seldom seen Renou automaton of a mdsicidn Bood condition, original mohair wig, f1.with puppet boolh, c.18ct0, the doll with an and original costume brought $14200 unmarked Jm€au bbque head, with the oriAiGl (ostume, I 7 inch6, b.ought $21, I 50 at Skinner's at the Ladenburger Auction, April 8 auction, May 3 and 4.

Auction Preview: McMasters Harris Auction 10 and 11 1 r.Ma\rers will .ondu.t thR iu.tions lVl,t " .liri.*"t r*,ti"n at rhe Makov Cente. in Columbus, Ohio. On Friday, lune 10, a Treasure Hunt auction will be follou'ed by an uncatalogued sale, and on Saturday the catalo8ued sale, C$me de la CGme, will take pla.e. CaI 8m-842-3526 or visil www.mcmastershar.is.com for


more information. (See ad on page 9)

13" E-1. @ith otigin lcloth$ 17-1/2" Etdch PouW in Costune oJ Fi ktee Btittory

Auction Preview: I\ .forphy s lune 10 and 1l auction wiu include hundr€ds of dolls and

*uruuoo,&*'u /'rpp

LV I related memorabilia. The sale offers several personality dolls such as Pop€ye, Shirley Temple, Campbel Kids, Charlie Mcca.thy, Davy

Crockett and Howdy Doody among othets. The sale will take Place in the saleroom aEa of the AdamstoM Antique Gallery 2000 N. ReadinS Rd., Denver, PA U517 (on lhe Adarstown antique strip)- The entire inventory my be prEviewed from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. any day leading uP to the sale o(cept wednesdays, whi.h ar€ by appointment only. Bid in pe$or! by phone (please arange in advanc), by fax, abs€ntee, or via the Intemet live .s the au.tion is taking Pla€e, through

LiveAuctioneerc.com in associ.tion with eBay Live AuctioB (www.Iiveauctioneers.com, ww.ebayliv€auctions.com). For more information phone (7u) 335-3435. E-mail: morphy@morphyauctions.corn Websitei ww.morphyauctions com

t\i n,d,/,/ /iA,' ttt t1'trrk tlI. li'llt',1 itI\ ttttttit) 11n"*' lor tlt.it Ptt tt i.i l,nt in'1: Aldeiet At.tiol Co., 501 Fa,iroutG R t. Hntfnll. PAl9tlt). llror. 2,5-393-JLr00. a{&,,llt 4!nt ttntt. rt M.Mnste/s llofti.,l).A. Bd 1755,Cn llilst, OH 43725. Pho . Utt132-71t)0 E tutil: i'[a@ t. r$n$lnrris..o Ld.lo,bnget Spi e I zeuSa t k t io . L dilSt'nh.rgat*tidtLit .rt \'.nl \11:itt: ht I I'J/n'a'a,.;pi.lx lr ukt nn dt Monl,y At.tiots,2ooo Nltll R.dl,rs R/. D. .rt, tA l75l; hlli17) 33j--lJJ5 r'r'r,,,r/,rvnx.rdnr.o/, Skinn htt.,357 Mritt strilt, Brlh\t, MAI)1714. l'h r 97\ ) '9 621t (nn':1n,r,,, r. ..u 1

Thetiatlt's. 1,.O Box 151, A dl\tlit, MD 21401. 11t)-221'3655. tw!,.tIttn tIts.t! t

Withingtor,59t) Cutd' R.rt l, Hllhbororisr. NH r)32J1. Phorc 6t)3 151 323:.

the largeet network of doll collectorr in the world Gterr to collectors of antique, vintage, rnodem and o.iginal doll art. tOur quanedy magazine iJ paded wih odginal retearch anicler, pattem i and pape, dollr.

i.Ourlimited edition dolls are ofiered €xdurively to membe6 at pice5 that can't be beatl ,| 0ur (onferen(er offer doll ex h ibiB, workthopt, temina15, programr & dolltalet. *our annual national (onvention iJ the large* dollshow& rale in the wodd, d rawing dealersfromthe USand abroad.

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I f, K I


ili Andrc mriuiet ro ti'tu.tlItont WSt 23

incontrovertible all these gorgeous dolls were indubitably sculpied by the same hand, so similar was the handling of the sculpture wiih its dazzlinS French style. The influence of painting on ihe dolls, the subjst of so much heated nineteenth century debate, also ought not to be discounted. AndreThuiuier's are most distincdy producis of their time, h'ith the melting doe eyes and ulka-feminine featurcs considered stylish by all the most a la mode painters ofth. time. Women and girls appre€iated softness of form obvious musculature s,as for men, while women accepted their cuNes fo. the gifts thai th.y werc, and girls longed for the same when they grew !p. ln po.trait after portrait, the curvilinear figure, at least part'ally forced by tight corseting upon women and even girls, contributed to a solidity of form less apparent in portraits of the twentieth centffy, where the modern women aloided the natural feminine body, and embraced the straiSht 1ine. One of the.rtists whose work is most simila. in appearan.e to the ATs is Adolphe William BouSuereau, a giant ofAcademi€ painting who supported himself in royal style, with an a carer that rivaled that of Carrier'Belleuse. His subje.ts were primarily women and.hildren, and to modern eyes, the paintings can seefr ovcrly sentimental, but Bouguereau was a produ.t of his time, and his time required a degree of mawkishness, a prettification of the subje.i, which he most ably fulfilled. The ATs a.e also products of then time, and they too are deliberately idealized, with delicate noses, large papee'eight eyes and rosebud mouths, allconforming to a standard ofbeauty very different from our own. Two world wars have had an indelible effect on our collective psyche, and our ideas ofwhat constitutes beauiy have at least in part been formed by our surroundings. Andre Thuillier opened his company soon after the end of the Franco-Prussian war, and althouSh many of the artists who fought in that war were aghastat its unprecedenied sava8e.y, it did not have the





,mDa. t on dntone thdr llor,d har_ I drd ll hdd. r 'lh the'r ,ni-.e'n,bti lrrutot r. dnd ',8hr' never berore $cn ln'lead'

ocopte.ur!,.eo and pro.pckd. dnd hh'le lmp,e\.iorFl paint,ng mal h)\e lriLmDh'd o\er the

rhe tre;.\

e.rdcmv .,.lhe*n, e t".r-i, I redli'n. the Ac.rdemy 'rill held

tulls{,ay, especially visible ('hen exemPlified b}' the sculPting ,nd Diintinc of thc ATs.

w. -.,' i. rore rc d x*n \e-! li le 2bout lhe i. tudl

h orl,nc.. or ihe AI rd.r"n ab,'ui And"e lhutllcr Jnd hF m\ deriou5 oue+ I,{ bedurl, bul the dolF them-el\ "' can l"ll .,, mu.h oi hhdr wP need io lnow. Ihc earlie+ doll' arc considercd the most desnable, although that canbe a matter of

per.o,,i, 1.,-rc dnd |ocler bool, w\rle do'l' of th' niddle

Dc,,od hdte a le* doll_lile, more naturdl fd(c lhJt F r) okn iiroritc. d,mpl.d cL,n dnd i,l. bul rh" rJ{ Perrod doll' are lur lhe mosl pdri nul a- den,ible. rnler ror as Itsev drP tr' rhe f.rm !\hLheler dull , collr(lor, huo'e_ -houlo be the be'l


ol il. pefloJ, * hc,Ler.drly or late..nd 'h^uld onr) bebou8hl tsate no ,r Inc d.ll -p.dli ro thdl colret ru, A lJbeloueht hr bed, nts on ihe de. i'',,n lo buv one .l lhe'" r.rowned dul'-: beaurl F lhe onh crileriun need.d a'J d brt o' monry' loo'



o.-,n" u,o"o"h A ind Evervn ,. 7r. corr,rror! L-'.v.,orditr d DDII! volumel.crc;nPublGh.rs,ln.le63 ,",.,n H}1 19"', .r,.''

r''1. r.,t, ,.J J ". Ne\d

.., { I'drv\ Ab'"n ''ub: tt".,*,,,.,'.,,,,,,,1:,'J,, 41 ll L - \-,-,.,' !',.'dl.iJ.a''.,1,L'te''\


n":.."1,1""- R.be . and lanson, H.$l Nnk'rt)r, C.,ril'/,4,, New Yor!:

q, ig

s;1.' Mildr.d. F,llr/r.r" Fd'., &lts, S.ot Publrairn!, 1992 rhei;er Dinielle a.d Fan.ois, ind rlreriiult, FloPn.e r,.'tro('ryrdm dl Fnr;,, jllr,! vo/,,,. l, cold Horse Publ$hina 2t(l3 plus a sn.ak Pt':k ar Piae 133 ll "ar', F ',3'rh" 'inP''' Lir'"Tl!'r'l'


HeJe is your c.lu.ce to cotrplete your library ol A^ti$. DOLL Coll..lor nagazitu$ Replace vorn bac.h issuas or p|lrchase ar\y issues tlat you aro missind. It's lun a d i,|lormative !o go

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I to t copirs $5 each . { to 9 copies S{ eacl . 10 or more copies $t each Pqltags witiio tlre US is iocluded. CatBdian atd oveGeas subscrih.G (all us at 651-261.{100 or ernait AntiqueDolColl@aol.com

ler &!$7 so(oouT Od19l &rtErF0o&. lf,DC 3r. ttio' [8. r.[ . r+.r!d4 br.coE h* Id so.r. vor. r

libL1 rlol

hr Ard 1fi shn4lm* nd. [dm 0.*

vor 2

[oft'Alle, Mrbad[rG*lll'dComFny .srB@Dro30d rMr.srrdII!] iG@w!,i) . c&M rd r.* r.lEs. sdErrr I0t! or


Br{* PudYrG.rd

8in*.9u rd Ta 01tl HfrFnit. Ladr s6B. Bl.t! n rerE. r- rrF) wo 0!. vd.2 iro. a u)r ugd ll99 toL,our vdrn 2, r*$rt ,7 s.d.ni? rgrs Edr l!dd.. . B!od.. udr 6 tld aid ridr Curas . Ddrre a.irG. 3d. ri.or@ . $h rn Id. Fdrd' B.q, v.rft 2 ri$.r ridiirril R!. rEd 3d6

.ri Eigo &t 8oe. s. b, Do E ciaDi I r0]

v0r4 4 nurn ! 0d6.. rfi utDcri.@

srG@. x oigc.rin r td,. sa 0r! Fa lr .OB 0!G.oo.u*.nr&anrE .n!9q, Cdh Vdm r, Xunlr rO to'iltd 20fi nr!tlr Odr .uFocA q!.Eli .0d 8dr.0orfdln iRmr

Ioi$,An he0! Tdi.Are EallmMDDASfd .u@@Dou Pd

.rdbDotd!tLdrG.S.Mdrrc q, cii. utDc m(6 E ai.rdqvqdB ' ^iln

Yorlm 4! xlmi.r rr xr!.,y 2fln Pdmk 0ds Heh.h.Md[hM tob. UtoC! rn m

. G.btrrds

Etul hi I . SLilr'o 8ortu 0!t


trltr2e ]ltuEldt

ooc. GdlE H.r.d'.^IEEa E, 0d 06Cs . uFoci dbi E$ai'Ddb I nw Mrr!66



r4I rd vor 3, 4rri2 lor0orrl

vorr i nri!.! ABnx[) Pbiror. d 8r€d odr

.98 3 Id lP,rE odrr) . Eem r&r olfu S10. irE tu(,r &r'Ill Eir Ys. uroc rhbi cdME. F6dr F!.rrd 0d M.n*ah"PEi$id .A S9!.hrr odr 066y. Hlsr

vrrmlrri.l J'rrr



.lb Kd! uFy.rh'4drm ufoc re $ar En* . r$' c.i4 ratu cr, AGd c{9 Bd.0* h

Pdduriy.MID .s.F @

Ydml,lluitrc L*lt.2o r@ Enl ' wrrlr M6s or Ddr M Erhba uFDc r{idr s.rr$



' Dorb

d lo6.d Pnmd Ha


'd, Et!. n6, &i6'D &n

P.d.i D.*

vcrtlrIn6rri@ E toE. Fdd'8.6 'Sr.Dtir. }lA,.T-.lotrtsb PE Dol


.Gam PfrI, oot.r{ Do . sdft srn


Tll (.fiF 8 r Cor.d o , Wlcrn 0o b. KlmL! &!r!


Y.rn q lrrn l0 bi..ril 2e liE t


P.Fd.uri. uroc wrm. l.lE.s Pr!.o!! sJy


0o&.00Ei, rnlidr$E h.r,oTo,.d due

u@ d xd! cry .r &qB. au ibtd' ft6

. ctd, oorE. Frs.r gr'!b{ 0!e. MDoA

volnirct r l1 Ddnh. rfr2 l sp.. ar shM lln Ilr . rv 0or s . 3,+1. tu!*! , uFoc Mdrm cd"plrir o .M& e Pqp Cd.dh..E.'ry udy 0!{ voon I *d.. 12 J.rrr 2G ArErd trrbs

16 a1sr6 9r.50 Ys d cdrro.d 0.t

tl(eY. u..rrrho OE. OEd+rGa @r 0.& . EbB b.r bt. um '

Yotm., &ntr, llnlr!1 id.,r!dbb 'AE!@3.06 'hElMS6rt O. Slr ic' rmde 0o]l ' s..r ror rn ooa.J.oara nIrd''

,(ammq d Rnr$'d,"Iin[. Adrir'l! Dol v.rtrG ti!.r 2 Lrdr rqB fi6 &r..rtr d lhsE P.re. r,'e.k 46. rl-6 . [r/s B']'Bnr 0d

vorn{rnEl hrzor x^Do 5

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VdD(L*a rr20l (,fiClts . On:D vddr P.irukd3 LE r@5 ' .hd tr 0!G. rB s Nr6rl cnE

. Pire ity dd rid 0d


. rGfi Poelr' F.cry. .

. P.ryrh.rE

UfDC Gtr6 & tEi'6.lLC EU@n Io, .Adin so.r( Hds'! $no s. A spd 0. ,l]wm vdm! tr xlmir r ktiu,y2()r Ed, P.Ed l&o'r



v.rd! l.nt il4t na.2@ &it (E D* .q6.utDCSem.Jmu

. Sd.l$dEx


vorlm r, xurhf, 5 Jlm201 olrslidllric E Prb.AIFbrd!xPM CriE. v d9. 1lr6dfo


Ts9.6. Old{r(,n Oob es . &.qr'Sri'q.1

vordr.rtr!.l rit 2ol SdBl|Llidll4 or'U, co,. FEdl 3 sqr. F49.q rr I A'dy . TrE

v.lml,xmh.lf.lMYmBm.t.L.dl .(mkE.Jd'ri0d eln.Le

.Ill lrdsdAtCdlo.d0o&.Ihaahe! hd v*n6, *rE!ld 2G Bu{.odlYm

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vlrnthrn sJrrE so.errn8"n ee i 9w I Td.ltE Fuy ltddrg. &ia] Gh Pdl'i . Oflprt B.!r Hota. P,Pa.Ms DorE

x.srir LSq.l&d s cmor ro od 6

udw 6, xmhi I Jlry 2(B An.d M!& 0. !

vol4r,UilJ, A!!d2$ Ed*.BN Pli I

I sdrilce,.Ci.d.i i BdE '$lt.sD.r k lradlbd. E., crdry ooa Yrr( *r!rl s.ts'tlor B!Pn2 .

. A ri.r, noFr

D;rH Prrer oot. &4a 3aa6. um oot . GdtrqS'o.bind



. L$ P.!€s



Pi[!i odt!



v.(nin' ..ri D..mDrrm J*. smr .sni,T.tr,c Doci,Rry lid vrc'utDc M!4n 0or E$ii.EriaiDd!cr?p!'Aftmnc]!rh0!b


vlrnlhrbraJ.ur:o! G@ Art 0.c g{l . (n tu ro, [M

s&r. Eqnr'g &,



V*nt,lrnni l*rrl0ol 100YMol 8.qr 0d Proddd. An!d+r.d. Do ! . Ma!c, Mdm

vcmr, x!nt..r ln 20Ol &!n:irw.rt'co

ll B.c, Dot. UIDC E$a. Oo* rn ir Wrfit6 Pin r.0.! i Ras sd c6'9fc . sodd oo E. m oar Dd FdM 2000

ch 6F r tlaidlr 0d FaN,r. urd

vorrD 5, nrrar r lh lm Ir! s.!x, olh.tq'

.h.o! oo !. i*i, cdbd d, Am, htri Doa . cl[trm' crr rdrun . cn!.r nn $a, . Ill fcM T6&'

x $r?r{d,lm R €AMcirdn udlDi p.0.,0d udyttrE.E ryclidy0i&.l d '


.cmsitr0d!'ttE(idi !*!8.NA00A,i

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tod, Fars an ltl ftdtrtc.lrlb*hC Y{d odk .rr c.tr.n r..d'! d Yu oia hn [L


Bd6.0.c. Oir Top OB vlrm r, rrnat odi..2ffi uqEffi rdtIr wrd06! ! uFD6 riltD Enr !d, abby cady chil Do r

Mrd.Glm Oddd5. vo!tr 0d s. t]I.ioii 'A M.Lolg i 0. hqs. Mr.'n Mou v*n5,r.rb. rra:e ar grorlw . Farm 0.G d ri rgl'E* tud. c.@ 0orxrlq'q.rrqs.x€c{8. a00 nsdt

c!4drE iai. h rxre, d od!trr cddM

vdfr i *ii.ir l4rn FBd'D* n rdlloE

v*ntlr,rrrsfril!.rm tu3ad30 . UtDc s&'m. rm caEo.lar Dd .lGIr

P.rmd. Dols *th Mdd.d HB

rlld.ftIlr riEdEb '


.caee^ DoE&ri'] &L vorna,Irt 7lt{a ?G nd.6..!-, 19b

.Gimctm.T i. h u.,y trora. M hwnn Erdsh oorE lllo'g'omro Etq]ert

.ASdd rd 0!&

vorDT,rrtllEt:ol sotDdn

Dd. Hd$ r Io, M@n.09q r Poriindre , caruro d

i! Yu 0o s rau6s .F.n*! 0!&

.Ld.KModr left

.O{ooa.Di.m rtu.o. t4.3$.. .rmoo*.n Jdnwsi

voln7, x!mi*r ,r0{ c*r..ih.r&n Oo ! Makd. A 19fr Cdluy 00lt'Hd*.P.dd, Dd r . Raff r R{ Pe* 0o ! . C.nlaifoi C.ht ry 0! E

'1.6 $ri.ftE? v.rn?,rarE?r|l'rrr orff!'g Yd 0or ld. r[b tl.l. (,tu! i S@ rJn@, Cqt t gin selnl ' litu6. Etrt .t

^tE &6c [l!d!r vorlm 7, nrJra, r s?rrilr 2!a F@h Ir. r 0i! erCstum! . uFoC $ sM . oddrry r. n' r r360r 00 r tusrim. Ho.n, D. 3. Amrid il!41r.

t-lE oia. um hqr. s& Fb' w@ . on o.t' tuxn od' oot d uEs Cry turo 3!i. .Ihma Ddh. s E R lhi W m,'g ' Do ro, Yo & hdDi '/'/d'

Ioy lln M. dE M@n



&. mbd ftt. Krp6r. crd.0d &!.rllo ooc .E tOB.SrBl 't L tdE

vdE 7, llnin . !2IirY arE

rtrrch F!!h6 h i . K.fi.

G.n* ChmM 0d! x0{.' &d( 0o 3

vd.m A lmi,l f.!*y 2fl5

(,'!r.yih...IirleldJffilFi!'0.a' Grrr' (fr':

0*. Hd@a Bdy Bri'lr.

arr{ ,n s4rl oll. Plcod AaM

tFvh, Mft d lll sorhs cdledld.id r SlaEl llldr,.i 0d. A's@l&d. 0or! , Jlm s *i.r Fnu!&ts .l*

Yd4l rlri. i l!.r rc

tl.d.dli&ldr ooG.Ty'rdy . 8oY 0o& d

Pqid.. rdEi{r.I}$


ladl0dro{rrbEdEirliE,.. R@P.rl dF!, Ritu'lrlle lva'd'i6. . llE H.liinq H 3.b. , K.!b., , oolM

ilrAi d^,r.lrrrd . 9@rrlGhr P'!a . Hrr{05. nM Ad{r 0or oer.i . CifiD.lb ^*o.el

.Aw'i.Co*t Fl idrts

yo e 6rddin{, .Id . .ll.l tn ilt.lot l a@nt i&d you d adrirax ri. is 'e. Doll C.ll.3r.i. 6 v6od3ide Avc,. Suitc 5OO, Ncrtlrpori, arY S.nd to: ,lt dq!. phon€ 6tl 261-aroo Fu a5r-26r.9644 Toll Fe !Jaaaoo_2544

To ord6 5&l ise-a *

,t:Eiitrti H.' Qafendar of 6rrox

rFrc.*tqb^.Fdc&. d(*..r*^i**r\.q.i$rd


6tfiu: 4-S Gr he6bu.s, MD. Doll Show & Sale. caithe6burS FanErounds. Bellman Evenrs. 410,3574n51.

,l RlEvil!., CA. Doll & Teddy B€.r

show. Plaer Couty Fai€rcunds.

Dorothy DralG/Dolls4An. n5-344-7713.

,t Sequim, WA. Doll Show & Sale. Canie Blake Park.Olympi< Peni.sula Doll Club. 36G671-3653. s Ea3t Henover, Nl, Doll Show & sale. Ramada Horel. HeritaE€ Promotions.

ri,t?sl qsatb" n odtr


5 rul.iton, CA. Doll Show. Four Points She.aton Fullerton. Rowbear & fdends. 831438-5349.

lla<'lt , i4uc on.-ofa-ki,t.l

5 G.ithe6bur& MD. Doll Au.tion. Gaithe6burS Hilron. Th6iault's. 800{3&0422 rou Columb!!, OH. Doll Audion. Makoy C6ter. McMaste.s Harris Au.tion Co.


l(!11 D€nv.i, PA. Doll Au.tion. Morphy Au.rioB. 7l 7-33,t3.t35.

.r.dtnr, t historki !

tlrtstturtu,, trl a ?ntn t k) d?tui l. Bt'.lol I atistt

P.O. Box 92. Gabrnna Island. British Columbiu. Canada. VoR lX0 Phone (250) 247-9132 Emailr secrergardcn @ shaw.ca

17 Louisvill., Kl. Doll Auciion. Kennerh S. Hays & Asstriais, Inc. 502-5E4-4297.

2! N.shu., NH. DollAuction. Holiday

Inn-N.shua. Richard l^?. WithinSlon,

lN. O)rl6+t3z 2t26 Puyallup, WA. Doll & Teddy Bea! Show. Westem Washin8ron

Fairgtuunds. Dorcthy Drake/DolldA[.


26 Alton, NH, Doll Show & Sale. Prcp<i Mt. Hiah s.hool.H.ppy Hobby Doll Club of Alton. 601875{750.

17 A@tlF C.tri.r, MN. Doll & Bear Show & Sale. Earle Bbwn Heriiage Center. C homotions Plus. 7634U-9n2i. 22-2t Altom., WI. Doll & Teddy Bear Show & Sale. Al8oma HiEh Sch6l-

Al. Ha@n. 92G563{X},l6. 23 s..i:menro, cA. Doll show & sale. S.ottish Rite lemple. Siera Doll Sal6.


rfi,0 8-9 Se tr.mifto, CA- Mi.iatuE Show. Clarion Hotel. Tom Bishop. 567-114-($22.

9 A6ti., TX. DollShow & Sale, Travis Co. Erpo Cdi€r. Dororhy M€redith. &30{0G586a. 9 M.lbo!o., FL. Dolls & Toys

Colletibl6 show. Az.n Shri.e Temple. Conniet Dolls. 321'952-0835. 1G13 Che.ry Hill, NJ. DoU show. Hilton Philadelphia. Rowbear & F.isds. 83143&5319. 10 Philad.lphin, PA.Doll Auciion, The I mwr Horel ThPri:uh's 3m-LiA-o,122 1G15 Philad.lphi.. PA. UFDC Naiional

Covention. Philadelphia Mariott. 41rt224980. rS17 No. Hollyw@.l, CA. MiniatuEShow. Beverly Carlmd's Holiday Im. Tom Bi.hop. 561-434.6159.

rcu Sa R.f..l, CA. Antiqoe Fair. Marin Civic C{ler. Golden Gare Shows. 415-383-2252,

17 Ei.dfo..l, PA. Doll Show & sale,

Maeni. Temple. South W6t York P.m D.rll Club. 81&352-1547.1.

23 Yorl, NE. Doll Auction. Yo.k county club. Nom Ceen Auciions. 402-362-5595.

30 Culv6 City, CA. Doll Show. VeteraE Mehorial BuildinE. Forever YomE. 81&36&]16/A. 31, Onhrio, Can.d., Doll Show & Sale.

Ma.mora CurlinS RinL j6ie Hancel. 705.292 9971.

31 H.milton Sq., NI. Doll Show & Sale. A.8eloni'sCeda.Gardens. Delaware Valley Doll Club of NJ. 609-371-1902.

@sr!'t -

67 Alh.ville, NC. Antiques Fair, Ashevi[e Civic Cenr€r.jack Shelmn828-299-7430.

6 E tl. Riv.r, WL Doll Show & sale.

KalmarCenter. Enchanted Doll Club oI the Northwoods, 711356{8a9. 6 ML l-.urc|, Nr. Antique & VintaSe Doll Auction. t2urel lm- Swelbriar. 41G 275-2094.

6 v.llejo, CA. DoU Show. Valleio Fan8rcudg Nancy Io',s Don Sal6.


7 fuU.not! CA- Doll Show. Foor Points Sheratdn Horel Barh.ra P.h's.


7 L:.oni+ NH. Doll & Be.r& Miniatue



Show & Sale. kalitt Park. ReEion Doll Club. 6i)1524-0129. Hatfi.l4 PA. Doll Cataloa Au.tion.

Alderler Au.riore. 215-393 3000. 12-13 St Paul, MN. Miniatures Show. Days lnn Airport. Tom Bishop. 561-{3,k622. '13 San Di.to, CA. Doll Boutique & Antique DoU Clini<. Handl€ry Hotel, Rowbear & Friends. 831-438-5349. 20 San f,.f..I, CA. Doll & B€r Show.

Mari. Civi< Cenrer. Goldo Gate Shows. 415-3&12252. 2c21 VirBinia 8...b VA. Teddy Beai & Doll Show & sale. St.Ni.holasCkk &hodor Chur.h Convorion Cente.. A.B.C. Toys. 757-58a{165. 21 M@ovi., CA. Doll Show. Four Poinls SheGton. Rowbea. & F.iods. 83143&5349. 2r Phinw.ll, MI. Doll Show & Sale. Comfon Inn.IiUSande6.231-780-45,14. 25 Nasn@, NH, Doll Au.tion, Holiday Inn-Nashua. Richa.d W. Wnhington,

In.. 603461-3232. 26 t dsvill., KY- DoU Au.tion. Hays &

asdiar6- In . 502.534 42S7.

27 Lafay.rh, LA. Doll Show & sale. Hotel Acadiana. l.ts Jolies PoupeeJ Oes Acdiens Doll Club- 337{2.H566. 27 Yo& PA. Toy & Doll Show. York FanEroundr Toyol. Cenler. Morphy AuctioB. 717-335-3435, 28 B.Uevue, Wl" Doll & Toy Show, Bellevue Im Red Lion. Riv€rton Cona8e Antiqu6. ,r2. 119516,


ti I] Erl t a t1 I ,ltrt \



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ll {tl l(. I lrElE{ililt N

rIilC{II!FII:TTfiiT:E Gf,*}, :EEENIEE TiEIE:IIII Free Bus wery ZO min tolfiom OFDC/ODf,Cf, Conventionr qt l.loriott Philodelphiq Doramtorun (6-milcsflO l.linute ridef T

ibition E

A n Exq u i s i te l[u_l 11M i llioa

lIE fi]ITI INf,L

ficccssories. Clothing . Loce. Wigs . Books Foshion, Bqlbico a f,rtists Dolls. Beors. Etc fipproisols . Consignments . flepoirr/Restorqtion Ennly Brno Sau SUNDAv Noon-4 . $40 Aom Vrulo Tnnu Weo Reeuun Houns: Sunonv 4pm-10. MoN aTue 10-5. Weo 10-7 * Regular Adm:

$20 / $15 With Ad . Valid Sun 4pm thru Wednesday *UFDC-0DACA-NIADA-CU Specia! Rate $10 with lD Sun 4pm-Wed Tickeb, advance by mail: make chxks pyable R, J, Lowman or btry at show One Free verbal Appraisal , QualiU items only Consigned Free-20o/o il sold

!ltI:E;IsZPf ilrr/ t I IT ?I I il T@ iL 0 II ll rliElIli I I ill al3 6fl .I.I:YXE'litilIElv, 5!il! lrl 9l5lt at/



g/r. g"// 9ti*ll

Would Yoll

Lilc To Be An


The toys e teatured in imaginativeand (olorful d&playr tnd indod€soode., w.t .hina, k€.chand G.rman birqu€, m.chani(al, papiermade', comporition and dolh dolls; ltufed rnlmdls and teddy b€iB, moir notably thor manuhdurcd t'}, lhe we[rnown

G.rma. nrkd Margarete treill.

rs ah6n hnnuE


Antique Toy Museum Thir mlreum l.ature! . vai.ange of plarthingr available to Ameri.an (hildr€n f.om rhe l/00! ro the p.ere.t d.y.

. & Appratser? \

ww.lhooollworks,n6i Ple6e vlsil our websit6 .

Antlques Dcaler


Lynnlield, MA 01940 \781) 334-5577

l**+n- I 4-3r'4"h. c.1860

T (l

r (|


iLR \sk H()\\ H|tHu! .





A qua iry Eoup shop specializing in do h toys and holidays. l-aura Tum€( pmgreiof


/rh So Easrl Each Sra/br Ser O@s 8-r0 Mediu, Sized Oors. (t49 95 + S5 stH) 7:t, our whoL Lt". o! DoU tdkb!

sad ch&k or runey sdd lo: SANDRA TEE PBOOUCTS NC, 11019 NE 141.tST.,

oepr a . Ki*hnd, wA $44


opennuls.Sun 11-5

ForVis or Ma$6rc.d d.E

Please visit. . .

J( e %nny gh,ryi,{,1; SARA BERI{STEIN'S DOLLS 10 SamiCourl, Englishlown, NJ 07726

Phone 732-536-4101 Emaali sanliqb€be@aol.com

www.sarabernsieindolls.com exlensive iist $1{SrSE 7,1 cerls postaoe or cal


Complete or Incomplete SH #719 or BP #224 Head

Tin torso w/cornpo & wood arms/legs Pam and DouE Burrett 816.5284220 Email panndouli@gtm.n€!


. Tovs . MinhtuB t Doll Molds . Supplis .

Nancy lo's


fulire lh nshi elld n.d.ralih fu I sqvr4 rqar oi ddb inclldn! ti9{ue, cdipsjldr, had

&di d w, dolh.

llh $eqarze in a, qu€ and vinlrle ddlclolhn9 and ehld


accessoies. Call Bhda s Doll Empium al (618) 384.8046 or enlai flhodarm@msn,conr




Sunday, 10am - 3 pm S(orthh Riie Temple

sd 5A5E (2 sranps) lo:

Nano Jo srhRld,


RobiM St., Manituz, CA Cl55l

PhoN 92i-2r-.1190 rax 91t2295369

website: www.nancyjodolhales.com


DoI Rehled llems . rumit!rc . C1oth6 . Bea6

dolls co{ecliues, LsADsElorcolorl ly

itusnabd list l0 moi$ b€Ylal avaihble. Llemba UFDC


NADDA. Regine A. $sel., 23 lllheafiield 0R, llJilninglon, 0E


For inlomation




Antikhaus is the source. Get your antique G6man dollhouss. room boxes and dollhouse kitchens directly from Gemany. A.d everything to lumish thom and docorate the inieriors. We at Anlkhaus are t\,,Iary Ann in lhs US handling sal6s a.d Babara in Gomany gleaning the Europgan markets ,or exquisite coll6ctoB' items. We ds carry a large inve.lory of miniature antique enamelwarc and rcprc Geman lolk art, €spocially holiday items and B€lsnickl€s. 405-364-2575 Visit !s at ww.antikhausonlin€.com Email: anlikhaus@cox.net

YEil ny yrbsilq w}}.neginasleeh.com



tiils Teddy Be6rs. h{e$ional reFir sp€-

i eady sofl st]fed htF. AlilJys nleEsled in

EUYI G oU bea6 ai pals in ary cadlior Raalordtor and Toddy

liH Lrn 8..d&$s (44 8n-4S

Ellil &hgss€licoll.nlI*b wry.Mr.hearatbl$cdn Ailiqu, and Collectablo Doll and Bear Lisl ava lable, inc ud ng Slrco*ums, Scho€nhut, Chas€ etc. o!ff 2m ilelns Memb€r



noLl suoWs 20th Ant,f.'ersdl^

1S104351. Phone 302.475.t37{ Em,iI Rsleele€556el com

se€ral ddl ad be6, grce gude boolc D?rinq srm 1978.

ftlmpl and honeal ssvh8 al ail I fl6 lori Ja*i Eooks EnE l ddpoacenet.com.au or lar + 61 2 4869 1 438

nr Crhim I qldd Boatoratol1 Ctni( m r yeals elpsrence

August 20, 2fi)5 MARIN COUNTY Dotl & Bear Show grr{ September 10.2005{ ';

in Hesloiru Ddb, Fanily Herloor6, Polisy, Ja&, C4stai


otw rulciah. lJ\le aE ,ecunalgid by ml6e0ms, Colleclo6 ifomal0n Blcau, DerandEil Stu€s M.l. Nuli]me , llado, colkclols md dea e$ Tum arcund lime 4-61Yeeks, Ca lorlrc€ con$rllal on or vhil \tl{,,v ch narndcfislrlc nic.com email:

inlo&hineendcnshic nic.coin


sAN t-..._. Doll & Bear Show

t{nouE DoUS- FEndr and Gffmn B que, Al Es4ue Chinas, Sler'ff, Co lecl bb 0olls, Limiled Ed. ful P ates.


Doyle.lol/yn, PA 18901. 215.794'8164. Enlaii aloldonni.com

SASE and 25c lor lsl Ann Loyd 5632 S oeor Run Boad,


M.!i! Od. C!!Lr Extlbit lll. Ar. ol & Fllgs. S R.f:I. CA.lbt. Hrr I0l b N. So M! Rod..ri( .4l.l.ridG*C. .r Dr. +h q A1!. oI i. Flisn Srr. OD Cdlt FnlMre, !r Tn[y Rd. sr Jc rbt flsry I0l b Tully id. dir **r. 80 : mihi b foBmmd,

Buying and Selling antique doll furniture, dollhouses,



PO. Box 448. Mill vall€y. CA 94942

(,115) 383-2252

llsnber MDDA UFDC

teasets, accessories. phone 530-893-5135. Email: Sglrta@aEje!

PlaceYourAd Herc a clnsifednafutylatfur

ontt4ut ddls

mdrehted nerdandts

e. etu o,a Dolls, Tecldy Bears I More

CoO lds S csrb tr llmd m tnt $10

Show Sch.dul.


Ad fih a hds xd boldtu, aid $10 b nud toH PtEto A* Uad( and r*ib onlyl $/e can convsl you dor ds b blad( ari ithile

1/12 FS (212"h x 2 3t"ll/)$40

Dolly Days are funl

10 pap (3 M'h x 2 3,t"w)$$

gpec;it Events + Aujesome sales floors

Eqgeytillg_sa June4 Make'n taKe project uJkh Katha Engbloom Puvallup wA Jun 25 & 26 DinDer + souvenir do rdith

Rol,ert ?, ikes (ie*ry.r,ons r€qu red) Visil our web sitc (orthE fall shol, scheduls lnlo Mdoll!4.11@md 775 348 7713

Plese indde pan$t ttih your ad.

tflg€r aG re mrdddd dshy aG


cd lBtu hhmBlin 1{0{D2S&

Anlhue Doll Cdlecfrr b norv publishd Ahays 84ng and S€ling Gnrt $ho€nhut TqF. Cal ld an evsdEr{ing nvdrtqy TA Fixs pad.

Ersi'$ d'd w*s6 d'olE Nl-351@ l kk&r,s fi1-261-41m

Fasbi lnre)

Keih K.oib, P0. Box 344, Oenlqpd, NY 11721.m44


lims a yeal

odiftd a6 dP m hEtEl tE fid ey dtu p'rodng nrorh 0l Fblcatbn, Exaryier ilay I for tp June ir$e.

I P.O. Box 446 Saddle River N.I. 07458 0446

Phone (201)327 3032 & 80b-826-2169 F ax (201) 327 -3t82 Email asirexl@aol.com

visit us at http;/ /ww.arwanriques.com

Ann & Roy Wintrob - Owners


MEMBER UFDC. MEMBER "SQUARE TRADE" Ebay's GOLD Power Seller asrrcx 3 dots thca

dition lonEbickgtto tee


'Wowt/' :13

r. v.ry L,se Ro.. o.N?iI i,,qu. hrw


v€D nE ,nd an DriBbr r

.*pa. ,pna, ,tiw.,h6 _r ftd. ,d."."-r <!":,i? r rFh.i/(,R rc, ^i. ,row c, ,h rcrn.,Et ir..@i-, ". ..pi {, ,d^l r.\,r {,.,d P..h*,,.d, r.\n \, "i r",. r",,;o._, od! -'h',buto6;ord-nhed.

RrEsnrr qu: Jcrd ne+ P;uto 'h{ro,chr

r-. rh" ho{ bHuue'd&\iJunQq

hri,L. sriso

db L7(D;tL,ddr o,i JleD-r,ur ri.*';d

\isgrr onsuc J udqhr.t^0

*ir.-h h";;,


:iJ''.L: -" ""

For more dolls visit my site: http//www.arwantiques.com

'!dr{'qrin'r' 'd VISA

Come Visit Our Shops In Pennsylvania Yisit us in Stoultbu.S \,illa8c adia.ent to thc Elack Ansus Antique Mall, in the head,,f

Adamstom. I'A, tht cutrnlrr's

Store Hou6 S.turdJvs bv ch.nc"

Qiehard Wrighl flntiques

sun, q am ro r pm. ,'ir ani.ory of the w€ek by appointment. We wel.ome you. lisil.

Becky & Andy Ourant

VILL$GE Dollitrtfoy


8 N. villaSe Circle in Stoudtburg

Mailin8 addre6s: P.O. Bor 705

Adahsiowq PA 19501 Phone 717-484-1200

Toll free 866-512-1981 Emai} ourant@aol.com



'{ A ttuly efltk ttt dta dltion b! HahDi&, this lrrg! I'drelii't holl doll

This stinnng 24" earlv K..ttLr ho< nnanlr hl'iP eycs and a ucry poiuty

1sknouinsthe"Flath.Drfter",a dhas ew bldt sle h thirsize Shesitsan an elaborate ul.et crndlt bo!toith J.atfus,

cn. 1920. 1 1 " Tdl l. $3844.04


ts dt th6e rpconti'1| tltot|s.

A wonderfuI cot bination

Ersta Nntional "isit Doll Shol!, Gritltd'sbrtg MD lolt4th t,sth

ianhcr il she is simply

htqf is? Call th! sttop Jot detrih.

uF Dc contnt ian, Ph ilndelplin

of tottslions nakes one

Flo ing Springs & Hollow Roads

gctting whaj she wants.

P.O. Bor 222 Birchrunville, PA 19421 Ir.ated in the he..t of Chester County, PA. 45 minutes west

lf vou would litu morc driail\ abo LhLs beoutiful doll uisit out Plnn,,ingd fip to Pquslludda?

Sto ltb tg VillaS. is d Sedt rlolt

Appmisals Buying and Selling Member UFDC


desthnnoL tuith three snops lnl

ofPhiladelphi. and 30 miles east of Adamstown. Phcme:61G827 7442 Fa* 610427-n39 Email RwArtiquez@aol.com Shop Hou6: Tus-Fri 10am-5pm or by appointment Member NADDA and UFDC Richard Wright Proprietor Dorut ts izi, ry o r U pg nd i t tS?

we b v nfitiq e dolLs al all llpes .o/le.iioxs o/ sirr,{/r, .lolls roith it kicdinta pn!/ ttfit. We nlsa buy n d sall anliLtucs olnll ki tls.

ln b sitrcss for Jorlv vt:ots.

Articles inside

,t:Eiitrti H.'

pages 63-67


page 62


page 61


pages 57-60

Dawo and Dotter Importers and Chinas

pages 54-55

NIADDA in Chicaqo

pages 48-53


page 47

)oao YYYY

pages 44-45

u ooo YYY h. r.'l

pages 43-44


page 42


pages 39-41

Ioys in the

page 38


pages 32-37

'.E& -H&I ;Dz't'I'/ **I

pages 28-31

a Little Prin cess

pages 27-28

The Art of Andre Ttruillier

pages 22-26


page 21

%etly,CibrafiA's *fln$4w 9,ol/ls

pages 19-20

Grandma's Jttic

page 18


pages 12-18

(rr7Three Doll Auctions

page 11

flntit,fe.p.Qt"t 20 ,2

pages 8-10


pages 6-7
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