
I’ve always liked killifish. They are small and colourful and have masses more personality than more commonly kept ‘little pretty fish’ like tetras, rasboras and livebearers. Over the years I’ve kept Nothobranchius rachovii, Aphyosemion gardneri, Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum and Austrolebias nigripinnis – mostly somewhat unsuccessfully in rather inappropriate community aquariums. I did get eggs from the Chromaphyosemion, but could never raise the fry.

The 5 species and numerous local varieties of the genus Diapteron have always particularly caught my eye. They come from shaded rainforest streams with soft, cool water in a small area of Northern Gabon and nearby parts of the Congo. They are stunning tiny fish, fully grown at 1.5 inches long, and so would be quite at home in a small well planted tank. A great project for those with an RO machine or regular access to clean rainwater.

One day I will breed them!

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