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Calm Down Strategies For Kids

Hey parents! Did you know children need adult support to learn to control their emotions? We know you want the best for your kids, especially when managing emotions. That’s where calm-down strategies for kids come into play. These techniques are crucial in helping children learn emotional regulation. In this blog, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on various calming methods, tips for parental support, and ways to empower your child with self-calming abilities.

Deep Breathing Techniques

Breathing is powerful! Deep breathing exercises help relax the body and mind – making them an essential part of calm-down strategies for kids.

Teaching Deep Breathing to Kids Is Simple:

  • Have them sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Encourage them to place one hand on their chest and another on their belly.
  • Instruct them to take slow breaths in through their nose while feeling their belly rise.
  • Finally, have them exhale through their mouth and feel the belly lower.

Practice this technique together during quiet moments so they can use it effectively when needed!

Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

Creating a Calm and Safe Space

Everyone Needs a Cozy Corner!

Creating a designated calming area at home helps your child retreat during stressful times.

Here are some ideas:

  • Choose a quiet spot away from busy areas.
  • Fill it with comforting items like soft blankets or pillows.
  • Incorporate sensory tools such as fidget toys or weighted lap pads.

Remember that every child’s preferences differ; work together to create a space tailored specifically to meet their needs.

Getting Active with Physical Activities

Movement matters!

Physical activities can serve as excellent calm-down strategies for kids by releasing tension and excess energy.

calm down strategies for kids. A girl is being physical outdoors to get extra energy out.
Read more: 5 Breathing Exercises for Kids

Here are some age-appropriate examples:

  • Toddlers: Encourage outdoor play, like running or playing catch.
  • Preschoolers: Try simple games like “Simon Says” or dancing to fun music.
  • School-aged kids: Suggest yoga stretches, jumping jacks, or quick walks around the block.

Real-life scenario: A mom noticed her son was restless during homework. She introduced a 5-minute dance break halfway through to help him refocus – it worked wonders!

Tips For Parents To Help Their Child Calm Down

Supportive Parenting Is Key By Providing Calm Down Strategies For Your Kids

Here’s how you can help your child during emotional moments:

  • Recognize triggers and early signs of distress in your child.
  • Pay attention to patterns that cause stress so you can intervene before emotions escalate.

Example: If your daughter gets anxious in noisy environments, consider using noise-canceling headphones during outings.

Maintain a calm demeanor when addressing your child’s emotions:

  • Stay composed while discussing feelings; it reassures children they’re not alone in managing their emotions.

Anecdote: When tantrums strike, remind yourself to take deep breaths and speak gently – this sets an example for healthy coping mechanisms during tough moments.

calm down strategies for kids. A group of friends practice calm down strategies.
Read more: 5 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Relief

Offer Choices Among Various Calming Strategies:

  • Present different techniques for them to choose from – empowering kids fosters independence and control over their well-being

Model healthy emotional regulation through personal practice:

  • Children learn from our actions! Showcasing good habits encourages them to adopt similar ones when faced with difficult emotions themselves

Anecdote: Share with your child how taking a walk outside or meditating helps you feel better after a stressful day at work.

Tips For Kids To Calm Their Own Bodies Down

Encourage Open Communication About Feelings

Talking is key. Let your kids share how they feel. Listen to them. It helps! This way, you’ll know what’s going on and teach calm-down strategies for kids that work for them.

Teach Problem-Solving Skills That Address Underlying Issues

Please help your child think of solutions when they face challenges. By providing this important calm down strategy for kids be sure to guide them through it step by step. Then, let them try those ideas next time there’s a problem.

Practice Positive Reinforcement When They Successfully Use Calming Strategies

Celebrate their wins! When your child uses a calming strategy, praise their efforts. Positive vibes build confidence in using calm down strategies for kids more often.

Gradually Increase Independence In Selecting and Implementing Techniques

At first, help your child pick the right technique to calm down. Later on, let them choose on their own. With practice, they’ll become experts at helping themselves!

*Real-life scenario:Your kid gets upset because his toy broke.

  • Step 1: Ask him how he feels.
  • Step 2: Help him think of ways to fix the toy or find another activity.
  • Step 3: Praise his effort if he calms down and tries a solution.
  • Step 4: Over time, encourage him to come up with solutions independently.

Understanding and supporting children’s emotional needs is so important! Effective calm down strategies for kids make all the difference in raising happy and resilient children.

Tired of Emotional Meltdowns?

Goally’s Mood Tuner app has activities for kids with BIG emotions. Teach kids how to tune their mood with Goally. See fewer meltdowns.

The Mood Tuner app encourages kids to look inwards and identify their feelings, helping them understand what’s going on inside. Once they’ve recognized their emotions, they can choose from a 20+ activities designed to help them self-regulate and find their balance.

Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

As parents, we play a vital role in helping our children develop emotional regulation skills, and calm-down strategies for kids are powerful tools in this journey. By incorporating deep breathing techniques, creating a calm and safe space, and encouraging physical activities, we can provide our children with effective ways to manage their emotions. It is equally crucial for us to be supportive parents by recognizing triggers, maintaining a calm demeanor, and offering choices among various calming strategies. By modeling healthy emotional regulation and teaching problem-solving skills, we empower our children to navigate their emotions independently. Remember, open communication, positive reinforcement, and gradually increasing their independence in selecting and implementing techniques contribute to their growth. By embracing these strategies, we foster resilience and happiness in our children, allowing them to thrive in managing their emotions.

This post was originally published on 04/05/2023. It was updated on 10/06/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.