ABRAF – Brazilian Pulmonary Hypertension and Related Diseases Association (Brazil)


445, Rua Doutor Virgílio de Carvalho Pinto, São Paulo, 05415-030, Brazil



Flavia Lima

ABRAF assists the community living with pulmonary hypertension, heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis, severe asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and alpha-1. Since 2006, ABRAF is a registered association in Brazil.

Its mission is to improve patients’ quality of life, support them and their families, raise awareness of their disease, collaborate with healthcare providers, and advocate for public policies on adequate, accessible treatment.

Based in São Paulo, ABRAF also reaches Latin-American and Portuguese-speaking countries. In ABRAF’s support groups, helpline, or educational conferences, families receive information on access to social security, treatment, and clinical trials. Local communities also benefit from the institution’s research, awareness campaigns, and advocacy at federal, state, and local levels.